The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-20, Page 5.411
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,, , . Sanaa. .. sa),,,,,,,a..s.asassaajaaeraegetaSISSISatiateaarea""W=7.41SatataaaaSSaal'lls
F•tegta Ataril 24, 1941
and.distrio .news
Mrs. Maude 110001114. Phone
Mrs. Archie MacOregor, Pheno
'ea asestatasAasee.
• 4. • M.
itassaas; aaseas.);Saaaataea,,'a,laaa,;aa;;a.:eataassa„;a'eaaaa;ae.)eaaeliaaaestlaaaaaSaaiMa.S4iaaalaaalae;aefaseeVgaslaaanafaal;SS))S;a'eaa;.'aaaSSaS'Q
Two large homes WMS hears
under way here
official 1Iss Betty Bell, bride -61M
WOrk Ina eentmeheed on two area -
new ranch style homes being
Friends shower
Saturday bride
built in the new subdivision lay G, W, Tiffin, Wingham, of, • P 15,
Mr, Herold BOnthron and Mr, I P"S1'd"t 4a1 Rion PreabYterial inetedheart smevaegaglehhettoilehert
Jame Hay, addreasecl the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society f th United
Eugeile Bever ef
Mr. 13onthron's home coating' -
$23,000 will have nine rooms hi-, church .and guess. et the;ans Mrs. Jim Love was hostess
nua). birthday party held in •the at her home for a miseellen-
thurch auditorium Friday eye. eous preseetation attended by
ping attended by 140. 25 friends and relative, Pre.,
Mrs, Tiffin spoke on eThe sentation address to Betty was
Unfinished Task". "Each of read by Mrs. Love and gifts
us", she said, as Christiana
has been given a task—to go
—al into all the world tbgether with
Christ's message. We must re-
examine the mission of the
church in the light of our pres-
ent, world situation and space a r r a is g e d by Mrs. Gordon
era; The Christian churches tele,.
have considered this eelarged`'
-'-"'-is Mist Sharen Bloek, Mrs.
task of A Mission minded
Kenneth Pollock and Mr. sary Wednesday night,
- e ,,
church and 'have joined forces Lov, Founder Hal Rogers, OBE,
in many fields in the last' 50 Mit. Harold Elder enter- Toronto, special guest) at the
years, Thconcern or unity - ' tained for Miss Belt at a mis- banquet, attributed sttecess of
e f
,u1 ehe church end the enure tellaneotia shower when 40 the nation-wide organization to
for missions stand ;and mu tes neighbors, relatives and friends its record of service work and
met to honor the bride•elect. he was pleased te learn that
the seven
eluding five bedrooms, and
111r, Hay's home coating $18,000
will have aeven rooms. Loy -
ens Constru
ctions London, is in
NOrminton, Hensall, has been
awarded an $1,800 bursary by
the National Research Council.
to undertake post - graduate
studies in mathematics at
LTWO. A graduate of SHIMS,
he is completing his final year
in applied mathematics. He
was one of 186 students across
Canada to receive the bursary.
—Doerr photo
at Cromarty
were presented to her in a
clothes basket in pink and
white motif by Linda 'Phoinson,
Sylvia Bell, Darlene McBride,
and Elizabeth Deiehert, Miss
Sharon Block of Zurich direct,
ed garnet. The shower was
. i• A • .• , • • ••• • p %W. 1+ 4 la ", "Ar " •,"*" .” • %," V0,4 41" 4, X a.. v•-4,16,-+P-4#Vilo.1,44,, fotr, 5101i.4; .** •"1"0104"'"., .1k,".0", "1,40.14 ^:t4",,i." +74414, " or• 4Pl4ak4;,er
1 '4,
•", 7•••• •
who founded the Kinsmen organization in Canada, Tial
Rogers, Toronto, was the special guest of Remit Kins-
Men Club at their ladies' night celebration Wednesday
evening. AlsO present were members of the 4istrict
Club marks anniversary
execUtive. Above, Mr. Rogers addresses the group.
Seated beside him are, from left, Bill Clement, club
president; 13i11 Mickle, district governor; Mrs. Clement
and Mrs. Mickle.
Photo by Sawyer
founder lauds d
'servico recor,
Hensait Kinsmen were praised $12.000. lie noted that elght
by the founder of the organize,' charter members are still ac=
tion for their devotion to ser- tive in the club and that three
tive in the community . at the , of them — Jack Drysdale, Gov -
club's seventh animal anniver.lernor Bill 'Stickle and himself— 1 ears ravel talk
had perfect attendance,records,
Mr. Rogers was introduced by
Governor Mickle and thanked
by John Heal,
Mrs, Sheron Stringer of Ex- the Hensall club, in
"The women of the United eter read the presentation ad- years it has been operating, has te couple
Church will be organized i° dress and gifts were presented spent over $12,000 on comm. -
One society with the ;stated Pur- by the Misses hire and Vera silty projects.
