The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-11, Page 7GRAND BEND CHAMPIONS The Dashwood Planers above are from left •to right Stuart Wolfe Jerry Kad=
are shown above receiving the trophy emblematic :Of ing, Clarence Ducharme, Don Genttner, Art Haist,
at ie ' or �Jo;�l°aeon
-,r-rightto the wire
Vital only ono week relnai,q-
log 1n th.e first round of the
payoffs in the gketer liadies"
League, three positions are
still unsettled.
In the "A" group, the HappY
Gals and Pin Poppettes have
:assured themselves of playoff
spots, with comfortable mar-
gins over the •other four teams
in the group, However, the
honor ,of first place is still at
stake, with the Happy .Gals
Only two points in :front of
their ardent rivals,
The leaders moved into the
top spot with a 7-0 win over
the Wee Hopes, as Dot Munroe
literally burned up the alleys.
She came up with a sparkling
751 triple and posted a high
single of .510.
At the same time, they re-
eeived some help from the
fifth -place Trailers, who stop -
Ped the Pin Poppettes with a
5-2 score.
the grand championship of the Grand Bend Men's Bowl- president of the league who made the presentation, Ray Four have h
ing League at the group's annual banquet. The squad Van Dorsselaer ) captain Jim Finnen and Reg Brannon. Although the handicappers
ousted all the other teams in the league playoffs. Shown —Photo by Wassmann have sewn up top spat in .the
"B" division, four teams still
have a chance to cop the sec-
ond playoff position,
The Ili -Lights, paced by Marj
Edwards' 573 'triple, scored -a
5-2 win over the league -leading
Handicappers to maintain their
s on second spot
Locals lose
to Goderich
Goderich "A" took a 3-2 lead
in the grand championship
playoff in the Men's Inter -town
L c a g u e, Saturday, stopping
Exeter's "B" squad at the
local lanes.
The visitors also took home
a 262 -point lead in the total
Exeter will have to reverse
the score in the final five -
game match in Goderich this
Saturday, and will also have
to come up with enough pin-
tail to overcome their opposi-
tion's ,lead.
The visitors threatened to
make a clean sweep of the
match, as they came up with
wins in the first three games.
However, the locals came back
to cop ,the final pair and keep
them in the running for the
championship honors.
Bert. Harris, the last man in
the lineup, came up with three
strikes in the final frame in
the first game, to give the visi-
tors a 30 -pin margin and then
they built it up with decisive
wins in the second and third
However, Exeter started to
roll in the final games and
whittled the total back to the
Neil Redman was top man
for the locals with a five -game
total of 1129, while Jack Cough-
lin was second with an 1114.
Fisher topped the Goderich
miry with a neat 1232 and
ams contributed -contributed an 1193.
Topics from
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parsons
and family and Mrs. IL E.
Parsons, Landon, and Mr, O.
J. Zavitz, Toronto, were Satur-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Klahre.
Mr. Don Pullen of Arthur
spent the weekend with his
Mr. and Mrs. Itay Parkin-
son and Wayne, also Mr. and
Mrs. William Heather Jr., St.
Marys, attended SS anniver-
sary service at James Street,
Exeter, on Sunday and also
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Her-
man Foster.
Mr, and Mrs. Grafton Squire,
Sue Ann. and Paul, were Sun-
day visitors with Mr and Mrs,
Ken Mfossey, St. Marys.
Gordon Hern and toy Pull-
man are confined to the house
suffering from measles.
Mrs. Laverne Morley return-
etu n -ed home on Sunday from St.
Joseph's Hospital where she
has been a patient for three
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Parkinson
and Wayne visited Thursday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Art Hardie, Devizes.
Mrs, James Gardiner and
Jean, Thanhes Road, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Squire, Kirk -
toil, were Sunday visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. William Morley
Mr. and Mrs. Ainsley Neil
Exeter, were recent visitors of
Mr and Mrs. Alton Neil.
Mrs. Gordon Johnson visited
en Thursday in St. Marys with
Mrs. Fred Anderson.
11;eeent visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. E. Ferguson were: Mr,
and Mrs. Keith Hern and fam-
ily, Zion, Mr.and Mrs. Ken
Zaviti and Ernest, Thedford,
and Ur, and Mrs. David Hord
and family, Parkhill.
Presents top awards
at GB keglersfete
The Grand Bend Men's
Bowling League came to a
successful ending recently,
when the members staged their
annual banquet fin the village
Inn, Grand Bend,
Trophies were presented to
the two championship teams
and individual awards were
given for high singles and
triples rolled throughout the
The grandchampionship
honors were picked up by the
Dashwood Planers, who ousted
all other competition in the
playoffs. Ray Van Dorsselaer,
captain of the squad, received
the silverware.
