Huron Signal, 1852-10-21, Page 11
L PrtirtNd ¢ PiiMiAed savvy TAtnadoy
Office, Amhes BQMQ/s, Gederiak
Book tad Job Feistier executed wit&
suttees and dispatch.
Terwas of Me Harrow Stigwal•-TEN
SHILLINGS per mum dread strictly is
advance, or Twelve and 6u Peace with
the expiration of the year.
No paper diseentiseed eatil stream are
Paid tie, unless the pubhebrn think it their
adman, to do so.
Any individual iu the country beeoni.g
responsible fur biz subscribers, shall re-
ceive a seventh copy grails.
07' All letters addressed to the Editor
Must be poet -paid, sr they will *Ube takes
out of the lest office.
Ternu °f Asdeerttieing._-Sia Iives and
under, first insertion EO 2 6
Each subsequent townies,0 0 74
Ten h nes and under, first laser., 0 3 4
Each subsequent iusedion, 0 0 10
Over ten lines, first in. per Ii.e, 0 •0 4
Erich snbscgnent insertion, 0 0 1
A liberal discount made to those who
advert:se by the year.
1 t C A N be consulted at all boom, se
31r. Le'Tr►tes Boarding Minute,
• (formerly the British Hotel.)
Goderich. April Via, 4852. r5
r • r
• it
•treet. Coderieb.
June 1818. 2vn25
Agent for Ontario Marine 4. Firs In-
surance Co,
INSURANCE effected on Holmes, Ship
pis, and Goode.
ilois.a k Lands Sold k Rented, Geode
All kinds of Deeds eoneetly drawn, sad
Books and Autunite adjusted.
Office over the Treasury, God.►ich.
July '22, 1852. •bo26
CML E,NtiINEll•;R Ace.
GOUEdf1Cb, C. W.
Aug. 261h, 1869. v5e3(
WILLIAM 110 Dt 1N S,-
Office 27, Dundas Street,
LAugust tGt IndONDON, C.
°gun h 'brae
bas his [Market square, Godrriek,
AGENT for the Provt.etel Mensal and
49 General lesurenee ()Mee, Torr.
Aho Agent for the $t. Lawrence Count,
Mutual, Oedeseb*re, Nee York. Local
Fast • Agent for Basso& Mo.i.on's Old Rochester
West- Nursery. July 1850.
=sr•et�* 99
cer, Solicitor
loch ),tie,
office as formerly in Strstford.
Stratford, 2adW*.. 1550. 2vn
' ABI ,N ET MAK ER, Three doers
the Canada Company'• office,
street. Goderich.
Ati"r0"t 2701. 1849. 2v.
�TOTARV PUBLIC, Commiesioaer Q.B.,
and Con..ysacer, Stratford.
Lgbthouse-street, Geduld".
October 25, 1849.' - 2volt
Bl' lAmES GENTLES, Goderi
Attentive flouters alw*ye o. ba
Goder,eh, 'Sept. 12, 1550. v3-
01 give me bark oey early dreams,
8 My early dreams ee purely bright ;
Life like • dreary desert seems,
Without their teap�risg light.
1e►. The summer brigbtnsee ski is Cu
nd. That glowed around my steps before,.. -
.30 No mere i drink at joys bnght streams,
As in my glad a.d early dreams.
flcrrrister aid .gttoraes at Late, ¢c
GaDratLn C. W.
JOHN STItACIIAN D+rrmetertad A
fey at Law, Notary Public and Con
• Attorney at Law, Solicitor to C
tory, Conveyancer.
Godorich, j 7th November, 185
• When is my busts of deep merest,
" Wheo seep forsakes my heavy eyea-
ttor- By dark Imaginings opprest,
Ltk• •peetral Forma That roved me rieo-
ray- Oft will • ray of Joyous light,
N, UpOn my spirit's gloom*. alibi.
hese, Break io with sweet and. said.. gleams,
Resembra•ee of my early dreaure•
i . ' My early dreame_a rosy.bus .
O'er every scene of life they east;
.: Bat sous from my delighted view,
Like rainbow tots, they vaaubed fast ;
• I feel like one who eta alone,
Where dazzling form• once ronsd h:m shore
And each fair scene unlovely seems,
•) Whhoat my own. my early dreams.
time - '
the Nue like these birds that move between
Those eastern seas, with reale-s f! Fitt,
3m That never to tbe.r cenrse were seen
To pause ewe moment, or alight -
(Frew .1/n.rkester, Eaglerd.)
WataT STR.FT, G00aa.t°,
(2 doors East of the Canada C. Office
!EKE elle intends to carry en
above business,. Dresses mads in
very latest fashions.
