HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-10-14, Page 2i• t. Ocoee oi time sews et free Goverment*, one who erfasios ••••7 TtI.ylikewesie can steer soirdet *awakes tbat wood cmos. in VII a crompoo dye to say Europese tbmuat, Bissau of agrizu Ito.* aad litho as bousid wooed, with sorb t. the heel Lard.. sae corpor•is.• bog" 40. — seireital 4itia ideal 4 ueoliussie „Pm coup iy with the pew•r rof we/two tagsue% kidder petaled) magasonsity esti paili$0116°, 143 if they drchu.d. Lee., ie.@ clause th•y Oot to lams eves a mar behaJ. Look-- said M.ni Feel liana- of ..Q.senoc nig, therefore, at the whole vairoios in riewsioary ' might bw •hot op, became.; rise sea progress and present sad , they meg le cold to ens •r TerlitIOU• IMO••I regarding the just pretensione of a desereMO. uPy . Street, Chetiot end ninnies of eing, iniduesnows, and lord people, be, (nt West., orib defended the bill, id calcule the imitates of our coordinator's' appeal; au tea ,g tails e appeal fart the restoration uf our lust la""ar tete; but the first gentlemeu adoentmt the ana atedniclied right to initiate and legis- . obyttioa le the clam... ii.tiisg •• bated .1 late effectually upon the Clergy Reserve'', the department en Officio Pierodeot oS all mid all ve.,1 questions inseparable from their Agronittorat boo rehe soppropriatios. Stich was the liberty , The debate was adjourned WI Firday which, as a caambeahe ads b,44 10 anti without soca *D3 dee liberty which, as an English- , Usury Law C. C. man, he would be Froud to give. Audi. Mr. Beower't Usury Law hill liaa boos a step, he bored a successful step towards debated mina die wood readiag. (Also - two of r. Cauchoo it was offered to be read Agee this day six smooths. it, be supported the ardent and trutb-telliag adders to their lauds. (ace see, October 4. Qt-reec, Oct. 7, 1852. Mr Memos laid on dm tab's a tram of An error wee transmitted in the bill for the Ceneth ROOM Which *a. ordered to the modifieitio. 01th ... Celery lews. The be pointed hill was 4 The return (lithe e'ectien of the hon. bylosta, buiustjoorridezeotlf otoDelee: zeaddea- Cbsbot of klediehaase was read by hate 0_0 the yieatro' o laate-d the whole earn - Mr. Spiniker, and 1dr. Chabot tie& his feat. Mr• Patrick istroduced s bill to a llot and ing— Yeas .11, Nays 30. aneroid lb Act to lecorpersts the By town fo-day the Governorrieneral went down sad PrelitAl Railroad Company. Also a ia State to tbe Legislative Council, and bit for ilea granting cir eery* town lulu in after summoning the Menthera of the Le- e,. ye" al.fliiem, to the Bytown see gislative Asseutbly, sanctioned the follow - Protocol! Railroad Compeer ing Bala:— An sildree• for dreiimests reIsIiye So the 51. Louis deLothintere Parish Registry Mertes Herietal, gorbeci was ruled on Bill, Notelet' I Profession Bit, Muraripal motion of Mr. NTUART. Mr Drummond atate.l. in &emir to se Corporation Itoad Powers Bill, Territorial Inferregrition, that the Goveronient intend. Division Law Doubt, remove' Bid Rail- ed lo introduce a general meaoure ID 1111• memo) to fervors. Alio, tt is the totem - Con of 'the Governn.erit to ietredure a emend measure in relatten to the decieren aitance to oartain road.' in the District of of Criminal 3...lice itt Lower Canada. by Gaspe, and he ,,paried the, claim on aid in f whore Jurors be relieved from mum - a speech of some length. 'teethe -et serf ln e,* to shirt) they •PP el Mr. 11INCKS replitli, and contended that eammerf loader the preseent law. A• tt e report left, the lesuoto was dismiss • the Government were not in a position to int a B,,ulion to appoint entertain such an application. He is op - two or more tamminionous to manage the • posing the motion wilco the reporter left.— Beth iag Fund, now, er 10 10 established by .Vora, Awe, ican. Act of Parliament. QPRIRC, Tumley, 5th Oetebe'r, 1852. Queue. October, 8. ltd t net t after the reporter left, Mr • !.ast eight, aft. r the report left, the Merritt intro duced • bill rerpmeting from following bills were read • ascend time, and ,.eh runetv in Ureter Canadseto be laid referred to the standing, Committees on before the legislature Is 1453, sail to be Railrotaile; Canals and Telegraph Lines: - continued from yew to yesr hereafter, 'ger- B.II to incorporate the grandTrunti P.a.lway ing a etatement of the assernimenti the vas Vmpeny of Canada; Bill to authorize the lue rpr,,,7, and dlr. ct term rantford and Buffalo lent Stock Railway Insolvent Drbtor's Act. U.- C. Company to construct a Railway from Fort Mr. Smith, of Duitatn, introduced a bill Erie to Goderich; Bill to incorporate the to extend the previsions of the ineuhreet Coburg and Poiterbrito,• Railway Compsey Debtor's Aet of UMW Canada. Bill to authorize the formation of ta cum Controrerted Elections. pany to conotruct a Railway on the north Mr. Laurin introduced shill to remove shore of the River Si. Lawrence; Ma to incorporate th• Toronto, Stereos •nd Huron multi doubts as to the law for th• trial a of controverted elections. Radroml Company, Bill to mem: the act in. : Mon. Mr. Mona moved ler • call of the corporating theiTorento and Guelph Rail. enad•Company, •0 as tn all3W an extethinn flothe on Friday, the 22nJ day of Oituber invent. After some conversation, the 1rd .of the said Road; Bill to incorporate the day of Nerernher wee Axed. grand janction Railway Company; Boll to Grand Trunk Braterty. amend the character of the Woodetnck and Lake Erie Railroad and Ilarbour Company The bill to repeat the frth and Mb clea- ve of the G:neral Railway Act was pas- sed (Inoug!, Its second sod third read. alga. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway 05 motion of Mr. Druinmend, tbe rules OA. Moore being thepaused with,— Tits 8t. Lawrence end 'Atlantic Railway Bill wearead • third tune, with an amen- . dulcet, io •Ilow, subscribers of stock, in • tbe country 01 Stanstead, to have their - &inscription refunded, with interest, tit. No demotion was arrived at, but the shield ibey give petite alibis the munth after the passing of the , committee obtained leave to sit &gun on . Ace. Monday next: Toronto. Loan. .oto. or Mr. Betaken, the bill to Mr. Drummond introduced a bill for the elati101.110 1110 Colporation of Toronto to reforming of the Municipal system ef lower Canada, and for establishing eounf4v, panels, township ,and village municireiliiie.. 11. explained that the ohject of the Blit is to assiruilate Muracipal syitem of Lower Canada, as nearly as circumetences woula penile to that of Upper Canade. Mr. DRUMMOND also introduced a BM to consolidate the Road laws of Upper Canada Mr. Richards introduced a hill for grate equity jornicliction to County Courts. The Montreal lied New York Ex:elision • luta in Mrs Guy of Montreal. when build-. Inge were destroyed by the Greet fire• 11.11 was read a second time. Al Mr. Bwigley in C'restmly. so, the Bm ill to amend the Act rclaItre to the qualificstion of the .14/111COS or the The hon. M r • 0segiey was °Nett(' to be Peace. liken into mistedv by the Sargant at-arine for being absent when his moue was called Mr. Alcmene Also introduLaC ed a _ansOit.bill to to be thorn in, as member of mho com. ;-amend the tell'itrY l of aw•ryer milt,e to try 111,0 tvj L, 00 0, ,P A discussion erode on this molting,. KitinOuratiki. which. going on as the reporters Mr. Drummond introduced • Munieii•al amendment bill fer Enwer Canada. Grand 71,'a Railway. Al the Railway bills new before the Ilevume Wer, ordered to bo referred or th• committee of the whole as the first order 01 11, day for Thur•day• Mr, Cauehan Moved the second reading of the Si,. trunk Ritlway bei, and the tray Vauttess Repeal Bill, 'rorouto loan Bill. Air. Cement' of Csape. morsel for as - It long dirocuesion took place on the re. emitter' of the report of the commitee of the whole on guaranteeing theloan of Et00,- 000 for the sufferers by the Montreal fire. The motion for the reception of the report was carried by • large rnajorty-Ments. Brown, Mackenzie and Mattice only voting in the usgative. The both. again went into committee of the whii`e on the St. Lewience and lake Champlain Canal Resolutions of Mr. Mer. Huse a lu.n, was read a seconJ uirne Tao foilowiog bias were read a third time :—To extend the time limited by tie Montreal Regiatry Act ; to Repot, the law of evidence in pper Canada. Montreal Fare Lows. The House west in committee of the whole, sad otter • diseuation, adopted a res deletion ef lir. Meeks, to tits mates a loan of 100,0001. to 0•11/10141 of building BI EL. An Act to alitherisellie Brantford and Buz/' Jtet S',ick Ruin ty Com- pany to construct is Rail icay front Fort Erie to Gulcrich. Whereas certain persons havine, as‘oci- ated thenrielve, together, for the purpose debsi• ir commodcing as the Ripener ofe conatructing op ata roao from Fori Erie QVH•EC, October 6, 1852. to intersect the Great Western •Railroad Llai nizh Mr. I41101m in that the at or near the Town of Itrauto-ord, and order of the day fur the second reading of having complied with all the requirement.; the bill to incorporate the Grand Trunk of the Act paned in the twelfth year of Railway Company, of Canada be oow Her Majeatty'a Iteign,and intituled," An reed. Act to authorise the formation o/ Joint Mr. 8peslrer Pirated as hie opinion (bit tot:enrich aa the 31!, and Mb elections of tete Stock Companies /or the construction of Roads and other icoe!..: ia Lipp r Gina R - /di w4,1 CI11.1PP• C011111UlldliliOO n A, pro. • • • 511114 that no bill for a epeeist act lor the 4a, did as under the provisions ol the emit es tabliehment of • railway shall be received Act passed in the eession held in the thir- 01 the I egolettire, I cense fervors'. teenth and fourteenth year ether Majesty's n•ent• nreecribed by the aid clauses lthai Reign, and 'Mettle'', " An Act to amend be first avowed and carried our sad mild extend the Itroresions of an Act poss- um said clause. beteg jet unreel/sled eit in the twelfth year of- Iter Majesty s and (hi. legislature if so d'ancwed baring st.as_ ei , intitriled,. An act to authorise the tlie power to repeal them, the order of the • ,e,,rmiahoo of Join! Stork Companies fin- ds!, for the vetoed reading cal toe said bill J. cannot be proceeded with. the Construction (1' Roads and other An appeal being male from Mr. Speak.' Works in Upper Canada,' become a m's decision the Ii0Uft. divided, and lb* body corporate by the name and style of •OCIS:0111.4 Mr. Sneaker woe confirmed, Ldeetoen f !berm. Tin motion of Mrl'ouietto it wile or. aeree that tbe tb revisals of the tee loos Petition Act of 11431, be