HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-10-28, Page 2-our .1 , •
Vtouincial Pediment.
QOM, October If.
itestmerniey Stresses
r left the
Lest eget, » of Mi
beard .wwelsoes
hes E_mitent5 Isr• ematiO sI.tet>tasl, el
the eaves reed fj !°mise le
senses of the emetine eu1 stem 1831 a
this Moo.
Mr H i stew see, tll�atatrpi W Meddus
some se to [tee lulermatles.
The net." did set 6e a; s..eeder sd
the netts droll.
Mr. Letitia. iateedecod a bill to sesead
this set fee dsmsstuy Islructtoain Low.
Casabas meta* Mr. Leiria TM lav- es t'aa/ie•
Owe twang el the mama wee pa•M°°ad Mr. Salta mead ea address to leu
seed the fhb of November• pscslls.cy for copies of cerreepo.Mec.
Deviant/A.8 Com& I ea the sek3*ei of ham." impreeemeets ant
The!firs to adheres* the Tow. of Dna- relative te the reitaot•ee of Crows Lands
as. to gnat kw s.a.rily to the
Gras. ,a tb. C...yol Moroi. t sed else ler the
weenies Ratified CanpSJ, ss WIWIat statement relative to the .cad formed for
the Demarrte'e Cae.l Cma• ly,
ltepn..taests en the and Cast, toss read
the third time.
Oa i i..a of Mr. Maas k isesimitteei
ef lagolry obi aypot•
the Jecrep.eey het.,.. Ila. dates et 1b.
.edea fa casil sad the date of Idt 1 esu° 's
hatter, •ith 1. the
red pi.* timber. . bill t. reader
Mr. Mon• introduced sue des IN der
tam ail mortal• pressed!. [
uut.lmd A. act to preside ler the modtm-
sibcanes of parties is
whom properties
the R.Wllton to 1837 8."
Elective Legislative Csmuil-
The Huus west into committee of the
',bole on *be resolution for teak mg the
Legleiauve Cower!s elective.le of W
the A M'Neh opposed the pr�r P
nsot.uese. a seer AI -
Moes spoke is reply
reels et ether pw.,i ,lry'A1 fperep'la•
toot de W per ens* es the Comore Leads
The debate was going w rhes the
reporter left.
Quasar; October Reed, 1051
!Ail night ager the rep .iter left the
Bill for the Incorporation of Mane Tel
.repo Compatleo era rea%,t1R.,:11fud
time aad passed.
O. mot:cao of • third reading of tble B,it
Mr. /(tacks retie and said that I. Good 111 -
licence of ties postpowen/eat of the Trunk
Railroad Bill he bad received that Jay, Jur
Ilor first Woe an intimation that it was the
1.1eouun of Mr• J.cksun to leave ib*
einnery es Saturday Si that there was
sot the same seeei}Ity to Motes the Bill
as \elem.-He sales that be had also bele
relieved of any respenetatlity which !ad
incurred as ■ ministry of the Crewe to-
wards Mr. Jackson; also that he bad been
lassprepared to leave the Gude-mown if be
M►. Sabot° t• spaaki.g 1° faro' of the st could not carry eke Bill but wit • now en -
principle of riectf1ppo 1d oppeusg the reeds ',rely relieved from the reopenatbrlity
hams for m.mbef bis, u proposed i° lbw thereon. The cheering nn rho announce-
resoluuo•s,-wbw° t8. report tam••• tweet heist made was tremendous. The
L the Legislative Ceded!, last nicht • Inspector General went o° to say that the
reseheioss of the bon. McKay, ter m.ksg Gorerame°t would set press tete measure
u . Goeer.maat, and be would merely con -
6se himself, to sapper% 11 as • private
Mr. Macdonald (Kiageton) expressed
hie surprise at lbm asouncemeet of Mr.
Hawks," is ea seems a tem that Mr.
Jackson was goes home, and he could net
emaciate bow they relieved the miotatry
from responsibility.
Mr. Robinson appreciated the tone in
which 81r. Macdonald bad alluded to lir
Jackson who had comb into 02 eou ntry
oe the faith of a solemn esgegement with
the Go ve orient.
Mr. Murray could not umlinsu.J the
positron of the affair at alt. The announce -
sweet mads by the !.slater Gesmeali
web a face is long as his arm perplexed
Mr• YaMg.ed°tsteed Mr. Jackson bad
come to de* smoky to held a railroad cad
Mader for the work and if successful, put
the 1, meat •o so expe°ce.
Sir Allots McNab was anythi°g bet m-
4.6 •4 that Mr. Jackson should be suffered
a. go hoses wtthont the consideration to
which he was ..titled. He would .support
the Railway taenate bel*ee*°g it to be for
►abs advantage of the co•atry.
Mr- Cartier contended that the Ilohto..
and Galt Company was a mere "Lao, •
Mr. Brow. ceseidered the position of
minders as as .x! r•ordinary and humilia-
ting one. He accused ministers of incon-
sistency sed subterfuge.
Mr• Redout 4.41 not think Mr. Jackson
bad been treated with discourtesy, nor that
his going .way was proof that he would
not u°dertak• the eoatnet.
Mr. Cameros cotdeo°wd:the attack tbat
had been u. Mr Jackson both in the house
sod by the press.
Mr Bewltoe's BM to give ,..cbaniee a
Gee *o buuldiege was read • .stood tuna
sod referred to a 'elect committee.
r troch
to prohibit t
11 My -
Mr. Boeltoe P
menta *0 Toros/A std llsmiltoa was on
dared to be read this day six months•
To day after %hs trassctio■ of rottise
business, Mr. Cameron moved the second
readings of the Agricultual Bill, the debate
ta gang on as gnu Reporter 1
Qwanac, October 23, 1833.