Jure :4th, 185:'. . v5a2e
F1g11iOVABLE AILOR. ow d
Weer of W. E. Grace's -Store; W
Street Goderieb.
Feb. 19, 1851. - .5-54
- ��ANTED.
TWO good BOOT and SHOE Mak
who wttl find constant emoloym
and good wager; by applrteg at the S
of the subscriber, Weat-street. Grader
Sept. 9th. 1 it51.
Bo thoughts, that rest less are as they,
ear Haunt my own spirit eight and day ;
cat And midst these oh ! hew sacred seems
Tbo senory of ay early dreams.
ere, - a1 TS 011•11 MOORE.
101 Ob ! Thou who driest the mourner's tsar,
hop ' How dark this world would be,
ich. If, while deceived and wounded here,
(Near the Markat Sesser,)
31E8PRS. JOHN di R051'. DONOG
0f1b Accommals+,nns ler Travellers,
se enenttvs Hastier•I ell time, I. 1
thugs rf Tea:D•
Goiench, Dec, f,, ut>o0. - 43 -if
Farmers' Motel! Insurance Co.
CArerAr. *1,000,000.
l.RA tHOPKINS, Hainaton, Agent F the Collette, of Waterloo and !tyros
August 27, 18:10. 3,15
BARRISTER, Soticftor in Chaucer
Attorney -et -Law, Cenve,a0cer. tie
kc. Office : Ororto II:tiding", King -S
opposite the Gore Bank. and the Bank
Br,tieh North America. !TAMILTO,. 4
iViL ENGINEER and Prot/hula! Land
Surveyor, Goderieh.
April 30, 1851. v4411
May 1851. Loiad°° Rad.
UCTIONEBR, is prepared to attend
Public Rake is any part of the United
unties, on moderate term.,
Stratford, May 1860,
s could sat fly to Thee 1
Tbe friends who in ourrrnshine bye,
R wboe winter, coma., ars 8-,w■ ;
:13p And he who has tears to give,
tut weep those tears alone.
But 'bora wilt heel the broken heart,
Which, like the plants that throw
oke Their fragrance from the wounded part,
Breathe seeitiers est of woe. -
. Oa ! who could hear life's stormy doom
Did not tby wing of love
om. brightly "reties from the gloom,
Our pace -branch from above 1
Wien joy .o longer months or cheery,
for • A.d eves the hope that threw
A moment's sparkle o'er our tears,
Is deemed and venab.d toe.
Then sorrow touebeJ by Thee grows bright
r1 TI14 GRiAT4fIIT !0881714 GOOD TO Wilt ORRATE8T !•08811114 PD9f14R.rr
gunge to the
dead below. In my you!
I was food of symbolisieg; every thing is
animate had its type is some ideal or erica
tal fas*.y; this *resell 1 kit Eike a poet; my
imagination was as fel the -yes I thought u
fertile as MJtoe's if ■y thoughts were no
as sublime.
I sauntered carelessly along the side
where a Landlord hedge twined its firm
tendrils together, draggiag my cane after
me, musing in eareless'reyerie. Suddenly
I peered; Judge L's. beautiful lot was di-
rectly before me; its little foustain bubli.R
up and breaking up into white globules that
glistened like hoer frost. Isere I leased
by a huge and hoary elm, and Blued my
eyes u the magic breathing of Aute skil-
fully touched, floated through my dreaming
brain. 1 thio& that wu the most blessed
hour of my existence, for, mingling with
that plaintive melody, came a bright, gentle
face, with sparkling eyes, and cheeks just
crimsoned enough to resemble two pale
rola Ieaves flushing, the purest snow. 0!
how I lorded that'sweet May Kendal; love!
-would I could tLiak of some word that
would express even more than adoration:
forgetinP (;od, I idolised her, agotist that I
was, fancied that my unspoken passion was
returned. llut I will not linger; is those
few moments I was pouring my very soul
',shrike heart that I foully fancied, as youth e
ill•sometimes, was in a kind of spirituel
retrace ever beside hoe.
