The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-18, Page 161-3 r •Paeja 16 May 18, 1961 and: clistrict. 'news. _ Phone BA 7.425. Students shown Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott iLucan hosts Model clothes bank procedure 275 dogs Thirteen were chosen by Principal Robert Jenkins from his 26 grade 8 mils as show- ing the greatest aptitude to- ,. wards a business vocation and who would obtain the greatest benefit from a visit to the local Batik of Montreal, They were Patricia Cob- leigh, M garet Cobleigh, Cheryl Thompson, Pat Callcott, Ann George, Russ Kenhedy, Peter Butler, Bob Mosurinjohe, Wayne licelgins, Larry Lewis and Steve Davis, Arrangements were made with Manager Jack Steacy for these children to visit the bank last Wednesday. They were shown how to make out a cheque, how to make a de- posit and a withdrawal, how to use an adding machine and were then shown the interior of the• vault. Following the tour the children were treated to pop, cookies and doughnuts, On Saturday about 974 does were entered in the dog show at the arena sponsored by the Forest City Kennel Club Of London, Awards were presented to the hest clog and the hest Canadian•bred dog in each, of six groups and to the beet puppy in each group, The show was conducted un- der Canadian Kennel Club rules, Dogs were entered from Kentucky, Michigan, 0 h i o New Jersey, Dete•oa, New York, Middieport, Toronto, Stratford, Belmont, Ingersoll, Woodstek, Chatham, Hamilton, Thames- , Ottawa, Sarni a , Port 3 Credit, 'Waterloo, Oalcville and Hespeler. Members of the ladies' come at as ion s low Last Thursday afternoon, 90 students frem grades 9, 10 and; 12 modelled their awn outfits for their mothers at a "Sew- ing for the season's fashion show" held at the sehool. Catton skirts and tops were modelled by Grade 9 girls,' wool skirts and sportswear by: e Grade 10 girls and Grade 12 A modelled suits and formals. Marilyn Stewart was com-,.p mentator for. the spring and; rl -PAN CAIrch District VV' annual 1.cheopu.sprowt chooses officers Act/Ville$ eenA ,deal:ouir4ch attendance was ont fer the C1ri.$11an Family Week and Mether'e Day serv. Statile)! in •Charge. lee en SWUM with Mrs, lvan Mrs. M. T Culbert led in pre y er anct the responsive psalm. lee :Statiley read both; 'scripture lessons and Dana (Albert told,ehildren'e story. A double quartette com:, posed: Barbara Ready, lieu and Coralyn Donaldson Barb • ara Park, Rennie Drennan, Jean Marie LanICIn, Ruth Frost sang. An anthem ,was sung by the mothers and gaugnters. The ushers were Mrs, W, Cochreee and daughter, Louise, mei Mrs. George Thomson and Flowers bJylividetr•ie•le lac d in n aid teyington family and Mr, and Ls, George Carpenter, 'Phe pastor, the Bev. G. W. Sach, reached a Mother's Day ser ion using Mary the mother of , Jews as •his theme, During the service two chil- dren were baptized: Tracy Elizabeth Ryan, daughter • of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ryan. and 113 rr W'lli d ' , son of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hodgins. ' Evening Auxiliary summer portion 'of the show while Monica O'Shea com- mented on the fall and winter outfits. Red and white geraniums decorated the tea room and .ellow candles and a lace 'cloth decorated the tea table where Elizabeth Fuller and Suzanne Stewart, both of Grade 9 mittee were busy at the snack P bar as were the WI who had charge of the dessert and pie tables, Mothers, daughters enioy annual dinner The United Church school. Garby Fritz proposed the toast room was filled to capacity for to the church and Judy Cough - the annual mother and daugh- lin to the mothers which was ter banquet for Explorer and responded to by Mrs, R. R. ; CGIT groups Friday night. Crozier. ; Sitting at the head table were •••' Counsellor Barbara Marshall, Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins, presi- dent of the Anglican Evening , WA; Mrs, 0. E. Lancaster, = wife of the Anglican rector. • Mrs. George Paul, WAIS pres- ident; Mrs. G. W. Sach, wife of the UC pastor; Counsellor Rose Revington, Doris Culbert and her mother, Mrs. Aljoe = Culbert, Mrs. G. C. Miniely, Presbyterial secretary of af- t filleted Explorer groups; Mrs, Mary Culbert, president of younger groups; Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, president of the Anglican