HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-10-07, Page 4t
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A By•Iww to IOIbOt.s the Warlike d THEMbsesttf
ber will ceeeten, Leq_se
nee Veiled Coeell's of Herr Perth oMer
end Brace, to mous Debeateree is myelin
tweet fiethousand 'bare. of the /e
crone! Copies/ Steck of Ile Brantford 'tad
Sepal. Jwat Stock Railroad Cowpony.
WMrana the Dhrectors of the Brantford
sod Buffer. last Stock Railroad Coates,
have Reaeired to &tend the line of the
Sreatlord and Buffalo Railroad fres its
past.( lettermen/ea with the Great Wes -
len Radr.a4, to the Tows of God•ecb, i.
the County of Il0ror; sod ander a Rrs.lu•
Bela by them poised for that purpose, bare
senior t ed tie subscription of 64 tlemeaedq
odditlunal stereo to the Capital Stock of tie
said Company.
Ad, where', the Wades of the fisted
Counties of Iluros Perth sod Bruce, is a"
esedeace with a Resolution of the Wiwi
pal County Council of the said Loltd Com-
te., aulborialeg him so to dobe', fur and os
bebalf of the mud United Counties, robecr•
bed for and acquired, and the said thole
Counties DOW bold and Own tweet, fir•
'housed shares of tbe said Addrtieaab
Shares In the Capital Stock of the Bran-
ford and Buffalo Joioi Stock Railroad Com•
peat' of the price or "slue of fire pond.
each abare.
And whereas itis expedient to empower
the Warden eat, said United Coutes,
from time to time,.. be shall be thereat°
required by Resolution of she Municipal
Council of the said U.iied Counter, to issue
and greet debentures of lbs aiJ Munici-
pality for the auto of one hundred sod
twenty fire thouuod pound., the price or
value of the said twenty five thoovered "bares
and to MI! payment thereof, payable os the
first day of July one thouuod right hyo
died and seventy two, the said D:benture
to bear Interest payable semi siblually.
And whereas for the payment of the mud
Debentures and the Interest theme, at
the period, and times ef„reeud It will be
n ecessary fur the "aid Municipality to ruse
meetly as a Special Rote over and above
• nJ In adddiuon to all otter Reiss and
Taxes whatsoever es follow", nkat is to say
-in each year for and during the period el
twesty year., commencing on the first day
of July one thouutJ e'en hundred and
fill! -two and e.teoding to the first day of
Jsly o1.• thousand elgbl hundred and seven-
ty two the sum 01 thirteen Ibouuod wee
heeded and fifty pounds.
And ieh the Rateable Property rf
the said tinned Counties according to the
sssesement of the some for the now nen
precee.ltng Financial year amount" to Ibe
n um of one million one hundred aod.t.D
ttoeeed pounds.
And whereas for t' e payment of the en
freest semi annually on, and lair -the creation
of a Siete Fume for the peymeot of the
Principal of, such Debenture" .o to be is
e u.J a •ro:aaid for the a(oreeaid mum of
one hundred and twenty-five tbounod
pound,. and pay.ble at the period aforesaid
It will bo n•cesery to .......levy sed roue
upon the whole Rateable roperty within
the •s,J Uuuted Coushem of Huron, Perth
and Bruce,' Special Rate in etch year dur-
ing the continuance of the said Debenture
or any of them on the um or sums by them
made payable, or any part thereof, over
and above and io addition to all other Rates
and Tues whatsoever as follows --that re
to Ray -In each year for and duriog the
Raid period of twenty yen commencing on
the first day of July one ihoueand eight
hundred esti fifty-two, and extending to the
first day of July one tbou.nd eight hundred
and seventy-two three pence in the pound.
1.1. Be it therefore enacted by the \fuel
cipal Council of the United Comities of
Huron. Perth and Bruce, constituted, .ad is
Council ..Rambled under and by virtue of
the "tipper Canada Municipal Corpnratios
Ael.," and it is hereby enacted, that from
aid after the paaiune of this By•Low-tbe
Wardeo of the nd United Counties, .iaIt
have power and authority, and be is hereby
authorised, empowered alai required to is-
sue, grant ini with. Debentures of the said
Municipality of the .std Jailed Cousins,
for the num of one hundred and twenty Eve
thousand pound. in lull payment of all
antler due and owing, or to become dor
and owing by lb. said Municipality, for or
on menet of or to respect of, twenty-five
th',us.od shares of the CArITAt. STnte of
the Br,inilied and Buffalo Jo et Stock Rail-
road Cnu,peny, beld and owned by 1110 said
M'io,cipahty, provided always that each de.
Metes at all not be for a le.. sum than
twenty -fire pound.. And provided further
that the Warden for the tune being, shill
testae no eucb debenture or deb, nt0r04 un-
der and hy virtue of this Dy -Law, except
he .hall he first thereinto rrqutred by Revo-
lution of the aid Municipal Cuunctl.
2nd. And be it further enacted that the
said sum of one hundied and' tweety•fiye
thousand pound', and U:e debeotur.e Meru
for, si,oIl become dueled be payable os ilei
first dhv 01 July, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight bemired and serest,
3rd. And be it further enacted, That the
said Debentures "hall hear intertat from sail
after the date thereof at and after the rue
of six per cent. per annum, and "hall be
payable at such place or places, either with•
to or without this Providence ee the said
Wards. for the time being "hall think pro-
per; and that each iotereot shall be, and
stall to the said debentures be made payable
semi-annually et inch time or times, and
wcll place or places either nn'un or with-
out this Proneee as the said \Verden is the
said debentures shall dung•ate Ana appoint ;
and the maid debenture, Miall be reed and
granted under the Corporate Seal of the
at td"Mluaieupality, and shall be rg0ed by the
"aid W'ardn, and .hall be countermined by
the Treaeurer n( the *aid 1looicipality, aid
the raid Warden and 1' 0100rcr for the time
being are hereby authorized empowered and
required .oto sign and countersign Iheerne :
and the said debenture. "hall have Comers
attached to teem for theinterest which
said Cowper' shill in like mann be caned
and countermined by tee said Wa,Jep and
Treasurer reeprcure;y.
