Huron Signal, 1852-10-21, Page 2" - F
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tbs Charchi W redesed .*m std led is s( kit bsitl8 ts8gsd the Hsssn, eacgt
otMrCaa.aie. toad t..dltlue st M t4 roemJ tLt lio+w kid
_ _.' - -__-_-_ _--_—_ -
tis Calwho tku ars 'ca w Cana"&
- R1cVtItUa
000. It bR6 lyE s
2% tel orEFMiM
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taiowy. and teAOascp. T46ocieliN trial to ds wstk Odra" t•wuetw— tis so.
f3• That it is iNs and would
ttewisg Jrtrtet s/ t►s wed
oil upeditw e/ the ties flit. k )
New York. TM.
tear to New Yorks it two basbd and as-
M , , , ,. . -_- ____ ^'
of (;aaadaa ssciet W taw sf (weeds dMrwari what W takes
y, p^a d picas
Uwards Esglesd, asdbargegoVapkical poo- betweep kimrslf sad the corperattas of
8 --ld J 11dwslrewl that v W
foe asset tsyastt te the ewlsers si►('+aa-
dn, to • kw4r.Cw*em duties as
id.estive .f the laststeitg pgwpertty of
vasty -five
Tie increase of itiiswsmass6yrwor HURvN
T p/ j SIGNAL.
IN -
Qsasae, Oat. I s b. soyas tales w ways larevsat sttalssg men to a se arc handa4e led ralsssl, tkaa arirarm.
i.ast sight after the r ter left, a mss• pay danger to the cotlstry from this cases. ,be Cal Pws ins, parties, who he tbuugN when if ► the wrroce. Cash se band bib Jas., 11161 ....Asso.w detitd, , Met heready a s tw t into ew-
tags was le"ved from he Legislative lie couteraded that the forlios► Cal i wsttlW asgscisM n leas, end W wriews to b. 'I t{ is by
that raw materi- ancet•ed few Co•tvme • • • • • • . • .707,700 doralios, shat then ue sew two Other ti- -
1 F.sase ............ s0s tfi0 Val lines w the slime Tests, whose helium
Cooweil With a ►1111 of their owns iwtitat I of Lower Canada bad astncted eft cities p tlaest partum aW g Ihiat the segseistios 01st required for nsats4etrriEg ptatpsase a, I.atds and 'nsaMr• --1s,91f1 has increased 'squally with the Liao above
at very low charges, without u tu- :vmmysw kreken 2 bet that then had should be admattd into Canada free of I named• Itnppoarsthatthislistbwaenre-
sa act to aaoad the est pawed in t►o las. i esti Aga ' 1.r Tonagar daces • • • • •••• 9s'ftoot hsW in tbe iltb eN i hath vast •f 11or i tempt at pre@Oytsmm, and that .leis ty* vbe" any uni•rstaniq whatever, Cottoning duties. 1 Bask 'Pu• • • • •. • • • . t s,i3s d X5,000 mw thea its eapiW fitoek, on
teachers waght that good of others, shay lint he .w2 remove renaasrie- for his 7. That it is desirable that the full coo- " Public Weeks •••• ••6b,tyq Sim sere hosiases
Majastiy s twigs, Initiated to tot to eases ``ailed nothoiad but privaliw for I' - - -ehse. I lrosW I'm mtiiss was tbsa withdraws. trot over the Navigation of this tat. Law- - Fines• • • • • . • • . •. • • • Is,b88 I Iarp Y this r seem, the net profit of
the •o Intnrpentia= the Niagara Harbour Fmally, while be praised 1'rolesism" for I react, sad other internal waters of Canada, ides Moutt sal wires leave Wars than equalled I
stall [lock Cumpasy ; sell also agreeing I the freedom and imam, wilier it hid Qcxsac, Ckto►ar 1111. should be transferred from the Imperial tl'Ws'ass I it. The last eased report to the Stock -
As the six fipll•ving' Bills without sAnd- conquered, not for itself only, bet (w hie- Lest night after the despatch left, a do- Pwkemeut to the Provincial Legi ilaturs. attrapslst►sxa.
wrest :—Dill to rwieve doubts u to the mamty, in releasisg the mood from dictati me, bate seemed w the net.. of Mr. Ewl- N. That an humble addrw be rosested Paid interest- .. . ............. • 111W.bo1 I holders nys, that the profits for 1851, were 1
P Tow t':vil List...................616714 201 per cost., Ifer 1 , 171 per cost., sad
power of the Junior Judges of the Caunty ; to spreadiut rehghteement a aspptreasitg les, for a seism-- el inquiry iste cause to Ilia ExceBeacy the Governer Central, • •21.81I ; 17 per cost. in 1849, with a capital of ti:, aha hereon aid whoarmMw, drereprscists d dales spl.oestly, is tM based en the int sax Roaolatiws. .... ia live•. • • .
Course is Upper ('sada : BA to authorise ,;,u11 scaly lose ground es tlw espy of as ender ti Gouscd, relative to 5. That as humble address bat sled to nllsmeeu.ap, ese*. • •• • • • • • • •961 fir + 92 5,000, then is a rtons T e of 43, -
PM I Lir held it 925, ani to 27 runt. T4 3teck-
vbe appadrtm eat of Aasidast J*Jgos is coatueal by for``elfin its own prescriptive. tis let• reduetiss is duties as red pile, liar most Gracious ,Majesty, based on the t5s1,666 t M
superior Coprts in LowerCawada Is certain i sod havius pioclaimcl the right of free die- which W bees banded to kin by Dr. wreath foregoing Resvlutioa. Debt paid-•4inkfsg Food • • ••• • •• •76,000 holden have received 57 per teat. for 3
cues ; Bill further to extend the period ! russton, ber.oatiad the persecutors of ash- "It. Then order editor the duties on Cash on bauJ bib January, 1892•--4o7,WQ , years The Philadelphia
i and Pittsburgh limes
lisntd for certain purpsa bytise Mostteal err. red pine from Id. is id. good ed to
ri BILL. ii: t,042.066 have recently declared an extndividend of
Rogiotey set ; Bill to aammd the act pro t Finally, after s few desshory, resorb bear date vii the 14&,6 Sui t., but it appear-
woJiug for.tba esmrmry, decision of meal l the bill was pa•lpotacd. e1 firm ales. lBotdtsa a ttsttmegot that ou As Act to remove alt doubts u to tbe sol- [. brth dasrritaa. GO percent., m addition to the annual tit- i
taste f• Lower Cauda ;Bill to •apply ata ! -- tin 16th Se Mr. Young then is the lily of the Letters Patent intended Teo yidssad of 18 per cent.— Quebec Chrons-
endew the Rectories established in i. p- THE FRA.mctitsz: This Bill introduced.' cle.
