Huron Signal, 1852-10-21, Page 4I 61 M f C 's M a at w i' t- ,, M w a P, .I M w N w Y ,. ' I .. . . CHAIRSI CHAIRS ! ! ...!! i . THr Se►sert►er win-conslenNv { va bond a wasted &ssortmeut of Win lir, Dostou,[ocklag lid Nerving Chairs, whish he wit; sell Cheap for cash. DANIEI. GOR(X)N• GedoeMht Asgoot s,h, les:. V11,40na1 - - PROSMCTUS. Cf TIM ANGW-AMERICAN MAGA- ZINE• &tabs Fitt of July nest, will bepubiish• d tab int number of a Mnethif Pert- IKNW,leader the tttieof"TIIE ANGLO- AMERICAN MAI;AZINE." ,. Each Ruwbotwall C"w1a10 96 pigs$ royal eelove, with al . ,ble column►, anal numerous 'i tlluelratioss. Price Ifio, per &cause, peal in advaner, and sent by mail to any raft of Drtn►h Forth Amrica lir the Unittd du,c,. la te rroposed to puLli,h in each issue one or more original papers rD tubp car c"n- meted WI'.a BLITIsm AmxatcA, ea'elully a;- ciudiwS party popsies or reLgloso arlieNs fit a deouu.1national character. `Selections of the beet writings in the ICAJing Brto.b portodicale wail be copied. especially ouches have tefere mice to the welfare and tiAertow of thea Col"mi A ramiol direst of the rairrent Frents of the World• "'tire/iia JAarvrrters, ('emmer• dal .\iws, Afisical latelligroca sed all metra of Cerebral Interest, delayed (rum the iar rmsU or.. m.Nl fK Ol O It te also iRlrn•fed to puh;ish a refire of I Rimsreleairs of i minent -lira of G, Cut H•flnrw r.d irrLend, tram Altro,! the ,;rest t.. lois pro.,•ut tale. lints departmrut will be Rlrstreled with Portraits from the beet maeten. . M it is proposed to make this publiratiou a 01diat and not adoral work, it will or- A,sshlag:y t,ltucals all questions Ili CIlay Ike 0eam-u inlererlf of ewe Calemies es qn lategre: portion of 14, British Endre. • • An expersenu of several years is supply tae; the reading public Af Csaada with the serial nnh4eations of the United States, COs - v mer+ tt.e projector of thin periodical, that they ase entirrfy uadegeste to the wants of the majority, and littleCalculaw,toform err improve the Ltelary taste of a people S• eestialfv dumas■t in ihor feeln.gs and Oris ctptta 4"In these far whom these Perm It- eels am prepared: and bettering that the rnrrr•rss wail meet with encaursermeel from those for whose pleasure sal informs non n is Arpignrd, he trusts that the expo r.mont will reahza hie expectations. The Mag+z•no may be made one of lbs too Mf4i■msff.r Adcerliiing ytI offend to the Colonial ii ie; and the terms will be regulated in rrar% a mnnnrr as to mileet all parties to avail themselves of its Perm THOMAS MACLSAR. 46, Yowau-MWtr, Te -Owl". Apeft.195l. R+UBK9T S:NODGRASS. IpA$BIONABL(. BflOT.. ti SIIG'E 111ANUFACTUH"EH- (Os$ door East of C. Crobb's Slo►t.) WOULD inform the inhabitants of GuJe- rich end neighborhood that be is pre- pared to make to order or otherwio$ any kind of Lathe's and Gentlemen's Fine or Fancy work, in the neate.t and moat f"haonaA!e style. Anil will also fnroish I.esvy Boils and Shone, to suit the'ne eemiaitice of those that may favor him with ttrir custum. His prices will be moJeratr. Gode icb, July 29th, 1351. v5n_J IfA.11I aT0N BOOT AVD SHOE STORE. TUE. Snboeriber here to reform the in- babileets of Goderich, and the sar- rotioding Country, tLst he has jest ntieo+d a New Boot and Shop Store, is Mr. flare's new Brick House, Goderieh.- Where be will eonsTitly keep on hand b large end well asoorleei stock of Lad!e's and Gentlemen's Beats end Shoes. . Wh;eb he will tell at low prices, Jor cast e.ly. Ties Pnb!,a are Respectfidly requested to call and eximin0 for themselves, °afore pun ilii elsewhere. Na second prce. ALSO -Lasts and pert, f,r sate, JAMES THOMPSON. Goderich, harsh 18. 1853• v5-n8�Sm -- JOHN RALPH, riAND"L'OpPER SMITH, next door tethe Victoria HoWI, West Street, GoJpneb, Ase Constantly on band, a choice stock of Tinware, Cor iRht and Box Stoves, Jai w tick be will sell at considerably re- duced prices. Tare Lighevt price paiJ in trade for Ail erit•per, lai pewter, sheep -kion, calf end beet hrdrs, feathers and r,gto, All kinds of Jf• rchantnble produce taken m exchange al ca+a mucro. Godencb, Feb. 11, 183:. vb-s4 CROWN LANDS DEPART MENT. Qubs.c, 6th Augasl, 1032. 1N1�OTiCF, is hereby given, that future Sales of the Cruwo Leads will be at the pr 980, sod on the terms epcc,fied a Lire rempective localiti-s below. We.t of rt -e Counties of Durham end Victoria, at Eleven Shiihnge end 4 x Pena per acre, payable in ten annual inlalrueatv. wiUr interest, Otis teeth at tko tva-i or Saar. Fist rf the C"only rd O•tttria, within l;picr Canada, Fo.,r Shilling• per acre; from t',•'n.-,-, N rah of the 9t . Lvwrercr t" the County of Seg-lenav, •"•1 N..nth . f the bt. Lswre, cs to the Delict of (Iii ^a tart of the Chsid.ete Hnnr said Kennebec R•iwJ.!)ne .Yhi:,: iQ an:1 S x Peure par erre; to the D:stnat c( '(1reti "pit of the Itiver Chaud Pre :,fid Fonrlwe Ro%d, Twn S"Olare per acre; In the Districts of Thr -e Rivera. St. FpC,I, ani Mnnireal, south of Uro St. Lawrence, Three Shd;iegm per &ere; In it,e Dinrtrt of GeApe ens t•.e r•wniv of Sag"onap, one Staill,ag pot sort, to aIlcI.'$ parable m loo anmtul in, Olalthli with interest, on• filth at th. three "f S.Jr. For lands rsbeneed ie v%l,•* by special c•,9soistantea such extra pricys1 ay be fix• I,1 a- Ilia F IC.•1,11.1 r T9at GorwwTa (:a• ,: _ __ HURON. SIGNA_ L. __ ' Slew E WnUf c Y, -- - - -- - - ----- -- _ _ -.- _Aad 7 III I t 1 I i 11 I F 1, I• t. R0s[ttT RERs, DIV 1 D t O H C O U R T R CMZPP M O/ i A T r• 1200[-•FJ-Ll:R • B T .A T I O N E R, THE aeu Uiwiw• ('•ant lar 1h. tFgNad � Ft f T A K l t tf f ti It i top Slkt ''mu'm's Hotel.) Gasser e1 tytpiwe of tiers•, Perth sed Br■«, VIA � � _ Cfos"ir• sad Trlbos-0190098, l ftOaf4 . C. W.