The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-11, Page 18ember
Art Gaiser and Gerry McLean,
l President Gerald Godbolt
, welcomed the members, and
insignia and. membership cards
were preSelited. by Clarence
3 Down, Gord cudmore endt.
, Tennan
I The toast to the boys was
4given by Dr. Wally Reed. He
pointed out that a boy could be
a best of things anci differ as
much as night and day, How-
; ever, he said that adults were
the same to the boy, and their
attitudes and temperaments
into it, the former school make a success of their lives, varied as nmell as their.
pHe read a poem entitled "Son
rincipal stated,
I "We adults must do our part, ;! of Mine," that was written bY
He said that during lils teach- and you JOS must (ID YourS," his fathr in 1946:
ing career, one of the greatest he said, m
ed there ji np
low who wouldn't' work. He
pointed out that these boys
must be treated with under-
standing and it was up to the
grownups to assist these boys.
To back up his reasoning, he
outlined the case of Murray
Balfour, one of the stars of the
Stanley Cup champion Chica-
go Black Hawks, "Murray
wasn't bright at school," he
said, "in fact he had to repeat
grade eight."
As principal of the school the
hockey star was attending, Pic-
kard gave the youth some en-
couragement and Balfour went
on to be one of the top students
in his second year.
"He needed that second year
to find himself," Pickard
He warned the boys at the
gathering not to become dis-
couraged with failures, but to
work all the harder to become
a success. "It's natural that
some boys and girls find school
difficult," he said, "because
we all don't do things well."
He compared it with a genie,
,where some boys learn easier
than others, but with hard
vv-ork, these slower fellows
could learn to play just as well
as •the others.
Education a must
problems he faced was the fel-
He stated -that another neces-
sity for success was education.
"You must have an education
of some •type," he explained.
"The future of yourself, your
community, your country and
our type of civilization depends
on it," he added. He pointed
out that if our youth, don't
match up with these in coun-
tries we do not admire, then
our country would be doomed.
"You boys are our only hope,"
he said.
Mr. Pickard challenged the
men in the group to assist the
boys in choosing their careers. that He pointed out not every-
one should .attempt a univer-
sity education, but considerable
-thought should be given by both
the boys and the adults on the
type of ethication they should
"When you go fishing or to
play ball or hockey, you have
to have the proper quipment,"
he said. "Life is the same
way, you have to have the pro•
per equipment and prepare for
it, if you are to be success.
Never met bad boy
Mr. Pickard, who taught in
Saskatchewan for over 30
years, said that during that
time "I never encountered a
bad boy."
"Boys are bad when we
adults make them so, or do not
provide the facilities for help-
ing them," he said. "Some
boys seem to be bad, but I
believe it is only because we
adults have fallen down on our
responsibility." '
He pointed out that one of
the reasons for "bad boys" was
'question about your future.
The speaker -as i t oduced
b Bill Batten and thanked by
Lloyd Henderson,
Conduct initiation
Five new members were ini-
tiated into the club in a cere-
mony conducted by vice-presi-
dent Carf Cann. The new mem-
bers are: Cal MacKenzie,
Norm Whiting, Larry Carter,
aur ce Love repliecl to tfle
toast on behalf of the boys,
The entertainment for the
program was provided by Ro-,
Man Orenczuk, who favored
with several accordion $elec-
tiops. Charlie Godholt rendered
a vocal solo, "How Great Thou
Art," acompanied by his grand I
nephew, George Godbolt,
The devotions were conducted
by Clarence Down.
WI pays tribute
to grandmothers
The Agriculture and Cana.
dian Industries
charge of the May meeting of
Dashwood WI with Mrs. Har-
old Rader, convene r, and
grandmothers as guests. Twen-
ty-two members answered the
roll call: "My fondest memo-
ries of grandmother." Mrs. A,
V. Tieman was chairlady.
A sing song was enjoyed.
Mrs. Stewart Wolfe read a
poem, "Mother's Apron." Du-
ets were sung by Kathryn and
Joan Rader and Mrs. Rader
and Kathryn. Each grandmo-
ther was presented a corsage
as well as the guest speaker,
Mrs. Kenneth Keller, who spoke
on grandmothers.
The president, Mrs. Leonard
Schenk, conducted the business.
Four dollars were collected for
"The pennies for friendship"
project, Mrs. Chas. Snell was
named in charge of the display
for ' district annual at Kip -
pen May 11. The conveners
of the standing committees
brought in their planned pro-
grams for the year.
