HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-20, Page 134
Cave. auxiliary
Crediton Comments visits Cromarty
Tho Gordon.Evening Aux-
, . , , . . . .• iliaryp Cavcn chord). were
guests of the Cromarty Alarion
United Church meeting
AIM Margaret Clark spent Ritchie Evenilr Auxiliary on
When the members of Wom. last week with her ;daughter, •
Auxiliary ef the United Mrs. Don %limey and family Tuesay vening,
church held their gaster meet- While Mr, Pinney was in how. Airs. A. kL PaYnard of Star -
they had as their .guests, tal at, Toronto. He raw:ilea la Was, guest speaker. Donna
tie ladies of the Centralia Uui home on Sunday. Ersman and Bonnie' liogarth of
teI Chttreh, Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. the local group ,conductal the
Airs, Russell Finkbobter we, afie1d Hui recently were devotional period. A musical.
coined the visitors And, Aim Mr. and Mrs, Alan Hill and member was given IV Mrs. Mir -
Arthur Attfield hadcharge of fatally of Clandeboye, Mr. and tray Coward, Mrs, Alex¥eikie,
ti devotions attist.ed by Mrs,lars, Bert Oiciley and family Carolyn Simpson and Mary
Sam King and mrs, lobed, , of pirr. Mrs, G. Hill returned Shaw and also bY Mrs. Tom
Re'd. • with them for a few days. . Scott, and Mrs. Gerald Carey,
alet by Mrs. ROss AleValls I Alr. Joe Gunn spent the cromarty.
And Mre, Orville Langford was i weekend at Toronto, attending The Cromarty WAIS were
followed by a reading "Through , a Liberal convention, also ggests,
the Darkness" by Mrs, Earl I Mrs. Lerne Prea4Cater AOC
Nell. Jean and Jean Esser), boys visited over the weekend;
Centralia couple
News .of 'Grand Bend k
Sy filftS, WPI-PPIPPP ait.t. l Sgt, and Mrs. 'Z. ,K. Far -
roll, RCAF Station, Centralia,
r ' ' ' 1 .. ' : : . '. . — ' .. Ac c';113.ri it lilev hi thillr thdanY palm.). c.; 'rel'Ilrit'ev..ri tthta 11111e1 dein o°rlicani. I bGerusild oin till ce
onTh,,telwiiN.s'Adayn,10Aetpilnig., .1-‘3vasin itteiltcle .tir.ogoaansociotraPsyll.11;alain:altilall 4 ,cornmeat,ary .i , Western ,
rU6niontieri wCititimr,;311 Sundayadicsprsecsicienoti. ,1,1,9turlr)e.rje,(v)Earizt, and family. —1.i aaalrolasa 1::11:4401afvUllainb,F4CtSravaleilds
Mrs, Elgin Adams, president, i WS. Lily Gill is Spending a ' Europe.
was in. the chair. ' ;few days with Mr. and Mrs.! Mr, Farrell is an accomP
The program in missionary Keith Charlton and Garry of , fished photographer and the
Monthly was followed, Mrs. C. London. !pictures were clear and des -
Reeves, Mrs. M. Thompson! Miss Carol Gin spent jaw eriptive,
and Mrs, M. *Gregor were week with friends in 1-iniPiltnqd President Mrs, 111 u rr ay
nanled to plant flowers around l Mr, and Mrs. William DM: Greene „conducted a brief W. -
the church. Proceeds from the have r e I. it r n e d home after siness period. Mrs. George J1
bazaar, bake sale and tea spending the winter in Florida, ther Sr, was hostess for the
Were $115,00, I Mr. and Mrs, Roger Parley meeting nnd was assisted at
The WMS meeting followed of London have moved to the coffee hour by Mrs. Ben
President Mrs, Ed Gill pre!) tgaicaeleid thBeenpdn,aitAilnin% als'armleaYeahgeara Case, Mrs. Homer Russell
. ang a duet after winch Rev. with her alstel, MI- and Mrs. . siciMerds., George Latta reported ! of the .Klondyke Gardens Co- I and Mrs' Herb 13reere' I
Staffa *ladles
Ii• 1-111t2 snOlte taking as his :R. Preiestly at Byron and vis- 1
topic "Easter in the Church," Red With ilcr 'husband Mr, .1-.• xtvilieth BGarbeyenv,BtayndBabwriBdanIdUeeent I°11rrast•IreGeLotdrie GrCaalptInId. j5! Two spinsters were discuss -
A. 9ocial time was enjoyed. Prnszdatnr Bt St' J"ePll's • May 25. !visiting her d a u gh t c r. and ing men, "Which would you
/ Hospital in London,
On April 30 the EUB church enjoy course Mrs. Merritt Thompson re- family in Toronto. I desire most in a husband,"
' ported several large boxes of ; Mr. W. B. Baker has 'been asked one, "brains, wealth or
'William Haviland wilt, hold their 110th anniver- ' ' good used clothing,12 new on the sick list 'and Miss appearance',"
• . sary, Rev, E, E. Hallman of 10y MRS, JOHN T EMP L. E MAN quilts, five used cuilts, two ' Doreen Baker,'RN, of London, "Appearance," snapped the
vateran of wars I
_ spea ei ,
Watekrlo.0 will he the g4eSt I The st.afla wemeiva Institute wool blankets, and a crib LitilltliS,reinding some time at home . other, 'and the sooner the bet
W li il s p o n s o r a cl a short course were sent in the hale, , vt 1 ier parents,' Mr. and IVIrs, ' ter." ,
In. Westminster lionital, Lon- home FridaY, IMr,:. Gordon day afternoon, April 13. This
ence" in Stata hall on «'---- voted
Wednesday, April 5,was Haviland and daughter, ate
born in Toronto in 1897, the with her this week.
