HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-20, Page 14it* P.ag4 April 29.4 1901 Lucari Phone ,BA 7.4255 Best year for syrup and district ROW$., ..IIIIIIII"lr) Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott • Mr. Herold, Corbett, who op - prates one of the largest sugar camps .14 this Area, reports 1981 was his best year yet. His 1,035 taps, during the three weeks' run, yielded 341 gallons of -syrup, Mr. Goldwyn Glenn of Brinsley was in charge of boiling operations and a number of men assisted in :the collecting of the sap. 1 Though Mr, Corbett sells Most of his syrup locally,' ma has been shipped to To- ledo,. Toronto and the Mari- times. His syrup has been a consistent winner at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr, Corbett shut up camp for this year last Wednesday. Church • Activities United Church A number from Lucan went to Exeter last Wednesday night to hear the British evangelist, Tom Rees, while others went to Beal Tech on Thursday night to hear him there. • On Friday night Rev, Ross Crosby showed colored slides of Italy and •Greece which were particularly good. On Wednesday a few mem- bers of the Couples Club were 'Vandalism hits area • The OPP at Lucan Is in- vestieeating vandalism in Bid- dulph Township, north of Lu - can, Some time Friday night some one entered SS No, 2 Biddulph, broke the outdoor Pump, the new fire eseape HONOR COACH — Sam Scree - ton, Lucan's recreation &rec. who received an "Award of Merit" for his "outstanding effort in teaching hockey, , sportsmanship and fair play •to his team in the Shamrock league." Sam coached the Lu - can pee wees and also or- ganized several uirteams during the year. Guy C. Ryan suffers attack able to accept the invitation I to -see the pictures "Operation 'Crossroads Africa" sponsored by the Cente.inial United Church, London. On Tuesday beginning at 10.30 a.m. ten members of the I supply committee of the WMS met in the church schoolroom for a quilting. A pot -luck lunch- eon was held at noon, Pentecostal Holiness Church The highlight of the Young People's meeting on Friday night was a Bible anatomy quiz and a Bible study of Matthew 14. Owing to the •illness of the Rev. Roland •Harrell, the Rev. George Eizenga of Sarnia took. both Sunday services. Anglican Flowers In the chancel were ih memory of the late Mr., Guy Ryan. Being Loyalty Sun- day it was fitting that the day , should be chosen for the t "Every Member' Visitation".1 Mr. Clare Stanley as .captain of the Stewardship Campaign spoke briefly. The guest speak- er was again the Rev. Grahani Lethbridge Lstressing the text, "and every man that offered, offered° an offering of gold un- to the Lord." Forming the sermon, Mr. Lethbridge held a commission- ary service for the visiting committee. After a luneh In the church basement the men set forth in pairs to visit every member in the parish. Perhaps it was just as well it was such a , miserable day outside, for the, visitors found most of the members at home, The committee in charge is optimistic that the campaign' will prove a success, not only. Death again struck •suddenly in Lucan last Saturday, taking the life of Air, Guy Caleb Ry- an, 61. Mr. Ryan took a heart attack Friday evening and was rushed to St. Joseph's Hos: pital and died early Saturday morning, The body rested in the Has- kett Funeral Home until 2 p,m. Tuesday, April 11 when the Rev. E. O. Lancaster of Holy Trinity Church, assisted by a retired minister (cousin of the deceased) Rev. Thomas White of Springfield, conduct- ed funeral services. Interment was in St. James cemetery, Clandeboye. The pallbearers included Messrs. Allan Donnelly, Nor- man Coursey, William Brown- lee, Anton Manders, Wilson Hodgins and Tom Coursey. An LOL service was held Monday evening in the funeral home with members from Woodham, London, Exeter and Lucan, as well as ladies from LOBA 387 participating. The service was in charge of Mas- ter Loreen Pattison, Deputy Master Clare Paton assisted by past County Master of South Huron, Lloyd Bern. Mr, Ryan is survived by his wife, the former Maybelle Rands, one son, Thomas and two daughters, Alice and Kath- leen, at home; one sister, 'Mrs. Eleanor Erickson of London Township and one brother, Mlan, of RR.. -1 Lucan. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Ryan Mr. Ryan was born on a farm just south of Lucan where he fartned all his life. He was a past master of LOL 662 and at one time ward. financially but with a more en oo y Trinichurch, regular attendance and a greater interest in the life of L the church, ucan director Evening Auxiliary • Last Tuesday evening 21' gets area post members of •the United Church Evening Auxiliary met in the church schoolroom for their, April meeting, The vice-presi- dent, Mrs, J. 0, Andersen, presided. ' The worship service was led by Mrs. Alden Walker assisted by Miss Jetta Chown, Mrs, Toni Barr and Mrs. Ivan Hearn. It was reported t50 had been sent to the Presbytery and money for five blankets sent to Toronto for overseas relief by the supply secretary, Mrs. B. B. Saulnier. The guest speaker was Mrs. B. B. Saulnier who gave an Illustrated talk on her trip to Europe and the Bavarian Pas- sion Play and Passover. Coursey school finishes euchre Mrs. Wilson Hodgins and Mrs, Eugene Stokes wer& host- esses for the five -table euchre, in the Coursey SchoOl last Fri- day evening. High score prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey liodgins; Ione hand prizes to Mrs, Evan Hodgins and Mr. Bev Hod- gins; the low score prize to .Mrs, Charles Haggar and the lucky chair prize to Linda Coursey. Friday night's euchre closed the season until next fall When Mrs. Harvey liodgins and Mr. Harry Stokes will be hostesses for the •opening game.: Medwey euchre The Medway Euchre Club inet last Friday night at the home of Mt, and Met. Austin liebles for their four -table euchre, Highecore prizee Wee: tei Mrs, E. Summers. • and Mt. Chester McComb: lone hand Prizes to Mrs. Otto Daley and Mr, Carmen Hodgins and lbw score Mites to Mrs, William McConlie and Mr i. Suri. Mers. The tie.kt ettehre Will he held Fridey, Apri1. a at the nettle' of. Mr, and Mr& Among those who attended the Western Ontario Funeral Directors' Association meeting in Hotel London last Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett and Mr. Jack Murdy. The 100 directors present elected as president, Eric Nicholls of Wallaceburg, vice- president, Wilson McBeath of Ingersoll, secretary - treasurer, Clarence Haskett of Lucan. The business was followed by a dinner and dance. Mrs, Clar- ence Haskett was one of the hostesses, During the afternoo.n when the men were holding their meeting, the ladies held a bridge and euchre, Open House Among the 100 guests who at- tended Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beer's open house last Sunday; afternoon, in London, were a number of pupils from the Lucan Public School, where Mr. Beer is the Gratte 6 amid 7 teacher, as well as Mr, and; Mrs. Sam Screaton and family,' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas England and family and ,Mr, and Mrs. Harold Butler and family. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Beer received at the door, After signing the guest book, the guest e Were, shown through the house where the wedding gifts Were on dis- play and also a large map out- lining the honeymoon route. Refreshments were served, MP honored William A. Stewart, MP' was gime, of himor at a surprise dinner party at the Koffee Kup restaurant, Lunn, last Wed- nesdey evening, when the members of the executive of the North Middlesex Conserva- tive Association and their *Mires enjoyed in evening to, Other, President Harry Duffin pre - tided end during the evening. fleet Vice-presideet, ft a. r o l d Corbett, presented Mr. Steer/ - art with e wallet and secretary Col, Toni Sandersdn presented M. &Wert With a bouquet et •floWera, door and 19 window panes, Apparently they were not aft- er money for a small sem in the teacher's desk was un- touched. Men worked all day Saturday in an attempt ho .have the school ready for Monday.: Either before or after enter- ing the school, :the vandals rip- ped off mail boxes along con- cession 4 Bddulph, pulled up posts and threw road signs in- to the river. St. Patrick's euchre CELEBRATE SIXTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY . . Mr. and Mrs. John Harris oup e ed 66 years Owing to inability to get their family together April 3, Mr, and Mrs. John Harris (93 and 85 years) celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary quiet- ly at the home of their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, A, L. Kernick of Frances St., Lucan, but a .family gatle ering is planned later, in hon- or of the occasion. The diamond wedding cele - The Holy Name Society of bration was also held at the St, Patrick's. Church, Biddulph home of Mr, and Mrs, Kernick sponsored a 15 -table euchre when they were living in Wat- and dance at the Lucan Coin- ford. munity Centre last, Friday 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harris were, Wesr. appointed delegates to the Dis. Mr. Harris served the ilowlek Mutual Fire insurance Co, for 14 years. He also served as , military representative in Brus- sels during World War L They have three daughters, Mrs. Lena McGavin of Kitch- ener, Mrs. Hilda, Sellers of Walton and Mrs. A, L. Ker - nick (Flora) of Lucan. They also have five grandchildren and eight grandchildren, Among the many who •called , with congratulatory messages, ' flowers and treats was W A • Stewart, MP' for Middlesex and Mrs. David Henry were * • . WO' landeboye Institut turned home lest weel( frOri Mr. Maurice .Sienpaon Tee a TOA flight to calrY .W110r° 1 officers he visited his sister, Mrti Laura elepry who wee In licee. , new . ., t 0,41 but is now able to re- hy Mrs: Alex 'Macintosh. As- turn to her home, also atter By MR 41, H. PATON ' The -Clandeboye Women's In- stitute held its. April meeting when Irirs*. David .Kestle enter tamed,. with 14 members an- swering to the roll call Nvitb, " A frightening experience", which ca1480d a great deal DI merriment* in tlie IPCtiort of officers president e1ectd was Mrs. Pevid Kestle. 'least president is Mrs. Norman Haray. Vice- president is Mrs. Roy Cunning- ham; .secretary-treasttrer, Mrs. Charles Coughlin; assistant, Mrs. ,Aiex Macintosh; distriet director, Mrs. Norman Hardy; alternate, Mrs. Gordon Eaton; branch directors, Mrs, Maur- ice Simpson, Mrs, Rae Rode gine and Mrs. Ernie Lewis; public relations, Mrs, Wilmer Scott, Standing committee -conven- ers are: agriculture and Ca- nadian industries, Mrs. Repent Williams; citizenship and eau - cation, Mrs, .George :Simpson; historical research, Mrs, Andy Carter; home economics and health, Mrs, Karl O'Neil; res- olutions, Mrs. J, Donaldson; public relations, Mrs, Wilmer :Scott; auditors, Mrs. Cecil, Carter and: Mrs, Omar -Cen-1 ninghern; pianists, Mrs, Albert Rosser, Mrs, J. H. Paton and! Mrs, Alan Hill, Mrs Kestle presided for the meeting. Mrs-. Alex Macintosh slating the hostess were the relatives there, Mrs. Andy Carter and Mrs committee, Mrs. Jim Halt N'Slitect Banff and ,enjoyed visiting at Winnipeg and tee. Wilfred Earl Marlton dies in Kansas village of Clandeboye in Man- teehboaol \elide regaragethe postareIcoffice, sby the name of village. speOnnt islverrae.PrdnayeienwrnitehY his nephew, the Rev. Stanley G. The death of a former Clan- at t. aCsaatilaietadnratl,ctiaehe- deboye reSident, Earl George ora, also. visited Bishoo Hines, harlton, 09, incurred in Kansas