Upper Qvsmxe, October lb. 1Miaitry, wrii•tes te Means. Gilmour r
emrs.ioO fa Seleduto B., f0 the L pper Cu• I Last ni ,bt the boa. lir. Atone present- to anti slat thio red "em an 'A aft Wes pt r Casella with any portion of that bJj air. Hinck•, with reference to the frac- -
mda Munieipsl Corp,tration Law *amend-! ed a rrturu to as address for sopors of it place, !este DJv. BoJtea essdY ed that .Lasmo called Clergy Reserves." r6ix bis been printed. All persons ox the l THE QUEEN IN SCOTLAID.
toast set of 1830. 'Phe bill (rola the , slruelious relalire togrosts ofl&04,asd the the " sf tin• evdsr was Wrongly given Whereas the establishment sad endow- assessment r•,ll- to a certain amount ars —
I*letive Council ioutA*J as set to nod stt's arriral,val
b• 8 t alms
le[ return was referred to the aeltel eomrwitt e sod iia' lbs order really sande pa the meat of certain P.eetorics in Upper Casa- to hat allowed to vote. Tint &menet is left .see her Majesty's arrival st Bdmora: t
&attend the act passed in the session held j appointed to imquire into the system open day before, or the use day u the Vete was de, under colour of Ilia Act of the Portia- blank in the bill, and upon it will golirely she bas boom Treating the dZunot impro
on the i4ih sods -mi, year of tier msjam- which lead-. have been couceedrd aid sold takes a 14 Clergy Reserves 131111. Thus meat of Great Britain, passed in the thirty- depend the liberuty of the measure. Thos ,emoatm that bays faces m ,ia sine* last
ly's rouge, intituled an act to amend the I is the Township of Lower Canada- be ,Paid had ld to subm oo that the n- first year of the Reign of King (:cargo system of registration will pe almost perfect year ups the Balmoral vivid B:►khaU eats-
mat of ispeurporsting the Niagara-lltrhoor I Thai Caeosittee OR staadiag orders to- doesies W isgawo.klJts Yak-* of nen- the Third, sad idituled, " An Act to re- lander the a t, however, and elections will less sabots Prnice Alpert has Issue basally
aid Doig Company was then real •be I Ported favorably am Ike Niapn Harbam r ben on the (haaws insaest. - ped certain parts of as Act passed in time not in future entail oue-balfso much trouble engaged as tho forest deer stalking. On
cad llock Company. aro of l:Meit hiss.. Mr. Ys+Yg said ghat whoa be wrote his fourteenth year of Ilis •lllajesty's Iteigs, u formerly. A simple oath that the voter Thursday whom her Majesty drove to tin•
rat those, second reading to and ua[avwdWy ow Ile pstasaa of Jsbm mete, tie (kisr io t;osseil ,id sot passed imtitukd' Ao Act for making mors else- is iLe peraw eased oo the roll, and that hs Fats of Ganwalt, aaenmpasie.i by the I
Qs moilos of Mr. Buulwm, a sillless* Cosham• n and that be wasonler rho mpg sow, list ttnl provision for the Government of the ass subject or her alajesty u all that is re- out Princes Helena, while Prate* Abort wen:
votesi •te Him Ezcelhaney fu► a stateaest The select Committee am the Primes Ed- it was r a quests of that note Ibat the P + out deer atalRoy Um b'rida. het M/jrs-
eltewfn Ib+ amount r0eeu•d seawall ,, °meq Prorate of (lnwb•e, in North America, grrired.—Tbere can be no brow -hostas or y, sail bi• Ronal Hy►tor. wont to Aber -
g y ward Petition had kart to sdrioare, lsll (;tsosmeat was preset to pita it; The tad to make further provision for the Goy, cross-gaestioais3 voters at the polls. Iqo , f,fdie, to vial tbe. Duebeas of Kent, se
from the various Municipalities in Upper WedreAayt wastare baa: long kese determined ou had ernment of the sad 1'rorincs," has caYsed halo lying, nor' swearing all the oaths" to coo a by the Pro of Wanes siiJ
Canals towards tbb maintenance of the Mr. abrin presented the report of tba osJy "wed beeaane it was intended to 1 great and just dassatiafaction; And where- gain time, goo aakiae "to look at the dell," ' Prince Alfred. Oa Saturday boa Royal
d.muntis Amy hum. Commissioners appeisted under the Act to ewple it witkt mere general measure. as it is expedient to revoke all tluthas been and whether it was registered six months or Highs" killed • fine stag. On Sunday
Mr. Roaantow intrcdaeisd a bolt to fro- protide for the indemnificslios of parties is Jit. Hiacks smJ that it was perfectly done in the premises, and reatore the land only fire -months and twenty -mine .days, will " her Majesty and Pruw Albert, with the
tido for the conolructiug of a ship coast i Lower Canada, whose property was deo- &Mari t• suppose that any corruption bad taken from the public domain for the said now be available for any purppse: the Deco- Royal children and vote attended di-
ed Jai the rebellion, aid the lake a --the what; trade lead to to that neral use of all lyse paltion of the lawyers in the polling booths visa service at the church of Chatb o. The
to counsel the water of Lsks Iluros and 1 II + report l+ f n8 purpose, &t Ret• Archibald Aadnson, the parish are -
Sr tier exclusive of awash, which relate to OJusit- Laowa that; reduction, was to take plus.— Majesty's subjects m Upper Canada; Be is gow•—Gltdc. t ister u<bciated. Tho eharch wu grow•
W I ted cases, was ordered to be printed. There was some discrepancy of'dates it therefore enacted, f c. I and, a number of mtracgers being present.
