HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-11, Page 5•.P49• 3. May 11, 1951 Henson and district news CORRE$PONDENTs Mrs, Maude liad.don, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie MacProw9r, Phone 56 p44, .. :::..:Er:=1.V.VMMTP,T112Z:Z=VEZSIMOZZ.4374FialliCe=0 Build mill at Zurich Hensall District Ce-OPOra, five have purchased a Parcel of land east of the village of Znrich from Seth Animals, where they intend to erect a new feed mill. The land fronts on °the Slid Line, Previously the Co.Op had planned to build a neW mUl just north of Zurich, but due to complications, they decided upon the change of location. Allan Armstrong, president of the Co -Op, stated work is scheduled to get under way this slimmer on the new building. Plans have been already drawn and contracts are to be called for shortly. Celebrate anniversary At a, dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, Tuesday eve- ing, May 9 marked the twen- tieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy CamPbeR. Attending were their two sons, Eric and Alvin Camp- bell, Miss Sharon Appleton, Exeter,, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell, Hensall, Mrs. John Campbell, Exeter (parents and grandmother of Mr. Camp- bell), Mr, Alvin Wurm (Mrs, Campbell's father) and Mrs. percy Hewitt, Exeter. Lodges hear area pastor 'Members of •the Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges of Huron District No, 8 paraded to Car- mel Presbyterian Church Sun- day evening where they at- tended divine service and were •addressed by Rev. D. Leslie Elder, of Seaforth, interim pas- tor. Be chose for his •sermon topic "Three Inseparable Links" referring to the em- blematic three links of Odd Fellowship, Friendship, Love and Truth. Mr, Charles M. Gay, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, was guest •soloist. tiVIrs. Malcolm Dougall,church organist, ac- companied him at the organ and directed the choir for As selection. Lovely spring flowers decorated the church and audi- torium. At the conclusion of the serv- lee the lodges marched to the Oddfellow's ha11 where refresh- ments were served, Aux. plans penny sale The Legion Ladies' Auxiliary meeting Tuesday evening final- ized plans for its annual penny sale to be held Saturday, May 27 at 10 p.m. with over 50 prizes donated by local and district businessmen to be drawn for. Tickets can be ob.,' tained from members or at the PUC building. Members will leave by char- tered bus on Wednesday, May 10 for the zine rally at Wing - ham, Mrs. Mary Bisback won the mystery prize. Winners at bingo were: Mrs. Keith Buchanan (2), Mrs. Don Havens, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Earl Zimmer, Mrs. How- ard Smale, Mrs. Marg Van - stone, Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs. Ed Munn and Mrs. Byran Kyle, 't,e President Mrs. Gordon Munn presided.tor the meeting. Two Hensall men Girl dies injured in crash Admitted to Victoria Hospital overthe weekend with minor injuries and released were Het - mut Meybaum, and Dieter Kriegsmann, of Hensall, lel- lowing a two car head on. crash on Wherncliffe Read, south of Commissioner's Road, London. The accident occurred diming of measles Funeral seryices for snsan. 'Lynn iColquhoito, five-year-old daughter iof Mr, and. Mrs. Mur. ray-taolquhoiin, Mitchell,. were held from the Fuperal Home, Mitchell, Wed- nesday, May 10. Burial was in. Woodland cemetery. a blinding thundershower. The little girl was admitted Driven by Meybaum, 24, and to Stratford General Hospital. Thomas .Lockwood, 22, Dela- on Saturday with measles, and ware, collided in •the west lane of the four -lane highwaY. died Monday when coplica- tions developed in her illness. Kriegsmann was a passenger She was the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs, Russell