now read earl the lion •Weiram 11 ;'cy having bees Ilrouglit into the Hirers within three hours after 4 o lock. The 'metres of an moch gate Ad thirteenth, awl four- th. 011111,1,11i119 to try Ind determine the "nth +wren(' !IMP% in matter .f tive petition c.implaning of an relates 10 lhr r''regrvial" itaihrarri" ado* elec ,on and return fdr the County mid were expresely exempla 1 from tae ef- sof lleroe vas 4,1 iuraed to the sett meet. i feet of the repeal operated by the said 4,1 i.i. Floulbe: • Act; And whereas the said Brantferd and Buffalo and Joint Sine.: !learned Company hare etpended large gems of money nn their Railway between Fort 'Erie andwitrantford, so that the works on the said Railway are in a very advanced state ; Au..1 wherea, the said Company have by their petition, representel that bean desirous nf extend- ing their nal Railway from tbe Town of firentford afrtrepaid to the Town of God. - in the County ot Huron, and holding themselves to be the:emote empowered by the provisions of the Art paved in the sea- sion lam aforeaual, sea intituled, An " Art to amend the An spititaded,' An Ant to authorue the formation q Joint Stock Companierfiw the e.)natraretiors ,' Rends avid other works to 1 Tyree Conderis," they prepared to *steed thew sand Railway ac- cordingly, aad ripened books for subernp- keel Sleek In Io1.ue, olitinued au that omen ot the toy iQo( the United Coma bee ofWarou, P4 Bruce, have re- mitted to empower tat Warden Hutted to subscribe for shares in the Stock 4 the said Company to the amount of owe laam4rad. and twvoty-Il,, thousand pomade, ead hoe. adopted for publk stip", aad hems and published the reignieno 13/-tesr :lbt that the said Company have caused surveys and plain to be *ade foe the eroposed ea -- tension: And whereas the Mod Company hare further represented, thet although they hoboes their power under the Acts afore- said to be sufficient to enable them to fidget such extensioa as eferesaid, yet (bat neuter- oth advantages would accrue as well to themselves as to the Public, if the provi- sions of "llsr Roadway Clauses Consafi- datnos Ace" pawed is the now last nation were extended to them, and their rights and duties were regulated by its emetmeatie Aud whereas it is right and for the public good to genet the prayer of the said Com- pany; Be it therefore gnat That the Incorporated Compasy Imre at before 'rooms by time those of " The Buf- falo and Brantford Joint Stock Railroad Conrpany," and ay that name the present members of the said Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock -Railroad Company, and all such persons and parttes at, shall under the provisions of this Act become Sharebolden in the Railway hereby authorised to be made, their several and respective heir exeeutors, administrators, sucoessors and aesigna, shell be and remain en Mcorporated Cosupaay for counruetiog, rnaietainuig and working the Railway licieinatter incetwo- ed, tinder the p• °visions of tlas Act and the said Company shall be and aro hereby au- thorised and empowiared by thenieetves, their deputies, *Keats, officers, workmrn and servants to meth and complete a Rail- way to be called " The. Buffalo, Brilat- krill arid Goilerrch Railway," from Fort Erie a erry on Lake Erie iu the County of Welland opposite the City of Buffalo to the 'low° of Brantford, in the County of Bruit, and thence to tbe Tuwn of Goderica, on Lake Iluron, in the' County cf liuron, with power to make andconatruct a Branch Railway to any tairint on the Niagara River within a distance of two miles trona the main terminus cn Lake Erie. 11. And be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, all and singu- lar the property of tbe said Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock ellailroad- Company,. whether Use same be real or personalestate, or of what kind and nature soeter, shall henceforth be and become the property of the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Rail- way Company, and ef their successors and abs4as, and the Buffalo, Brantford and (4)- derich Railway Company shall henceforth be subject to be held reapousible for all contracts and agreements and obligations made and entered into by the said Brant- ford and Buffalo Joist Stock Railroad Com- pany, or which shall or may hereafter be made or entered tato by the President of the said Company under the authority of any 11y-Larrs or Resolutions hf,:the said Company; Provided always, and it be de- clared and eitacted, That neither the change made by this Act in the name of the said Company, nor anything else herein contain. ed, shalt be constructed in make the said Company a new Company or anew Cnrpor- alien, so as to cause any action suit or pro- ceeiiing, to which the said Company may be a party to abate or cease, but the same may, upon suggestion of this Act, be con- tinued by or against the said Company, by the name hereby assigned to it; and every ' subscription to the Stock of the said Com- pany by its present name shall be to all in- tents and purposes as binding, veld and ef- fectual, and shall vest in and impose upon tbe &describer the saute rightsand liabilities at if Made after the passim,- of this Act and to the Stock of the said Company by the sante hereby assigned to it. III. And be it enacted, That the