The group in charge served
lunch and Mrs. Wes. Wolfe
thanked the ladies for a won-
derful evening on behalf the
Attend LLL convention
V. L. Becker, Charlie Mar-
tene, Edwin Miller, Reinhold
Miller, Albert Miller, and Gor-
don Kraft, members of Zion
Lutheran Church, attended The
Lutheran Laymen League con-
vention at Tavistock on Sun-
day, May 7.
Infant baptized
Mark Harold Stire, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Stire, was baptized in Zion
Lutheran Church Sunday, May
'7 by Rev. Gerald Scholtz of
Logan. Witnesses were Miss
Ruth Hodges and Don Bucknell
of Ingersoll,
Personal items
Mrs. Leonard Schenk, presi-
dent of Dashwood WI, attended
the President's Conference at
Guelph last week.
Herb Gaiser of Dearborn,
Mich., spent some time at his
brother Chester's home here
and also at Westminster Hospi-
tal, London, with Chester. He
reports that Chester is improv-
ing very well after his fall.
I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader
and family were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
, Rader and family.
I Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Stire were Miss
!Ruth Hodges, Don Bucknell and
Mrs. Florence Bucknell of In-
gersoll and Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Miss Beverly Stire is spend-
ing a week at Ingersoll with
her grandmother, Mrs. Flor-
ence Bucknell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor
and family of Waterloo and
'Mrs. Wendell Gamble of Lon-
don visited with L. H. Rader
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinze of
Brodhagen were weekend
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clay-
ton Pfile.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koessel
of Lansing, Mich., spent the
weekend with Miss Luella
Kuntz and other relatives. The
latter returned to Lansing with
them for a visit.
Organized baseball was first
played in Canada about 1865,
and probably either in Toronto
or Hamilton.
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Ladies at Crediton
stage family night
Thursday evening, May 4.
was Family night with 'the
WSWS of the EUR church,
when the meeting was. held in
the nday School rooms with
an attendance of 50,
Mr, Allen Finkbeiner con,
vened the committee of Mrs.
C. Sims, Mrs, Leonard Wein
and Mrs. Lorne Ilorlock. Em-
phasis was on the family as a
unit, with the hone and church
working together.
Call to worship was given bKaren Finkbciner, Y
reading, "The Family", and
the scripture by Eleanor Wein
and Carol Hendrick.
A meditation, "The Open
Door", and a skit, "Youth. Left
Out", were well rendered by
Reginald Finkbeiner, Jean
Krueger, Jean Smith, Gwen
.and Eric Finkbeiner, A clari-
net solo was giydn by Sheila
Fahner accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Harold Fahner;
piano solo by Judy Finkbeiner
and a poem by Mrs, Jack
Ratz. An interesting talk was
giyen by Mrs. Ward Fritz with
the showing of elides of their
reecnt trip to South America
and Mexico.
The business was conducted
by Mrs. G. E. Wenzel. Ten
dollars was voted to be given
to the Christmas Bundle for
UC Mission Band
The United Church Mission
Band held its regular meeting
Thursday afternoon.
Barry Clark had charge of
the worship. Elyse Lamport
read the scripture. Lana Clark
played a piano solo. Betty Skin-
ner sang a solo. Rey. R. Hiltz
was .present ..and 'showed a film.
''Story .011 The BMW,
i The preSident...CarelYn
took chargeof the busi.
ness. Plans were made for
their cookie sale to be held on
Saturday. The Mission Band
received another seal for their
ewolv during the
P.747140111144e1 Rody
wood visited. with Rev. and
Mrs. A. M. Sehlenlier while
they were ;on a trip to aper,
yille, 111,
Mr. Ernest Guettinger
turned home on Saturday from
Detroit, Mich., where he spent
the winter with his daugher,
!Mrs. M, Bowman. Mr. Frede,
rick McDonald .brought him
' home and visited with Mr. and
:Mrs. Herb Fainter,
I Next Sunday, Mother's Day
will be .observed in the EUB
church with a ladies choir and
A program in the Sunday
Seeikand Mr. Robert Wade
and Heather visited with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Wade, on Sunday,
Mr. Etmer Lawson returned
home from hospital at London,
Mrs, Ezra. Faist shows
provement. he gets np every
day for a few hours,
Maurice Hirtzel, who has
been in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, for 12 weeks, - expects
to get home soon,
Mr, and Mrs, George Vin-
cent and Mrs. J, Leary of De-
troit were visitors over the
weekend with their mother,
Mrs, Samuel Lamport, who
came home With. them after
spending the last few , months
there with them. •Mrs. Leary
remained for a Week,
1‘14*-.1r.1.-,4011rn4eMrVsOigljtlqadttelaledYeti4 II (al
wedding of Mr. Veigt`e AimAt,
Stratford on Saturday.