My reverie was broken by the approach
f a stianger, and a light silvery laugb-sbut se
ut the music of the flute, for it was so like bo
al's, so ringing so joyous. Presently, ty
s the fine manly form -drew nearer, I re- w
ognised the •features of one .wbo was my ,it
ollege irate two years .ago; I would hare 1;
runs forward to meet him; kis name was fu
embting on my lips, when a sight arrested of
s attention that .-billed my blend and made 1 n
my teeth chatter with a sudden freezing'
sr. The two had come almost beside me,.
d there stopped, charmed with the little
van spot; the lady -held her hat by the
cgs; one arm passed confidingly through
t of her companion, and when she turned
r radiant face around towards me--wbo
s concealed hy the shadow -I reeognia.
in the full •food of moonlight, May Ken-
!. 1 do not like, even at this day, to
iew the feeling that shook my frame
n I heard them murmur »telt words of
derness to each other in subdued and
py-tones; a deadly (nattiest came over
as I gathered from tbeir lips the know-
ge that they were betrothed, and when
t pas,ed away, a fierce revenge sent the
od boihag through my veins;once I would
e leaped aeon him and demanded my
y, t rl love,without whom: life would be a
rue, and the world a dread blank. Hut
d by what ugh cculd I call .her, mine 1
ley vi by my my
ke aa aspen leaf.
b white forehead, almost forced him from the
inanimate body, that he would hold clasped
- to bis bosom, kissing the white lips, the
white cheeks, ere. the glidea locks that
laid damp and uncurled over tier should-
ers. •
And when I left the house of maiming,
was it not etrugs the calmness I felt set-
tling over my .pint 1 Could this thought,
even in its faintest tracery, swell through
my mind at such a tense -she is Dot mine,
and neither is Me his; I sin glad that she
could not be mine, tao.e bet -death can
claim her nowt I fear bad conscience ap-
plied ber torch, she world read those sea -
thing words written on the enema portals
of my heart; but I mese belted.
The next day I west over to be precast
at the funeral services; and still I felt fiat
sorrowful Imprimis. Poor Frederick was
at times ra rug, then stupid with his great
woe: the mourners assembled, the heiitifnt
dead, laid rcbed in satin is her eotba, already
filled with weeping friends. I took my
station by the cobs; with unalterable ten-
derness I gazed upon that heavedy coun-
tenance it looked sot like stern death beta
soft, smiling slumber.
There was 111 her young companions
around, village maidens, whose silvery voice
wavered, sad trembled, until tears aid sobs
belted down their music, and one mourn-
ful, heart reading wail sounded through the
The pastor arose and began his prayer;
ver heard I a more affectionate petition ;
w gently he spoke of her youth her beau -
and goodness; --the circumstance under
Lich God, yeas pleased to call "her just a+
were standing on the tkreJabold of happy
fe, and looking through the rose colored
ture. 1 stall kept my place at the bead
the chile; my eyes full of teen never
ace moved from that holy fue-
1 fancied the features grew dim; I
thought my sight failed, and I best eloser
to the corpse. I drew back, wiped my
eyes -Looked , again; God of mercy, what
thrill setit a wild shock through my frame
and smote my brain u with fire ! I reeled !
I fell almost over the coffin; there was mois-
ture 011 the glass, moisture that came not
off when I applied my hied; moisture upon
the inside. My.knees trembled, my heart
best against my side till I swayed like a
pendulum; all my 'serenity was gone, the
voice of the pastor whistled in my ear;
each moment was an hour, and yet I knew
not what to do. ' The conflict came again
-it was awful, awful; if I kept my silence
she was xl ill ter bride of` death,„ and as
muck mine as another's! if I spoke, she
was again tbe wife of my rival. I dare not
think of my emotions .ow -I could not
hare -been myself when that horrible temp-
tation beset me, and whispered me to
the dark grave claim her, if I might not
0! that was the great sin of life; I hope
am forgiven.
The prrspiratio, welled out from er
pore, but the agony was passed; I eo
have throttled the pastor that be did
ease -yet. i tfembled for the very life
ha busband,should be kaow the truth t
sddeslr; there was a . tiegli°g fro
bead to my lagers' cads; 1
she bad been most kind to me, but ne-
tnore than maiden mnde•ty might well
em conduct. Now i knew -(;0d
ire me for (Le rage that tugged at my
rt strings as I thought it,.:why she had
cd of Frederick; oh! fool that I was,
to comprehend: she smiled on me be- 1 c
i was his fricod, because I had ever I t
sweet recollecthen 7e, tell, some cora- s
roue to Arai se. and blinded owe I
blindness, if I may so steak, I fancied she li
lured ode.
e ry
How did I command myself enough, still that
to stead motionless, even lilt I keened the weak
day the -bur the weddi.g would take places It
to be
the s
not 1M
take o
dm u
said the
and u
door, m
the fair
I Mixed
I shook
me, M
quick ! e
she must
Amenr eh, bow I thanked God f
speed ; I stii else& to the midis; I .wa
weak u a child.
wee the erotism for the chief mo°roe
called first, that they paight be spare
hock ofseei°g the dear one borne o
their eyes. The poor husband to
out, supported oe each gide; do y
nk my fellings meet hare been sin
as he passed me !-Next the Bobbi
r. Now was my time; " fijend
hours," I gasped, "call the sexton
f the coati lid, delay not a monies
!sot deed." 1 rather shrieked than
last words.