- held at W times sad places fettowteg p m A 8s1"of Books. Cameros sed Cumm.•al B.e.h. neer I,&ILab ". THE Lrnderug&ed a Mol }rwparrd n dt PHCENIX Ba..,�.�,.�rywa( SaNaes aid Raing et every dssumifi F.accr. Celborac Isa, R. Ell1",I Gedrrch, Mtmllstlat l ell triad• of sulk is the bM/ m•aNf, _• `� ted N Iso PatmraK ( l�laa'• 7•M aYta �,,,, t,,,,td rlsasllg .rr a►r Noetmks, and ark. ay Lt Ihassgbsf. ad •l saute educe. ilsrw r.t �� ar tb.r ,� �'�r � i7 Oran taw Aaeorl 1 Beaks. frog Ib Tred. 1,;ars. !:q , Ck9a. ! The Yatteras of Ytsam F:.gie.. for aria a►. se...w •law obsf pare• W now, r ne"eaa.e y,. 00 CNstry MerCkesle, aac'eslly utte,Jcd tan• posse rvessos sant pert• 1 peat ...s 0�o.sorp, bow wed • libestl distesas nl�wed. Deubes4Tavern. Hary Reed. 2016 D,gggab r asJ baso Male, lie ell sew sod a tae oat .pprrwedtried. AI•o,cumpbuaeuofgesr- I l+w Ta"f "' baso art, not►; wi'� ,a - . Mosob Iasi. 4-4 Robert Dm&kis, Clark ,.g lihslnng, ke. for Grist sad Saw MtIla, •won soarer fw Iagm...a tart' sass.• wap tan sJi tf ww.k.b.r --------------- vwmso Dmmus -rs eh'ch the at4atlas of t►ep►Itcis srmr AM t -L ett�� Juwes Wood,'"Tovers, tltntird, 2104 Dram- s. 11. IUARLTON, rt,cnlarly dtrret•d. ,/ sirana ac O A" awa-itta saAlatrllsi Mr, Map Williawaw Clrk. : N arr►o rr.,.v1/w rLauua..w aaxs �j`ORtf►ARDF-R sed Conardaiea ller rousrr anr•er. flavieg dr*tod coandenblt Use and •tett us rsvaso a Leta - glis�1, Ybutebouse ICesptr, Ressral Qu ck'@ Tavmra, Leedea Read, 2d,h lhssf egp.ese ala geitisg up the best description r.r�.•.r•e•' •.•.e•ree:n-+.....r ta.r •a, Ag+aft forlao sale of W,W Lasts Claand bar. Cworga Carur,Cltr1. �of Eeg,ne, w,tk all the other necessary ns L.,•r b.,...+- r....... w.-,- .r ,-a- .r, ,w,w Yarm•, Heusebold Fulultale and 1.lotiuce easy "1119 I tares (or Mulev Bow Miller a Dow ready to ... u.� e"b"` .w,.... r-•"" ` •rw""�w of sveC duos$ Uos. Robrr Cool'" lea. Hews Road. I I dc!0ek, A osir them with rost tonfidsoe• to thwo wlLluatm' 4rrot LL:, er -&A ,t•. L_.� _. bele ] 1 p»„pswaalR IGULsts • c out YNa, esu, ., (10ee, rest doer, North of the Kisear- M.• Masdaf• Y7'b L)t a ber. Rpm Rabermss• ! is waot of ere► machinery. These Easiear, rtarw'r►rtirL ►ti erea►e•.� elawmesm•a duo Asrm@. Godtrich, Eoq . Clerk. i gar, contain all the recast Improvements, toaawer asam1-0 eRuwrata. March 114th1a62. 16-09 "ITw DI•np,a' lidare'OFT COm Iste. ile•enof them are fTD>r�" a»s.�. w"atar �e,sat s� School 11-,00, Bele' Mary's, 1t3rd Dessnaber•- I P gar. �.rt+•rerrat•sw"'+ra�wssdyo� -- - -------__ sew nat•hed, and 1M demand le sack teat assarralt el d ar agaYti iMtraw"Ne fuliv , J.me. C,!emeo, Eq. Cle,k. rties dserous of porehaptng eat be fitted 00%9:9. � i cavasrw srsmnw. M VEVRR ems auvol. Petirmis•atrssw ` ! Haacke's Towers, Villare of Ii"Idwlde Will :UP'a a few weeks, with every thug ■ecsc- . owninefaunwasm."asesa�Oas►awa••pe 1)e bar. IlsndHoodRitebie,E-4. Cloak• earv. "Mom -Moa Coal----wo &NM4.eewlmambm-1.r A Boiler Yud is also attached to the Eo, wkga.(a. a.o..-0.w be down w.�r re sww�.a- I The pw. i"p of,a• rvenl Co"ru sill aem- r E Aero rl 1►e e S M. •here bo bet ual- ray trap. u s. n.e'mr, gas na cmatis. S meacr yaoelwdy ga l 1 0•cluek, A. tabhahmut, 1 ps.rawgwr d• urrasatuit ARTHURACLANU.J'.3 -C• Iity will at el u�.es he mads to order, on O/Ili!=AI• DIDISILI'r V THE subscriber begs to inform the inbs. Godench. 41► Oct. 1@52 - 'reasonable terms, and of the beat materials Lowy. emawas++a aisjrmt esasat'stae•Ipoowt ,sots of Godenel lid lie vieimity, tial ,. ----- -> -- --- ~ asJ workm.e.hip. *ret. /%waaw rsrga Ia,VurAurtrgT lame•• ♦Ill a LOi11 in I Ort Albert - ,eii IrrC&s aaafs, rwalapa LLrs du'/s bt has received a Large Supply of',bar La- improved stationary Fire F.eglsee ets- rtrs. lost Improved Paters, of Ashfield-f(•r Sale. scantly on hand. ready for de!nrv. LI.=>a a.:Flis.11.:.. COOKII�TG B O X taro. -v, 111111sawae __ Iron Planing, Taratng, Yenw Cutting, m es ata s• a AI I A a 0 a to M A • lits. • i s I ►i,}I F.SE well situated Lots Nm. s9, 4ti k Bras Csahng and Futehtng, Its. doss in v+ orb %..pasm. web* eo • loam.,,,.00,,a 1 �.i.---*..,r rr-00" wi,ewWa4Mrmft AND PARLOUR STOVES �, 41, no tae Fast ode d 43, on the ,fret, every varfetr. an.wr .r Sara Agar/ww •want V,h"ruw r and Nos. 39, 40, 41 and 49, Su tRe \fest f■ eoanettioe with the mib^ve, them ie MMAILAJ%TS d ca Sear, wmAAK a►rst:Tw" which be offers for Salo at very reJuced tilde of ►aid street, to the Improving VIVare new,n coarse of erection the largoo�st Stow• ratnTArttte fib ■Naar. p�'aeatsa.tu. Privet for Cash. Thr subscriber aL•o ken 1 f Ask Fosedry in The PTOVIRee the ILouldng iIL>•/1. Tbwwepr,ImeW"W.eo'namee4sw W of port Albert, is the'1'4rneht u oars..,..trewlo•em•ar■ig4mmam.IYSee L1a M bead an usual, at hu Old Stand, a ;ergo sold, North of Go.ieneh. For further is- Floor lir whiolb will Carat upwards of 10,. b r•.. sed ver na rio► C'ark Ep . Crown , MO r rare feel. ve.a.we y . N aeaaatpat of 'P1N- furmntaon, G ply to 1. 9 q V • I t Part •r.ecaa.mrhaiseM.Mmrwtasemt tVARB of every deaetiptism. The tub- L.aJ lltEce, Guder:rh, or the poprcwl, � There rill be ensahn Iv nn kind a Steck u M tat Y A a Tames. wove ,iM "aids sorbet tskoa this o twit of retun.e NUBFRT MIxtRE: ; of the most approved Platens of roglish ns.a-+. •r.ar, ooaY sw eer4fMIr H�n.d. Mei ] L R 14V%0 .t 4411.000 fo area MIaAGA, •teary, baa afseeto thasi tO the Pu►IK for the very We'ledcy, North of Bell's Caesars. ' &nJ .Americas Conking anges, RIOT", taatefevs. OUALLLpaa tibeed patmsms he bac ncorwvJ nota he i fke. fittei with Tu end Copper Move eons. .cw luta, -e "NOrD'.IL- -tai I I,AN8 AND gP6t-IFICATt0N3. fete. also, the hapdeommet and sewest . • a,- rLngsa 4f.rr, d r ami ham Mas is .b less is Godsn.h, khopes P W h Q a80.0as h.'i w .