HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-27, Page 12Page 12 The Times -Advocate,. April V., 1961 ISkh IE:. 'income -taxed pocket books with Att CLASSIFIED RATES I FAR SALE - 22 Words p85. Each Additional Word 1,9 (Minimum 850 ) 20c Off If paid by Saturday followitrg last insertion, Second Insertionn) 2; PER Won) (Minimum 550 ) Six insertions 2c PER WGRO (Minimum 454) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First insertion -Per i,.ch .$1.40 Second Insertion -Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of ala inch. CENTRALIA HOST TO TOWN .CLUBS -Exeter Lions and Kinsmen were briefed FOR SALE- on RCAF Centralia activities last week when they were entertained at the station, MIXED HAY, choice quality, Above, Flt, Lt. Ed Killeen explains operation of training equipment in the language conditioned. Ken Elder, phone school. Guests, circling from left, include Lou Bailey, Joe Gunn, Herm Dettmer, 269,i2 Hensel]. 20:27* George Rether, Art Clarke, Tom Vickerman, Irvine Armstrong, Ralph Genttner, Jack Doerr and Ed Brady, -RCAF photo mSUPPLIES • ANNOUNCE BIRTHS- BELL IRTHS---BELL -- Gerald and Mildred Bell, Hensall, announce the \. birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, April 24-a brother for Douglas. tDATARS-I-Ioward and Elaine Deters, RR 1 Dashwood, an- nounce .the birth of a daugh- ter Elizabeth Ann, at South Huron Hospital, April 22-a sister for Peter, �UENTHER - Mr, and Mrs. L Ray Guenther, Dashwood, announce the birth. of a daughter, Elizabeth Dora, at South Huron Hospital, April 25-a sister for John, Jane and Robert !ijEYWOOD-Mr. and Mrs, Ron Heywood, Exeter, announce; the birth of a son, Ronald Todd, at South Huron Hos- pital, April 20-a brother for Terryle. I PENNINGA -- Mr, and Mrs. Donald Penninga, Exeter, Exeter, wish to announce the birth, of a daughter at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, April 19-a sister for Jennie, f Robbie and Judy. fWEBB-Jerry and Lois Webb, Exeter, wish to announce the birth of a. daughter, Judith 'Evelyn "Judy", April 20-a sister for Jimmy. Fete bride at Elimville By MRS, ROSS SKINNER The Elimville and and Winchel- sea ladies held a surprise Ibriidal shower on Friday eve- Ining in the church Sunday School rooms for Miss Alice iVanderwiel, bride -elect of this Friday. I. Mrs. Jack Hern escorted ,Alice to a prettily -decorated ichair to the strains Of the Bridal Chorus played by Miss Ptrances Skinner. A short pro- ay MiSs MURIEL Ht:RN gram was enjoyed. Misses Kathy and Janet Hern sang two duets, Miss Joanne Miners Personal items played two piano numbers and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haynes Miss Brenda Skinner sang. and Susan Lynn of London # Mrs. Jack Hern read the ad visited Sunday with Mr. and I EATHS LAMPORT-In the Roth Nurs- ing Home, Exeter, on Sun- day, April 23, 1961, Matilda Witzel, beloved wife of the late Ezra Lamport, late of Centralia, in her 81st year. Funeral service was held at the Hopper -Hockey funeral home Tuesday, April 25, with interment in Exeter ceme- tery. 27c MARRIAGES- Mr. and Mrs. John Arts, of Crediton, Ontario, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Miss Nellie Arts, to Mr, Peter Sleegers, of St. Thomas, On- tario. The ceremony will take place on the twenty-seventh. of May in Our Lady of Mt. Car- mel Church, Mt. Carmel, On- tario. 