such a change as came over that as-
; many lwoseed--a crowd came
up fo tete corm; I pressed them
the hand of the sderlaker trembled
screw after strew fed rattling se the
y heart beat quicker with hope sed
a more then rapture's ray. for every nerve In my body seemed changed
y, As darkness .bows us wends of light
We never saw by day. Note an instrument of !create. Fortunately'
t I they did not pass me; but retraced their
1 i t e r a t u r c, 1 steps; and I bending low, with almost break-
iog beset, slowly left the pleasant grave-
t „•
EXT door to H. B. O'C.iser', @tore,
West Street, G.derieb. Clothes made
repaired, and cultic demos the.her-
iss, and meet libiml term..
comber 8"rd, 1861. vcs42
W. & 'R. 81MPSUN
bWoes.s, wife Matebeete, Fruiteta,,
n C. No. 17 Deaths fMttutwl,
reary Yob 1881.
:*i /aronna6°m primers. t. attend Bales tr
es the
nee( liberal terms. Apply (the Tbbet
Division Curt SSOS, er et toy
8tn°y Galerteb. home; jW
teemed to ead,iili r°� poverty w111 be
My by Mlvsl. s, 'Mae
Jewry er 1888. eM17.
Jo. PRiM TING of own
sed ptRrtyax«.atatttti5~s" a'k"Mp)
1 THE OLD DOCTORS STORY. yard and walked towards home, too wretch-
• THRILLING il- itenDltNT. ed to thick or feel all tbe crushing weight
1- Th'e ___. of my disappointment. The next day be-
ra are times when the gran yard boforeuriesung ri;;;II:vssas re amaytrawnagey totutmheulattigeohalt-t
fI tbe Temple" of the dead ia her soft trans- and end more than orice-I sboddfr "to
, pareat dssissrb ss the pleasant moos lights I think of it--contemptated self destructioe
F faee of the beautiful cherubs that forever hoer, bo6er, to my aid -religion, and in
will" hut serer take their ilight, it is Neel became soothed if mot consfortod : that
sweet to wander up the shaded lies ol the is hAsy 1 "sew May wss 4sesweablY sae'
eltuaberou eity and mem ore die kir y;s4.
Illemoriet of the departed. -
The stars beraell with A lustre peculiar we meths passed; I dimmed
tly fortified with good resoktios, to
atianalistallan ....alikielljr__gra chat Oliki 8tossPlese ret bow to P7 elutes place of resideses
•-- - - --"-'_''''''llg eillottait7 to NT it eie high woe when I (trete rip die main
°Nit% 1 walloorod froth how 1 tote°17 street,* carriage dashed by toe, a light ve-
llum why, sad head week', after a leisure kick; ;a.. now mosect a tweed. mid
of Dash* tap. I was • happy mem my mina; hi. We denoted suffering.
Mar sod Prokatedly we K. D. What tril yea reach Mrs. Keeriall's; my May lies
inia' "sr ibe ("bit's" b°^81 Pm", rrealielt Cm abreast. I Mvelestary drew
I had vomiter! lay diploma that day; I was " Dy. Lsee, ley early !Heed, da aot stop
(tingled my seeps to the lovely, rural be- am -sick, dyieg," bo Illifolit bow aehl
Hal grimed I asset sew tell, lust as sandy pais eo wog. My feu lohnebsil 1 Mt a
1111 I Nee 1 este believe that eerie mplaiii- *Ara Seed of tremor; we &shed ahead,
glia"as °Poo. the was glitthrorl le the semi by tie comb el tha yam Mids.--
11°6°B %IC al• Alaimo hoed dmPil Ihmi Thatwas ea awful hear thus goat; at Its
ekes, I Frosted dews her while Ityw-hills white satin
hew eat with beauty le dead 1 Asid Mal, Waage at
he alk there was trientph at my heart ep,..*
la 1116614 At awful grief el the Ilesinad, had see&
now Go lig doge th4 Weed hood his breed Led
lbo trees mod boomed doe smooth gravel
with loathe emery; tbe blob mod Gowen
grthrell So Erb RIMIIMI 11. es tie goody
thread imeeole-1 Weer thay were hob
11100.-womed whigenes is Goat aka
lid wu throws aside ; is ary arms was
creature borne to her (meek as I
a momest, I saw hoe only sister
as if rivettod to Um deer; iler
ghastly, her eyes stariag frightfully.
her by the arm; hut she stirred riot;
ber rudely saying,“ trelese yes bitIp
aria, she may perhaps really the;
ome and cocoa' her grave clothes
sot see that -oust met know
With • wild useisteral burst ef laughter
the girl aroused herself' from her stupor;
them se vetlikswiy, a Seed of teen tame te
her relief; at! was right ars; she followed
lite We thus sett ebassher, eatioil the
rilrhea's live the debate wrists,
d tie boom bone open the
that by the tilos the yang beide
bee oyes, ohs was Iyieg en if the
ethek kr Swum delaber.
