HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-10-14, Page 3• esigunattatioas. TH Id RA4LW AY /ROM TV GODEltfeli. • ro rise miliees OIP mea meson siemes- Is hasardSg a few cursory remarks cm this subject in ita prethat stage of coat- auce, it is not because 1 et:we've any M - hermit abilily is me, superior to the many able sad distinguished Railroad Imanciers . Who haven -0d the labyrinth of this politi- cal question before, to do it that justice the magnitude of the subject demauds.--e Yeleit candidly appears, that its hitherto advocates, with three preliminary surveys, havetotally failed in laying before the pub- lic its true bearing Oa the resources of U. ,Catiaila„ and its legitimate track to realice that amount of real benefit to the country, that this great project is calculated to em- brace in the event of its imasuraination. Then away *Rh all sectional and local interest and attend to this question in its true and natural light, like men desirous of the comthon good of our country. This, therefire, Will lead us to examine the coun- try through which this great railroad uo- dertaking is desigued to pass, and under this (lamination it will be perceived by ' any men divested of local prejudice, that it poiuts out a central coiusee, laying be- tween the two great Riverof Canada- !' throujh a closely populated coantry of liar- dy, induetriOusand honest fanners, who Are deserving of their interest and pros- perity being advocated with sincerity. We shall now endeavor to point out this track more particularly, without prejudice to this or that local seethes of interest; sail ietnnieeleiog at pond on the Ottawa • •ieer, where itway be found or determin- ed nest praeticable to item by Bridge ; this will be most likely in the neighbour- hood of St. Ann's, at tbe Westerly el- trernity of the Island of Montreal; thence in as straight a direction as an economical expenditure may dietate, to the interesting town sod settl. ineut of l'ertb, peopled with hardy and industrious Scotch and- Irish, who Lave fought the battles of the :west reantelly, and realized to themselvei eom- ferteble bermes. aboinding in all tbe lulu - re s of the ( aria& oit othing now re- , trains waatiag to this truly &serving cou- *ry but protect s eatu.e, to en- able it to supply distant markets with :Amide/lie of cheap and wholesome produce of the farm, together with other articks itf copimerce., whiel dies country is designed to foster. From this we take our depar- ture for Pe terboro, in as direct a line as practicable. This will carry us to the 1 north f the Lakes and waters, known as the head waters ,of the Riodtay, which y pours through the town of Peril, and die- 1 t enhogues III the nothern extremity of the Rideau Lake. about 9 miles east of the town. The resources and capabilities of this section of emintry connected with the project in hand, is of vast impertance, composed of interminable foresee of pine, laying stretched on either side, to the northand south of this route, in extent to :supply the demands of nations for centuries to come; -- ileo. mineral ores er a rich quali- ty, iron. leMl. and r-,h,r, copper, with 4 ibe probability of coal and other articles of tiring. are of thergselves sufficient and posi- tive guarantee to the rcrenue of this un- dertaking, (if properly conducted,) to stimulate aa exertion to carry the project by this rhute. Haring thee arrived at Peterhore, we propoie to carry it from thence to Holland Landing end thence to Goderich, in as direct a line as the phyttiol- ogy of the country will admit. Are one lookine on tbe map of Upper Canada, cannot fail seeing; that this is the ouly uatuod flew of the great Trunk Rail- er:10, to hieure the properity of this vast Western agriculetral section of territory. the Garden of Canada, from svuence its greatness and support must filer, ere long. arrived et . the Town of Gode- rich with this great project, it 'suggests our duty. to say a few words in regard to the re- sources and capabititiee which would offor an inducement to make this place the terminus of ibis undertaking. 'Ile TOWil is delight- fully located on the banks of Lake Huron and Inc River Maitland at their coullueuce, hairnet a spacious harbour, securely defend- ed, alike from the North, East and South winces, but .somewhat exposed the West. -In its present state it is capable of cootaiuing a large fleet of schooners and steamberats ; and with the outlay of a few thousand pounds, in the slope of piers, loc., would be one of the beet harbours on Lake Iluron. The River Maitland is a noble stream of water, winding its devious course 115 a 'soutbeely and westerly manner to the 'rown, where it diseinhoeues a Two body of water every spring and fall, into the lake. The hydraulic power of this stream is very considerable, and any amount rif machinery tnight be euccesslully applied within the limits of the Corpnration, with a moderate outlay