HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-27, Page 16Atokmme.0.45frolattirrovox....mr•am,,,,v.alm., ...„
,1:49., 16 April 27.i 1.961
and district news
(". Phone BA 7-4255 Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
IntnennenannententiMneinentinninennenesensnnnereninnennInfennannennenneinenne ' '
To control Died in Detroit Local pacer
dogs rifles
Lucanites were happy to re-
ceive through the mail lest
week, a notification that the
Lucan council is at last going
to clamp down on stray dogs
and firearms in the Village,
Each year the nurriber of
dogs running at large has kept
increasing until Lucanites are
up in arms at baying their
garden s, flower -beds and
shrubs ruined, their garbage
netts upset and contents scat-
tered on walks and lawns.
The two-page circular mailed
40 all residents outlined the
Prices of. tags and licenses and
the amount of fines for viola-
tion of the bylaw set down.
The dead -line for the tying
up of all dogs is .May 1. Own-
ers of dogs at large after that
date will be subject to a fine
end.all stray dogs will be put
to death,
• Activities
Last Monday evening the
Sunday School teachers and
officers met in the church
schoolroom. The date for the
annual fiower Sunday.et
for June 4, at which time the
senior and intermediate class-
es will take part in the serv-
' Plans were also made for,
open sessions during the sum-
mer months and a committee,
set up to order the necessary!
films. A drive was planned to
secure better attendance of
present members, and to se-
eure new
Pentecostal Holiness Church
At the Friday Young Peo-
ple'n meeting, which was large -
1.4 attended, Mrs. Howard Cur-
rie .was named winner of the i
Time Verse Museum which ran
far seven weeks. A "Scripture P
Shower" was the highlight of v
lasit weeks meeting when songs
were sung and Bible verses, s
'ingested by the songs, quoted.
Paul, Graham, John Armi-
tage, Misses (Margaret Eizenga
and Lorraine Graham present-
ed 'a number of charades on
characters and ob-
_Rev. Roland Harrell, who
was on the sick list, was able
to take both Sunday church
services. He and 'Mrs. Harrell
sang. a duet at the morning
A fine day brought out a
splendid congregation to the
11 'o'clock service, 54 of whom
belonged to the junior con-
The Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
presenned the junior eh, pro-
ficiency - badges for April to
Susan Shipway and Bob Arn-n
Catholic Church
Twenty-five members of the
Women's Catholic League of St.
Patrick's church, Biddulph,
met last Sunday afternoon in
SS No. 4 (St. Marys School)
end elected officers for a two-
year term.
President is Mrs. B a s 11
Nagle; vice - president, Mrs,
Anthony Menders; secretary,
Mrs. Joe Harrigan; treasurer,
Mrs. Carl Murphy; spiritual
convener, Mrs. Leo Morkin;
eounsellars, Mrs. Joe Wheli-
Nan, Mrs. William 1VIcLaug,h-
lin, Mrs. Alphonse KerIcheart
and Mrs. Lawrence 'McCarthy,
following attack
im lowwwrez), ffk, cops feature
lowing a heart attack in his
Detroit home, was rushed to Howard Rosecroft, eight -year -
the hosPitat but died an hour old naeer owned bY Sheridan
later, Monday, April 17. IReniegton, Lucan, posted a go -
Mr. liosewarren was born in ing-away triumph 4n the $5,000,
Aestrana, corning to Canada feature event on the Hamburg i
at an early age, Later he harness card, Saturday.
moved to Detroit where he was Driven by Bud Gilmour, en
a building contractor, entil he of the leading North America
retired. drivers, the chestnut pace
Mr. Rosewarren is survived moved into the lead shorn
by his wife, the iormer Ethel after the seven -horse field go
Mowbray o Liman, one daugh- away, and came home 5
ter, M a d e1i n e (Mrs, Jack lengths to cop his first win o
Coachill) of Wyandotte, Mich., the 1961 season,
two MS, Bill of Iowa and
Ralph of Detroit, also four "
grandchildren, " Twelve members of he Le
The funeral was held Thurs-
can-Clandeboye YPU met
day, April 20 with interment the Clandeboye church Sunda
in Parkview cemetery, Detroit,: evening'
Lucamtes and former Lucan- Marilyn Eaton, assisted la
nes who attended the funeral Shei 1 a Donaldson, was
were Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Hod- charge of the worship seal
gins and Mrs, Eimer Davis of ice. The Rev, G. W. Sach le
London, Mrs, Harry Lusk of m a sing -song and a discussio
Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Erie •on the Apostle's Creed,
Campbell of Exeter, Mr. and A film on Judaism wa
Mrs, Keith Harper of Toronto shown by Marilyn Eaton.
