The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-11, Page 84 ssor, 11* I The .TIMPS!Advoptet May.T1. 161 Report on Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROligg. ' WA. and WMS meeting Mr, and Mrs. William Rohde, The MaY meeting of the WA' DoUglas, Glenn and Calvin, en and, WMS was bad on Wednes-' SnadaY- aftOrnaon and visited day evening In the churchrelatives in Lencleshoro .and basement with Mrs. Robert, Clinton. Mayer and Mrs. Alvin Pass-! Mr- and Mrs. JIM more as hostesses. Ginger, De.bre and Johil of The theme was "Horne Life Greed Deed' Jean and Mother" and the introduc-i gesee liondort, Mrs. 'leek tion to the theme was given.' ) Cann, Mary Ann and Cathy of by mrs. Reg liedgert, AirsExeter, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wil/tam Snow assisted with the aad BaY Were Sunday ; g4ests with Mr. and Mrs. Reg worship •service. !Hodgert, the opeasion being Tbe last c Ian er ran? e Debbie Love s birthday. study book "The Church in the' Miss Nancy Cann of Exeter World" was given by Mrs. Don- had her tonsils removed on xi a rn a ou uron ald Kernick assisted by Mrs. I F ,-d orrfir t S tl Melvin Gardiner and Mrs. Jack ,swered with "A R , • ecipe for a' d Wayne of London Mr. and Happy Home". I Mrs. Lorne Luther and Julie Mrs, Reg Hodgert was in, of Grand Bend were Sunday charge of the business. Tt was! evening guests with Mr, and decided to refinish the plat-, Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. form and buy serving earts.I Mother's Day program will It was also decided to inquire! be a combined service in the about the reprintin o the chur h a 11.15 Stewart. The r011 call was an't Mr and Mrs. Ray Genttner - 111, C . 1 llng I L, ) S. Circuits (D, Henderson 642) t 11,pArls Cong. Young 6.51) 0 Agrico (13. Walden 668) 1HotShots (V. I -lodging 629) 1 Mrs. A. E. Carroll of Port Lambton. Little Miss Diane Hodgert is a patient in St Joseph's Hos- pital, London, at time of writ- ing. She underwent en opera- tion at Saturday midnight, Mr. Fred Dawson has been a patient in bed for three weeks. Mrs. Percy Stone returned to Victoria Hospital on Tues, day after having been at the Elei(D. Carling 113) home of 'her daughter and son- . Fire Eaters . .-1 (W. 1-3.1ekson, H. Ailkeps 574) 'Shamrocks Gt.. Arnold 614) ...,.... 3 1 Dairymen (E. Mosurinjohn 572) 4 Arerourys (A. Bell 594) 0 i Electrics (E. Carling 664) 3 1 Lumber Kings (R. Lee 768) 1 ' Agrlco (R. Lee 665) 2 ' Lumber Kings (A. Hodgson 613) 2 .ctrcs 1 Rex (Doc Watson 569t 1 3 Lewis Const. ((7. Aitkens 590) 3 nrs. Electrics (E. Carling 652) ...... ..,. 1 Nelson Lamport Lumber Ki gs f.T. Nurse 743) ., 1 of Crediton for over a week, C. Church n(R. Simpson 590) 3 Fire Eaters (W, Hickson 662) ,. 4 Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson Hotel (A. Gilmour 633) 0 'visited on Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Grace Eedy of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thor- nell, Susan and Hugh Thornell of P'ontiac, Mich, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Carroll. Mr. Harold Jeffery returned e on Sunday from Victoria al, London. Mr, and ries Jeffery visited nd Mrs. Jeffery on William Thom - accompanied Shamrocks (J. Gilmour 644) ...... 3 Hot Shots (N'. Hardy 564) 1 1 Penny Pinchers (R. Gledhill 556) 1 ' I egion (W. Legg 666) . ..... .., .,3 1 ' Hose Rollers (V.• Hodgins 549) 0 1 Legion (W. Legg 679) 4 Hose Rollers (V, Hodgins 183) 4 "A" LEAGUE Shamrocks 93 Hot Shots 82 Electrics 80 Woodbutchers 78 Short Circuits 77 Fire Eaters 72 Dairymen 69 trnres Ki63 ,gs 52 "E" LEAGUE Penny Pinchers 66 Rex 66 Clandeboye. Church 66 Lewis Construction 68 Hotel o.'..'.,.