27* CARDS OF THANKS -- I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors and friends for all their kindness to me during .my recent bereave- ment in the passing of my dear husband; also Dr. Gans, Rev. R. S. Blitz, Mr. H. Hoffman, doctors and nursing sisters of Westminster Hospital, London. -Mrs, Margaret Haviland, 27* The family of the late Mr. John Norry wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation •to their neighbors, relatives and friends for the beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy during their recent bereavement in the loss of a husband and father. Special thanks to Rev. Mr, Lewis, Dinney funeral home, pallbearers, flower bear- ers, officers of the police force who formed the guard of honor, and the Legion Auxiliary who so kindly served lunch, 27* The story in Zion • MHarr rs. dress and. Misses Shirley and Bern and family, iAnne Johns presented her with( Mr. and Mrs, Burton Morgan R the gifts assisted by Ruth of St. Marys visited in the Horne. Alice thanked everyone. community on Sunday, Mrs. Hern and Shirley Johns conducted several humorous contests and lunch was served. Personal items ENTS CARDS OF THANKS- I wish to thank all those who i so kindly remembered me while a patient in Victoria. Hos i pital, London, and since return ing home. -Jim Kirkland. 27* I wish to thank all my neighbors, relatives and friends Iwho remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits i while I was a patient in St. i. Joseph's Hospital. - Lorne t Preszcator, 27* II The fancily of the late Guy C. Ryan would like to thank their many friends, relatives and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shownthem during their recent bereave- ment for a dear husband, fa- ther and brother. Also thanks for kindness shown him during his late illness. Special thanks to the Rev. 0. E. Lancaster, Rev. Thomas White, the LOL, LOBA 387, pallbearers, flower bearers, Dr, C. H. George and the C. Haskett & Son funeral home, 27c I wish to thank all my neighbors, friends and rela- tives who .remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in the hospital and to all who helped in any way at home. It was all greatly appreciated. -.Mrs.. Harold Rowe. 27* Mrs, Andrew Hicks and fam- ily wish to express to all their friends sincere appreciation for t h e 1 r many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness throughout the years and es- pecially during the past week. Special thanks to Dr.. R. W. Read, the staff of South Huron Hospital, Reeder Florists and the Hopper -Hockey f u n e r al home for their courtesy and consideration. 27* IN MEMORIAM -- GILL --In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Rector, who easedaway five years ago, April 28. There's a sad but sweet re- membrance, There's a memory fond and true, There's a token of love And a heartache still for you. -Sadly missed by mother, father, sisters and brothers. 27* Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bern' and family visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hern and family of Exeter Saturday evening. Visitors Sunday evening with e There will be a special serv- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques ice .in the Elimville churchon andfamily were Mr, and Mrs Sunday evening at 7;30 DST Ross Skinner and family of April 30 when the Exeter Odd- Elimville. fellows and Rebekahs will be, Sunday evening guests with in attendance. Mr, and Mrs- Thomas Brock Sunday visitors with. Mrs. and family were Mr. Lloyd Thomas Bell were Mr. and j Lynn of Clanclehoye and Mr. Mrs. Wellington Bell and Lina; and 'Mrs. Ronald Haynes and -_ da of Flint, Michigan. daughter of London. Sunday evening guests with Mrfi. sAllanpestcettHvisitedand Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper : Sunday with Mr. Bill Stephens Were, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Bell! at Avon Crest Hospital, Sftat. an . Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Wit -;ford lia.m Morley, Janice and 'Rob -1 Miss Doreen `Brock and bie of Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Brock were Donald Parsons, Susan and !hostesses to a brush demon - Gail of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. • stration on Monday evening s Yloyd Cooper and 'Kathy, ; Mr, and Mrs. Angus Earl e IV Cr, and Mrs. Melville Skin-' were Sunday evening guests mer 'Visited' on Sunday with • with Mr and dyMrs, Robert ,Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford of' Kippen, HARROW TEETH & DRAWBARS CULTIVATOR TEETH GRAIN DRILL SPOUTS WATER TANKS STEEL & WOOD HOG FEEDERS POULTRY FEEDERS & WATERERS CEDAR & STEEL FENCE POSTS ANCHOR POSTS WIRE FENCING OF ALL KINDS WOOD GATES HAY, GRAIN '& TRUCK RACKS MADE TO ORDER PLYWOOD & LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES RUSSELL DOUBE HARDWARE 1% 14liles East of Woodham RR 6 St. Marys 23:30:6:13:20:27c POTATOES, No. 1 and No, 2; also feed potatoes. H. Soudant, RR 1 Varna, 2 miles north ;of.. Hills r enphone g e Hensall 6951 r-4 or 696-r-12. 3:9-4:13tfc POTATOES, Irish. Cobblers, fit for seed. M. Collez, RR 2 Grand Bend, phone 176. 30:7:14:21* THE NEW OPTIMA TYPEWRITER IS LOADED WITH FEATURES and it sells for only $89.00 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfc THINNERS - 2 single unit mechanical' beet and turnip thinners, to fit any standard scuffier. Phone 234.6410 Credi- ton, 4:13tfnc NEW.S000REX 11OLSTI IN IiEIFER, due with- in 1 month, artificial bred. Apply Bert Bax, RR 1 Weed - ham. 20:27* VA CV U M CLEANER,' Ken- more, like new. Phone AC 8- 5892. 20:27* ':52 PLYMOUTH Station Wa- gon, tractor and 1'ow bed float,. at reasonable prices, Sam Sweitzer, phone 1187J Exeter. 27;4c: 1 TON TRUCK, Ford, Ken., Greb, Centralia, 27* WASHING MACHINE, Easy, in. good Condition. Apply Mrs, E. Broderick, 452 Andrew St. 27c 2 -WHEEL TRAILER, light, Ap- ply Bert Nurden, RCAF Road, Centralia, phone AC 8.6687. 270 New and Used Power ,Mowers AND. TILLERS. LAING'S MOWER SERVICE Phone 72 Beside .Arena 27;4c SOLID OAK dining room table and chairs, Phone Crediton 234-6242. 27* BENCH SAW, 8" Tilt -Arbour, almost new; Roto -Tiller garden tractor, 2 h.p„ 2 years old. Apply 373 Marlborough St, or phone 1184 Exeter after 5 p,m, 27* BABY CARRIAGE, blue and silver grey, streamlined metal body with parcel carrier, new last year. May be seen at 373 Marlborough St. or phone 1184 Exeter after S p.m. 27* CHROME & DINETTE sets; bedroom suites; chesterfield suites; baby cribs and car- riages; television and radio; refrigerators; ranges; wa:.hing machines; dryers; everything for the home. When furnishing your new home, we invite you to browse around our store. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 20:27c WEDDING GOWN, floor length, size 9-11, net over taffeta; also veil and gloves. May be seen at Mid -Town. Cleaners, 27c CLEARANCE OF CAMERAS and Photographic Equipment XASHICA MOVIE CAMERA 8 mm., 1:9 lens. Reg. $49.95, SALE $37.95 't MINOLTA A 35MM Range finder with case Reg. $57.90, SALE $39,95 MINOLTA A2 35MM 2,8 lens, range finder with case Reg. $79.90, SALE $59.95 NEOCCA 35 'MM with case Reg. $29.95, SALE $24.95 VOIGTLANDER 2.8 VITO B Used, new shutter with case $19.95 ARGUS SLIDE PROJECTOR 35 mm. automatic, 300 watt with case Reg. $69,95, SALE $57.95 EUMIG 8 MM PROJECTOR P.8, new Reg. $89.95, SALE $64.95 EUMIG P8M PROJECTOR Latest model with reterse, still and power rewind Reg. $129.95, SALE $114.95 CARL WETZLAR BINOCULARS Mono -mold, 7x35, case Reg. $39,95, SALE $31.95 All new merchandise; with full guarantees FOR SALE - TRANSFERRED overseas must sell this weep.: Electro - home hi-fi; Electrohome 21" TV; set of drums (22" bass, snare, 3 tom-toms, high itat); full size crib. No :reasonable offer refused, Phone AC a- 6676- 27* '58 VAUXHALL CAR, low mile age, one owner, excellent con- dition. Phone 198 Zurich or ap- ply to Mrs, Ted Mittelholtz, Zurich, Ont. 27* PUREBRED GOATS, brown and white, 4 months old, Apply Dean White, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3095 or Ralph Rowe, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, phone 293- 3055. 27* 1957 'MOBILE HOME, Canad- ian Star, 40' by 10', complete- ly furnished, sleeps 6; 1961 Volkswagen deluxe, Apply R. Osenlak, 59 Simcoe St„ Exeter. 4:6"tfnc 'F." TON TRUCK VAN, 99" long, 45" high, 73" wide, two wide rear doors, to fit any Chev !