Last sight, after the report left after a
long debate, the agricultural Bureau Bill
was reed a @*mead (team o2 the following
Yeas-Messrs. Bouillon, Burnham, Camer
H U ' , .SIGNA1
►ossa ........ !item 1814
hap -... �1e11..13d 143044
tela bey........ $Sb.,3 1.1181 1447
isb4*awsteps *elute 30448 191740
does 1.8411. • 4101M34 744474 1114834
ds de msg.. ...: 143013: d 964'144 44101.
do de maples s,ti9ui94 334130S
dale Balla. aider53397 181841 141134
de ie yam fa11'd e:etk 7841041 481111 1160347
de de tt.D441 IMi4 MUM
de de Flame, .••. • . 841440 1141301 2030131
Live desk -Belle,
ease, aad Stson 111019 19018! 901001
de Milch Cows 494314 991814 394438
d. Canaria ►AlcoI40i t 7 UMW 434304
de Herm 236977 21i3:100 411777
es Sheep.. iter...i01S027 sem wow
4e Pip .. . 938140 538993377 813456
sIH. f4 Bqyeh 3IW11�y;63152361:•17
ds Cbeev 5llel4 n26716 2737790
We of leaf .was1 747 817744 480.93
de Pwb ' 23e7U 326129 75124
do Fob........ 40363 47589 9451
The Grata Crepe is Lower Cattails are
all takes t. the Mimi and sot is the Mob -
el, euepeeg the Townships.
Beef and Pork ere eery tace:re*tdy gives
is both outs or the Province.
The Fish in Lower Canada is exclusive
of the Gasp. mrd B.sasenter• Fi.6.n.., of
Which there is a selsraU Repport.
8ee'l Board of Negasanitio..
Oat bo,;(y elective, WHO Wilk SI
est 4*CUa*0a.
Quuac, Oct. !orb.
Last eight after the reporter left the
House Captioned on Committee of the
Whole us:il its adesorunseot on the Legit.
1.11ve Ceuaed Kasoluno°wn Medi* agsiaN
14.sere. Street aad Bra
the enetwv. principle. Mr. Rucks sup-
ped/id the reeolutwsa. Messrs- Laurie
Merritt, Rose, sod MacKenzie supported
the prmeipta of eteeuce, but opposed the
details of the reseluuos, .specially the
proposed qualification for meiotic -ship: -
the eommrtta obtained lave to et agate
on Friday Dezt•
Te -4y Mr. Rideal moved an .ddeeae
to Hie Excellency' for copies* of ali moa
reepsadsea Mtwara fife Doyenne/mita et
Camara sed the U.S. ea the •u8).•ct ./
reciprocity. lir Hoicks said there was NI,
correapende.c• of the kind meetiosed .*
'soy that could be made public wittiest ilea
Orime.l to the pubis service.
Mr. Buultoa inquired of the Mi.1.siy
whether the preeset Commuutener .I
Crows. Lads wiles, died accepted eels,
after the nmovel of the 'eat of geserse
meat to Quebse,'hs recsived tee mem
i of L100 iram the Government as an aliowi
Ines to Other Heade of departments who
8.d remelted to Quebec from Toronto sod
under what at8orrty such payment was
male. Mr. Hicks ssid be had received
this amount that 81 had bees .p.otstd
before the rem.cal of the Seat of Gummi
erase!, ani that the authority she • vote
of Parliamect.
Mr• Boohoo moved for a return of all
sums that lave bees or will be rsfu°ded
and that bars bees or will be remitted to
perdu engaged in the lumber trade, is
consequence of the order re Council mode
on or about the 14th Sept. last.
Mr. Hiocks said so such funds bad boos
refunded ad Ominous would be, except
with the sanction of the Hooaa.
Mr. Bosltoo withdrew his stollen.
Mr. Hincks stated in answer to Mr.
Scone, that it is the intention of the
Government to move for the coneurreace
of tbe L.giatatursto the bill relalisg 1.
the Seigsioratl Testers- introduced by
Mr. Drummond.
Mr. Brown mond the folloWg 2.11•
That it is exp.diest to prevent say sew
incumbents be•ng placed on the put N
Last night the oeco°d rtedisg of Mr.
Cameroe'a bill to provide for the establish -
moot of a Bureau of Agriculture, came off.
As was expected, from the tone of certain
of the Upper Cared' journals, considerable
opposition was evinced by some of the
members, though we wen happy to 6d
that the agriculturists of the ileum, the
mea wbo are meet interested in the mat.
ter, and who are most interested t111 the
requirements of that portion of the
ecmmunlly, were uD*nlmous *:i their aup-
port of the measure. The class of oppos-
ition spinet this bill, the style of argb•
mint made use of by Its opponents was
c.rtaiely hetow .hat we should have et
pected,as we had been led to nod
that I momhera had come dowo to
the House, brim full of reasons, and only
wanting an opportunity to completely
aaibilate the government on the subject
One of the main arguments adduced was,
that the agriculturists of Upper Cooed'
were oppoatd to the Bureau, that the pre•
sent erre nem tot for the encouragement of
agriculture was ample for the requirement
of the people, ted that any other arrange
meet would cerleialy prove abortive. -
Thea reasons, i(b°eed on anyting mon
than mere aseertio., mull have had great
weight with the House, but our readers
will perhaps be astonished to learn that
the proof educed in support of the state-
ment was,ahat at the meeting lately held in
St Lawrence Hall, Toronto, during the
Provincial lshibitioa in 18.1 city, the bon.
