HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-04, Page 10fags 1, 0 The `Tim9AAdyocatet Msy 44 1961
HEAR LONDON DISC JOCKEY -Over 303 teenagers crowded the Exeter arena,
Friday, to attend the teen town dance and listen to Dick McFarland, popular disc
jockey from CKSL, London. During the last dance of the season, sponsored by the
Exeter teen town, the disc jockey gave away several records and prizes for spot
dances. The executive, who voted to donate some.of the proceeds to the Crippled
Children, are shown above with McFarland. From left to right: Gary Wedlake, John
McNaughton, Margie Howey, Kathy Smith, Don Jermyn, John Snell and McFar-
—T -A photo
.Ravel picks Bonnie Doerr
SHDHS posture queen
Bonnie Doerr, 17 -year-old The 12-B student is a past
Jackpresident o
is athletic
Mrs. f the
daughter of Mr. and girls'
Doerr, Exeter, was chosen pas -:society, and was a member of
ture queen at SHDHS, Friday'' the Perthex champion volley
night. iball team. Bonnie is a super -
Picked by a panel of seven:visor at the Exeter Kinsmen's
judges, Bonnie won over 20 playground and is active in the
other contestants. She was pre- CGIT at Main Street United
seated with the trophy by the Church.
donor, Dr. G. A. Webb, Exe-1 During the Christmas vaca-
ler. She also received a gift tion, she represented South Hu -
:from Pat Rowe, president of ron at the Toc Alpha Confer-
the girls' athletic society. : ence, sponsored by the Ontario
Temperance Federation.
" 1• r ; .....- ' Representing grades 12, 13
Report on and special. commercial, Bon-
; nie was one of four finalists in
j the posture queen contest,
:Other finalists included: Eliza
° beth. Chapman, grade 9; Gin-
ette St. Louis, grade. 10; Ruth
Personal items
:Miller, grade 11.x
i The final judging took place
Mr. Harold Vincent, Mrs. at the .,school's final dance of
Katie Vincent and Mrs. Mabel. t the season. Candidates were
Desjardine were Sunday after.; scored on various forms as they
noon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I walked to the .stage, sat down,
James Grigg at "Green Acres" stood and then walked off.
Grand Bend. In the evening the 1Judges included: Dr. G. A.
ladies visited with Mrs. Mlle:Webb; Mr. Lyle Little, mem
Baker, also at Grand Bend. l ber of the staff; Judy Tennant,
.Mr. and Mrs, Les Adams and editor of the Ink Spot; Dave
Gloria were Sunday visitors' O'Reilly, president of the stu
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett dent council; Pat Rowe, pre -
and Al at Hensel]. I sident of the girls' athletic so -
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stokes! eiety; Dennis Mock, president
, Mr.
of London visited of the boys' athletic society;
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. i Roger Cann.
Earl Ratz, David and Judy. i Semi-finalists for the crown
Mrs. Ratz and Mrs. Stokes are' included: Diane Shaw, 9B; She -
sisters. iron McArthur, 9C; Carolynne
Misses June and Sharon Mo- Simmons, 9D; Elaine Destobel,
ienz were among the members ; 9E; Carolyn Tiedeman, 9F;
of the "Grand Bend Cotton Sharon Kelly, 9G; Helen Hen-
Cutties" who attended achieve- Fick, 10A; Carol Rader, 10B;
inent day at Clinton on Satur-?
day. I day with Mr. and Mrs. Karl
iMts: Mabel Desjardine re- Guenther, John and Janet,
ceived the news of the sudden f Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper
Passing of her nephew, Mr. I of Corbett were Monday visi-
Eretz"el (Pat) Wilds at Mt Plea- !tors with Mr. and Mrs. Her
santi ,Mich, on Saturday. Mr. bert Harlton.
Wildswas a former resident of i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shen
Stephen Tp. and attended Blackpard and Dave attended the
Bush school as a boy. funeral of Harry's uncle, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Harlton � Ben Sheppard at Parkhill on
ind family of Lobo visited Sun -Tuesday,
Give your rooms
Springtime Gomes in hundreds of
Ciltone Satin Colors --colors that keep their
freshness thanks to exclusive Coiodok Action.
Si Resists wearing and fading—washing won't dttll
its freshness ever,
• Flows on smoothly',. dries evenly in 20 minutes,
no panty odor, Roller or brush wash 'dean
in water,
Lindenfields Ltd.
Your CIL Paint 1'leadtitibiters
Joan Francis, 10D; Frances
Jackson, 10E; Shirley Johns,
11B; Marjorie Hendrick, 11C;
Linda Hayter, 11D; Betty Di-
xon, 12A; Diane Hicks, 12C;
Cathy Rader, 13; Bettie Finch,
special commercial.