WA, and Counsellor Margaret Sach. The guest speaker was Mrs. Sach, who was introduced by Sandra Abbott, and later thank- • ed by Marilyn Hearn, Mrs. Sach used as her theme part of the Explorer purpose, "To do with my might what is good in His sight," and also e part of :the CGIT purpose, "To become the girl (or mother) God would have me be." :j Participating in the Explorer *raffiliation ceremony were Jane :Davis Lois Hodgins, Norma ;IDavis and Doris Culbert, with Lois making the presentation e Of the "treasure" to Mrs. Mc - re This was* followed by the CGIT affiliation ceremony with ijMargaret Cobleigh, Ann :t George, Helen Sigsworth, Ann ;Culbert, Betty Ann Lewis, Pat.' :'ricia Cobleigh, Louise Coch- I rane, Marie Arnold, leader 'Miss Betty McIntyre and Mrs, George Paul participating. e Mrs. Murray Hodgins con- : ducted a rousing sing song. Fellow students act as bearers Funeral services were con- ducted Monday, May 15. at the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, Lucan. by Mr. P'. J. Dareh, who is in 'charge of Bethel Presbyterian Church, for 18.year-old William Van- Tiggele, who died in St, Joseph's Hospital Friday, May 12. Interment was in Medway cemetery with the following Medway students as pallbear- ers: Bill Flinn, Jim Reith, Richard Stewart, David Stew- art, Jay Spence and Ron Watt- ; tenbure. He is .stu•vived by his par- '1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Izak Van • Tiggele of London township; and a sister, Johanna, at home, Explorer tables were decor ated with red, blue and yelloW paper and bouquets of spring flowers, while the CGIT used their colors of blue and white. The head table was particular- ly attractive with a globe of the world surrounded by a semi-eirele of 82 small flags of the United Nations, together with spring flowers and red, blue and yellow lighted candles. This year being Explorer year, Doris Culbert. Chief Explorer, was MC for the evening. A "thank you" song was sung to the kitchen commit- tee, Mrs, H. B. Langford, Mrs. John Park, Mrs. E. R. Pitt, Mrs. Erle Young and Mrs. Charles Sovereign, who pro- vided the meal. Baptisms Thursday evening in the church 'the Rev. 0. E. Lances- ' ter baptized two small cousins, Roger Gerald Lewis and Mich- ael Clare Stanley. The former is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis and had as his godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Bromwich and Mr. Clare Stan- ley. The latter is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Clare Stanley and had as his godparents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis and Mr. Al Bromwich. Little seven -week-old Roger was sick at the time and was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital for an operation on Saturday. He is making satisfactory re- covery. (Never before has Lu- ean had so many hospitalized in one year as this past year. The new addition at St. Jos- eph's should be named Lucan.) WA dessert bridge and euchre The members of Holy Trinity Woman's Auxiliary were happy to have the weatherman co- operate with their plans for a dessert bridge and euchre last Wednesday by producing a rainless day. A number of former mem- bers were present to renew acquaintances and enjoy an afternoon of bridge and euchre. Several baskets of spring flowers added to the beauty of the renovated parish hall and drew comments of admiration from the visitors. After the dessert luncheon the crowd was divided into five tables of bridge and six of euchre, the remainder doing the dishes. High score winner for bridge was Mrs. C. H. George and ow score, Miss Holly Martin. High score for euchre was Mrs. Mary Craven and for lone lands, Mrs, Mary Craven. TpUIDIHAWHIHOtHIHIftifilkiniulDfDOHTHimutulflin •I 1;E -s ;41 ..; 1.1 '11 I Scott's Elevator Ltd. PHONE BA 7447O 17;yahommitimaimulhutyrftwiaraptunninumuummumbilimin..m..fliumnir.mouumwi 1111111111111111111111111111 lllllllll I lll I lll 11111111111111111 Get The MOST For Your MONEY! Quick Returns! Barley & Seed Grain CONTRACTS See bur special centred. on Malting Barley before you sign. Fertilizer supplied with contract. REGISTERED & COMMERCIAL NO, 1 SEED OATS Different Varieties -- Also Barley, Peaty eft, rAsT UNLOADING FACILITIES DAVID And See VS Today! LUCAN oured tea. !Mrs. John Minan, clothing eacher, and Miss Jean