-ton truck. Gerald Lew- is, phone BA 7-4701 Lucan, 27e POTATO SEED -Cobbler, Se- bago Katandin foundation seed. Exeter District Co-op, phone 287. 27c 1953 AUSTIN, A-1, privately owned. Apply The Times -Advo- cate. 27* I BABY CHICKS - FOR SALE FRIDAY .NITS SPECIAI 6 to 49 pan, only Fresh, ,Grade 'A' Large EGGS . Doz, 350 DARLING'S 1GA 27e PIGS, Landraee and York, 10 weeks old; Landrace boar, 2 years; 7 year old riding horse or driver. Mrs, Ken Fischer, 1tR 3 Exeter, phone 172J5, 27c WEANER PIGS -Apply Harry Sheppard, phone 164r3 Dash- wood, 27* BULL CALF -Gib Dow, phone 83 Exeter, 27c MAPLE SYRUP, very nice quality but a little • darker. Phone 226 for very low price in new cans. W, Morley, 303 Andrew St. 271' GIRL'S BICYCLE, in good condition, balloon tires, Phone 70W Dashwood, 27c NEW DEFROSTOMATIC 2 - door 14 cu, ft. refrigerators with 100 lb. zero freezer at the bottom, automatic defrost, reg- ular $499,00; our price $285.00. See it in our window. 20 cu. ft, deep freeze chests, $248.00. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, 27:4c HARD WOOD, 100 cord; will deliver, R, McDonald, phone Kirkton 48r19, Ellerington farm, 2% miles south of Exeter, 11 miles east. 27;4* SINGER electric sewing ma- chine, like new, zigzags, darns, mends, etc. All attachments and under guarantee, Take up payments of $5 monthly or pay full balance of $45. Also girl's large -size CCM bicycle. Apply Box No. PEW, Exeter Times - Advocate. 27:4:11* PLYWOOD RUNABOUT, 12 ft., and trailer, 25 h.p. motor, lights, controls, windshield etc. Contact Howard McDonald at Larry Snider Motors, phone 624. 27:4c MAR -WEB BRAND SEEDS Full supply of Rodney and Gary oats, Herta barley, also full line of grass and clover seeds, hay and pasture mix- tures. . Reg. No. 1 Laurentian sized turnip seed. W. VICTOR KNIP RR 1 Centralia Phone Exeter 378J2 27:4c GOLF CLUBS and bag -1 wood, 5 irons, rights. Contact Howard McDonald at Larry Snider Mo- tors, phone 624. 27:4c GARDEN TRACTOR - Phone 9M after" 6 p.m. 27c MIXED 'HAY, square bales, choice Quality, very reasonable. Albert Scott, phone 33r19 Kirk - ton. 27* BABY BUGGY, like new, . can be used as car bed and stroll- er; baby sitter, like new. Phone Kirkton 92r22. 27* YOU SEE it on television. You see it in the city department stores. You see it in our show- room window. Beautiful Colon- ial Nan Tucket chesterfield by Farquharson Gifford of Strat- ford. Our price only $425.00 and we allow a reasonable trade-in on your present ches- terfield. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main. St. 27:4e MILKING MACHINE, Univers- al, % h.p. motor, pump, 2 sus- pended units, 3 years old, Ex- eter District Co-op. 27c WOOL Any Government Deficiency lraynzent will apply only on ?properly graded wools. .cure the utmost by patron, ing the organization that ade this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No, 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from EXETER DISTRICT COOP Box 171 Exeter or by writing to ANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE OOL GROWERS LIMITED 7 Bay St., Toronto, Canada T .Coen, , Mrs S. A Norton of Lon- j 'don will be showing her pic- tures On the :if ift India in the 1.4^A, system Elimville church on Friday W, Y evening, April 28 sponsored by ....Continued from page 11 Group A of the Elimville stimulate,. and promote sales," W.MS and WA.This pictures he told The T -A. will he enjoyed by children as 'Phe board re-engaged James well as adults. A silver eel- Boyntolfl' as. seeretary lection Will be received, y •'tress Church and Sunday School. urer. services will be at 10 a m, Last Monday, the of was DST and 11:1$ DST next .Suri.;' invited to the r in r aerial!!! and day morning. -tare Offices for informal. and, get -acquainted sessions with The 4-1r Club Girls' Achieve -i the minister, Deputy Minister 1 mentbay Will be held itt Clin-P Biggs ants members of the, f , tori i,trict High School on. farm products