& .•..A, me" 6, bP striet attanlion to bwtuess, and muter- � THE aubvcrher begr !eary to reform the . sty;wof Hall and Pviuo► Stoves. a variety ,►. w-a..•s tarfru.ero..•e".•, he amuubm tela vfkw, to esat:oua to receive a shah Inhabitants of the Monet of Huron, ; of Plain sad Ornamental Patterns of Cast w-,' ..wor-"""'e""e' ill. "'b""r'e t///tr11Nie patrooags. and tae oa�gbbor.ng D:aerret. that Lr ba. :Iron Feaee and Gatet, •II of whiea wall ae Tit Lil'Y PIL:S lCD tit�SlI p�� N. le.-Gruuog, Painting, Glanc„ Pa I;�t;tir!1hi1E'!i Illttlu lh Ill Grltford, i.OW a, Iewr venue tau Aare ever befan P N R I F Y TME B LO9 o. per and Boil Hangise, carried an a hareto- asJ id prepard to enc Flan• sad Specifica- bees offered to the public, sod which, from Asll the% reinvve all dawm" from de f-,rp, WILLIAM STORY, the sition of Chi awa, as le ar sTaeaw, tioaa of Public or Private ltuUdtngo, Bald[- I Do Dr L ds water a�rgI• ..n .itt pwr w l IFE /I ll I sad Godtrieh, 6tb Sept. 1849. %2x.31 ea, hull Dame, ke. kc. ke., and will lake Ieotgmuo.catlos, can be forwarded to say PA R N Ill 6 t 1 T E L S wI-ad r,. rviai .f0 -w- ) the superinteadance of suck Erectio ` oo j pert of ,he Y►o•Iacr, et • •err IiRkI an' Ibl-. tear to.. -.9....y r.t- BOOT~ AND SHOES. rhe moat reasonable term, I Poore. OLi V -ER T. MAKLEM. 71. r-wit•e -1 she- -&.I.e. wwaeem Per or I. am" THE subscriber hereby isUSestes to t he I ., IIIc thorough knowWgo afbio profession I Chippewa, June 24, 1031. Ypect.-22 Orrarr a at.aw .y. rate nest ., r.imis 1 loL•buant• of Godertch and the ear- I and hes racucr •s Badder, aaliies him for Y«C.i`r L.-il a.rva...' ...a..wa i• di.sabr, a.. p q ------ - r• •:,ra re er.Orut.t 11 ...y wawsu w,em o..ee rounding country, that he bas eowlmeneed I any undertaking in (he hes. Address pwl ; FRHIT TREES! ,rsee, y wck% " 'a'-,a„u.t aN.ry w nay a� b...,ses" is the above hat, is the Stare' ail, PETER FERGI:SON. . ,.h. w1,..T1~,. �rw,<.w t►.r�,"a. .A.wy7p.r•y .r f„rateriy occup'ed by Mr. White, in ias P Builder, kc. kc. k3lratfOrd, C- W- ! rjwFiE abitants f the isg thank• to rhe re ...,.a.►.t'►ey ore pawmo. w..reh4.mii A .r lower part of West-aveet, u1d will haat Stratford, March lith, 1849. 2v -s71 r IsbtbAaotr of tae County of Huro. bey lir Trial I.x...,aq.n; taw u,w e. bead" ..-„ _ .. I genera;ly for dhe very liberal encourages Aral Di. -r ,ria,_ a,,.c.,.1 a..eb ra.m• constantly on hood a full supply of BO )TS . � resect he has met with in the Sale of Fruit " proper.• W weld b and SHOES of •very size and description, AXE-FACTORFj *C• �•' ;sprees, begs to announce to the Farmers of DR. WILLIAIM N. MOFFAT, end of a superior quality, vyliieh he wi;lrill rnFFB Solsenberbegsto intimate to 1" Ithese forted Counties that he is re ared aM h«a..y, e.rrr .( and." rr.st. Ns. TwL. at moderate prices for Cas 1 farotsn and other inhabitants of lM i P P err air 1v N. B -Hide• and W heat taken in ez le Intl iduce thio pribi a large sod well se r BENJ. PARSONt9 LniW Countfeo, tket be 1a►just eomp.eted I lected stock, tompri.ing ewer] venety of ehauge'at the highest market price. bis arrangements, and is now prepared to Nursery'1'rees, upon hie usual liberal terms. %tole Agent• B- GREEN. furnish Axes, warraHed, of a superior qua• It would be supersaous io eolarge upon Godt►feh, Jas.11S 18118. Godorich, 9th Sept. 1851. s0 Illy, sad on terms baited to the eireenasras• I the euprnor merits a this Nursery, and .. ............................. NOTICR.-T'bk Wier foAid las pees _ _ _-- -, - -_ - - - __ --- 'nes of tat country, and the goalitif of tits I the qualities of Fruit brought ffom it -but i` pure►atrng tat t#ACI Mit.l� o e I. A `I I O 11 A L II O T 8 L article. I t%e Isrge quaolity of Trees than bare meso No, 9." 4th CO9C►esicia.-E&slere Division BRUCEFiELD. He also invites all hrs+ereto tallssd'as• i d'etributed over Dearly dl of Upper Canada, i•f Ashfield, without consulting me, as I - amine his itnoroved apeeimon of t%e for the last 18 yea►e hasgained for this beW a etum epainot u. ,' rrllF, SUBSCRIBER begs learn to ire- CANADIAN 3CIYLt'I! PLuI'Gff. Lunen • euPenonty over most otters. W ILLLIM M'CARRON. form bis friends and the public gest• which he netters ►iceself will Df found I The subscriber would beg to introduce to Godarieh, April t, 1159- V3810 rally, that be has now gut the National superior to many respects to any other . the notice of all those who wish to got goof -_ _- Hotel so far completed, me to Warrant him Plough now in we t0 this soct.00 of the ; Winter Fruit, the celebrated Nor hero 4py VALUABLE FARMLOTRiNTHETOWN• ioenvingthatheis prepared to furnishsc- Province.,1\pple,itsqualitiesaresuperiortoallothers SHIP OF' GOL)k RICH FOR SALE, VIZ.: commodatios for moot and horse• equal at HARVEY BRACE. of its kind, k-eepug until July, and prewty- least, to anything that can be found bo- Godtrieb, A ig. 21, 1854 v4n27 io at: it. ires!.Desu sed flavor, which is a IUT 27, 1st 4ganesosios. fromUng tab• _ __ _ ____T _ [ Lake, containing 87 Acres, about 40 twee. London and Goderich. The.Yrtiu- (yV ��'y great d-,,denlum natal that period. The of ahicb.ore cleared and Fenced. and L07 al Holml i, •husled in the beautiful and l C ® L 1B (D uJ n I� �� wbocnber woulJ ab intimae that its 20, 20d concussion, Cunlana,ng So acres of tbnving village of Bruevield, IA miles I y tIEE subscriber bras to ,,,form sip ss$- , Dwarf Pear id to great demand as a Garden wild land. from (:oder,ch and 42 miles (roto London. , 1 ®tro'�s friends and customer, and the Frail, beeping in two years after planting. These I late oro eitnand about rnidway and from the olip,biluy of the'situatioo, and i public generally, that hu LARGE BRICK Erery