The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-11, Page 17ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS -- BIRTHS ........_.rr,,. ,No CHARGE CASWELL — Mr, and MrS, M. CARDS OF THANKS 75Q M. Caswell ENC,f1( EMENTa (nee Passmore) le MEMQFtIAMs announce the birth of a Song (Four -line verse) Extra verses. each Wiliam Peter, at Victoria Hospital, London, May 7,. CULFORD LAC and Mrs. W. B. Culford, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hos- pital, May 5. FLEAIING—Mr. and Mrs, Ken- neth Fleming, Grand Bend,. announce the birth of a daughter at South Huron Hos- pital, May 7. GRUMMET — Mr, and Mrs, George Grummet, RR 3 Ex- eter, announce the birth of a son, Daniel Richard Charles, at South Huron Hospital, May 3—a brother for Betty. HORE — Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hore, John St., announce the birth of a son, James Scott, at South Huron Hos- pital, May 7. KELLY—Mr. and Mrs, George Kelly, RCAF Station, Cent- ralia, announce the birth of aa son Warren R onald, at South Huron Hospital, May 6. KING — Mr, and Mrs. Clay- ton King, Grand Bend, an- nounce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Christina— a sister for Cindy. KRAFT — Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Kraft, Dashwood, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, May 9—a sister for Steven. ROBINSON — Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Robinson, Ailsa Craig, announce the birth of a son, Kelly Karl, at South Huron Hospital—a brother for Carol ; Anne, Lynda, Judy, Jim and Mary. SIMPSON — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson, Clandeboye, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Peggy Charlene, at Vic- toria Hospital, London, May 2—a sister for John. TOWLE—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Towle, RR 1 Woodham, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter at South Huron Hospital, May 6—a sister for Louise. VRIESE—Mr. and Mrs. George Vriese, Carling St., Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, at South Huron Hospital, May 5. ENGAGEMENTS— Mr. and Mrs. Edmund God - kin, Walton, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Viola, to Mr. Lloyd Beuermann, Mit- ehell, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Beuermann, Dublin, The marriage to take place Friday, June 2, at 3:30 o'clock, Bethel United Church, McKil- lop, Ontario. 11nc Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Web - ;mi., RR 1 Hensall; 'wish" to an- . nounce n-'nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Margaret Anne, to Mr. James Gordon McCarter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCarter, RR 1 Centralia. The marriage to take place Saturday, June 3, at 2:00 o'clock, in Thams Road United Church. 11* 'CARDS OF THANKS,,— ,9c The Women's Auxiliary of 11.00 South Huron Hospital wishes to (thank everyone who helped to 2501 snake the rummage sale a sue- d cess. Your generous support is ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith, Exeter; wish to - nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marcia Marlene, to James W. Rydall, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rydall, Elgin - field, The wedding to take place Saturday, May 27. Mr, and Mrs, C. E. Acheson, Exeter, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sally Anne, to •Mr. John Arthur Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods, London. The wedding will take place Satur- day, May 27, at 3 p.m., in Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter. line Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R, Hirtzel, Centralia, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Joanne, to Karl Adolph Keller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ISeller Dash- wood, 1 -wood, The marriage to take place on ,lune 1.0 at 3 p.m. in Centralia United Church. 11* Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gar- field McCully, RR 2 St, Marys, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Flor- ence Montgomery, to Mr. Don- ald Stewart, Pullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milne Stewart Pullen, RR 1 Granton. The marriage will take place at Avonbank United Church on June 3, at 3:30 p.m, 110 CARDS OF THANKS -- I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for cards and visits received while a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, — Harold Jeffery. 11* We wish to thank all rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers and cards, also treats and visits while Othella was a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Gans, Miss Claypole and nursing staff, Rev. R. Hiltz and, all who remember- ed me in their prayers. — Othella and Cecil Skinner. 