HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-20, Page 10tl! Page 10 The Times -Advocate, April 20, 1961 TimesigAdvocat.., sifi win sc ads 01. rs from r a CLASSIFIED RATES 22 Words, .85 !ah Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850) 20c Off If. paid by Saturday following last ieSertion, Second Insertion 21/2 PER WORP (IVIininitn 550) Six Insertions 2, PER WC,RI, (Minimum 450 SemiDisplay Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per 1.41 $1.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 FOR SALE— MAPLE SYRUP—A few gal - leas of first quality maple sYrup still available at a re- duced price. W. Morley, phone 226. 20* KITCHEN SINK, Youngstown, double drainboard; Fess oil burner; 3 white Venetian blinds„ two 34", one 33" wide; white kitchen cupboard with enamel top; 35 -ft. used Korner cable. W 1111 a m Coleman, Kippen„ phone 263J1 Hensall, 20* 400 PULLETS, Kimber 137, ready to lay. Howard PyITI, phone Kirkton 90r22. 20e PROPANE GAS TANK, 250 gallens, complete with 2 regu- lators and fittings, containing 50' of gas at present tine; 40 -ft. trailer, 8' wide. Contact Archie McGregor, Hansen, or apply Times -Advocate, Exeter. 13:20* UPRIGHT PIANO, Nordheim- er, in very good condition, Phone 404M Exeter. 13:20c FOR SALE CilAINWAY—Blanket Sale — Ideal for borne or cottage. Grey wool mixtare, $3.19; plaid patterns, $3.77; satin boend, 5 colors, $3.77. ATTENTION, FARMERS ;QINAMg.APIA!, ..91;,TRATQRS. Largest Truck Stock In Huron County! '59 Chev 31/2 ton, 19,500 GVW, with 14' staice, racks and tarp, driven only 21,000 miles. '59 Bedford Panel, locally - owned, 21,000 miles, $1,195, '57 Chey pielcup, custom cab, excellent condition, '57 Chev 1/2. -ton pickup, long box, excellent condition, FOR SALE — SIMMONS jABY :CHICKS -,--, .GOOD ASSORTMENT breeds, • in started pullets, ,PrelliPt ship - merit. Dayolds, including Ames • MATTRESSES in -Cross, so= for prompt de •June -July broilers, order pow. tiverY. and batched to order." 0ray HatchcrY • Eric Oarsead, are good mattresses. You see, them fin TV, in the magazines and in many good homes. We have In stook the new Sim.- mons quilt tot), the Beauty Rest. The full line .of Simmoes mattresses and other matt- resses in stoek. from .$14,00 When houseeleaning this spring, get your mattress from • deli, Exeter, phone 246W, 20cn pfflts Started Three months old, reedy for range. Also 18 week Pia and read:, to Jay, SANDY ELLIOT ELZAR MOUSSEAV THE PRICES ARE Kippee, Phone Hensel], 278w4 ATTRACTIVE • 20:27c 20c FEEDER PIGS; 2 Durham bull calves, Apply to Allan Farms, Kirkton, phone 30r7, 20* SPRING SALE at Chainway — Hardwood folding stools, 880; cotton sheets, .6300, $3.39 pair; 71x90 $3 77 air 20* , . p Minimum one inch, accepted '57 Dodge 1/2 -ton pickup, excel- only in multiples of 1/2 inch, lent body, recent new mo- BANJO, orphanie sPedul num" NEW SCOUREX FOR SALE— MIXED HAY, choice quality, conditioned. Ken Elder, phone Give 2 tablets followed by 1 269J2 Hensall. 20:27* every 12 hours until condition is corrected, FARm suppuEs, Effective treatment for Scours in Calves HARROW TEETH t ! CULTIVATOR TEETH GRAIN DRILL SPOUTS WATER TANKS STEEL & WOOD HOG FEEDERS POULTRY FEEDERS & WATERERS CEDAR & STEEL FENCE POSTS ANCHOR POSTS WIRE FENCING OF ALL KINDS WOOD GATES HAY, GRAIN & TRUGK RACKS MADE TO ORDER PLYWOOD & LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES RUSSELL DOUBE HARDWARE 11/2 Miles East of Woodham RR 6 St. Marys 23;30:6:13:20:27c POTATOES, No. 1 and No. 2; also feed potatoes. H. Soudant, RR 1 Varna, 2 miles north of Hillsgreen, phone Hensall 695- r-4 or 6964-12. 3:94:13tfe POTATOES, Irish Cobblers, fit for seed. M. Coilez, RR 2 Grand Bend phone 176. 