and Mrs, Doug Ewen of Lu -
Medway euchre Takes pleasure
The winners for the four -
table euchre held by the Med- in presentation'
way Euchre Club last Friday1
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I Eighteen members of the Lu
E, Summers included; high' can Lions, and one goat, visi
score, Mrs. Erie Middleton and ed the North London Lions a
Mr. Austin Hobbs; low score, I a meeting at the Latin Quer
Mrs, Otto Daley and Mr. W11-1 ters last Monday night. Al
bert Stanley and lone hands returned butce Wander -
Mrs. Carmen Hodgins and Mr.. ing Goat" which the
Otto Daley, I Clare Stanley h d great plea!SI
The next euchre will be held ure inpreseeting to the presi
May 5 at the home of Mr. and dent of
the North London Lion
Mrs, George Young
Still a leader
lat 86 Years
WI members, who paw and I
heard Mrs. George Young conn
ducting the election of officers!
' at the Community Alemorial I
n Centre lent Thursday evening,
Y wouldn't dream she celebrate!
ed her 86th birthday this
y month,
11 Daughter of the late Mr, and
'- Mrs, Henry Baldwin, Mrs.;
d Young was the former Letitia
n Baldwin and was born on Con. !
16 McGillivray, April 1, 1875. I
s On February 13, 1895 she was
married to Mr, George Young;
at the United Church parson-
age, Centralia, by the Rev.,
NV, H. Butt. After their mar-
riage they farmed on Con. 18.
McGillivray where they lived
for 50 years, retiring to Lucan
10 years ago.
Mrs.Young as been an ac -1
tive WI member for over 60,
, •
. years, uniting first with the
Clandeboye branch where she
was president more than once
and also secretary -treasurer.
. She also served as district
president for two years.
s Mrs. Young is a faithful and
Mrs Chester McComb
WI returns
On Tuesday night a few Lu -
can members attended the Dis-
trict Rally at Strathroy where
Lion Les Woodward of Lucan
was elected zone chairman for
The Lucan Lions are hold
ing another dance at the Legioi
Mrs. C. H. George was re- Hall Friday, April . h
elected president of the Lucan are also going to aseist in an -
WI at a meeting held in the other Red Cross Blood Clinic
ommunity Memorial Centre to be held in Lucan in June.
ast Thursday evening. 1
Other officers include: past Personal items
resident, Mrs. Wes Hodginsn Work is progressing on the
ice -presidents, Mrs. Sheridan, Smith service station on
Revington, Mrs. Jack Stency; , the property purchased recent-
ecretary, Mrs. Cecil Robb; ' le from Mr. William Brownlee.
reasurer, .s. H. , Lang- corner on No. 4 Highway and
ford; district director, 'Mrs, Concession 5 Bieldulph.
Erwin Scott; branch directors,
Mrs, William Brownlee, Mrs.
Roy Hamilton and Mrs. Ira
Carling; auditors, Mrs. Irving
Gibson and Mrs. Jack Steacy; ucan per
pianists, Mrs. Roy Hamilton
and Mrs. H. B. Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels been in St. Joseph's Hospital
Standing committee conven- and family of Aylmer, Mr. and since March 10 with a heart
ers: agriculture and Canadian Mrs, Gordon Mains of Dor- condition, was able to be
industries, Mrs. Guy Ryan; chestex and Mr and Mrs. Jack brought to the home of her
home economics and health, Dickins of Saintsbury were granddaughter, Mrs. William
Mrs. Wes Atkinson; citizenship Sunday guests of Mrs. William Allen and family of Albert St.
