The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-11, Page 11r CNR ENTERTAINS IN "RAIL OFFICE"—CNR, freight' sales officials entertained number of district officials Monday and Tuesday in one of their business cars now being used in the eoinpany'S nation-wide program to promote business through improved service and stream- lined operations. Talks were held with area livestock shippers and handlers of various farm crops. jn the 414 can't joopordizo public 443444,44.M... victs milk. trucker in for pickup Fieldman „ccommpnfs oss ro.lios decrease , . • . g Ry J. CAR!, elEMINOWAY j should they he forced to eon- •: HFA Ficidmail 'I tribute more for the conve. the less ratios for the antoolo' I just received the mart :ol ijoificerligs:?:eTriortftruhi:as:mtoiosrvisettos,obnaanitoetpprpaueicit bile policies of Co op insur- , ante in Ontario for the Jan.- your .organization will need' Mar. period of 1061. strong support from you. I A second :problem is this mat- ! For the whole province the ter t)f Regional Planning, We, ! loss from .accidents is down' as yet, in Huron are not se - bout Ve. In many areas We rieusly affected but the time is letingo above frorn. left are 'Reeve Bill McKOnzio, ' have 118c1 a better than aver -I .approaching when somebody is 1 dicates safer down Chester Hill and Howard 1-10bSon, London freight ,sales' Ltht agel'winter for driving and II going todecide whether your office; Don Graham, Canadian Canners' plant manager; Andrew Matthews, ass't regional freight sales manager, and G. W. Montgomery, a former Huron ag rep who is now CNR agricultural development offieer, photo Zhe exefer'Zimesabuocafe PPose a this ' the main , :farm will remain as ageicul- reaton for: the lin roved rate tural land or be b of accidents but I would likefactories or houses. to think that perhaps we are t After the decision has been beginning to drive just a little made by the particular gov. more carefully.eming body concerned you Just a little forest ht ' n thel recognition of dariger would ter, i th g 1 ave no v° na in help a great deal; just a little I Perhaps you like to farm, courtesy would remove many yet your land has been desig- of the irritations that lead to paled for housing. When the accidents; just a little realize- need for houses arises your tion o the many minutes we land will be taken and you will waste would make us less like- be removed, forcibly if neces- ly to drive like mad to save sary. 'Tree you will get; a good Page Eleven EXETER, ONTARIO, MAY 11 ,1961 Second Section five minutes in getting to the price but you may still not next stop where we will prob. wish to sell. Ori the other hand ably fritter away the five min- yours may be farm land and CNR ro1 sr in of ice for business road would free many a hosPi- lect the attractive price that tal bed. f. utes that we saved on the you have no opportunity to col. your neighbor receives for Our car insurance costs us housing. a considerable amount of mo- ney and we are prone to com- plain of the high rates. When youfeellike complaining against these insurance cern- panies for charging so much just remember that it is you, the driver, who sets the rate. Agriculture's problems Some of you no doubt won- der what problems keep the personnel of your farm organ- izations busy. Let me list a few that are currently facing you. One that requires immediate attention is the matter of lic- ensing tractors if they travel on the road, This would not only include the tractor that is used to draw feeds and ler- tilizers from town but would also include any tractor going from one farm to another owned by the one farmer. I feel quite sure that the amount paid by farmers in road taxes an their farms to townships and coati:rig would quite easily pay for any dam- age or wear their tractors cause to the roads. Why then Gerry Montgomery came fp' them by means of rail.. 1 near the Exeter station Mon- vice, the officials are going Exeter Monday to discuss agriculture problems here but he came by a different mode' , of transportation and in a clif-j ferent capacity than he used to. The former Huron ag rep. was one of a group of CNR of- ficials who brought their "bu- siness office" to Exeter with' Their office — and living ac- commodation — was one of the railroads "business cars" es- pecially outfitted for promotion in the field. Similar to a pri- vate car, it provides dining, sleeping and lounge quarters, as well as an office with type- writer and other business ma- chines. The ear parked on a siding Relieve farm squeeze new party platform What will Canada's New levels , of consumption; Party, still in the organization "(d) distribution of surplus food to .the needy of other lands, and support, for the establishment of a World Food l3ank. Parity price plan PA .New Parity government will institutea parity