HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-04, Page 2v Page 2 The Times -Advocate, May 4, 1961 Survey Lake Huron for G water supply 111cCourt „and Harold Prewii, .employeee Pf the On - Mile Water Resottreee Com - :mission, reported he Greed. Bend outwit Mendey they bed =Timm -iced investigatien Lake Huron for A Water SYS:Wm for the village, The two heve begun prelim. Mary surveysend will be tak- ing „depth findings. in thelake when the 'weather permits. They were to have etarted Tuesday Morning, but the water was leo Tough, Courkil learned twq weeks ego they would have to con- sider the lake as a source for e water eupply, because suit- able wells could not be found. Test drilling on the beach was discontieued in the eerly spring, Issue building permits The council issued four build- ermits for conetruction •s• ',...seiseeesseeessereemereeseeeeeeeeseeeeeeee-eeee-:, I „Tack I)oerr, .xeter, is shown. above reeivingExeter Bonnie won Oyer 20 tbe trophy fOr poStItre other qUeen at con- tp he ' Geerge IC.11aPP! • '''' B, oPerates rantfordArcade,WhO received the per- SHDHS POSTURE OUEE41—Bonnie Doerr, 17 -year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ing SHDHS froth the donor, DrG. AWebb the planning trench of the de- partment o highways, pouncil- Oar Earl Deters was appointed to meet with the depertment :in the near future in regards to the re -location of Ifighway The emelt requested the 1uMPing to the conclusion that ighway entrance •be moved epring filially here, because two blocks north, to enter the the unseasoleal weather is ex- , village at Oak street, rather Peeted to take until Saturday than Ivhere the main street to move out, After taking a dip down, to the freezing points on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, it shoelld start to make a gradual climb hack to the seasonal normals, according to the met seetten at RCAF Station Centralia, Arctic front will move in Fri- day; bringing some showers, and will be quite cold, but it If nivel. days were the hap- should start to warm ep en piest days of your life, you Saturday and will be back to probably didn't drive the bus. normal by Sunday. Is this a ' hires one .more, promise? • staff total now 2 ,••• Although it .sounds like amis- take, We Iventher is actually supposed to .clear ep this week- eed and the forecast .calls for Sunday to be a warm and euse ele, day, .H w v r, area r eSirlebts elumidn't be too hasty at !meets the Bitieweter highway. The clerk was instructed to put out notices for the hiring of perking lot attendants it the beach lot for the coming sea- son, Aecounts in the arnoent of ea,692.3e \vete ordered paid. testants in the annual competition, and Will represent the school in the Provincial mission to erect a ski -bowl own Topics cempetition in Toronto, Saturday. Shown above, watching the presentation, are the building at his =Cession near three finalists in the competition. From left to right are Elizabeth Chapman, Ginette the beach. Personal Items of Interest In and Around Exeter St. Louis, both of Huron Park, and Ruth Miller, Woodham, —TA photo clarenee 9'reen, Exeter,. ee• The Exeter Times -Advocate is alvvays pleased to publish these items, ceived a Peimit for an addition • to his cottage on Oak Street, we end our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. and Earl Thompson received a, te . eeeeeeeseeeeeeseeseeeeeeeeeeewseeeeeeeezeeeeeee.: Use your funny -bone a vises LI• s speaker r commercial permit for an ad- ' dition to his garage on High. On Sunday W. C. Pearce at - way 81, tended a birthday dinner at The fourth Permit was issued The home of Mr. and Mrs. • • to C. E. &chill for the erec- Austin Schwalm, Stratford, in tine of a garage on his Pm- honor of the birthdays of hie , party in the Gibbs' subdivision. two daughters, Mrs, Wesley . Hire lifeguard Redmond, Pompano Beach, Michael Williamson, 18 -year- . Florida and Mrs. Schwalm In Tile ., twenty-second annual Ladieef. Night for the Lions Club of Exeter was held Thurs.