Malcolm Cameron, the present bead of the
Bureau. was greeted by several persons
with groaning' and disgneefsl names on
entering the Hall, when it was announ-
ced that he should giro explanations as to
thesisand totestione of the government
o° the subject of the encouragement of
agriculture, and the establishment of a
o Mr. r w• The reception cao of .
Bu e p
at that meeting was, strange to say (per-
haps not, for of late we are prepared to
bear any thing from that jourual,) by tbe
Globe proclaimed as ev!ndeocs that the
- 4..tidla atirethisg ►.c �tAr_bOt.i
ia.lt is slid that after tha `!'4 lad
Rea 0( lyes on board IMinsiore4
teems ea My) chance of beim mired. •
Gaptatis-Tarbox, the commander of t9.
ill-fated v easel, together with all his officers,
perished. He was well hoose and moth
aspected is 18s tows. 11 Is "apposed
that t'hc ship went to pieces oe Fnday, a
great gsanutaes oldie wreck, cargo, laic.,
scrcral water casks, and portions of a
ad, was wit passed es Friday eight end Bats-+
day. The Mobile was • ire teasel, d oast
(boomed toes berthas, wady sew, and os1
ly 'saloon I.er sewed Toque. Too foer
seamen brought to this port were rades u
charge by tbe America consul, wbo provi-
ded for their temporary necessities, and
placed them to a comfortable boarding
The American coastal was at Dundalk oa
the Owlof October, frog Willie to loon.d-
ler the crew of the usfutunate ship Mobile
He started at night to Adders, to took af-
ter the wreck. --A collection was made by
the harbour master aad• the Sweu8*b rice
coosul, to provide little comforts for the
poor fellows saved by the crew of the Mary
Elizabeth. 'fbe Steam Packet Company
with the greatest kindless", provided them
with a passage, by the Pratte of Erin, this
evening for Liverpool, where they will be
taken cart of by the Swedish aad. Noised
States consuls, for whom they have letters
from the vice coma"! here and the America
consul at Dublin. Capin Richards and
his crew deserve the greatest praise for
their meritorious coudeact and charitable
Bet, e..e8eter, milks the Clergy b"
Mete mMtime to • tech we &Baled. sad 14
t.►leh ibefeebsg was ee rwig arises
Resits beta., Dana k Co., that no K
der twilit be Metered. Mr. Oemeres wee
lawts.dti with matted attauoa, and as
we haws said. with .atbusu em ; the res -
as being doubtless, that the fanners at the
meeting were so lugs a mq*nty, thet,Mr-
Ort., tad asy (needs who might have H-
oned N.ssourege bins, did sot dm to m-
lleerept while the hoe. gesolma s wit
speaking. After agree( nourish of trumpets
by lir. Swat, shoot the farmers ie kiss
county who had but sus optima is the
matter -and that opposed w the Bureau-
and a fable attempt to make out that
Ministers bad read their own bill, sad
therefore know within/ of its provisions.
Mr. Street obtained the (6 ,or and is his
ureal tuete style, so coro.rsJ the hos.
lawyer from Froet*ooe, that be bad not a
word to say fee himself. Mr. Street is
8em1ell as agrtcultunst, the Presides' of
he Budd of Agrieultsre is Upper Canada,
.rad decidedly the most promised aad is -
Amend oaa 4400.3 the agrrcuaurita of
Upper Canada. -Sock a room we should
judge, is fully competent to form an 0915-
:05 as to 16e wishes of the agriculturists
in this matter ; and be stated distinctly
tint so far as the yiews of the different
Agricultural Soeieties-so far as the opts-
� treme2-
dagti alit the- Played tb
mine al Wham After departsre of
Ji1er )Aallplty, Ikir bail js. general, ad
Ina d *rL ser adsas.lj isle. The wppor
we t sad ne sed cooanted
Wilk of hot tiled coli is �4M�rwfumO°•-
TI TUDAY, OCT. * 1852.
•»urged that . esesideredir peva.
oI Lo feeds of the society sherd hs
co Toted trete time is time to tbs ptle8tttr
of new ad imported sad watImmad A"efite
sed grata aad seeds of a tepeeiw j sy,--
Let the member of the aseisty hlt"e the
benefit to be derived from tkessat theisw
tet portble u mes, and it wit be Iasi
that tbe amber of mbeert►ere eaten e!•
ly be unme0sely increased, Mut the melt
enecteduogiea will edam. a vast tee-
preremeet in oar Comity Lahabttao...
ter. •1. .