of Keewatin, and the -Rev G. ' reeentli, M. Watts at Kenora, 1 He and his wife were on a motor trip to Texas when he suffered a, heart attack and died at Anthony, Kama& BIG MONEY , He was born he Claeciebeye, son of Mr. and' Mrs, Booed EVERY FRIDAY !li• weanrittolnve,sof •in fia,nAllysupdr ts9ioxic Be1), We supply qualified leads for I farming in the Stoney Beacn exPerierieed "learn" who are "fed up" with present selling district, later moved to the' job,insurance, and Pense district in 1947 where 1 naurance, etc,, who he was overseer of th years. DknoetiwBLUEIey have • 131,1:5 aTbRilEityl3Ltze village for the past ten current income in other, more He was a member of Fuse Anglican church, active on the profitable.areas, people'veetiys inw arredeeeirit.t years being bleereh'ivued overusWe20yseraers a eeleadereeri e4 in Mr. Haenon is survived by our field, and have seen sales. his wife, the former Mildred: inn make from a few hundred 1 , Turner four sons, Turner and dollars up , weekly from ' EMdamnfornetdon aatndP eJnascaki ajterSrtyon Stoney 0Svfh actouwrese,hatvoe gettostehts kind of Beach, nine grandchildren, one, money—you must be prepared sister, Mr. N. R, (Delia) Hor-: to tand close scrutiny—and if ning and one brother Charles you have nothing to hide—we'd of Regina. . ! like to hear from you, at St. John's Anglican Church Are You Fed Up?, Funeral 'r 111 Moosejaw with interment in " Rosedale cemetery. 11 so . , • if you have exper- ience . , if your record is Personal items clean , . . Maine I married April 3, 1895 at the1 Since retiring some 35 years trict Annual at Granton May ago, couple li11.ved their daughter, coining to Lu- A silver cup and $5.00 is to can last June, Though Mr. liar- be presented. to the North Med- ris is hard of hearing both are , delsex Musical Festival to be able to be up each day. Mrs. held in Lucan. Harris is able to do a little M Arnold B1 k b I If Winners of the euchre were: high score, Miss Nora Heenan and eir. James O'Shea, low score, Mrs. Dolly ,Munn and Jimmie Nagle, nne-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Basil Nagle. Music was provided by Van Bussers orchestra, "Ball -room Seven," YPU meeting home o the bride's parents, the late Mr, 'and Mrs, David Campbell of Walton, by the late Rev. Wesley Cousies. Mr,' Harris is the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Harris •of , Grey Township, housework but Mr, Ha ' They farmed for 35 years at. spends his time reading Walton and during that time, papers, thehave th " rs, ino a e on e rr' of the •members presented Mrs. the Norman Hardy, retiring presi- dent with two plaques, A special executive meeting ucan personal item of the Lucan-Clandeboye YPU was held Sunday evening in An invitation has been given to Granton WI to be guests on May 17 of the branch here and accepted. All convenors of the stand - the Lucan church schoolroom ] The Linen Scout committee caster of St, Marys on Satur- ing committees reported on the to line up a program for theheld a successful salvage day, , work of the year. rest of the year, ! drive of rags, scrap iron, and Mr. Harold Brooke and friend The hostess contest was won It was decided to invite the bottles last Saturday, -of Toronto spent the weekend Granton Young People to the 1 Mrs. Murray HodginsoLe- in London where they visited May 22 meeting. Plans were can and Mrs. Jack Rosser of the former's grandmother, discussed for an outing and a Ailsa Craig, last Thursday at- Mrs. Thomas Brooke, of Lu - possible dinner party, tended the WMS Presbyterial can who is still a patient at Recreation • • • act ies By SAM SCREATON Director of Recreation The one topic of conversa- tion these days that seems to be most popular, is the back- ward weather. After the snow- storm we had over the week- end, it isn't any wonder every. one is talking about it. weHow- can be