- day.at. Armstrong's Red Gable Restaurant at Grand Bend, The, -highlight of the evening was an address by Joseph Con- nell, secretary of the YMCA at Kitchener. Thi was the first meeting . since Mrs. .Armstrong moved her restaurant from Exeter to Grand Bend and the setting is most attractive. Nearly 100 persons sat down to the tables adorned with the Lion emblem, Lion President Reg Beevers presided. A toast to Lions In- ternational as well as a toast to the founder of Lionism, Melvin Jones, of Chicago, on the occasion of his 90th birth- day was proposed by Int. Counsellor Jake Sweitzer. A toast to the "Ladies" was pro- posed by Past President, B. w. Tuckey and responded to by Mrs. Andrew Snelgrove. -Mr, Connell, in his address "Use your funny -bone" kept Exeter council Coritenued from page 1 Couircillor Delbridge suggest- ed that police should "put a lot more effort toward stopping these speed demons on the road". •feThat. si ter a ti on was all straightened up when the OPP were here," he said. "It's a b now," The mayor said the police plan to bring in a number of recommendations in regard to enforcement at the next meet- ing, E.xplains PUC charge *-Foliowieg dispute at the bud- get meeting over the hydrant rental fee which was raised • trom $3,600 to $4,800 this year, the PUC explained. the basis for the charge through a let- ter submitted by Sup't H. L. Davis. Davis said the term "hy- drant, rental" was misleading since it included general "fa- ecilities -for fire protection." In addition to the reservoir with a capacity of 250,000 gallons of water, the P.M maintains an eanxiliary gas pump and en- gine, the filtration plant which can be used 10 supply water for a - serious fire, and the new Hicks' well. „Because these facilities all Conttibeted, to fire protectiefi, the town's share of the cost had been increased propor- tionately to that charged to the .,commission's consumers, the Opt explained. In' ether business, council: Referred to the police a com- plaint about the blocking of _Wellington St, by Wedge the Mover vans; Approved 'a $100 grant to Exeter planning Board "for petty expenses": Gave the mayor authority to proclaim the first week in ezfenne "Senior Citizen Week"; Authorized and directed 'the mayor and clerk te sign con- veyance f d one-third acres Of the dump to C. A.1 McDoveell Co. Ltd., Centralia, which purchased it for $550 as the site for its ready -mix ce- ment plant; Empovsered the parks board f,0 secure suitable grass -cutting equipment; Declined to approve a build- ing permit for Charles Tindall Who wished to erect a hem° on a William St. lot of less then 4500 sq, ft. atea; Approved Minding permits taw Riissell Balkwill, for two houses at the corner of John • and 'Edward streets; Wesley Witter, a new horne oli Mar, ket St.: Basil 3oblonski, Wil. Ham, addition to lianie; Bob Pletcher Sanders, to move a eebin to, the rear of his home; 'Miss Ruby Miners, Miran St., :reefing; Norman P'aesmore, Sandere St.. verendah, An Application from Mar - Weed Peed, for permission to erect A Mite on the Thomas St. Oxtention, west of Carling, Was set Aside because the read has not been completed. Learned that Canada Pad - kers Ltd. which closed the Operation its creamery on Jettiary 23, planned to seek eefurid of tens int :the blinding, which has been sold td Harry Sherweocl. ApeiroVed se V e rat niirier street lightieg changes, itt, chiding' fltiereacerit unite at Ris vefliew Dark and at South litt. ton AOSPital. the audience in stitches of speaker. "Everybody s e e k s laughter. "Don't worry" saki happiness but few ever find it. the speaker, "The first loss of We got out nights to find hap - life started in the Garden of piness; we travel abroad and Eden with a big stick, As man while we may enjoy the trip, multiplied they fought with when we return we say that painted eticks and then with after an there is no place like bows and arrows and wars home, Happines is found in have followed wars. We live your own back yard." in