price policy to provide levels of farm indorne consistent with the rest of the economy. It will do this through a system of guaran- teed forward prices, supple- mented by deficiency and other compensatory payments where necessary.Until greater stab- ility of prices and income have been achieved, floor prices will be established as required. "New Party policy will in- clude a comprehensive system of crop insurance and a na- tional program of resource conservation and development. This will encompass more ef- fective use of land and shifts in production to meet changing market demands. "Adequate social and com- munity services are vitally im- portant to rural living. The co- operation of provincial and municipal governments will be sought to extend and improve health services, transportation, electric power and communica- tions in rural areas. Particular attention will be given, in co- operation with the provinces, to extending vocational training for rural youth, including edu- cation in modern farming me- thods." stage, propose for agriculture? Sponsored by Caeadian labor unions and backed by the CCF, , the New Party hopes LQ get isuoport from farmers to eSab-' lish it as a strong force in Canadian politics. • The party's draft program on economic planning will be submitted for approval at the founding convention in Ottawa in August.. Here's what the sub- section on agriculture pro- poses: "The family farm is the basic unit of agricultural pro- duction and a desirable institu- tion of our society. The New Party's objectives for agricul- ture are maximum food pro- duction for Canada and a hungry world, and effective marketing machinery to ensure fair and reasonable farm in- come. "The New Party will free the. fanner from the effects of the cost -price squeeze. It will lower farm production costs by ending monopoly control over f a r m machinery, fertilizere, chemicals and other supplies, Co-operatives will be encourag- ed and assisted to meet needs in these fields, and where necessary, p tt b l i c ownership will be developed. "Long term loans at low in- terest will be available both for farm improvement and to help' young farmers to acquire adequate land and modern machinery necessary for a suc- cessful farm career. Marketing power "To offset the adverse ef- fects of vertical integration of farm processes by private com- panies, assistance will be given to . farmers to build co-opera- tives for processing and mar- keting their own farm produce. This assistance will include provision of credit on favour- able terms. "A New Party government will assure producers of suf- ficient marketing power by: "(a) development ef national producer marketing boards to co-ordinate the work of pro. vinciAl marketing boards; "(b) , encouragement of co- ooerative and publicly sponsor- ed facilities for storage, pro- cessing and distribution of farm products; "(c) development of pro- grams to increase domestic lorammonalJ WO OL ' Any Geyer -intent 'DeficloileY Payment will apply billy on properly graded Micelle. Secure the tannest by patiemi- izing the organization that Made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our ftegittered WarehOUte No.1 Weston, brifarff. Obtain seeks and twine Witholit charge from EXETtik DISTRICT CO-OP Box 171 Eitelete or by writing to CANADIAN COOPERATIVE WOOL OROWERS LIMITED 217 say St, Torefittii, :Canada MakkenewMainionlesswattemmeneeessertneeMeskressecrwera TIMELY TIP Maybe you should aim for a 305 -day lactuation and 12 - month calving intervals in- stead of longer freshening and milking periods. A just -re- ported Canada Department of Agriculture study showed this: cows milked for 12 months averaged 7,550 pounds of 4.1% milk. Those that were milked 10 months averaged 8,780 pounds of 4.46% Milk, 00000 ttillortiortint 00000 maim oo 00000 day arid Tuesday. Reason for the visit? It's part 01 the 's new freight sales promotion program, de- signed to regain some of the business it' e lost to aggressive truckers. Gerry Montgomery, predeces- sor to the present ag rep, Doug Miles,'is now agricultu- ral development officer for the railroad. He accompanied a task force of freight 'sales offi- cials from Toronto and London who talked to livestock ship- pers and handlers of farm crops in the area. The officiate included Andy Mathers, ass't regime' freight sales manager, Toronto; Ches- ter Hill, London area sales manager; and Howard Hobson, sales representative. Two -fold objective The mission is two.fold, ac- cording to Andy Mathews. Be- sides pointing out what major improvements the CNR has al- ready made .in its freight sex - into the field to find out what further developments can be made to benefit shippers. What are soma of the im- provements being developed? New 40 -foot cars are available to handle heavier loadings; service