By - Laws, Rules and Regulations of the said Company made before the passing of this Act, shall remain in force, and shall apply 1 to the whole Railway hereby authorized o be constructed, in an far only as they may be consistent info the provisions °Nth Act, and until they shall be repealed al- tered or amemled by others to be made under this Act, and tbe provisions of the Art herein first above mentioned and of the Act amending the sa.me under which the said Company was originally constituted and has heretofore acted, shell after the passing of this Act cease to apply to the said Company or to their Railroad and works, except in so far as relates ;to rights acquired under the said Acts or either .of them by the said Company or others, and except in so far as relation to any action, suit or proceediug commenced by oragainst the said Comp:my before the passing, of his Act, which shall be continued, govern- ed and cotnpleted by and under the pro- visions of the Acts last referred to. ....1; .fe., dit t411141ths whale dat 1 comosay shalt setq fey fame varied lila e ms eif elves leamieed Sad My downeed primacy , mid the slid 4'.4111e1 k sll be &Aid ist o shares o($s potting each : and such 'amain of Capit- al Steak may be elected either by the ad- mission' of oew Subscribers or Shareboid- eire, or theoilditioaal .vg n may be raised by eubscriptios among the preseut Sharehold- er., or such 11PC(1611•11 may be effected to both the said ways. V'li. And be it seacted, That my party or pattic• holding Stock in the Company . hereby incorporated to the amount of one hundred there., or may amount len than one htiedreti *bares, Mien at the meetings et tbe atharebulder• bale the Yon fur each %bare ; and for any amount over the bus- dred shares and not over sit 'method abates the vote to two shares ; aad for any meow over six hundred, and not over @teen hus- deed dares, one vote to three &barn; and for say amount exceeding fifteeo hundred ahem, one vote to four shares. .VIII.. And be Unmated, Tbat the pee- earet-Directews of the said Couipauy eboll coolnue in the office as such, untilthe first Monday in June, in the year 1833, and that ou the said day, and ou the first Mos - day in June, in each year thereafter, or ou such other day as shall be appoiote I by any By -Law, an annual general meetiog of the said shareholders shall be held at the office of the Company, for tbe time being, to , choose nine Directors in the room of those whose period of office shall have 'spired and generally to trammel the busuiess of the company ; but if at any time it shall ap- pear to any ten or more of such Share- holders bolding together 1,000 shares at least, that a special general meeting of Shareholders is necessary to be held, it shell be lawful fur each tea or more of them to cause fifteen days notice, at least, to be given thereof in three public newspapers as aforenid, or in such manner as the Coin- pany shall by any By -Law direct or ap- point, specifying in such notice, the time and place, and the reason and intention of such meeting respectively ; and the Share- ! holden are hereby authorized to meet per- : aunt trench notice, and proceed to the execution of the powers by this Act given them with respect to the mattersa.speci- fied only, and all such acts of the Share- holders or the majority of !bele at such 1 special meetings assembled, such majory not having either as principals or proxies len than one thousand shares, shall be as I valid to all intents and purposes, as if the ' tame were done at annual meetings; and after tbe first Alonday in June, 185:3, the number of Directors or the said Company shall always be Mae, and they sball bold their office from the time of their election until the next anoual meeting, or until others shall be elected in Weir stead,but any Director may be re-elected, aad at any meeting of the said directors, five Di- rectors shall be a quorum, and shall be competent to use and exercise all and any of the powers hereby invested in the said Directors ; Provtded that no person shal hereinafter be elected a Director who shat bola at least shares to the Stock of the. Company. IX. And be it enacted, That the G aage of the said Railway shall be 40 five feet six inches and neither more nor less. X. And be it enacted, That the Stock now held and owned or hereafter to be subscribed for or acquired in the Company by Municipal Corporations shall be repres- ented by tbe Mayor, Warden or Reeve for the time being of such 'respective aluoicipal 'Corporation,and that such May- or, Warden or Reeve, respectively, 'ball be entitled to vote upon all the stock sub- scribed for by such respective Municipal Corporation in propel -lion to the amount so subscribed for, and shall be eligible u -Di- rertors of the said Company in respect of such stock, in addition to the privileges tg which such Municipality 'or the Mayor, Warden or Reeve thereof as shall be en- titled an representing it as under the pro- visions of this Act. XI. Aod be it enacred, That for and notwithstanding any thing in any Act or Law to the contrary, 11 shall be lawful for the said Company hereby incorporated to bold to them and to their successors and assigns, as lessees of the Crown, the Fer- ry at Fort Erie Rapids,subject to tbc con- ditions