l!e motion of Df r. 1linek., tins 74,11 rut's The following Bills were rears sreoud whskk wodJ iso doubt be explained when P T1iE R=.ESENTATION BILL. On Suada•,afternoon bet Majesty drove cut
of tbe-Ilonee was die ns•J with i■ so. far ; " , That the greatal Letters a Pro passed
M titins:—The BiU to iotorporste LM 1 siker- all time statements" cane dawn; at present coder thin great ural of the 1'rocisee of — , an opus phssteo u far as Bukeall sad
as it affects the 11.11 to inco►porstc the I in (!arbour Company—Bill to rest the the liome had anthiag official before it.— Upper Called&, whereby certain lands, fur- The following are the divisions of Caus- called on Sit lames and Lady Clark. The
Gaud Track Rai:road Company. Ifarbour of Port !lope and adjacent pre- Ultimately Mr. Boattss wichdtew his mo- wetly known as Iergy Reserves, were act tin and boron^has ro d in the new R"al party returned to Balmoral-east,e
On motion of Dur Formi•1, a helmet tom • i raises, in Coami+"oatrs—Hill to tos►er a ties to wait for tit rs connected with si art or intende to be set a 1M as co- • s P h j o seems.. Un hoof worming bar
WPr P , P • lieprexatatioa Bill : Dla'ost and the Paste of Welts weal with
mitres use appointed to acquire into car- ; pontos: of a road allowance is Aartos—hill the matter. dowments to be held appurtenant to the vibe Counties of Perth, Essex, Vent, Prince Albert to tb• Forest, wb0s his
. rain matters relative to the fdagdalon ie- to amend the Actextendsng the powers, of TM Mantregol Fire Loan Bill, and the I Rectories therein resp.ectirely mentioned, Latxbton,Elbio,Norfolk,lialdimand, j Royal Higbsew west outdoor stalkieg'—
losde, and ws.-instruetod to make eimilar I the Braish Americas Fire soil Life Ir \1►dJkaea Agricultural Ociel" L'►il were for the use cad benefit of GlrrgrrxO of Wellaud, Lincoln, Brant, Balton, , Ifer Majesty snit the Priam of Wales won
n wtiu concerning1140 Western art of seran••i Comi.aoy—Ball to legalise the read a third time and passed. I the Church of England, shall be and are Waterloo, Wellington, Grey, Peel, ' retarnod :home. Is the Afternoon he,
thio rosimeo share Like Huruo• P Alunicipal.Corporation of Torbollam—hill The lived", lies Jarists Canal Credit ; hereby declared to be and to have ever I Teterboro,\Victoria, Prince Edward, I Msj-otv ireompanted by the Princess
P I to amend the Act to iteorp irsto the Alar Bill passed tlaroo.b Comasittee, and the 1 been null and void to all intents and put- Froutenae. Grenville, Dundas, Store ' Ri+Sal, the Princess Alice, and the Pnecrss
On section of b1 r, Siewert eo sillless+ I treat Cemetery Company—Bill fortber to house agoetd to a set of resolutions to the I poses whatsoever; And the be►eral lands I moot, Gleagnry. Garletos, lLenfrew, %belieiii, drop B Abrrfiddie. on Tuesday
was voted to his Excellency for cupiu of ! amend the Act iscor ratio.• a Provincial follow' edect: described and set si art in the said Lettere - - - 25 the woods at Balce of were droves for
Po a rob P I Out member each, deer, in the presence of Hu. Majesty end
say appointments mads since the mouth. of I Alputual and General losuruace Caimapamy 'Khat the la+, trial Act for the repeal• cf 'Patent, as endowment as aforesaid for the The Counties of Mid.11esez, Oxford, the Prince of Wales.
September, 18,19, when the 12th Vie. chap —A Bill to amend tun Act to incorporate the Cott Laws deprived the: British Pro- Rectories, shall be held to be •e -ted Wentworth,Ostario,York, Simpcoe, I On Wedseadey, the ath, her Majesty
27 came into force. the Orphan's liome, Toolvato- A Bill to tieces of protection to their agriesitural 1 in Iyer Majesty,, Iier 11eirs and ti ucces- Durham, Northumberland, Ballinger . drove to Garrn Sniol, the re•odose* of Mr.
Mr- Crawford koroduced a bi!l to amend authorise any coini,any to construct arail- p rodecte is the Hoene market, while it roe- , bora forever, for.the support of the Com- Leeds Lanark two members each 22 and Lady Catherine Cavendish, wht!e Pante
ee►taiu acts thcrsio tu*olioned, and for i road f osn Ilamilton to Toronto, or to sia- taiued so p►ovisiosa enabling tier .Majesty I moo Schools in Upper Canada; .'Provided• The Counties of Iluroo aqd Bruit one Albert went out doer stalking On the
vthtr purposes connected with the admin. ! floori'c file ('real Western Railway Coir to insist as the priaciple of reciprocity by 'always that the several Rectors now le- member for both, - - f I Sib, liar Majesty and Palace Albert tie-
pany to protract their road to'1'orotlo—A f"►ei; oR(iess gatly'tn the posmosion of any of the said The Counties of Lennox and Adding compacted by the Prime* of Watts the
istration of the Mogill College. I Bill to authorise the cosstruetios of a rad- That b the Imperial Novigation 'A et lands tinder the said Letters Patent shall _ - Prweoo Royal, the Princes Alice, the Pests•
1 Pe e I ton, one member for both, 1 cru Helens and Prises Alfred, drove to
Mr. ST,•A1T mored that an address be I road Gem (;all to Guelph—A Bill to eased sutherity n given to Her Majesty to pro- I re•rectively hold and enjoy the same dur- The Counties of Prescott aid Russe)
Voted to his excellency !or any dospatc4es the Act irrcor alio tine Torosto and tett Bntiska shipping, M imposing the eame i m their natural lives or incumbencies: - - gathering
a heron of
be presentghlaod at the emauel
which may have been received concernos g Ooc member for bo, t 1 atycrio o! tb• i, hlatdec on e Des -lido.
