HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-27, Page 3NINE 1958 MODELS Consul Convertible Finished in red with white orlon top. PONTIAC PATHFINDER 2 -DOOR, automatic, 27,000 miles PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDAN, automatic, radio, washers CONSUL CONVERTIBLE, a sharp second ear - METEOR 2 -DOOR HARDTOP, automatic, whitewalls, radio, 18,000 miles PONTIAC PATHFINDER 2 -DOOR, locally -owned, 24,000 miles CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN, radio, owned by a clergyman BUICK SPECIAL CONVERTIBLE, every conceivable ac.- cessory, immaculate' 119 5 TEN 1955 MODELS Meteor 4 -Door $595 This locally -owned car is free of rust, and mechanically sound PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-0008, V-8 automatic, radio, w -washers, w -walls FORD CUSTOMLINE 2 -DOOR, Fairlane chrome, heater BUICK SPECIAL _4-0008 HARDTOP, automatic, radio, sold new by us. PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, radio, and floor- shift MONARCH SEDAN, automatic, radio, metallic maroon DODGE 2 -DOOR, 6-cyl., radio CHEVROLET BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE, radio, sharp • Thames Road couples asser cate cr hear cabinet member By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE On Wednesday evening twen, ty-seven members of the Happy Dpuliles Club met in the church basement. Rev, Hugh Wilson led in the worship service, Mr, Murray Dawson was in u. chat e the of h e meeting assisted by Mrs. Dawson. Miss Agnes Bray favoured with a piano solo. Rev—Hugh Hugh Wilsonintro- ducal the guest speaker for the evening, i17r, William Ste- wart, 11IPP for Middlesex. Mr. Stewart spoke en "Citizenship. what jt means to you and me," Mr, Arnold Cann spoke a few words of thanks on behalf of the club. Mr. William Allen took charge of the business, The chicken barbecue was planned for June 13, Mrs, Murray Dawson was in charge of several games and contests.. Lunch was served by the committee in charge Mr, and Mrs. 'Murray Dawson and Rev. Hugh Wilson, Mrs. Wilson was unable to be present due to illness. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Melvin. Gardi- ner and Marilyn visited with ¥r, and Mrs. William Duncan at .Listowel on Thursday eve- ning. Mrs. Jack Cann, Mary Ann, Cathy and Nancy of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Robert Cann. Mr. and Mrs Lorne Elford, Ave and Michael of Elimville visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight. Mr, and Mrs, William Rowe of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Rowe. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mor- ley, Ralph and Karen of Exe-. ter, were Saturday evening guests with Ase. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight, Mrs, Gordon. Stone, Lianne and Bobby accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Wein and Mrs. Mrs. Wes Wein of Exeter to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Y1 ani a where they were guests at the wed- ding of Beverly Temple and Robert Campion .on Saturday, Miss Elaine Stewart had her; tonsils removed on Friday morning at South Huron Hos- pital, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Urqu. hart :and Gary .of Kirkton vis- ited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Gil- mour and Kevin of London spent the weekend with .Mr, and Mrs. John Bray, Mrs, Ruth Kight of Seaforth spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Ernest Pym and Mr, Pym. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp, Laurie and Michael of near London visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Willard of Mount Hope spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Borland. Mr, and Mrs. Tony Shulman, Beverly and Paul of Embro spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Marcia and Mark Shulman .returned home after visiting last week with their grandparents. Sunday School and church services will ,commence on daylight saving time on Sun- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jef- fery visited on Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Man, ford Luther of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, Carol and Eva Lou of Bothwell -01 at James St. Uc Town To ics A cross