Keyes, Mitchell, and great-granddaugh- ter of Mrs. Emily Parker of Hensel 1NMS arid LadiesAid in the northbound Meybaum car. Buys garage Mr, Roy Campbell has pur- chased from Mrs. T. C. Coates the garage known as the Hen - sail Motor Sales on Highway 4 on the outskirts ot Hensell and takes possession May 16. Personal items Mr. Charles Mickle and Miss Gwen Spencer who have fin- ished their second year at the University of Western Ontario are vacationing at their homes for the summer months, the former with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family, and the latter with her parents, Mr. •and Mrs. Walter Spencer and. Greg, Miss Beth Goddard and Miss Margaret Smillle, who have completed their first year's course at Macdonald Hall, Guelph, are holidaying at their respective homes for the sum- mer, Beth with her parents, Dr. and Mrs, j, C. Goddard, and Margaret with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mr,' and Mrs, Nelson Alfred and two sons, of Brantford, visited Sunday with Mrs. Cath- erine Hedden and Herb. Hensall Women's Institute is looking forward to celebrating its 25th anniversary Friday, May 12 in Hensall United schoolrooms at 8 p.m. Mrs. Lydia Doig, a patient at the Queensway Nursing Home, was •admitted to the County Home on Friday, Mrs. Wes Venner was admit- ted to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday, with a throat infection, In a draw for two budgies at Al's Supersave market on Sat- urday lucky winners were Mrs. William McGregor, Kippen, and Bob Taylor, Exeter, Mrs, Fred Beer, president of Hensel' Women's Institute, at- tended the annual WI Officers' Conference at the OAC, Guelph May 3, 4 and 5. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family recently visited with relatives in Belgrave. Mrs, C. H. Lenaghan was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Thursday. ' Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Harry Caldwell attended a bowling banquet at the Village Inn, Grand Bend, last Wednes- day, May 3. Misses Diane and Karen Bedard of London are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mattson and family. LAC Hil Veau and Mrs. Veau. returned from visiting with relatives at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potter and family, of Clinton, visited re- cently with Mr. and Ross Cor- bett, Steven and Kim. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bedard land family, of London, were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Mattson. WMS te pack bale Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes So- returned Saturday from a win - The Woman's Missionary ter's win- ciety convened on Thursday vacation spent in western 'United Stales. south - afternoon for its May meeting with Mrs. R. M. Peck's group Members of the planning in charge with scripture pas- committee of the United Church sages read by Mrs. R. Mal- met with an architect to cis - lister and prayer offered by cuss plans and request pre- liminary sketches for possible Mrs. L. tMickle. Atm Elgin Rowoliffe re,. additional Sunday School ac - viewed chapters from the study Commodaition for the church. book "The Turning World". Linda Lee Beer, little deugh- • -A letter from the missionary ter of Mr. and Mrs. George for prayer, Miss Current, was 'leer, entertained an Saturday read by Mrs. J. Ferguson and in honor of her fourth birthday. Mrs. Peck read a letter from Attending the party were Ann and Stephen Knight, Gail Jinks, the missionary's mother tell- Glenda Deitz, Judith Mickle, ing of her early life before be. coming a missionary. Mist Betty Ann Beer and Terry and Arin Mickle favored with a P'erry Mattson, The children enjoyed games and lunch with piano solo and Mrs. T. Coates rendered a vcal solo with ac a birthday cake serVed topped ti eompsnist