Acuculruitte,iii ill ceestrAfs a highly
impottat and vii able blanch of oceup*
tion, is in Canada of necessity the most
universal, and the productions of tbe Agvi-
culturist are at pre.c.nt, and for some lithe
to come, are likely to be. the staple com-
modities of our Province. Other countries
have been aggrandized by their superior
manufacturing and commercial facilities,
but this, must at least while its population
is bet sparse, and its vast eatent of fertile
soil is yet unimprorerished, be essentially
as agricultural one;--its.commercial advaD-
leo of the Agriculturist the oe'y legitimate (nits are mane, but its commerce must be
organ of the farmer in Upper Camila, could sympathy ger their suffering fellow-crea- chiefly swtaimil by agriculture. 'low
be takes as expressive et the wishes of the tures.following is the lealinoay of tb.rnecesauy then is it that tier most honora-
fuann-there was not s sin_ Is Ji.xn- four men landed at llundalk bythe ]liar
toe: •se of the I Wile aad useful employment, an which an
cent voice from the pr P• tb
Bill before the F1,.... Mr, Suitt lazed
, hh Ve, 'f orerwhelmua trait crit of our population
\We, the undersigned, being per! of tis g J 1
bon. gentlema with op?ooteg Ibis bile crew of the unfortunate ship Mobile, wreak- (about four-fifths of the whole,) are engag-
ed on the 29th ult., oil Arklow Batiks, beg ed, and in the successful application of
merely because It emanated from she
to bear testunouy to the kindness re- -which all are interested, should not only
Ministry, alio challenged thea to produce a
single tangible reason why it should not cei*ed from Captain John Richards sad he tborougbly understood, but that those
pure ; whereupon Mr. Smith, said that ac- the crew of the Mary and Elizabeth, of exertions- shosld be put forth in the most
cords to the rovisions of the bill. the Nevin, who not only risked their lives in
amount to he pard to !Deal Agncuhunl taking us oil !lie wreck, but also supplied us advantageous manner. Our Agricultural
.iib food, clothing and warmth, until we Societies and Associatieus,hace done much
aaaiatloe/ was reduced from L I7 10/• to arrived at the post of Dundalk, and provided towards improving the breeds of stock
,L1O raid d Mr. Street, that /hews the them with suitable clothing and board.-
alema knows nothing about u -
and in di..eminatiug useful information up-
6ne. ge['bey must also bear testimony to the
And indeed it did sbaw it pretty clearly, kindness they received from the Swedish o° the subject, but that they hare done all
for aecoid.e; to the system at mamain Consul herr, the Barbour master, and the they are capable of under a proper direc-
American consul, who posted at once from tion and unity of operation is still goes=faree, township uroc:ar.oa an obliged to
deposit £17 los. before they can. attach Dublin to render them assistance. -They tiooable. A vert amount of politic .teaey
themselves to the general board, and the wish to tender their obligations for elide
has been annually expended ie this Pro -
new WI proposed to reduce that deposit kindness they have received.
C. WYATT, ,ince for the encouragement and advance
to £10 f hue ter king it more aur for town- JOIL'ti DOL STBUM-- yt his mark,
ship boa d• to become incorporated with JOHN BRO,WNE' yhis mark,
the general board. The argument, that JOHN BISBUBN-itbomark•
the farmer/ of Upper Canada were opposed Dmibik,Oet.2,1852. .
to the •subiuhmeat of t8e Bureau bowleg -
been completely at aids by the state- GRAND TORCHLIGHT BALL AT
meet of Mr• Street, another argument hadULZ1E COTTAGE.
to be hunted up ; and it fell to the tat of -
Mr. Robinson to come out with one of the Ii our last, we were merely able to **-
greatest absurdities of the evening. 11/ tice that a grand fete had been gives. On
ted that the a:ricutlurists had but Doc the previous Friday at Cornemulsie, by
new of the case presented to them, while, Mr. and Lady Agnes Dull, at which Her
at the same time, be read a host of extracts Majesty and Prince Albeit attended.
latimatioe having as we formerly men -
'sipper Canada lapse, papers that are domed, bee. conveyed to Lady Agues
read by nearly men fuser in Upper Casa- Duff, through the Lion. Alexander Gordon,
da, in which the Bureau is denounced with that, should the eeenisg prone free, it was
the most dateruiceJ hortihty. Mr Brows her Majesti s gracious inteotioe to honor
followed to the .,as strain. OS, said he the ball with her presepee-arrangements
i( both sides of the question were fairly 'raid were immediately made for the kloyal par-
before the farmer/ of Upper Canada, the ty• The dal was 7 e ad eoelm
Wise clouds
might have beep d.3rrent That t
gentleman paid himself a very poor Com
Aliment by the assertion, for if the far•
farmer/ of Upper Canedt were opposed to men have oat had reasons laid Wore them
Use matabltahment of this office. The ar- why the Bureau should not,be established ,
gamest, however, had not the shadow of , it bas not been the fault of the editor of the
truth about it. A :argersod more each's- Toronto Glebe, a paper which Roasts of
iastic mating was never held in the city l heir: red of 15,010, firmer'. If but one
ofTorooto, and never was a speaker more side of the question was ronresented to the
warmly greeted, than was Mr. Cameron. farmers, that reds w -as t:re nos opposed to
It is true that one person, a painter by :.eh taco: of Ibe Bureau. Itiscer-
tain.- an:vs.ng to hear lawmen and editors
the ,am. of Orr, who, we believe• we. get up in the House and declare that the
agriculturalist. d^e't want a Bureau of
Agrucu'ture, while the farmers themselves
i. the !louse. and, if we may lodge from
their expressions, the farmers out of the
Hone, declared theinaelves, not only to
favor of the new Office, but anxious for it*
eetabl aliment. Ile ..tor t.Ur"erepidsss.
The farmers do not require to be told by
abs legal gent Sman rd the Ifoese what are
theirreg•urementr- We till r concur with
Mr Street in the opin on that the same res.
clergymen. who receive an annual •flow- no, Cartier, Chabot, Cbapais, Chauveau,
sacs from the Clergy R fund, while Dinette (atlases) Chaetae (of Westford')
the qne tion of its final doposluoe is as Clampanm, Dnsmmood, Debord, DumouIlna
determined. Egan, Perverse, Fortier, Fournier, hart•
That a 'inmate* of 6n memhers be ass mai, Wake, Joliet. tweed', Langton, IA -
pointed to esquire and ferthwrtb se to the teener, Latina, L.blanee, Lebostiller, Fe -
best means of ermines( soy further ad- miens, McDunaid (Cornwall) Mackenzie.
dilios to the said het of recipients from the Malloch, Marchiidos, Matt:en, Mel •.gal t,
Clergy Reserve Fund. McLasehlte, Mores, Patrick, Poulet, Poulin
That the std cemmittse 8.ve pnwer ,to Rotel', R..., Shaw, Short, Nessus, Smith
Of Durham), Street, Stsut. Tesere, Vales,
Wright, jet Fees Raiag of York), and
Y *.3-31
1Vaye-Semites. Badgley, Brown, Caut
and for pintoes acrd peperr, std to commit
of Mr. Attorney Ges•rsl titeebard., Mr.