Pose or uniting all worn" of Pinney aed JudY Elder. Alias Mr. Wagers reviewed the ce-
the congregation for the total 1 at Kippen
Vera 'Pinney and Miss Judy lebration accomplishments of
mission of the church.
Chrtstians must unite and theEpeldrieordeonduoted a recreational Kinsmen clubs during world
war two when, they provided
whole Christian populace con- Mrs, Norma Brintnell was over 22 million magazines for
centrale their time, talents, a
:Hostess at her home in Exeter the merchant navy and raised
resources and prayers upon for a miscellaneous presenta- Over $3,000,000 in their "Milk
the unfinished task of making tion for Miss Bell. She was as- for Britain" campaign.
Christ known to all nations." sista(' by Mrs. Don Bell of Ex- Since 1930, the founder re -
'The speaker was introduced eter.
by Mrs. E. T. Rowe who pre- re.
sided. rsonal items
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess
Guests were organizations spent the weekend with the lat-
from the Lutheran Church, ter's brother and "eiater-in-law,
Zurich; Chiselhurst United; St. Mr, and IY1rs. Arthur Petti-
Patil's Anglican, Carmel Pres- grew and family of Lincoln
byterian WIMS and Arnold Cir. Park, meh.
ole and Evening Auxiliary of
the same church, • Mr, and Mrs. Keith LindsaY.
The devotional was conduct- Pamela and Sheila, of London,
ed by Mrs. Jim McAllister and spent the weekend with Mr,
Mrs. W, H. Weekes. Mrs, Beat- and Mrs. John Henderson and
rice Hess of Zurich was sole- familYe
fat with 'Mrs. John Turkheim Mrs. Fred Beer has returned
as accompanist; Miss Greta after spending three weeks
Lammie favored with a violin with her daughter, Mrs, Ralph
solo, Mrs. Currie Winlaw ac- McArthur and sons Mac and
companying al, the piano. Cam at Rivers, Man., while
Luncheon was served in the 11/0 McArthur was taking
special course at Trenton.
By MRS. KEN McKELLAR church schoolrooms lovely in
Comm union service, con. yellow and green motif with
large baskets of forsythia and
ducted. by the nthaister, Rev,
•S. Kerr, was observed at the PussY willows. The tea table
was centered with a bouquet
of daffodils flanked with yel-
to,sv tapers. Honorary presi-
dent Miss Mattie Ellis cut the
anniversary 'cake.
Courtesy remarks were given
by Mrs, Ron Mock for the
Evening Auxiliary; Mrs. Leen-
ard Prang for Zurich ladies;
Mrs. Percy Campbell for Oar -
met Church; 'Mrs. Russell
Brock for Chiselhurst; 'Mrs.
W. 0. Goodwin for St. Paul's;
Mrs. Beverley Beaton for Arn-
old Cirele. Miss Ellis expressed
thanks to the ;speaker and to
the -artists appearing on the
Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. W.
R, Stephenson, Mrs. Laird
Miekle formed the reception
tentinittee; Mrs. R. Y. Pater-
son, Mrs. Stanley Mitchell and
Mrs. Elgin Itowcliffe, the dec-
orating; Mrs. George Hess
and Mrs. T. C. Coates, pro.
gram; Mrs. Wilbert Dilling,
Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs, J.
Flynn, Mrs. J. Ferguson,
lueeh; Mrs. Robin McAllister,
Mts. Sim Roobol,; Mrs. E.
Sproat and Met. A, E. clerk,
Chiselhurst WMS and WA
The Welnan's Missionary So-
ciety and Woman's Association
of Chiselhurst United Church
met Tuesday afternoon * for
their combined meeting.
Mrs. A. Ross -presided for
•the WA with worship period
cenducted by Mrs. R. Taylor.
Sixteen ladies answered the
roll call with an Easter mes-
sage from Luke, A motion
was passed to have the floor
in the •sahoolroom •aaitcled. •
Vice•president Mrs. Percy
Harris took the hair for the
WMS when a committee was
,appointed to secure a speaker
for a social evening when out
of town societies will be spe-
cial guests. Mrs, Currie Wie-
law, Mrs. Herold Parker and
Mrs. Tom brintnell :fanned the
coinntittee. Mrs, Rem favored
with a poem. .