11* I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who re- membered me with cards and visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since re- turning home. — William Web- ber. 11* COMING EVENTS— MOTHER'S VENTS— MOTHER'S DAY TEA, apron and bake sale, Saturday, May 13, 3 to 5 p,m., Central Hotel, sponsored by Trivitt Memor- ial WA. 4:l1c CREDITON Teen Town Dance to be held Friday, May 12 has been -•cancelled for "'this' week only. 11* STRAWBERRY SUPPER — Wednesday, June 21, St. Mary's Church, Brinsley. 4:27-6:8c. OPENING for the season—Bar- becue spare ribs and chicken. Johnny's Saddle Inn, Grand Bend. 11c MIT" "ss::MIMI TABS :,.,, r r;: s: ,'sr<zr ;Eat:,? <r <n; Mr ` I:..:;„�w'r.,.6.MStiuYwr"vvZ?Pj'DYkear4;`.YP.`rMOn.sM.rrR�a..IS..Itf.r: /.'._..J.::,N2�r`.`wirM:'i::Mn•v .Fn,'. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Organist: Mrs. S. G. Klatt 10:00 a,m. — Christian Family Sunday Service Sunday School and congrega- tion will join for this ser- vice. 4:00 p.m.—Communicants Class Sunday, May 21 CAVEN CENTENNIAL Guest Minister: Rev, W. A. Young, of Guelph CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister -10:00 a,m,—Dutcher' Service 2:15 p.m.—English Service 6:15 p.m.—Back To God Hour-- CHLO (680 Tic.) Thursday, May 11 8:00 p.m,—Ascension Day Ser- vice (Dutch) THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister Thursday, May 11, 8:30 p.m. —Ascension Service Sunday, 'May 14 2:00 pan.—Worship and Ser- mon, conducted by Rev. John Hoekstra, of Drayton, Ont. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bron de Vries, Rector Robert' Cameron, .Organist Thursday, May 11 Ascension Day 7:30 p.m.—Quiet Communion Sunday, May 14 Sunday after Ascension 8:30 a.ni.—Quiet Communion 10100 a.m.--Bible Class 11:00 a m, Morning Prayer_ Nucseiy and Sunday School: . :30 THAMES ROAD * MENNONITE ITE CHURCH I s , M. Saucier, Pastor , 10 a.m,-•-Worship Service 11115 Mine—Sunday School and Adult: ;Bible Class Ate Welebme MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11:15 a.m. — Christian Family Life Service Sunday School children wor- shipping with parents. Theme: "Stewardship in the Family" Baptismal Service "Colne and worship with us." JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 AM,—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M.--MORNING SERVICE MOTHER'S DAY Baptism of Children 'Anthem by Choir Duet: Ann Marie Kraft and Linda Waiper, Men's choir practice after the service. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 1:30 p.m.--Sttnday School 2:30 pan.—Service BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 10:00 a.in,—Bible School 11:00 a,m,—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Services Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main 'Street Rev, Mel, W. Holmes, Pastor 3:00 aari, •-- CJCS Radio (1240 Kc.) Message: "Faith of our Mothers" 9:45 a.M.—Su nday School. Special feature for all Mothers 11:00 A.M.—Morning, Service Mrs, Melvin 1-tolines 7:30,m,�-S t. and Mrs, Br's - en front Clinton Geed Music -, Lively Singing Bible Preaching 4'Visit the 'abernacle time 111.1 Sunday's Ivery ninth appreciated. 11* Mrs, George Layton wishes to thank all who helped at the :time of the fire last Friday. Special thanks for two men who came from the street and carried water before the fire- men arrived, thus saving the garage. 11c I I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to ' everyone who ho so kindly remembered us with cards, treats and gifts while in Sout Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Gulens and nursing staff of South Huron Hospital. —Mrs, Howard Datars and baby, Elizabeth Ann. 11* I wish to thank all, my neighbours, relatives and friends who remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and' visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since re- turning home, Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs, Amacher and EUB congregation,—Hilda McAdams, 11* IN MEMORIAM-- ELLWOOD—In loving memory of my sister, Priscilla Ell- wood, Who passed away one year ago, May 13, 1960; —Sadly missed by her sister, Della. ilc ELLWOOD—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, . Priscilla Ellwood, who pass- ed away one year ago today, May 13, 1960. The blow was great, the shock severe, We little thought the end was near, And only those who have lost can tell. The pain of parting/ without farewell. More eachday we miss you, mother, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they little know the sor- row That lies within our hearts concealed. —A 1 w a y s remembered and sadly missed by her husband, daughters, sons -in -law and grandchildren. 