tOr dams, flocene, true. equal to a gravelled road. When nearing Paris a tine tiew is got of the Itiver Nith, with the exteneive saw and other mills be- low in the hollow. Parte is passed on the west hanks of the Grand River, and the Nith, with • high bridge, divides the lower and upper villeges. Owing to the rain, (this was on the 2/ith.) we had not an oppor- tunity of rtewmie the scenery around this pretty rising village. Here will be the main depots of the grcat Western Railway and the Brantford.'Stratford and Godericb line. Truly a noble place for such a junc- tion. The Paris Star, a good paper is published in the upper town. The lower town wenn to be getting ahead of the up- per. In the former are the splendid build - hip and greeted, of Mr. Hiram Capron (tbe king of Parie),, and Mr. I lamildpn, and the buildings progtessiog are numerous. -- Thee being realized, Goderich will un- doubtedly b4eome a great tnanufactering as well as a great commercial City. Here must centre the .meroantile supplies for tbe great agnithlturat distriete which ex- tend to the north, east and the great far West. Here meet be the nutlet st the carrying track (rem the far West to the East, and from the east to the West. - Under these coneideratione. Goderich is tertavnly the proper and legitimate termi- nus for the Trot* Railway. • 44104 14 LOPS* oat, rfle 46 mass, tied eelleeting bet heti. (ranee periec atraight Wee trelu Meatiest to •Oesleftgh Second. That 't will coat leas is no eon stsoctant Ms rimy Wier bas 10 Ow *meth etc North of K. Third. That it will hese- Sit the fanning community et the Province glare dam aay othen-letailientag and com- merce will receive a greeter aeOtiat of profit therefrom. Fourth. That the Pro - race at large, through a little time, will reap a richer harvest from it than any other they may thank to 'duet. Fifa- 'Abet it ▪ lcas. injured, and les. isjurious the Deviation of the great Rivers ansa lakes lying on either si&, than any lathe route that can be devised. Sixth. The the branches and top leading into it an from it, necessarily arming and conneete therewith, can be affected- more judicious ly than any ether hitherto advoteted. liming summed up WO principal advan- tages arising from this project. ‘Ve be leave dismiss the subject for the present and place it in the hands of tilos@ of more leisure and means to do it more justice. 3. D. Goderich, 29th Sept., 1852. 100 Telt SWAM auniar. FROM STR.ATFORD-PA- RIS-BRANTFORD AND GODE- RICH RAILWAY.- It will be in the memory of sate of Ilse oldest settlers in the Huron Traci, that al though tbe Canada Comm] at tbe nom meocement of their operaknos as a c erste ration, opened up what is still osilledt the " Road," being de road from the Wilmot Iine to Goderich, a distance of 57 utiles, through rand, then roamed only by the Indian and Hunter ; this wail in 1S3 1 and 1S32, there were no !Mee of mode leading southwards. Oxford and London were known jure by the name. NYoodetock was not inexistence, not even as a "Town l'Ioe," which it was first called. There wa a sleigh track made which went from Strat ford to Brockville and Ingersol. ex istence of that track is now only known to few. It entered Stratford on what is kamen as NYey's lot, where now the shop of Mr. Robert firers, and a new frame building of Mr Thos Daly steads, and wound along the tbee driest spots in a serpentine retiree. 'f he pi °duct, of the south were by that road imported for the supply of the scanty eettlers-and from the east, tbe sup- plies came from Waterloo and East Wil- asot. The merest tnde of household wants were seat for and brought &distaste of be- tween 30 and 44) miles. I speak of -Strat- ford and its vicinity. further West, tbe .settlers were 001 00 well off, bat their num- ber were few, and onlyettled " here and there," along the Iluron ltoad. They were the first to pioneer and settle off the toad ta the bush, in this neighbourhood.- But how altered. during these nineteen. ears in the face of the country, owing to he influeore of old country people, and set- tlers from cartons parts of Canada, and in place ot one road, there are now many brencbing comnlunicatious. Front Stratford, our county Town, we have a good road to the flourishing village of St Mary's in Blanchard, from which there will soon be a good g -ravelled Road to 'eon - don; we hare Also the ltoad South to Embro 13reekville Se., which crosses the old sleigh trek, we hare been by the main Huron road to 13e11'e Corners, and south- ward.. by the road to Woodstock, and on which at this moment there is progressing under the char e -of Mr. A. Mitchell the Renee for Sout Easthope, the laying of gravel, and which when completed, will form a [food gravelled road from these Corners to oodatock a distance of 17 miles, making the distance about 23 mites from Strat- ford. To the north, Alornington, Elms and Wallace,, we have no direct road from the main Huron .fload, and really tbe settlers on the Canada Company's lands hare ey - petted that the Commissioners of that Company would have, cre this, deroted some attention to the opening up of a line north, tit, ''I their own lanai, to the Township lines of these •'f ownsiiips. But will the Company expend any money, out cf thcir profits, for Osis purpose? 