and education, Mrs. Harold
Hodgins; resolutions, Mos. Jack] Dale
Dickins. this weekend. She has given
Lankin. ublic relations, Mrs , Bawtenheimer, two. up the apartment above the
Koffee Kup restaurant,
John Park; publicity, miss Year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Line Abbott; historical re- Jim Bawtenheimer of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snan-
search and current events,i returned home on Monday aft- ley and family, of Toronto,
Mrs. Gordon Banting; sick andi er spending a few days with were guests of Mrs, T. C. Mc -
sunshine, Mrs. Harold Corbett; 1 his grandparents, Mr. and Farlane last week.
Tweedsmuir h i s t or y Cecil Robb. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. nanting
Mrs. —I's.
Frank Hardy, Mrs. Erwin' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and family, on Brampton, were
Hodgins; nominating commit. Sunday guests of MTS. Bob MTS. Gordon Banting
Murrayi and family, of Edgewood, were weekend guests of Mr. and
Scott; typist, Mrs.
tee, Mrs. Erle Young and Coleman. Miss Rose Revington is con -
Mrs. Murray Hodgins. 1 Dwayne Montgomery, small fined to her borne with an at -
Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. tack of scarletina.
George Young who has
been in Women's Institute work Montgomery, of Beech St., cel- Guests with Mr. and Mrs. R.
for over 60 years was inlebrated his fifth birthday last K. 'Montgomery included Mrs.
charge of the election of of- Friday by entertaining, Mx nf Roy Schlueter and daughter
ficers and their installation, I his little friends. Susan Bridg- Joan of Drayton and Cpl. J.
The slate was prepared b er, 14 -year-old daughter of Mr. A. McKenzie of Greenwood
Camp, N.B., who is taking a
special course at Camp Bor-
Roll call was answered by wich of London were guests of Miss Jean Stanley, of To -
the paying of fees and by a , Mr. and Mrs. Al Bromwich ronto, is spending a week with
criticism of the 196041 pro. last Sunday for a joint birth- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
gram. The motto for the meet -1 day celebration for their eon, bert Stanley.
mg was, "Get into action and Al and two granddaughters Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert
refuse to be discouraged". Elizabeth, four, and Susan one, attended the Eastern Star For -
Arrangements were made for As Elizabeth's birthday wasn't est City Chapter banquet and
attending the area cenvention till Tuesday another rennin reception held in the lodge
at Granton, May 11, Five dol. birthday party was held for rooms, London, last Saturday
lars was voted for a cup for her then. in honor of the former's sister -
the 1961 music festival to be Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lang. in-law, Mrs. Irene Culbert,
held in Lucan May 24, 25 and ford and Mr, and Mrs. Karl Grand Deputy Aletron ler Dis-
26. A number of members O'Neil returned on Friday rict No. 5.
agreed to assist in the cancer from a two-week motor trip, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Cole and
drive. Mrs. Gordon Ranting, as far south as Miami. 1 family were Sunday guests of
Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Arnold and
Mrs. Murray Hodgins on'
Erwin Scott volunteered to rep-
resent the WI in the making of Thursday evening attended a ' family'
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham
cancer dressings in the Angli- Kee -Mo -Kee director's meeting'
and family, of Chatham, were
in Robinson Memorial Church,
can church basement April 27. London, recent guests of Mr. Mitchell
It was decided not to take the Haskell and Mr, and Mrs. Cal -
short training course this year, Me. and Mrs, Jim Averv. and yin liaskett.
Mrs, Jack Lankin, as lune family, who have been living
Among the many who came
convener, was assisted by Mrs. Lucan I Clandeboye, have moved to
John Park, Mrs. N. W. Was- and "ar'e now livinginlime
smelt over the weekend were
loaded with Port Stanley
nidge, Mrs. Maurice McDom the house vacated y t srt.