11c HAYTER—Inmemory of Wil- liam Hayter, who passed away two years ago, May 8. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful mem- ory Of one we loved so dear. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and fam- ily. 11c HEDDEN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, --Samuel Hedden;-who passed away suddenly, two years ago, May 4, 1959. He bade no one a last fare- well, And not even said goodbye, You had gone before we rea- lized And only God knows why. Your end was sudden, your thoughts unknown, But you left a memory we are proud to own. —Always remembered by wife Florence and family. 11* KING—In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Martha Baker King, who passed away May 8, 1959. The dearest mom this world could hold With cheery smile and heart of gold, To those who knew her all will know How much we lost two years ago. —Always remembered by daughter Verda, son - in - law A m i e 1 and grandchildren Howard and Martha Lou. 11* KIPFER—In loving memory of our dear sister and auntie, Edith Kipfer, who passed away three years ago, May 9, 1958. If she could have spoken be- fore she died, These are the words she would have replied, 'This life for me has truly passed, I've• loved you all to the very last, Weep not for me, but courage take, Love each other, for my sake'. For all she did her very best Till God gave her eternal rest. —Always will. be .remembered by sister Mrs, Lesume Des jardine, Exeter, and niece Mrs. Gerald Mason, Dash- wood 11* r;:Sir:,:.ix'km'.•da?i::,I.;UM.F4a `ISMT `.Vah ,i?3,: `.r't The story in Saintsbury By MRS. HEBER DAVIS 12Z2ZIEUTAMCWZOOMMan Miss Ruby Bruce, Montreal, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carroll and on Sunday they visited Mrs, Hugh Carroll, their grandmo- ther, at Masonvilla Hospital, London, and with Mrs. Cliff Ings. Mr, and Mrs, N. S. Mc- Lean, Teeswater and Mr, and Mrs, Fred R, Dobbs, Exeter, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. 0. ,Dobbs. Mr. I3ob Caldwell,, Sheddon, and Miss Shirley Nash, St. Thomas, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dic- kins. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Clarke and dean, Dunnaville, were weekend guests with Mr, and Mrs, Tom Kooy, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Kooy and Clayton, Mr. and MrS. Jack Dickins and Mr. and Mrs. Rugh Davis were guests at the MacDonald McLinehey wedding heldat the .Anglican Church, Parkhill, end et the dinner and reeept3on .fol(ewing.. , ..._. Mr, and Mrs. natl.Atkinson, • ��yy..SY��yy• +M S M^" Hr4e e.,.a,,, . r n r,flYfi+2,7nrr.O.W.IY�Wrrr s,rr.,>,8:a„ r5r«n ,,,.rr Nevis hlud el from Cromarty Comthe Clandeboye By MRS, KI£N McKELLAR By MRS. J. H, PATON. —Continued from page 10 Personal items. went an operation last week, is improving, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mains and Miss Elizabeth Mains of Dor'ehester visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and MrS. Maurice Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. George Stiltz and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford: Cun- ningham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunningham on Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Millson spent three weeks with her brother, Mr, Nelson Ashbury in Orilha calling on a cousin Mrs. Amy Allen in Toronto for a visit, She then motored to Kitchener and spent some time with her daughter and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Beckett, who brought her home here. Other guests here on. Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Millson, Donald, Kenneth and Douglas of London and Mrs, Minnie Mardlin and son, Fred, of Lon- don d township. Mrs. Mervin Carter, teacher at No. 1 Stephen attended the competition sponsored by the Crediton Women's Institute for all schools in Stephen in spell- ing, public speaking and quiz. Mr. Arthur Simpson, who has been a patient for over a week in Victoria Hospital for treatments, expects to be able to return home this week, Mrs. R. Atkinson district resident Mrs, Christina (Tine) Atkin- son, 86, widow of the late Richard Atkinson, London, died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, April 30, after be- ing hospitalized five days, She was the younger daugh- ter of a family of four boys and five girls of the late Mr, and Mrs. Alex McFallsr She married