- 53 Agri co 52 Elgin 'Flyers Hose Rollers Legion 47 High tingle: E. Carling OUT High triple: V, Hodgins (783) 7,77— 177: LZurich man •:!' :On- the spot rec news 1heads ass n tp;inaCiyirnurgtoini:dTblafi ernolinhta)tvatrot'oese:noayiresd l'io1 ?for! a 41 e 1W. ill e " gr a Se I Rcc onventien a. E. McKinnleY, Zerich, Was parade, festivals and concerts." 1 . elected president of the liti- and have made many new We took in the 16th Ontario at Goderich recently, Ile sue- and hits, they have faat in and gained a Year's experience eeeds Harvey McDermid, of American rhYthms, Broad in the space of three days. The dation at the annual meeting played, Besides popular tuno ence in HaMilton last weekend ron County Tnberculosis Asso- friends, All kinds of musiew4isy Recreation AssoViation Confer- rerdwich. 1 hits, carols, hymns, in arches main theme of the convention Other officer$ elected were and classical music, was based on family reerea- , first vice-president, E. L Stew -I For your youngster, band tion, Dtie to the lack ef time art, of Seafortb; second vice- Music could offer expegglit, to prepare a writeup on the president, Dr. T. C. Ross, of recreation over the summer Goderich; C h r i s t m a s Seal months, So, don't miss the chairman, E. C. Boswell, of'boati This is your opportunity Seaforth; ease finding chair- to give your son or daughter man, B. P. Patterson, of Hen; taiosnouantd a , ty‘P;eerynflonwiticSioesati. eirdtyl %au^ San; social service and relia- Knight of Brussels and medical tad either Mrs, F-4nter-Puvar, officer, Dr. R. Id, Aldis, of Go- bilitation chairman, llussell i‘airre, (hipteetoes\tveidlloxinnetoejrroilnin:,Fseodora:;. The story in derich, medical officer of 'Who -is In E health for Huron County. ;nights at the Town Hall from 4:30 p.m.,or yours trulyZion , Dr. Ross, was also appointed 437. at representative to the. Ontario By MISS MURIEL .HERN Tuberculosis Association, and Square dancing ,A.,,...,,g,g,r,:: ...ftwk.5y:10.•Awv..4. Mr. Stewart, seal sales chair -I Although the summer sports —4----------''''''' Man, 'programme is gaining momen- WMS and WA Members of the nominating; tum, square dancing still stands committee were Judge Frank , high on the list as one of the Fingland, of Clinton, Elmer D.1 top recreations for the younger Bell, QC, of Exeter, and Magis-, Friday night group.1;hissqouoanrie. rich, Glenn Hays, of Gode-,ing Friday (May , dancing will be held again in Mrs. Edith Russell, of Sea- the Exeter Arena gym for the forth, secretary - treasurer of 60 - 70 enthusiastic performer. the association, reported a bal. From where we sit, our kids ance of $13,317 as of March 31, ' rank with the best in the busi- ness in their age bracket. Majority checked ; Many places have square , Mrs. Russell reported $1.7 dancing but. I haven't seen one ' percent of the population of centre which can beat the Huron County took advantage locals. Splendid performances of tuberculin testing and chest by these youngsters .must be X-ray surveys last summer. very heart-warming to all the 1 supervisors who have gracious. Save money! Look over the 1' xdonated their time on Fri- day nights. Keep up the good 1 bargains in T -A Classifieds, work! Senior citizens onference this week, we plan to have you bretight, up to date on proceedings in the next edition of the Exeter Advocate, aft. 01 LANES Cool Cats Crackerjacks High Lites Chipmunks Chipmunks We must apologize to our good friend George Lawson and all the rest of the Senior ;Citizens' members for misssing their get-together this month, Unfortunately, another meeting took us away longer than we had planned. Nevertheless we thank George for his invitation and trust that we can appear at the June get-together. Attention girls, The Exeter Minor Athletic Association is planning on hav- ing a local girls softball team. Any girls interested in playing 917° softball are asked to contact, $845:16 A comfortable inter -town group- ssiz this office or "Derry" Boyle. 