'lave they done so, heretofore in other casesl- Of course they have reasone, and perhaps weighty ones too--fer not advancing one or two lines of roads to the uorth. *rimy were applied to, however, some years ago -and the Government also, but,-. Belt the settlers themselves must look to their own funds, and the Municipal COUG- COS should be urged to it, It would be a. burlesque on common veracity almost, if the line of communication at present, be- tween these townalOpe an I the Huron Road was pointed out. So.ffice it to say, that the settlers 12 miles west of Stratford, and all along to Ilell's Corners 71 mile.' east, have ' to communicate with the north, by means of the road north from Bells Corners, to the Town of 11-ellesley, then proceed west- wards. to enter the northern Townships, which range behind Elliee, and Enema, a traveller. or settler, on business or pleasure tn thr north from Full3rton or Logan or Ellice being obliged to travel from 30 to 40 miles! The distance from the main Iluron road, to the town line, of them .lowriships north, being only about 10 to 11 miles! See the map. We were tattle as far m Paris os the Grand Ricer, which is distant frem Strat- ford about or rather Mese then 44) mitre - Excepting the portion to Bell's Ceers,there was a pretty good road, in some places ex- cellent, along tbe main road to Maysville, (now called ‘Vilmot village I believe) which is 17S miles rrom Stratford --and as far east as the Sand bill to the meeting house which is distant about 21 miles from Hap - vale, and where to the right, enuthwarde, a gorei road, ()fated and gravel, leads the tra- veller to Paris. Going by this rnad the first village you arrive at is %Washington, north of litealseim distant 6 miles frorn Itayscille. There is a Poet ()See bere,kept by Mr Farr with a thrifty homewifeeestnee, blacksmith shop, &r. • This Iter. Mt. Shipley of the Methodist body, lire* here in • neat cottage. Ile officiates at Strat• ford, it itinerating his circuit thus a gond many miles. The Cadet!' of Temperance had • meetiag the eight we passed here. - Turning here to tbe East. 5 miles, you ar- rive is Western Dumfries at a cluster of homes, large Users stand kept by Ed- ward (Arrow, called the Illackhorse, then soetherards three miles to the pretty of Ayr. sitinted on the Rank% of the Nith, (Smith.% Creek, wIneh we passed over at Ilaysnfle, bot do not erme again till at the lower town of Paris.) Tb. enmities Of Ayr is plesreat, sad ,the aceomoaditmat ) G-* 1111. t distatole.Wella"'Ite revires*IesRel' brostooy 11"liwits."111hrieetttab, . during the eight it "poured," and tn 11*- moretne, wet as it was, retain thautifelly, our buourass trupolled us tieswordo, but nut ever mood 'maids, but ever • good teriyaki read, the road to Peri*, with, two tat. io sloe distance of S Ludes. The tolls are 3d. ask lest .o charge Mr the. reams, wade within tat saute day. 'Pbe read au.. the Sand hills east ofHaysrille, with uccasioual ascents and descents, is good, being nearly Our attention was directed to tbe large to fear storied Madding, for stores, kr., of AG-. Nimmo, near the Batton pored. The r great advantage of the water of Nith is t here perseptitle. The water power with d that ail the Grand River. will always Orb - d Nance this part of Paris. The Nell filet - into the Grand River here. We 'were in- debted to Juba Irwin, Esq., for our inforinatiou about l'aris, • ' g l'he faelities for grading the line of , railway to e4oilenelt, through the Teen - ships we plumed, appear to be bevond dis- puta, the material for Jeweling. eel forming a bard bottom, could not be better, and westward to Stratford, through the booth - ern portio. of 1Yilniot asd South Eastboite, the same advantages eeist. (lithe course, - which pe that of Stratford, being nearly a - level till approaching Goderich efoortiship, we need not here cite, as the same is so well known. • • • • 3', 3..E. L. - Stratfonl, 411, Oct•1er, 20.2.. - STftATIi'ORD AOLICAILTURAL • W 'AND. *AIR. ' rt'ir The first Annual Show of thiV"StrattfOed Society formed under the 11,41f its! 151h Vic. Gap. 127, was, IMM in Stratford on Tuesday the 5th inst.: There' We bees ten annual chews and this one makes the eleventh. 