30:7:14:21* THE NEW OPTIMA TYPEWRITER IS LOADED WITH FEATURES and it sells for only $89.00 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfc THINNERS — 2 single unit mechanical beet and turnip thinners, to fit any standard scuffler. Phone 234.6410 Credi- ton, 4:13tfnc PENS JY 194 REFILL GET PEN FREE Desk Sets Oily 8 Left Regular $3,50 SPECIAL $2.35 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 262c Acetate SHEET PROTECTORS Protect those sheets in your x 11 binders HALF PRICE 2 for 250 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE MIIDDLETON'S DRUGS Successor to Andrew Johnston PHONE 447 EXETER 20c t VIKING ELECTRIC SEPARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton 3:30tfnc eow 130AR, purebred Lacombe, 15 months old. William Coleman, Kippen, phone 263J1 Hensel. 20* DON'T MISS Chainway April Sale -3 -piece mixing bowl set, 730; plastic pails, 690; plastic dishpans, 73c. .20* REFRIGERATOR, 10 cu. ft., Leonard, in good condition; McClary 24" electric range, 4 - burner, fully automatic, like new; continental bed; chrome table. These articles are' very reasonably priced. For further information apply Times -Advo- cate or Mr. Valeourt, Green - acres, Grand Bend. 20c CHAINWAY SALE — Plastic , drapes, 990; tea aprons, 29e; I16 -inch square cushions, 770; kiddies' ankle sox, 150. 20* ;MIXED • HAY, good quality, 1 square bales. Lawrence Taylor, RR 1 Grand Bend. 20* i CHILDREN'S BLAZERS, boy's ;sport jacket, boy's coat set, size 6; man's navy suit, size 40; 3 ladies' suits, blue, green, grey, size 16; several dresses, white skirt, green blouse. size 18. May be seen at Mid -Town' Cleaners. 20* 14 -FT. BOAT, canvas boat co- ver, boat trailer, outboard mo- tor, life preservers etc. Must be sold cheap for cash. Phone Kirkton 14r14. 20* APRIL SALE at Chainway — nylon firsts, 430, 2 pair 790; 1/2 slips, 690; blouses, 59e each, 2 for $1.00. 20* COLONY HOUSE, chicken, in good condition. Apply Joe White, RR 1 Crediton, phone AC 8-6231. 20* 2 YORK SOWS, registered, one due within one week. Phone 44- !8 Kirkton, Lewis Johns & Son, 20* 9 PIGS, York, 9 weeks old. Laverne Rodd, Woodham, phone 22r14 Kirkton. 20* HOLSTEIN HEIFER, due with- in 1 month, artificial bred. Apply Bert Bax, RR 1 Wood- ham. 20:27* GIRL'S CYCLETTE, 2 -wheel, in excellent condition; baby carriage. Apply 94 Simcoe St., or phone 790, 20c BOY'S SPORT COAT, grey and black mix, size 10, in good con- dition, Apply at Mid Town Cleaners. 20* OLIVER 99 TRACTOR, in good condition; also 1947 Keck. Gonnerman bean xnachine. Phone 117 Dashwood. 20nc OFFICE EQUIPMENT—Head- quarters for Royal typewriters, Victor adding machines. We can save you money! Exeter Times.Advocate, phone 770, 27tfc :id If t Ito t ttli Istittmit tiff mitt utitiptitit tam tu tit! mut I If It 1111 it t t With For Rent 400 ACRES OF CHOICE PASTURE LAND Good Fences Excellent Wafer Supply For Sale 200 ACRE FARM — 40 ACRES BUSH Well Drained and Fenced — Large Barn I 4 Bedroom House — Trench Sile — Upright Silo • • Contact Reg McGee & Sons Ltd. Dodge Chrysler Sideg PHONE JA 4,7801 GODER1dH Lftwumamomminomiyothulmmonmunomomodumolmmumhommwoollowilmol.4 tor, $895. her three "Collector's Item", '56 Dodge 1/2 -ton panel, posi- tively like new. '55 Chev 1 -tori pickup '55 Ford 4 -ton dump, 6 -yd. box, completely rebuilt hoist. '54 Mercury 1/2 -ton pickup, post tively like new. '54 GMC 31/2 -ton, 157" wheel- base, 270 cu. in. motor, 900x20 tires, '53 Chev 21/2 -ton stake, with rack and tarp, excellent shape. '53 Ford 3 -ton, recent new mo- tor, 14 -ft, rack with loading chute etc, '53 Dodge 1/2 -ton pickup, 40,000 miles. '52 International 3 -ton, chassis and cab, excellent motor, 175" wheelbase. '52 Choy 31/2 -ton, 15 -ft. stake body, excellent condition. '50 Dodge 1/2 -ton pickup '50 Chev Vs -ton pickup '50 Ford 1/2 -ton pickup '49 Chev 1 -ton pickup Note: If you are thinking of a new truck, we can save you money, Pearson Motors Ltd. GMC Trucks - Bedford Vans Phone 78 Zurich Phone 608 Exeter 20c APRIL SHOWER of bargains at Chainway — English semi - porcelain cups and saucers, 390 each, 3 for $1.00; scatter mats, reg. $1,98, sale $1.47. 20* .." DURHAM 'CM., third calf, just fresh; clean lest; 2 Hol- stein cows, third calf, just fresh, clean test; also calves for sale at all times, Holstein, Durham and Hereford. Ralph Hitchcock, RR 1 Lucan. 20c SEWING MACHINE, electric, fully automatic, with reverse stitching and all accessories to fit, brand new and priced rea- sonable. Irvin Eckstein, RR 1 Dashwood, phone 58r5. 