4th. And be It further enacted. Thu for'
the pay neat of the said debentiree btette-1
before prodded to be need and greeted
and the interest thereon, there shall be se 1
messed, level end rimed upon tie whole
R.t.oile P', petty within the said fined
Comities of Haro., Perth and Brute, a
Special Rate to each year during the coo
name of the sod Debosieres or any of
them, en the sum or sums by tiem mode
payable or soy part tbetwf, nom and above
and to "Moog to all ether rues and tale.,
whatsoever .efollowe, that 1. t
each year, for and during the said period of
teeny years, commencieg 01111,0 first day
•f July n Ibe year of oar 1.0rd one thou
sand tight huedred and fiftt•twe, and ex
teethes to the first day of July ie the year
Id or Lord one thousand eight hundred
aad weeny two, three pence m• the puu.d.
Mod • wrwd e'er tritest el Wi
ee$oe,Rickleg •Ad Nurweg Chairs, tease'
M .Ill se11 eb•ap w ah►.
O•4.eich, Aslant Kb, 115$. v5el5.)
IB here►,'g'•ee that the strip of Land •3111..
or• North o1 the Townships of Ge.,
_no Dnrb,, le Ibe Comte. 'f Gee aid
B ruce, sad 'needing nearly fro. 0,4.x.
ham t. 8. 50.0, havlag recently been sore
redered by the Chippewa lndians, of Sau-
geen and Owen Sound to Her Majesty the
(fuses la treat. to be old for rhe,, bonen,
and hawing Mee surveyed mid lard out ono
Form Z.N. for lei perpoee of soNlemest, is
sow *pea far eels, excepting Lot. Noe. is,
49, 50. 31, and 53, enbjeci to the coodule
el m Rnad envy proj•eted through the whole
length of the tract, of .ueb width led in
much Jimmie. as may be hereafter d• termite;
d upon. Intending purcba.re will on appli-
cation to. John Metwen, Fwq', of Otislpb,
the authorised Arent far the lndlea Dept -
meet. be informed of the price per sere, arand
the terms of laymen.
By Command.•
[Signed.]R. BRUCE.
Grelph. 30th lest/, i)32. •51128w6
(Ons deer East of C. C.ra6A's Story.)
WOULD Wortsthe inhabitants of Gods -
rich sad •e,ghborhood that be is pre-
pared to make to order or otherwise, any
kind of Ladii s aid Ganalen.en'e Fine or
Farcy work, to Gm *latest and moot
fahbtooablet style. And will also furnish
heavy Boots and Shoe., to suit rhe D.
ce..ltws of those that may favor him with
their cesium. Hie peen will b. moderate.
Godwin', July 29th. 18511. ,6n29
THF. Subscriber" begs to inform the le -
habitants of Goderich, and the sur-
rounding Country, that he has just
opened . New Boot and Oho. Store, IS
Mr. Harts new Brick House, Godeneh.-
Where he will constantly ke.p on heed
• lege and well sported stock of
Lake's end Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes
Which be will sell at low prices, for cash
The Public are Respectfully requested to
call and examine fur themselves, before pars
chiming elsewhere.
No wood price.
A LSO -Lasts and pegs for wale.
Goderich, March 18, 1862• ea-DasBai
301113 RALPH.
to the Victoria Hotel, West Street,
Goderich, has ensetaetly op band, a choice
stock of Tinware, Cooking and Box Stove",
kc., which be will sell at considerably re-
duced prices.
The highest price paid in trade for old
copper, bras, pewter, sheepskins, calf and
beef bide., feathers and rages. A11 hied. of
Merchantable produce taken in exchange at
cash mice.
Goderich, Feb. 19, 1852. v6 -o4
Qvannc, 8th August, 1051.
!OTiCE is hereby given, test future'
Males of the Crows Lands will be at
the prices, and oo the terms epecifid in the
respective localities below.
West of the Counties of Durham aid
Victoria, at Seven 8hlllIngs and Six Pence
per awe, payable a ten annual instalments,
with toterut, nue tenth at the Use of
Ener of the County of Ontario, within
Upper Canada, Four Shillings per acre;
from thence, North of the St. Lawrence t0
the County of Saguenay, and South of.tbe
Si. Lawrence In the District of Quebec.
eat of the Chaudiere River and Kennebec
(toad, One Shilling and Six Pence per acre;
lo the District of Quebec, west of the
River Chaudiere and Kenebee Road, Two
Sbilliag. per acre; In the Districts of
Three Rivers, St. Freeel+ and Montreal,
south of the St. Lawierce, Three Shillings
per acre; lo. the District of Gaspe ani
the cooly of Saguenay, One Shilling per
acre, Is all cases payable in ten annual ID,
stalemate, with interest, one fifth at the
time of Sale.
Fur lands eebanced is value by special
cireumetangqso, such extra price may be fin-
est as Ilse Elm LLLBRCT TMs 0ovNana Geo
may direct.
Actual operations to be immediate and
continuous, the Land to be cleared at the
rate of five acres malty for every hun
dred vera during firs year*, and a dwelling
hens. erected not less Iban eighteen Met
by twenty six feet.
The umber to bei subject to any general
limber duty that may be improved.
The Sale to become null and void in case
of neglect or violation of nay of the condi-
1.111 settler to be entitled to obtain a
Patent upon complying with all the condi-
otione. Not more tban two hundred acres
I to be sold to any one pereuo.
v3 -o30
Norresk-The above h• a trete espy of •
prepwed By Law to be taken tato cooeider
at»e by the Mworipelrty of the United
Commies .l Heron, Pate ass Rote., •t the
Henn (loud, is the Time n( G.enteeh. In
else Lowery ef 11.e.11, 001 of this said Usi•
led Gamow', es the 1e,1, day of tktuber,
1851, et 11 o'clock, 'mon, and at which
thee sod plate the Members of the ..,d
Moslelpalny are beret? reamed to at
Med fur Ih.fwpe.. aforesaid.