Richard Atkin- son, October 31, 1895, Mrs. At- kinson and a sister married two brothers, Richard and Thomas Atkinson, and two other sisters, Ella and Rebec- ca, married brothers, Charles and Joseph Hodgins, all of Biddulph. Mr. Atkinson. died January 8 of this year. They had farmed on Con. 2, Biddulph, until re- tiring to London in 1945. She is survived by two grandsons, Clarence Lewis, of Granton, and Cyril Lewis, De- troit, and one great grandson, Larry Lewis, Granton. Three daughters predeceased her, Funeral services were held at the Haskett funeral home, Lucan, on Wednesday, May 3, conducted by Rev. L. C. Har- rison, .Cronyn,Memorial Church, London, who was rector of St. Ja m e s Church, Clandeboye, when Mrs. Atkinson was a member there. Interment was in St. James Cemetery. Pallbearers were Gerald Mc - Falls, Gary ;McFalls, Garnet McFalls, Harold Hodgins, Don Simpson and Jack Atkinson. Women's Federation Mrs. Rea Neil presided for the •mfeeting of the Woman's Federation at the home of Mrs. Arnold Blake. She was assisted by Mrs. William Simp- son in the devotional. A discussion on the sectional rally followed. The branch is asked to assist on si at Parkhill. June 2 with two members for i choir. Mrs. Rea Neil and Mrs. Wil- mer Scott were appointed to be a committee to attend the parsonage meeting. An invitation was received from the B r i ns 1 e y 'United. Church to attend their bazaar and tea on Friday afternoon, May 12. A new study book and liter- ature was ordered and a $3.00 donation given to sunshine committee. Mrs. Neil reported on. the "United Church Women" panel discussion held at Parkhill, Plans were laid to cater for a wedding reception, at a later date. Mrs. William Simpson and Mr's. Andy Thompson assisted the hostess serving refresh- ments, Guild President Mrs. Alan Hill conducted the meeting. During the business a com- mittee was appointed. to pur- chase tables and chairs for Sunday School rooms. Assist- ing the hostess were Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, Mrs. Andy Carter and Mrs. Alan; Hill. Sixteen members and two visitors attended. (Intended fax last week) Mr. Otto Darling returned home from South Huron Hos- pital where he spent 10 days due to an injury to the spine. Mrs, Emily Tomes under- went an operation last Mon- day, She had been a patient in Victoria Hospital two weeks. Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Cun- ningham entertained their fam- ily to a turkey dinner last Sunday, Present were Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Harper and fam- ily of St. Pout's, and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Cunningham, London. Mr, Arthur Cunninghani has been suffering withan infec- tion in his hand, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlet, Mr, and Mrs.. Don Maguire, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Davis, Cairieron and Slharon, Mr, and Mrs, harry. Carroll and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. .Ron Carrell. Miss Ruby Bruce, Mr.and Mrs. George Aticinaon and Mr. and Mrs, Heber 'Davis were else, 1.e t5 at the u•ecc tion so s� p g Mie Mit, Howard , Io Mad - Donald. for....,., an lis .. - Mrs, Itobt Tindalt and Nancy Ann returned hotte 'from .the South Huron. hospital on Mon. duly, May 8, .r .. rr.: .elar ...eee''aei °d' 1,e r e." 'r> rn T i e eeeee x .r,. ,i e e Ze;, e Personal items Mrs. T. Laing visited on Fri- , day with her uncle, Mr. Wm. Patrick at the home of Dr, and Mrs, Lance Norris of Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kers- lake, Joyce, Brenda and Craig. , visited on Sunday with Mr. An- drew McLachlan and Mrs, Grace Scott. Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGhee and Connie .spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wat- cher at Strathroy. Mrs. Robert Dodds spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Dodds, Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and Alice visited on Saturday with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Walker at elarkdale and on Sunday at Port Credit with Mrs, Margaret Tuffin and Mrs. Wm, Hodge. Mrs, Everett Kerslake and infant daughter have returned hoarse from South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, Linda and Jo Ann, of Dorches- ter orchester spent the weekend at the borne of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker. Miss Elaine Jefferson of Lon- don spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing and a lir. and Mrs, Donald Jef- ferson and daughter Cheryl of Clinton, visited at the same home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ramsey