and restrictions and according 'to the terms mentioned and contained in the lease thereof to the said Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock Railroad Company and to possess, exercise and enjoy all the powers, rights and privileges which apper- tain thereto, and also from time to time to construct, purcbase, own and maintain one or more steam vessels for le purpose o transporting goods and passengers to and from the Ceded States. and to subscribe for, purchase and hold shares to the Stock of any other Railroad or Steamboat Com- pany, either in this Province or in tbe Coi- led States. and to pay for the same out of any money belonging to the Company. X IL And be it enacted, That this /kit shall be a Perak Aet. IV. Anti be it enacted, That the several clauses of " The Rad ivo y Clauses Con- i solidation Art," passed during the now ast Session of the Provincial Parliament, with revect, to the first, second, third, and fourth clauses thereof, and also the several clauses of the said last mentioned Act, with respect to olnterpretation," •Powera," "I'lans and Survey," "Lurid and theirs valuation," aad lireleea," "Iacocca," "Tolls," "General „ Bram:ford andJ1,iJaI Jint Memates," olairectora, their election and Railroad Company," and were by that ditties," I'Sbaree and their transfer," mem acknowledged by ibe Legislature in "Munietp•dily,".Shareholders," Actions the Act passed in the session loch/ in tbc (9r Indemnity and Films and l'enalties, sad fourtseath and lath year of liar Als;esty's their eroaecution," Working of the Rail - Reign, and intitoled. " An Act to repeal waye except only in ao lam as it may be es- esptesely otherwise pr -'ed by thia Act, Or 11 they may be inconsistent with the impress enactment (hereof; are/ the ex- pression 'glue Act" when used herein shall be understood to include the Pros mons of "The R•tiluvry Clauses Conitlidotion Art" which are incorporated with this Act as *tonne!. And be it enacted, That any Share- holder in the said Company, wbetber a Bo iiish subject or alien, or a emoodent in Chetah or elsewhere, has and shall have equal ngbt to hold stock in the said Co.,. to vnte on the tame and to be eli- gbh to office in the said (company. VI. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the said "Thrfalo, Branifort and Greferwli Railway CMPS.• porn(' to increase the Capital Stock of this said Company by each stuns as may be re- quired to enable them to complete the said ftailway from fort Ere to the 'rnwn of Geriatric Frolorponiel. trees the Tows of Brant - fort eforentd, and for the eneepletten nIOs. works neeeesary for the etfiesent working Bureau rf Agricidtrarr. The hen- oho Cameron moved that the t• pi•ivide tr the e etioldishm•nt of the Beres'. of Aerwelture and to steed and enneoluisie tee laws relating to agricul- ture, be now read • second tone. The emit n was opposed by 11r. 11 &MI6. TprCeligh Brown, Dionoulin, end Conchae, whco iipiaiiirel that the bit was "poet , bad in spirit since by tasking the Presideet of the Board of mg- riesitere the it-tMfieni President of all other boards tbreligaaut the coontry, it hiauid reeeetablioh a *poem of centrilitil. Moo. elven ereeid he most injoriou• to ill,., and meet pet en undue te• 6ewer mte the hones of the Gaverement• They sisa.eireted to those other claiories hot which allowed the Griverervient tearoom* the Vice Poiseent, sad "Putti g•te the Preetileut • right tu veto &epee - T It El NORTHERN RAILROAD. Tuesday last was the first day of* new era in the hirtory of Upper Canticle, for en that day the first locomotive made its first jaurney on the first railroad built within the pre. ince • Ti. pewee lid machine was landed a few dere ego and has levee put together on the track, which is laid down upon the Queen's wharf. It is a very strong piece of mechanism from the works el a owieufeetweing Cenepsey in the eity of P.•rtland Maine. The cost was about aloe .honsands dotlara and the imam paid to the Provincial Cuitome, over a (hothead wee nacemary to import Ghia locomotive, for it was remersi immediately but we uoderstand that the contractors for the road have mode every exertion to em- ploy Canadian mechanics to execute, like monk, and that s machin, .1 actually in the enure* of con•truction for them, by Mr. James Gond, of this eity, who, intends tee dining largely into the manufacture. We also Morn that the works of she Nue era Dock Company, are to be need fear the risme object.—There is a far greeter demand for thee* articles in the United Stater. than can be supplied by tbe work. already es, tablished there, so that tb• manufacture cannot fail to be pendoctive. Not 'anther locomotive for our railroads should Se ens• struced out of Canada. A Considerable number of pentane heft selinied dunag the day, emelt interested is ebeervieg the landieg of the iron ler the :'dread from s I vessels, and ite neat rrangement nn the wharf. A greet mein linishieg tenches were mowed le the ea g- lee, but about half pest six e'cleek P. M. was seneueeed Stet ell wise ready. Fire was bot—ehe nue* helettiai firma the vie ebieseep—abm isseirst party WIG e 'moiler, Mr. Capri*, tie soisepissema among ,.a, the mania t.t it Ir.: 14 lir IVO ly and palatally s1 neat. 11.11 r ...