8361 ing with Centralia, Brucefield, Irish Ladies', 0. DuKippenrand could ' Dashwood and. Exeter be formed to provide (269); men's R. Haugh (292) High triple: Ladies', 5f. Gunn recreation over the summer (643); men's, R.. Haugh (718) 'months. Junior bowlers It's this Saturday that the local bowling enthusiasts travel to St. Marys to participate in LADIES' LEAGUE the Lake Huron Zone Recrea- "A" GROUP tion CounciPs Junior Bowling Dairymaids (FL Haskell -244) 3299 Tournament. Entries in both High Hopes (13, Leitch son) . 2626 boys and girls events have also Ramblers (1, Hackett 236) . 2780 been received from Kincardine, LANES Satellites (E. Gibson 211) •... 2767 Leprechauns fp-, Lippert 216) 2760 Listowel, Walkerton, 0 w e Legionettes (D. ('rudge 213) 2702 Sound and St. Marys, C. Clowns (S. Bradley 227) ,. 2739 Arrangements h a v e been Sputniks (E. George 213) .0. 2699 Marionettes 2677 made ler , our local, boys-. to (M. Hodgins. .M. murohy 229) bowl in the morning so that S•rocks (A. Andersen 260) ,. 2667 the tournament won't interfere' e• tnuties (H, Williams"191) 26" with the Winter Sports Banquet Dumbells (If. Carling 213) .. 2573 in the afternoon at the Exeter High single: B. Leitch (300) Legion Hall. High triple: 13, Leitch (642) I'm proud of the record set CHILDREN'S LEAGUE by our entries in these com- Champs (0. Kennedy 216) 5 petitions over the past years Pinspoppers (D, Weller 130) 0 and hope they will have as ainxa (K. Ready 198) 5 much or more success in this StrikekIngs ((7. crudge 143) 0 outing. (PS.—Don't forget to Dumbells (K. Montgomery 246) 5 • take back the championship Inkspots (R, Kennedy 228) 0 Dumbells Tinars Inkspots Champs Str tkekings Pinpoppet•s 104 102 94 67 28 trophy from last year, Ruth!) Rec golf school The recreation council has moved its golf school from the Exeter arena to Cushman's High single: K. Montgomery Driving Range south of town. Professional Fred Hulls has (246) got to the point where he is High average: K. Montgomery 0.70 giving personal instruction to his students while they hit out CRAIG CHILDREN'S LEAGUE the golf balls. These lessons Yogis (M, Dixon 160) 5 should cut plenty of strokes off Smashers (R. Campbell 173) 0 Hawks (J. Griffiths 143) 3 Eagles (R. Lightfoot 118) 2 1.! Dubs (B. Fletcher 206) 3 Champs (F. Branstoh 16)) 2 Yogis 53 Hawks 46 i Smashers 43 i. ?Dubs 37 : 51 Champs 17 : 48 Eagles „..., 11 High singlet B. .Fletcher (206) High average: J. Cocksworth (161) The WMS and WA meeting of Zion United Church was held last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Warren Brock in Exeter. The president Mrs, Gerald Henn conducted the business, Mrs. Angus Earl gave a read- ing. The program was taken by Mrs. Wellington Brock who read the study book and Mrs. Thomas Hern led the worship service 'assisted by Mrs. ?'ler- man Jaques. Mother's Day poems were read by Mrs. Lorne Johns and Mrs, Ray Jaques and Mrs, Thomas Hern read the origin of Mother's Day in May 1908, Mrs. Gerald Hern and. Mrs, Angus Earl were chosen to represent the WMS and. Mrs. Ward Hern and Mrs. Welling- ton Brock the WA for the pro- visional committee for the new organization "The United Church Wornen". Personal items Mrs, Robert Hern, Linda, and 'Mrs. William Doughty of .Tarvis visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern. Linda stayed for some holi- days with her grandparents. Miss Doreen Brock attended the Women's Institute Officers' Conference Thursday and Fri- day at Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Coxon, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr, Ross Hem. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dixon and family of Brinsley and Mr. and Mrs. Bev Skinner and family of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ward Hern and Edward. Mr. and Mrs. William Spence and. David, of Woodham, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brock and Billie and Ken Keyhoe were Sunday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. Burton Morgan of St. Marys. SeVeral '`WMS members at- tended on Thursday evening when Zion East WMS enter- tained a number of neighbor- ing 'auxiliaries. They had as guest speaker, Rev. Alvin Roth of the Rescue Mission in Lon- don. After the program up- stairs a lunch was enjoyed in the 'basement of the church. Mother's DO will be ob- served next Sunday wiith e combined service at 11.30 a.m, Mission Band 'Mission Band was held Sun- day during church with 12 members present. A Mother's Day poem, "A Boy's Best Friend" was read by Paul Baker. The :program was taken by Mrs. Norman Brock who read the stu y book. Billie Brock closed ifrith prayer. You're Invited 111 .... 1 ... 11111111111111111111111111111 ...... Its TO ifif#TeH 'EM WORK! We'II be happy to show you aur NEW 2010 AND 3010 JOHN DEERE ' MODELS IN OPERATION WE'LL PUT ON AN ACTUAL DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR FIELD TO SHOW YOU THESE POWER - PACKED TRACTORS AT WORK. No Cost -No Obligation USED EQUIPMENT — INTERNATIONAL 13250 DIESEL—Complete — JOHN DEERE "B" with 37point Hitch, Beet and Bean Scuffler, Live Hydraulic, Belt Pulley and PTO. — JOHN DEERE Model AR — MASSEY-HARRIS Model 44. Diesel -- CASE. PLOW -4 -furrow, 3 -point Hitch — OLIVER ?LOW. -3 -furrow, 3 -point Hitch — MASSEY-FERGUSON CORN PLANTER -3 -point Hitch, 2 -row, like new, — OLIVER CORN PLANTER-2-rew, Can be con, verted into potato planter. Ask Us About The JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Huron Tractor AND EQUIPMENT CO. North of Exeter an No, 4 Phone 965 * 1, • XX Xtp trx .4 X Message from Centralia By MRS', FRED BOWDEN . ... . Mothor,s Pay theme, The .theme Mether\s. Dhy was •u$04: by Mrs. 411d Smith and Airs. lmer Powe for the program at the WA meting in the :schoolroom of the church on Wednesday afternoon ef last week.. Mrs. .Smith quoted scripture passage. te open the Planting. A story "Tile Wages of a G odly Mother" .was. read by Mrs, Powe, A duet "Mother's. Prayer" was sung by Mrs. 0. L angford and. Mrs. J, .Essery, Mrs George Hepburn gave a reading and read poems in keeping With the theme of the service, The ladies quilted during the afternoon, Personal items Miss Ada Machell RN of Mountpelier, Ohio was a guest for a couple of days last week at the hoine of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, fol- lowing the funeral in Guelph of ,close friend and riming companion, the late Miss Elsie McKay. Mrs, Margaret Fletcher, of Exeter was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mrs. Samson FcFalis of Exeter and Mrs. Garnet Hod- gins of St, Marys were Friday visitors with Mrs. Arthur Me. Falls. Mrs, 'William Abbott and son Billie of Niagara Falls visited for a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Murray Abbott, Mr. Amos Wright underwent surgery in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday of last week. 