venety e( Fruit Trees, Orhame0tal Maven that Tows of Goder,ca and Villa a strict attention to the comfort of his; uesu i BUILDING is now completed, and that and Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, Hardy' of Uayfield. For particular■ apply to [ and customers, he 'ropes for a share of pub. from the great Inerea.e thus added to her Herbaceous Flowering Plants, Doblias, tic patronage. IUHN CLARK. former premises, hs is now ee•bfeJ to offer • Suibous Floworiog:Roou, &ce. Catalogues Crows Load Ages,, Goderich. JOHN MCKENZIE. accommodation to the travelling public at can be had of any local or travelllog agent, 4th Jose, 1851. Brucefield, tat Jan. 1851. v3 -n46 least equal to that affard•d by any other giving a full description. Terms. when 50 - Ilouac Io Town. And without being anx- Tress are taken, S25 per hundred, or I a Sd FOR BALE, NOTICE ious to monopoliss the swire tavcra bun- Currency each, under 50 Trees. is 6d cy. [� iFTY Aero• of Land, being Lot Nio. 5, r�tliF, Subscnbtr having purchased from nose of Godertch, he at least hopes for a two years credit, notes payable with icier- a 9nutb Tors Plot,,l.akv Snore, Ash- \Villitm Hol'on, ht■ ezelupivs n ht continuance of the patronage which he has eel. On Urs Will; be received, and any io- field. There is thirty acres cleared, and in (for the Coonties of ffuron and Bruce) of a hitherto enjoyed, and will always endeavor 'ermatio0 given by lair. Horace Horton, the Lest state of cultivation, and ala orchard NEW KiND OF PLOUGH, to occurs the satisfaction of his guests and Market Square, Godefich, sod Air. Peter t t r '■ n d h e h bt d t customers, by attending to their Comturla- Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local eon atutng 60 (nit rtes. The s , ago for soh c h as u eon Letter Pa esi � s e0ts for th's Nursery. Mill Site, sod sever failing Tpnnge of water from the Government. Would respeetfulfy bit accommodation. g a Log House, 20 Isv I0, sad a Barn 20 by give notice that any person cr persons m, ROBERT ELLiS. SAMUEL MOULSON. 59. Terms -X 123 midi, or 5150, by pay% fringing upon said right will be prosecuted N. B.-Tbe Stabling at the Colborne Old Rochester Nurser N. Y. ug half down. sod The balance to throe to the utmost rigour of the Is w. Ise iso esteosih and of the first quality. Goderich, 15th July, 1851. 22 annual instalments, with interest. \Vit. J. KEAYS. Godorieh. Jdue 11. 1851. •Tnl7 --- - N. B. Further Informal on can be , b. N. B. -Tho Ge&rich Fnundrr, having IBtPOATAIfT NOTICE. toined from lobn Morns, Co!Lorne, or Chas. undergone all neceese►i repair@; the sub. .w vw. Cary. ns ,,e promise•. ocrihcr flatters, himself that he will be able IS hereby riven bat the partnership Sub- As►6tlde Much. 95th. 1832. ell -sl) -6w to give entire satipfactirn to all thopn who I:ars11ra FIlrrMr A Stage Pr9pd__(Fr. 1 e,nting bet ween Alex. McIntyre, and may favour him with their curt"m. Ilehas� ��� N. MEhCII_kNI.� James D.,nolJ-on, town of Godertch, was -- unto an band an excellent assortment of ' . ' d,sso ,-d by mutu,l cona•at on the 220d STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. Plough. inelnding Hntton'd new pattern I CELEBRATED GAB(�IM OIL dsv of Jannnry, 1451 And all persons in- -Tb subscriber having penhased the tutor- tog•el,er with P„tavh Kettles, Cooping, Box • cpr."a.u..so 11 Tae n.rroaT o. ■a..nn debtpd erther by Nesse err Duek acc-lief are ea of Mr. C. J. Wllws fn that above Es- and Parlour Stoves, •ndThraehug his• Am tke mast rmarkableExternal AppJkationarm hereby requeatedto make immediate Pay- tabliphmenf, a about to continue the Bsci-' chines of various horse pnw'er as of which I dLw"wred. meal, and save costs. on on him own responsibility. In returning will be sold on the most liberal 1.•m.. -- AIXX. MciNTYRE. t1ii to the public for the very liberal tan- - Wil J. KEAYS. ' FON MAN & B I JAMES DONALDSON. cut'ragenaent received by lion k WILSON, Goderieb, 48th April. 1852. v5si GOA D ` G'iderieh. April, loth 1854, v5n14. hebe'gs to lotimals that he willConatantl] - keep on baud sire assortment of Superior . NOT C E . ` A GOOD OM'ORTUNITY FOR CA%Tr.oe, consisting of C U O A f,NG. Li. pp Crows ied I to THOlf . I YOiiNG 11 EN. Parlour, and Box Stoves; Arner- A MACQUEEN, Into of the Huron Six is in, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs not, are btnby notified, that ■.less their 1 %ANTED t tat Qadutict Foondr] of its m,•st Improved Moulds,- AMLT notes and accounts are paid os or before t I Ms• uta alprasticsar tblte actin ]ousg ROLLERS, Tar iviw l aii Smilh'm the lei dt}y of May neat, tae] will be im a I (iederieh, F9b. 231b, 18b2. ef�eb Rollers, ¢e. THRASHING MACHINES mediately headed to the Clrk of the ltat _ _ __ of a eupenrr dt9cnpuoe to any hitherto Uivisos Court far collection. I istro.!uced,and better adopted to this Court- Persons residing is the Cooney of Perth STRAYED from the subscriber on or a- iry (roto their lightness of draught, and w•ho are indebted to the Huron Signal. will ___ bout the 11th day of Mir last, s Large strength of construction. A call from in- find their antes wah Dr., Jahn Hyde, of i Yako of 8laere-erne a Dark Red, with lending purchasers is requested before Pur Stratford, who has been authorized to Col - long wide! horns, and a pmall lump on the cha.Ingnloewhere. The shove willbeRolJ lett immedtately. `right fore leg ; the other White, with light at Low Rates for Cash or Trade,•or stcor- HORACE iiORTON. , _ ;real @pots tbrough the body. each four years reepondingrates on approved credit. Godrieb, 13th April, 1 5:2. I: Tey C>tdt Keep Home without it," old. Also, three Iloifen, one dark ret' 6rreneri-Of mare ta.n tfi.m veer. M.