Name assExeter dodges attQn
at ag office service at Elimvil'le
;lir. Don Pullen has taken. a
,position as summer .assistant'
with the agricultural represent.,
ative PI Wellington county,
Personal Reins
Air- and Mrs. Clarence Lewis
and Larry, Granton, visited on
Sunday with Air. and Mrs,'
Norman Hodgins,
Miss Florence McCully, St,
Marys, was ;a Sunday guest
with Mr. and Mrs, Aiilne Pul-
Mr. and Mrs. James Knox,;
Stratford, a n d Mrs. Ethel;
Squire, Granton, were Friday
evening visitors of Mr. and''
Mrs. F. Squire.
Gordon, Grant, Avis and
Allen Hodgins attended the'
Kirkton 4-H calf club meeting
at Anderson school on Thurs-
day evening,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brock,
Zion, were recent visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Broeze and.
family, Varna, visited on Wed-
nesday with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam French and family.
.Air, and Airs. EarlJohnson,
London, spent Thursday eve-
ning with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon!
Mr. Howard Morley, Hazel
Park, Michigan, was a week-
end visitor wsth Mr. and Mrs.
William Morley Sr..
Mr. and •Airs, E. Fer
visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs, David Hord, Parkhill.
Visitors during the week
with Mr. and Airs. Cleve Pull-
man were Mr. and Airs. Lloyd
Elliott, London township, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quest,
Rev. D. Ai. Guest took as his
subject "Zaccheus up a Tree"
at the morning service at the
United Church on Sunday. A
lovely pot of yellow mums
decorated the chancel, sent by
Mrs. Laverne Morley, who is
still a patient at St. Joseph's
Mr, and Mrs. William Morley
Jr„ Janice and Robbie were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Pym, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Gardiner,
St. Marys, Mrs. Myrtle Short-
hill and Miss Cora Nuttycomb,
London, visited on Sunday with
In the period 1950-1960 .em-
ploymentMr.Mrs. in Canada's primary
textile industry declined from Absent-minded salesgirl as
97,000 to 74,000, and about 80 her date kissed her goodnight:
plants closed down, "Will that be all?"
A large crowd attended the
church service;on Sunday eve-
ning When the' Exeter Oddfel-
lows and Rebekahs were guests
sitting in a body,
Mrs. Alvin 'Pyne and Mr.
Glenn. Fisher assisted in the
devotional. The choir rendered
an anthem .and the men's quar-
tette, consisting of Aiessrs Ro-
nald Elford, Lorne Elford,.Ken-
neth Johns and Gordon Ford),
sang a number,
Air. Wm. Routly and Mr.
Gilbert Johns took up the of-
Rev. H. C. Wilson gave an in-
spiring ' message .on "Brother-
hood." After the service the
guests marched back to the
Elimville Hall where they had
assembled before the service.
WMS and WA
The Ellmville WAIS and WA
met in the church last Wednes-
day afternoon with John Bern
in charge,
Mrs, Franklin Skinner gave
a splended report of the Pres-
byterial held in Wingham and
Airs, H. Pym and Mrs. H,
Bell sang a duet,
Roll call was answered by 24
Atrs. C. Stephens had charge
of the WAIS business, An invi-
tation from Whalen to meet
with them in the'near future
was accepted.•
Miss Ruth. Skinner took
charge of the WA business.
Mrs. F. Horne was appointed
as a delegate to WA Presby-
tery on Wednesday.
Rev, Hugh Wilson presented
a record: based on United
Church \Women. After a short
discussion the meeting closed.
Personal items
Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Thomas Bell were Mr. SamMiller, Mrs. Lennard Schenk,
Mary Lou and Marjorie of
Da shwood,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym
and family visited on Sunday
withand Mrs. Bert
of Holmesville.
Thursday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley were
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn.
Mr. and Mrs. John Willis of
Exeter and Miss Flossie Da-
vey of Centralia.
Miss Flossie Davey. of Cen-
tralia spent a few days with
Mrs. John Ridley.
Sunday evening visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley
were Mr and Mrs. Melvin Gar-
diner and Marilyn of Exeter,
Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson of
Thames Road.
Mrs. Chas, Stephen attended.
the funeral of the late Mrs.
Geo, Teskey .of Sarnia last Mon-
Mrs, Earl Watson of Kirkton
and Mrs. Bob Marshall of St.