thankful we didn'tr have as much as they 1 had in scene other places—and 1 as Doc. Watson says, well if we have more now, we might 1 not get any more until about next January. That's a happy thought. r The ice is rapidly disappear- ing from the arena—and if any- one hard short of ice cubes, we haveplenty to spare at the arena. Just bring your wheel- barrow and a shovel. In spite of the disappearing ice, the "old reliables" of the Sham- rock League, the Coaches and Managers of the various teams —and their wives—gathered in the arena auditorium for their annual banquet. This is the first time the "Hockey Wid- ows" have been invited to the banquet, but from the success of the evening, this practice will most likely be continued.' Following a most delightful and appetizing smorgasbord dinner, a short meeting re- veiwing the past season's ac- tivities was held. Among the guests attending were Mr, Jack Oakes, Past President and cur- rent executive member of the 011A and Mr. Stan Stokes, Dis- trict Executive Member of the OMHA who both spoke briefly, complimenting the association on their continued growth and success of the league. The work of Mr. Don Buddo was recognized and acknowledged, and on behalf of the coaches and managers of the teams,' he was presented with an ern.' blemed jacket and a club bag. I Following the meeting, the 1 guests enjoyed an evening of] dancing. Don't forget, on May 11, the Johnny Cash evening of ar- studded entertainment and on May 13, the Forest City Ken- nel Club International Dog Show will be held in the Lucan Arena. Jackpot raised fo $16t With no winner Thursday night, the Legion -Auxiliary jackpot was raised to $165 in 55 11 The ei consolation prize Was split three ways, among Mr. •till McDowell of Denfield, Mre, William Ma there (edie• split the fourth bingo with Mrs. Jim Reader of Birr) and, Mr. P'aul Horner of Exeter (who won the second part of the consecutive bingo with Mrs, Eric Fritz of Miceli). The first part was won by Mies GWen Liehtfoot Of Centralia, The third part prize was split between Mrs. Richard Davis (Who wohthe second bingo with Mrs. Wayne John- son of Lucke) and Mre...N. E. Davidson of Cerittatie, The first line of "Share the Wealth" was won by Mrs. John Park of Laden, ,the last line by Mrs, Cecil Neil ef Lucan and the full, card by Mrt, Herold Lightfoot of Centralia (who alewon the. sixth bingo. !Mrs. L, Holland of Exetet Mit the Minn with tali Neil of Lucari. MrS. flarold Butler f Ltican Well the third and seventh bingo, Other win- ners included Mrs. Art Here - ton of Grantorif Mtg, Doti Cor - man -of Ildertolt and Mrs. Joe tteskett of Lit:dant and a WA Presbytery at the home of Mrs. James Murray of Lambeth, to discuss sectional meeting, On Friday night, Mrs. George Paul, Mrs. Erle Young, Mrs. George Thomson and Mrs. Murray Hodgins met at the home of Mrs, Jack Rosser of Ailsa Craig to discuss plans for the .local sectional meeting to be held June 2 at Parkhill. Mr, Joe Hay, proprietor of the Lucan Koffee Kup, was pleased with the response to his Sunday turkey dinner ad which ,.appeared in last week's SA. Even Londoners, seeing the ad were out for a good dinner. Mr, Hay intends con- tinuing the serving of turkey dinners each Sunday from neon to 8 p.m, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McFalls of London were Sunday visi- tors of Mr. Edgar McFalls and Mrs. Bob Coleman. Guests at the rectory with Rev. and Mrs. 0. E. Lancaster last week were: Rev. E. J. B. Harrison of'Bayfield, Rev. and Mrs. Harry Jennings of Brus- sels and Miss P'atience Lawr- ence of Gorrie : on Monday; Mr.