<,r.bi,•t"a with white stripes through the body, three A. B. CIRR- Ike 1v1 .1,1: Mlrchect'. Cciatrtud ii.w., oil, or Ln,. years o'd-erne White with red •root• or Stratford, 20th June, 1850. 2v -s20 Goderich, 2nd April, 1852. pereal fa,"<i;4em�`A�e1fI ton°"reaw`,rarer her body, ono year old -the othr Bnodltd FOR BALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, flpswinry Swrcency, laingboame, Windgallm, pop with a white face, one year old. Any per FARM AND SA :V MILL FOR RALE. - Evil, Callous. Craekeil IIeele, (:.its of ail son giving much information an will Isad it ! THAT rtrellest I,ot -f I.e•d, Lot I've, 7. Ota TWA Low of Land, in the and ant led kind". Fresh Wou n,% Sprains, Bmisai Fie- their recovery, will receive a Reward of g,3 1 Ceseer'.e, Lias"re D:vsinn, T.Weabip of 1 ��.tsnssof tM lnwnshtp of Stan talc• Rilfast. R,ud Cranks. Strain"~ Lameneek DIJUCANi MCKENZIE. A•hhcld, -ill lar sold cheep ter C• -h. This let ley, one mile from the village of BrueeMld, Foundered Flet. Beratrhi•s or Gore, X.Ogm, Township of Stas!aft 4th eco. lot 24 u ataa'.d n ore of 'he moa pro•pemes rills- •nil st htess miles from Gedench, I Rhenutati%m, Rite of ALimala. Exter "d Poi- loth Nov. 1831 nwlau in for tirw Tract, sod has th. bee w"- R 0"110. Painful Nervous A19eetions, F;oat Rita. . On the lot is the 2nd Concession there is rk' EI% Corns. Whitlo - --- - ut privdep o■ tl.e IacaL,y. A S.w M,II of ,h- war Rums and Sa'ide. ' brat do erip,ins is r+ loll npa ifne ere the I.,, a II-hpr, B-rn, and silly &crop Cleared. Ct.illhi,mm, Chapped Honda. Cramps, con- ---.N O T I C E . cod the weer pews f. ;uf c'eat to propel amy I in the lot in the 3rd Concession then a uartioml of the nstl"� Sweflingm, Weakness umbos' el mahisery tl.r-egl,.•t the ui year. a Hruse and thirty testree Cleared. of the Joint.. Caked Brasta, kc. k Aa fIF, Snbsetiber h..ving RENTED tb Th. Let carni ever too .car .f tha►ee, The Farm lo well watered bye movor GREAT IMPOSITION AN1) FRAUDI � WARFiIOUSE and WHARF belong gweltty .f IsOd, aboo' ive lam era sero. a which falling stream, sntl the gsaLy of t e land C4*rL011'0 rViCHALIBa 'fog to she !11eT,r0. T1@yr'nport. of thio plat) an ele•aeJ, set L.a • g.aJ e■osueurl d+elling- ,g of the beat deoeription. i 'Mu a1 sac' r Ov* .+r,t.hntrl m i".e tr,.m , a ke"r - 1'. The lots, would M dle sed of N rate• a1 7- ""t a r•tmgnr"r, arm' ,•.T•e,t '.c'-ine has e■ubfished htmeplf ss • flet, farther Mr,;Collar. IWPly to the li�litof Pb I►a M••' Ihr.aet.,v' 'M c•,wwry-M rcp.bty•dd-,entm InRw ARDRn Awp corn Mla@Int WTRCwxDT. ft If requlrrd, ar. son -d.rN them'- p. r rr ti aw•.lprr of t•ie Haroe B.toe:, .r t- fke proprie,et, JMe nn•i.ripii'uuasn.cte"r,M m. arta Any order@ err eammoplrn from the Ver S all fit. iL REYMOUR, k CO. �,`,;ri,,,g.a,.s nf•te.110.,sRi rx.mon�w,.rtwuj chant@ of Godertch, will rcrt'ive m Mc('arr-e. -n ihr preew'ars -- - - _- a, Dro P a" pr, -abl e'-r.'M'y'rw. 4 Mr,rvwase allent,nn. JOHN NcEWAN• A•hi.u, lke. 24, Itsl. v4i46 }till\J PO[t e:\I.L'. non .e r.wais ter•wt.ttea .bah it iso .tysiert y . AT -o ,.w,T -T•a.n mg/e a,- M iM UOn i $ata a. (fled► Windsor, March. 1649. u,tL m, fusel. A F.4R\l rrnu;sena i70 nen•, nor melte 1. tan nrM..isg.pt,.Iw<.n.r.1 ve-en,In •heevn y TAKP. NOTICE. a,Is half from G-derich-38 orres sean►uon,M flo"'ee to penl.e4r, lod.t.A"ism Astral epera,•ot g les be immedrtt" mind . rlparnd en tat, wi'h a good ]Dong •rehsrd. w stew 11 A"aw ei imoa t t-e`c rowers ' WTMs YOKE OF OXEN LAST. Coaaae'�rp'a, tEs 1..10.1 to b'welearrl at the i. those indeiated to the Herea CiR 71wm,.T■-►',whrgttnli 11 ev 1. - f414 of F.te *cr-e am,a0f: for e►ery boo Wel Office, either by Neto of hand er 1 Peer aaovs Igrm n well enpplrel wit► god yor o.M ve y W stor-tato fences are in �of �"r j, "'t ^Isle "mast "m"n a ... N the 27th June Isat-one t black sum dad acres Aurin 690 per. end a Awelha b Itewk scceon', at tA;t date will ahs$ h Ko -d order. A raw al teens . eeea.srl.w tr.M a.-nt Ow. [ f ' a ood Ln lion". a Rare 90 by 64 feet and' V7601" bot• teerdn.( oke hf. K wife a ring in hie Dor, ;-rape what R 1 ' g h•iRse met«t not leas than e�ghrsto fe t Ibo 14nb•cnNr try seknewletdgrwg ihe�r air- titsbl.e w11A nulhnurwO, ke. t nos Ml,ew ~ «°"'�c"md'^10A Tra'�b^� scoot ►i" Mnk, •our on tae (onhead. ►y t ewGV rt feet, habillUve, and ebain'n a .elUen,e.,t rl tae wan, tba. as be m1s1 ar a s.gr►�'I*#cwaat -f tot,' are olif-tho other a dark red --9 year 'ren nn•b�r io b• tin t to •p enenl unme waA Mr. Horses 1 Fur+rtieulen Gpnl] Io I:en•gp Fulton, try s,,,,,,,,a,. /C t y [ J,p�tnn of I: ,derlcb, gr cert •f'►s .art c Tavern Keeper, IIuroA Roar', 4 mitre from ;-r .t1 ,T,•, r .fe11eA'r"d"yr nsm•le� n1A. An] ►o►enn gi•isg n] inforrpatro hm,iem dote tba; may ►p iaip•,red at rMrs scrhast e-nvrn,pnte. Godt►ieh, err nn the premilei oral+. --,i tri y.s paws M avert eer.'seeN 11'b1 tan mGv load ,n the disonvery of tie son The Sale tobricamt nidi std void to case 7'IIOk1Ad M,;QUEF:N. CIIRFdTAL *4 PFREMMER. I r" 14 V4I"-rw-■lA lbo.aevmarpoetM..wpnp.r, ' Dies will be Ntubly rwwsrded it al ro lee{ er eolsta.n oil an of the couji Goderch Jan 111 dee.. P.sw atm rrar w L y x116. 'Sem C%lborae, May 91, Iib. v3•nlstf oo"a•••.••trer- Cara .dna ��mypa'r. ' DUGALDCAM 'BELL. tro, a. -._ __ _. _ - - .. _...-- _ ---- _ --_. -__--- =4 tape'd.. q tl.rw ••o. w. in= I. r, a w. Stir Cow. Wawanwb, t The eatttrr to be eat•iled (o e►ta,s • F, R C. 1I. BU11L. F,\KN H►OR SALE elbwran Mthe r..T 8 rAao~..�.. tat"' July 12, IRS11. ( 16826-6 Pa'NI pp.•&ens plying w th a!1 the eoMlr. 9m a». ewy.