C, winiaw, with Ione candles, Mr, William Buchanan During the _business period patient in Clinton Public 1-Haosa:, conducted by Mrs, RoWe tne halo was set. for June 6 to date for the packing of the P ltal The May meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Monday evening in the church schoolroom with Mrs. Earl Campbell presiding, Mrs. Glenn Bell had charge of the devotional and was as- sisted by Mrs. Len Purdy, An interesting report of the WMS Synodical held in Sarnia was given by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, a delegate from Hensall. Plans were made for the birthday pity to be held on June 12 at 8 p,m. with Mrs. George Lamont of Mitchell as guest speaker, A tea is to be held at Mrs. Sam Dougall's home on the .afternoon of May 31. Wins sweepstake Mrs, Inez 'McEwen received word this week that her sister- in-law, Mrs. W. H. McEwen of Edmonton was the lucky winner of $75,000 in the Irish Sweepstakes run in March this year, her horse coming in third. Her husband who has been blind for 14 years is a native of Hensall and was born on the farm owned by Archie Row- cliffe, 'IA miles south of the village on Highway 4. UC auxiliary aids mission First vice president Mrs. Ron Mock conducted the May meeting of the Evening Aux- iliary of the United Church held Monday evening. The de- votional with the theme, "(Mo- ther Love" was taken by Mrs. Ed Corbett assisted by Miss Mary Goodwin. A letter from the missionary for prayer in India, Miss Mu- riel. Sanford, Reg. N. was read by Mrs. Jim Taylor. A motion was passed each member send her a handkerchief individu- ally. The auxiliary also voted $50 to Miss Sanford to °assist her in the hospital work, and mem- bers of the Mission Band will forward packages of "Freshie." Pamela Sangster, Debbie An- derson, Donna Forrest, Pam- ela Taylor, Linda Hay and Mary Mock, grade 3 pupils of Mrs. Maybelle Shirray who was in charge of the program, con- tributed several pleasing num- bers. Mrs. Clendon Christie spoke of New Canadians and ways to help them. A provisional com- mittee was set up composed of Mrs. Don Joynt, Mrs. Dave Kyle, Mrs. Walter Spencer, and Mrs. Edison Forrest. Mrs. Mock thanked the host- esses Mrs. Hugh McEwen and Mrs, John Heal, and those as- sisting with the program. Members not present at the meeting wishing to -send a hand- kerchief to Miss Sanford can forward it to this address: Miss Muriel Sanford, Reg. N., U.C.C. Missien, Banswara, r. Rajas- than, India. Your library —Continued from page 4 ranges from the earliest ex- plorers — Cartier, Champlain and La Salle — to the comple. tion of the great Seaway that makes the farthest lakes aces - sable to ocean-going vesSels. Tillie is a book of great scene by an author, Alida IVIalkus, who knows her subject inti- mately. forwarded to Teronto for opean relief. An invitation for June 8 was accepted from RV EVangelical Church, Zurich Mrs. Rewe gave a short out line. of Huron Presbyterial hely in Win gh a in , Rebekahs to be entertained The regular Meeting of Am- ber Ptebekall :Lodge was held last Wednesday evening with Noble (4rand Mrs, E, Chip. chase Presiding. An • invitation from Huronic Past Ntilile Grands, Clinton, inviting the past noble gran& to their 10th anniversary, May 29, and an inVitation from Goclerich Lodge for two car loads of Merebers from this lodge to attend its dedication services for its new altar, May 16, way adeepted, A motion WAS ISASPErl tts plirthast a reg-, ister book for the ledge, it Mrs. Glenn Bell reported foltj the -district meeting. at Sea. forth, Plana Were filialited to enter ain Brussels Lodge MO 1.1* We are exclusive dealers in this area for Scotsman -York Ice Cube Makers and Flaking Machines Used Equipment for Sale ONE SIX•FOOT USED MEM' CME ONE WALK•IN BOXi 6' x 8' BRUCE REF PHONE 24 GRAND END