Cossety Clerk.
144h, MIL r k tti110.14 w
T1. high red ward .eleWay Wawa Her ".. ewfweae
0t.4alw. hamseem d se Mob Iwwiabts *saner le .a
He awe... Nie► they p.r.r N eels. 0.. ,r...d H.
reel rewire .r pair rel only oro ewer, lad weer.
H, .0 re.. Try tie beer iss Heir /mils; rode geed
eke`«.V ify ha Won, .ad 1 .y tram re y IM tun et
MK Mt . IS. 4113 4111. A /fa PIM
f✓AITNyL 4CU1A .ed CNAO.IC Arrau WA T115.
eras:mos if bat 0L4000$..I AWAY IA
116001 MVP= a t.1ol1 OOMPLaU111e.-
Ila nem end oweerr lar ,aa•aae ewe.Il. ter .el
✓ M.ed i.NM,r,1s rams.. tie... sr .tum, *as ere
so H,.. Mori.. ..0 a.ew .gowwe,de he wear Orr.
•lLnlus CUW.JC, w ',LAWN Lemmar. AILS&
OUNTIvrNeaa, VOLDM de CO Valle, CLruarc.
tunel'a0ITM)n. used .m ere* mere.. it eleoma
CU11111/07 NUNu1t11. DAU7.lam,
DTaIBPILA, ie. raw.. oar Ir diwwarea r
r, rood J,Is rag abide redraft ,saassImww,
sauce suns of W 0.., ter0IPALd4
YIP k' i R said 11421114. Per this angle* .Ilam w
1.w ..w.r„ Hue awdn... cal 1. 0..d • saac wows,. era
sm.,. ...ea, l niar nisi. 0.w t!/te enema a.0..al w.
..rtm or the .0-..e - • rem hr err errs. es overarm -
TNY 1111:5. as 0* lrunlet,. ASD leg 1'1)141;1.
re.OL NEN a m/ ,:UNP L aA luta. •
o•,t'7, .000IoLvw. UMd v AL, NAIDJCNAa eleven
MAJ. LN14a140 Ike Aa. Vela./ MITURI AM10.04
(1vrE0.14.. Imre/AA 01.0001. J441114444, Urea el Arra
LIrD1) OON?LA111(T0.
Litmus le. LWSNNINR
'M it 111•L D/1SAsmar-
New idle le weir.e err* .e us isr.1 Mur, ins
rah store tie the war wryer r, eseet0e a/ a■.Mwaa
COOPLAINrm .1 e4 ...4.. eAtti/ le 417AGTIONA.
rjI PI I'. I' ling ,.f,0. NKAarm PAINTSWel umutow,
P I L *0 a . TO. .wear.! Wawa.* e(Ihew. read
.e. wand of 14.. w r ).r. Blared ►r 1V r el 1r Lee
YMentws •1we
741.1., to .M hid. ani.. bark. rhe. Iwi01. awl .rte..
00 11 IS U M A '7 l a M. ',hoe whorl week thee
weir dew.. ,eiN M area( wh.f be 1r 1 0. Mwl,,n.
5[0550 of 1110.000 5..00. HALALS. auumrr,
a(:NUIULA. r la zimato INTEL, ie
..,.t M.... U L C A a 0. of ewers darrrptuer
W 0 }t !Il 1.4 wem
it. a...sw.e rl, .e .It 1 M
taw. 05.0,.,... moor .1, de sea ,. .d..r.l., are who.
•w, tees .enema . eawww wl. 11.1.( 0511 he wet'..
IN CONSEQUENCE of tbflambe t flambof
letters posted to Australia, the Post-
master General deems it necessary to warn
parule■ writing to their friend" to that co-
lony, that letters to Australia must be pre-
paid to Canada or they cannot be forwarded.
The rats on • letter wagbtng under hall'
an ounce is 2.. 6.1. cnrrenCy.
genie, 24th Aag,.•t, 1852. v6 •31-1
('HEAP G(H)DS at Port Albert,
j whn *alts there will find O
Ls3The Goods suit the fashion, the priors, x
:1:-.1 the mod,'-
Who wishes to purchase, will pleas.G
O ea ll and .w.
tr Iles stock, well .elected, will sett Cep -,F
t.... a -pm.. }
Ba to avail BTaTaneFRY -Damp ARP
PMeruerwv. r
Port Albert, Sept. 1, 1861. obeli
WE TIiF, unders'gned hereby few. no
Ws that we will apply at the newt
resIoo of the Prndneial Peritoneal for as
set to enthnrtze 11.. ennstnetroe of a Rail.
way fear Oodeirieh, to eonese't with she
Buffets and Braatford Imes et tach poet at
it Mall i.I0seel the Greet Wtuel0s Rub
iseej Psre1M,
11. B. O'Conl a",
Gee. Brown
Robt. Moder well,
O. L. Marwood
Tb... K ydd,
Gederlek, Angs t
IM. Walls,
M. B. Neymmrr.
w. E. Gree.,
W. J. Keay',
ira !Al,*
R.b,. GabYess,
1 Ith, 1018• es-dO
And thus remove all disease from the system.
A.'.,1. mel eat fem. l►. LIFE PILlf med-
PNONII BITTERStenet ihe»..]r<r,.-
tithe I. 11...air.•... ,.f e,.r, patriot.
7-►. ge..:.e of thew wrier.. re .Diver me le wh14e
era n ..d Mari. I_ .tl.. ..lh• .wrh1.1. ..11.d
•• Moll., . t o..d $.w.r.i.." ,c:aa.., the d,r.ri.ee, sa,
►wh m, , dnorg ..f hn..dw., In. N .11 newt to oar
ey whack se.eger. eagles 1he any isa. very .wr,
goad us. The wry/we 0.d n.w,ruew are copn.Md,
Ib.,..*.e low, who procure Ow. .,O, .11. ern rune*.
be erred lh.t they era ge..,w De caner, ,el de we
bey tear rah phi .rappers. t.1 f .e de. be wankel
that Noy raw. deet few se. of het nosh Hew.
to r,.pntd .r geld by
ala er.ed.<y, rotorr, of As,)..) N.. ".r►.
be WN. N
Safe Agent.