bearing the United Church insigna and inscribed Personal .Item s of interest In and Around Exeter "in memory 'of Dr. G. F. I The Exeter Timesa publ-Advocate Is always pleased 't sh Roulston, died June 21, 1946 I We and our readers are interested. ,n You and I these items your friends, Phone 770 given by his wife and son' Verne" was dedicated at the morning service in James St. United Cbureh by the pastor, the Rev, S. E, ;Lewis. Mrs. Roulston also ,presented in.his memory the roses that ap- Peared in the vases matching the cross. The following appeared in the church bulletin;; "Dr. Roul- ston served this church in many eapacities, in 1925, the year of Union, our year book carried his name among the trustees of the church which position he held until his death. In that particular year he served also on the mis- sionary and extension. commit- tee of the church and as 'Mis- sionary superintendent of our Sunday School. Subsequently he was superintendent of the Sunday school, and a steward of the church when our boards were reorganized in, 1927, From 1932 he was an elder," Attend regional Mrs, J, G, Dunlop, Mrs. Fred. Dobbs, Mrs. R.C. Din- ney, Mrs. C, S MacNaughton, Mrs. Allen Fraser, Mrs, V. o Armstrong and Mrs. A. 0. El - lit attended the spring confer- ence :of Regional Council No. 2 Women's Hospital. Auxiliaries Association of Ontario held in i St. Marys Hospital for the I1I Chronically ill, London, on Tuesday, Visitors with Mr, and Mr William. Horney on Sunda were ae A r. andMrs,Jame 1 ne Ferguson, 'Toronto, nd M and Mrs. Arnold Gackstette and family, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson Dresden, visited with the la ter's aunt, Mrs, W. J. Ford on Friday and attended th funeral of,the late John Norry Mr, �:.nd Mrs. Norman Scott Toronto, visited the latter' mother, Mrs, Effie Kleinstiver who is a patient in South Hur Clarice, Bobbie and Eugene on Hospital, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Skinner returned Mrs. William Wright. borne last Wednesday after be- Mr. and Mrs, Lynn Martin of ing a patient in South Huron Dresden were weekend visitors kl 't I s. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Ellering- y ton, Elizabeth and Tommy, ac- s co m carie r. William pSa Saturday Wright,g spentS t ._ Y r evening with. Air. and Mrs. Gordan Sutcliffe and. family of Winglaam, 1- lir. Whitney Coates was in , .Peterhoro on. Saturday attend - e ing the dispersal sale of Old • Orchard Hereford Farms, sMr. and Mrs. Jerry Keller, Pete and Bonnie of Chatham , and. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mrs. Edgar Squire, Mrs. Ed Johns, Mrs, Jackson, Mrs, ,Howard Trueanner, Mrs. floss • The Times Advocate, April 27, 1961 ,Page 3. Taylor, Mrs, Bruce Cann, Mrs.1• • W. Amerongen, Mrs. Hubert; I n (,� re d Schroeder and. Mrs. Lorne' Johnston attended the !meeting * ', f of the Huron Waves of the n accident !Mary Hastings club. on Thu s- t Ai f Two persons were aniured I day evening at .Crediton coml.! Tuesday afternoon in a eras munity Hall, north of Exoter opposite th t visitors Huron Tractor and Equipmen u•, A ad Sn � with. Mrs, ,r. it u da ' n o b n .4. No. , g N_ Leslie Richard in :St. Joseph's s Earl N. McKellar, 35,Chat Hospital was cob , a her son 7r e lt. s ham, and James s u is Ila i A e rave 1 ,A e Gi.herson of Edmonton,, 1.,. Alberta who was on her way 30, RR 2 Dublin, were treated to Ottawa to visit her daugh- hi ,South Huron hospital for ter,lacerations 'an later • ele d e released. Sunda ,i The McKellar c r was 3. visitors at the home. .a of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Max- parked .oppos'i'te the implement tin and Mrs. J, Mosey were garage on the cast shoulder Mr, and Mrs, George Jones, faerng north, Ronald Leslie Tillsonburg, �Alr, and Mrs. Pullman, 30, RR 1 Cromarty, Douglas Martin and family, driver of the other car, was Harrington, and Mr, and Mrs, proceeding north when he f Ceoil Massey, Woodham. 