from the west (for feeder cattle, as one example) is being speeded up; inte- grated rail and road services are being established to give customers the advantages of both means of transportation; "piggyback" ears that give faster, cheaper service; more competitive pricing.. The general overhaul is ap- plying to passenger trains, too, with the establishment of such services as the "Highbaiier" to the west and the "Expedi- ter" from the Niagara area to: Montreal. "We're only starting this pro- gram," said Mr. Mathews, "We're exploring our sales po- tential in all fields in order to regain our share of the mar- ket." OFA fears restrictions on movement of tractors Reports that farmers may have to buy licence platc:. for their tractors a n d wagons prompted quick action at the special members meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agri- culture held in. Toronto May 5. Members passed a resolution asking that any impending leg- islation in no way adversely affect the continued use and movement of farm tractors and wagons on the highways. This a-esolution also takes in- to account any legislation which may limit farniers using pub - lie thoroughfares to get from one farm to another with small or large equipinent. Farmers have to use the roads also to take produce to storage cen- tres and markets. OFA members, mindful of the moral respontibilities of farmers to observe safety measures, requested that the minister of transport distribute to farmers rules for safe op- eration of farm equipMent on all roads, Ten reports and 20 additional resolutions made up the rest of a busy meeting in the strike- bound Royal York Hotel. Edu- cation was discussed at length, o 1111111111111011Mt 0111 llllllll 1111111111W l I llll llllll l i lll Beans and Seeds Now Available: OAT CONTRACTS DIRECT FROM COMBINE OAT CONTRACTS TO Be DELIVERED LATER BARLEY CONTRACTS FRSEED MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS We have Clover and Grass Seeds Pull Line of Super -Flew Fertilizer Buyers of all kinds at grain and while boant IN! G. THOMPSON And Sent Ltd, Phone 32 Hensall with members deciding to pub- quentiy recomieended zoning licize opportunities and feed- areas as farm lands without ities available to farm people regard to productivity or good to further their education along land use principles. The dif- vocational. training lines, and ficulty here is that zoning all to send federation representa-' area, in practice, generally tives to educational confer- freezes the land to that use ences corning up in the near only. future. These include the On- A resolution was passed ask- tario Conference for Education, ing that planning boards and and the conference for rural Department of Planning and adult education to be held in Development be required to Guelph on June 5 and 6, submit their recommendations Several resolutions from the to the Department of Agricul. recent poultry producers' as- ture and the OFA before sanesociation annual meeting were toning or amending any by - endorsed by the OFA. Support law restricting or governing was given to obtaining amend- rural land use. rnents to the Farm Products One of the last resolutions to Marketing Act, setting up a be dealt with, granted support national p o u l t r y committee to Bill C-77, the Agricultural within the Canadian Federation Rehabilitation a n d Develop, of Agriculture, arid to distribut- ment Act introduced into the ing information on the egg House of Commcns by Agri - marketing plan likely to be put culture Minister Alvin Hamil. before producers within the ton. year. Ontario Hydro was criticized I Land assess•ment problems for the differences in rates be. were discussed as well as zontween rural and urban users. 1 Ing problems created by plan- Members requested, as they fling boards in Ontario, Meni- have for the past several years, bers were disturbed by re. that the rates be made more ports that planning boards fre- equitable to farmers. ti intettrtti ll tin l l it ll lll ilmant llll ll trionstatmilinitto Get The • MOST For Your MONEY! Quick Returns Barley & Seed Grain CON7RACTS See Our special contract on Malting Barley before yeti Sign. Fertilizer supplied with centract, REGISTERED & c�MMERC1AL NO. T SEED OATS Different Varieties — Also Barley, Post etc: FAST UNLOADING FACILITIES Drop In And See Us Scott's tlevator Ltd. HONE BA, 7,,4410 ltural pickup and delivery trucks, witieh go from -farm gate to farm „late have no right tr at ojveeli orag public lzed the safety tthee the pressure and importance of their duties. This was established empha- tically Tuesday by Magistrate, Glenn Hays, QC, who convicted a Dashwood area milk trucker of careless drivipg. Fine and costs levied against 'Marien Vanderhoek, 25, RR I. Dash- wood, Walled 830.80, Vanderhoek pleaded not guil- ty to the charge in