Goderich, Jas. 28. 1848.
NOTICE.-Tbe a to forbid nay ren
pureb.srng the SAW MILL o e L
No. 7, 4'h Conee'.mn. Easters Dieiowo
of Ashfield, without conoulteg sae, as I
hold a clam against 11. °
Goderich, April 1, 1)61. 06010,
IOT 27, 1st concession, fronting the
• Lake, containing 82 Acres, about 40
of which are cleared and Fenced, and LOT
26, 2nd concession, containing 80 acres of
wild land.
These Leu are situated about Inidway
betwen the Town of Goderich and Village
of Bayfield. For particulars apply to
Crown Land Agent, Goderich.
411* June, 1151.
FIFTY tees of Land, being Lot No., b,
South Town Plot, Lake Shore, Ash-
field. Tbere is thirty acre. cleared, and n
the best state of cultivation, and an orchard
containing 60 fruit trees. There is a good
Mill Site, and never failing *piinge of water
a Log House, 20 bj 30, and a Barn 20 by
52. Terme-£123 cash, nr £150, by pays
ing half down. and the balaece in three
annual isetalmeotie, with interest.
N. B. Further information can be ob-
tained from John Morris, Colborne, or Cbas.
Cary. on the promisee.
Ashfield, March, 25th, 1852. v5 -o9 -6w
Othe e First of Jul) neat, will be p.bluh-
ed t►.Just umber of a Monthly Pin-
wheel, loader the title of "THE ANGLO-
Each *umber will contain 96 pigso royal
octavo, with double colones', and oumefous
ruse. Price.I6.. per easum, paid
1n advance, .ad soot by mall to any part of
Briti.b North America or the United
It is propoeod to publish in eget isms
ells or more original pewees osb).cts con -
meted ws'b BaiT10a A.halca, lawfully its
eluding petty. politico or religious articles
of • denominations' character. Selection
of the best writing. Is the leading British
periodicals will be copied, especially such se
have reference to the welfare 'ed interests
of Thee Colonise.
A earefod direst of the C t Freels of
the World, Scientific Di.coreries, Canister -
cis' 11'ew., • JNasieal Intelligence, and all
matters 6f general Interest, derived from the
most recent Information.
1t I. also tatanded to publish a series of
Riograp$ies of Eminent .Men of Great
Britain and Ireland, from Alfred the Great
to the present time. This department will
be Illentratrd with Portraits from the best
M it la proposed to maks this publication
s maims, end not a local work, it will un-
fltechingly advocate all questions effecter
the Common interests of our Colonies as an
Integral portion of the British Empire.
An experiesee of reveal rears ID supply'
ing the reading public of Canada with the
serial plibhcations of ihe United Stater, me -
winces th'e projector of this periodical, that
they are entirely inadequate to the want" of
the majority, and little calculated to form
or improve the literary taste of a people es•
sestuall, different to their feelings and prin-
ciples from thea' for'wbeen there Penod,•
cels are prepared: and believing that vhff
enterprise will meet witb-encouregemrol
from those for whose plessor. and informa
llion it is designed, h• trusts that the ezpe-
riment well realize his expectations.
The Marmp'ne may be made one of the
best -*tediums for .9Jrert ising yet offered to.
the Colonial politic; and the terms .111 bpi
regulated io ouch a manner as to induce all
parties to avail them,elves of it. nares. ,
45, Yo7ea-sTIFET. Toronto, April. 0832.
-Th,.nbecr,ber ha, ing.purchseed the Inter-
est of Mr. C. J. Wilson in the above Es-
tablishment, is about to continue the Bust-
les on his own responsibility. in returning
thanks to the public for the very liberal en-
couragement received by Oa. k Watson,
he begs to intimate that he willcooatontly
keep no hand an assortment of Superior
Corrine*, eoseietisg of CO 0 X IX O.
Parlour, and Box Stoves; Amer-
ican,' Scotch & Canadian Ploughs
of the most Improved Mould., -MALT
ROLLERS, Turning Lathes, Nnsith',
of a superior de7enption to any hitherto
introduced, end better adapted to this coun-
try from their lightness ofdr•ugbt,and
strength of conetructlon. A call from in-
tending purchases is regoe.ted before par•
chasing elsewhere. Tbo above will be sold
al Low Rates for Calk or Trade, oratcor"
responding rates on approved credit.
A. B. ORR.
Stratford, 20th June, 1850. 2v -o''20
TilAT excellent Lot of Land, Lot Nn. 7, 411,
Concession, Eaters D,,ir•nn, Townrhip of
Aehield, will be sold cheap for Cab. Tele lot
it mowed is one of the mon prooperooe settle-
ment in the Huron Tract. and has the heat wa-
ter privilege in the loe•luy. A Stir Mill of 'he
best deeeription is to lull operating on the lot,
and the water power is .effw,ent to propel any
anoint of machinery throeghout the whets year.
The Lot contains over 100 setts of dee bee
geahty of land, shoo: five or 111 acres .l which
ere cleared, and bah • good substantial dwelling -
hose on it.
Fur farther particulars apply to the Editor
of the Huron Signal, or In till proprietor, John
McCarron, on the premises.
Ashfield, Dec. 24. 1851. .4046
THE Subscriber having purchased from
1 \Y11ham Holton, he exclusive right
(for the Comities of Huron and Bruce) of a
for which be has obtained Letters Patent
from the Government. Would respectfuily
give notice -that any person or pereoos In-
fringing•upoa cad right will he prosecuted
to the utmost rigour of the law.
N. B. -The Goderich Foundry, -having
osdergone all necessary repairs;; the -sub-'
scriber flatters him..lf that be will be able.