k I Guelph Railroad Company -A BiB to em duties (a vessels and carer•ra of any I And provided also, that ttie Governor of The Cit of Toronto, two member., 2 "The Royal parry v:e received as lbs
. the dews of tier Wajosty's Government it, large ilio powers of the Ainpieipal Council Forciga Nation which arc exacted from ilii► Province brand with the adrrce and Tile It extern gowns, comprising, ' ground by the Farquharson. Dalt, A ir!r•,
reference to lbs composition of the La••ies of Stamford Bill to amend tint charter British resmels by such Foreign powers. I consent of the Exeealire Council thereof, Codvri•:h Chatham I,opdoa St, and Forbes lit-kla&ders fol;y equipped.
laity& Council of this Province and a sub- of the city of Toronto Gas Light sad water That in the opiaioe of this Ilcuse thci in all cases where Churches or Parsonages ' Thomits and Woodstock one mem- err Fargnbancs, u( Ip:vereauld, and Mr.
stitution of other provision in Placa of I Company—Bill to amend an Act Io ieror- prieei9 eIre -iprocity sdopted by the Nevi-' Aare been erected upon any of the said her, . - + _ _ A i Duffof Carriemu.z E e.3n•lueted her Majes-
thoae coot.iaeJ oa lbs Act estcblisi* the Poste fix Caly of Hamilton Gas Light ga:!at act cupkt to be estenied le szri: u1- : lands, may in his discretion -grant and 1'he. Nia rare Tuwos tom -iiia Sim- y to tins tarries of•Rrsemar Cute beneath
g 1 Com en k Bill to incorporate a rrtn a lw-al odu:ts of Great Britain, and !ler al:rnate for ever to the'owner or owners of • p g which the u+sal 1hp!itaed gamer wore
rxisuc Gectrcuient d! Canada ; 'end all P y—' rpo cue, Niaaenra, t. Catharine carried on with creat •pint. Oa tae tOtb.
i , I an • for stappl -in• Hamilton with water.— l Alajesiy's colames. TLat this House is : such Churches or Parsonages respectively, T Cato ,t Oct at ember, - 1 '
other .L cvwrnis and onf.,ruia•ion on the P 3. s t . e t beeshe Bjl,ty and the Pantos Royal drove
name sutj•,et ; and to be tufutuied a bet her I A Dill to incorporate The liaruiltuo Or- itnptihea.ive that list tilajcs:y is a cuaotity cf the land ca cLitb such I she Brant'lowos, comprising Bract- tt tin• Biloetib:rlxe+t w3aro Pno.o Albert
it be t!ie uaentiva tflier lli.p.ity's Gutem, 1•Lan Asylum --Bill to amend the act incur- I esabkd to act authorati►elr in tine matters; Churches or I'atsona,;es Lace Leen bu:4.I ford, Paris, Gall, Guelph; and Iier- went out dear sta:kong. to the evening
meat to sumwon toy other persons to the porating the Bvtnwe and Preston Railroad rectprocitr,wail nevt r be granted by the to the extent cf five awes for each such lin one member, - - - i her Maj.mty and Prince Albert weal to s
sad Legislative C:.Uacll. Company—A Bill to amend the Act iscor- `I! a rio Stales• That 'tb, p+edictinn con- `CLnrcb or 1'asooage and no more. The Col, of llamilton and tale Towo `Belie ducradb Ds lona," an open air torch'
Frei 19 lays tG• porating Niagara Ilarbourand Dock Com- taiaed is the adtrens of tLis Jlou-e to 11rr' ___ of Dundas, one member for both. 1 light bail, given a: Carri•mu;xie by Js6y
Air. Liman uittoduced a bill to amend an and a upend 1 Aft%conceded Majesty in !hair;. :Lit. this in the commer- - - Agnes Duff. at which all the Highlanders
the Act to rogolate the election of o.etn- P y' j CLERGY P.ESKI'VF FUNDS. The Lake Towns, compriaiag Bell- of the Diff and Farq+thuwn clans were
with 1Lt aJmioistralioa of \1cGu, Col- tial puhrr of iLe Fm; i e would tend to _ villi, Coboure,Por Ilope,wA Peter- present. Har Majesty remained about two
in t e Lselativeatint Assembly.
tins 1 rerrseo Ir .e. the reJuctios or p.i, es on Canadian Pru bora one member - - - 1
ata the L'rpalstive Auembly. a From a return to goo Address v! the + + boon. Tie earl of D1almosDery left Bat -
To -day the f.i'fowing bills were read a I Dir. Aloin a Te uolice of a Bill tv are-, duct►oss below the United Stales, has been Legislative Assembly dated the 24th but., The City of Kingston and the. Town moral in the course of the dav, and has
tbird• isie :—Tu explain the 1; ocrios Low der effectual certain proccedia,,•' un3,r the fully realized. That the Levi lative As- relating to the Clerg• Restive@, we hare a of 1'icton,one member for both, 1 been succeeded by the Earl of Derbv. who
to muthuriza the Muntival and New fork, Act to iroride for the indemoifacatioO of I sembly of this I'rovince have ou no Otte- coutinuotton of the returns son, down to Thos Ilirer•Towns, compri ing Brock- will remain in attendants upon her Mmj+s-
Railruad Cutupauies to ea toad their 'road ; ; parties in Lower Canada whose property • ai^n, limit the Imperial Act of V!46, ad- tae Assembly in 1651. vilit, Prescott, and Cornwall• one y On Satu•da't her Duchessiity redo ,c cat.—
to sweat Acs relating to. the qudificatros was destroyed durtne the rekaellan. This I dre.seJ the Iluat Government for any a;_ errata CANADA., - - _ _ •rgeldie, to visit the Duchess of Kcmt.—
of Juttiees cat the Pette. evening iLe liouse leas bees oeesl.ied exclamsire facer in the markets is 13ritaim Courch of England £12,616 7 11 Thief tyros of Bytowm u3 I'erih, one 1 Panto Albert went out derrHstking.—