turmoil today af what might "Today we know the price happen in this nuclear age. If of butter and eg,gs. We know man continues to live, we the price of everything, but we don't need to worry; if man- don't know the value of any - kind is wiped out there is still thing. What do we know about no need to worry." the value of health? We get "We are living today in a the car checked in the spring mad rush. So many meetings and again in the fall, but we to attend; so many things to never think of getting a per - do that we don't have ttiMe for sonal checkup until something the pleasures of life. England, goes wrong." Scotland and Ireland have their "A question was once asked "What do you need to be patron saints. The patron saint of America should be St. Vitis". happy?" and the answer was "The world has p a s s e d money, or what money could through the bronze age, the buy. The more money we iron age, the ice age and now make, the more we spend and we !are living in the "pill" age. the more we want in our It's pills in the morning to search for happiness. Happi- give us a lift; aspirin in the nese cannot be bought, it must daytime to settle us down and be caught," , pills at night to rnake us•sleep, I 'Education is not the secur• only to be repeated again the next day. Fourteen million pounds of aspirin are con - old Windsor youth, was hired the evenhig Miss Helena Hume- , • as a lifeguard for the summer. sten, London, and Mrs. Red_ 'His appointment fills the third MOM called on Mrs, George : and final vacancy on the beech Geddes and Mr. Pearce in crew. I Lawrence Howard and Mrs. Exeter.Mrs .Don Geiser, Miss Olive Helen Cassis, both of Huron Parsons and !Mrs, V. Arm - Park, were Previously hired. strong attended the funeral of !The hiring of Mrs. Cassis was the late Mrs. M. E. Gardiner confirmed by the Grand Bendat Meaford on Thursday. , Lions Club, who pay part of Mr. and Mrs, Ed 13urke are her salary as swimming in" moving into the house on An- drew St. which they recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs, teeeeleeieeee.eeeeXtSneeeMeee, Sentelee, This week in 1 structress, OK ski school . . Council received app ca on from John Stewart, London, to !conduct a ski -school and water show at the summer resort this summer. Clerk Murray A Des Jardins was instructed to advise Stew - !art that skiing would have to be done from a portable dock in the lake, so it would not im- pede or endanger swimmers. • The school cannot be conduct- ed from the beach. Following the request from treeeeeMeleineeeeseseeleffirdetee= That is the beginning. Educe- The story in ing of a university degree, tion is the things we learn Grand sumed each yeer, together with every day and put into prac- 25,000,000 sleeping pille"., said bee. "The reading you do is the' speaker. what you are", said the speak- By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL. "Are you happy?" asked the er• „True iiviAg and true happi- ness is found by putting one CGIT plan banquet hand in the hand of God and The Canadian Girls in Train - with the other stretching out ing met for their meeting on to do service for others, The' Monday, May 1 in the 'United standard of living is the stand- I Church Sunday schoolroom. ard of giving. Look on thel Joanne and Cassie Ann Des - sunny side of life and be able! Jardine were in charge of wor- to laugh at yourself is one of , ship, the theme being — "The the finest things in life." I Christian Horne." J e n n i 1 or Mr. Connell was introduced Jackson and Maurine Fraser by John Goman and thanked conducted the recreation pe - by W. G. Cochrane. Kirkton Homemalung Club was Irio held on April 18 at the home A quartette comprising Ken Plans were completed for the of Mrs. Earl Watson. Seven- and Bill C a m is b e 11, Larry mother and daughter banquet teen girls answered the roll call Wheatley and George Turner, to be held on May 9 at -6:30 which was "a fruit I ate of Seaforth, sang several selec• p.m. Mrs. Irwin, missionary terday". tions. home