10 giant entire eati.fsction to all those who
may favour him with their custom: Hellas
now on hand as excellent as.ortmeat of
Plough. including Holton's sow pattern
together with Potash K.Itlso, Cooking, Box
and Parlour Stove., andTbra.hIng Ma-
chines of various horse power al of which
will be sold on the mo.t liberal b. -me.
Goderieh, 28th April, 1853. v5o14.
LL those indebted to the Huron Sig -
1 bol Office, other by Nee of hand or
by Ilook account, at this date, will oblige
• the Subscriber hy acknowledging their
liabilities, and obtainer a pettlenlent of the
yams with Mr. Horace HortonofGudencb,
at their earliest tenet.
T HOMAS Mccrri.
Goderieb, Jas, 110, I .Sat
11'. & C. 11. HL111T.,
VI sNUFACTUREROof flats, Cape and
"a Fancy Fore. \Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Fur., Beffsln Rubes, Deer Skies,
Gloves, Mltiew., sae. Ile.
Cad Paid fey Fars.
The b,gbeet price peed, et all ti nes in
Cosh, foe all l rt pts a of C. Shopping
b L.
Detroit, Michigan. Aug- 1111. •stilt*
A RED 1.1(111T to pteeedig tl oo the
sed of Os* nosh Net,
N uth
Abe Marker, Qodsrteb"
it. iI. MARLTt .
&Nes0 21., 1862. vat)t
,LL• portions indebted to THOMAS
MACQUEEN, late of the Iluron .Sig
nal, are hereby notified, that mien their
notes and accounts are paid o0 or before
the let day of May next, they will be im
mediately banded to the Clerk of the lot
Division Court for collection.
Persons residing in the County of Perth
who are iodebled to the Huron S7gnal, will
find their Dotes with 1)r. John Hyde, of
Stratford, who has been authorized to col-
lect immedtatoly.
Goderich, 13th A pal, 1 8L2. 12
Goderich, 2nd 'April, 1852.
TWO Lots of Land, in the Cul 'and 3rd
Concessions of the township of Sten
ley, one mile from the village of Bruce6eld,
and eghteen, miles from Godenci.
On the lot in the 2nd Concession there is
e House, Born, and *arty acres cleared.
Oe the lot in the 3rd Commies tbere is
a House and thirty acres cleared.
The Farm is well watered by a never
falling stream, and rho quality of the land
is of the beet description.
The lots, would be disposed of separate,
y, if regtifred.
5- n11 M, 13. SEYMOUR, k CO.
AFARM containing 170 acrer, six miles
and a half from Goderieb.--58 acres
cleared on It, with a good young orchard.
The above (arm ie well supplied with good
water -the fences are in gond order. A
gond Log floes.*, a Barn 80 by 64 feet, and
oleo Stades with outhbuseo, kc.
Por particular' apply to George Fulton,
Tavern Keeper, Huron Root, 4 miles from
Goderich, nr nn the premise".
Colborne, May 21, 1832. v5-nlstf
The sub.crtb.r offer. Ger rale one hundred
scree of excellent land, 45 cares clean
ed and well fenced, with a good log baro,
an orchard hearing fruit. The above land
to ',tutted on 3rd Cunce.non, Int 14,Town-
o hm of \Vawinoeh, and nne half mile from •
School house -e11 the money will be re.
quired down. For particulars apply to the
proprietor on the premises.
Wawenosh, eh Aug , 1852. n!8
THE sus D.,lsise (.rah ter ,b.
C••suee of Here., Perth sResew,
, will M
heldaitheIww• places
✓ iseror tura
1.Gcteber. Do1.1 Leers'Y.
SLOOP 1)10101.
J.0. Il,cks's Torero, Mitchel, 1411h J•ly sod
WWI 8epwmber.Tn \D e. Crit ems. Clerk
Jem.s Weedo'mTaverw, 8Ir.tforel, into J•ly tied
net Angelo. Rebl W'i111sma. Clerk.
►UV•TM u..
Qaick's Tees", Linden Rood. 25th Jame earl
241.k August George Csner.Clilk.
e treN miles*..
Reber Cook's les. Ibsen
Rood,R 11 o'clock, A
M., Moods/, 97th Sept. Est
1,175 Der1015.
'11. Bu..e T , 8aLt Mary's, !fit► Jay
sod 23rd Sept. James Culemas, Eoq. Clsrk.
u entS VrdelOP.
Hk*" T %''
ge . Bs,6e, 71.1 Jely
n4aac30 Sep'- Du,od H.od Ruehie, E.q.ldCI'k.
The Bitten of 1b. s.,eral Courts.i11 cem-
meaci pe.etuolly st 11 o'clock, A. M.
C. C.
Goderich, 4th Jree, 1152. oS.19
Village Lots in Port Albert,-
Aslifield-for Sale.
rlv1IESE well eitusted Lots Nos. 39, 4011
l 41, 0o the East .Ids of Coiborse"..reef,
sad Nos. 39, 40, 41 and 42, on the West
side of said strut, in the improving Villaagge
of Port Albert, in the Township of Ash-
field, North of Gyod.rlch, For further te-
lormenon, apply to J. Clark, E.q, Crown
Land O(ticer, Goderich, air tb• proprietor,
Wellesley, North of Bell's Cornore.
We.lelley, 5th July, 1861. 9911
rgiHE Subscnb.r begs leave to inform the
Inhabitants of the District of Huron,
and the neighboring District., that he has
Estabii5 led himself in Stratford,
and Is prepard to give Plans and Specifiea-
(10111 01 l'ubllc or Private Buildings, Dredg-
red -
es, Mill Dams, bee. Cc. kc., and will take
the superintendence of such Erections, on
the most reasonable terms.
Ills thorough knowledge of his preemies
and he practice as Builder, qualifies him for
any undertaking in the tine. Address post
Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. -
Stratford, March 60, 1849. 2v-s7t
AXE FACTORY, 4'c. &c.
