HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-04, Page 16fa 16 .May.4 1941.
..and district new,
�!t Phone. 'BA 7425S
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Mars, H. Hodgins
heads Birr WI
Mrs. Harold Hodgins was
elected president of the Barr?
WI at the April meeting held
at the home of Mrs. Emerson.
Other offieers are. vice-pres
idents, Mrs.:George O'Neil and
1Mrs. Sherman. Adams; secre '
Lary -treasurer, Mrs. C, J. Has-'
kett; district director, Mrs. F.
Liddell; assis`ant, Mrs. Ivan
Stanley; branch directors, Mrs.
Spencer McLeod, Airs. Emer,i
son Stanley, Mrs. Ernest Mor -I
row and Mrs. Reynold Keifer;
public relations, Mrs. Otto'
Daley; program committee,?
Mrs. H. B. Langford, ,1lrs, W.;
S, O'Neil and Mrs. Art Erick-;
Standing committee conven-'
err; Mrs. Clifford AlcAllister, i
Mrs, W. W. Garrett, Mrs. Ern-
erson Stanley, Mrs, Ernie Dob-•
inson, Mrs, Allan McNair,1
Mrs. W. F. Hodgins., Mrs. li,+
S. White and Mrs J. Haskett;
sunshine committee, Mrs. Ken
Hardy and Mrs. Allan McNair;
Tweedsmuir Boek, Mrs, Jack,
Legg, Mrs, Ivan Stanley, Mrs.
W. S. O'Neil, Mrs. J. Haskett
and Mrs. H. B. Hodgins;1
pianist, Mrs. Ivan Stanley;
press reporter, Mrs. Frank;
Liddell; auditors, Mrs. Sher
man Adams and Mrs. Jack:
Correspondent; Miss Lina Abbott
UC women
ar -en e raiiy
Mrs. H. B. Lanford, Mrs.
Sheridan Revington, Mrs. Mur-
ray Hodgins, Mrs. Alex Young,
Mfrs. Irving, Gibson, Mrs. A.
E. Reilly, Mrs. Erie Yeun.1,
Mrs. Eldon Young, Mrs. E. R.
Pat, Mi':. John Tarlo Mrs.
Ivan Stanley, Mrs. R. J. Mur-
ray and Mrs. J. W. Sach of the
Lucan United Church, last
Thursday attended the ninth
annual nt„eting of the Middle-
sex Presbytery Woman's As-
sociation of the United Church
of Canada, held in the Empress
United Church of London.
In the election of officers
two Lucanites received offices:
Mrs. Revington, leadership ed-
ucation and Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins, North West regional rep-
Mrs. Revington was also one
of those who led in the discus-
sion of the work of the 12 as-
sociation departments. She also
thanked the guest speaker Mrs.
J. Y. MacKinnon, London pres-
ident of the Dominion Council
of the Woman's Association,
whose topic was, "The High-
way Ahead for United Church
The day closed with tea
served by the WMS auxiliaries
of the Empress United Church,
Lucan personal ifems
The two leaders, Mrs, Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCul.;
Heath and Miss Betty Mcln- loch of London, Mr, and Mrs.
tyre and three CGIT members, Philip Butt of Toronto and Mrs.1
Helen Sigsworth, Ann Culbert May Thompson of London were
and Marie Arnold accepted the; Saturday guests of Mr. and'
invitation to attend. the Gran Mrs. Louis Kilmer.
ton CGIT meeting last week, 1 After spending the winter
A number of the ladies of with her two daughters, Alrs.'.
the United church WMS metI.Douglas King of Harriston,'
at the home of Mrs. Cecil, Miss Vivian Fairies of London
Robb last Monday to quilt an- and with Mr, and Mrs. Edward
other quilt for the supply corn-; Hodgins in Florida, Mrs, Annie
mittee of which Mrs. Robb is Fairies returned to her Mar-{
convener. ! ket Street home for the sum -
Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Robb last mer.
Saturday attended the funeral; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Daley are I•
of their cousin, Mrs. Ruby; visiting their daughter Glenna,'.