Mr, and MrS. Tern Weller and
ald and Mrs, Irving Gibson, Grant Brooke on Marke .
son Tommy, Mrs, George Mille
while Mr, Brooke has moved
regular attendant now, of the
Lucan United Church., its
WMS and WA. She was a choir
member of both Lieury and
Clandeboye churches and a
president of the Clandeboye
WMS and occasionally still
sings at meetings here.
- Every time there is a quilt-
ing to be done Mrs. Young is
She had four children: Mary
(Mrs. George Dauncey) of
London, Erie, who died of a
heart attack while Lucan's
constable, Eldin, in Biddulph
township and Clarence in Lu -
can. She also has 12 grand-
children and 10 great grand-
IThis year she celebrated her
birthday quietly.
sonal items
Locan boy makes good
. Paul Conlin, 18 -year-old son
ofnAlr, and Mrs. J. E. Conlin
of Kitchener (formerly of Lu -
can) e. student at St. infich-
eel's College, Toronto, on a
iseholarship donated by the
Maple Leaf Hockey teem, has
proven a big asset on the St.
Mithaers hockey team which
defeated the Moncton Beavers
in three ' straight victories in
the best -of -five series to ad-
vance Ahem to the Memorial
Cup finals. Paul fired two of
the goals in the first game last
Wednesday. The St. Michael's
Mejors now journey no Ed-
monton to meet the western
finalists, Edmonton Oil Kings,
'When Paul was in Ltican he
was a star planer for the Med-
way High School team. Mr,
,and Mrs. Calvin liaskett saw
him play in Guelph Saturday,
April 15,
LIMIlion Auxiliary hinge
, At the Legion Auxiliary bingo
in the Legion Hall last Thurs-
day Min. ,LaWnence Hirtzel of
Centralia Won the $5 jackpot
ccmsolation prize. Mrs, Clar-
ence Taylor of Exeter Wee the,
'nest and last line''Shere the
Wealth' bingo end Mr, Henry
Bieber of Clandeboye and Mrs.
Grant Brooke of Lucan shared
the full card prize. I
Mr. Benny' Kelly of Lucan
on the: 'first part 61 the coin;
seciltiee bingo, Mrs, L. }fol -1
Ind on Exeter, the second part1
and Mrs, Pearl Stebbins E
nitiWond, the thind part 1
Inthen..nvitinert itichaded Mts» id
Hittrni Wainer, Mr& Ann Pp -I A
'nein both of Exeter, Norv
ten Walkorn of Woodham, Mn.
Thirty Lightnoon Centralia,
Mrs. Harry Bieben of Clande-
boye, and Mrs. Vnede Ziegler, a
Ate. Jen HaSkent And Mr,,Harry
Ronde en a Litenin
Mr& Erle Youn:, and Mrs. Han and 'Mrs. Ted Bridger, was in
old Corbett and presented e3,1, charge of games for the party.
the former. I Mr. and Mrs. Horace Brom-
Delayed celebration into the apartment above t e
Ewen,h er, Feank Egan and Mrs, Doug
The delayed fowl dinner cel- Pool room. Gttests" with Mr. and Mts. E.
ebration in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Lewis and baby W. Pepper include Mr. and
Mrs, John Harris' 66th wed- Roger were guests of honor at mwon= ft, MeGrie of
ding anniversary was held at, a baby shower in the Legion Sarnia on Thursday and Mr,
the home of their son-in-laW Hall, sponSored by the Legion d , . ie e , Clarke of
an daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Auxiliary and convened by Mitchell and Mrs, Leslie Day-
Ltiaii last Sunday,
A. L. Xernick of Frances 8t.f Mrs. Dave Evil and were re' idson of Stratford, on Sunday.
eented with a baby sitter ant
Geests preoent Wee° nits. Tueeday night, Ari evening en
Hodgilie, last 'Friday at-
Leng McGavin and Me. Frank bridge and euchre was enjoyed rthyai Ast.r6nomiesi snetay of
Ritcher. of Ritchnrier and Mrs, by those present.