Other members of the squad
were Clarence Ducharme, Stu-
art Wolfe, Don Genttner, Jerry
Kading, Jim Finnen and Reg
Captain Lawrence Mason of
the Strikers accepted the tro-
phy emblematic of the league
championship. The team top-
ped the league during the reg-
ular season. Emerson Desjar-
dine, Elmer Webb, Leeland
Desjardine, Henry Green, Rudy
Ravelle, Fred Newton and
Stewart Webb were the other
members of the team. ,
In the individual presenta-
tion, Ken. Kroft picked up the
high single 'honors, while Ray
Van Dorsselaer won the high
triple award.
The high singles and triples
on each of the eight teams
were as follows: Strikers,
Emerson Desjardine and Law-
rence IMason; Planers, Ray
Van Dorsselaer and Jim Fin -
nen; Dawn Tavern, Arnold
Stebbins and Arnold Mason;
Dashounds, Ken Kroft and Hu-
bert Miller; Could Bees, Har-
ry Hayter and Mery Tiernan:
Merchants, Burton Green and
Art Heist; Cus-a-nites, Ron
Merner and Jack Schade; Last
Minutes, Ken Lovie and Harry
Elect officers
In the election of officers,
Burton Green was elected
president for next season. Sec-
retary -treasurer of the league.
is Mac (MacLaren.
Retiring president Art Heist
thanked the bowlers for their
co-operation during his term of.
office. He was in charge of
the program and the presenta-
tion of trophies.
Emerson Desjardine thanked
the league's host and hostess,
Mr, and Mrs. Ory Wassmann,
for providing the banquet and
for their splendid co-operation
during the bowling season.
The financial statement was
presented and the members
donated the $20 balance to the
London Crippled Children's
Obvious winners
in Colleens race
The Obvious copped the play-
off round in the Luc'an Col-
leen's League this week with
a total phifall of 4481 in their
two-week battle with the other
four teams in the group.
The league champion Who
Cares actually tapped the pin-
ball with a 4802, but were not
eligible for the playoffs be-
cause they had already copped
one trophy.
Second place went to the
Whodidits, who were only 27
pins behind the winners.
The Lueanettes finished third
with a score of . 4432, while St.
Patricks •and the High Five
finished in the bottom with
scores of 4200 and 4017, re-
The members' of the popular
league will .stage their lannual
banquet on May 19 in the
Green Forest Lodge, Grand
At the beginning of this cen-
tury life expectancy of a Ca-
nadian at birth was about 40
years, now it is over 70 years.
League title
to" Nuggetts
Paced by Mary Cronyn s 633
triple, the Nuggetts scored
their third. straight 5-2 win
over the Bluebirds to cop, the
championship in the Friday
Niters Ladies' League at the
local lanes.
The win gave the champs a
nine -point margin in the three-
week playoff.
(Members of the team are;
011ie Essery, Ann Ewmett,
Audrey Moore, Agnes Apple-
ton, Sharron Appleton, Edna
Fullarton, Mary Cronyn and
Beverly Smith.
In the consolation round, the
Shoestrings came up with a
5-2 win over the Dubees to
vault over the losers into first
place. The Dubees held a one-
point margin going into the
final night, but dropped to
second in the head-on battle
with their nearest rivals.
Members of the team are:
June Essery, Marg Pattchett,
Lyn Cann, Ann Cowan, Elsie
Morley, Delia Essery Jean
Essery, Delores Groff.
Nuggetts (af.. cronyn 663)' 5
Bluebirds (B. Fal)ner. 518) 2
Shoestrings (E. Morley 563) 5
Dubees (1'. Hunter-Duvar 587) 2
,7unebugs (G, Lightfoot 507) ..,. 4
Rookies (3. I3ansatl 510) ...... 3
Final Playoff Winner
Nuggetts 15
Blruehir'ds . . 6
4 -Team Playoff Winner
Shoestrings 15
Dubees 1'$
Rookies 8
Junebugs 6
High single: D. R'r'iansall (278)
High triple: M. Cronyn (663)
Two men were discussing
taxes and the government's use
of money. Just' then a school
bus passed. "See what I
mean?" exclaimed one. "When
I was a boy we walked three
miles to school and three miles
home each day. Now we spend
five thousand dollars for a bus•
to pick up the children so they
don't have to walk. Then we
spend fifty thousand dollars
for a gymnasium so they can
get exercise."