Kimble, of London and the' in Ottawa.
burial service at Dungannon i Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Hill of •
cemetery, ; Brantford, formerly of Lucan,1
Mr. Earl Carling, Miss Mur-, called on a number of Lucan!
iel Carling and Mrs. Ira Car- friends last Sunday, 1
ling were Sunday guests of i Guests last Sunday with Mr.1
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walpole; and Mrs. IL B. Langford in -a
of Kincardine, with Mrs, Car -1 eluded Mr. and Mrs, Fred;
ling remaining for a visit. !Langford of London and the
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lang- bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs,'
ford and family, of Woodham,' A. C. Welk of Leamington. i
were Sunday guests of Mr.1 Mr Thomas Welk is a p i
Cliff Cobleigh and Miss Whit a`'
tient in St Jos h H i•
worth. ep 's os.pita .
Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Rouls-! Mr. and Airs. Jack Rosser.
gcalled on of Ailsa Craig were Thursday
fon, now of Clinton,
Lucan friends last Monday, i visitors with Mr. William'
Messrs, Cecil Armitage and•
Don Hearn of Lucan have been Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Bob Coleman included her
serving on the jury in London • for the past week. granddaughter, Miss Doreen
s Garrett, and friend, Mrs. Rich–
Mrs. Le Roy Revington, Lu -1 and Dickins of Exeter, Miss
can's polio patient, was able Greta Lammie of Hensll and
to be brought out of Victoria! Miss Amy Lammie of London.
Hospital io spend the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Murray
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' and family of London were
Frank Hardy. Mrs. Revington{ Saturday guests of A4rs. J. R,
is recovering slowly. She can R Murray and on Sunday Mrs.
now run her chair around the; Murray an a d til B b
hospital without assistance an r, o Murray
Truck hits boy,
fractures arm
Last Saturday evening, Ron -
aid Blanc, four -year -ofd son of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Blare, of
RR 1 Lucan, suffered a broken
left arm above the elbowwhen
run aver by his father's truck,
With the aid of a tractor
Air. Blane was moving the
truck in his own yard when
the accident occurred. Though
Mr. Blane's other five small
children were on the scene,
no one saw the accident hap-
pen, but apparently the little
fellow was attempting to climb
unto the truck when he sib -
ped and fell 'beneath it.
After consulting with Dr, E.
R. Patterson, the child was
taken to St. Joseph's Hospital
but released after treatment.
Lucan house
prize winner
Excitement ran high In the
Langford household .last Thurs-
day when Mr. and Mrs. IL B.
Langford realized their house
was the "T -A Homo of the
Week", for April 27, entitling
them to a $5 purchase at one
of the 18 places of business
whose ads surround the pic-
ture of their home.
By a strange coincidence
when the draw was made as
to which store the Langfards
should spend. their $5, it should
be the Don Smith Fina Station,
Other $5 winners, whose
houses have appeared are,
Harry Wilson, Centralia, Clar-
ence Millson, Clandeboye, Wil-
liam Ferguson, Exeter, Wit -
ham Bender, Crediton, Rev,
A. M. Amacher, Zurich, Mrs.
Harriet West, Exeter, Mrs.
Stan Weber, Dashwood, and
Mrs. Murray Abbott, Centralia
(formerly of RR 1 Lucan).
Not only is there 'the $5 win-
ner each week but each month
there will be a draw for a
movie camera. A Lucan man,
Don Hirtzel, was the winner
of the first camera given away,
To get in on a chance to
win 'a camera all one has to
do is to deposit a free coupon
in the box at any of the stores
whose ads appear in the con-
Lucan Lions Club
At the Lions Club dinner in
the Anglican church basement
last Monday night, plans were
made for another rummage
sale to be held in June and
also to sponsor another Red
Cross blood clinic, some time
next month.
It was voted to erect new
signs at, each end of the vil-
lage and to offer a prize for
the best design. Watch T -A
for particulars. A three-ring
circus is also planned.