'flit prizes este awarded amount to .EliG 17s. 6d. '[bit amount of money S since I8U, distributed as prizes, ie con- s siderable. It claims to be the first organs - ized society in these Couaties which 1 know to be the case. The Show or fair now held, could not have been, on a more cheerful and fair day. The crowds which assembled, from a deo Ghee as well as from the surrounding tows - ships, exceada those at any previews show, and the show of cattle was great in number, amounting to several hundreds- '[be hor- ses looked well, and is line order. There were some good iron greys-endeed it would be invidious to point our one person beyond another. The young bulls, particularly those of .liesers. Vivian and Dunn, looked better than the aged one. All those shown, were from imported breed or mixed. The Cows and Bells of Mr, Dunn's showed ,the character well. The sheep also show- ed the additional attentioo which had been paid to this kind of stock. The importance ot an agricultural society in a neighbour- hood soon appears. The wheat, and other attieles shown in the room, were declared to be ettra, though there was a deficiency in variety and number. The butter and cheese excellent. The sample, °flints and oats, by Mr. Simpson, were good. The Waggons of Messrs. Yoastonc & Rs* well deserved a premium. 'Ebere were uot many buyers at this fair, and sellers were therefore disappoiated.- The. shows at Dumfries (Galt) on the same day, and at .%yr to be on lith, woidd keep buyers from a distance from coming so far west. 'It is a pity as there is some hum!! eti heads for 63.1e, &CI somc changed 0 eme rs by trade and cash. There was a dinner at the Fanners Inn '(Jas. Woods) in the evesing. The Presi- ent \Vm. Smith Esq., in the Chair; and James Rankine Esq., Vice-Preeident, Tho dinner and all things else provi- ded were substantial and inviting. Mr. Simpson favored the company with the famed song " Kirsty Forsyth." - • The j'adges gave satisfaction. were (tae ALssarn. ,)11r. '. Smitl MSr' , 4 i Moan .(Cblfisoiola!•) Georg, 'SOMA (11 erpterbeye0 (Miff Pit ., Messrs. A. • Mitchell (BelPs Oorners, Alex. Gourley (Ellice,) W. E. • Grace (Goderich.) • - {fent% thus elanred at thii magnificent scheme, it only remains for el to enmnerate some of the advantages arising from poem - lag the plan here laid down. Fut. That It es the west direct and shortest line dist • THIS MORNING'S MAIL ! Remittance receiyed from Mr. S. Thompson, 'forma*. , QuEsEc,oct. 9th, 1852. Elective Council. Last night after the reporter left, the Itouse went into Committee of the whole ! on Mr. Morin's Legislative Council reso- lutions, which we discussed until h*'-peet 11 o'clock, when the debate was adjourned untd neat Friday. Qcanec, Oct. 11. Toth at Port Burwell. The Ilouse went ie..) 'committee of the I whole on the considerating of a bill to raise the tolls at present charged on saw -logs in Port Burwell Harbour to Od, and after as time rose and reported progress. Justices oj the Trace. . The Mil to extend the Act 1!. & 15 Vietona, cap. 95 as. 96, for facilitating the performance of duties of Justices of the Peace was read a first time on motion of Mr. Smith, [13iirlisan.) l'asprient rel Jurors L. C. Mr. Stuart moved the House again into a committee on the prnpriety of paying Ju- rors in Lower Canada. lle said that die motion was opposed by Mn. Drummend on the round teat Upper Canada Jurors were paid by the Counties, and that ia accord- ance with the same pnnciple he proposed te introduce with ht. Monicipal Rill a clause to *etherize the Municipalities to py Ju- rors. Mr. Stuart ultimately withdrew hie I mottos. No other levelness was transacted up to 6 o'dock. • Vest -111p dpip prorittealy appotated. lie Fishery questieo Is again discussed. het the Ltredou worm appear glad is the affair has subsided qui, tly, ou arty, WON. FRANCE. Asseensit• from ib. Soul& of Erases melee 1 app area t that Lame Nopoleun has tbri.•• off all diegere of Me deceres upon the an pre. At lass &saunas* be was at them lane. ARRIVAL. or VA FRANKLIN.= Naw l'ona, October Ilia lase, The Frauklin 'trivet this wonting, walk duos day, litter n•we. Cotton &so, at an advisee of 11 Flout Out!, gad W. to 10d. lower. Wheat Richatilsoo it Co's Circular says. the weather fair for the lel period el air seeson• Flour boo not been so steady, but there has. bees an •citse diettaud fer wheat. There bate been large weirdo sacs One day trek from tbe United State., the seine of which hae not le all cares ben fully reported. pszteularly le Foresee es -whip. Trap/renting In Arsine. can d Mr eitesebeen estoriated, for want of quiets; to rowel the reqeirensente of the trade. Peiladelphia and Baliintoos, 21. 3-I. 21.. 6l.. -...i the latter bgura *nes are slow, 01 21., 15. demand is gird. Wens tete sold 20e. 6i 1. T. •actectioni about the iiihjeliev,:leso nbauJed. and the harvest to the tweak Iseid been nevi, ail imeured ; the wheel Wont on the •liole. would be tinder the.steragir quantity, eh,h Original is Most In- elplanee would ber superior. The Queen is in licetland. , The body of Ote duke of Wallington was atilt at Weimer Castle, wailing aha wres- tler, atrangeinest for the lying in state at Chelson. Ti. guano emendit mu to to the Lobe, lalauds has created much e mess a- mong the dealers to guano, and Pero elan bond holding, and fears of a colliatoe were entertained. FRANCE It was expected, the Empire would be declared on the 3th. An inferual machine designed to kill the President has been tieix- ed at Marseilles. It is thought there was yet another, and that the conspiracy to mur- der the President was extended theoughnut the province of the VAIL set on foot by the socialists One Hundred of them have beta arrested. 