20e VACUUM CLEANER, Ken- more, like new. Phone AC 8- 6892. 20: 27* BICYCLE, 3 -speed English BINDER, McCormick Deering, racer with caliper brakes, fully 8 ft., tractor hitch, William equipped for night riding. Allen, Winchelsea. 20* Phone 164r8 Dashwood. 20* good shape. Phone 1188 Exeter. 20* MOTOR, transmission and ra- diator for '47 International pickup, Contact Roland Gibson, Shipka. 20* C013 CORN, 4 tons; 3 black Hereford yearlings; two 2 -year- old Durham heifers; '75 bales mixed hay. Melvin DesJ ardine, Grand Bend, phone 73r11, 20* IQA Market FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL '6 to 9 p.m, only WANTED TO BUY -- TRICYCLE, large size. Phone ,17W, 20c WANTED TO RENT — 100 0R200 ACRES mediurn loam. Highest prices paid for good land, Apply 136x No. STS, Times -Advocate, 4:13tfnc LAND for cultivation, Contact Laverne Rodd, RR 1 Woodharn, or phone Kirkton 22r14. 20* FCR RENT— MODERN APARTMENT, un- furnished, 2 -bedroom, central location, automatic washer and dryer. Phone 710, 13:20:27c APARTMENT, 426 Main St., modern, 3 rooms; and. bath, heated, unfurnished, hot and cold water, suitable for couple without children, ;Apply at Times -Advocate. 3: 30tfne ' "• i 3 -ROOM APARTMENT. fur, ICE CREAM BRICKS, 17e nished and heated, private 4- 20c piece bath, separate entrance. No pets, please. Apply 169 Wil - 32 YEARLING STEERS, white liam St, or phone 400W. faced, A p p1 y Lynn Bros,, 3;16 tine Clandeboye, phone 46r77 Lucan. 20* LIVING ROOM RUG, fine quality, beige color with, de- sign pattern, 12'x11'6" with rubber underpad, very attract- ive. Mrs, W. Morley, 308 An- drew SL, phone 226. 20* • SPRING COAT, misses' size .12, green. Phone 410 Exeter or apply at Brady Cleaners. 20c 3 -FURROW PLOUGH, Interna- tional, ace bottom, on. steel. Apply Emerson Penhale, first farm east of Elimville, phone Kirkton 25r17. 20* CHROME & DrNE'FIT sets; bedroom suites; chesterfield suites; baby cribs and car- riages; television and radio; refrigerators; ranges; washing machines; dryers; everything for the home. When furpishing 1 your new home, we invite you to browse around our store. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 20c KENNELS, 1 u 1 1 y equipped, electrically wired, 10'x14', com- plete with individual inside and outside runs, pup pens, etc., in good condition. Priced to sell. Apply to A, Martin, Zurich, phone 76r5. 20c GERMAN SHEPHERDS, regis- tered. Exceptional male, -4 years, beautiful black-siler, championship bloodlines. $50. Females: 11/2 years, tan, daugh- ter of above sire, $30; 21/2 years, black -silver, $25. Must sell; change location. A. Mar- tin, Zurich, Ont., phone 76r5, 20c GOOD PASTURE, 50 acres, on clay land, near Dashwood, Wally Wein, phone 54 Dash- wood. 6:13:20:27c APARTMENT, 3 -room, furnish- ed or unfurnished,. centrally lo- cated, all utilities paid, im- mediate pessession. Phone 73:' 20C UPPER APARTMENT, 3 -bed- room, private entrance and private bath, Available -Amy. John Burke, phone 863. 4: 13tfnc APARTMENT, all modern con- veniences, hot water heating, attractive, complete privacy, bathroom,1 a un. d r y, garage, i available mmediately. William Oestricher, phone 234-6455 Cred- iton. • - . 4:6.tfnc HOUSE, 2 -bedroom, modern conveniences, available May 1. Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen, ot phone 2651171 Hensall. 13:20* APARTMENT, completely re- modelled, enlarged and re- decorated, three-room, main floor, centrally located, heated, private entrance and bath, built-in kitchen cupboards. Available May 1. Phone 17w or apply 365 William St. 4:13tfnc 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, lower, unfurnished, heated, newly de- corated,: het and cold water, immediate possession. ,Apply V. Overholt, Centralia, or phone AC 8-6867, SMALL COTTAGE, suitable for 2 adults. Phone 276. 18c GRASS LAND, 50 acres, 16th .. ....... • : . . ' . concession Stephen Township. Apply at Times -Advocate. 