Thefourth 1961. dance was
held in the Legion Hall, last
Friday night and was success-
ful, financially and otherwise.
This was the last dance till
canwalk a few steps alone. i were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ladies' Guild
Mrs, Harry :McNaughton and+ Gerald Paul of Kirkton.
Miss Rase Revington spent the Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
weekend in Detroit, where they the Dresden HS staff, spent the
were the guests of their aunt weekend at her home here.
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-' Mrs. Calvin Haskett, past
liam Walker. president of the Lucan Home
Mr. and Mrs. Art Lee and and School. Association and
sons of London were Sunday; Mrs. Clarence Haskett and
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. Russell Goddard attend-
Sigsworth and Mr. and Mrs, ed the North Middlesex Con -
Jim Wright and family of West ferenee group of the Home and
McGillivray were Sunday call- School at Komolca.
ers. 1 Mrs. Alex McFarlane left on
Mrs. Ron Carroll of Saints- Saturday to visit Mr. McFar-
bury was a Monday guest of lane, who is a patient at Shel-
Mr. and Airs. Henry Hodgins' bourne Hospital. She will also.
and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald God-' visit Rockwood friends. Before
bolt and family of Exeter were leaving she had as Tu e d
Sunday callers.say
guests 'Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Recent guests of Mr. and; Francis of Shelbourne and Mr.
Mrs. Roy Hamilton and family; Gordon McFarlane of Concord,
were Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Dun-; Mach,
das of Detroit, i Mr, Thomas Beer, Lucan's
Mrs. William Sangster of a Grade 6 and 7 teacher. was on
Hensall is visiting her daugh-1 the sick list last Monday after
•ter, Mrs. Herb Stretton and, noon and all day Tuesday,
family. 1 Mrs. Ivan Hearn took his room
Mrs. Don Ankers, who at -i during his absence.
tended the WA meeting in Mr, and Mrs. R. Hessel. and
Kitchener remained over for a Miss Margaret Pepper of Sare
week's visit with her sister, ria were Sunday guests of Mr,
. r and Mrs 1
' Dean T
Miss Joan. Hodgins, who is and Mirs. E. W, Pepper,
now a member of the Kitchen -1
end •f oner.
er Public School staff. d family and Miss Maxine
Mrs. Herman *Young has ; Looney of Cass City, Mich,1
been on the sick list. She had were Saturday guests of Mr.1
her son-in-law, Mr. Leonard, and Mrs. Charles Windsor,,
Harvey of Exeter to see her Miss Looney remaining for the
on Thursday and her daughter,; weekend while the Toner fam•1
Mrs, Harold. Aitkens of Clx.n4 IIy spent the weekend with'
deboye en Friday. 1 Parkhill friends,
'Mr. and Mrs. Jilt Mugford Sunday guests with Mr. and
spent last weekend at Cargill,! Mrs, 11.. R. Crozier were Mr.{
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ralph 3 and Mrs, Don Maguire and;
Pitt, On Sunday the two con ; family of Biddulnh and Monday'
pies visited Mr. and Mrs, Allon J guests were Mrs. E. Vance,
Tindall (nee Rowena Abbott) daughter, Rose Mary and son
et their new home in Wiarton,1 Brian et 'Byron, the occasion
Mr, and Mrs. Art Haskett of being a 20th birthday eelebra-
Toronto, who spent the week-' tion for Brian,
end with London friends, call.; Mr, Morris Darlin.. of Lon -
ed on the fernier's parents,' don ani! Mrs. Cecil Armitage'
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Haskell, of Lucan were Sunday visitors.
Sunday evening,before returti.1 with Mr. and Mrs. Levi. Dar'-`
ing to Toronto, i ling, of Parkhill,
Four members of the Micah' Mr, and Mrs, ,iarne;S Downs
Legion, president Ralph Smith,; and Mr. Robert Downs of Lon-'
Mr, Dwight Bali, Mr, J. WO don were ,Sunday guests of Mr,
Lockyer and Mr, Les Kennedy • and Mrs, Doe Downs,
last Sunday attended the Leo' ;Mrs Blearror Eihiericlr
, now
glen spring convention at Wind- of London called on Dt
Mei'. , . friends, art Wednesday.