1.1te London Times on the authority of letters from Paris states that the first °diktat act toward, the consummation of the empire will probably take place about tbe 15t6 inst., on tbe arrival of tbe l'resi- dent at Tour. A decree wield be puhlish- ed in the Alnwiterer for an extraordinary eenvocation of the Senate for the object of Exatn.ning the addresses emanating from the Couneils of the Departments meats, and of either framing a report there- on, or piloting a seoatues thug Louis Na- poleon to assume the Imperial dignity.--: Phe return of the Prince to Paris after completing his present journey is to be ce- lebrated with royal and Imperial magnifi- cence that is to eclipse any -thing ever seen in France. • filarricD. • At Kincardine, on tbe 13th ult., by the Rev. Thomas Craws, Mr. Wm. Waybreet to Miss Ana Solos, both a Kineordine. At Kincardine, on the lin ,by the theite,st the randesee of the BritisePather, Mr: tianmel, Colwell, to Miss Miry Ann Stanley. both of Etseardme. At kineardine, fie the same, at the resi- dence ef the Bride's Father, ' Mr. Win. Shewfilt, to *rt.:Athena. Robertson loth of K incardi ne. At Kincardine, by the same, at the resi- dence of the Bride's Father, Mr. Wm. Sut- tee. to Mirs Sarah Keyworlb, both Of Kin- cardine. ANIIIIMM.MEMINIIIIIM•11••••• CABIN:UT/ AND CIIMIt MAN UFAcTOIZ Y. EV BARHY& 1MARTIN. • • subscribers bog leave to inform their Inands a.d the public generally; that they -hare commenced burner in the .hep formerly occupied by Saint Lemotaine, where they will keep ceastanOy on band • good supply 'of CABINET WARE: - Also a good supply• •01 WINDSOR CHAIRS, k-. AA orders promptly &Hooded tn. T. BARRY. I - MARTIN. Gederieb, Oct., Ilth, 1852. v3113341 NOTES LOST OR STOLEN, , NOTICE is hereby given that I have lost I 1 the following notes of hand, signed and given to me se follows: -A note drawn in savor otBenjimin Miller by Junes Gentles and papable at the Dank of Upper Canada Agents. at Goderieh. on or before the first dot of January 1823, for £61 111. Two Notes etteh drawn in my favor by Thomas Smth. fur £8 odd aullingo. A soot drawn in my farm- by E. Wondcock, for I:5; and anorite drawn 'Wieser rif Thomas Dine, by Benjamin Miller for 104. 1 therefore knitter' ell persons from te- (retying said nose*, and maul drawers from payrrog ibm err to any other person than myeelf. Any person haviag found` the above men- tioned notes, will Melee n suitable reward by returning thews to the wooer. JAMES DON. Gerferieb, Oct. IS , l54. vaatalfhas • •• NEW- STORM WHOLESALE a; 1tE'IAIL. '1,66ktisti WI...it/0AV: II ESI'ECTFULLY announce to the in. lialattanie etifindtrnso and Ittlrratill Ong Cooatitie, that they will open on 1Vednes. day the 1 3th mat.. in the New Store past f‘rrectod by Jornee Gentle., Eon.. a Large Stork nf DRY GOODS. GROCF.RIES, CROCKERY. RF.ADY MADE CLoTHe NG, lane kri•. 811 of which iher7 Will lien at unusually low preee for Cash ate mow Irritable Produce. The Goode are all Artr, •nd hays been imported direct from the ddrsionat 'place, of manufacture. Peale, bey's, large q imitates will tr• supplied at Mann Woa ton holele prie••. 0 t RDON k MACKAY. Ad•aneee rood en l'ot Ashes and other Merchantable Pr der• by (JORDON klIACKAV. Goderwh, Oct. lib, 1634. v8n37 AnnstAL THE STEtmstlir ASIA. The steamship Asia, with three days la- ter news from Europe arrived this P. M. Sbe left Liverpool on the 25th. •ENGLAND. The Karl of Derby is • letter states that the Queen will await the 'Minn of Pattie - meet regarding Um funeral sitter Dyke of Weill./ton, earl intimates that as soot as possible, after the meetiag. the remiss will lori inteereel at the moblite espense. by the side of Nelson in St. Paul's Cathedral The body lies at Weimer Castle, wilder a guard ef honor. It doubtful whether Parliaareat will be together earlier Use the I lth Ne- COUNTY COUNt'lla. rrifF. Crusty Colostral Inc the Umteof Ctsweinte of Heron Perth and Drum' wiul meet for Or tratevection of general boa errs at Gentler.' Hirer Goderich, It Time day tho 19th day of October :anent, By order of the Wanks. D. If RITCHIE, County Cldrk, County Clinks Office (Nallettch, Stb A.g, ff62. 1 eSsort • WASHINGTON EtIMIVAL P 6i.141914PPCIATENV. milmis.14011 'Cramp. llectimmage, .iseserty er Dirr, Noir, .46,,t. rius .‘,..11 both melon mai kroirroleot is et• deities, secures re. tient. its Members wise become disabled by as accident from attending to tame dcly avocations of etuplo)niente. It s4. mit* reales enithesiges, (rum filteee to ais• tir 'rears of lige. 1 triposers se Messer emote 10 or Airs. Tau or it Write. Ely papal/ $2 par year yr will beenii:1.71.o vp. 3 de 4 de do do do de 3 do do de 4 de the do 5 do do 3 d. 8 de do 4. 