THE•Oubaenber liege le intimate to the
farrows and other inhabitants of the
United Counties, that he ha. just completed
his arrangements, and i. now prepared to
furnish Axes, weaseled, of a superior qua,
Inv,and on terms suited to the circumstan-
ces of the country, and the quality of the
H. also invites ell farmers to call and ex •
amine hie improved specimen of the
which he flatters himself will ha foiled
superior It many respects to any other
Plough now to use in tbI• Action of the
Goderich, Aug. 21, 1861. ven21
gentile, 60th July, 1853.
•Nn'r OTI CE is hereby g: von, thin the Nehool
• (Ands 'n the Connote. of Bruce, Grey
end Huron, are now open to sale to actual
settlers nn tete following term., via:
The price is to be Ten Shilling. pee 'etc
;:gamble In ten equal Annuli Instalment",
with Interest: the first Instalment to b.
nod upon receiving sethority to enter up
the land. Actual occupations to be mem-
Oeste and continuous; thlend or be cleated
' t the rate of firs acres 4ennally for every)
hundred acres daring the first fir' year'; a
dwelliagshoase, at least 18 feet by tweey-
eiO, to be erected: the timber to be primer,
wed until the land his been paid for end pa
tented, end to be 'ohject to any remit
timber duty thereafter, a l,lceneir of e'en.
D ation. not a',gnahle w.thnut neuroses/a,
to N granted; the ,ale and hcene of rile*.
patina to become null and void en the ewe
of .-gleet or violation of any of the eondt.
11nnr; the Settler In he Pow lord to obtain a
Patent npoe eomplyipg with all the eoedt•
ttrees,no1 more than two huedred acres tete
.old to any one person ea these targe,
v5 a)S
BLANK DF.F.DS and $soeelalt, ori
THE .ubecriber begs to inform ate Du -
memos friends and customers, and the
public g Ily, that his LARGE BRICK
BUILDING is now completed, and that
from the great i thus added to his
former premises, he is now enabled to offer
accommodation to the travelling public at
least equal to that afforded by any other
House in Town. And without being anx-
ious to monopolise the entire levee busi-
ness of Goderich, be at least hopes for a
continuance of the patrollege which le has
hrtheato enjoyed, and will always endeavor
to secure the satisfaction of bus guests and
customers, by attending to their comforta-
ble accommodation.
N. B. -The Stabling at the Colborne
Inn to extrneivo and of the first quality.
G'.'ench. loon 11. MO. . v4n17
To Tee
Farmer, Farrier A Stage Proprietor.
„r+a.1LL.L.0 la Tee melba? Or mune
As the mot remarkable External ApplNeffu wet
"They can't Beep Hone without it."
Zeperlence of mnrr then sheen man 0.. establish*
W tet that Merchant'. Calebreied Gargling 011, or Uel.
venal Family Embrocation, .01 can ower ecce., add es
li.re all such as
*patina, Sweeney. Ringbone, Winrlgsll'. PoB
Evil, Callous, Cracked Heels, 0.11. of all
kinds, Fresh Wounds, Smote. Bruise pie-
tula, Sitfamt, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness
Foundered Feet. Scratches or Grease, Hangs,
Rheumatism, Bite of Animals. External
son., Painful Nervous Affections, Poet Bitsse
Beit", Come, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds.
Chillhleine. Chopped Hada, Crams. Otto -
tractions of the Muscle, Swellings, Seams
of the Joints, Caked Breasts, ke be M.
Tim ill Il.e become en ekbrat.d r the treater* of
drew..*, add u • consequence the demand broad*
grew throughout ah. *.veli)-ao ea f drilla 0
son he induced them to palm offopyoMnyonwq+ett,
parrs ..Orator entre few IM Nw.lrn
as.i.n.,tl thee to tide Irar l setreoLen nWlMor.
ee the popelenty of tree only tree .err A0.1 new am
hen an •n•teh1e rep/nett/0n, which It )see .aeraq.Ir d y
neerty nemee„ ,rent nor In the United Rte eel camas.
1.. In:m.1nt demand end ,rndMrfnl weee.e, h ad straw
. ► .La n.uw, and Recess 1n per/haler, Modred sera
pends to ATerre les ,m,tatlen in nn,ew W. , WM
w r000iWOtwa
erne or Ire reams., erre•.
Th. moot rewriting Imare y honer le pree.ty
certain merere, dealers who am batwiw
wdealersng epee 'healer,
thea of their ranee. • r0.wrrll he the errands O!
fling Oil The porbk teafar. M its INA nr property
ef . Rehmr nom le • Wonder, e..rwdreat14r with .0.00
Wa'nnrlpled dragglaa. Mrs, Hem can be fret Iles
woo win taw Imp..* we the rrednlity of their rawwsre
ry limy we be guilty of Ili gems terry In mesa r
say or all ether weaken.. M Erin rep.ta1,w 1 70.5
mine &Ire nn yon glare M theme
The l.ropr eror .nail therefore write deem orb. ped-
d ler Re reef raw e*, rad y"the p..,ede•re dr dor W
tea km/wettest mer 1*. ewe, Mod tee. womb en clew
r ta.fu, y t. beet.: •'0 w. Menial, t<.0lee fNr w.
• who le iM otv l.en.ede
ayd ►par00f
Mar tae he trots TO. a Mae that the prile wed,
M throw away tint weer for a .owtbl.e r✓ esdMr•
•Il ankle
da rhos •-bard 00 SW proprietor stn 00 rewir le
.e.piwtee to
aM i Ampl.let M dr mem ed we war redia we
a.*reWM.ed ay
,by ,m or Ha asMrlwe. r
Sam .0 Coude so00057 , gaewsRy. V V WWI
0/"B. PARSONS, Goderieh.
Clark It Co., Pert Sarnia : Ebert. ad
Robertson, Charh•m; R. A. Miteholl, Lee -
dos; R. Cook, Rlc►mood; A. Higiehalami.
The following are W,ld.sal. Ag,ets, 011.