and children of Listowel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Ramsey, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Gardiner were Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Schwartz, and Doris, Crediton, Miss Ruth Knechtel, Rostock and Mr. Kdn Moorehead of Toronto. WMS The May meeting of. the Wom- an's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, J. M. Scott with members of the Ilome Helpers as their guests. Mrs. M. Houghton presided and opened the meeting with devo- tions. The business period was con- ducted by the president Mrs. Calder McKaig, when a request ANCE OLD TIME & MODERN MOUNT CARMEL Fri., May 12 10:00 - 1:30 Music by.. ,• EDIGHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS Admission 75¢ Lunch Served Reception FOR MR. AND MRS. JOHN McGREGOR (nee Mary Charters) and MR. AND MRS. DOUGLAS McGREGOR (nee Ann Charters) COMMUNITY CENTRE Zurich Sat., May 13 DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome Ladies please bring lunch. JOIN THE GANG! Saturday Night Dances EXETER LEGION HALL Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 75¢ for help in furnishing the new Deaconess Training School was read. Mrs. Grace Scott read The Glad Tidings prayer, A splendid topic 'Yet Another year" was given by Mrs. J. M, Scott. Mrs, M. Lamond reviewed a portion of the study book en, the work in Formosa, India and Korea. She was assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl. An in. teresiing film strip was shown by Mfrs. T. L, Scott, who also favored with a solo "I'm 00 a Shining Pathway," accompa- nied by Mrs, Will Miller, Current events were given. by Mrs. T, L. Scott, Miss Olive Speare convened the lunch committee. Wife: "Doesn't that girl look terrible in that low-cut gown?" Husband: "Not so far as I can see," Presentation Dance for MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM PFAFF and MR. AND MRS. LES MITCHELL Fri, May 12 Community Centre CREDITON Jim. Young's Orchestra "The Country Five" Dancing 9 - 1 p.m. • Everyone Welcome ADMISSION 750 Starlite Drive -In Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear Box. Office Open at 8 O'Clock Show Begins at Dusk Children Under 12 in Cars Free MAY 12 and 13 "Kathy 0" Dan Duryea, Jan Sterling SAUL HOLIFF PRESENTS TONIGHT 9:00 p.m. LUCAN ARENA MORE STARS THAN IN THE HEAVENS P. N 711( ett: 1 TICKETS AT DOOR $2.00 ADVANCE SALE $1.50 at RADCLIFFE'S LUCAN SNELGROVE'S EXETER Students at Door $1.00 LUCAN ARENA ,.,1 iiia ii...".1....1„ 11Yi1i1mimu11111111II,Ii,1i111111111Ntui,,,,,,,ri11..11ir ."..1nU1,H11,1,,,mi ,11111 Illi 1.k E Y Exeter Roller Rink Opening 12 Fri., May ROLLER SI<A'1'INO 1a'tU1)AY St SATURDAY EVENINGS 8 p.tm 10. 11 pili. WATCH POtt FATHER NOTICE Skates Supplied itei"resli»Iolt i3ootli . faith nnbnuunIlli,..anritlnYlVuuulltunlnuunn,ruruulia1V�11rn11wVu111uuran v ",Make It A Date" Grand Opening DANCE Bluewater Danceland ADMISSION 75¢ Friday Night May 12 10 to 1:30 DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Modern, Rock 'n Roll and Square Dancing i JOIN THE CROWD '. Get More Out Of Life .. . GO TO A MOVIE! THURS., FRI. & SAT. — MAY 11, 12 & 13 LEGION OF THE COLOR by DE Luxe • y,,� Hr4C THE BIG PARADE OF COM 2r R111010 KIM ;�N'AJ >{tNGI 17 sato With The £Greatoet Cent of ComedIsne Ever! MON., TUES. & WED. -- MAY 1S, 16 & 17 :OE HOPE y,Ls.LUCILLE BALL itc I? 441 k nnni /M1)1 �s OK �i(ittik(&;i DIA PANAMA & FRANK,,00uenoi�l ACTS?... �• 11 PE - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT COMING MAY 29, 30, 31 — "THE APARTMENT" (Winner of Five Academy Awards! Don's Miss itl) 'I LYRIC THEATRE Phone 4211 EXETER First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.m. ,,,1....,11,,,1,1,111,11„11,1111111.,1,11..11,,,111„......11.. N11.....11111111111,11111111111111111111111,111111,i,111111,O,Cb^. Theatre Ltd., Clinton Brownie's Drive -In THURSDAY AND FRIDAY — MAY 11 AND 12 DOUBLE FEATURE "The Enemy General” Van Johnson "Battle In Outer Space" (Colour, Cinemaseope) (One Cartoon) SATURDAY AND MONDAY --• MAY 13 AND 15 DOUBLE FEATURE "The Ghosts" Charles Herbert and Jo Morrow (Special Glasses Supplied For Each Customer) "Stop, Look and Laugh" THE 1 STOOGES TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY — MAY 16 AND 17 DOUBLE FEATURE "The Long Haul" (ALTUL'l' ENTERTAINMENT) Victor Mature and Diana Dors "Goin.: Steady Molly Bed' bnd AIIan Reed Jr, on (tone Cart o ) Wednestl'ay, May i CLINTON KINSMEN CLUB THEATRE NIGHT �11YYIiYi'uunuOYfiYSVYlY1tn11r1iYiifl'PUurililiYYt,71bY'IiYYWi1iY15�11iuritYlliiW"IinitlYi,ful�illlYYtil111111Yif1'1�11`lufi'�i