Sanborn, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Patrick, aad
the mover.
After discussion, the mottos was loot, os ,shoe. Thelma, Gamble, 1.' .., McDooa
the follouisg'dinnos :- (of ICingatns), MseNab, Merril, Marney,
Yams-Veosn. Brows, Mackesru4 sed ?episome, R,boot, Ro4,saon, Seymour, Ste
Amit Wright -3. mesas, Vigor, sod Wilson -17.
Nara-.lfsoen. BaJ le Banns IInr_ Mt. Cameron mated, is the course of the
[ 1. debate, that he would remove or remoddy
hare, Cam.rew, Certrer, Caeehe., Cbakot the 4th nail Soh clause* .1 the hill.
Christie Weelwsrlb), Craw'ord, laze., 1, whet.-!fr. Rbsa,*oe •rov*d see ase
Chapels, Chalmette, Cbr:mtle (of Gaspe),
Oath* metroa to go into committee of the
Drnmaroed, Deberd, Foni.e, Fenster, Gam- Kat to the effect that the B ll he referred
81*, Huron., Hiaebm, Jubfe, I aurnen to a Spacial Cor.mltttes to report of to
Laerin, Iwbfsse, Lebontitlier, MeiDesald, A tura. Dere es wen oee.ssa at all
(Carswell,) McDonald (It!ice, M ), McNab Th. amtadeeot wee 1st and the Ileum
M•Ilnrk, MercbuIdoe, Mattie, McDoneall, - spset the,.mersd.' of flee easing a mute
Merrett, Mone•nss, Mon°, Mar.ey, pap- , mntoe a t8. boil.
p:nsu. Patrick, Punkin, Robtesea, Relish, Tu webs Mi. Jacks" le , a Boarl the
Rae, t *.molr, Shaw, Sleets, 8teveosew. ' M
Steer, Insert. Tech', 'Faster, animal steamboat. Ho was accompa-
We have so wish to devote ..c8 time
this week to the peenle wpptags of the
Loyalist, cooeideriag them hardly worth
oar notice, but ere ceased allow bpm pais
entirely scot free. Ile .oksowlsdges that
there are sone loyal Reformers, tad refers
us back to his Prompcctor is proof of hm
assertion --this is something gtoaed, but we
are sorry be has nothing better to refer
us to, for, a we ere in the habit of compar-
ing conduct witbpr:oJnturn. we have long
since discovered'tk°t the pnkmiess el Os
Loyalist including thee! u his prose e
are but of little worth. la Ins last eesfue-
ed splulterings be affords ample proof of this,
for after making his coufessioo, be enters
upon a tirade of abuse aga.ast reformers in
geoeral. And. because we had stated that
while the Reformers " manfully assert the
right of the people to the full liberty of
British subjects, they do not allow their
loyalty to pass off in empty so.nd," he
faithlessly in his keterpretatioa states that
we applaud "President Malcolm to the skies
for threatening the country" with anarchy,
prohibit be may see some coonectioe be-
tween the two ee°teaces,but we must cos -
fess it is et at all obvious to 05. lie thea
accuses Ibe Reform party of aiming to brit
about anliezatims, solely because the
champions of the Public rights adrocat•
rather warmly for the privilege of kicking
our little cur and his arrogant friends out
of the clerical manger,of which they have so
lug kept the possession; perhaps be thinks if
such does take place hisocaupation will be
Vato,.s, 1 and %elhe rhes(►y uhe Inaleetor...n,ral
Verne, Vigor, White, W Ibis, Young- the 3p*aker, •d • womb., .4 the me -.ben
67. el ere Legedaters a4 ether Gentleman
Qta°tc, 0.1. tt.
Hills parsed;
'All 1441 Oleo the reporter left a mes-
sage wit receive& from the lignbtles
combed agree ne is ahs f,•llowieg Bebe
wn hoer swtesdo,set ;-Te *wood se *Ods i...4.. predeme. Lies ` lC�,` T•ml.
t peseperat. the 8e. lammeac. sod At bsette Gawk. a.44•moe- .
oily -wee -
Railway . ad an set,/pe the Rd: of of tie
d M netrssl•Wog 94449 !9840 ISM!
hewn. t be order el ail anose held
ms sed a17181 J47s 97!97
N m 144 2701 iWO 4500
! w tis ....sass 17409 10417 35874
is 111 ....sass 7785 48e'27 415912
iN as IMO • • • • • • • • HMCO 10411 37093
OwSOLS 7400 733
Owe WS...••-••
M..woo bold N 172!7148
she Mora , • • .. 1113915 SAWS,
de were e•1tr.sue• 9843417 >l 47714 71182.4i
M d. ware .14.. i~t'M4 44480
M M rosier` • ' 1N184 1367649 0.7441404
aNtsiltot a •trail. :1
43.1.40 ISOM
.ld M 4t 106339t17
M ' weed 4Stlt>w Teti is 1444`18
fie was Weaved u the bast darted
Soarers liv the he*
Grand Tee■
Abe, a debolo of 1
the My ►sr the booms inose tete C.*ireitsse
Oro the NM t* r.eorpsnro the Gnd Tse.k
Railway Ceespaey, avid se the 411 report
of the &damng Cosset., es lb. Ra4M
rolls pn.*pssd uH W.edsy.