Ail Easter film was shown
narrated bY ;Alta. Harold Peek -
and family Of Walton and Mr. er With Mrs, Rtlekell Beak
and Mit. Earvey Dothiege of 'projectibeiat. Irs. Whilaw re=
Seeforth visited during the viewed chaptert from the
Weekend With Mr. and Mrs, study hook "The Terning
Robert Dodds, • World". A repett en the Pres -
Mr, and Mit, R, Currie, byterial held at. Wingliam last
Lind and Joanne of Dorchea- Thuradey was submitted by
tee visited ° on Monday with Mrs. Brock, Mrs. Tayier, Mrs
Me. and 14r8. Otto 1,Vaiken colenlat, _Mgt, Earl. Kiesinen
Mrs. J. Wallace, yrs. -w. and Mrst Harris.A aoeial hear
micr. wars, (raceurg, ,Wkas tiareee and airsRoss, enjoyed with hostesaes,
Sersdahl, L. Seat airs.
and Mit. X. McKellar were in Bingo winner
Sarnia on WednesdaY where Winners at the Legion bingo
they attended the annual meet. Saturday rept evem: ma,
ing of ;the ilaitillteit anti Lon.
Bob Serigster; MaMargaret
dors Synodital Sbelety which Bea; LOMA Reid -belt
was held in the St, Andrews Zurich (2); lloY Kerieey, Rae-
Pre5bYtorian Chtlrell in serni.s tees Mrs. Glen McKenzie
TheY also Viaited At the Wed ewe; vire isleisehoet,
of Mr. and 'Mr. "rank Ofitlick,Ztt•
ric'e. (3)' Mrs, Betide Moir.
Met, T, L. &Ott entetteined Share the Wealth jackpot
A •grOup of ladies at a bruall Winners Welt Mrh. William
denionstration, at her home �n &dale, Mae, geleeeat atyt Mr.
Monday cin. Castle. Deo prize winitera,
Me, and mit. Hook' dew. Mrs., Wilitain iriale end Mrs.,
trent the wbekend in Coro, dordon Hay,
town With their daughter Mrs, ilackpot this '84turday i$11t
AbbiS8. fil05 ells d two door Oita,
Mr, Wm. Holley spent the Bola &legatee MC
Weekeed at his IMMO heed, veto
Mrt. Grade Ifarpole and
Fee latirgithat arid opalortuni. Mit Olive Hotted Visited -eV&
Het, feed hid tite.t.A Claasi-
hoda tech week. Pliene 176.
Sunday service to a large con-
regation. New names added to
he membership were John
McDougall by profession and
Mr. and Mrs: Gerald Cary' and
Mrs. Alex Gardiner by let-
WMS and WA
The April meeting of the
WMS and WA, of Roy's United
Church was held at the home
of Mrs. Harold Pridliam. Mrs.
Harvey Dow opened 'the meet-
itig with .a poem and was as-
sisted by Mrs. Gordon Parsons.
During the business period,
Mrs. G. Neil and Mrs.tC. Park
were appointed as program
committee for the May meet-
A bale containing quilts and
clothing wigs set to Toronto
for relief work. Ideas for rais-
ing money were exchanged
when it was decided to have a
bake sale in the near futute.
A reading was given by Mrs.
Mrs. Ross McPhail gave air -
rent events. Mrs. Norman Dow
gave a topic froin the study
book "The Ship Under the
Cross." Mit. Calvin Christie
faVored with an accordion solo.
Pirsonal items
Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Cole-
man, John, Joan arid Allen of
Seaforth were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. Andrew MeLach-
lie and Mrs. Grace Scott,
Mr. end Mrs, Frank Cadiek,
Sharon and Donald of Sarnia
spent the weekend with Mr.
Mid Mrs. John Wallace.
Mrs. VVrn. Mary of Ex'eter
Visited ori 'Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. Will Hainilton:
MiSe Elizabeth Thiel of mit.
ehell spent the weekend with
Miss Alice Walker.
Mrs. Ethel Currie Winni-
eg is visiting this week With
trinds in this toreinunity.
Atr. and Mrs, Jelin Chossell
and sort Rebert of Mitchell via.
Red On Sunday "with her par.
ants, Mr. •a fid Mt. Lloyd Sors,
Ntr. and. Mrs. Harold Dodds
vealed, the number of Kms -
men cltibs has grown, from 60 field on the occasion of their
2,5th wedding anniversary.
to 375 and reentherdip now
totals 12,000. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Rogers as- well
as members of the district one
executive,.were guests for the
ladies' night celebration in -the
Legion Hall, Attendance to-
talled 70.