. and 'Mrs. ,Jim Tubb and
tamily .
m y of. Mitchell were 1 s
sor. t Can
find, 1. stay.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mts.!
Wes }lodging. and Mr. and Mrs,
Cion Iiodginws of London Were
Thursday guests,
Mr. and Mrs, N , Austin;
>i Bright's (rove Were Sunday
attests of 11fr, •turd itfrs, 'M1ott
ulbet t,
Canada's hew cost•of1iving;
index is based on buying habits'
of faririlide with annual in -1
comes ranging teem $2,500 to 1
$7,000, compared to an income
range Of $1,650 to $4,050 used.
preparationof the previous,
index a decade ago,
The April meeting of the
Anglican Ladies' Guild was
held in the parish hall last
Monday evening withthe pres-
ident Mrs. Joe O'Neil in the
Reports of the Lions Club
dinner and recent bake sale
were encouraging.
It was voted to financially
assist the wardens en the ex
Dense of the rectory repairs
Mrs. Allan Ryan's group had
the largest attendance.
While refreshments were be
ing prepared by Mrs. Al Bram
wish's group Miss Lina Ab
batt conducted a "man" con
test which was won by Mrs
Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs. James
Freeman, Mrs. Ralph Smith
Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins, Mrs
Jack Stcacy and Mrs. Erwin
Scott volunteered to assist in
the Cancer Drive.
sh here
next week }
Johnny Cash, one of the
leading recording artists at
Columbia Records, will make
his second appearance at the
Luean arena on Thursday, 111ay
A previous .engagement made
here by the popular vocalist
filled the arena to capacity and
a repeat performance ,is ex-
pected. During the last five
years, Cash has al,eragecl 250
performances annually to au-
diences in excess of 3,000 in a
gruelling tour .across. 8,000
miles per month.
The story of Johnny Cash. is
the success story of a young
man dedicated from childhood
to the writing and singing of
songs about his beloved native
He has never had .a record
released that did not show up:
well in charts 'across the land,
Five of them have .also been
hits in The so called "pop"
category and three have sold
over the magic million mark,
He writes most of the songs
he records,
Cash has appeared. as guest
star on TV with Ed Sullivan,
Lawrence Welk, George Gebel,
Tennessee Ernie Ford, Jackie
Gleason .and Dick Clark (five
times) and on the .Chevy Show.
The acceptance of Johnny by
audiences is made even more
remarkable by the fast that
these audiences are not .stricth' u r c h at Crechton
Harold. Appleyard, DD, Owen Sound, confirmed 24 can-
didates in the Anglican church whehe made his first
visit Sunday to Trivitt Memorial Church since his recent
appointment as bishop of Georgian Bay. Seated centre,
the bishop is surrounded by the candidates, Rev.' Breit
de Vries, Trivitt rector; S/L Rev. G. B. Fee, RCAF Cent.
ralia padre, and ceremonial participants. —T -A photo
"country", "rock 'n roll" or
"pop" fans, There is always
a cross-section of all types at
the Johnny Cash Show:
Several other top name en-
tertainers will be featured on
the program at the Lucan
Attend WA meeting
Rev, and Mrs. 0, E. Lan-
caster, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane,
Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs, Will
Haskett, Mrs, Harold Hodgins,
Mrs. Wes Atkinson, Mrs. Alan
Scott, Mrs, Roscoe Hodgins,
Mrs. Don Ankers and Mrs.
Andy Carter were among the
800 delegates from 14 deaner-
ies in Huron Diocese, who at-
tended the 74th meeting of the
Diocesan Board of the London
Woman's Auxiliary, held in St.
John's Anglican Church, Kitch-
ener, last Tuesday.