The Nite Hawks came up
with a similar 5-2 win over the
Merry Maids to tie for third
spot, while the Pills moved
into the same position with a
5-2 win over the Blowettes,
The loss dropped the latter
squad down to fourth, but they
are only five points behind the
second place team and still
have achance to snake the
Alley Cats jump
in a head-on battle between
the two runners-up in the "C"
division, the Alley Cats came
up with a 5-2 win over the
Jolly :sills to break ,their tie
and move into a three-point
Grace Wurm paced the 'Oats
in their win, tossing a 539
total for her three games,
The Lollipops and Mighty
Mice still have a mathematical
chance, but will have to come
up with shut -out wins, while
the Alley Cats will have to
lose all seven of their points.
The Lucky Strikes have al-
ready clinched the top spot with
48 points, 14 more than their
nearest rival.
Busy neer (G. Webster 624)
Jody .Sts (.a .Cudrnore 521)
liaappy Gels (1).. Munroe 751)7
Wee :r'lopee (?, Lindenf)eld 51$). 8
Hot. Dogs (D. Brady 520) 5
Be Bops (fit, Macfarlane 6(16) .
Trailers (N. McJkle 469)5
PittFoppettea (1. Haugh 606) 2
148 Lights (.M. Edwards 573) 5
Handicappers (V, Gould 625) ,,2
Alla (f, Glover 557) 5.
Blowettes (D. )'ranr'e 595)
Nate H4wtts (.B. Sangster 544) , 5
M. raids (G. Farquhar X578) .,2
Frisky Six move up
In the "D" class the Busy
Bees have first place clinched
but the race for the other play-
off berth tightened up last
The Jolly Six, who had a
five -point lead, suffered a 7.0
loss at the hands of the group
leaders and ended up back in
third spot, two points behind
the Frisky Six.
The latter squad scored a 7.0
win over the High Hopes to
take over ,the lead in the race
for second spot.
Lucky Strikes (S. 'Wright 652) .. 5
Rollettes (B. Harrison' 582) ......, 2
.Lollipops (J. Lippert 539) 5
Mighty Mies ('E. Morley 513) 2
Alley Cats (G. Wurrn 539) ..,
,roily Jilts (E. .lyres 666)
Sputniks CB, Attfteld. 564) 7
who Cares (A, Bunlor 449) 0
Frisky six (J. Fite 625) 7
High Mopes (J, Iiieswetter 603) 0
NOW!' Bruce Refrigeration, Grand Bend
is pleased to announce the exclusive frachile
for this region of the comp' ete line of
TYLER tore Eu►pIl`tel'1
4c. Walk -In Storage Freezers * Steel Shelving
• Check -Out Counters c Reach -in Refrigerators
• Walk-ln. Storage Coolers Reach -In Freezers
¥ Frozen Food and Ice Cream Cases
• Meat, Produce and Dairy Cases
We do Our own installation and service on all Tyler
Refrigeration Equipment (all equipment is made in
Tilbury, Ontario).
We are exclusive dealers in this area for
Scotsman -York Ice Cube
Makers and Flaking
Used Equipment for Sale
ONE WALK-IN BOX, 6' i( 8' x b'
e'A,a: G R 0 J P
happy rats 44
P1n Pepnettes .40
Wee Hopes 10.
HotDogs 29
Trailers 23
Tae 'hops ... .,19
"J3r *ROW,
Hand trappers - 45
I11 Lights 33
:vice. }.lisps 31
falls 31
Merry Maids . 78
:Blowettes 21.
"C" o,RQUP
Lucky Strikes 45
Alley (gats 24
Jolly Jilts 31
Lollipops 27
Mighty Mies 27
Boilettes 20
"0" .:GROUP
13uay Bees 51
Frisky Six 36
Jolly six 36
Sputniks 27
High Hopes 22
Who Cares 14
:High single: ,Dot Munroe (310)
High triple: Dot Munroe (781)
High triple: ,Ni. Giver (657)
p..ninniu 1 inn.,n"."uuntennimuniunt.gok,
- Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
nesday afternoon, and dur
ing the evening through-
out the week.
Exeter Motor
111,.11".111.11.11... i,i,f, 11...1"1.0.,1,.1.1,)111.11110
The Tinifts:Adyo;ate, May 11, 194"Al
:414,"1"14"tllAMilllltnw "411""""" "1141."1l!.l AHAIAItt1At!lltIttiROM Ml9A4iium,utl tillkAIRMAMpi
Davies, .Grant, Denning
and, Bonn
Officer Hours 9 P.M. to S pant
Electric and Acetylene
Trailers Built Of All Kinds
flabliil BIND bI(T