I breathed (reel _d -- -- - --�- -
j AT San an* o► Tea rasa.
7;an yet another irnpor-
tut task was to be aeeoepilshed; by my
orders the peer husband had been briefly
detained a moment; he was so distracted
with his grief that all news was alike to hirer
-they led him where tbey liked; be sat in
a little room just at cross the catty. I went
in, closed the door apd stood beside him ;
he glanced up once, thee buried his face in t
his brads with a deep, unearthly groans Gat
went to my very soul; oh? I felt for the
first time such exgb site;ay in the 4ierform-
ance of a good deed --I experience a new
lore for my profession.
"Frederick," mid I paining my arra
areued his seek, "there is some geed yet
u store for you, do not mourn this way."
" I am a broken hearted man," be utter-
ed in falteriag accents; "do not strive to
comfort me -you only increase my mis-
"But '
give you comfort you
little dream of; if -if -if I told -you-"
I stammered, and knew not how to proceed
for to proceed, for the husband's wild eyes
were fastened to my face, while be halftone
with a strange quick mo,errent.
" If what -if what, Doctor Lanel-
what am I to think," his voice trembled;
" there is something is my heart bids me
look • to you for hope! Yet why, wgy!"
and the words sank mcurnfull► into si-
" Did you ever bear of peopktalling into
trances, and then wbea robed for the
sed, hp never blushes. Pee a glance he is
in future"; raptures ; fora word he would lay dews bis•Itfa. Yet it is be
who°ells oar vas city dims, with week,
of female purity ; it is he who profanes
the holy nems of mother, deaslat*m the
she". where domestic happiness is shroud
ulna the heart that hostels hum : pollute.•
he very air be breathes, end all leader
he mask of a ptliebed gent lemon.
Ladies, a word in your ears, hero you
levers, sad wool, you peeress • worthy
husband 7 Cheese him whose delicacy of i
deportment, whom, Asea of yo., worth ,
leads him to fend aloof, while ethers
crowd aroned yon• If he Washes @tame I t
mars even at your approach, consider them i
so many signs of hote exalted *Oahu of
your sex • 1f he was retiree sod modest to
let not a lheemed foetus*. weigh him dews °
is the ►slams,, for depend upon it, with him
your iN. will he happier ie. poverty, than
with many another sr:rounded 1by the
splendor of palaces.
Lorearotte Wan (jus.rc Conaici- .T
T •-11. s • fooltab man who_ is
!bees day, t
pvoao"neer anythisg,witMa time
pssibiltiy of perfoimsne, by the ingenuity of
mute b. impractrea'le• Ti,. following ar-
tic's from the New York Leerier 4. leetsir-
er, will silos that that long talked •f ems.
musiealion by Telegraph of the New World
with thb,Old, is perhaps, not se difficult as
ti bas generally been supposed to be. Tb.
sweeties appears appears to be a fumble one, sad
if se it is quite certain !bat the metes will
no t be ranting to gin it a fair trial :
Tana.. ATLsanc T -The
complete success which has •ttend.d the
effort to connect Elglaod with lrelisd sad
"nth France. by eubarine telegraphic cont.
menication has Lepbednew . fat tb in the
practicability of forming a similar mum, 1 lap
tion with America. Many different pro-
jects have already been started for the ae-
cemptiehment 01 thtsgreat object, but none
!bet we hive seen, his stuck us so favor-.
ably as use set forth in an English pamphlet
before ua. it certainly gait. far towards I eat
obviating s difficulty which has bars revee ' D
ded as 111, mn.t formidable in the way of I fain
the* immense distance for led
which the wire mn.t be ma!ntained' ons I'1 w
broken, and the vast err uble which a free. fou,
lure in any portion of it mnstco.iegnently rien
occasion• Tbe'rtute oro,.need is "eerily then
new: 1 t extends from the northern coast
of $cotlami to the (1-kuey. Shetland, and
Ferree lel*ode, thence to Iceland, bree.•
land and Labrador, and these" sleeg the
northern bank of:he St tti
. L+wrcnee to gene
bee. Th. entire length of the line b about Jnat
3,500 reties, and its tech -matte* portion will i Out,
be shorter by nearly oni.third then if ear- 151**
vied directly scrota the Atlantic. The 'eel b
nut,-matite dtatanc ' to b. overen i veru.