7 do do 7 do 8 do (0 8 ds • is do 9 do lie 10 de de 10 do The first week excepted. Thito• over fifty yeere of age, will ba chirged terenty-Ilse per ceet. extra. 111 Sec. adviroce fee will be charged, in• addl. lion to the above, the first year, and must he paid at the time of making sepIrcaticie, aril the firr year's, deposie muting' :101101111 .1. C. HANOVER, Presideot. R Hove DAGO, Vice President. Daviu Peewees, Treaeurer. r1:11•Net•L PLINY POWER, M. D. ise.-Brewn, Att'y at Law, 3. ('. Hanover. 13. Rose Bagg. Eaq. 1). Preston. JA SI ES DROWN, Sec'y. Rev. P. COMPTON, General AgeaL REFERENCES. Geer rAt,ritiiel... U. S. Sen•tor. CRP'. Eber 13. Ward. Detrnti, Mich. U Tracy Howe, Fam., Treasurer Mich. Central R. R. Col John B Grayeen, U. S. A. DC, oly, M. 1)., Worthington, Mich. N 1' lhokell, Broker, Monroe, Hen J 11 Harmon, Mayor, Detroit. - Monte .1 ()wen k Co., Merchants, Dietz. S 11 Ives IR CO, Broker, S M Johnson, E.et. •6 Eurotas Morton, Ypsilanti, blesore. Jones U Patna, Brokers, Chi- cago, 1111. E. H. MARLTON, Agent. Parties deetrons of becoming members*( the above Arse,,etation, cao do so by applm- ra(n at ny office next dour North of the Kincardine Arms. E. H. MARLTON. Goderich, 5th Oet 1854. t03627 ATTACHMENT. CANADA ) noway of Heron .we of the 1 " &Writ of United fesimeies of Hurts, } Attachment, Perth and Rena. 1 mused nut ef To WIT : J 1.. Comity Conrt, for the Ceiteri etiont.es of Doren, Perth and Bruce, and tome directed, 55050.1 the estate, real as well •• perwinal, 01 Samuel Doak, the younger, an absconding or crueler/ debtor, at the lona nr John Limey. (01 the sum of twenty-three Nue& I have seized and tikes all the estate. era as well as swoons', of the said Samuel Doak, snit that tinier the paid Samuel Doak return within the jortiodiction of the said Court, and put in Bail to the action, or coos, the risme to be discharged witbie three calender months, all the estate rb*( 00 well as personal of the rod Samuel Doak. er se much thereof, as may be peceessrv, ,I be held liable for the paymeet, benefit. otr'satisfaction of the said elattmor claim.' of much other Plaintiff, or pleintirt, as ahall oryrnay take proceedings against the proper- ty and effects of the said Samuel Donk, th wi in re months of the issulog of the above Writ. IOUS *DONALD. • SheriEj1P. k B. Baum, Owing • Gods? ink Oct 1881. ilhiSTrofi NOTICK, TO coxra,tercuts. rinpasugs sky+ faciamml op or before Saturday the I Iltb of °umber. (intimat) for the erection ef • Breit Budding for a Seboolhoeve, on the North-Eosi corner of Lot No. 6 5rd Con. of Goderieb, the pro petty of Mr. Thema*" Reim*. (Eoliths's.) The building and Carpenter work may ler contracted tot together or separately as may be agreed, upon ,by the Trustees, tenders to be addressed to John Clark Crown Land agent, at wbeee018ce a specification tr the work may be seen, and all necessary kik,- motion obtained. Gederic ON TA RIO MARINE AND FIRE INSURAPiCit COMPANY. Incorporated by act of Proeis*/ rarliament. Capital -1:100,000. • EISAD OFFICE /IT HAMILTON. - DIRECToRF: MTh C. Beker, Esq. M. Merritt, Esq. DM.. C. Browoe,.(;,,no, " J. F. Moore,. Peter° Carroll, t,t, i JatrAO.sa ehdorinwer,::, James McIntyre, " P1. C. Thome', Esq. James Mathieson, " John Wilion, THE Stiberriber haying been appointed A Agent 01 Godench, fur the shove respectable Company, is prepared to (feet Insurance at the moat reasonable rates upon neutron, Shipping and Gonda. THOMAS NICHOLLS, Agent. Godench, Rith Sept., 1852. v5n34 NEW HARDWARE STORE. WHOLESALE 4u RETAIL! 111( moues Butanes ei" Male 81., GALT *11.11RE Stibecribee reepeetfully informs the inhantant•u1Colt and it. Yeranity that he has opened he new id Extonmer. Stock of Shelf wet heavy If AltIWPARE 1 un he above Premise., comprising a complete Asset treat of- Ctatery, Piles, 8, *kg, Biail //inIrfe, &retro, t &nes, Plants, anti Toob, . of (Very Description, SlitiC- thread, TtrineA, Potetite 4. Shnl, linr, Ihnp, Band, 4- Med Iron, 4 Siringa , kvi . )0 Itlisterrd ed, Thi st Canntliari I'llatot, N ' 4. Spike- A, Miter, Tract, le, coil & logging chains, vices, Anvils, ..)),atits,& Moods, Grired-ttnrs, Mew, Putty, l'arnitth, Oils, l'aints, Dy - Wont, Turpentine, 4.r, &c., &r. Whieh better perchard ow Most advantage- ous Terms will be at law 1.0WKICI. 11,‘M IMTON PRICi›.1 ' Fey Cash. Suboenber Solicit* a• Inefeletiers Me Stork, before Purebring Eleeerbere. T. I.4. BURRRY. 0a3, Sept. 22ed, 18.11. 13 e18-141 • .eleereore,enoiewwwwwree.....eulanilliellinow bof LO" Iwo Note, a Mani le erter LOW ILL A L VoRD ea beemers doted to 1431. mos, friss.