SALES & • each finals 'Honor Klippen twins a t iridal showers ;n Bible gum Qn Saturday, May 6, Sotlfh Huron Youth For Christ, held another suceessful rally the Clinton Legion Once again the highlight was the Bible quiz with Clinton District High Scheel, Godprich Collegiate and Exeter District High Schools competing. This is the semi-finals for the pr. B. N. Cprrin trOPhY.. Clinton and Goderich were the winners and will he in final competition With Exeter No. 1, Wingham and Walkerton. Special music was supplied hY local talent, the SteekleY Sisters and Misses Ann West- lake and Louise Talbot of Bay- field. A special treat was hearing f3y JARS, NORMAN .LONO iwith the gifts lueluded Jean xutipt,N,McNattghton, Margie Xigie, PhyJJisLostell, Ruth Anne Mc• Marand Anne Charters, Susie Mae Lostell hrides.elect of May, were 110114 Mary and Mile -thanked ered at a shower at the home everyone for the many gifts of Mrs. Wilson IvIcCartneY and ,end invited ail to the trousseau Georgene on the Mill Road, „,0ames were played and Mrs. 'Cooper Jr., was in charge of the address, Gifts , tea en TuegdAY, Mrs. John mmer Keyes read A suitable guestboOk. The shower was ar- were presented ranged, by Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, by Georgene McCartney, Shower for Mary On April 20 A surprise mis- cellaneous shower Was held to honor Mary Charters of West- ern Tire and Auto supply London, where she has been employed for the past three years. Miss Eleanor Kitchen was hostess of the evening, Mrs. John Cooper Jr. and Mrs. R. D. Elgie. About 100 guests attended. Celebrate Oyer wedding On Friday evening At No. 1(1 Tuckersmith, the neighbors and friends of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Van Loon, newcomers to the community, celebrated to honor the couple on the oc- casion of their ?t13 wedding bec by Rev. wilson Ewin pf nor Kitchen presented t h e an41versarY. London. 41eevening was spent .by the French canacoarts in Que. giZes were played and Elea" The interesting and challeng,, ing film "Appointment" ch.: Assisting the hostess were her mother, and sister Lynda and Eleanor Bailey, maxed the rally. The staff also presented Mary Attendance has been grow- with a Kenwood blanket, ing and the interest running nigh es the end the winter Shower for Anne and spring season in Youth Apri) 25 a kitchen shower For Christ nears. The chain. was held in honor of Anne pien quiz team will win a Charters who has bee e an ern- ' . vacation this summer at Glen ployee of Charles R. Will and Rocks Bible Conference, Cther-eeLlyde.,arLs.ondon for the past Seek cub leaders MacGogan and Ruth An urgent appeal for more v ‘eetnabirnyg . were hostessesameswere of played,thee Anne also received a coffee table from the firm. leaders has been made by ,Hen - salt Wolf Cub pack officials Bill rink and Jack Lavender. The pack has grown to the Point where more leaders are Shower for twins necessary, if the Cubs are to A miscellaneous shower was get proper leadership. Bingo winners Winners at Legion bingo Sat- urday last were Mr. CollinS. Clinton (2); Miss Hannah Mur- ray; Mrs. Frank Triebner, Exeter; Mrs. William Kyle, Kippen; Paul Boa; Jim Smale; given Monday evening by the congregation of St, Andrews 'United Church. for Mary and Anne Charters, brides -elect of Saturday, May 13, Mrs. John Cooper Jr. chaired the program which consisted of sing songs, piano solo by Nan- Consitt, reading by Gwen - Mrs. N. Harburn, Miss iMur- neth Hendrick, piano. sole, ray, tied; Plata Boa, Mrs. Clar- Marjory Turner, piano trio, Eq.. ence Reid, ane Faber, Gwen Jones, and Share the wealth jackpot winners were Mrs, Orville Smith, Mrs. Jim Ciark, Miss Hannah Murray. Door prize winners, Mrs. Clarence Reid and Mrs. Frank Triebner, Exe- ter. Jackpot this Saturday will be worth $130.00 in 59 