on furlough from Korea yes - Mrs, Watson discussed fruits e draw for $100 was won by will be guest speaker. . end trainimmixlitainomatc.:mme Letter from Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS SeSeeLegeleZeteSereinefeeleetteseeeeettelee 4-H girls discuss fruit The fifth meeting of the Jim Russell, Mrs. C. E. Shaw as an appetizer and as an ac- A uaria Society fruits for a salad plate were The meetine of the Blue Wa- Following the program the companiment. Combination of drawing the winning ticket. q to the music of the Kool Quins ter Aquaria °Society was held discussed. room was cleared for dancing 1 Vesta Marshall and Linda on Tuesday, April 25 at the ' Thacker demonstrated how toorchestra. home of Captain and Mrs. make pastry. Helen Hum- Evan E. Fraser, Grand Bend. I phreys and Linda Ratcliffe The short business meeting ;made the strawberry and rhu- was followed by a general dis- barb filling . cussion and an interesting slide Mrs. Watson discussed fruit for dessert and fruit in the carried lunch, A fruit salad for cancer plate was made by Mrs. Wat- son. Marion McNaughton adjourn- ed the meeting, after which the pie and salad plate were en- joyed. Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Paul Madge of Milk River, Alta., and I. 'Johns, of Hamilton, and Mr. At the home of Sgeln. Ldr, tract in the very near future. Need Cancer fund for the Exeter district has reached a total of 31,600 Chairman Lloyd Henderson rep or ted this week. Contributions remain far below the oblective of $3,500 for the area" but many com- munities have net reported returns vet, he noted. In addition to the $1,000 . . raised by SHDHS students in Exeter, contributions include 5332.40 from Stephen town- ship, $81.00 from Crediten, and $156.50 from Usberne township. lecture on marine fish. Winner of the show fish was Mr. Les Lamarque of Forest. Personal items Mrs. Mel. Gowdy is visiting with her family in Toronto. A surprise party was held on Saturday, April 29 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patter- son when Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Adair of Corbett, Mr, Dawson. Woodburn of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon 'Woodburn and family, Mr, and Mrs, Milton Woodburn and family of Cor- bett, and Miss Margaret Ho- teeMeeeseSeeedeeeeeseteeeesseseeteese. wey of Exeter, gathered to ce- Personal items lebrate Mrs. Patterson's birth - Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Wan'rarZ.MIXT=ZEEMPZUM Personal items Miss Yvonne Fisher of Exe- ter spent the weekend with Mies Janet Rowe. Little Miss Laurel Hodgert is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore. Miss Linda Knight spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Hunkm. Miss Tory Ceward is a pa. have returned home after tient in ;the Roth Nursing Home Florida,sPeddinthe winter months in in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman, Douglas Bell, of Hensall, town, and Mr. Squire Herdman, spent the weekend' with his Centralia, attended the lune- grandperents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Ballantyne. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cousins, of B r uss el s, were Sunday guests with Rev, Hugh and Mrs, Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coates and Jim of Eden, Mrs, Harold Jeffery were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeffery. Mr, Harold Jeffery has been a • patient in Vitoria Hospital, London, for the past three weeks, Mr. Mrs. John Pyin and. Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of Sarnia. The baskets of flowers in the church on Sunday were placed there in memory of the late Mr. Charles Sheerer by his laughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett and also the late Mrs. Ezra Lampert by her SOD, Mr, and Mrs. William Lampert. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dune. an of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Chalmers of the West were Sunday visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne. A munber of men 'from this community went trout fishing over the weekend, Wilson Morley who have occu- pied it for 18 years. They are moving to their cottage a few doors south which is being re- novated, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Sharon and Mary Lou of Wood- ham were Sunday evening vi- sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Thomson, Andrew St. Mrs% Emerson Cornish re- turned home after visiting with her son-in-law and daughter F/S and Mrs. H. A. Woods and granddaughter Cyndy Lou in Trenton for two weeks. They accompanied her home and spent the weekend in Exe- ter. Miss Marilyn Strang who has completed her third year at Macdonald Hall, Guelph, has returned home and will leave next week for Victoria Hospi- tal, London, where she will as- sist for the summer. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Stewart of Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Madge of Milk River and Mrs. A. E, Johns of Hamilton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Johns. Mr. Clayton Herdman, Tor- onto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman on Thursday. Mr, and !Mrs. Howard Heist and Linda, Fenwick, were weekend puests with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Harvey Happenitigs ir Blanshard ral of their cousin, Thomas William Hayden, Gerrie onl Thursday, April 27. Miss Leona Aldetson of Pa- ris spent the weekend at he home here. r Mrs. 1-1. L. Hollander and Th Following the recommenda- tion of Principal H. L. Sturgis, the SHDHS board agreed Tiles - day night to hire a third ad.. ditional teacher for the coming school year,. Two additienal teachers have already been hired and the third member will bring the teaching staff 10 a total of 28 for 19e1-62. Sturgis reported that due th the sickpcss of several teach- ers the past month, the staff had been short a mem- ber for 11 days and a supply teacher could be secured for only two or the days. He pointed out that only one supply teacher, Mrs. Ernest Lewis, Exeter, was available, and she had been hired as a full -lime teacher for the coin- ing year. "This is a real prob- lem in this school." he stated. "Where are we going ..to get a supply teacher?" At pr esen 1, the SHDIIS teacher -student ratio is 27 stu- dents for each teacher, while the department of education recommends one teacher for every 25 students, The board decided to adver- tise for a qualified vocational guidance teacher, not only to be able to devote more time to this field, but also to fill in when the need arises in other subjects. Tbey felt the appointment would allow one of the present guidance instructors, Morley Sanders, spend more time In academic subjects and the new staff member would be able to assist when teachers are absent by postponing any personal inter lows h hacl scheduled with the students, P la n barbecue The board received a letter from agriculture teacher, Ron Bogart, outlining plans for the annual chicken barbecue and open house to be held on Wed- nesday, June 7, He said he expected between 600 and 625 persons at the event. The board passed a motion to supply butter, cream, coffee, sugar, etc. for the barbecue and the agricultural depart- ment is to supply the rest, Bogart was unable to attend the meeting, as he is confined to his residence with the chicken pox, Suggests improvement The board learned that Ella 13, Sexton, inspector of the girls' physical education pro- gram, had suggested improve- ments in the locker room dur- ing her recent visit, She pointed out the need for shelves for the students to leave their books on while at- tending gym classes and Sug- gested that the chairs be re- moved from along the walls and .benches be .put in the centre of the floor for the girls to sit on. The board decided to inspect such. a system at Clinton high school and tabled the letter until their next meeting. Mrs. D. J. Jentsch, RCAF Sta- tion Centralia, spent the week - Ha mitten. end with