'I'lle repeat of the conatuiatee of the whole ihroubpLout the•wtliag in beariue evi8emee ocilber do the sow Oak for as measure I Church of Scutlatd 7,11♦ 17 2 - - On Sunday her Majesty and his Royal
us tbo Port Burwell llarooer Uill was t•- y 1 United Prosbytenas church b6S la 0 seeable for both, - of Highness attended donee: service in tin+
Erred to a sp.xul cou'rnittae• rrlgtire to tbe electiuu for. Uoatasnorcy.— wkicb will ircrtase the price of Bread to t-embcsa DfotboJ at church 777 fb 6 — church of Crath s. The service was par-
Oamotwo of lir- WchsrJs, the bourse Mr. Cau_Lou Laviug preferred a charge the British comeau er. That it is actor' I Roman Catholic church 1,666 i3 4 60 formed by Ilia Rev- A. Anderson. On
event iutu cuaubittee of the wb-,fe on va- of unlueiuterfereacc aeains:the I:etcci:y disgly desirable that as humble address be yowsa eafADA. Monday ' her Majesty 'visited users;
tawishing feco on suits to Courts all Up- Officer. preseattd;to Iier Majesty, praying thatlCh'lrch of England X1173 17 6 The Secodrtalia,-of Mr. Brown's Dill of her cotton and distnbutad among
put C,nbdo she will be pkawd to recommend to the I Church of Se Band 2.086 18 S them several useful articles of winter etc--
'1'ho bill to grant aid to the *u6,ters by (2vrsrc, 15tb October. Imperial l'arliameat to coact, that Hcr I PRESENT "TATE c•r Tea rtes. for modifying the I'sury Laws, was Car- thing- Her'Msjgsty afttrwarJe drove to
The Dloutre.l ii.• war roaJ a second taws! Mr. Ilncxa, is reply to ales. 1{artast, Glare-ty may, of able think f t, impose the Ba:snce u per accaont rend,,- rued by a majontti of sot. The prosxet ' Inyereauld House, aecomp3oiad by the i
•cad cuwwi!teJ. like sties ra the rudar.tion of those ^a 3 January, IP51, lb,z21 ,I 0 of domaaway with those aiiousresttictions-princees Roya', Princess Alice to l Pnueres
_ I said the Ministry did sot intend, diing the P CIA Goveramoot lebestates upon money, appears to be better this ss!s- Helena, sod nmain0d there durinr the after.
(1UCDFC., October 13. present session, to propose say &ncwdisest Icrrq nations who imposes datirs On the paid, 2.7 C4 6 - 5 sins than ever it has dome before. Ales. seem. Prince Albert went not deer-stat-
l.ut aigLt ns motion of Mr. Boulton, it i of the Assessment Law of Upper Casella, asntsal ptoJa:tioa of treat •Nritaio, or Stuck is Bsnk of Montreal, 4.2W b Brows dtsetyew mucks credit, bath for his king, and shot five *rage the beat day's
with a view to make all kinds of properly Briti b North America, when imported di- LBondm on Setwoary of Mos tea; 2,0u0 u 0 juaac.ous Bill will for the ability and perse- spot*. he has yet had. In the evening hot
was ordered that Wedoesdty in each weak liaula to taxation ;ani that it is their is- reel from say svartOrt wi:4ia tLose ecYn- I Lhamplaia inJ tit. Lawrence
titrants with which be pushes it {a the Mel''"ty cad his Royal Highness, were pn-
be set a; art, attar iLe routine of b asiness tention d%rieg the present ccsiioss to pro- tries, and tin repeal so much Of the I'-Ith' WAAroad Benzes, i:.Gtld 0 0 sant at a ball gtyen at AbargolLe by the
Les beta gone through with, to dispose of l se an ameudment to the COmamm Sehpxd sad 13th Vic. as revi-es the fifth cla:tse of House. The foflowiaa is the vols ou the Duche.s of Kent to t rnistry and servants
private Bails appointed for a acccaJ read-, P !:16.443 I4 fat second rEadirg on the estate, Archdeacon Tattam arri-
1 t P Act Of C r Cana fe but rat to abct,ca' kin and kla Voc., couterrioq advar.tares
o:ag, whish are iulrolyd to t e referTrd to P , w •ease's of Ilio 1 si:el Mate+, vvhoch` These were tae balance* previous to the YxaTs :—Messrs Bon'tea, Brown, ved at Iialmoral, and had the honour of
the lime rra,nr,.J by law 1141 a Reviles) pea resew: car, but X19.0 0 hu sines bees Burnham Christie of Wentworth Crlw- din i wish her Majesty. Om Tuaslty bet
standin;; committees, or to committee of ,Louid Lr kcrt open to eatUle it to saes the wothhow from Casaja. P y g 1 y•
fife whole llunse. P Pe I acted &Asti I.r bmijing Manes, requiring Lord, Dizow, Attorney Gca. Drummond, ,Vsj ey and Prince Albert ascan iel Loch,
'ha. -e of the Funds. Alio, is reply to W. M'ifomw went into cp:nmillre on lite 1 Clebro er rtfeetinQ ut!os to these already E. -an, Fergusson, Iiartman, .- Itineks, nagar although the snow woo lying on it
hir. Sanborn introduced a bill for the liuultoo,that he was mot aware brat the Ale- Rill to provide, by *me general 1aw, for lite acquired.—forth .3mu•ic"m. Vcllonald ofl,ormwall, alel)eaald ofRisb- on soma place• patty thick the weather
Letter eecurinr to oceui,itn' comprouti n j dotal : uiprriutis I. -at cal tl.c Lunatic Asy- iscurpo:at►va of /i.eeGc Te tera;:h Com- _
jz stun Alalloch Ihlattice AfcDoo-all Mer- having this week become eery wintry in
for improveimsts mate by th"n upon Isnds I IM at Turatto had been a:uehar V 1 all -15 P""e'• PUBLIC DEBT' OF CANADA. • 'Rich- the north -
tit ea1ain eases, f __ rill, I'aiyro, Petrick, Attorney (yes.