20c FOR RENT— NOW RENTING OFFIcg. SPACE in the new Dem iimilding. at Main and Httren Streets, Also space :suitable for light pier. cantile such as barber shop, beauty parlor, milliner, tailor shop, ..gte, Rents, are surpris- ingly reesonable, Contact: 4917IN :PPR IcE • 534 Main' Street EXETER, - pi-toNg 863 ' 420 Uric APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, bath, Icitehen, living room, private entraece, sitnated'. at 114 Huron St. West, Available May 1, Phone 318 or 654. 4:20tflic APARTMENT, heated, furnish- ed, hot water, central, avail, able at once. Apply Beaver Hardware, 4:20tfnc APARTMENT, lower, 3 rooms,, oil heated, private bath, re- frigerator and stove supplied, utilities paid, immediate pos- session, Apply 321 Huron St. W., Exeter, 20* GRASSLAND, 75 acres. Apply Bruce Tuckey, PO Box 795, Exeter, 20:27* FOUND— YEARLING STEER, Hereford, strayed onto Lot 5, Concession 4, Hay Township and presently at Lot 5, Concession 3, Hay Township, Owner can have Same by proving •niarks and other identifications and paying' for expenses. Stewart Triebner, RR 1 Exeter. 6:13;20c LOST— GOLD WEDDING BAND, nar- row, gentlemen's; also gold ring with ruby stone and K of C crest. Anyone having in- formation regarding these ar- ticles please contact Tini es - Advocate, phone 770. 20* HELP WANTED (Male) — MAN WANTED for established Route Watkins Products. No experience necessary. Full or part time. Write J, Gauthier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. 13:20:27c • OPPORTUNITY now :for two men, preferably between the ages of 40 and 55, to sell ice- cream in the rural area. 'Year- round employment at an at- tractive 'wage for the right personnel. Phone AC 8-6296. 20c E X P E RIENCED accountant, bookkeeper, typist, small office in Exeter, references required. PO Box. 812, Exeter. 20c MIDDLA,AGED MAN for night crew supervision. Apply plant manager, Tuckey Beverages, 20c TRACTOR SALES AND SERVICE MAN Wanted Immediately Preferably one with Ford .Experience Hospitalization and Pension Plan Apply to LARRY SNIDER Phone 624 • Exeter 20c HELP WANTED (Femslo) SgRVICES_ STENOGRAPHBE — Apply in writing to BOX SPL, EXeter Times -Advocate, 2: 2tfc RESPONSIBLE married wo- man to bole after child one Year eld and perform light household duties, commencing May 1. References required, Apply no Sanders St. E, or phone 877, 20:27e GIRL for kitchen work; .also woman for part-time, evening, has to have experience in short order cooking. No phone palls, please gall, in person Or write to Rether'S. Restaurant,. 20c CHAMBERMA1D, good health, capable, :mid - June to mid- September, age 25 to 50. Write Oakwood Inn, Grand Beed, 20c CAPABLE WOMAN to run dishwashing machine, wash pots, and pans and kitchen floor, age 25 to 50 Write Oak- wood Inn, Grand Bend. 200 HELP WANTED— Teacher Wanted Lucan Public School requires for September 1 a qualified kindergarten teacher for mornings only. Those interest- ed in the position please apply stating qualifications, etc, to: J, C. MURDY, Secretary -Treasurer, .Lucan, Ontario 20e EMPLOYMENT WANTED PRIVATE SECRETARY desires position around Exeter vicinity. Has six years experience. State remuneration and hours. Available May 1. Reply to Box PTS, Times -Advocate, 6:13:20* SERVICES— INSTALLATIONS on septic tanks and drainage. SANITATION SERVICE Septic tank pumping and drainage repairs. • • BILL FINCH Phone 205 Grand Bend 15:22:29*tfc CATTLE SPRAYING — Anyone wishing their cattle sprayed fot. lice, call tiirWatson, phone 37r19 Dashwodd. 12:8tfc Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" Farmer owned and controlled Service at cost Choice of bull and breed Our artificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient livestock operation For service or more information call: CLINTON ZENITH 9.5650 Better Cattle For Better Living s'i''Ite*VIntatMe.9.11,Z1NIMeRetiattMAI=.:Vng...e.M.I0==tUlttWig..,It Business !rectory PRECISION GRANULATED FERTILIZER . 4/ COMPLETELY GRANULAR 4/ DUST -FREE 4/ ALWAYS FLOWS FREELY • ONLY SUPER FLOW IS 'PRECISION GRANULATED 1 TO GIVE THESE BENEFITS No dogging or skipping—The controlled range of granule size gived a smooth, constant flow, acre after acre. Gives more evert distribution of plant fdocl . more uniform crops. Savo time and work—You waste no time clearing and resetting eqUipment. You save time in the field. DUSI-Fteis.