the latter's aunt in H Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson visited with friends in Toronto! Principal H. L. Sturgis told and Port Credit for a few days , the SHDHS board, Tuesday an a so at en ed a 35th wed- night, that three new teachers ding anniversary celebration had signed their contracts for in honor of Mr, Jackson's bre-, the coming year, and that ap- ee ther, Mr. E. Roy and Mrs.: proval had been received on Mr. and Mrs. William Mar -I The teachers approved are tin, and Carmen of Carlyle Mrs. Ernest Lewis, Exeter, To Classify were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Park, Lucan. Mrs. Clarence Martin, I Mrs. Lewis will teach English Miss Stella Southcott, who lb grade nine, while Mrs. Park FOR SALE — has been a patient in the will instruct grades nine and BUNK BEDS, chests of draw- ers, odd dressers. Our prices are always low, Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 4c USED baby carriages, washing ma.chines, ranges, refrigera- tors, chrome sets. Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 4c ree sign contracts MISS 14.4irett,i1„ .Seigner, teal education instructress re, -quested the „beard :to .approve e 814 rental fee for ,golf clubs to be ,.used by „the grade LI and 13 girls. They decided to holci 1,11.e requisition. :over until further details. .of the program .eould be learned, Following request of Miss: Mayhew, they decided to seek prices on blackboards for the rear wall of her classroom,. She .pointed otie that in teach, ing languages, it was neces- sary to have several students at the hoards, and there. were. not enough in her room, The purchase of new equip, merit for the bookkeeping roam was diseuseed at considerable length„ and u =sloe was pees - ed to purchase. the necessary ,desks and chairs for .the room from the. m pnri a 1 Scliool Desks, Petrolia.. The need for ',the new desks was brought about wben the typing desks were moved up. stairs, leaving the room va,, „mt.. Zurich. boy, :6, !struck by auto • Douglas .Torkheini, six, son of l‘Ir, and Mrs. Herb Turks beim, Zurich, is recovering from face end bead injuries re, ceived when he was struck 1Friday by a half -ton truck driven by John Wilhelm, eG, of 11341Tlie3 :1)boays'islwrit°°odther had Stop!! 'pert the ear across from the !bakery and Douglas was cross- ing to get a loaf of bread when I he ran In front of the truck, southbound on Goshen street. 1 Dr, Klahsen attended and . PC D, Westover of Exeter detachment investigated, This week in anchelsea By .MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS teleeesS.,:e is.i,S.,,seesseeieeelseeeSeeeessese !Mr. Newton Clarke and Mr. Ward Hern. were in Goderich on Wednesday „attending a meeting of the municipal coun- cil. Mr. and Mrs, Ray -Cottle of Thames Road visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs, William Walters and Danny. Misses Kathy Hero, Mar- garet Brock, Margaret Anne Prance And Ruth Horne attend- ed Achievement Day at Chilton on Saturday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Smith of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Cohn Gil - Wan and Barbara Anne, Mr. and Mrs, William Wal - tees and Danny visited on Sun- day with Mrs, Nelson Clarke at • Farquhar. Mrs. Garnet !Miners visited. in Eiceter on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Eric Carscadden, Jim and Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Day - man and family of Kippen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny. Mr. arid Mrs, Elson Lynn and family were guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skin. ner and family of St. Paul's, oo Late Jackson, Toronto, all but one. South Huron Hospital, was 10 in French and grades 11 and able to leave for her summer 12 in Spanish. cottage at Grand Bend on I Both ladies are returning to Monday. Mrs. Delight Gordon, the teaching profession after a of Toronto,. is visiting with her short absence. Mrs, Lewis has while she is convalescing. Mis-:nine years' experience and