Mr. Meese locoweed the g• wog ate Como
.rues isanelatuly .siells•. the sewed
west m M. 1leber4 es home wf pastimes
mg uaul the Mb November em *M ennead
*Fd it was u.per*st re have the ps.ti.e
derided heroes Mr. J.eb'es left ahs meow -
.8.8 II H,.ebe cath he woo staved
to do ow M.Msy sort.
Ne vote woo tabes rith.r open ibe moos
'Wm el ge.sg rote emenottee N the awned
meet 4er vnetpe•tep, se, apse the poet ,
of order heel raised Mr. Spesh.r de riled
*bey io coasmemee el the r.q.ieeemet•
of a rile et *be I..o the "some* could
s moo be esaaNersd seed the rcpwt Si the
111.00w•1 C...suse was visited is reemeh
Istilummulasee of Ar AreteNy •
hgr.C.sub..• moved, Tbat the Mel ie
etrwel w prov4siesv .4 the Art for tits
*Maw ermaeelog ,be molepr•Mse* or ,h4
LettbMt*a Atr.embly lie read a emend
W. ths•a Mewed se .woeedMa* 4k*
the WI be tend a send IMO ted 4a) e
meetbe while esesewed . Yon 14. Nays
rather more than"three sheets in the vied"
did attempt to Ret up a note, but the at.
tempt was a miserable failure, and his •i.-
gle voice only, was beard articulating
moods, which few persons, if any, could
understand. But even if the meeting ha i!
been quite as noisy as the Glo'oe represen-
ted it to bo. even if Mr. Cameron had bas
greeted by hisses and groans, that w ould
be no proof that the people of Upper C ana-
�1/s1rL 161. Dvbeiiireved se Wools te
M M hat. �784e 14973
111017 MIS 711048
M ds tee•fe........ 4/
M M peer I64121 1y41n9 3373114
de M some 111*0 441i:'4 1014104
M de bee1wbve* 4130* 44941 4•►l4
M •, r 1100 7"671 4. 40
M M ..,roseate - 77114 77179 15.018
M de merle 107 17 MS 91604
I. M *Oaf Imps. l i t t 9491154
renewed am ... 4497.3
Proles+ w bs.►•m -Ms ew 1'1Mlsst Ib7118,14
d. •yet........ at4 sews Ilai3o1
de r . w 1
...... . )4
t 4r 7451131 Ad
d. ewe... Ols14
da sus •. sass.. SW 1111i.e4 11011143/
Sf°N1 IMMO * 11441
de a wsie • •a• • •... .a..0 111011 �0
xm 401 Both / 4115*
M ear caw.• • " '•" = ILV *40011 I u mahe ave eiL
so till about five w evening, when President of all Board. of Agriculture, -
wasbeginning to gatber, the greatest anzie y
was etperieroud by all,lest nim should The Boards themselves are to be elected
come os. Shady after sit, however, the by the Agricultural Societies. The Bill
sky became dear, and the wind fell, and the also provides that the said minister shall re -
evening could not have bean more favour- terve and keep all records and models re -
able, although it had been specially choses lating to patents for inceatioos,-that he
for the purpose- The mgbt was very dark o
which served to render the blue of the sha11 be the Chairman of the Board of
torch more brilliant, and to heighten the
Registration and Statistics, and have
effect of the whole scene. charge of the Census and other statistical
The ball took place on a platform, coo -
returns, sad it is his duty also, to make in-
structed for the oeeasion on the west side
of the cottage. 'This platform was aur- quiries and collect useful facts and satisfies
rounded by twelve large standard torches relating to the Agricultural interests of the
in trop gratings; ia addition to which a large province, and to publish tbe same, in order
number of torches were held by Ilighlan to promote improvement within the I'ro-
ders in full clan tartan standing "rd riots; he is also to encourage imrdlgration,
pedestals,lbe pedestals being each covered
with a deer skin. On the left aide of the and to prepare an annual Report of
platform, was erected a partition for the his proceedings to be submitted to Perlis -
reception of ber Majesty aad bre Royal went; he is also responsible for the public
Highness Prince Aloert. It was covered soneI disbursed by the Boards of Agricul-
and draped with crimson' cloth, and deco-
rated with stags' heads, evergreen (holly), Lure. The Boards of Agriculture are to
heather, and flowers. Shortly before half- receive the reports of the Agricultural
past eight o'clock, a large bopefire was Societies and to see that they cotnply with
lighted on the Carr Mil, which rises im-the law, and with the approbation of the
mediately above the road from Castletown minister of Agriculture, to act in operation
to Comemulzie, and whose bright flame,
shooting up in the darkness, preseeted a model and experimental farms in their re-
striking appearance. spectise sections of the country, and to
'The Queen and his Royal Highness
manage and conduct tbe same, to obtain
Prince Albert, attended by the Countess from other countries animals of new and
Miss Seymour,
eand the Hos. A. Gorddo.,, improved breeds; new varieties of grain,
arnved with ber Majesty's accustomed seeds, vegetables and other agricultural
punctuality; and alter passing under a tri- productions; new or improved implements
=phial arch, which was decorated with of baabandry, and to test the value and use-
variegated lames and banners bearing the fulness of the same, and generally to adopt
arras of the Fife family, were received at
the entrance of the corridor leading to the every measure in their power to promote
platform by Mr. and Lady Agnes Daffy improvement in the agriculture of the
and conducted by them to the pavilhon, Province, the said Boards also to keep a
where Lady Agnes, by tbe Queens de- reseed of their tnosactiooi *rad shall ublish
sire, took bee place os her Majesty's tot r
hand. O. each side of her Majesty's from time to lune, in such manner and
sofa was stationed a full dressed lligblaa- form as will secure the widest circulation
der, with draws claymore. Iter Mejes- among Aviculture! Societies, and farmers
ty's reception was truly Highland, as the generally, an such Reports, Essay., Lee-
moment she descended from her carriage tares and other usefel informatse el the
five pipers played " Her ajesty s wet
rotne to Corriesalriej' Meompiiesd by said Board* respectircly may protan aad
MackIy (the Queen's piper) for the mos- adjsdge surtabk to puheiutroo.