Hilda Sellers of Walton, The Canade, held in Cronyn Me -
Mr, and Mrs. ;Toe HAY Sr. riming Observatory of the
couple were feeling fine and left eti Sunday fer Aylmer inninnenny (,,,f western on,
ner with their farnilY.- mer With their son-in-law and meteorites,
Among the highlightS Of the daughter, Ale, aed Mrs. jack In spite of 0 wet miserable
1961 anniversary Were the con prong,
, e den the linear) Anglican Guild
krattllatnnY , niesgna' „;from Sunday gilesin With gin any' beld a seccessful hake sale ih
Queen Elizaoeliis John n'efern Mrs. N. W. Wesnidge %ended the parish hall last Saturday
biker and W, A, 11, Thoma S their cousin, Mr. Sant Robinson afternoen,
MP and a 'call nroni W, A. -,e na ,
tended the April Meeting. of the
able to enjoy the turkey din. where they will spend the sum- tario. The address was on
ewer Mr?,
nfertains WA executive
Mrs. 7n C, McFarlane, pres-
ent of Holy Trinity Women's
tedliary entertained Tuesday
ening the WA executive,
During the eVening la
' " Mrs. George voting Sr. waS
Mr, and Mrs, lug Wilson and a Sunday gUest 61 MT. and
son Woodrow of MeGillieray. M- Min Wang
Mr. and Mr. Sheridan Rev, nen names mein.
ington held a family dinnen oh tosh and the lattern daughter,
Sunday in honor of Mr, and Miss Eliz,abetit Klein, returned
Mrs. Lyle Revington's wedding on Sunday frein a Motor trip
anniversary end AIM) is a fare- •
on attending the annual ht well party Je tile daur4hter, and
to vuami
Kitchener and foe the bridge family, Min end Mtn. JONI,
nd euchre scheduled for Wed -i Carripbell, Who ere ninving CO A patetrniinen le A 'WOW
esday, May 10 in the parish Totente. Who ellinbe dOWIl nine be
Wete discussed, Ma TI108 trot:lite Mid hen 'didn't elitilb ti
Happeninos in Ottawa report
lanshard Urges mail carriers
, , ,„ • .
Mr. and lnrs, Inenneth Park-
inson, Arm and Paul, were
'un ay afernoon Nisi pis with
Mr. end Mrs. Joe Dunn of
Hyde Park.
Mr. And Mrs, Cecil nlossey
spent Sunday withMr, an
Mrs, Clarence Marlin and Mrs.
Jas, Messey of Exeter,
Mrs, Gertie Thorn= spent
the weekend in London with
Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Lambert,
Mrs. Lottie Jones and Mrs,
Alvada Hankie, Mitchell, were
Thursday guests of Mr, and
Airs, WilliamJones.
Messrs. Willi am Rennie,
Ralph Wareham, William Wag -
horn, Clare Hooper and •Glad-
wyn Hooper attended the
hockey game of the Allan Cup
series in Kitchener between,
the Winnipeg Maroons and the
Galt Terriers.
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Shaw
and grandchildren, Mary Ellen
and Margaret Givens, of Arth-
ur, spent a couple of days with
Mr, and Mrs. Wes Mossey and
Mr, Roy Down, Mr. Evan
Stead of Strathroy, Mr. L3'le
Knight of W 3, oming were
Thursday evening guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
and Miss Marie Sisson of Strat-
ford were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petch of
(Intended for last week)
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac-
ker and Mrs. Fred Pattison
visited Sunday afternoon with
Mr. George Hazlewood, who is
a patient in Stratford General
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac-
ker visited 'Monday afternoon
with Mrs. T. Waugh who is a
patient in Victoria Hospital
Mrs. E. Trewartha of Hon
mesville returned to her h m
on Sunday after spending the
past week with Mr, and Mrs.
Kenneth Langford,
Mrs. Kenneth Langford is at
time of writing supply teach-
ing at Granton while Mrs. L.
Morley is in the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil IMossey
were Wednesday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Young of St.