• by Elijah Moore mod the Sher by Omand &taloa,. ?bee re to Iliekri all poevono from pasmag sr rossaming, sold pop. Oodericb. Sept. nosl. lino .032 „HOUSE hal D LOT FOR MALE. frit g Bebeeriber offers fir one that eotn• a modiou• Brick Dwelling Mons*. op.. - site the reordence of Ire Lowy*, E•q. ria. Lot ba• two fronts. The ;twee property 11111 be sold cheap for cash. Fur further particulars apply to Andrew Donors, or to do proprietor JOHN PEEL. Part lobed, Rept. 131h, 1468. ia3din3 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING lathe Bell's Corners up to tith September, 1852. &chinas Win Ileederson Wco Crown Win Eines Wus, Onot Jam McCuituery Jt Welph Ceetbpell Archibald. McComas* tlaa Graham Peter hliteliell Anders. Iliatodten .Rubertaon Nichol.on Donald .6 Bay Paton Porter Min WM. cossEY. P. M. • Goderich, 111 Nepteitther, 1 S52. . ...._. FOR SA I.F., BY .1•ItI1I SUBSCRIBERS, CRATES of Common Crider,' alableb will be disposed of at etre low 111,ellee. M. B. SEYMPtiL k (0. efle34 ' Gotlerich. 14th September, 18152. . _ ritrilr.g. TRoberribers will See, without any direction ail, Lenz Overdue Note*, and open Accounts, if not shortly paid, or satisfactorily Arranged ler. M. 13. SEYMOUR k CO. •Sn34 • • r,..' . -sof .33-r. 6e- • CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT, QUEUE(' 29i55 August, 1852. NOTICE it hereby given. that Licences ' 'to cut Timber on certain vacant Timber Bertha en the River Si. Maurice and as tributariee, will be 0114Keed "r lit itle "1'...4 of Three -Rimer. on tbe TWENTIETH da• of SEPTEMBER omit. The term. will be mad• known, and a Map of the Rorer and its tributaries, indi- eating the Berths to be di•pred of, will bo eehityted at the Agent's Office at Three- Snore, tram the 10th to the 20th day of September. o5o3213 I , I CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. . • fsbec, 10:4 Septa -44, 1832. NoTicE is hereby given, (at aa n unit- Ao, tor 'artier' are .desirorte of further time to examin• the timber Berths on the River Si. Maurice, the disposal 'hereof will be dearred for another month doting which the in•p and the terms may be 1 i epee, ed at the Agenos Office, In the Town of Terse- ' • Rivers. The Berths will partitively be dia. II posed of on the TWENTIETH day of I OCTOBER next. 1 vIIn35-las 1 S I .01E. THORNHILL, ' • WOULD return hie thanks to the t public for the liberal support be bite met from theta during his retool -nee in Goderich, f and hopes by strict attention to busters', n to still merit Sentare of their patrcoltee. Al hi. old stand. owe door East of ,/, Canada Cootpaay's -0,/fire. Ouderich, Sept. Otto, 11152- Tann • • • I GODERICII. PORT SARNIA, HURON .1 AND DETROIT. 11 •Irrhe new and eligant Lowpreseure Steam 11 ••■ Boat RUBY. will run during the erre. 8 ing 'soon as Intlowes-Leave Gielerieh. 8 laroother permitting. every Fretted smaty n merging at 9. o'clock, and Sarnia Moo- El day at I **dock. LenvirDetrott, fee finderich, cep..., re.,,,,.a patuidep" at 8 o'clock, a. tn. and Saints, n at 4 o'e.oek p..ni. . „„, t.! Few freight er peerage Apply In Mr. r:. c H. Marlton, (orwarder, next door, north of c rho Kiscardine Arse. t' El.! WARD, arid. c Detroit, Feb. Seth 1832. y5 -e5 C . C STRAYED. C - C FROM the enbectobey *boot the far et C A August a black . st, turned op h01,1•1, • little While tinder the belt,. Six tesr• *id. C Any petrel vriar each tritormarion we or ill lead in his recovery will he rewarded for ..% their novena. at 1.1 rarecessioe Lot No. 1 9, ruskeremith, Lesdni Road 11 tonmicr McMORDIE. 1.). Sep. 1862. vfo-o3f, " r) CAPRON 4: Cu. 1/ D 11 . itt• I) 11 A r) • -......A, iipait iv pl It lIt' tan•10 F Colboeite Street, Broastrerl. r 41‘11,1AGE. MANOPACTUREEs. 0 G --- Tins exteneive Cursors Mannfactitrine l' Estalliehment is now in fullleperrein. whim wilt be fond •t all tube. sed for sale, the most eaten.., and Complete 4:1 aseininnent of the moat Fonionable tripes t' 41 sl Reglosh. 4,nerman and French G ----ti.zAsuar rARRIAors: u, Misch se Boggme, Single and Double, with t.lt isd erith..iit I dos: Pl.ef ono. Rock -i-wase ks 7hitrieseee, Chariots, 13 troneloes, Coach.. 11 trove , Jenny' I oaths. and N•milene 01 latrine , all of wee h •re merge oe.1 i . the tt test M i It ria/e, •0,1 rreerind second growth ti. Penher, and warranted. 11. Brantford. 1. 10th, i833. rt-Sei st It • 11, 112E21 118E2! llo Hi 13R k N'I'FORD FOUNDRY 141 r!!!! SPRStlIDIERg err en+ ,.IonHi bO of thew UNRIVALLED SF.PARA III topts. with improvement. for thia eel,. Ili tad offer them otitheir urns( liberal [tuns. lo i losedeonie duacount made for Cosh, nn de- In' 'very. Jr. Thee. machines have lire en long before Iri hit peblie that it ie quote tietteersary to Ju pay seething farther te recommend them. It I An early exaninewen lir in•ite.l, as river Ki to of item be soar ordered, and perser Li wishing to ',lovely therniselres; bed better le, ipply without Ise, Of tinge. IJ Reeppermly risers. 1. VANBROCRLIN. 'WINTER kCn Oreattlard, Aug. to, 111161. asse-is oaf' Grand Lottery. frliE foftimitag 10 Careen 144 of tie O arbors that dress the Prises at Mr. Jaw, lisolirs'• Letters. which was drawn at Mitchell ea Therms's!, the 220 florae. 