me is serves (,s mai
Divii Strait between Greenland and La high
header, en extent of four or five hundred
mile... The soundings in the,. straut ars
hielity favoraSle Fleets Xing it to said nearly
9.00 miles in • direct b.. from ',arena's , •f ber
Flour, wore is a provoerone ee'tlemen,, to i tmpri
Bernn'e Boy, on the reset. .-1 [Abrader.- 1 "oro
Between Greeol,:nd end i•.!a,d, wh•ch is i The ►
•bout half the dot Ince a between Green- ..inn
land and Lehre,Jnr, the smrndt•+g, average Fella
more than too fathoms se that the line mums
would lay perfectly mecum h.neetb the I barq :
tar tet.
Boating lectin,,, Between Iceland and cbr 1_
the Ferrue lolled.a deotanc.efuetnethree I'al6'
hundred miles, an! betwo•�n the Ferree sed 'Nara.
the Shetland lolled' a dietaree sonrwhat ii mitt:-.
boo s.,
les., thorn is no ice that wnu!J Wren -ten ' G,ver.
any periwig ob'tsele Tee taut• is pe►. Ing mo
tinnily Ire" from the intmenre beds offeree i war "R
nr sea weed to which the wire in a more the 96
southern one would be et colours
exposed, oral fru wilttti
also certain minor idvsntages cosseq'.est lia.ciol
ulne a Isms depth of w 1' er, ' paper tl
A movement hap already been made rn fro,
from lit
England towards tote ng a enmps nv with address
s capital of £300.000, with power to dnnhle writers
•t : for the purpose of moppet wit this hefnrc l
scheme. Neg•'uatione bole been opened .0.4 11 i
wilt, 11,. es:m ion Gov•rnmant for a grant with Inc
,fleve o1oth,rftee,'im for eonet►iietire
the line, use the Go.erwmens, in far as vw. feQe^
latest* is dointni„n .f Greenland le ketone from a P
,• ee•rc•e:! r'+ :ten Rg ere n;trtne1. To. ! Rhr•de i.
French 'imp three it. ep•n'ne last antam hos foo. bet
remelted\prcfii• equal to t5 per cent., and W'n• 11.
the -e is •'y i.ltte doeh' bet that this line "ten tit•
wen .1 pipit. highly pr utile if it could be ,,",dings
constructed feraaytern like tar eine wet urs ever
estimated. Tbe 'tense ft, however, to M ' ^Ajrt t ft
token Into enns,J.ratten ars to meatfJld
United @t
vaso so e
I could proceed so further; the excited
man sprang from his seat, clenched both my
hands, and With fire iu his eyes, incoherent-
ly exclaimed -e What 1 -how 1- deadl-
in a trance 1 -laid nut 1 -buried 1 -shut up?
-whom I saw die -who gasped to my
arms -on this bosom -bade me farewell -
grew white add cold-no,•.o, you mock
"Frederick,' said I, while the tears
rained down my cheeks, "your wife stall
lives -she was only to a trance"
Never shall I forget the ensuing scene ;
he threw his arms around me, find hugged
me like one frantic.
"God bless you! Ileaven bless you! Oh!
Doctor, I shall die of this ex.-ess of joy,
lead me to her; .where is she, my friend, my
goal! friend? May, May, my sweet bride
-not dead -not dead! When these eyes
looked upon ber for the last time 1 Ob ! but
no, doctor, this is too beautiful, too good --
let me see ber, I will be calm; and, doctor,
he exclaimed, grasping my arm with his
shaking fingers,"I would almost giro you
my life for this, 1' would, i would; I could
not have survived long you canna(tell
how dearly 1 levet! her.- Dear Doctor,
God bless you!"
IIe did not even dream poor fellow that
be had been my rival.
The mother hung orcr her child -the
husband bent over his bride --full of thank-s-
giving.she, with her large blue eyes moving
fondly from one to the oth�'r, as abe
whispered, " I am better, stronger; I will
soon be well again; I have been sick very
long, have 1 not 1"
Frederick kissed her pure brow in re-
ply, and then hid his face in the pillow, to.
weep in silence; and then I left them, a
happier being a better man; and happier and
better I have been eves since.
May and her husband still live -a fond
and beautiful pair, even now.
1 am an old bachelor.