'Mr. Barry •Passmore has completed his theological: stud- ies at the University in Hali- fax. He and Mrs. Passmore were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. H. -Essery. Mr, and Mrs. Verne. Smith and Verla and Mrs Mary Smith of Exeter, Mr, Robert Harrison. and Miss Lorna Dixon of Lon- don were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lilley and family of London were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Arthur Me - Falls and Helen. Visitors with Mrs. Amos Wright were 14r. and Mrs. Clare Wright and family, of London en Saltirday evening, Mr. AO; Mrs. EU J3rovg.,f Crediton on ,S1111(iay. Fa, J. I and Mrs. Brown And faintly have moved int tha residence they recently .pur- ehased from Mr, and, Mrs, Harris West.. Mr, and mrs. J Arenthals and girls of Liican more Sun- day evening .guests with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Abbott, Mr., and Mrs. son Homan and baby daughter of London were Sunday visitors, with. Mr, and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Breen AO family visited with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ;Jas, Breen in London on Sun- day. Mr. .and Mrs, Jack ESSerY ..and family were Sunday visi- tors with Mr, and Mrs. David Roger In St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs Murray Abbott were Tuesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Claytott Abbott in Lucan, The ineaSigli WAS in celebration of Mrs, )4mr,. ray Abbott's birtlidaY. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Greb ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Krellar in Ayton on Sunday. The Rev. A. J. Smale of Burnsville was a visitor far a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. L. B. ii,ndRSon, The annual MOW'S Day service will be observed In the United Church on Sunday morning, Sunday School clari- es will form a choir to provide the sPecial music for the serv- ice, There are two kinds of dis- content in this world; the dis- content that works, and the cps - content that wrings its hands. The first gets what it wants, and the second loses what it has. There's no cure for the first but suceess; and there is no cure at all for the sec- ond. Oilisivitississississisissitss ... sissiessissiIiissiissms111111,11,111,0,1,,,,11111,11,1,1,,111,11, ..... 11,,,11,11111/1111110111114 GO TO THE MOVIES..1 That's Right, For The Next 10 Days — Thursday, May 11 to .Saturday, May 20 — We'll Give You TWO FREE PASSES To The Lyric Theatre, Exeter FOR EVERY $3,00 DRY CLEANING ORDER at Mid -Town Cleaners A NIGHT OUT FOR MOM—With Mother's Day ap- proaching this is a wonderful opportunity to give Mom a night out . . . AT MID -TOWN CLEANERS' EXPENSE. NOW'S THE TIME! to store those precious Furs and Winter Garments in our STORAGE DEPOT. PHONE 33 — FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY to the "Little Shop Around the Corner on 230 William" .... . .. 1111/11111111111111911111 llllll 1111111111111 lll l 111111111 llllllll llll 11111111 ll 1 llllllllll 11 ll 111 llll 1 lllllll 1111111A u find a better CHRYSLER 3 14 1.1 14 itt 41. 44 11 4 31 8 APPROVED AUTFIORIZED mossommasszselerrils DEALER deal if you can! all these price specials carry our famous "DEPENDABLE" used car warranty—every car inspected and reconditioned where necessary to protect your investment '58 Pontiai 2.DOOR Custom built in radio, economy 6 -cylinder engine, jet black. SALE PRICE $1595.00 `57 Dodge REGENT SEDAN Economy 6 -cylinder engine, signal lights, 2-tone.powder blue and white. SALE PRICE $1245.00 '56 Ford 2 -DOOR Peppy V4 engine, robin. egg blue, very clean, SALE PRICE $895.00 'SS Pontiac SEDAN 6 -cylinder, custom radia, sharp 2 'tone, blue and white. SALE PRICE $795.00 '54 Dodge 4,DOOR SEDAN Slip covers, 24onoi.green SALE PRIcE $49 SAO '53 Dodge REGENT SEDAN New slip cavers, 6 -cylinder engine, signal lights, jet Mack. SALE PRICE $445.00 Exeter Motor. Sales PHONE' 200' 762.W Dodge Chrysler Valiant DOBBS FOR DODGE USA: ',.414.00.2istecte.4.111.10t, 11 8