---More pleasant to handle and no loss on van" dy days. Ecittipment id easier to clean, , . Highly solublez--More phosphorous made available, too itethetriber, only SUMP. FLOW is "precision paint. lated.". It's the top-rated granular fertilizer' on the /market teclay: Ask your neighbour who uses it! . • Order from your SUPER FLOW fertilizer dealer A product of Congdion Industries Limited • G, A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY Por Appointment Phone 606 DR. J. W., CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building" Phone 273 axeter Closed. Wednesday Afternoons W, G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel, Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 PHONE 14 EXETER DR. H, H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 36 SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE 'SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 , EXETER USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter? Ontario Prcesiderit Milton McCerdy, RR 1 Kirkton Vice -President Timothy B. Toohey Ittl, a Luca!). Directors A. Clayton Colquhoun 1tR 1 Science Hill Feehey nrt 2 Dublin. Robert c. 'Gardiner RR i Cromarty Atex T. itehtle RR 3 Mitchell Agents Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton 1larris Miteheit Stanley necking ultdidn Solicitor W. d. Gechrane EXeler Seereta ry-T roe surer Arthur Fraser Exeter • BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D, BELL, Q.C. C. V, LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB Zurich Offke Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service ' at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX' REPOIITS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann St,., Exeter Phone Seil N. L, MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main street, Exeter Olsen Every Weekday Except, Wednesday For Appointment Phone 355 NORMAN . yiscsggi plumbinf; ,and ,oteetrie. ?hoop, 4011 Dash wood. Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 13:17tfc Dead or Diseased Trees? We 4pepialize in cutting and removal of trees. M. L. M,eINTYRE Phone Exeter 309-J 6:ethic FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Repairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Used vacuum cleaners of all makes for sale, Bob Peck, phone Hen- sel! 696r2. 11:24-12:29*tfc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 3:17Unc SPRAYING -- Anyone wishing to have their barns sprayed for brucellosis or cattle spray- ed for lice,' call Hubert Cooper, 599J3 Exeer. 10:13.11:24*tfnc FOR PROMPT SERVICE for dead or disabled animals. Any- thing over 300 lbs„ we pay the phone call, Seven *days a week service. Phone Ed Andrews, 863w1 Seaforth, Truck licensed under Dead Stock. Disposal Act, Licence No. 66C61. 3:30-6:29* SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, always available. Butler Bros., Lucan, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect, 8:4tfnc ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 8 :15; 22: 29*tf c SED CAR VALUES ! 1961 COMET Sedan, white, 2,000 miles. '60 FORD STARLINER Completely Equipped Dual -range automatic, ra- dio, clock, rear speaker; wheelswhiteand tire.alls, full discs, 7 1958 METEOR Sedan, auto- matic, snow tires, 21,000 miles, two-tone, like new. 1957 PONTIAC, V-8, straight stick. 1957 CHEV Sddan, auto- matic, 6 -cylinder. Better than new. 1957 METEOR Sedan, auto- matic trans., two - tone, new tires, excellent. • 1955 METEOR Tudor, like new, white. 1957 AUSTIN Sedan, per - feet condition, snow tires. 1953 AUSTIN, blue, 0 GOODYEAR TIRE SALE 670x15 White Walls, Tubeless SET OF FOUR 1$60.00 Plus Old Casings, 670x15 As Low As $9.95 (Plus Old Casings) Our Special This •Week 750x14 WHITE WALLS Reg. $30.95 3 FOR $92.85 And You 'Get ONE FREE! ODD SIZES IN STOCK at GREAT REDUCTIONS' South -End Service Russ and Chuck Shelf PHONE 328 EXEttit,