calla, with address was read bY two door prizes. Lostell and those assisting l iiiiiiiiiii l iiiiiiiii i iii mot iii nit l lll ll llll i limolitmittimunionti ttt ll lllll QUALITY Eleanor Wright; musical num- ber on banjo and guitar by Grant and Kenneth Jones. A contest was directed by Mrs. Robt. D. Elgie. The twins were then invited to come forward and sit in prettily decorated chairs. An Seed Beans FOR SALE * AMERICAN CERTIFIED NO. 1 SANILAC s AMERICAN CERTIFIED NO. 1 MICHELITE Contracts Available • HARRISTON FERTILIZER AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Order Now E. L. Mickle PHONE ll lllllllll lll llllll l lllll lllll ttttttt tIlitItt111t11111 tttt Mit t II ttttt tilt tttt I tt I t 1111t111.111 ttttt It ttttt t tttttt Unlit & SON LIMITED 103 & 20S HENSALL playing prograsstve etteltre, Winners Were: lades high, Oliver MOW; ladies hew Mrs. W. .Workplan; men's hig1), Garry BrOW; low, Anthony Van Loon Sr.: inclw e4alr 41m - pc Iran The family preaented the parents with many useful gifts and the neighbors with a sil- ver creara and sugar get on tray, WMSAncl WA 'The MAY meeting of the Kip - pen WMS and WA was held in the Sunday School roma on Wednesday eVening, May 3. Tile meeting tipped with the worship with Mrs, Fanerson Kyle in charge. Twenty-four members answered the roll call with A mothers' day verse, and three visitors present. A hale is to be packed in the near future. Mrs. Jones read a thankyou note from Miss Iris Castle saying that her gift of money from Kipper WMS was to be used to buy a sewing machine, to use in her work at St. Lucia. Meetings are to be IOW on Tuesday even,Ing •for the ..rensaInder.Ui Mrs,: Bldon .4=0ft igave A "onlY m one other::' A ,chapter :the study book -“The ing'world". was ably given. 17.Ar 1z'$ Bnsaell P011aitt. • Hey. Harold Johnson gave *, talk on the new -womens .ergati. lzatien for next year. A vismonal pqminitime was ;legit, gated .and 1110Y will work a,;.;‘, setting new ;e1*...• ganization for next year. nate4 were Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs, John .Anderson, Mrs. Bus. sett Consitt, Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs, Orval: Workman and Mrs,. Tom Reid. Persona i items Mrs. Bertha Brownlee left last week for her borne iji the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Htolce5.• and Larry of London visited Saturday evening with.- ter's father, Mr, Robert •Ttioin, son. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hart Faber were:Mr. — please turn to page .0 IT'S MOTHER'S DAY EVERY DAY AT AL'S PARKAY MARGARINE, Ib, 290 . Economy flat -fold Reg. 270 KLEENEX . Special 230 Kellogg's 13 -or. '- RICE KRISPIES Wagstaffe 24 -oz. jar RASPBERRY JAM ., Salacla 60.pack TEA BAGS pw.6.1b*Ihti, Kraft, 16 -oz, jar CHEEZ WHIZ tttt . R eg . 390 Special 350 Reg. 470 Special 39 Reg. 790 Special 73g Reg. 670 Special 590 Aerowax Liquid, Quarts FLOOR WAX each 790: '.owney's Angelus, 1-117. cello •MARSHMALLOWS 350. 5-1b. poly YELLOW SUGAR. 510 MINUTE STEAKS BOLOGNA BEEF -PORK SAUSAGE COTTAGE ROLLS PEAMEACED PRODUCE VALUES California S -lb. bag NEW POTATOES 310 Florida, Size 95's GRAPEFRUIT .....,,,,,... t , ttt 10 for 490 Banded BANANAS 2 lbs. 290 Imported CABBAGE lb. 80 AL'S Ls, ?",• Co.). 3 Len. FciF 3 La., 1 Ls, Snowflake 21/2 -lb. tin SHORTENING 690 Golden Quality 28 -oz. tins LIBBY'S PEACHES 3 for $1 Monarch White or Chocolate - CAKE MIXES, 16 -oz. 4 for $1 GEM MARGARINE tttttttt ...„4 lbs. $I KING SIZE SURF ttttt $1.05 Campbell's, 10 -oz. VEGETABLE SOUP 2 for 270 ; W:•-•-.7e74rMe,/ MIMIN:4,W;giink7eg.CFPWR;t, .'YXtm 5r1S:fe:ifiWi]'•§.r EtAiiizeMr,-,-. ,541:;:-;;•;:„ en. LL „an TY, 111 4 "•••,..,,X•Z• • "" fel • ••':•:.i4;:i:$ Z4s" • s. • r‘,..; N.% 12 11 EXETER PEARSON MOTORS 1.1 ,'•''•• ITED Pontiac • Bold< • Vauxhall • GMC Trucks Bedford Vans %MICH •