►vw,"nsey ae• wwtNsWi V leaf -- --- Ibma-. N.,t (wore 1be- Iwo Modred acne M ANUFACFURERBof Hats. Cope ee.l T'le at►vertber Fif" f•,r salve nerve hond►ud g,k Tem"' eatemw. I -- lo N so a to miey lies pends. , Fee., Frn, 1VMlrstte tell Ill, a Serra of ,zetlleot Lnd, 46 a, re4 tlesr. A11 nw.00,a i- a, praprt•4srwr M p.ewVsy I REMOVAL- vb .I1 l)eaien In F00•, B.tralo Robop, 1►oer Sk•se eA and wall tented, wilA • gond Ing Mrs. w'^-cps,�.�aM,Manp,,rdwe•skWrs"seast,e _ Gloves, Mtutp•, fht. kt se p.eMyd Apsndg frost. Tn• Gbrve Iatdl rt-v.elwslytr ,r-a,r,riet■w r I JOIIN R1'RARi.f.. ROTtCE TO THI6 PVNLIC. hsria Pard fr ata*. •-' le to -ofW nn Sed Conenise han1 14.9bw a Ill,- c.a -y;• 6Wwe+ef, Y tab" Dd✓ I FI)OT-Mr1 R BR TAt h'gh.Ot prow pard, et ail U nen i■ shop +/ W Gwaeouh, sad nee half mile from a i i rger•vn• ►caw fwx ear swoUw a eewswn-) "1 1:0/YBRQUtRatClt sol tM t4w+sbt► s! `"sb, t"` rl dnmtreptawwe of AAIppp-g ren Aebool AooOe"II tat sennet will be ro- u j' R. FARSONA, G dUrieh. �� A4 beerr gratefully SWO"rsged tat ►t F. k C. fl. BUHI,. grored down. F,.r partiealere apply to the Clerk k Ca., Fart Sarnia : ghetto 4.4 etfi -.e hone l elliet WN e�tmb M I letters posted to A•setnlis, the Ps/- F prrefl, 31kb'pe. Arg. labl• esnifi proprietor ala the promvss, Rnhartsun, CMtl.am; R A. hirtehell, Loh fir [ mm"ev Grieral deem H aeeomery to worst __ __ - __ ----- Wawano.h, 4th Aug , 183 L ats dove; 9 Cook, Rlebmoad; A. Hig'sbotham, ('4wrrk (*,. where xis rub sod ('art•' rs wtinsg w then hoods ro that oa. NtYMCF. TO MARINERS. BrastforA. to Sdk pr, - - - Nteeb Mwmlo n( La.lio� 19setsl his], Ile" I~* N Assr is In mwet be - The faflaw'R ere A',i,.'rr.le A nts, viz. e, Preach ewd F14gl-im PeroUllo am m Cnaeds tar they eNe.t be (severded RF.11 I.IGIIT a placed 9aghtly es the _ID �y� lm• 1 g r C`subwwm. His 0-tI 9a ibeb io s (:ser. HJ 1).trmt : Reath Ib fAwtee., Pen taw e4s & v4rr wwthteg srt.dev bw `-. UN ar the Nestle Prr. at the awa► - Stanley : T. Rta!e k So., Havrolren; i Walbiisg, Rflh Fiehamg, �wtls 1,ANK DEE:I)N •tad Mtmenmis, wild 1 fit 1104 fs FIs wow ria. Od c"vrotey. of the barber. GUdveeh• Q fwd wubout Dsw00, for sa{e et t►N f.yma". Bre. k Ce., Te►ouln: R -yd k PSuI, voyn r Ilse. nor I bac As n Fat Osessg t)nsatttww%T, L If . MARLTON. t JAfe Ne. 14 Cen.u.ad illegal, New 1'etk. I . RJ;:,. Rceo(l.. •d mep11�y 1 . QSahs� 11sth Act-@% IML. # v& matt 1 Ae 1lA A. IS&: vOti! ' May !7, 18&2. vs oil I Tomato, Jsr" 10th• I lib. 1� t �r - --#1 ywe A► a, a `t , • -y' r ", - -- OL he abs ore d ngafkeus• .Alat as thug JUDSON'S dieaaren" &sia& like the bomk%g of Mtaaaafa GRIi>EItr1,L EXTRACT (F kilug d water. whistling of assca, which aw . gmpi"ma sf app••••hass 4"""a Perseus .be Me. boss dust lis twgalf Yuen, Died wase eaptat to ea ear uampem, M•o thee sedog M eeltitle, bee• mdo w RHLVMAT13H-Comrec►'a Iferve a,w Dee, Limimeat, u wwmmwd 98 este, asp ear er R►eonaatism. (coat• Catmeted Cetth, ad Merles, a.1lffrinte, •tnegthauweek Limbo, 0KRRY AND LUNBWORT a.d ii t°"" "`` `" '"°''� " Now t •lie. ComWtoe►A itrotMr. Prpri•ier.. New ro■ Trs coax or 1fak, sed ops litanies without their same ca C�� C4w, w spoilin the wnpptr. TOOTHACHE. -Dr. Muse's Drops, fee the Of Nalad, N*W Swtllib, AStHID)a, sue •f the Trtheew. It i• Wilk eooideoee UYer Ct�lalDb, ADr that we res tee•mmeed is u ae lefalliLl• core all cors, wilbest any ilkJ,rry n the teeth r CONSUMPTION. vd' Prie•25`"• 1 ATH ens bo sed hac 600• reasserted y COMSTOC['S VIERMIFUOE.-This . P tw sort extrsurd,aary remedy Int Were* ant ,►is uamm's •we r♦oud� J■dra•• Chem1- .•ad; it .&.really amilicates Women heat both cal 4utroat Wf Cr&c&r sed LoaowoeT. This Adalu end Ckn!dreo. It cannel Mrm tM meet msbste• unlike mwt of the potret nmidien of d.lintslo(aat or siroxate t Adult• sed weer falls tab• do? u eke na■It a care(sl milady and rape- to ca p.lately root oat sad dae,mey ail kind• •f managers iia aticanfie lid raperoeaced Pbpaman. W&row, •lye Coal, 23 et• per bottle, Palo 1t The too principal ugrediesu bow• long been wtihts the r.scb of all, and all papas wM sm knows sell eoltbaroted. WILD CuxRuy B1ax. vothea a lit wsatosly .aprwng Ills I've, e( When the e,reggth "f this is propWy a imetad lit it eblldna to those fell destroyers of youth• I* tab• be or medicine knows fat Carlos the worst „ Worms," Look for ally acm. of Comstock R Cengbs Gad other Prlmocary d;se.ses, it loose Brother, proprietors, .s the Wrapper a each t►• phlorm gad e& stair. the wolfram, to eapreto- I Betile. - rat• easily, lid alone will core the wont cold or EAST INDIA HAIR DYE..-C•loru oke Cough, which i( neglected alsxya !tads to Coo- I Heir, lid not the Skin. This d I sof b• sp- Nmpi'og- ph•d to for halt ever night, the rat , It, turs- Lo%e.wesT -This is a plant the virtara of ,.a t►e lightest Red or Grey Her to a dark which Ore known to bat few, it ha hero aid by' brown, and by repenting a seeoud night, to a Ib• boost lterard men of all times, that " sauq bright let black. These fact* lie wwrssted by hr Pm -.Jed . remad) for rash and #,try ilia- tab• gestle0ron Orlin manufactures it, who is l►e nese," sad the t.roveries t►at lie daily made_, celebrated Chemist, L)T. Comstock, a■Ibs .f • to nor its fit w !,d a • ' b Lu+ ort i o0 P s d fes .sti i m tock'• Cb em Philer ► mid orae Co • 1• v y. the Fnaedy designed by nater• for Cosss,npnge. works, and School Boake, well known. les beafeeg prop': irs are truly wonderful, sod (•.uyiOR.