-1tr, with more seem sad solid ii• cases' a the crowd, ship wove. areentice he the wharf, the steam whirite waking up the echoes of the bey. and proximate/ that a great fact the bees achieved ,18. Iran Morse has faltly bees introduced to • sew field of lathr. Mr. Beckett, an ea - • shoals by both, wh• drove lb* first Es - ▪ ever th• able Raareata had clearse of the mashies. AN eogicie-bous• bed been built over the track Dear the wharf, and there it wee housed for the time but, yeekeelier, I 1 Wall &riga some miles epos die read, The rail is 'irate, laid about to meth out, sad with the iingin• to carry out the ire°, the Work will proceed much wore rapidly thee it baa hitherto done. A stetted booesilses how built neer the whet!, the track wid somailie laid Moog the heels of the bay1010 the Insert of th• cue, tied la very few weeks w shall hav• the good peo- ple of the north Mistime to their produce by mi. Th• mows of constructing the road, oe far a. w• have seen, us very good the track well laid, and the maaere welt 01 11. Bridges excellent. As the line cros- ses Dundee street it has twee found neces- sary to build a bridge over the railroad, and the works are now going •a. Tim piers •re of very .Mid stone, and the superstcuc- ture of wood --compact and strong.-Clo6e• HURON SIGNAL. ti/WASDAY. OCT. 14, 11352. — _ T114 TOWN COUNCIL. Arm a lengthened absence from the Coancil board, our 'Iowa Council have upon two occasions lately assembled, and although we cherished the food hope that at least a portion of the arrears of public business would bare been setUed, we were doomed to be most wofully disappointed.— Nluch valuable time has already been teat, and the year is drawing rapidly to a close without any material object having been attained, or any improvement having been effected calculated to advance the interests of our Town. That the delay has arisen exclusively, either from the ignorance. or from the contemptible obstinacy of the Tory Councillors, will not be denied, by any sensible man ia Goderich. Yet, the Loyalist in reporting the Ethan* of the 6th Maoist, states, 'That there cainot be any person in tbe Town so blind an not to discover et a glance, the great contrast be- tween the actions of the two parties the Radicals and Conservatives, through the unfairness attempted by the cue, the pub- lic business of the place has been impeded for nine months, while the opposite party bas done every thing that could be dose to settle matters speedily, that the ioteresteof the Town might not be sacrified for the sake of party power." If the Loyalist intends by the foregoing very equivocal sen- tence to assert, that the Conservatives have done every thing they could, to settle mat- ters speedily for the benefit of the public, and that they did notsacrifice the interests and wisbes of their constituents to the love of party power;—we emphatically deny the truth of the assertion, and are surprised that say person even though imbued with the contemptible subserriesey of the Lomat& , would have had tbe hardihood to make such barefaced statement,. We will ask what have the Conservative Councillors done 1 The only answer is that they have render- ed themselves odious and contemptible in the eyes of every sensible man in the Town. They refused from the very first to meet with the members of the -Council, who were as duly elected as themselves, and although Ira Lewis, Esquire, had been elected Mayor, and coolinuerlleplly to act as such, until e. few days ago, when he -was unseated because the returning officer bad not acted upon a certified copy of tbe Collector's Roll, they refused to aoknow- ledge bim as such or to act with him, in- stead of progessing with the public business until, in the course of law, the isaue should be made known. It is true the Council- lors for St. Patrick's Ward hare, within the last few days been ejected, and Ira Lewis, Eaquire, who was a Councillor for that Ward, is no longer Mayor, but be is succeeded by a man who hanself would have lost his seat from the same cause, had tbe Reform party been equally vindietive, and had they takenlegal steps her that per - pose. The Tory Councillors under the influ- ence of a miserable infatuation refined to meet thew bretheren whom they knew to he in a majority, and acted quite a laugha- ble farce by establishing a "little Pedliag- toa"..el stoic owe, arid endesvosreil to term* -Mid amuse their coestitnents by issuing ploy bills, beaded .1, John Straches, Mayor of Goderich;" and thus left tbe men of geese, the real advocates of order and adraseement, who fortnoately had a majority, to labor alone for the tete- real, of the 'rown, and had it not been for these, the iutelligent Reform Conocalors, the 'rown would bave been ie a much worse condition than it is. At length after play- ing a inayorthip for eine months, the said J. Straethe 1)Pironsers 5110 uncertain reuse of law,' rim/ Mayor, end althongh Gude- rich ie " remote sad safnended," be evi- dently co -mutters it no small honor to occupy so htgh a position over his fellow-towas- men, which he inhibits is certsis little egot- ism. both of smith and behaviour. The Lesimhst taint -me on that cm the sight of his election' to the Maforship, Mr. Strachan thanked the Chimed hie the boom emiferreil co ham, lad etpromed a 0041 delete *et aU pin political pebbles dine, *mg a look WMe about VI miles 15* fust. (hot by -goo.. might Pt-gts, and that MI ailed sow node a.met aillimegti at the eleresth lour, for the wallies of the 'fowe."