Thom- son, foods teacher, were in charge of the show, No wins Up goes jackpot! With no jackpot winner at the Legion Auxiliary bingo in the Legion Hall last Thursday,I the jackpot was increased to sno in 56 calls, The $5 consolation prize was won by Miss Mary Young, rr. The first line of "Share the Wealth" was won by Mrs. William Callcott, Clandeboye, who also won the second bingo, er of J3i h The meeting of .the Evening Auxiliary was held in the • e church schoolroom Tuesday eve g with Mrs. Eldon' I Youngs group in charge of program and refreshments, Mrs. Young was assisted in • The president ,of t1i Mean nadian industries,. lelre. Albert Women's Institute and nine Armatreng RR 3 Mee. •Craig; members Attended the district citizenship end education, Miss annul of the North Middle- Fleeeie Dongles, 'Merton; pub- - sex Wi held in •tho Granton ,Lie relation, Mrs, Thorns e Gil- •Meeernie Hall, TintredaY, Mae -lespie„ Komoka; home epentem. 11 and assisted on the pre- les and .health, Mrs, Fred eager:I.:Ili:Romeo, sessions. Mrs. Kerwoode reseletione, Mrs, Crouh, Ailsa Craig; 11.1storipel Mrs. Ilium Hoagies led in research end cermet events, n -song .at both =riling Mrs, winr4e- Mclnroy, 3 Frank .Iiardi and Mrs. Perry Morris ecott, RR 3 Komoka. Charsley were 14Lean's dele, Representativ6: Federation gates, oAgriculture rs Georgo ejeeident, Mrs.John-I3Yereft, RR Ilderton; eller. f M ',Device, RR 1 Mee Craig, pre- nate, Mrs, Norman Beth TeR 51d11el.cil•;, Milton Pardy of eft, Mrs. Edith Williams, 3 2 ilderten; Childrenea Aid, 1-3.1,),dges,• :•Theoyieleial_oboae Q rd tlie payers,DeieidA:l.rstfustees and rate- .sJ. C. Robb RR 2 election of office's. Honorary Ilderten; Tweedemir Be o k, president le Mrs. him Davies, Coldstream WI: junior cnn- RR 1 Ailsa 'Creig; president, 'yeller, Mrs. 'Frank GilbN•t, eIrs—George Zavitz, RR 2 Ile 1113, 3 Denfield, d erten ; vicC-presideats,Mrs. Miss 'Wilda Gordon, - home Murray elegies, Lucan, Mrs. Pegnomist, spoke both morn - Calvin Carmichael, RR Ilder- ing and afternoon and also in- tim; secretary•treasurer, Mrs, Clarence Lewis, Grantee; as- sistant,(Mrs. John Durmell troduced the 4.4H Homemaker' girl who displayed and com.' , merited on "A well planned RR 6 St. Marys; Federation costume for a graduation RePresentetive, Mns, Gordon deem.. Culver, Komoica; alternate, In the afternoon Carol Stalk - Mrs. J, C. Robb, RR 2 Ilder- er, one of the winning con - ton;; district etelegate, Mrs, testants at the Leean and Bid-' Lawrence Curts, RR 2 Den- dulph and Legion Public Speak.; field: alternate, Mrs, Russell in 0 cpntests, gave Jior speech, • Currie, RR 3 Denfield; audt- The afternoon session closed tors, Mrs. Irving Gibson, Lu- with a fashion show staged by can, and Mrs. Charles Gouran, the Cloverdale WL Granton; The West McGillivray branch Conveners of standing coin- extended an invitation for the rnittees; agriculture and Ca- 1,962 annual, the last line by Mrs. Jim Read-; &event bingo with Mr, Wilfred! Stocks and Mrs. Bob Holland 1 of Lucan and 'Miss Noreen Walkom of Woodham., Mrs, Wayne Johnson of Lu can won the full card prize The first part of the consecu tive bingo was split among Mrs. L. Holland of Exeter, Mrs. Cecil Neil and Mrs, Wil- liam .Mathers of Lucan. The second part was won by Mrs. Richard Gledhill and the third part by Mrs. Wilfred Stocks, Other winners included Mrs, R. Schroeder of Centralia, Mrs. Harry Bieber of Clan'de- boye and Mrs, Harold Butler, Mrs. A. E. Reilly, Mrs. Pat Grudge, 'Mrs. Doug Ewen and Mrs. Harry Arnold, all of Lu - can. Personal items •Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tindall, of Wiarton, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brock and family of Thorndale were Sunday evening guests. Mr, Cecil Robb last 'Monday attended the funeral of a for- mer neighbor, Mr. Richard Martyn, now of Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Screaton and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Screatoh s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McLeod, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and family of Edgewood spent Mother's Day with Mrs, Bob Coleman. • Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins spent last Sunday in Mitchell, the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hod- gins and daughter Joan spent