sioa. , The pipers consisted of Marr (Mr. Theme m seems of the mese prasieseet
I)tiff's own piper), \lackey (Icer Majesty,features of the Bill, the provisions of which
leper), tit, }Ion. Cel. Maul►'s piper, Sir when properly undertood and carried set
Chart's pier. s piper, aad sty' Faking wall have a beneficial effect in ad vencta
karsen's piper. Cc has Majesty's taking g
Wier place in the pidillaoo, the pipes ceased the farming interests. The Bill was op-
aad 111 bated of the 34th, gendered at posed at its seemed readiog by a few Law -
Aber leer, played " God save the Quota."ere and Editors, who, m their animosity
This latter performance was very �' to the iitrod.cer of the Bill allowed their
sad had all the sore effect Ibat, the men
lei.g hill from view, it wit quite enetpret- zeal to get t8. bofttlsndienrrtioe,
ed. Th, udoo of the ..*80m ws Mt ts warmly .oppetterortad by ther A.gncultm-
lo.d, aad eostsa.d rists both 4.114
net of tie. Hoe.os
seeee!eded layrn°el!sags s►
eheenng, which was most ger 1. Ise ser own Coodees Asrieultare is bat
kaowledged by the Q.ees 1'rlate
in the mere, of the 4.4_4.3, a ted w'aa sib isfasey, aad it n ga.erally admitted
perfrirvaed before her Majesty of t meal as a emitter of regret that the sanest eels-
psgtlar ail Mrikisg lied. Beteg etetsted kites of the Society at f:oderich, are
bJ eight Haghlasders (tows D aad fo s ntber retrogredt a than impyovieg; this ap-
fT.rgah.r.ii..), ash mita beteemg r lvg
teeth s his hand. Paan to he flee result of i. ik,resr, n. the
T1. Qsses id Prime eastl.iwi .esrlf part of the farmers themselves, cad we km.
tiro been, 2134 **premed Ibasas.t'es WO -of sin wily hr wheels this ea be overena.
Ty pleased with * elsi lbs F4lete Mrs tee -so ,zp.datieesly a that sde8ts1.4 at the
iw/Yd* • lasoieg, M Meir ettbn(.ge by let Astm
13l Dinner of the 8111162f, wins 4
meat of Agriculture, but the result has not gooe, and that he will have to put kis trsl
been generally in accordance with the hopes between his legs and anent himself to the
and ezpectatioos of its ardent friends. neighbouring Republic -for we do not for
The Bill introduced by the llon. Mal- get that a certain aseserratare Mensal s
collo Cameron for dee establishment of an Godeiinto-and several of its bretbern in ra-
Agricultural Bureau, and now under du- nous parts of the proviso. riot very long ago
suasion in the Ilouse, will, when it becomes . spoke eery loudly and favourably of this
law confer many advantages upon the same annetation.
Agricultural community. The Bill makes The L,yalte also endeavours to anti -
it lawful for the Governor in Council to else our remarks epos the Town Council,
establish a Bureau of Agriculture to be which be cannot confute, ad be gives 00
attached to one of the Public Departments, good reason why the Tory Councillors re -
the Head of which is to be styled the Min- fused to meet their colleagues for the de-
isterof Agriculture, the said Minister to snatch of public buameu-fartbsr than
receive no additional salary, but may pp- that they desired to obtain justice; wbseh
point a clerk or clerks, whose salaries had they obtained, would also have caused
shall be fixed by the Governor a Council. flees tlx leu of thesea, wwits
Ito sadtsfego
r thelly same
the et elle
d Councr nir
The said sweeter is also to be ex-rB cis
reason. 11e . Iben makes a rabid attar:
upon Mr. William Wallace, the Town
Reeve, for disappointing them in their ir-
regular and insulting proceedings, a and per-
petrates a great deal of nonsense about hie
incompetency, and such like --all we need
say is that Mr. Wallace has proved him-
self more than a match for his el -pelmets
in energy and ability, and las dooe more for
the welfare of the Tows than all the Tory
Councillors put together. If the Towns-
people would put more men of Mr. Wal -
lace's qualifications at else Coa.cil Beard,
they would have no need to fear for dee
interests of the Town.
sort which Induced meter' persons to die-
t orb eke orating at T°•on1n, is the tnly
that gentleman presides. -The editor of mouse wb:eh tndueee bon• oembrre in the
Nnnss to oppose this ►t'1 -that b, hentise
that paper will probably remember the t1 •,.oats. from the Guveramat.-Qac•
Clergy Reserver matings held in the same bee Gazette.
room 10 1851, and the nova sad tumult
there gel up by a few persons "friend:
of religion to prevent se honest express
.ion of opinion on the subject." He will
probably recollect the evening when be
and others wars obliged to give up the
platform to a Med of rowdies, calling them.