•-All of the above warned aritcl*a ate the ropubly soft` which it Cory• the W"t.1 COWS .old oaly by Comstock dt Brother, 2 St. Peter'• of Uleergted Lanae, r -thing and mutduma 4 place, directly le rrar .t the Astor Hong• be' irritaties, almost immediately, u b proof of its twe•n lia,e!sv &.d Vrr► ser., o0. door (rem •deputies" this disease. Barrloy. and oar B'.,ck from Broadw y. New Tarr two trtic'es sombised w:th other pars- Toh, ,e whons all enure must be I,rmeted. If vegetable usredieate, form a madieias ibst is All mf ,be above exceed artwias a • r(d o0!y refte's to cure tat wrt costs of t'0n.umptioa it in God.r.e►, l'. W . by Robert Pork. Marweed taken before the suffers ,. se,itely prostrated.. lib X-014. C, Crehb, and 11. H. O'Coaser: in Do ■ t o be diroungsd, •anal can d,. yo. se Rtrat(ord hr H. B. Les: ,a err. Map'• ay T. B harm. bat wi;l eon•uee the mwnt retatice; a' Gert; in Wo•Jelock by T. Beed: le Leaden is$ real worth. Thooeaeds a Consumptive p -t• by Mitchell: in Esnagailvilie by J. Carter; u nos• have bees deceived repeatedly oa L.Tteg tla►p■rMy by M. McDoemid a Cs.: is Milewlt mw.t,■es which were slid to be iolal;ible carve, by T. Ford A. ('n., lid Babb R Co.: i■ Ember but which have paved ugly palliative*, bat thin J. D. Deet: in D -:•were by Tirol. Engsile lar midius• is sot Sly palliative but a cure for id- I Comeback S Br-ther's Alms&at fr MAX arbisb cers" Image. '-It contains so deleterious Drop will be giro I. GII grin► la Day" by C. gad owe trial will prove its astonishing efficacy Cnahb and Godes; at Bell's Ca cava by M. belief thou say sueruon or estificatra on en- I liber. ug caesampneo end •ll diersome of the Lungs i and Liver, such as Spitti■g of b!• ll, Cotyhs, I COMSTOCK'S GREAT PAII1 KILLER pais is the aid- sad ebrt, u.,iiii meats, .Sae- _I� y��0 meicine hn►een diseasessd thatur Ceol o•. -To prereet oar owe ,va nos!! o aha , t \ happhiy adapted to one ist•rsalfy as drops interestashe all to pd s e signatu a lie OO I O be taken, ted fat perform such w*sder• when ed to cau"on all te find the ohe rap er C i,h. applied eatervii sm • walk or both, by fneuoo . STOCC dt BROI'Heas ala the wrapper, uem- 23 ere. is all yes hove to ask to try 1t. sed a out thin u u • wonh.er eounterlait. Rcioeru- •that auto Pao be so .►Wer to the proprietor, it te her thin. I hoped that such a price ces be be •Mrrl• to say CbRLTO\'8 LINIlfENT E'OR THF, mmdp sod will sever provost is$ trial. The PILEe, Ac. -It a sew used to tabs unci 1 ; price, 41 te 50 ate par boWe, eccerdles to the hospitals. and rn the puree practice is else 1 sin, will enable all a. or it. If you doubt• ►y- cousay by as immeor number of isdt•ideshI sin with a 21 coat bottle, cod that wait remove and fomlie.. fiat god re>•o•t eercnly fur the m your doubts, and make you buy, and aw sad re - Pd". amid also eatruiveiy a.,' efi etually ae to commend 't Ie your meads, morn than a hundred ba1Bs ermdehty soler where it• effee:. are wit. cen:fitates would. Who Will fail to try it thea, semw EatersaCv iA the .foll.wtngeom�laiotr:- olid m.e life and eugarnsg fee 91 cents. Thi• Dropsy Swellings, Rhermatism, Acute or ('bre '• Pan Ciller" may be sad with a @see•" thi a;e, giving imer.d,we lar, Sort'I'broat, Brei- will s.98aiah the beholder. is$ such ca••• ea the , wee, Spn,as, Boras, fir. Sore• and Ulcrn.- toilowing: Cholera slor►a, Distroseiag Dynes• Whether fresh or e( lose otandi■g, sad fever tory, Pais in the side and Stanch, Corsa, Clite area It& operation upon adult. and shiidne end Druists, Ch.lers Islamism. Brosehitia, in rhermitie swrliega, and loosening coagheamid Heeling Sera es Man or Beat, Cbrldra• T•eth- ughterm of ilia chest by relaxation of the pato, 'min• Raising Blood, Hrrrseem, q■iwy, ra a , . kis bran Impatiens beyond eoseeptiet. The. few bourn, Chilblains anal Freated Fist, Spr . Cameros, remark of ,lire who be,, a" It im prevent a Blister from Burns, Bro►ea Brrww. the Piles.is'•itee98likoachrm." ltiswar• Meadee, Cnnaps.}Herte. Sem,cha,erTers mated to plew say perces that will try u. Flak. Bines r :4tiggs. Certificates me fill a Cttcnoa.-Never bay i1 lister you find taw •ulama myht be pu►tiebed, *bowleg the won - fine pail• siguatars of Csmstoek R Broths, dedul eR<cte el Comst•e►'a Pgio [illar, but tar♦ fee similes, a aha a of C . are toe common, sad used for articles of me mer- __ it: &oat the 21 root bottle will do niers t►es a AZORIS TURKISiI BALM. -The rely 'howeend ■•know■ names io convince rhe nor. ertula T*11l (sr Baldatr, olid ter pretronsg sewers of wenblee articles called Pus LXew, oteppiag the failing ear of the heir. As • Toi- sed sew" My hey Mt Cemw "&%L let artiele, for bstutifylei mind keeping the Hair •eft,glory, andinahealthyeosdhuoe,ninva- TRAVELLER'S HOME, equalled. iw positive qualities are as follows: _ STRASBURG, W ATmstoo, fr let it frees the bead from dsadraff, strengthen• 28th February, 1849, ) the root*, imparts health sad vigor to the Circe- THE Subscriber hereby intimates to hu Iatioe, amid prevents the hair aha itisg eelolar or 1 fJ,sedo an_d the Travelling Publi: gess- getting army. 2d. it etare..tho hair to call ►elf ,that ho hoe removed from New Aber- beaut,fellr whes dome ■p is it over sight. Thio I y Balm a made from the origin•: receipt precomd dean tothe Village of `Stramborgh, and will from the anginal T■rkish Hakim (physician) of now M found is that well-known house for- Cosalantisople, where it a uo.",molly ■•ed.- trorly occupied by M►. Josev,-where he The T■rks have always beencelebn,edfar their' wall be ready and able to eooduee to the wosdorful Jill is eomposoding the richs04 per- comfort of those who may honor him with fame• and all other to lye ■rticir,. 14 Turkey their patronage. Aad while be return■ the aromatic herbs, Sc, of which thio Balm rm I thank• fon past favors, he hopes, by strict composed, are almmrt nottetemlly known sad attention to the wools and wishes of hu aged for like hair. Hence a camp of bs:lne.m or thio bead of hair is entirely lasknowa in the customers, •till to moral a tooti0u&cCt of country. We wish but one trial to be rade a their patronage. ib. that will do mon to c�ovinco yo■ of it• .it- JOHN ADEL. t■es than all the ,dvernrments than can he N. B. -Good STABLES Sod attentive publ,sh"1, end that all may be able 10 test is$ Grooms. e2-s4tf ' vir,aes, it a put up 10 I-arge Batt!" st the low -_ -- price of 309 per Bottle. v Rempmber the granite has the signature •f C.