Rt. Rev. H. F. Appleyard
of Owen Sound, Bishop of
Georgian Bay, was celebrant
for the opening communion
service. During the service
five members received life
Mrs, A. C. Calder (formerly
of Lucan) president of the dio-
cesan WA was one of the
Lucan girl home
After seven weeks in St.
Joseph's Hospital for a back
operation, Linda Bridger was
brought home on Saturday by
the C. Haskett and Son. ambit -
lance. Though she will be con-
fined to, a hospital bed for
some time at home, yet the
doctors are 'satisfied with the
result of the operation.
TwentyksVar anni ersary
'Ta - four persons were
confirmed in the Anglican'
church Sunday by Bishop Har-
old Appleyard, DD, during a
Sunday afternoon service in
Trivitt Memorial Church here
presented by Rev. Bren de
Vries on behalf of the Trivtt
congregation. The other 15
were presented by S/L Rev,
G. B. Fee from RCAF Station
The ceremony marked the
first visit to Tnivitt of Dr: Ap-
pleyard, recently appointed bi-
shop of Georgian Bay and a
suffragan bishop of the diocese.
A large congregation heard his
confirmation address.
Candidates for the Exeter
church included Mr. and 'Mrs.
Douglas Brintnell, Mr, and
Mrs. Jack Fulcher, Mrs. Di-
ana Wooden, Maxwell Harness,
Donald R. Smyth, Susan Gib-
bons and Jane Dougherty.
RCAF Centralia candidates
were Delmar D. Dark, Ronald
R.. Corbin, {Mae E. Muirhead,
Adele F. Muirheacl, Penelope
D. Muirhead, Heather J. Mc-
Connell, Barbara E. Amos,
Gloria L. Corbin, Shirley J.
Destobel, Gayle L. Redman,
Lona -Kay Glenn, Celia. J.
Stock, Joseph A, Berthelet,
Arthur H. Ayres, Sheila Berthe-
Assisting in the ceremony
were Gregg Harness, as bi-
Anniversary 'services were
conducted in the EUB church
on Sunday with Rev. E. E.
Hallman of Kitchener as guest
speaker. Be gave two very in-
spiring messages.
A good crowd was present
especially at the morning serv-
ice. Many were present from
n i hbo in towns who used to
be members here. Special
music was rendered by the
choir and a trio and double
United Church
The April meeting of the
United Church WMS was held
last Thursday afternoon with
the president, Mrs. George
Paul, in the chair and Mrs.
Ivan. Stanley's and Mrs. Wil-
bert Stanley's group in charge
of program and refreshments.
The guest speaker was Mrs,
Joe Carter of London Town-
ship, who spoke on prayer and
Mrs. Richard Welsh, also of
owns p, was the
shop's chaplain; Feter de guest ,soloist. •
Vries, crucifer; Larry Brint- Plans were made for the
nell, rector's server, and Fred packing of an overseas' bale.
Wells, Padre Fee's server. Couples Club
Work in conservation
outlined HSS assn
The April meeting of the Lu -
can Horne and School Associa-
tion was held in the school
kindergarten last Tuesday eve-
ning, with the president, Mrs.
Rudy Engel in the chair.
Mrs. Murray Hocigin�s, Mrs.
Jack Elson, Mrs. Royden Her -
Director of Recreation
Well, at last the ice is gone
from the arena –. and frank-
ly we last track of the num-
ber of wheelbarrow loads of
ice that were wheeled. out the
back door. However, in spite
of the lack of co-operation from
. the weather, it's done.
Some of the lads were al-
ready in trying out the floor
with a basketball. Well, as
, soon as possible, we'll. have a
court set up for practice.