Oso. tji , Detroit : Rooth k Maisel, Pert
Stanley ; T. .It. It Hems Ilswiltes
And Steam Engine Manufactory.
THE Ueder.igsod i. sew prepared to do
all kinds of work is the best w ,
sad at short notice.
The Nausea' Steam Engines for Grist
and 8.w Mille, ate all new and of the must
approved kind. Also, complete else! gear -
leg, Shelling, kc. for Grist and Saw Mills,
-to which the aue.tfue e1 tbe.public is
psrticelarly duetted.
Hing devoted considerable time and
expense to gritting up the beat description
of Engine, with all the other neceaary fix
tures fur Mule, Saw Mille, is now ready to
offer them with great cu*6Jeuce to thou
is want of such wacbinery. These Engine',
210, coulee ell the recent improvements,
aid Ir. "sty complete. Seven of them are
t ow finished, and the demand is such that
parties desirous of purchasing can be fitted
up in • few weeks, with everything neces-
A Boiler Yard is also attached to the Ea,
tabh.tmeet, when boilers of the best qual•
it, 0111 at all ti,iies be made to order, on
reanonable terse, and of the best materials
laid workmanahtp,
Improved stationary Fire F.ginee con-
stantly on hand, ready for delivery.
Iron Planing, Tuning, Screw Cutter,
Braes Casting and Finishing, ke. dons in
every variety.
Is connection with the above, there is
P ew it 000r.. of •r ction the largest Stove
Foundry in the Pronsce the MOuldieg
Floor of which will cover upwards of 10,.
000 square feet.
There will be constantly on hand a Seek
of the most approved Posterns of English
and American Cooking Ranges. Stoves,
ke. fitted with Tin and Copper Ware coma
plots, also, the handsomest and newest
style•of Hall end Parlour Stoves, a variety
of Plein aid Ornamental Patterns of Cut
Iron Pence and Gags, all of which will be
sold at lower prices than have ever before
Immo offered to the public, and which, from
the pennon of Cbippawa, as regards water
eemmunicatien, coo be forwarded to any
part of the Province, •t a very light ex-
Cblppsws, June 24, 1851. Spect.-29
THE subscriber in returning think. to the
inhabitants ot the County of Maio.
geoerally for the very liberal encourages
moot he bas met with in the Sale of Fruit
.Trees, begs to 0onouoee to the Farmers of
these United Counties that he is prepared
to introduce the Fall, a large and well se-
lected stock, comprising every variety' of
Nursery' Trees, opon his u•uel liberal term
It would be superfluous to enlarge upon
the superior merits of this Nursery, and
the qualities of Fruit brougbt from it -but
the large quantity. of Trees that have been
distributed over nearly ell of Upper Canada,
for the last 18 years bee gained for this
Nursery • superiority over most others.
The subscriber would beg to introduce to
the 001110 of all three who wish to get good
Winter Fruit, the celebrated Northern `(py
1 Apple, its qualities ore 'opener tool, others
of its kind, keeping until July, and preserv-
ing ell its freshness and flavor, which u a
I'gret desideratum until that period. 'The
.ubeeriber would els intimate Ibat hue
Dwarf Pear to i0 great demand as a Garden
Fruit, bearing to two years after planting.
Ever)) variety of Fruit Tr.e., Oroame0tal
and Evergreen Trees and Shrubs, (lardy
Herbaceous Flowering Plants, Dahlias,
Balboa. Flowering:Roots, Mc. Catalogues
coo be bad of any local or travelling agent,
✓ ain a full doeeriptton. Terme. when 50
Tress are taken, 595 per hundred, or 1• SJ
currency each, under 50 Trees. Is 6d cy.
two years credit, notes payable with Inter-
est. Orders will be received, and any in.
formation given by Mr.Jforace Horton,
Market Syne, Goderich, and Mr. Peter
Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, locale
agents for this !Omer!.
Old Rochester Nursery, N. Y.
Goderich, 16th July, 1851. 27
Lyman, Bre. k C.., Termite; Boyd k Pall,
guar without Dower, he tel at thio No. 40, Ceenlanl Strait, New %.rk,
Osee. - I May 117, 18.52. 05-118
Id hereby gives that the partnership Sub -
rioting bets.en Alex. McIntyre, end
Jame, Donald.on, town of Goderich, was
dieeolved by mutual consent on the 22nd
day of Jaeuarv, 1 053. And all persons in
deleted either by Note or Book account are
hereby requested to make immediate Pay-
ment, end Nye Costs.
Gederieb, Aprti, 28th 1852. ,5o14_
WANTED at the Gndericb Fonodry
• as apprestkes, -three activh young
Goderich, Feb. 26tb, 1862. ,6-n5
STRAYED from the .nb.criberon tie 1 -
bout the 5th day of Mae lest. a I.arge
Yoke of Steers -one a Dark Red, with
losg wide horn", and a stroll lump on the
tight fore leg ; the other White, with light
red spots through the body, each four years
old. Also, three Helfer., one dark red
web white stripes through the body, three
years old -one Wbire with red snots on
her body, one year old -the other Brindled,
with a white face, nee year old. Any par•
son giving such information am will lead to
their recovery, will receive a Reward of 413.
Township of Stanley, 4th con. lot 74,
10th Nov. 1851
Ar toppings* Balk will's Het.l,) Co►wt el
Doodah sed Tsdb.t-•siert•, L..4.., C. W. -
School Bela, Comma tied Classical Beet -
Bl•di.4 sod Rollos of emu d*ticnptioe Eases -
ren the Pewees.
IT Orders for Accou. t Books, fres the/Trade
or Co.sry Me,cbasts, puoetoally att.god.d IM
a.d • l,I elol dreoo,ni allowed.
Leedom, M.cb 1851.
4w 4
It•ORWAltDER aid Commiuioa Mer-
chant, Stoteboure Keeper, germs!
Ageno ter the isle of Wild Lands Cleared
laces, H •uwbu:d Furniture and Produce
of every d..cnptiva.