f••nea:didate(I lama Func1. I aPr,ou)•miut rested not wa;L liar GoVera- -- The amount of debt Jus by the Province ards,lIlLt,Rolph, Saab,)rn, Shaw, Short,' New PALACE AT BALrreRAL.—it has
The Iluuse wens into cumia;ttee on the t°cat, but with tbe Commiswomrs. '!lie RESOLU'PIONS.. P les $4,635,931 3s Smith of Durpaln White \Nilson, Wri;ht, bass det"rminsxl to trsildanrw palace for
r to le: A'1 pat 133.. K.. + i the Queen at Balmoral, on a site between
Medical Sui.erantpu4rat had su)wa him as Ow the Cenwiwoni,r ytoiic-ytf thrc:itniry, 31. Of •h s @urn A: 1. Ss eahraces of E. Ridis* York \Yri ht of West Rod -
bill to establis5 a Consolidated Loan Fund , I O ' the river aid the present castle, frostaag
open le!ter, whit Lad trach ailresseJ to an tobe wwmd to Copnwtirtre of (!ac 111%vwe ,arsons grants for the construction of Pub- is York, and Young -3 . the south. It to estimst►,1 to coat frog
for IJpper Canada, and after same time , ohicer of lice iasututiur.; ami that lie 6J l t flat 11irm. Ali. l'isapp_, scronrf-,1Ly, I o Warks by the Legi.laturs of Upper gNAY3•: -•Messrs. Btd e! C4ueltoe
vp,rot therein, The Committee rose sail rc- 1 medioned the affair to his bon. eoLgagaw 1. llruern, opt It el,te&4ly, ::O:h ! Canada, prior to the lim,on;t 4177,433 131 yr + i0,o beol. an rs, an 01• 'fine atehuoetun
lamed pru re,s, and obtained leave to sit, 4:1 ctnbrae!e Loans b P Chabot, Chasp*, Sol. (sen. bland, o -ss, is to be glanders, the and 1. eA sew the oroa-
whu was the writer of it. That atktsas (lifabe► 1 2. I y Lower Canada, pro' tt• Christos of Gasps, Clapham, Dubord, Do- meatal with the are/ml. A pew bnJgs•im
I on FliJay next. I bad Ibercurea, written for tine letter aid 1. That the rapid advance of this Pro- or to the Union, fir Dlinttesl )forbear and moulim Fortier Fournier, Jellies Lacoste to be throws *Prot the Dee; and the pub•
Tile boil to provide, by one general law, obtas"d it sad it was sow ruder thereon- %ism is o•ts!atiou and wealth, and the I Turnpike 'rrust, and 132,193 of it far Qie- + '
for the lacoelluration of Electric Telegraph' ' I P ' bac Tura ke Trust. 'Ph+ ]imperial Gum La'l'erriere, Laurin, Leduc, LeBodtil- hg rad woebtia w led• through u lbs 1 a
Comiaoics, was read a second time. trout of the. writer, put into the hands of a pn+perily witnes-ed in all breaebrs of in-! ast"A L 9 r:nc!mr sets 4 and b Vie , for liar, McKeoxie Marchi) nn, Papiwe&u, Via- est a Broad provided
i* al n shot ou cab a
Le.uua dtjyltr>va go utlemaa at T'veonta. I dttstry, :ro higisly satisfactory; that the i Public c 11'ork*' smoumu to £1,8]5,000. tette `Smith of Frootewac Stevenson hotter rod provided alnn; tint Booth book
Mr. Iloutry to than mooed as SAIrnal to Commercial pefiEy psrsaeJ durio the last f ' tl tberimmoa . Toe he payees s to M ail
Gnats Isy t!ie Prnsineitf Lsgu mt,:rs wtrse- Street, Stuart,Oebe Tcmd Turcottee
Mr. Boulton has given refute that he 1t I a , + + r torolegia-0 — The new palace e.alrady
will s.k the nii4istry, whether Lr.. tett, His EacPlleac , fees a Jetai{ad statem, I few yea.-• has greatly c aatrt.aute to that quant y Wes l uh!ic 1Ynrk+ roNaJing pay l'alo_y and Yiger,-30, ' stsbad out.—Csrdessi s Chronicle.
a-k ':u miss- ry, winest of the Lenalte IaUye to ckargesof reau:seratieufwetect-ipresiteaity, Sal that it wool•J be suvrise to most of Wensha final Share -holden, •Ihe Hill was afeordingly pained a4o- __-_ ___
Medic l4l'1',a:rinle hes hese removed— jug the sale of Provincial, Mosicipal, or adept any fes, policy, To" as the mere 11,475,01.+ its Id. The *nnsel internal toad time.—Nie ata Afad.
Cor onhss securities istlss=larad. •relet• nape of seOcte'i,T a prosptetive advantage, for the debt amounts to 1328,568 Bs 7J, 8 'Awroc Doa sea t GumLn.—OO
if goo, what itsi b.xu the cause of hi9 re- where rouivetl ► Officer of tbe'Gov- would coarse a then -a is Ike resent Cut'• avengln from 3 to a per cert paysblm le Tksredsv O Pang ngagsd is taking up pa•
festal --whether any cotrespu odeaes bas ' y pia • Pthe Book of f' ImJ, G'yns fico., BeAre Pit ITS OF TELEGRAPH taimm fat tbe • sity el t►ts sews, ►tang
takes plug betwrrsw the (.orelegice or eroneat• roma sf TraJe, O -d wtght ie sttesded with. k Co., &ed Ba qwt k Co. t pO nukes of whiskey d riat 1M day rather
AIR. 115:4cas opposed it n the JiiO1aA ul imus sxrrsatik amharrawtmemt. I $TOCK. i ly, cwt to The owes as to a liquor sten
any department of the Goveramest, ou tip-, that lbs (:oiernor l;eseral eoulJ ks►w oo- TMt that ally trill policy of Cua' FitiANCEs F THE PROVIAICR. —temple, wb h was drank with.
srbjat. _ i for & fresh
teat erasing, a mnlitm of Mr. RiJotlt, thing shoot the prove" tnwctiosa of da w N sinory tile mwe►iaery of Govern- Tbtrn are sow- throe T,elegtepb Com- I is risen, dine. the eveang. At i late
t4 lilies of 1'uromto Board of'1' members of the ministry. if it some right most, and reduce W public aspesdibro n From a rnture refati g to lbs Fiesaass pamies iron New York to \Vershisgta.— I ►oar the other sasmMn of that party roe
essential d ins woe Ordered tq is to say !altln&j abwst this he would *y far is eau be demo with due regard to ca- of the Proasem w• tak the fullewosg sus• fin, while member of wires between the" tired to IN doepfwg apartment *be"
On 1 that no member ►aJ rtceavdsesies u lhir comes; le remove all rest root ea 'ftatk u•tns of tin• climb at tM credit of tbo Oo•• two cities is 13. We extract the feYovr-1 •issgg a i►ia►mts of t Stmt of J&aes
pr►.t d. w at ata rate if the it member wished "-I Commerce, mel ressels, sece.eary for seem+ht is the venose Mske of the 1st irg Gema t report of IM Morse lime I M*Tsgut ►► the hon t o asleep room.