— These •spresuous, although we understood they were repooveri fortt with no little egotism, might bare favoured of repestattee *ad of a desire to attain the good wishes of the people. But subsequent mats have proved that all concenteas taut, to satiety this gentleman, he on the side of the Re- formism. Oa tbeevening of Friday lost the Council met agent wider its sew head; ood as new Councillors have sot yet been elected for St. Patrick's Ward, of course tke Tories bad the majority. The minutes 01*10 preceediag meeting were read by Mr. Kydd, tbe Town Clerk, who also in- formed tbe Couned that upwards of £500, together with of a penny ia the potted, would be required to be raised thio year ta tbe Town for Couuty and School pur- pose s, iodependlintly of the large amount which would be required for Tows improve- ments and expenses. The 'Fury Councillors appeared to have a great itching to undo if possible what had been already accomplished by the Rime *e- lite members of the board, and the assess- ment roll appeared to tsr particularly trou- blesome to some of tbose gentlemen, who some time ago, haughtily refused when called upon by tbe legally elected Assess - sots, to give in any statement of their pro- perty. Then gentlemen now begin to feel the evil effects of their follyand think no doubt, that they would have acted More sensibly had they permitted their names to have been entered. But Mr. Town Reeve Wallace declared in hi% usually energetic manner, that as the Asseasment 'Roll had been revised, and had already been before the County Couoeil, no alteration could be made in that. And we would inform the roe Soaresthe liflefirebee11414, 111141r it was cueloded to p Mhpite„ after r•apiag back about 12 made, Re "Vend became smile water lugged, and sapeiasui *1 18, du- ttupr,t 01 idiom 4 miles from the shore.- At tae time 01 18. accident there were eleven persons ea board, four of whom were drowned. The sena persons who were saved succeeded to clinging lathe salaamed hall fee about three Lours, whim they were forteestely relieved trete tbeir perilous si- tuation by the arrival of boats from Saogeea. We are informed. that the boatmen wbo came to the rescue exerted themselves in the most praisewor thy manner. The names of the drowned individuals are Joseph Wright of the Township of Goderich, Fenner, John Morrison from Cooksville,SmitIler, Taulbee Lein, Black- smith from Toronto, and • boy named John McKenzie of Kincardine. Those sayed, were J. Murray, Captain, J. Havener, Sailor, Mr, Belcher, Rev. Mr.. 'Crawford Free Church Alinister, George Swanson of Coderich and Mrs. *Alorrisson who was the .wife of Jobe Morrison above meotiooed as drowned, she had ouly been merited about ten days and was thus early calledato mcuro in early widowhood her dire be- reavement. We trust that di( addition to the catalogue of Lake misfortunes will sot be without its influence upon the top - duct of our` hardy and adventurous boat- man, who we tent willwatch with is - creased prudence over the condition and istsuagement of their frail craft. THE BUFFALO, BRANTFORD & GODEItIC1I RAIL WA Y The Bill autbortaiag the construction of the Railway from Fort Erie to Goderich, via Brantford, piceed the second Leading and was referreirto the standing. committee no the 7th inst. electors that as one or two of the most wealthy of the Tory Come:aloes refused te AG the Bill ha. many lateads in the house tbe i give in thew assessments at the proper time, ing Jaw, and fthere can now be no doubt of its aecora- the aggregate value tit Ile property or nformatioof our rea- n der., wbo will all be benefitted by, and con - County Council ioon diaeevered this, and ' sequently a:e all more or len altercated in ed was len this year than in 'Sal —the admiaisteriog justice, they clapped, ten athiseoprey oaft uthedeak tame. per we have appealed per cent on the valintion. The.electors By the terms of the Bill, Shareholders will remember when they pay their taxes in theee Counties will are vent rights and for whom they are compelled to bear privileees with those who originated the this - ten per cent additional expense.— Road from Buffalo to Brantford, Lad, at - It was then proposed by Mr, William Wallace and seconded by Mr. Coun- cillor 'lenity, that the \layor do issue tbe Writ for a new election of Councillors in St. Prtrick's Ward, immediately, tbia was , opposed by Mr. Councillor Watson, mim- ing in amendment that the Mayor do take his own time to issue the Writ, this was seconded by another Tory -Councillor and carried by the casting vote of the Mayor, who certainly felt somewhat irritated that his power to act as he liked without coosult- though coming to the labOr rather late, and fernishieg only the pooreekend of the road, they will he entitled to are. equally the advantages of the whole Tonle. 