Mrs. Cecil 'Mossey spent
Thursday afternoon with 'Mis-
ses Blanche and Rhea Mills of
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
spent Friday with Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Petch of Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ste-
phens of Anderson spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecilossey.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Jones
and family visited Saturday
evening with Mrs Alvada Hop-
kin and Mrs. Lottie Jones of
Mr. and Mrs. .las. B. Bry-
an, Shirley and Robin, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Bryan and family
of Prospect Hill, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McP'herson of
Bryanston were Sunday eve-
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, G. Jones.
Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Gladwyn Hooper.
Mr. Clare Hooper attended
the hockey game at Owen
Sound on Monday evening be-
tween the St. Marys Lincolns
and the Owen Sound Greys.
Budget from
Hr. and Mrs. Arnold Cunning-
ham, attended a birthday cele-
bration held in honor of the lat-
ter's grandmother, Mrs Car-
ter in London on Sunday,
April 16 at the borne of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Hall. She cele-
brated her 87th birthday.
Recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs Chris. Fischer were Mr.
and Mrs. T. Thompson, Chris
and Ann, Miss Donna Currie
and Lloydie, all of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Fran-
kie, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fisher,
baby Kenon, Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Packharn of
Mount Bridges.
Saturday evening visitors
with M. H. and MrS. Elston
were their cousins Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Needham of Ilder-
Visitors to Sunday afternoon
with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Me -
Falls were Mr, and Mrs. Ivan
Isaac, London, Mr, nert Far-
mer, Centralia, also Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Xing and Miss May
Skinner of Exeter spent Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Smith
of Crediton spent Saturday
with Mr, arid Mrs. Ross Mc -
Mr. and Mrs, Leo, Flanni-
gan and Mrs. Ellen Flannigan
of London vere guests on
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Blair,
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Skinner
and family had a short visit on
Sunday afternoon With Mr. and
Mrs, Cecil Skinner, the latter
who recently returned home
from South Huron Hospital,
Bon voyage party
Mrs. Dean OibsOn enter-
tained members of the Satel-
lite boWling team at her borne
on Friday evening at a bon
Voyage party for Margaret. Zu.
ban Who, with her husband, is
leaving shortly on a trip to
Euchre was nlayed, Priten
Woe won by Mangarei, Zubal
and Barbara Heerntoil,
During lunch the gttent ef
honor was presented with a
travelling gift by Margaret
Hughes on behalf of the teatn-
mates. Mae Annie Zubel And
narbara Mtn were guests,
Members of the bowling Leant
are, Lein Caleefl, Marguerite
Gneenlee. title Gibson, Man-
gaent 'Wien Margaret„ 1-lughe3
and Dorothy Molnar* Denfieklf
for town, villages
By W. H. A, Pill) Thomas time inan the people in the
MiddIes West Smaller towns and villageS re' and Sharon, Devizes, visited on
gard. I requested that an ,es.
$ Spuanrclhamysowet,th Mr. and Mrs, ay
timate or the cost of sueli ap see Ann ,aed peel ,seeire
Visited during the weekenn
iwoist,h1.M4ora.na.mt Mrs. Jack Pipit,
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Langford,
nrantor), visited Sunday with
Min and Norman
Topics from
Whalen "
Personal items
Mr. And Mrs, Lerne Grose
Yours tr el y contribUted
briefly. to the opening debate
on b g
culture and, pest office de-
In the debate on agrictiltere
I urged an immediate start on
Our proposed national sugar
polies, which is intended to help
the sugar beet industry,
In the post office debate
su,ggested that eonsideretion
•shoulcl be given to exteeding
house to house delivery to
smaller towns and Villages
wherever a man could be used
We, as a nation, are spend-
ing large sums on manenvork
programs to help thereeee em-
ployment opportunities, The
extension of house to house
mail delivery would be a prac-
tical way to make more jobs
as well as to increase our
standard of postal service in
It is estimated that it costs
about $28,000 a year to keep
a man occupied in the heavy
construction industry because
of the high capital cost of
material and power equipment
required. It would require lit-
tle if any capital outlay to
employ a mail carrier. Nearly
every dollar spent would be s
dollar in wages,
Under present regelations
house o house deliveries are
not made in municipalities
where delivery calls number
less than 2,500, To provine this
many calls would require an
estimated population of 8,000
to 10,000.