Office, text door, North of the Kincar-
dine Miura, (iotencb,
Much 24th 1889. v6-49
IIAMU duriog the put two ears act•
ed m the capacity of GENERAL
AGENT for the collection of debts, desires
It to be generally understoon that he will
accept the Agency for .the collection of
dues In soy part of the Upper Province, be,
tweeo ('ubuurg in (be East and Lake Huron
in the Weil In making this announce-
ment, he would beg to express 1,I. thanks
to his friends for pat favours, and nhw res
speclfully solicit. a continuance ot the
All communications on business, address-
ed (poet paid) to Ayr P. 0., North Dum-
fries, C. W., will be promptly attended to.
April 1, 1850. 100110
HE subscriber begs to inform the inha-
tants of Godench mid its vicinity, that
he has received a Large Supply of the La-
test Improaed Patterns of
which he offers for Sale at very reduced
Price. for Cash. The subecrlber alio keeps
on hand as usual, at his 01d Stead, a large
and very seper;:er assortment of TIN-
WARE of every de.criptiee. .The sub-
eer.ber toles the .oppnrtoeity of returneeg
his encore thank" to the Public for the very
liberal patronage he has neti,ed'siaez 1e
has h• en to beefless in Godench, k hopes
by strict attention to busfnest, and moder-
ate prices, to eno00ue to receive s share
of public patronage.
N. B.-Grainlne, Paining, Glazicg. Pa-
per •nil 0.11 Hangint•, lysed on e. hereto-
Goderich, 6th Sept. 1849. .- .31
THE SUBSCRIBER heirs leave to in-
form hie friends sad. the pabttc gene-
rally, that he has now gut the National
Hotel so far completed, es to warrant him
in eating that he a prepared to furnish 0c-
commodation' for man and horse, equal at
least, to anything that can be found be-
tween London endGodericb. The.Vatiu,.-
til Hotel tm 'vomited in the beautiful and
thriving village of Bruce6eld, 18 miles
from Goderich and 42 mile. from London.
and from the eligibility of the situation. and
strict attention to the comfort of his omits
and customer, be hopes for a sharp of pubs
tic patronage.
Bruce6eld, 1st Jan. 1051. e3 -n46
S I'RASBI;POG, WureetoO,
28th February, 1849.
THE Subscriber hereby Intimates to hu
friends and the'Travelliog Public gene-
rally, that he has removed (rem New Aber-
deen to the Village ot0.'railburgh, and will
now be found in that well-known house for-
merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where be
will be ready and able to conduce to the
comfort of those who may honor h,m with
their patronage. And while he return'
thanks (or post favore he hopes, by strict
attention to the want' and withers of hos
customer., .till to merit a costinuancc of
their patronage.
N. B, -Good STABLES and attentive
Grooms. /2-n41f
THE Subscriber having RENTED the
1 WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong-
ing to the M . Davenport, of this place
has established him.elf ,n a
Any orders or commiseion from the Mee
ebants of Goderich, will receive prompt
attentfoh. JOHN McEWAN.
Windsor, March. 1849. .1 v -n7
ON the 77th June past -one a black snag
with • ring In hu nose, some white
. boot Ins flank. • star on the forehead, 5
/ears old -the other a dark red -9 year.
old. Asy person giving any information
tbet may led to the decoyry of rho said
oxen well be ed'rewad by
811* Coo. Wawanosb, f
Jt y 19, 1869. 1
veww t
swum, ,ter vas sear swore In scenes. )
as■■ IJ AV bees gratefully encouraged to
serf to men ventral and eommbetes
premesors, 7, King Street West, next to the
Imre► Oee, ober* lite rich and varied
Stock roseate of Ldits' Boot., in Bdl,
Sete, Preseh and English Purnell.) end
(,`whmoor* - His tientl•wnen's Rome for
Wsklsg, Ruda``, Fishing, Shooting, Soto
seyh 5e., writ be feed unequalled fee
11.' Ilijoganses, Estee.*. eel Economy.
• Teresa% Jose 10th; 1561. '/Well
C 0.1f P rY.
THE 8ubariber baring been appointed
• Agent of the
is prepared to receive proposal. for Assu-
rance,and will be happyto affoto any
person the necessary inSO ormatioo, as to the
,principles of the Iostitntlnn.
Goderich, 3th June, 1149. "2n 90
District Crown Lando Office% •
1a11AT the remaining CROWN LANDS
sew epee FOR BALE. All *eeesury informa-
tion Tepee tisg thee Lauds may he obtained by 011er
applying to .
District Cretin Load Agent.
23rd November, 1850. 3v.4hf
2t1 CORD. of rend Hemlock Bark,
for which the highest market price
will be pad by the Sub.crlber.
Goderich, May 6th, 1862. v5-1116.
THE subscriber hereby intimates to the
Inhabitant. of Goderich and the sur-
rounding country, that he baa commented
Menem to the above fine, in the Store
formerly Occuple,l by Mr. White, in the
lower part of West -street, and will have
constantly nn hand a full supply of BOOTS
and SHOES of every alae and description.
r of a superior tonality, which be mason+
moderate pace. for Cash,
N. B. -Hodes and When taken is ex
change t the highest market pare.
Godo p B. GIIEEN.
t ab, 9th Etat. I)SI, 30
WWI, be hereafter eendicted by Wm.
J. Keay*, on his own seeoust, who
will supply every deycnptien of catiogs at
leaver prices than they can Ow imported.
The noir " BUSTt)VF;' a nnenr-
ptu.ed en Canade, enRRd will be .• Id for Co.h,
Si lower thin heretofore, s rerrespnedieg
adenine no all other articles.
Goderich, 9th Feb., 1869. .6x3
HE shove Mill and Lot ere .stmt* on
the Nnrth etre M Kleeerdtne Buret, is
ow feet umprer:eg Village of Pesetas/0M
For pertreolere apply to
Pesetbegnre, 24th Y, 116R1. 41