The Choir eneenbers and
friends of the church
gave a surprise party in ,honor
P.f then- leader, Mrs, VinelkerY
Falirner, on her birthday on
Friday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Schlen-
ker, Rev, C, 13. Heckendorn, of
Chesley, Rev. and Mrs. J.
Weller, of Mildmay, left for
Naperville, Ill., en Sunday
afternoon for the reunions for
the 35th and 25th classes at the
E. T. Seminary. Rey, Weller is
making arrangements to enter
N. C. College to complete his
studies at college and semin-
I Mr,_and Mrs. Fred Habeeer
of Zurich visited e
I with Mr, and Mrs, *Lloyd
I Mr, and Mrs. Bill Gilmartin
I and Danny and Kerry of Port
Hope visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Woodall,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pryde
and family at Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Deathe
of Lorne Park visited a few
days this week with Mrs. Wil-
liam Haviland.
Rev. and Mrs. J. V. Dahms
and children of Sebringyille
Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
vin Finkbeiner on Sunday.
Barrie Morlock, son ef Mr,
and Mrs. Ray Morlocle, broke
a bone in his heel and had his
foot in a cast for six weeks.
He had it taken off Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan McCand-
less of Strathroy visited with
Mr. and Mrs. William Oest-
reicher on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Clark
and children, David and Jim-
mie, of Detroit, spent Saturday
with Mr: and Mrs. Jim Schroe-
der at London and all came up
and visited with Mr. and Mrs.
William Schroeder and with
Mr. Francis Clark. They also
Declare winners
in Stephen schools
1 Pipits from five schaela 41call.P.(1 on Mr. NiktOr Nestle at
Stephen Township com eted in Exeter.
spelling, verse and p le b 11 o F. W. MOrlOCIS, Crediton; 11IM
speaking and quiz contests at Mervin Carter, Fairfield: Mrs,
a public school night held in Ada McDonald, Khiva; Mothrr
1 the CoirtInunitY Centre, Credi-' Veronica and Mother Kaceilt:adeclut
i I
ton, ft was sponsored by the Mount Carmel, and Mrs. Me -
Crediton Women's Institete. Caw, Sharon.
i In the Grade spelling con I Musical numbers in
petition, a tip for first place !piano solos by Oharmaine
was awarded to Gwen Fink- I Schenk, Crediton; Wendy Nell,
' beiner, Crediton, and Jane Ale -1 Fairfield; and Glen Ratz,
SChaanin,o,ni\..lount Carmel; next, Bill Khiva; accordion solo, Judy
Ratz, Khiva and Shirley Pfaff, I gmith, Creditell; vocal duet,
1 Sharon Marlene and Mealier
Winners of grade 6 verse Wein, ecconepanied by Carol
speaking were Cathy Bottli. Hendrick, Sharon; ouartctte,
Marina Coughlery, Margaret,
ton, Mount Carmel; Marilyn I Fahner, Margaret Heist and
Dietrich, Khiva, and Peggy Sandra England, accompanied
Rugga ber, Sharon, 1 by Karen Finkbeiner, Crediton;
winners were Philip Cordin,itriole trio singing "Every Time.
none, Khiva, and Henderika Father Kelly spoke on the
PlWa nth Ont legr as 8
land, Crediton; Marlene De- Potatee5".
Mount Carmel; Sandra Eng.. I Feel the Spirit and, "Sweet
Grade 7 spelling competition , and front Mount Carineli.tthea
speaking contest were Dennis iri charge were Mrs. R. Moli.
public neildernotearsgopoll Iiidleucactoiornni,n
McCann, J'lount Carmel, speak- tor, Mrs. Ross Haugh, Mrs. Al
axing, Crediton; Carla
on The Successful Farmer" Smith, Mrs. A. Wein and Mrs.
0. Pfaff,
and "The Dee of the Week i
Like Best"; Karen Finkbeiner,
Crediton, speaking on "Trees"
and "An Interesting Trip That
I Have Made"; and Carol
Hendrick speaking on 'Weeds
and Their Control" and "A
Place I Would Like To Visit,".
A quiz on Canadian and local
history was won by Elyse Lam-
port, Crediton; Marie Eileen
Carey, Mount Carmel, and
Marie Powe, Fairfield.
Judges were John Goman,
public school inspector, and
Henderson King, principal of
the J, A. D. McCurdy School,
RCAF Centralia. Teachers in
charge of the classes were
Mrs. Ruby Molitor and Mrs.
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