Marys visited on Thursday with.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Stephen,
Mrs. Delmer Skinner and
Frances, Mrs. Ross Skinner,
Brenda and Ricky visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. May-
nard Aiargison and family of
Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Cooper
and Kathy visited en Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Morley of Exeter,.
Several ladies attended the
4-H 'Achievement Day at Clin-
ton District High. School on.
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Phelke
of .Moncton were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton
and Mr. and Mrs, Phelke and
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Fulton
were evening guests of Mr. and
Airs, Sanford Hutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns
and family visited an Tuesday
evening with Mrs. Chas. Cas-
sar and Terrie of London,
Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence Lud-
wig and Susan of Listowel vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Sanford Hutton.
Miss Anna. Routly of Simcoe
and Mr, Don Willcox of Kit-
chener spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Routly,
Natural gas sales in Canada
in 1960 totalled 324 billion cubic
feet, valued at $200,000,000 an
increase in volume of 15 per
cent over. 1959 and 56 per cent
over 1958.
„111111111lllllt I 111.11111111ptt111,1111111/9111 iPl,f OM Ir,
2. DELUXE MAXWELL BARBECUE, motor and spit, .or
3. 18" OTACO POWER MOWER, recoil start, or
4. FIRESTONE HI -SPEED BICYCLE, boy's or girl's
The Rules are Simple!
A. Every buyer of a new used car receives absolutely
free his choice of one of these four valuable gifts, worth
$50 or more!
B. Offer good only until present supply is exhausted—
and they're going fast!
C. Offer is not restricted to any minimum price or any
minimum difference on trade-in.
D. Applies to cash or trade-in purchase including Pear -
son's famous 10% down payment plan.
E. Does not apply to commercial vehicles.
Phone 156 Grand Bend
Applications from
willing to accept full-time employment
in a modern small parts assembly
plant in EXETER
The Exeter Industrial Development Corporation is. negotiating with a United States •
firm which, if it locates here, may require up to 200 female workers on a permanent basis.
The management of this firm is concerned that our community may not be
able to provide sufficient staff if and when it is needed. In view of this, the Corporation is
requesting your co-operation to determine the availability of female help.
If you would be interested in full-time employment in a modern small parts as-
sembly plant at a reasonable 'wage scale in Exeter, would you kindly fill out the form below
and forward it immediately.
It should be clearly understood that these positions are NOT available now and
that your application does not constitute a committment on the part of either yourself or
The Exeter Industrial Development Corporation. However, the number of applications we re-
ceive may prove valuable in providing extra employment opportunities in our community,
Your applications willbe treated in the strictest confidence, No one other than
the officials of our Corporation and the United States firm will be allowed to see then:.
To the Exeter Industrial Development Corporation.
PO Box 542, Exeter, Ontario
1 would be interested in securing full-time employment of the type you de-
scribe in Exeter.
Name i,r a,',YYr rr
tor ,rrrt,rrr„r.M.r or r Orr .+Misr Milt o,+0 r'rr Orr* or
Address rr Y r 11444 ri'i irrarrrt 1'00140.4lrr,rrt
rrrri'rrkyr, M,l..cruor rYiMr
I„rtirrr ir',r4rrryom,rrr'rr+rrr.YYrorrr.Yt ra,r rr'1'rlr rr r li11011Tr'Mrir rrr Y Yr'r
No of miles from Exeter r,rrlrrrYrr,
'r,r,r+,r ri MYy'
Previous en ployment experience, if Any
Age rrr YrrY rr rYr rr Yra,rlYr,Yr.rrY,I.
xri,rrrr+tveto ,,Yrrnnn,Yarr,r,YrrWYir t in
11005tr'rtir'yr riririlrrYirYiVYiirii'i'Y7Ytiii#titrr7rrrrrrrr Mt,r.rr,irr ri,•Wrlrrrrrri ,,,., Milli
YOfilli Y'YMY'i YtrY.iri or., rrrrrrr,rrrYii!•rrrrlrYrirrtYirrytv”.MriY91.YY
rtnn.•Mr rr YXY,,r.r`rrrrriYrrr Yrrri,r.Y.,fl',
Exeter Mndustrial Development . Corporation.
Biggest Selection
of Used Cars
in Huron County
Equipped with Strato-Flash 8-cyl. automatic, power
steering, power brakes, radio, windshield washers,
wheel discs, new car warranty. Sells new for
X2 ,450
'56 OLDS 88
This lovely ports model, finished in turquoise and
ivory, with matching interior, has hydramatic, cus-
tom radio and is a local, one -owner car.
Automatic transmission, radio, power steering, re=
finished in delightful Marlin blue,
or FREE GAS Home !m
Ph. 608 Exeter Ph, 78 Zurich.