'We are really glad that there is every provert of this noble enternrize triumph- ing, nor shall we be balked in our expecta- tions, the "Iron Horse" will soon make our quiet woods re-ecbo„ with his vigorous panting, and will wake op the slumbering energies of our Counties. increased profits tog the Couocil, should be at all questinn- pation,.will soon convinee our population, and advantages to every branch of occu- ed. Other Mayors might have acted differ - that they have -lived to see glorious time. ent, and other Gotha' might hare been M Huron. Tbe fanner will suddenly find conducted otherwiee, but ,tors a new course of action was to be opened up, and it was undoubte ly the duty of an; ductile Council to ask defferently for, and to receive grate- fully from, their infallible head, advi,:•e and declaim) in the small matters affecting the Town. What if )IE the great head did only represent one third of a fourth part of the 'rown, did not Patrician Blood course las veins and as a consequence was be not fitted for a dictatorship. What if one fourth part of the Town was unrepresent- ed, would it not he better than to rug the risk Of letting those meetly Rads hare a majority, who with their vulgar notions would so much disturb the sagaciaus plans of their self-posseteed leader. Neverthe- less we think that the people would much rather be fully represented, and that their enable should have some slight attention paid them, and that their representatives should'nor be mere dummies to the great Magician. After tbe manifestation of ebn- siderable acrimony and reserve on the part of the Tory Councillors, it was moved by air. Councillor Heil,!, and seconded by Mr. Councillor Melvin, that certain gentle- men who were named, should ronetitirte a Finance Committee, when Mr. Town Reeve Wallace, whoa appeared to us had become disgusted with the reserve of the Mayor and bis party, who declined siring any satisfaction about the issuing of the Writ, and who evidently intended to waive the gumshoe for a time at 'that, rose in his %eat and declared that be could not sit there while a conlidenble portion of the Town remained unrepresented, aad he felt with ourselves, that the Refoni Councillors had eat quite long enough under insult. He was highly applauded by tin spectators, much to the annoyance of the Mayor,wbo made some remarks about committal for contempt, aad for want of a quorum tbe Comical adjourn- ed. The people have already given their verdict, and will have ample opportunity to judge of the coulee penned by both parties during the remainder of their term. At tbe election in January neat the Reformers will be found united, and their ranks will be similes by many a Conservative, who is now thoroughly disgusted with the paltry shuffling of ha party. LOSS OF LIFE ON LAKE HURON. It ie ague our painful d.ty to reenrd one of those distreming ralemities, which recur nearly every fall with sorb fatal eertninty epos the coast of our northers Townships. Time Sloop Emma of Goderich awned we believe by Mr..1 . Murray, the Captain and Mr. Wdttaa Rasta Merchant of Kinear- his isolated property within a few hours ride of the seaboard at New York,aad that it has risen in value to become nearly equal to the best land in tbe first "tate .1 the Union. We lase no room for further corn- meal: and will allow the Bill to speak for itself. ea.,- We regret elm inability to give place to Mr. Ka dors letter thi-s week, but the 1,I; r:4,, extract from it appears SO im- portant, that we hasten to lay it before our readers. If the fact et as there stated, and we entertain not a doubt of it, we are eke - lain there is not a farmer within the Coun- ties but will at once declare in favor of the Railroad:— Few persons "probably are aware that there is a Bill now before the Legislature, introduced by the Inspector General, which has already, in all probability, passed ,the third reading; and which will have the ef- fect of reducing tbe assessed rate for the liquidation of the Debentures, proposed to be issued for the,iconstruetion of the Fort Erie, Brantford and Crederieh Railroad, through thyme Counties, about otie-third; and this will make, under theasse%set! value of property or kat years, the rate to be, For interest at 6 per cend t . 6 1 7-1Itlis in the.0 For sinking fund, -1Id Total, 2 2-1 Id. And as the assessed value of property in - cremes, which it of coarse does mutually; this rate will be diminnbed. A farmer asaeseed at present for .C.104 would have now to pay 17a 7d, or about $31, whilat under the late Act he would hare had to pay 25s or $5. Thug making a difierence in father of then United Counties of X3584 per annus—ew 7s awl pet annum to the farmer essethed at Z100. TOR TRI;lellt P.AILSOAD.—The Jour - nal* Express rays, the long agony is over. We learn by telegraph that the contract with Mr. Jackson haa beea closed. 'Ile road from Montreal to Kingston is to be made for .C3000 per mile gorernment guarantee. __- 11`.1r The Rev. Mr. Sinclare will presob in the United Presbyterian ;g,r&a Last Street on Sabbath first at II A. M., and 6 in the Evening. And at McDougall's Hills, Sabbath 24th at half -past ten A. M. And et Goderich ;t 6 evening same day. PAITI Ai he PaeTo.—Otiveolvii ao erne of alom in a quart of warm warm; whim cold. add as meeh Sower se 001 meth it the eerionteeeety of crown: then etro* fain it a• much powdered rosin se will stand be a 'holing sad two or three elevore• emit to a enestetertee, stirring •Il the time. ft will keep for two Of three months and whoa dry, may be softened with Itswf ' • 6'