With the lack of any word
from the WOAA about baseball
this year, we have written but
as yet have had no reply. But
before next week hope to have
something to say about some
baseball far this summer,
However, in the softball, we
have had a :'equest front Ailsa
Craig representatives to Inter
a team for boys up to 16 in a
four or six team group. This
is just in the preliminary
stages of planning yet, but
looks very promising,
Several mothers and as many
youngsters have already en-
quired about the summer play-
program. Last year we
the first organized sum-
mer playground program to be
!held in Li can and it, proved
very popular. Flans are under
way for a similar program for
this summer but it is too
early for complete details as
yet. However, it is hoped that
we will be able to expand the
scope of the prc'granr for this
On May 11 next, Johnny Cash
who entertained the largest
audience to assemble in the
Lucan Arena a year ago last
September, is inak6ng a return
appearanee, At that time he
proved himself to be a most
versatile and entertaining per-
sonality, Since then, he has
increased his following and
stepped into Motion pictures
where be is under Contract'
with Columbia, Don't forget
date, May if and be sure
to secure your tickets for a
real fine 'evenings entertain -
1+'olloWini the Johnny Cash
show, the p'arest, City Kennel
Club Will hold it's International
Clandeboye man
top bingo winner
Of all the winners at the Le-
gion A u x i l i ar y bingo last
Thursday evening .at the Legion
Hall, Mr, Henry Beiber of
Clandeboye was t h e most
Ile not only split the consola-
tion $5 with Mr, raul Bohner
of Exeter but split the third
part of the consecutive bingo
with Mrs, Olive Frederick of
Granton, Miss Mary Young of
Birr, Mr., Harry Bond, Mr,
Johnson and Mrs. Joe Haskett
of Lucan. He also shared the
fourth hinge with Mrs, Wright..
man of Exeter and won the
seventh bingo .alone.
Mrs. William Mathers of Lit-
can and Mr. Roy Pepper of
Exeter won the first part el
the consecutive and Mrs. Pat
Crudge (who shared the lith
bingo with Mrs. Glenn Has-
kett) won the second part.
Miss Gwen Lightfoot of Cen-
tralia and Mrs. Johnson of Lu -
can won the line i prizes for
Share the Wealth and Mrs.
toy Pepper of Eitetery tltc
prize for the full card., ,..
Mrs. Grant Brooke of Lucan
Wets the fifth bingo and split
the sixth with Mrs. Richard
,neon and Mr. TOM
Smith of Vetter,
Other winners included Mrs.
harry Lightfoot 'OfCentralia,
Mrs. Joe Haskett, Mr, Louis
Lemieux and. Mrs, Harry Bond,
all of Leah,
bert and Mrs. C. H. George
volunteered to assist at the
Musical Festival to be held in
the Community Memorial Cen-
tre, May 24, 25 and 26,
Mrs. Jack Eison, introduced
the guest speaker, Mr. C. P.
Corbett, Lucan's representa-
tive for the, Ausable Conserva-
tion, who gave a.. interesting
and informative talk on con-
servation itself, dating back to
Biblical times but also took
his audience on a picture tour
from the Ausable's source at
Staffa to its two artificial
mouths at Grand Bend and
Port Franks.
Mr. Corbett's motto :for con-
servation was, " %Vhere there
is no vision, the people perish"
and his definition, " A river
valley development is the wise
use of all the natural resources
of a .river valley, for all the
people living in the valley,
for all time."
"There are 24 river valley 1
conservations in Ontario. The
Ausable Conservation covers ani
area of 665 square miles and'
serves a population of 20,000.
The village of Lucan contrib.;
utes $650 per year towards the'
work of the Ausable Conserva-1
-tion", he said.
Mrs. Harold Cobleigh's room
won the attendance cup. 1
Mrs. Dwight Henderson was'
lunch convener assisted by;,
mothers from Mrs. Cobleigh's'
J og Show on Saturday, ittay,
13. For those lovers of canines,
the show will have a natural
appeal, For those who "can
take their clogs or leave then!
alone" --- the obedience and
field training trials will be
something to see, So plan to
go to the arena on Saturday,
May 13 and see some of the
finest; dogs of all breeds as-
sembled from all parts of Can-
ada and the United States, •
room. •
to your
At low
Gerald Levis
A 7.4701 LUCAN
In lieu of the regular month
ly home -meeting, the Lucan
Couples Club (six couples and
Rev. G. W. Sach) were guests
of the Birr Couples' Club last
Wednesday evening. A large
group from Ailsa Craig were
also present.