'Phe reason behind this pol-
icy is that touse to house de-
livery farms purchased
livery is most economical
where six carriers can be used.I
ceived consideration in this re -
extension on men service be
Attend reception
vitelcriLtoTtlaIntLads aandreIceploren in
Monday evening in bettor of
Prime Minister Macmillan The gins,
guests included all the menin Mr, and Mrs. Alen `Billie
hors of parliament, members! spent e few dens in London
wofasthileeidse?natetheanrdatiewtailyerso,omIt. with Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Simi)*
son thin week.
icnoitotlemeonrreit3eti:vieethhe 61o0usep.mof. MT, and Mra. $iler.
will and Miss Gladys ,Porter,
aanndd vsensary po.nnijo,yaItble7sThienfonrlmenall London, were Sunday afternoon
visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Win
liam Morley Sr,
home for Easter and were full M. and Mrs. J, Finkbeiner,
ohfomneewasreaansd. views froin their Jacqueline and Joanne visited
in Listowel Senday with Mrs,
We didn't see much of the Mary Campbell and Mrs. Fink.
Macmillans. They, with the bother Sr,
speakers of commons and the Mrs. Laverne Morley is feel.
senate and their wives, made ing much better hut is still a
up the reeeiving line. Once we Patient in St, Joseph's 1 -los -
passed the receiving line ws pital.
sew very little of them. Mr. and Mrs. William Mar.
Up to the date of writing ley Jr„ Janice and Bobbie,
this report, no announcements were Sunday guests with Mr,
have been made on either of and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Minn,
our two most pressing parlia- vine,
tniivIenenityairhye problems; the butter Mr. and Mrs. Gary Parkin.
surplus and the railway wage son and Randy, St. Marna, ne
dispute which carry deadlines were Sunday visitors with Aire,rne.
of May 1 and May 15 respec- and Mrs, William French, 1.7r
meantime, may be Cann's Mill has been a very
permitted to note the achieve- fbaursnyierpslarine trhleeariviincignitgyr.ain for
ment of the Russians putting a Mrs. Russell Brock, Chisel -
man into orbit, We should not burst, and Mrs. Arthur Hod.
begrudge them the credit to gins and Paul, Clandeboye,
which they are entitled for this visited recently with their par -
wonderful scientific aecomp- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Williarn
liehm en t. Morley Sr.
ers an senators had been
The standard work week is i
five days which would. require!
' five carriers. An extra. carn
rier would be required to al-'
i Ornate on different days so as
to provide a six-day per week!
House to house service is
universal. tti the cities and
large towns. In the rural areas
there is 'house to house dell -
very by rural carrier. It is
News budget from
Personal items
Mrs. James Beer, Mitchell
spent the weekend with her
niece, Mrs. Oliver Baker
Oliver And family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McGregor
and Mr, and Mrs. Morley
cooper of Kippen, Mr. and Ws
Lloyd Thompson and. family,
8th Line, visited on Sunday
evening at Mr, John Rinn's,
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Me -
Naughton and Mr. and Mrs.
David Holland attended a birth-
day party for their father, Mr.
David Sheppard of Parkhill
who celebrated his 83rd birth-
day on Monday, April 24,
in Clandeb
The farm of Sandy McNaugh-
ton, con. 1 in McGillivray town-
ship has been purchased by
Mr, John Ovens. Another farm
con. 1 Biddulph township, of
the late Mrs. Elizabeth I. !Mc-
Rann, was -sold by public auc-
tion on Saturday to John Park
of Lucan.
Birthday party
Mr. end Mrs. Maurice Simp-
son entertained the family on
Sunday in honor of their daugh-
ter, Joan. Present were Mrs.
Peter Banks, Mr. Banks and
Cindy of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs.
, John Simpson and Rosemary,
Kirkton, Miss Sybil Stevenson,
1 Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs.
'I Clarence Carter and Stephen
and Mr. Tom Tomes of vil-
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. John Hauser,
of West Lorne, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter on
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Mc-
Naughton had as their guests
on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Berryhill of Lucan. Not being
too good in health Mr, Mc-
Naughton did the driving for
the day.