We sever saw a genlinely hubris! mar.
who was not ehe noel of honor Though
mieh may blush and stammer. ,and shone
forth with else. .he ts,..ehts .0161 they
would sinews, yet roam md them to in
for frierels•
that time will mellow end hr. eat ; per.
coptions se delicate an 1111 het eel tint le
are sone the lees voRned end heritail vet
they do not floe with the impetuosity of
the *hallow etreamhot.
We are astoroished that ouch men are
sot appreciated ; thet Wee with welly
rood heart. sad cellos/eel iatelteets, will
With 011nila. and attentions heelless hat eon
fold • shawl ruefully and burly eutpli
menu with Parisian elereke white they
will sot contierreeed to limb spin the wor-
rest teat Ins every woe glutei p eta
Tito man whe le beshful le the pre mete
of ladies, le thew defender *bee the kese
',ages "of the slanderer woeld defame theta ,„n„,a n,
It it ee: he who" boasts of ermined . or da me by Oro*, et
to talk gliWy of regrets that *twee le hi. la mho
with nmeet wan., IWO eye Cab with anger
to hear the sew ef *masa *espied with
• coarse earth : mei yet he weeld die to
Weed them. le Nut Moored by ibe
majority of ear tor.
& amity wee serve earn. roes mod elv-
gseeeAro his recribitivi: epee his lip eles
ilattery, ready to play eosin alike til tbe
WU elle sod Meek be le woe es* pleir
a males more, whet, in all se the mutes
see of the army an IM W,eNee, over two
reallaas of puede sterling. Tb. toll
nwbav N ntm, curing seder the designee
nee of "trues" teas in that year 38,77;1
std the susber. anility was 4810. les
• small properties N times besieger, were
in the Americas celestes, naly sheet 8834
distributed as follows :-Cased., 6lo9
Nora Beetle, 1618: Bermuda, fwbieb u
attached to Slue airlines ) 1194 ; Nrw
Brsesweek, 888 ; Newfoundland, 346 ; avid
Prince Ed weed's Island, 89.-i. the West
ladies there ars 5.112. la tits Mrditer-
raasen, which contains by far the largest
proportaer, 9007. At the Cape of Good
11-44, 4364 ; and in the reel of Atrica
sometheg lets !bar 11100• • Avuraha, , tic,
immenre treasures of this wind -re E, Ho. -
ado went not thou know') 19,15 • many of
ahem were eanttrually ektrmtshtng w:t1
the savages of New Zealand. '1'h•,re ham
hese nes ►egtmert ours!:4.0 ut to Au+era a
.me. tit. ducu.*ry yt-' ld ,•gine. -
At Curios 3.985: Mermaids 1.737
Hong Kong 1147. Th. tromps istlu,ted in
the above dispwttion ; the artt:iary wt• r0
distributed over run •tether, •n ah.,cs
the same proporttnas. The S elvers and
011.5?., and the Engineers are Lkewiee dis-
tributed over the whole of the Cu.oe,ce.
DaxR Or WRLLaseTo9,• 717'111 -«'r ar,
enabled to annuttons that the Duke of We -
ingtnn bus left a wilt, t'tougl the contents
of it, as yet roma■ ■ndr•clo,ed• 11 :s
dated ar tar hack es 1818, and wee friend
1st. ou eaturday night' at° conics Bank.
The $xi•tenee of this document was, a+*
behove, unknown °ren to those most pearly
connected with Ilse Duke. whn though of
are years be had ordered several walla to
be prepared, yet dower could make np hes
mind to aureate them- The Lek" appears
have always avoided the subject of his
wn death, sad the arrangements eosnec-
e4 with iv Those wbo knew him hest
ardty ever remember to bare heard hem
talk *leech matters; and, in illustration of
Hee feature i hie s ebaraetnr' • cartons rut
may be mesltoned• Every one beeps
that b. received, 1a the course of his long
aid distinguished loft, many presents of
immsose value, and that Apsley Howse is
611ed with a great variety of object", the
jou/nest attached to whish ean badly b.
overrated• This sellecties, ss personal
property. was N curse exposed to the esti
of diepersio° after the -Duke"' death; and,
with a mew to Ns preservation. an act of
parlt+eenl was ohtuaed, esebb.g hie Gram
wi,his b epee. •1twa years, to ask. heir.
1.oma of melt objets.* as he wicked to ..e
nals.ably attacked to his title and estates.
Siagelarly 'newels, it was sot till the Inst
day N tits time ;has greeted that he signs.!
the deeoments requtette to wake the act
availebb, Times. .
Moireraa Faweaa liseD.-801,014.6. 14ea may
be formed of the mageittsde of the sew
figure laud .f the N'iedaer Castle 140
Russ, now in Woolwich. rhea it•,s stated
that ,t con.Lts of a lies 'impale. 18 feet in
height, the tail 'being sine frets length
an,l tl.e -r__ __- _
of sub the bind
et the middle kept is fut.