which police! alleged he forced a London salesmari into the ditch when he crossed to the left side of No. 4 highway near Beuce- finen,idsto pick up some milk e The salesman, Ronald Suth- erland, London, said the Van- derhoek truck turned onto the left-hand side of the road just as he was overtaking it. He had no alternative, he told the court, but to drive into the snowbank in the ditch. There was no collision, nor was any person injured. Sutherland said he saw no signal on the truck. Vander - hock testified he put on his signal lights but police officers said they were so caked with mud the light was barely vis- ible from a distance of only five feet. Sutherland also testified that, even though he ended up in the ditch eight feet from where the truck stopped to pick up the cans, the driver proceeded to load without even enquiring if he was hurt. Illustrates attitude Vanderhoek, conducting his own defence, asked if the salesman didn't know he was going to Make a turn because his truck was proceeding slow- ly and was close to the centre line. He also told the magis- trate he always turned on his signals when he turned, Whe- ther there was a car coming or not, The magistrate cited these points as illustrative of a pre- valent attitude among rural truck drivers. "He has adopted a frame of mind that says: 'Let the rest of the public be - ware ee, I have work to do. 1. have tile Tight Of Way—look out!' "4 Mr. Hays said he wive- thized with the driver and the job he had to do. "But I can't let sympathy interfere witlt the consideration of the rights of others," "The public can't be put in jeopardy by the action of. of trucks crossing the highway to pick up merchandise on the left hand side." Sought co-operation Vanderhoek told the rnagis- trate he had tried to get farm- ers to put their cans on the right hand side of his route on the highway. But they didn't always 0 -operate, claiming they were too busy. (He re- vealed he had. been convicted before at the same location for a parking offence while picking up cans and had tried to correct the situation after that.) The magistrate suggested farmers put out their cans "where they think it's best for themselves," and the truck driver agreed. "That's a self- ish attitude these days," said Mr. Hays. "Fortunately, the highway traffic act requires us to do what is best for other persons on the road." Mr. Hays conceded it might be asking too muck of busi- ness to refuse to service farm- ers who wouldn't 0 -operate in this way but he pointed out that, by not co-operating, the farmer was making the truck driver take personal risks as well as endangering the safety of the travelling public. Constable Robert Sims, who investigated, said Vanderhoek had admitted at the scene that he hadn't wiped the mud Off his lights for about four days. Vanderhoek denied this, say- ing it took only a few miles on muddy country roads to cover them. .FC C, E. Gibbons also tes- tified for the crown. ASSISTS IN HURON — John McTaggart, a fourth-year stu- dent at OAC, Guelph, has ar- rived in Huron County where for four months he will assist the county's associate agricul- tural representative, Donald Grieve. Professor A. C. Robertson of the OAC Economics Depart- ment suggests you keep these 5 points in mind if you want your father -son arrangement to work: net income must be large enough for 2 families; adequate and/or separate hous- ing; willingness to co-operae; adequate records kept with a mutual understanding on the part of both; and provision for the son to increase his capi- ta every year. If you follow these points, Robertson says your father -son arrangement will have a good chance of surviving. Slashes spraying costs—Doublws Profits. Most advanced sprayer development; designed for low er high pressure depend. ing on Pump selection. Available for 3 Pt. Pickup er Standard Tractors — P.T.O. or Engine operated. Choice 0 Models. Field•Row Crop Boom. with drop pipes. F REE •••aem"stration k C°V1 SPRAM 01 OIL SEE US OR PHONE TODAY Exeter Farm Equipment Phone 508-W Exeter IS "CLIMATIZED" TO FIT YOUR FARM You, can grew. DeXalle-Corte - Hybrids bred to fit the seal and weather conditions of your own farm ... varieties tailored to suit your exact ; needs. Let your DeKalb dealer show you performance rec.. , ords on DeKalb varietief— "climatized" to do a top Job for you on your farm. ofkitj ERVIN RATZ Phone 161r1 Dashwood Fora SMOOTHER RUNNING ENGINE in your Get Shell Gasoline with TCP!* TCP in Shell Gasoline neutralizes the effects of harmful engine deposits helps sineoth out engine roughnest helps restore lost horsepower. You'll And your dollar goes farther with Shell—and so do ,V0111 'Thell's nide r Ithique ;OWEN, itelditiod •dettlnprel hy Shell &search, PtrItntal INS • rt Clarke PHoNt BO EXETEr. For fast, dependable delivery phone 80