114m, struck the parked vehicle .from. and Mrs, Theo Stephens of the rear. i Science Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Pullman told police he veered Jack Thompson, and Mary to the right when he saw a Lou, Woodham, were also Sun- truck backing out of the lin" day callers, element garage. Ducharme Mr. and Mrs, V. L. Roulston was a passenger in the Pull- visited on Sunday with the for- man car. mer's mother, Mrs. G. F. PC Cecil Gibbons estimated damage at $1,400. Collide at corner i Attend NorryCars driven by Mrs. Annie funeral M, Patterson, 32, London and Attending the funeral. of the Franklin King, 64, collided. ;at! late John Norry from a dis- the intersection of No, 4 and tance were; Mrs, Margaret the town line Sunday evening, l Pick, Mrs. Annie Garr, Mr, The King ear was turning; Don Cook, Dr. Harry Norry, north on No. 4 when it was Mr, Cecil. Ford, Miss Flora struck by the southbound Pat -i Dinney, Mrs, Culver, Mrs, Guy erson car. PC D. M. Westover Mathers and Mr. Tom Carling, said damages totalled $650, all of London: Mr, and Mrs. Pickup wrecked C, J. Cook. Tilbury; Mrs, Jean A pickup truck driven by I Burrows, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- Gordon W. Hay, Zurich, was ton Norry Windsor; wrecked Friday when it went; Mr. and Mrs, Walter Roan. into the east ditch and .struck; Mr, and Mrs. Ed Vosper and a hydro pole on the Goshen Miss Ethel Vosper, all of To- : line about 1?:Z miles north of , onto; Mr. Stan Snell, Forest; I Zurich, Hay was overtaking Mr, George Norry, Mr. and another southbound car when Ira. Robert Norry, Princeton. I he lost control. I 1Torch's spark !threatens iait A rk sl?a... from a cutting �,orCh is believed to. have ,caused• the h fire in a fertilizer loader` at e Read Fertilizer plant, Satur- a day_f on ter o . n t • The seat, battery, steerang'� wheel and some of the wire on the small loader was damaged ' by the .fire, but no further damage was caused. osp'a al for the past ten with Alr. and Mrs, Keith weeks. Coates. On Sunday they also Mrs, Lillian Blair returned had as guests Mr. and Mrs. home Sunday after spending Carl Dewhirst of Petrolia. the past rveek with Sgt. and M, and Mrs Cecil Rowe Mrs. D. L. Hammond in anent the forepart of the week Downsview, i i Airs, Isabelle Wein, Mrs.; frank McKenzie and family, I Gordon Stone, Dianne and Mrs. Whitney Coates and: Bobby and Mr, and Mrs. Cal- Wilma motored to Mt, Clemens, vin Wcin spent a few days In MI Pittsburg, Pa. and attended the Kampian-Temple wedding n Saturday, The bride is a niece of Mrs, 1. Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 111cEweai, It, Brydges, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Witmer, Kitchener, vis - ted on Sunday with Mr, and rs, Wes Witmer. Cpl. J, A. Irwin has been osted to New Brunswick and with Alrs. Irwin will leave about May 1. Mr, and Mrs. Amos Parker of Holt. Mich., spent the week- end with Mr. Frank Sheere and Mrs. Gertie Hockey. n Lucknow with Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with. Mrs Jc--n- nie Moore and Mr. a'nd Mrs, William Snow, Mrs, Smith is a niece of Mrs. Moore. ch„ on Saturday evening; and attended a surprise birth- day party for the former's ,`. daughter, Mrs, Richard Do- herly, They returned home ' Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Howey, tl Ottawa, were weekend guests i Mr. and Mrs. George Ila wkins. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chalmers, of Millarville, Alta„ are visit- ing with cousins .in and around I Exeter. ! Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith have returned home after holi- ! r laying at Virginia Beach and Florida. I n Roulston, and the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, E, A. Howal.d. The Exeter Fire Department were called to the scene and with the help of employees at the plant, pulled the loader out of the shop before it could do any damage to the building. With the sick IMiss Lorena Johns, of Tor, onto, has beenvisiting her s's- ter, Mrs, Olive Cole, who. is a patient in the South Huron Hospital, • Mrs, Lee Jennison, of Grand , Bend, a patient in the South Huron Hospital, has returned to her home, Mrs. Robert Masse, of St, Joseph, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, has returned to her home. Mr. Victor Heywood, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, has been transferred to Victoria Hos- pital, London. Mr. Thos. Walker, of town, is recuperating nicely from an operation he underwent in Victoria Hospital, London, Mrs. John