marketing beard.; Saturday, April 29. The moth Mr. Crocker reeetted; runs' r ers of these girls are invited j for the first quarter of 106111 to attend the afternoon ,es averaged 44,334 per we k, In I r sibns Wizen the girls Will Pre -1 the last IS woks this, heel sent their ,frits and demorlstr e., titer' to 45,166. The 'predomi-' t tions r'Id dettifidates Will 'be' naat price Wednesday was. awarded,. I $23,56`, EXTRA ad from ery bushel side by side, look Mitch hoice of one .hybrid over on -you niay harvest an lity corn from each bushel en yeti Choose Funk", G. figures are proving "Funke, tier, time after time, his great seed corn, LOWAY •CREDITON' Pullets Started Three months old, ready for range. Also 18 week oldand ready to lay. ELZAR MOUSSEAU Kippen, Phone Hensall 278w4. 20:27c QUICK SHIPMENT on day - olds, most breeds, including Ames In -Cross. Also hatching to order. A few started also prompt shipment. Order June- July broilers now. Bray Hatch- ery, Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W. 27cn WANTED TO BUY- QUILTING FRAMES, 1 set, with legs in good condition, Phone Exeter 226. 27* Good Shape Right Doc! Same way MY CLOTHES COME FROM MID -TOWN i CLEANERS Not a wrinkle, not a bulge . . . everything just right always. 4 4 • SEE THE DIFFERENCE WITH TEXTURE CARE Delicate Care For All Your Wear iC Mid$own Cleaners PHONE 33 EXETER Free Pickup and Delivery WANTED TO RENT.-. 1o0 OR 200 ACRES medium loam. Highest prices paid for good land. Apply Box No. STS, Times -Advocate.. 4:13tfnc BACHELOR apartment, fur,. •Wished, in Exeter, for .business person, Apply to. Box LSO; Exeter Timcs-Advocate,. 27. APARTMENT .or 'house, for ap, proximately one year, starting May 15, furnished, with two bedrooms, in Exeter, prefer, ably close to school area, Ap. ply Times -Advocate or phone AC 8.6317 Centralia, after :6. p.m, ?7;4c GARAGE, preferably south end of town. Phone '710111, ?lc HOUSE, north end of town preferred, for business couple, Apply to Box LSO, Exeter Times -Advocate, 27* FOR RENT - MODERN APARTMENT, un- furnished, 2 -bedroom, central location. automatic washer and dryer, :Phone 710„ 13:20:27c APARTMENT. 426 Main St,, modern, 3 rooms and bath, heated, unfurnished, hot and cold water, suitable for couple without children, Apply at Times -Advocate. 3: 30tfn e 3 - ROOM APARTMENT. fur- nished and heated, private 4 - piece bath, separate entrance.,. No pets, please, Apply 169 Wil- liam St. or phone 400W. 3:16 tfne GOOD PASTURE, 50 acres, on clay land, near Dashwood.Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash- wood. 6:13:20:27c UPPER APARTMENT, 3 -bed- room, private entrance' and private bath, Available. now. John Burke, phone 863, 4:13tfne APARTMENT, all modern. con- veniences, hot water heating, attractive, complete privacy, bathroom. 1 a u n d r y, garage, available immediately. William Oestricher, phone 234-6455 Cred- iton. 4:6 tfne Know What You're Getting! When you buy Jones, Mac. Naughton seed you know you are getting what you pay for. All Jones, MacNaughton seeds are true to variety, carefully cleaned and tested for germin- i ation. Jones, MacNaughton handle only seeds -for many years they have been Western Ontario's leading seed special. ists. When you buy from a local firm you get service satisfaction ... savings! This year ask for Jones, MacNaugh. ton seeds. From your local Dealer, or Jones, -MacNaughton Seeds Exeter Phone 664 Crediton Phone 3-W London Phone GE 2.2258 Farm out heavy work to the remarkable 1961 TILLSMITH a. Roto -Tiller with 3 h.p., 4 -cycle Briggs and Stratton Engine, Revers- ible tines. Reversible trans- mission, Fingertip control centre. Direct drive. Less 22" CUSTOM TILLER reverse Transmission ., EXETER DISTRICT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $ 119.95 PhOri 207 Collect gessld4` CNR "$l'es'ion ifiimiiiiimi,il,1 othroamiirlfi'rm if yminouirwmmo(iY ifoil,m,nwiholiff000 pi,„!'