Ile served in twe world wars, and underwent surgery on her ,
, course wag arranged by the
Ontario. Over 20 ladies were in
only son of the late. William ,Mrs. Clifford Hill, who was home economics services, de:
And Ellen Haviland, Toronto, a patient in Victoria Hospital pertinent of agriculture for
first with the Canadian Army head, returned home to her , attendance,
at staff driver, 1 -le remustered sister-in.law Mrs. Noble Scott, ' Centennial social
to the Royal Flying Corps and Exeter Saturday much im-1 'inc centennial committee
Mrs, m, ay and and son „ A donation of $25.00 was 1! . B. Baker.
WilJIaju liaviland, who died Gordon of Erindale returned Wheafood Makes a Differ- to be sent to Dr, :Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mitchell
for bales. I spent Saturday evening and
Mrs, Emery Des Jardins Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
gave an interesting report on Robert McDonald of Clinton
the Presbyterial at Wingham. and Wayne Mitchell spent the
Mrs, William Love also stress- weekend with his grandparents,
ed the importance of filling out Mr,1and Mrs. George Mitchell,
reports carefully and fully this of Moray.
year, The treasurer's report Alr, and Mrs. C. A, E. 13o -
vas given by Mrs. Allan Miller iberls left last week on a trip
who also gave a chapter on the to England.
study book with topic "I have! Mr, and Mrs,. John Kowal-
gone fora long, long trip—and chuk, Larry and Reid visited
Pin all alone", on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Mrs. Colin Love will take the N. Kowalchuk and faintly of
study hook for May. The presi.i London.
dent called, attention to "Lets! The amalgamation of Stan -
take a long look at ourselves" ley and Biddulph district Scar -
in Missionary Monthly, • lief Chanier brought six LOL
!lodges together at Greenway
CGIT attends rally
Ion Friday night, April 14,
'Thirty-one members of the when Wellwood Gill took the
ECGIT r nwni with etshrai their leaders,ineadMrs,rascarlet degree. The six lodges
were: Bayfield, Varna, Exeter,
Wilma DesJardine, attended Woodham, Lucan and Gran-
itic annual rally in North St, va
United Church in. Goderich.
Miss Aima Hendrick gradu-
ated at the evening graduation
Mrs. Jean Thurlow of Strat-
ford Teacher's College was the
guest speaker. She chose as
her subject "Unto the hills, do
receive(' his commission as ad'
prove , for SS No,3 Hibbert held a
2nd lieutenant in the RAF un- Mr, and Mrs, Oren Grace Of , social eveing recently. Pie -
lit the end of the war. Gibralter, Mich„ spent the; tures taken at the Centennial
He re-enlisted in World War . weekend withMr. and Mrs. I last summer were shown by
II as a flying officer instruct.
Wellington Heist. Mrs, Gerald Agar,Staffa, Mrs,
ing navigation. He retired frond Mfrs. Ezra Feist suffered a Beatrice Turner, Mitchell, and
the RCAF as Flight Lieutenant weak spell with a fall last Sun- M?, Bob Livingston of Hamil-
and carried on at Centralia I day evening and has been underton
Station with adinThistralivn du- 1 the doctort care and was eon- Some of the school children
ties as a civilian until 1960 fined to her bed .but shows participated in a skit and Mrs.
when j11 -health forced him to sorne 'inprovernerit.