Mother's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers and family. Mrs. Guy Ryan fell down stairs last 'Monday and was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital for X-rays revealing a broken left shoulder, the worship service by 0, Andersen, Mrs, C. W. Sach and Mrs. Bort Thompson, who sang a solo. The guest speaker was Miss Iris Castle, missionary from St, Lucia, 13.W.I. who gave an illustrated address an her work in the British West lndie (en Wednesday night the group tied two quilts. Pentecostal Holiness Church Last Friday evening 25 Youn People were present for thee. Mother's Day meeting. The meeting opened will the reading of a poem entitled "My Mother's Bible" followed by the hymn "Faith of ow Fathers" substituting mother for fathers, Lucan personal items Dale Bawtenheimer, two and a half•year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Jim 13awtenheimee, is staying with his grandoarents,1 Mr. and Mirs. Cecil Robb, while his mother is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, Mrs. Don Hawk, of Sudbury, I is holidaying with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs Perry Charsie • g Last Saturday Mrs, Murray Hodgins and Ilene Donaldson, attended a workshop meeting for directors and 'counsellors of , the -camps in the London Con- ference, which was held in the Empress 'United Church. s Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott last Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Birtch of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Abbott of Centralia and Mr, and Mrs. Billy Abbott and family of Niagara Falls for e birthday celebration for Mrs. Abbott's father and Mr. Abbott's mother. Mr. Hume Campbell and family of Elizabeth St. moved to RR 1 Englehart last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. William Tasker of Winnipeg spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs,' Frank Hardy. A name was drawn for a "Queen Mother" and turned out to be the president's moth- er, Mrs, Hugh Birtch. !Mrs. Birtch was duly crowned. A musical quiz was 'conducted bY Miss Lorraine Graham, Peal Graham and John Armitage were in charge of the Bible verse charades. In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Ronald Hall was in charge of both Sunday 'serv- ices, The ladies' trio sang at the morning service. Anglican Church Sunday being Ascension Sun, day.a special early comenimion service was held and A epeeial Ascension •serrnori preached. Mother's Day was recognized with special prayers. The fine day helped to bring out an- other splendid attendance, At Deanery Witness Service Local choir members and Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Lancaster assisted in the Deanery Wit- ness Service, which filled St, John's Church, Strathroy 'last Thursday evening. -They were Mrs. Kay Egan -and two eons, Frank and Bat, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steacy, Mieses Judy Has- kett and Carol Davis, Mr. Bill Little, Mr. Ian McGugan, Mrs. Frank Hardy, Miss Marilyn Bercholl, Mr. Ray Simpson and organist, Mr. Ken Clarke, all of Holy Trinity, and Mr. Larry Lewis of 'Granton. Spring Deanery 'reefing On Friday, May 19 the Spring Deanery meeting will be held in Christ Church New- bury beginning at 10 ani, Mr. Les Woodward has sold his workshop on George St. to Mr, and Mrs. Nivens of Lon - dem who intend converting it into a home, Mr, Woodward has erected a larger eash and door shop at the rear of his George St, home, few doors from Main St. Eleven members of the Le- gion Auxiliary attended the zone rally at Glencoe last Wed- nesday. The Lucan fire engine was called to the home of Mr, Clarence Hardy last Thursday when the tractor caught fire. Miss Lina Abbott was a Sun- day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lockyer and family were Sunday guests of Mr. •and Mrs. Earl Wright of Camlachie. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tollef- son and family, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs, G, A. Graham and family. Mts. Themes Weller is able ptoitabte home after undergoing surgery M St. Joseph's Hos- At a recent meeting of the — Please turn to page 17 11,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111 lllll 11111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 Notice Residents of the Lucan area can 1 $15.00 by designating a suitable sign to be placed at both entrances to Lucan, on Highway No. 4. Submit darwing in simple form on 8" x paper to Haskett's Furniture. CONTEST CLOSES JUNE 15 Sponsored by Lucan Lions Club ,111111111111111111111/111fliflIMUIfila11111HIM111111111111filflin1111111111111fl1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DON'T YOU WISH YOU WERE HERE? Start planhing now/ Mail the coupon for free literature. Look forward to your most xefreshing summer ever—in Ontario?. Have the ofyour life in ONTAIII0 DEPARTMENT or-1.14Avet. AND .PUELICITY ibm tiyaif Ltalhoott eedieeee:ea';..;;t - • . * • • •••• •-• • THE STORY. OF PEAK PROFIT PASTURE Three ycats' results on 65 controlled paSture tests prove that Aero Urea nitrogen fertilizer makes profitable pasture, Grazing days, milk yields, and extra hay production wore carefully recorded Mid evaluated, The results show that on the average the Aero Urea Pasture Program will return over $3.50 for every $1.00 invested in fertilizer. You get your cattle out earner, Keep them On' pasture longer .„ , . With proper nitrogen fertilization, here are the Three Year Alveragei; of A rea PoundsAero U Per Acre No. of ToMs riot Ru5 e3t.7 or b Fertilizer Dollar 160 29 $ 240 23 4.14 All rates 65 3,55 This is fiettk profit plisttirel your cheapest farm of feed. For detailed information on how to use Aero Urea for better pasturcs, and the names of to•becra tors in your men write: Tea tical Services Depart. merit, Cyanamid of Canada Limited, 160 Moor Street East, Toronto 5, ()marks. crA.At.4.31. CYANAMID OF CANADA LiNuTdo AERO UREA 440-`16(P., ...ereeekee.' Noe. r411,1:,EETICIDNOY NITROGEN native of village After a lengthy illness -Cho- ter .Sprowl, ea, of Nitehoner, gliaeneidalyn„ Alt4.y 11$1,...erye" Son -ef the. tate Mr. end Mrs.' Charles SereM, ,Sprewl wasin thr$11taitinos L;ra•ns4Nlvytii.eeretimb: spent his early life.. He :weeked before -settling en Kitcheeer, lie is survived bY Wife, the former Keg Sweater and ,one daughter .13etty, of To- rn1 was Inade- 14 Kitehener. Relatives attending the: To, 1111 ,oforaj InV4c1;oci •arl‘lr.P°41.ds• • Mrs. Dinar Burdett Tei - don, Personal .items A large group from the D. It..Hoyden Electrical Co. held tho annual 11eavrecinin-time party at the Liman Community Centre last Mr. and. Mrs, Robert Lan, raster. of 14ent1on. were Sun - ay ysjtnrs at tho rectory. Ronnie liodgins, small son 01 Mr, and MPS. Wilson ee.(N feu ALT his seooter last Wor—.. c1,14ing his head, naceeeltetee medical attention. AcI4 stii*.rm to yovr hpm•- .t.t. 19W costr WROUGHT -IRON RAILINGS AND OUTDOOR FLOWEP'. BOXES Gerald Lewis BA 7-4701 LUCAN HITTIIIIIIHUIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHrrourunngrquiwOrmuirourorrimurninurterirmurnittillinuttuilltrirlifIrribtr, Notice THE MERCHANTS OF LUCAN WILL REMAIN OPEN Fri. Nights to 9 p.m. Sat. Nights to 10 p.m. MAY 19 TO SEPTEMBER 30 INCLUSIVE 1111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111 l l 111/1111111 lll II l 11 l 1 l 11 ll I l 1111111111;111111111110 Your Hydro announces THE BIG IN r RUT KO EVENT- MAY 15 to JUNE 30 WHEN YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR -FREEZER. OR HOME FREEZER Buy a n electric home freezer now:, May 15 to June 30, at any appli- ance store displaying the."Super• market In Your Home" insignia. This money -saving offer will apply to an attractive range of chest - type or upright electric freezers, or dual -zone combination refrig- erator -freezers of 13 cubic feet capacity or.larger. Here's how you get your free $20 food certificate /P 1' 47:51,r HEADQUARTERS FOR HOME FRIPEZEM WHERE -411 APPLIANCE DEALERS DISPLAY THIS SIGN Check these four Ways a hente. • freezer can Cat your food bilis 1 You can buy in bulk when perces are low. 2 You can take full advantage of Special food tales: • 3 You earl budget your feed needs enore"efficientiy. 4 You get a free $20,00 food certificate If .YOU buy lid% • Co-operating manufacturers inclUde the following Beatty Br01lior8 • Belwood Appliance Co • Canadran General Eteetric • Coronado * Dominion Appliance Co. • Frigidaire • General Steel Wares • Gibson • Gilson • Keivinotor Phllco . Rey • United Coops • Westilighouse, Attention Hydro Rural CUSIOrnerSI See your IOW Ontario Hydro Area OHM relartilng IntorMatibt1 on this special otter* , ' •