has ses June Gordon and Vi Bal.' been supply teaching during ley, Toronto, spent the week-' the past year in SHDHS. Mrs, end. Park has five years' previolls M re. Oran Moir, Mr, and experience. Mrs. Ian Blakely and daugh.l The third member of the ter, Sandra, St. Catharines, ' Staff is Mr, David Nathan, visited for several days with Oshawa. He will graduate from Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne the University of Western On- tario this year and will teach On - and other relatives. • history; geography and French, and Mrs Paul Stewart of Ed- monton, Alta., Mrs. A. E. By MRS. GLADWYN moopeg RELATIVES UNITE , Mr, Sturgis • expects his con - and Mrs. John McDonald, and Mrs. Wesley, Johns, Hu- eter,Ex- visited with Mr, and ron Park, recentle, the par - Mrs, Mrs, Wesley Neil Wednes- ents of &pin. Ldr. McDonald, re Mr, and Mrs. Miller Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adair of Port Ieuron. were guests of 1.1c1, of Red Deer, Alta were ,benior club day. day. Rev. and Mrs, Jae LindsaY \eir, and Mrs, George Mellon - Curdy vieited Sunday with Mr. and see Orna of Corbett, Mr, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Thomson: tests. A cousin of Mre. George and Wednesday McDonald, Mr. J, E. Souttet, family were entertained at a night guests et Mr. and Mrs, of Kingston, ont, whom ah6 attracts end Mts. James Howe and and Mrs, Roy Patterson and on , Thursday of LetitiOn • a no seen for4'2 years, was Mr. and Mrs. Allan !McCurdy CORRECTION! Mrs, Hirarri Copeland is a The Tunes-AdVocate regrets tersdn on sunday. April 30 at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson aien a guest for a long week) At the May meeting of the birthday dinner for Mrs. Pat- William G. Jones ,ancl h tl t 2 patient in St. Mary's Memorial that it published last week the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- and Mary Lou visited Tuesday midi and many memoriet were Sell* Citizens Club TilesdaY Wrong nate f th C t Mond English afternoon with Mrs. Js, Moe- evemeg 100 were in attend - Mrs. William Clarke and corporal who assisted a Texan I Me. and Mrs. Jerry Stroh of Gregory of Richmond Hill are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Smith. :let& se seee, RESIGNED—James Scott, lie- tional director of the Liberal party for 15 months has res signed bedause of I health. A formet Liberal candidate for the legislattire Buron, he has been sitedeeded by, Keith EaVeYi 8,1-- Year• Old Tetonto radio adelit1ed. to ehange his two flat tires. Stratford Spent the weekend The rePort shotdd liave read with Mr. and Mrs, J. Kewal- that Cpl. A, S. Harvie per- chide and faintly. formed the chivalrous deed. Mr. DesJardine and friend of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. Four killed ence Martin of Exeter and still residing in Scotland made to be sent, to relations • man mentioned those members . . spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. William Thom- SURPRISE PARTY ! ' who were sick or in hospital. The program was opened by were Wednesday guests of Mr. son, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Mossey the home of Mr. and Mrs.! as the pia no , The program in.. A surprise party was held at I a sing -8611g conclucted by Joe ! White with Mrs, A, Dougall • and Mrs, Ross DesJardine and And Mrs, W. 8, Young of St, flymiii.1,Y" and Mrs. Ron miteholl M1117.8.and Mrs, Clarence Mar. cnn n Michigan ker and son of Sarnia. WmarynearulidslNitierds, oFtireSdunntliany, tin, Mrs Jas, Mosey of Exe- ter were Sunday guests c,f elr, and Mrs. Cecil Mossey, Mrs. Mrs. Vern Ridley and Miss Jas, 1\1°sse3t remaining for The bodies of four soldiers, ,loan Ridley spent the weekend cOutile of months. e s Lloyd Fraser on Friday after- noon in :honor of the latter's solos by Pauline Aquiline at- companied by her brother Al - 70th birtheay. The arternoon feed with the accordien; vocal was epent in playing cards and lunch including a large birth. trios by Derry and Wayne Ste. day take ras served. phen, and Don Arthur to their own acdOltpaninieht Ltd gni. Marti==z2.