°tire. Mt. and Mrs, Wilmer Pfaff nRuembebrotra.Sadler, Jr, sang two
He is survived by his wife, and family have moved into Lunch was served followed
Margaret, one son, Gordon,
by a dance ‘yith Mr, Nelson
and two grandchildren, Elliott
Howe and Carol providing the
and Heather,
music. A good crowd attended,
Personal items
the house formerly occupied by
Mr, and Mrs. Neilson Schenk
now owned by Mr. Gerald
Miss Edna Ellber and Mrs,
John Jr. Geboski of Ubly, Mi-
chigan, called oh Miss Ella
Link, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs.
Couple wed
50 years
• Mr. and Mrs. EdWln Beaver
celebrated their. 50th wedding
anniversary on Saturday, April
15 with a family dinner at The
Colonial, Grand Bend, They
were married 'at Toronto, April
18, 1011. Their daughter (Edna)
Mrs. Arnold Rohertson and
husband and daughter, Anne of
London spent the day with
th em
Mr, and Mrs. Beaver have
not had the best of health of
late years but enjoyed the day
very much. They 'received
many cards and congratulations
and a .beautiful cake was don-
ated by the daughter to serve
to their friends and neighbors
when they called this week.
Personal items
1)*Mrs. Clarence Fahner re-
0rned home from Hospital at
'widen last week,
• Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Spar -
ling of Walkerton visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon tillerlock
on Sunday..
".. .. .t.Z.;!;;;;:ezelMatta=1;•;:;;.=;;;••=gM
Topics frOm
Recent visitors with Miss
Margaret and Mr, James Mill-
er were Mr. and Mrs, Eldred
Harry Beaver. MeNicol and Mr, George 1141.11 -
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Heist er, all of Londen.
celebrated their 40th wedding
Anniversary on Sunday with a
family dinner at the Dominion
Hotel at Zurich.
Mr: Elmer Lawson was taken
to London to Victoria Hospital
on Monday with pneumonia.
Mrs. Pearl Faulhater of Kit- useziomm.m.?aumm=gorlig
chener spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Bender and Personal tems
family and with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ruby Coleman of Clyde,
Allan Becker and family. Michigan accompanied by her
Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Faist sister, !Mrs. Marvin Smith of
Paducah, Kentucky, visited on
Wednesday with her niece,
Mrs. 'Hugh Morenz, Mr. Mor-
enz and Billie.
Mr.. and Mrs. Don Adams,
Mark and Brock of London
were weekend visitors at the
home of Don's parents, Mr.
and Mts. Les Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke
attended the funeral of Mrs.
Clarkes grandfather, Mr. Wil-
bert,Yount at the:13ox-Fictieral
Home in Parkhill on Monday,
Mr. John Lamport of Tor-
onto is spending several days
this week with his mother,
Mrs. E. Lamport and brother,
Mr. Tom Lamport.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Chap-
man of London were weekend
visitors with Mr. and (Mrs. Hugh
Morenz and Billie.
Miss Marlene Clarke was a
Wednesday visitor with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Young at Corbett.
Report on
and family of Kitchener spent
Saturday with the former's. mo-
ther Mrs. Ezra Feist and Nola.
Mrs. F. Feist was up for a
few days this week with Mrs,
Ezra Faist.
Mr, Lorne Preszcator re-
turned home from London Hos-
pital on Tuesday.
News from North
Personal items
Mr. Roger Farley of Farley
Produce, London, has been
named successor to William
Blewett as manager of the
Kiondyke Gardens storage. Mr.
By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE and Mrs. Farley are living at
Grand Bend'ants of the 48th
WMS meeting, Highlanders, Toronto, visited
The Easter meeting of the the sergeants of the RCR camp,
WMS was held in the base-
ipperwash last Saturday and
ment of the church. last Thurs. Sunday in return for the lat-
dav with 13 members present. ter's visit for Robert Burns'
Mrs. J. Wareham presided day last January 25,
for the thankbffering service.
A story on "Courage" was read
by Mrs, Fred Doupe and Mrs.
Lawrence , Copeland gave a
reading on "Easter".
The president Mrs. F. Doupe
presided for the business.
Lunch was served and a social
time spent.
Personal items
Mrs. Roy Kirk, of Granton,
scent the weekend with Misses
Blanche and Rhea Mills.