A oneitlarable Dumber of pri►ate Bills s1+ 1 . ' An cat, 1852. TowOtdo aonitg s M wilesy is the
were advaeed •ala t. to do sawthua a tM tjaatMr, gM proper nVesse perposrs; asJ to mx the great aa- Bank of U r Ganda-.. !X!60.063 111 0 from tM N. Ttii6asi@e - rem above was awtke, by l9eTags shov.
; way was to tstrobce sits of Iset+MOma, turd capacities of our Cavalry, as ►hall ink of DI retail ......... i 19,42i t 1 1 The aatnl reesipb of lhiM e6mMsy' tf that he was ea are ds doetaditg
Mt. 1 &. Morris thea molt 1 the seed d- onag tint well conduct ion its rsper. beet salesmen air ews iatorests--witbout 94" of Bri ob N. Amersea. •77 eb0 0 I o which was the tint orgsaisaid is tin eemslry,1 A Ind (mood the appartaeot filed Wilk
lma from its commeaeement to the reseal• be. Sea ill cloth" of the usb*
swg After some f rtk r dneetries, 1N r, Jle+t- to the poky of other Nations. BsngOe do eupla • •• ••.....39.s s o 's P I PP7
iegof tike bill to recerporab tint College of too said his was ts1 sow to he able, es the 11at it its hiflaty esprdieat to pltet Ds de ........a,sse s s 9 From Jan. 4T, 1846, to July iseMlato bermes.. There was so. water
tit. Marie of Montreal. ! Ceaasreoal Ink M- Ir. •...51,abt 9 9 1, 1816, >µr128 77 to be procured to do heave ate McTsgise
Mr. Brawl d tie bill ou the baa. isspeclor (veNral's 0w0rtira. to be- ttie iNorsef water esmmsibile c s( 1M —1109 Bask ...........• 1
tasinJ the it oa p to M dt1O ed ti{I t here that 'shot bad appeared ata 1M "Vo- lsrivisee a t e Mel pasykle condition. 4 • • S,Oti s • From JJ 1, 1946, to Jetty is was eventually iadstod to go sod roll bin•
fes Ete y dela . That wit► thio C,tv sad Disurct 8avinas 1867, m 810 28 "I is the read sed Water outside (a vat
general act sl immorporatioa led been pass- a was isrorreet. ht M hal rsaJ w the without anaeeotsery y ' 1 g 9
flank. 1Nenlreal•••:•.....ty,060 0 0 arch eight,) The Are was enebad
ed, aid a /he that 1M n al flrr'dot se account of Lis spore► view, ',kit CssJs to eonewt the wales of Glue Bnab ................ .I'D y to b Free Jai? 1, IBLT, to July 1, wMs. &(am befog wasbd by Ilio now War.
crowd religious h r. Cosweillw Manhood, who had rte- the River t8t Lawresce with Lake Chan, City gawk.................. 1,216 i l 18118, ' 61 mad amiss, be resumed bile trot by the Are
topeneiv a were absorbing fat mmeb Pro y to General bed. and [eke gts erior with Iwkt Ilurow, Farm Jet 1 184 to Jul 1,
Peri t -d IMt loo heti• imspst pow. p 1 r t JOY i, lilt. tows Impass(No to get him to
waste Ca" am per este. iw segeciNsag a should be ftrtbs►ith andertalles as Public Total ........... ...X60],601 i4 6 1941. a+ '1 bed. McTaget died eO Monday mining
1. Dnm mead be the ben. (mem- loss tf Ca" amt,o rsr the Moauoal Corps Nrxrba; ttlst lM :t1a•igaties of lbe St. rem dal 1 1841, to iib 1, 6" It use given is lorweate by the Medr-
Of this sameaSI £4i/sls lis 44 bps fit r
bur tw pest hie qN tbe .essay net ft tl8 ask sttesdest at the itgacel, that M had
keen • e+tRion• Iawrraee he10w Qwbec ehesld be inpts►- tempt at 0 std 1 pa cwt, end tut/ 216 1• 1 ,
tb Cmu'areelitm of ilotI ; td, bete as ittasyst. This seek latest C From July 1, 11660,, lI idy 1, lebmrsd rides P40"rhm frames," le the
M.....,a (.attest amd Coach" a lino 1Mr. ittiCd did sot cosessve that the veil ly o 6T 12 pbed Of bat dwouns assn
—•t rt . the ewe of bw means J M h- iotorort i. arable w dowsed. That be 1851, s gate Wilting h
eomharylNtMr1 hie te pvirnwvers; sad Mr. notice eeatwed soy charge agaoist him M red, 7 Mt the Malt rely 1Up,»r Csn,da, a"1 in the IM most Mrfol &N iwoNnsl sanOot.-
1tipM*m apetce le facer of The Uill, a do bed of s t. AN lar•bed dwmw a ba N Moue► els prise of \Y M t' As stf h people o• vilaw From Jdf 1, 1851, to Jtsb 1 r • Cer•sviI't nterwad t vtrisi a
p r .turd tJiel the Cwidie CeAegss fO gr tM ease w d to W bees rte• swd due wwtew IsetwA llS F110 West mrd lbs s 1 ►m?N;o eat de• l or 1061960 W hal
seed. The eseb n the Asan of Mesln.ltbe efiet "That JaO►ta 11eTyas dNd
MW haA dose. Ssd w this particular was [Im es6re rt ,,&a ,w so every body wbe Atlantic. Is oafsb* b? eft moathe aa*Wmmsts. Tbe from a severe trials. ro"TW whoa to •
to on week goal to flu rnwth al Ne bow wrfhira s►!N it w Nesl.asl• Ht C That it w iasapeiiut to e'Npoaa hafi Neer amen•? Mjeet to oe dip* ►suss sf Tsai trawl rsasitlsd ( M I A im"Iplese etas of :istsxiestits ` The ale-
- odM ",'ad tilt flet puFr Dal tlkilsn of kki slo otynt pre to sy pnrstc Masgeti0a apToth ss t'a6t vtwM pstwng tArerih a nadrswal, Jmbi 18:M i aMsd (Pse wy 21 ppar0 d tgo. .ps►aftf
A . +
11, -,,.