Cowan, of town, is a patient in. South Huron, Hospital. Mr. William Webber of Us borne, underwent an operation Tuesday in Victoria Hospital. Mr. William Martin, of town, is 'a patient in South Huron. Hospital, The far ,King has purchased G to extend his Ransom Offer into air ...but, because of the outstanding success of this sale, they won't •' iast IGet your FREE GIFT b they're all gone ,. i" 18" Otaco Power Mower CLINTON MOTOR AND RECOIL START ChooseIII One Of 2, Transistor Radio 3, Deluxe Barbecue 4. Deluxe Bicycle Worth $56 or More! Read the .Rules: EVERY BUYER OF A NEW OR USED CAR AT 'PEARSON'S RECEIVES ABSOLUTELY FREE HIS CHOICE OF ONE OF THESE 4 GIFTS. OFFER PLY IS EXHAUSTED --AND THEY'R S. 2, NG' FA TODD ONLY UNTIL PRESENT ,E GO• I 3; OFFER IS NOT RESTRICTED TO ANY MINI. MUM PRICE OR ANY MINIMUM DIFFER. ENCE ON TRADE.IN. o �: APPLIES TO CASH OR TRADE.IN PUR. CHASE INCLUDING PEARSON'S FAMOUS 10% DOWN PAYMENT PLAN.'- AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE OVER 16 YEARS' OF AGE "The Car King of Huron County" ",The Car King •cr . Mkiron Count BIGGEST L EIGHT 1960 MODELS Pontiac Station Wagon 42450 Equipped with Strato-Flash 8-cyl. automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, windshield washers, wheel discs, new car warranty. VAUXHALL VICTOR SEDAN, heater and defroster MERCEDES 180 SEDAN, radio, only 19,000 miles VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER, custom radio, red leather interior PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, new car warranty RENAULT DAUPHINE SEDAN, only 3,600 miles NINE 1957 MODELS Pontiac Deluxe Sedan $995 Pathfinder with custom radio, rear speaker, whitewalls tires, positively in like new condition, PONTIAC PATHFINDER DELUXE, radio, rear speaker, whitewalls FORD FORDOR STATION WAGON, automatic, radio, immaculate model FORD CUSTOMLINE 300, radio, 36,000 miles FORD TUDOR STATION WAGON, custom radio, white- walls, wheel discs, SIXTEEN '53 MODELS Ford Custornline 275 Custom radio, w -discs, air-condition heater. This car is mechanically sound and free of rust, PLYMOUTH REGENT SEDAN, custom radio, new motor METEOR CUSTOMLINE SEDAN; recent new motor, radio LINCOLN CAPRI CONVERTIBLE, radio, hydramatik, sharp BUICK CONVERTIBLE, new orlon top, automatic, radio FORD SEDAN, radio, new motor PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, 2 -door DODGE STATION WAGON, custom radio, 50,000 miles PLYMOUTH 4.000R DELUXE, radio, sharp PLYMOUTH 2.DOOR HARDTOP, custom radio, heater MORRIS CONVERTIBLE, excellent shape FORD, CUSTOMLINE SEDAN, 'heater, automatic drive CTION IN HUR THIRTEEN '59's English Ford Sedan $995 Robin's egg blue, 19,000 original miles, owner's name on request FORD GALAXIE, radio, T -bird motor, low mile- age VAUXHALL VICTOR SUPER, only 21,000 miles STUDEBAKER LARK 4 -DOOR, heater, chrome ...discs, limited slip axle PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF SEDAN, 6-cyl., auto- matic, 24,000 miles PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF WAGON, radio, white- walls FOURTEEN '56 MODELS Buick Hardtop Sedan '995 4 -door, automatic, custom radio, whitewalls, driven less than 40,000 miles. BUICK 4 -DOOR HARDTOP,automatic, custom radio, sharp VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE 2 -door, custom radia BUICK CONVERTIBLE, automatic, radio, 37,000 miles CHEVROLET 210 SEDAN, radio, heater STUDEBAKER SEDAN, heater, locally -owned, 40,000 miles CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR, custom radio METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN, custom radio, over- drive, 33,000 miles FORD FAIRLANE 2 -DOOR, positively like new METEOR 2 -DOOR, 6-cyl. automatic BUICK SEDAN, automatic, custom radio, owner's name on request Many Many More TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST PLUS 40 NEW Pontiacs, Buicks t Bind Vauxhalls! TWELVE '54 MODELS Chev 4 -door Sedan $495 Finished in Trade -wind blue, with newly overhauled motor. Excellent body. FORD CUTOMLiNE 2.DOOR, radio, w -discs, sharp MERCURY CONVERTIBLE, every conceivable: accessory, new top METEOR CONVERTIBLE, sharpest thing out METEOR DCOR, CHEVROLET 2-DOOR,t low-mileage,raone-owner ARSON MOTORS LT .. Phone 78 .urith Phone 608 Exeter 1 ,r.