Mr. and (Mrs, Glenn Lam-
bert, Marilyn and Dennis of
Davison, Mich, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Jacques, Danny, Deb-
orah and Nancy were Sunday
guests with Mrs, M. Jacques,
Mr. and Mrs, Vic Jenssen
40 and family motored to Hearst ( for the weekend and virAed
with the fortner's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Jenssen and other
Mr. !and Mrs, Orland Squire,
Elaine and Don, of Centralia,
were Sunday., visitors with Mr,
Mrs, Harry Squire and,
faip, •
Mrs, Arthur Hopkins, Mrs.
Vic Chatten visited on Thurs-
day with Mr. Arthur Hopkins
at Westalinster Hospital, Lon-
Mrs. Cecil IMossey of Eighth
Line was the guest of Misses
Blanche and Rhea Mills on
Thursday last,
Mr, and Mrs. 13ruce Kettle,
Mitt Betty Kettle and Big
Courtney of Midland, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Chatten of Lon-
don, Mr, and ;Mrs. Vic Chat -
ten and Barbara were visitors
with WS, H Chatten and
Mrs. Fred johntton,Alitchell,
tpetit Wednesday afternoon
vitt) her niece, Mrs, Arthur
Alit, Arnold Hern, Miss Car-
elYit flern, Barbara Chatten,
Mts, William Rundle, tAfrs.
Gerald Brintnell and Mrs. Don
Wilson attended a tnitcellane..
out shower at the home ef.
Mrs, S: Simpson, Thaniet Road
ter Mist Margaret Andersen
on Monday evening last prior
to her Marriage on Saturday.
Mr, Ralph Wareham, Miss
Jeanne Webb, Robert Ware-
ham, Douglas and Dennis
Webb and Jim Rundle attended
the hockey game between St,
Marys And Owen Sound An Sat-
urday eVelillig in Stratford
, I Owing 16 the illness of the
patter, ReV. J, 'Wareham, the
church serviee was withdrawn
00 Sunday Merning.
It inay be the *best that the
average person is in a rut, If
he should crawl out he might
get lost.
011111111111111111111111/1 ..... 11111111 llllll 1 llllll 1111 lllll 1 llllllllll 1/ lllll 111111111111111111111111111 llllllll 1 lllll 11111111110
Rafuse, Ford & Keast
L, E. Refuse R. L. Ford K. C. Keast
348 TALBOT ST. Phone GE .2-7452 LONDON
iiiffilliti1111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111t1111111111111111111111111111U.UM l I lllll It lllll 111111111111111t1ifilmj%
As beautiful as it is durable;
new CHIA Fashibil Gloss
Briaruel is the perfect answer
for kitchen and bathroOin
Walls—walls that should
be easy on the eyel) yet
Choose from a full range br
Moderti decorator colors in
this new Oft -Sheen enamel
from C41. •
Lindenfields Ltd
Your CIL. Paint Headqtiartett
This 'n that
Continued from page 12
the Henry VIII production
alone while Coriolanus and
I lift up my longing eyes, Love's
from whence shall my salve- Labor Lost call for
quite a number,
tion come". A millinery department has
Mrs, Don Hendrick and Mrs. , '
been established for the first
Ed Gill attended the rally
with the group. time at the theatre to cope
. with the demand, Lily Jamon,
Receives , degree Toronto, will continue to do
Miss Evelyn Jeanne Desjar- the larger part of the milli -
dine, Grand Bend, last Sunday nery work. She has made the
was awarded a Bachelor of hats since 1953.
Theology degree from AlbertaSophia Marten of Vienna will
Bible Institute in Camrose, Al-
undertake the extra millinery
project and will have. to cre-
berta. She received her' major
in Bible with minors in the-, ate from bishop's miters to
ology and Christian Education. the beret type hat worn by
Personal items Henry VIII. All Must be elab-
orately jewelled and embroici-
!Miss April Whiting of Park- 'ered. The majority of the
hill and Miss Donna Ruth women s millinery will be
Sturdevant spent the weekend fashioned from the same rich
with their grandparents, Mr. brocades and velvets of which
and Mrs. William Love, the gowns are made.
Mr. and Mrs. William' Love, Meanwhile the opehing date
Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting of June 19 comes closer. Be-.
and family of Pa'flehill' itterid-' ar s a rted --this MoridiV.`
• I
• Industrial Control, 550, 220, 110 Voltage
Transformer, Motor and Control Equipment Installation
House, Barn, Motel, Hotel
llllllllll 11111111111111111t111111111111 l 11 ll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
M1111111111111.1111111111111111111111101111tH1111111111111111 .
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
ncsday afternoon and dur-
ing the evening through-
out the week.
South End
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