,a - Is
.. or- ...'
TRUBSDAY.00T• 21, I852.
A Railroad meetingg was bold on the even-
ag of Tuesday Inst at the British Exchange
lotel, at which were present Messrs• Cls -
meat and Vanbrocklin, delegates from
irastford,and canssderiag the little notice
hat bad been .item, the attendance of is-
Isnbitantat was numerous and respectable,
the L'eeves of the various Townships of our
Municipality were also present. John
Longworth, Esq., being called to the chair
made a few preliminary remark's, and thew
otraluced air. Vanbrocklin.
Tliis gemtleman, who appeared to be
cry conversant with Railroad &Fair*, satin-
fletorily skewed that a Railroad was a
great equalizer, and went on to exhibit
ho beneficial effects this equalizing would
love in the fated Counties. For instance
as worth $30 in Godericb, might be
worth $45 or ON in Buffalo- The ex -
"*e of driving the amimal to would
not oaly be considerable, but he would Jt-
eriorate by loss of weight; but by the
Psailroad the cattle buyers from Buffalo
sad many other places, ((or there wou:.'. be
tomrdenble cotitpelition,) wouldJa a few
hours reach our fairs, buy u, the saimals,
and by the Railroad in Rom five to cieLt
hours, could transport them • to l+uiralo
without loss of flesh, leaving behind with
the liuroa farmers, the Buffalo market
prices less only the cost of carriage. TLe
beseficial results of this equalizii:y weu!d
also. be manifest m the sale of.erery uther
artiste of produce, of which tLe speaker
ante many happy illustrations. It a; ; ear-
ed also from _lir- Vitabroektin•s remarks,
that tbe people of Brantford had Ion; !o^k-
ed to the city of Hamilton foratm,tallcs-in
Railway matters, `something ns ter pco-
ple of iduron had done towards tL^se of
Toronto,—tLe aid from Hamilton cut ap-.
pearimo the Brantford people detdim:ned
to rely upon themselves, and iri, 1,'il,'thc
Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stozk- llzil
war Company was incorporated. la Sep-
tember of that rear they advertiicd, and
let the contract for the saw of 9 100,900,
which covers the grading and. completes
the lived, the Company only; fursub:ne the
iroo. Although the contract was taken at
that late season of the year, Cie work was
uomcdiat,ly commenced with vi -.r -r, cad
be the spring of this,present rear a coo
siderable advance bad beta ma, lc. •-
ready fifty Out of .the ses'enty- it` miles
had been graded, and fila Luadred men,
and one bundred Lesions were now employed
upon the road. lie then spoke of th.: roaJ
as a paring project, of the wariuus Imes in,
the States winch would contribute to it,
and of the Northwest territory', whicli
would sees be of vast commercial impor-
lances and to which ibis road wot:'.d furl;sh
the most direct route. Ile ipule ri: the
rapid increase of population which wou!d
take place in the Northwest, upon the
opening of a Canal at the Saws ,;t. Marie,
which project will not be loos de;asel—of
the vast increase and aceumulatin of prc-
duce, and of travel in neigl.bou.boods
where Railways were already in o?era:ioa,
all of "Lich he proved by uodeuiable facts.
Mr. Sheriff McDonald then cattle 1or-
ward, and stated that he wished to make a
few observations, and brought f). ward his
usual argument, that two Compuics dere
better than one, and that the people of the
Counties ought to both, saying
that when there are two Companies ;t is
not good policy to take up with one. We
felt rather sorry that our worthy Sherif
shouid,bare taken such a solitary view of
the question, for it was quite t cident that
the people present failed to aper eche ins
arguments, and although his earnest zeal
created much pleasant mirth, he cc:taonly
mate no converts to the Toronl, rou4e.—
Ile made several remarks about the fuels
of the two Companies, but failed to prove
that the Toronto and Guelph Gcmpany
was at all farourably situated wub regard
to this matter,—tbe Canada Ccm•,:tnr in
England had promised to act as- A,cnta
for the negotiation of the Debentures of
the Compsmy, but that war no &teat boom.
Mr. Clement of Brantford tcmzrked
that if the Municipal Commit confirmed
the vote for 4125,000 is the Goderieb,
Brantford and Fort Erie Railroad, in lass
than two years the cars would be in ('rode•
rich. Mr. C. sign auwerod the Sheri6'e
remarks very cleverly, and staled that at
the Sberiff had invested 450 is the Toromto
and Guelph Road, be ought also to imrast
450 in tin Brantford aga i Bui w Fla, time
Per center which he would then receive,
would make up the Ines be would ise►itably
utter by the Gsdpb'aad ieruato rad.—
As td the cost of the Railroad, the itr'suaty
iscl cull trillion of the lead sear which it
paved, would immediately - be mere them
eomnoswnto with its east, and reekouimg
10 miles on each nide of the loud for the
Gonanes of 50 Mikan, to iasrwme is vske,
Eve skilling per sere, this of Itself would
be 416011000, wkaek is mom lima W
amount to be raised by this Msmiesphty•—
He Was matiesed that a the SWAI
the itet~ was elm Ii ebargd to
what wase m6 m the ewnhwNma ref,
to Ove me If ,pili , a cheats, end
lino us6send hon W tfibl0 M Py ill
imgsred. and be i'isttrtied ass" imll s mg