�I�TADA 1FB'ASSURA;�CE Comstock Sc Brother on therpttadid hopper. Q U 1t P A.Y F . FOR THE MARRIED.-" Be vt FRUIT• Tf1E Sub iriber basing been appointed i TCL♦FD X101 T,fLy."-1•A eOmtteDd tbst .hNld i Agent of the be cheerfally abey-d by the children of Nes.- $$CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CQ.," D o. Laaze,Te'e Jr40 CON"IAL, r Prrenedq is prepared to receive proposals for Aesu- Elixir, prescribed a an rlTcetival reeterwive is tante, and wi!I be happy to afford to any cues of Debitcy. Imp,tescv. r Bawessrsr. and ooh the 0eceesar ,nformatioD, sa to ahs all irregularities of salary. It ig all that it pre- 7 icon to be, wiz: Nature's Gnat Reiterative, and principles of that iRetltutlnD. remedy To •hese in 'he tamed state with' JAMES WATSON- offspring. It is • ceresin ears f.r 8emoe; .ws- Godurieb, Ith Joe, 1649. v2n 9 gross, Grsenl debility, Gleet. Weakne.a•a the - -- --- Genital Organs, Nenoa. Affceuous. iw■eef- District amen Lands OVire. Chose or Whites, M u isvigonung medicine ft ft of Co sum Aho, • gir tw venae o iris. NOTICE is IIFRFB GIVEN eipiest Cou"smphen, lad,eesces. Ina e( Mon v cslaf Energy, Physieal l,gruad•, Psm&le THAT 'be remainlig CROWN LANDS Weakeem, Debility, dee. It n ' ro to i• ASHFIELD and WAIVAN0811, are please the err ,o say of the %Mv. cemplunts, now open FOR SALE:. All 0ecesmary informs. tai it of prtely0s Tai0• 1• .nose --'hoot off- tion rr•pernog thea Lands may ate obtained by startsg. 0ppiyiag to Ctl'TIOT EXTRA. -Find the name of Com- HrHV CLARK, stark & Brother os the wrapper sod sever bay D,writt Crown Lend Agee,. it unless Tow find Ih• above nam#: r it bee 33rd November, Im. 3voiltf beS exteeovely "istedeited of hie. Avow the counterfeit as Too wosW potion. - -- WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 1 To Ovi or tan DxlLsar Is How - sxs-CARLTor's F••c.oa.a 0imrrxer. 200 CORDS of good flera'loek Bark, Fr the Curia of Founder, Split Hoof, V (or which the highest market price I Noel -bound floras, end Contracted gad Favr- will be paid by the Subscriber. i.h Feet. 11110 , Basisr in the Flesh, CollWd i Buck., Cneked Henle. 8entebr . C'zts. [ick• W. G. SMITH. dke. oe henee Carlton9 Rteg-Bou• C■n.- I Goderiteb,�Ma , 5th, 1832. v5 -s16. Fr the care of Ring -!lone. Blood 8pavis, Bees - -- -- - -- - 4pevis. W1wdgmiand Splint -s cpran reme- p dy. Cadaver's Condition ['Ogden for Her"sod RiCHARD MOORE, Cattle. The ehte�n et WrnthK and ease., HAVING during the past two JSure act% with the change 1 ■ee tell reed• have a ••p [JI rd in the capacity of G;NRRAL $Tmt et}ert apes the bland end wguess •■ids •f' AGENT fat the collection of debt• deetrts bene•. It n et tbtse Chest" They r-gs.rs we � rt to be esertll � ss"stsnt r nature rs throw off any d'teerdr of g y undentoon thM be will field. of the body that may have bee■ imbibed accept the Agency for the collect) 0 of I and which, if sat attended tan, will "it le tate does In any Part of the Upper Province, be• Yellow Wetef, Pieties, Wrms. Bens, he. All I twren Cobourg is that Fast and Lake Huron 7 et which will bo pr -•toted by givitg on. 4i in the :Vest. In making ibis annotai thew pawd.r•, sed will at may time e■rwlishes i sent, he sould heir to express Ms thick. buy eympi.mt Of disrer appear, d Gold in tisia. to Pen frieed0 (err past fal►earg, and naw re% T part(] the hlnetl, resw•e xR ila6aceati°O' •petlfolly oo6eit• a eo&Uroaoe• of tabs gem meet, loner tab- vitro, cheep the water. and rPeC1 f o e w i fke h ill body, eaxbbng neem ts d.I All commnnications on bseiesss, address - a ghee• work with th name feeA The betroe a: l %beer pewdrro n dt t apes all tM ;e^rs,iws i -'1((POOt paid) to Are P. O., Noob Dam. a glen& sad t they have the mm* asset' fat , C. W., will bo preasptly attended to. n upon the H-eO►, the 0a, the Am sod all Hr• Poll 1, 1858. •5910 I Msw set entmate--.a!1 d,eears wising from r �__.--.-- -__ _--- �. - prefigure! a bad note sl illy blood, ars speedilT C by the- Coshes -Remember sod twit t GOEDRICiI FOUNDRY fie C&rlroe'o ('esdrtia Powder■, sad take be ♦♦ iLL M ►eresfter eoedaeted hr Wm. weber. Carlses't No►ve mind limine La■tweeT few J. Koaye, an bis own •Ceosnt, wM l Homge. tad few the ere d mil disruste of mos will Supply ever] de•enptioe of csauure all r bow ,bot rguire external spows1mg, God lower Prices than they can lam Imptrt+d. rgr reglneted scads as1 m,rlse, •iresgthsga T►e new " BURR RTOVE" N %mmr- wwek limb•, &fid ;e aila ■fo fr of ol: k MesR passed in Canada. sod will w onU for C&cb, s9/dle plla, swelled NgO, ler, s/ aI: hied• es bassos. Calltw's andel-. lar Hruse Gd Cot. 04 Inwpr than heretofore. a eemsposdiug tate en pevpm.d hem The reotp. d a vttyeatch, . reduction em all other trtieles. red Eael'.a Fbmr, and wail ewe is 99 eases Godertch, 9th Fe►., 18" aba3 out of IM any of the •ben O"th-sr They . , bevy law" seed by lirmrti Inep m -a, Wrap -_.-. ---.-- r prp.ier... alw av ort, with Tho a"@% marked SAW MILL & PARK LOT `W dKded mese FOR RAi,F,. ( ,rrmw -Nesgcaw be g- vis. %*Is" ya■ ISed fke Barr al J Calms Crwo,erk es bite - proppr of weer arbiela. Rosaombr a►w, e, I THF, ahnee Mill am i,at are titiesto 0 twit snielae h*n been .xseesitolr ,",,,".I,-, the North aide of Kisel►dsnt arrest is ad .r lot.. I --It sad God the preps -tow, ams J ; tit" fest t'nprow•ng Village of Peaetsalco" r C eltes ("in as -tae.- 0-1, bey Wailes., I Fey Particulars appl to DCAFNESS.-Um Or. 14M. RARTALi Grnatw'S As---- i Pe"etengors, 24th Nev 1901. ra° I -t • r fit , a