The guest speaker was Mr.
Evan McGugan, manager of
the Western Fair Board, who
gave an interesting address on
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Thirty-five members of the
Pentecostal YP were out last
Friday evening. The theme for
the meeting was "Missions".
A missionary poem "What we
Need", was read by the presi-
dent, a missionary solo was
sung by Paul Graham and a
missionary address was given
by Mrs. Jack Eizenga.
At the Sunday morning serv-
ice Mrs. Clayton Abbott, Mrs.
duet was given by different
It was the 65th year of the
present church and 110t11 year
that church was started here
in Crediton.
The Young People of Credi-
ton United rch hme-
ing on MonChuday eveningelda with
Rev. R. Hiltz taking the disucs-
The devotional period was
taken by Marilyn Galloway,
Ralph ootFinkbeiner and Douglas
Marlene King contributed a
solo, Doreen Kenny, a story
and Ruth Clarke a reading,
Personal items
The Ladies' Aid and WSWS
are having their May meeting
on. Thursday evening at 8 p.nh,
Mothers are to bring their chit.
dren. Mrs. Ward Fritz will
show slides on their trip to
South America.
Several car loads of mem-
bers of the EUB church of the
WSWS attended the convention
at Bridgeport last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. McCann
of Clinton spent the weekend
with the latter's mother, Mrs.
M. Clark and Ruth.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoist
and daughter Lynda of Fen-
wick visited on. Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz at
Exeter and Sunday with Mr,
Jack Eizenga .and Miss Lor-
• raine Graham sang a thio
Sunday evening Rev. and
Mrs. Roland Harrell left for a
10 -day evangelistic trip to
Nova Scotia.
IAnglican Church
Two new members, Janice
Freeman and Betty Smith,
were enrolled in the junior
A spendid congregation was
present to hear the rector
1 preach an outstanding follow-
up stewardship sermon.
l On Monday Rev. 0. E. Lan-
caster, Mr. Ray Simpson from
Clandeboye, Mr. Bob Cole-
man and Mr, D. A. Ashworth
from Lucan, as lay delegates,
attended the Synod meeting in
London. On Tuesday they are
being joined by Mr. Ken Clarke
as a substitute delegate, due
to the inability of Mr, Clare.
Stanley to attend.
Grade 13
sees play
Forty-five grade 13 students
at SHDHS attended a special
presentation of "The Heiress"
Thursday night in the Grand
Theatre, London,
The play, which is being
studied in upper school this
year, was presented by the
London Little Theatre under
the sponsorship of district
two of the Ontario Secondary
School Teachers' Federation,
This is the sixth consecutive
year the federation has spon-
sored the project which is des
signed to stimulate the stu-
dents' interest in good 'items
ture. Attendance and enthu•
siasm has increased each year;
40 schools attended last week's
Teachers who accompanied
the SHDHS group were Mrs, C.
M. Farrow, Mrs. R. S. Hiltz,
George Wright and Vic Dinnin.
and Alis. Harold Fahner and
family and attended •anniver•
sary services.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tuckey
and family of Exeter attended
church and visited with Mr.
Albert Gaiser on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Alf Wuerth and
daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Rich.
and Long and family of Detroit,
Mich, attended church and vis-
ited with Mr,' and 'Mrs. Wil-,
liam Schwartz and Doris. •
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoist
and Mrs. Beatrice Hess btu
Zurich visited with Mr. and
Mrs. William Schwartz and
Doris and attended morning
Mr. Karl Guenther of Shipka
attended the morning service
at the EUB church.
Mrs. Jean Weiland of Sea -
forth and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Grigg and family of Dashwood
visited an Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Geiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth
of Zurich visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Finkbeiner •and attended the
evening service.
Mr. Gordon Haviland of Erin.
dale spent the weekend with
his mother, Mrs. William Havi-
Mr. and Mrs, Allen Mitchell
of Brussels visited with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Mitchell on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bender
and family of Toronto spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Al.
lan Becker and family,
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