=:,,,,',, tars and aeteediee; Varlets The Ode in by Woodhani Melo cliorue which esirepriees Nertis Webb, killed in a car-teuck ctatli near at Burlington, and vieited with eed 'Mrs. Claire Sisson Port Huron, Mithigail, eatly Mr. Ridleyle sister, who is A epeet Wedneaday evening With c Harry Hern, Ken Illackler and Subday, have .been sent te Petierit iti the heepital. with uti ne Glen Copeland, also Bob nem As A dairy farm wt a their respective 'horrid eities- son, Bobby arid Billy Pit f for burial. - lexe. re- By MRS. WIL IAM DICKEY .. f GI% f St. Marys •epent A few days Violin solos by Wayne RoWe I The four, all ilietribers of the First o D sra r with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth ' '' acceinpahied by Reiss Rewe at Ceriadieri Reginient , sell, George , Shippey, Heimrich and R. McCallithi, 1 Perkinson. wira, May stawkd and mrs, the piano: duets by Marlene ". M 12 Cemp Ipperwash, were head. arrivos ay King. and Doreen Kenny accom- et', VOW{ aDd 'Jeanette spent swiday visitors Of Me, and Mr. and &In, OradwYn neer';' Elitabeth Ste& of r,xeter Weee pamed by Rees Rowe at the Mg for their camp after a hell- • dey in Detroit, Their car col* Firg niernbGt of fh° slim. Friday in Termite, , elf,I frunily, piano; acts of 'Magid by Ivan tided head-on With 'a eeliii- met' staff Lor the OPP detech• eee,. And mrs, otaciwyn Prouty with the assiatance dr trailer on a fogehotind highway reent Grand Bond will AV ei, arICI caltibt Snent StInclAV anCi LaWt.eriee his soh, •Roget bed Clerk Marysville, Mich. tand Mrs. about four miles SOU% of rive next Friday, C01, Neil with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth tt auindimgirla/r,sP Firsahteriteli: was servo by oiri Chainbcriaiti annetitided this pato, and faMilv Wellburb Killed were: .krederick Wil.„ Week. . HAM Young, 21, New Water- PO George ram, , wepd pidoh, .. „,„„ „. also MAX Miss Edna FaedY of Dashwtod. for slaking. Was: ftlimiehed. by ford,. XS,: Martin „3„ Whitty„ StOekl. Will be one Of the flAre' Alt, gnd Mrs, William" G. :SithdaY visitors with iqr. ,,,,,a.lid Mr, ,and Mrs, Wm, Marshall ,,2$'1 .BL, jOlitt'S, gowtoundlahd; additiOnla ,then, fer,the resort bete ;arid enmity were Stoiday Mrs, John :.lelin _SIMPeon Were'All,. and Tern 'Walker, Rebett. L. Aueolii„ go„ Reeetve feted. 110, ;18' the PhlY Menthe .eeeets of mit, 1.424,tie ,,lorieS andl-'44aliacity'isir,:n,d131e:Saltintrai‘o lit,Prcaiii„., meeting are antedxfmtn81,011110it'S. „Minda, N.S.' Arid' PAW 'VV. Hit, of la:St Year'S ,StItiAd Who wilt Mrs, Alvada HoPkinS, Mitchell. ohi,q, .m, 1)k.thiouth, TIA, ,,tetlith this tereilig tbeeen, , ilee Pfart, )1qt, arid Mrs. 0, Trie illicit, driver, said Me,. 'Magistrate teen tittiags tit StrIt'lloyhd.a1PA.IlliSeill'agedll4 1111,.6.s. I.Vat'S tit tin' don is ',Omen. Mr, and Mtg. Rebert seldieW ear Veered into' hit draila Bend, whieb are dao. son of gtrwerd spout .the spetdiug this week vith„ her DuticaiiMr, and Mes. Ed Pon. • John 'Pyle!: and 'rid% et Guides ,and Brownies. Music lane et fraffie tile fest the Celled during the WInter4 Will wookend with Mr, and Mt% ten, Mr. and Mft, td haidi Clara and Herb Beev- OUTBOARD MOTOR, Even - rude, 71/2 h.p., like new; 12' boat, 60" beam, plywood con- Wild:ion, covered with fibre glass, and hailer: lawn mower, Roteity Lawn King, 4 cycle Clinton, Phone 509W2 Exeter 411* REAL ESTATE EXETER -9 -room brick house, suitable for two apartments, 3 - piece bath up, toilet down, deal electrical circuits and meters, Nemec, slate roof, double lot, 213 Carling at Victoria, 4:11:1825* COMING EVENTS—. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY meet- ing on Tuesday, May 9, at 2.30. Miss A. Claypole will give a report of her work in the hes. p tal, 4e 'Nancy ... Instant Headaell() is here!" es- set 4 ' thlni the tetidiet" Ati Were Stoppirig Itzsonsi „I didn't lr.riotti hie ebilid 'do r Was demolished, be reettleted TtlesdaY) USW' Claire Siston. Lets, ca.rtwiteele, ' rd' 4