A lady, • sextant shopper, who her/made
an intent/sate clerk tumble over all the
gooes in the store, among which were •
great number --objected that
nue were lung enough I- want Ike leitireat
hoes that are made said eke. • Thee
you had better apply at the hut
me house, 'replied the badgered clerk.
ering the recent electien in Great Bri-
on. of easdidates foe Ediadorongli cal.
upon • tradesman to solicit:Mei vote. -
mild rather vete for the devil than ,for
said the surly "lector. 'Buy/store
the bland candidate,' ni ease "our
d should odt come forward, ought 1
coast upon your support!'
Naw 1110 October.
'to leen+ by the Empire City trhieh hate
arrived from H eeeee that her passes.
were allowed te go arbors freely
was still very greet sod was Mersin.
j hese ?Wert of tbe local Go.
d everywhere tu prevail. The Meal
handed outrage, bid to
ied oat Ones Aneritan vestal" one or/
them the Barges Corvette Ward, 111141111,
on keen for New Yerk. wait ordered le
anchor and was detained for oats de • tw
imeeengera were •Iso seised sea
ieord. The letterbage Otte' "suet
then takes and rid -dor their contests.
*eine E'izaleth Jay Capt. Brooke,
Philadelphia, wu subjected to the
strtngent rind ontrual searching-.
officers plaud on board hire stile
lockout up by the polies. The
• Child, Herold which arrived on
.11 loroe papers 'eked, •nd the tree -
ally given in!charge of the police a
s. Thus ;outrages home been com-
fi,r no ea ivfAC tory caner, whatever,
lely thro prying ambition of
itipprrtors.. Th. Briliih nese et
oreamoad," which left Havana oh
the Cotentin was utterly diegusted
• conduct of the Dee
a, publisher of the routine
Ineluded in the letters "ivied
• barque C•traolie. were unreal
ed to citizens of New Ywrk• The
or limo him Wee cited to appall.
he Mayor. that they might Ws
marl IWO, they wiree to be dealt
a LAW hfeVellitn0TW--Wro knee
rut/teem. paper that three tbeealted
worth of lure, if in emoted, ht
n ordered to be destroyed; bet
Green, nf New York. elates" to
Ilene and has vvinfbie,,eei pre-
il the Unread States Curs se fee
n nt 11. Tbie i• the largest ism.
mule, end therefore makes It se
r the owner, to limit OMNI, 111 the
owed sp.-Befeht Pas. f Jeer.
"tea hews Amin Teta Patiellete...le
barrelled In the primers ed Dale -
reply to an reweave* te he pee -
rend bengeet, gives te *be
Maryliend, wrote A* lid rimy
el IrAintng hi Reser lama
". 1 oil be Permitted to say rest
ese elate of mers IA* shoe Pal
eshaele, eat keel eppreeiatel
perm. Iley efe4 PTV, emu.
mom, they toll irsterly. puloatlyy
y; ei4 for whet, ifo a webs
Mout for hoe beellreesee vie MS
t. *Militia dm pisblis asseml
. whew* Slaty see dune, is oed
Wiwi, le fete,t1111041. where ihe
patriot* way eroweeo. MI ••
'elute. Nevem" me esbineter
netieee • 6.0 Aftli140111 Se lee ler
orirrerairae brew ware* 111111
the mirdit"
mud warted and al preterit ten "licitly ih.
mietigeted to arena of say reliable erste- Goyim
tom ut th re townie! woad.
coorr or TIM cOLONlite TO GREAT dietreettan
BRITAIN, wpr:ibersiiwteiri•ohoh
Lowe, se
The Leedom Timer of the 8th Met.. ens. It is that
none the report Attuned by Re Wai Me- elate, the
the COO of the "rosy eastaieed met mod le
itele to the entities. memmenti
watch is the year which ON fotel aite re
everted, the Iroise le the en merely le
Immo essol the menthire *metre A 1,0501,6341. lew• run,
they 4. Ont. arenr11.11/ 14 Iles notitiary tee. Neve, mama
thee4ntee *tors te that elan dungsated t114•0•4 tif
steps" "rtrneste..".-1.. ibilleledditalre lee,""liarthettl, "hist.. *lame. ibinf"lito reef.
*bee. seas, the senility eeet Slphlr/O, tbit Mese Mem.
0616veris awl mow. ink**. : met OS eme. pelertme eel
refer% obi 11 will be knew. er neosey moth stet;
the elleets of the walevere ASI,1061. Thu *he (ono.
which for mei yew nommiethi le *beet bed