•.tree gent lemea,when even age and the ti-
ered elm of the ministry was no protec-
tion against the low vulgar abuse of those
sa:d rowd:ee, and when a meeting called
ezprersl• for the purpose of eliciting as
oprninn in favor of the meco!anzrtron of
the Reserve:. ended in meek reeolotions in
freer of their protest e•ttlemeot. Now
tee wnu:4ask the Glebe, or the member
for K.st, what would they have said, *1 she struck on the Arklow Banks, on :be
13.4 d.aoistrsrius bad been take. es as t Irish coast, and shortly afterwards eOm-
ezprea:ot of opleion on the pert of Upper tweoee4 to break no. \t the time s e
Caeade against the **colanswtion of the s.rtirk eke wind was Wewsg a perfect hue-
none from E. N. E., with a heavy sea
Clergy Reserves t Asd yet, •meld it sot rwnang; the Doty nails abs carried at *8.
betty t tis sed to f
Papttct i.aa. w Tut Lone or Tfls AME-
RICAS .*!1313 SIO*1LE.
(F -.m the l..•rpoo' Courier, Oct. 6.)
The American ship \labile, Captain J.
'Carbo: to,ether with -about awuly-seven
persons, isrluJug passengers cad crew,
ailed from this pout on 'fuesday last, hav-
ing os board as near as can be ascertained
!illy -three paradigm, and a crew number -
tae twenty-three teen, including officer..
!the proceeded safely until shoot half -past
Iwo o'clock oe %Vednesday mnrniog, when
Ns. quits:a jus a• t • ti bel the . - topsails lox
n( ore see tear. ops*. c
pralines the demeartntio* Io1°11 made l reefed.--t.Iorls were made to launch the
of the ler obr.ivo, and vatgtr Mamma, l boat. *barfly ag,r she streak, bet. owing
.f the ..metteg . Toronto, se me expr.as to the heave sea roam this could not be
los.( tbe)famere of U,,per Caned, age amt- accomplished. The scene ea board the
the. Benau el Agr.e.ltnr.1 It is die- ill fated ship balled all description, the
gr.eo(ul then, to libel the people of Taros- poor pas -eaters running .beet in all di-
w or the farmers who wore at that meets
reetniss, trying Piteously for kelp; and, at
of their
..g, M ewe oto single idredoal did .et ssobernwere washed o6 the mwreck. until,
knot how to behove himself. We Iso-
in a very elan time, all had disappeared
bevy, and we think that we an susta`ned with the eteeption of I4 seamen and oft
le *hilt hole( by the state of the ease, that pa*sesg.r, who had bees able to lash them -
Om 80..... of Agrieeltese ked moth'sg to selves 10 toe .8.00,4.. 1. a few hours.
he with the .win a1 the Terme, meet'.[, after the vowel await, the weedier moder-
tel Oast to Mr Camsree's well knew■ sled, and ee.tiesdsemtddThursday more-
eptewou oa political tap, ea. 10 a ewasee' MR* whore sheat 11 i elork two schooners
U.m with a party lase.* t+ be ie favor of hese r. •gat, cad iomediately bore doom
peegressime reform risen... .d merely to the wreck. flee of the schemers wbieb
was hound to (lasge took leer of the
a ler amorterwod beat, to shore► endow. mows aad s psss.mg*r and en.veyed then
sweat, aad to thee...lose le to be dtnbaed to Glasgow, 111 ether took the nmais.lg
the eoedeet .f the uodirudesl Mel **Jeerer tour ad conveyed them to Wetferd.-
.4 is *hese *bet gs°4Nms., sod wale .e When rescued, then were In • very edam -
4.,.bt bad been turs.gbty tni.ed by Ma 114 fleets frost rod and exposer,. They
were forwarded to this part a the Weef.d
ttetlseet, aad arrnved es S.°dy .,.sits,
4. tMs v a ism orb t4MO Mads 4.4*� i old rwalwr/ as a 1ioll pert eutdar es pre.
es marl row'
tale -
OA/ . #
Is oar last we stated that the Cotaty
Council bad confirmed the By -Law appro-
priating £125,000 for taking Stock u the
Fort Erie, Brantford and Godench Rail-
road. 'They afterwards voted £5500 for
a new Bridge to be erected over the River
Maitland near the site of the one washed
away in December last. The plan adopted
is that of the Suspension Bndge, designed
by Messrs. Moleswortb and Percival,
and we believe the contract, is to be ta-
ken by Mr. T. Jobnso., mase. of this
Town. The people of these comities have
already suffered much loess and iscoaveni-
enee from the want of this Bridge, its eree-
tion has already been too long delayed, and
we hope their expectations will not be doom-
ed to any further disappointment.
In our columns will be found a Daiwa -
strata, signed Daiwa-
strata,by tbe \Vardes and Reeves
of United Counties in favor of Thomas
Mercer Jones, Esq., deservedly compli-
menting him upon his devotion to the wel-
fare of the settlers, and to the best inter-
ests of tbe Canada Company, ---also con-
demnatory of the aopopnir coarse permed
by F. Widder. Esq. Mr. T. M. bases
is toe well knows and esteemed, to regmn
that we should add anytl*sg is hes behalf,
for to our kaowbege there is sot • mere Po-
plar ge°tleman, is the Cmhss, sad we
certainly think the course takes by his,
especially on the Railroad questa, to be
the very best adapted to reader the Case-
d. Company reified serene, w8tt° tb.
ov*r8earisg eosdurt of Mr. F. Wilder, so
recently .tbib,ted, is only esteslate4 t• es-
trange that coande°ce which woad other-
wise be reposed is it.
STRATr'oms. -The ismia.g 4( the
Gad and Coed Home, is prereediwg feint .
to a coenpletaoa. Tb. contractor Mr.
I)by, d (;natp8, hs set beer telae-;"
sad Mr. Harrison who cesrkeets the Car -
poetry work, have bad snarly forty hue
steady employed Tb. srehikaet, - Yr.
-Fergana a, is the isp•etse.--Cepea., ..