Cooper's WMS tied a quilt at
the home of Mrs. Alfred Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle
were visitors at the home of
Mrs. Hawkins in Exeter on
(Intended for last week)
Personal items
Miss Marilyn Holland of
Greensville spent the weekend
with her aunt and uncle Mr.
and Mrs. David Holland, and
on Sunday Mr. and !Mrs.' Lloyd
Holland, Marilyn's parents,
were guests, Marilyn returned
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
were among the cancer can-
vassers who toured the clinic
in London on Friday evening.
They will be calling on every-
one soon.
Mrs. Grace Walkom and
Mr. Charles Cottle of Russel -
dale were guests with Mr. John
Rinn on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Coward,
Paul and David were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Al Dane of Wind-
sor during the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
were guests on Saturday eve-
ning with Mr, and Mrs. La-
verne Rodd, Mrs. Cacciotti has
returned to her borne in Cap-
reol after spending several
weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Archie Dewar Opened
her home for a quilting when a
crib mint was quilted for Kirk -
ton WI to be sent in a hale of
three baby layettes for UNI-
CEF, this bale going to 'Dr.
Hitchininova. Attending were
Mrs. Wilfred 'Wilson, Miss No-
reen Walkom, Mrs. Torn Cow-
ard and Mrs-. A. Bundle.
to your
at IoW
Mrs. Gladys Stewart, one of
the executors of the estate of
the late Mrs. AtcRann, with
'Mr. Stewart, of Syracuse, N.Y.
was here for the sale of the
last of the property of the
family. Many friends visited
with them. Later they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dor-
man on Saturday night before
leaving for home on Sunday.
I Mrs. Bill Downing, Karen
' and Joan Downing of Chatham
I spent the weekend with Mrs,
Downing's arents, Mr. and
Mrs. Almer Hendrie and re-
turned home with friends, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bolton of Chat-
ham, on Sunday evening.
Mr. Maurice Morgan and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan
visited over the weekend with
Misses Lilly and Millie Brad -
oye area
ley in Toronto,
'Miss Constance Rowe, of
Ilderton, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Andy Cart.
Mrs, Emily Tomes has been
a patient since Monday, April
17 n Victoria Hospital.
Mr, Arthur Simpson has
been suffering from sciatic in
his hip which confined him in-
doors. Mrs. Kermit Thompson
and Mrs, Andy Thompson visit-
ed with their parents on Sun-
Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Paton
and Clare visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna
of Thorndale Sunday evening,
Injured in fall
Otto Darling, farmer of Me-
Gillivary township, fell while
cleaning the kitchen attic at
his home on Friday afternoon
He was removed to So
Huron Hospital where X-ray'nne
revealed fractured vertebrae.
On Sunday, April 30 church
+services will be on daylight
saving time.
United Church
The Rev. George W. Sach
took as his sermon on Sunday
"Is the Bible out of date?"
St. James Church
The Rev. E. O. Lancaster,
rector, in his sermon Sunday
morning said, "Man has thirst
for life, also thirsts which only
the power of the spirit can
quench. Amidst the trouble of
the unusual experiences of
sin, suffering and death man
can only be strengthened by
the unseen ropes for life's
deep wells. These, faith, trust
and courage, enables man to
be victorious in his search for
; llllll 1111 ttt ttttttttttttttttt 1 tt 11 lllllllllll ii1 llllllll l l lllllll 111 l 1 lll 1111 lllll 111111 llllllll 11111.10111111141 lll 1111111
Gerald Lewis :
By Request
The proprietor of the [Aldan inOnnee Kup
will serve hot roast beef dinners from
12 noon to 8 p.m. each Sunday at $1,25 a
41111111111,111 lll 1 l 1 ll lll '11 lll 11111 ll 11 l 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllll llllll lllllllllllll
Get The
For Your
Quick Returns!
Barley ett Seed Grain
See otir special contract on Malting Barley before
you sign, Fertilizer supplied .with contract,
Different Varieties — Also Barley, Peas, ete,
Drop Ti And See US TOdayl
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