84 Boa 14tore, Vst House k Stable, "toiilldlar,inees.4, 981149 (117....rliivs'ir Stove, 711 Cr.ttage, 348( Zae4gg)oe, 4145 Saddle, 134 h'rs,i,e Slore.T.nuA, R.1.. Wissi•st trwayk, JfissisCLer. ;:i :17ii,,. Mitchell, Sept 5I, a3.1 NOTICE. I HEREBY give net"e that Mr.- William ▪ Chester Tippett, of Hatfield, ta not en • thottzed by an to collect the ciebt• or re- ceive the money due to his F:atne-he hunt- ing transferred and assigned ...I,* (I•••. WM.!, es appeared in the Priblie Prints of Goderieh, all 1,19 debts and other property to me Inc the benefit ret hie Creditors - which rtebts 1 harem:tee placed te the hano of D. 11. Richie. l ,Clerk ot the seventy. 'Petrone C•urt. 13:1 bele. for collection who. with ins the undersigned te alone au - ihurisral to grant receipts upon payment ut *4.5550.. JOHN STRAt7111IETT ne EAN.. dsrseer In the nf 11 Gerharich, Sept. Lind, 185d. n35 -NOTICE 191 herby giro, that the Portnerabln ▪ lately ertheieting between EWA' Al? THORNHILL and itt)8Kpyr KEMP, ho . 1 the Town ret (lioderieh, under the arm of THORNHILL Ss KEMP, was this Mir dorm ved 1.7 minuet eoneent. Alt drone OVIIIIT to the said Parteerehip are to be re- rred by said Ede•rd and alt dem end". me the Said Partnership CPO is be preireoted i. him for rut !mem. EDWARD THORNUILIe. ROBERT KEMP. Godericls, Sept. ith, 1839. e001111 NOTICE A ALL oerearie hissing elitism oguihat that lee, A F. Morton, ass Clerk of the First Divines Gears, at Gortneh, ••41 alt 0.1.00. ham, ermine again.% ThoteseAr. Morgan, his son. who was •Ise, for sows me Clerk a Ilse said Court, will Mimeo s.aal then% to the eSee of Monne. Busieboet nit Brother, Brews re *ad AU armee,. Godes ich, stated out is Inn with the date, of ea due ise..bie order Met lb. amoust 51 beer liab:: luta as each Corals may tre akertaisect,aod eitnienie made for o•eitilreation of the proceeds. or the kw - F. Merpea's iretet• dbt dioposed .4 1* be liquada;he of such Malmo. MARY MORGAN. Goderiets. t3ed Atrium, 185S. v8.0111-411 I 1.•• FARM EOM MAL& s.,..••••! A VALUABLE Freehold !mato.' &Mt No. 84,00 the eth Cam. fa ter Towns hip of tioderich. enntairong 80 serest, 415 a rhuoh re cleared. 35 free of Meant* it id ell watered, with • ftever serer hreagh th• tents, of the lot, a good gar: en, • Young Orchard ewe heenteg fruit, united within tbe Town of Godarch, •nd .1 1550 village nf Hayford. A good Lee noise, lathed and plastered; • Bern 41 tiff , Sheds and Siehleo. Fur permute,* alp. le to Andrew Dmiceigh in the Tows 41' eriee, or to tbo proprietor oat the pno Moo. , BtfEL SPLAN. P. B. Teem* elms, - • Goderith, Joly 15th, 11112. •VISselle eerier Lls'r OF L1'1"/"MIS MAIMING In the- Oodoelah Poo offloo,sith flopaitiaber. 2214.- ndeeson *Orbits, illarriiion'Ttiosapple: rongb Rev C ' Wormiest ftumvate-'' utter John 2 Millet th.:tr tutFe itched Joho 'litho is tbanan Peti‘r neaten Jebel aret Mr ekett !lightish' rive!? T e rnes Wm anion Thomas burchill Arthur unitising Jaaies uneven John maid, Thomas 2 'le Henry smernn Alex not,, *new Joeeph 2 ole Rebeeesi Prom John 2 fiok Fohrown °leisure* amnbell Roht MIT Robert brine J unite Barnard dos Chsges tn en Joke ,by George a'Iy John 'glee 'Henry neon MOMS Inn rowan hot Thom,* terror Jeehea 'her Insert") Bon lenner Join On -nth Mre rani Alpe 1Prillill1U1011 Need..• 1 %flit. • Ittortro A ' , Mdior'Oantg• • " Maims* Mt Martin, Mr. Thorned' Meldrum The* - Mtitighery John Mattheeon Dougal MooreJame " Maher Mims Warmth Thema. AI a ttheson Mrs Mnrdock MeShennaelt Meg Mawhinney John Merkmalil r‘framshr. Allsi MeNanghtne Mae*/ Mel' lel lend Rutter* Itleaboege finsisstel McKenasp RetterieS MeIntesth Donald • McConnell John ar Wm MeDrategel Anvil if elelinneld Angst* McMinn -rev JnItits McKinnon Chenee Mcqueen Mirdeek Menne, Jane.. Mer.irin•v Onorgsr- Mel.envl Weirton Melened Jets Eaq (Oliver Mr Ortirer John heroeher John it Peter Alert met Jetts 43in John Pit Inn Portal'. * horn F'ranrin Redmond Dernard lemon? Thome' k *deli IT Thu' Eaq 11 Ju -.ph Ruse Alen Rainier MreMargt Reid Alexander ihsos Wdasek kay Aeons P.0 'rooster Ks, Greer' odor lehn konciman John Iron Jame. R.chmeed Win ✓ atites Pink John Itshoisg...atheriee • aelJen William Hee Mr *osuli-a Andrew Ralph Jebto .allv 'Throes Stade Ettord II 11(111.•in Shannon Waller lens Joh. Na liellivas John ,an., 11/11hom 84•110.11,00 lifIkW111 eke, &feed thollieson Thome.w •ley Ise,' ICiesonee Mn Mery neer-ft Wititam Slecoseha Jot.. /1 3 Imre. )ish• Stewart Isere. M 1 y Jennie Sloe Widnes Carol op..rea Mrs Stewart Alesander moon 1 bisi S5*rp . h,,ounn Mre,1110 trInipeolt Samna n oun Ales , 4'74 iastone Thema% Ward k en Ise • in Richard mires Mmi *art Ws•.drtt ehitatrseit36 Wstb.. Th../ '4' n josibett Wretham There, n daat tart " w Apt * • /nag ' ut wie Mary 1460 Wals4 /nWitestit' es. jam*• 1,11101,00 8.0a11 44'4 Tilt/MAN ;IM a s •