• and Mrs. Art Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell and Mrs. Frank Seddon of Wing - ham on Tuesday; Mrs. Lillian Bonar, Mrs. Vera Simms, Mrs. A. L. Rice. Mrs.: A. Bragg, Mrs Bill Harris, Mrs. Mel Yesney of Woodstock on Wed- nesday and Miss Eva Lan - "IN TURNS" or "OUT TURNS" are essential in CURLING but the "RIGHT TURN" 'is -vital in purchasing SPECULATIVE SECURITIES With an experience gained in over 25 veers association with mine fir:a:ice, we are In a position to assist our clients in the careful selection of promising growth situations in natural resource in- dustry.Ccinado's hoe Ore poten- tial is particularly significant. Mdy We send you epee -date In, formation on the Ouebeaabrcidor Iron trough? Nirde Aiickesi ediY, be tolv KING FINANCIAL CORPORATION UMIttf) 5 King St. tTaff'6refito 1, Ont. W. Rea Meulehle, Pee.elost W. A, Sitifoill, Vice,Pitticient Si. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Downs of London. Mr, and Mrs. John Park spent last weekend in Detroit and called on Mr. and Mrs, William Walker. Only three of Mr. Phillip Squire's music pupils, Helen Sigsworth, Nancy Kestle and Judy Scott were able to take part in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" program at Glencoe last Thursday and Fri- day nights. Paul Steacy and Gary Traversy were unable to be present. Mrs. Eleanor Emerick and family moved td London last Friday. where ,she has taken over a boarding-house. She sold her house on Elizabeth St. to Mr. Harry Wraith of the Wraith and Storey Rud- e:Vero,' who has been living in St. Marys. They expect to move the end of the month. Mrs. Frank Stanley of Den- field was a Tuesday caller on Miss Line. Abbott. Mrs. Isabel Underwood, now of London, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Cul- bert last week and attended the funeral of her cousin, Mr. Guy Ryan. j Mrs. Wilfred Stokes and two sons, Stephen and Billie, have returned from a few days in Harriston where they were guests of Mrs. Stokes' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Seifried. ' Beverley Butler, a 'Medway High School pupil enrolled at Well's Academy last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewar. of Detroit were Sunday visitors I with Mr. and Mrs. James Sigs- worth. Linda Bridger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bridger, who celebrated her 15th birthday in St. Joseph's' Hospital, March 27, had her beck operation last Thursday and is making sells - factory recovery. A joint birthday celebration was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Abbott last Sunday evening with :lir. and Mrs. Kenneth Birtch and fam- ily of Windsor as dinner guests celebrating Mr. Abbott and Mr. Birtch's birthdays. The other guests were Mrs. Ab- bott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Birtch of Lucan, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Simpson visited Mr. day addressed to Send the facts in a letter to, and Mrs. Gordon Mains and Miss Elizabeth Mains at Dor- MR. JACKSON FORBES % Stevenson & Scott Limited chester, 100 Adelaide Street West -- Please turn to page 15 Toronto 1, Ontario llll ll l kpoktitiktkukkilltikiimikiikokiiimikkkkookik l k lll tikkkokiktikukkikkkiilitki lllllll Get The MOST For Your. MONEY! Quick Returns! Barley & Seed Grain CONTRACTS See our special contract on Malting' Barley before you sign. Fertilizer supplied with contract. • REGISTERED & COMMERCIAL NO. 1 SEED OATS Different Varieties — Also Barley, Peas, etc. FAST UNLOADING FACILITIES Drop In And See Us Today! Scott's Elevator Ltd. PHONE BA 7-4479 • : LUCAN I lllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllll llllllll lllllllllllll lllllll „ lllll IFIREISTREISIE111101112115g0011115111Ali,;'gi:lii.F.,..N11:iffilligel 0 New Mornin it yffe Show! NEW DAYTIME LINEUP ! John Dinkins pi—r re r r 6 t6 i6 a.m, Dave Wilson 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lloyd *vrr**..., 2 to 4 p.m, CFPL. RADJO. Al Mitchell evitrt9tittyy 4 to 8 p.m. 44.40*.e g:•• IP:X4 • .1*;:ox.:,•••.•;,•,:•:..*;:ew:4:4::.:://c.:e,..*e:20.:::::::::$ teeetterideteeeiter • Ate'e,iaeeBeege1iee. e.1