President Bill Clement termed
the founders' visit the highlight
of his club year, He 'welcomed
the guests, including former
members of the club,
Past president Harold Knight,
who reviewed club activities
since it received its charter in
1954, paid tribute to the pub-
lic for its support of "Kinsmee
projects which ;have raised the
Mr, and Mrs. Bert, Faber,
RR 3 Kippen, were pleasantly
surprised on Saturday eve-
ning, April 15 when they were
feted at a celebration in their
honor at the LOL Hall, Bay -
Attended by 90 relatives,
friends and neighbors gifts in-
cluded a reclining' chair, a
foot stool and smoker from
the family; a ;silver tea serv-
ice from Mr. Faber's family
and many individual gifts from
wals'here tae)eylitivaitrisbnRoabdercli r;eit,st.
lake, Centralia, and gifts pre-
sented by Mrs. Tom Penhale
of Bayfielti and Miss Dianne
Mrs. Faber, the former
Susan Oesch, of Zurich and
her husband have been resi-
dents of Kipper). area for 17
years. In charge of the guest
hook was Mrs. Alvin Rader of
Hensall personal items
various films and Miss Linda
seFoffhmenetle.rtolnileylieltiy. sl'iaolfwr eel
the townaltatier of, Dashwood entertained
Mr. Wilfred Fisher and son bit of till paintings at
Robert, of CollingwoOd, called hall, Rosati on Friday, April l°° her accordion. Luncheon
on friends here last vveek. 21 from 4 to 8 p,m. Donald' was served including a three
tier wedding cake. The press
The ladies of • Carmel Presby- Clark, well-known artist C
entation was arranged by Mrs.
terian church held a success- London, will give a lecture'
Tom Penhale, Bayfield, and
ful bake sale in the IOOF commencing at 8 p.m. ..
out of town guests attended.
lodge hall on Saeurday. Members of the Legion La- from Zurich, Dashwood, Sea -
Mrs. Lett Simpson returned dies Auxliary are :attending the forth,!Exeter, Kippen and Hen -
to her hem here after ;spend. Ladies Auxiliary Bowling Tour-
ing the winter months in Flor. nament b e 1 d at Walkerton I salt
Thursday, April 20. Teams par-) —:' "dll'Mrs' i3ert Faber
ida. , entertained Sunday to a turkey
Mr. and 'Mrs. William Fink ticipating are comprised of I dinner to celebrate their wed -
and family were recent visitors Mrs. Harold Bonthron, Mrs.) ding of 25 years ago. Those
with Mrs. Fink's parents, Mr. Bob Sangster, Mrs. Harekt) present were Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Bert Arnold, London. Campbell, Mrs. Howard Smale,t wenam Oesch and family,
Mist Bernice Dining of TJni- Mrs. S. G. Rennie, Mrs. Don;
mre. william Ferres., Verne, Mrs. Elizabeth Oesch,
yersity 'of Western Ontario Havens; t Blake • d Mr, and Mrs. Tom
visited recently with her par- ter, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs. Blake,
and Ricky of Bay -
1 Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Wm. Brown, Mrs, E. R. Davis,' 1 i cid .
Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Wm. i Mr. and Mrs, Egbert Faber
Ross Corbett entertain- Smale, .
.were surprised at their home
ed a number of relatives at a Mr. John Passmore has re-)
; on Monday evening, w h e n
Stanley party on Friday eve- turned home after a visit; with ) twenty-five neighbours gathered
ning, with Mrs. +Mary Robert- his daughter and son-in-law, :to celebrate their 25th wedding
son, Clinton, in ;charge. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McLean, anniversary.
Mrs. Inez McEwen and. Mr. of Hamilton, where he rote Progressive e u c li e e was
and Mrs. Harry Smith at- Aerated from an operation at plaaed.
. Sboldice Clinic, Toronto, Mr. a The prize winners were;
tended a bOth birthday cele lathes high, Miss Dianne Fa.
bration at the Henri Nursing Passmore was away a month, !her; gent's high, Mr. Howard
Home, Port Elgin on :Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles; Lesnmese
April 16, .for Mrs. Charles and family, and Miss Jean. Mrs. Allan Johnston read the
Sparrow, mother of Mrs. Me- Noakes, of London, spent the accompanying address and Mr,
Ewen and grandmother of weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones presented Mr.
Mit. Smith. Mrs, SParrow is Leonard Nealtes and 0 family. and Mrs, Faber with a wall
the oldest resident of the home They Were accompanied home name,. •
and spent a happy day.
Robby Baker, five -month-
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Baker, who was taken se-
riously ill Saturday evening ,is
slowly improving in War Me-
morial Children's Hospital.,
Members of Ilensall Art Club
and a group front RCAF Station
Certtralia, are having a.n exhi-
Sugar and spice
—Contieued from. page 4
Just last month she nearly
put us right on the roeks. She
Came across an 'Cid tax notice
that I hid thrown' in the Waite.
basket. What did she do? She
sent ti cheque fee the entire
ane hundred and seventy dol.
It Meant had to Stoke
triaeings for a rheitth.
She didn't see what She'd,
deed wrong, ever). When dare.
fully explaieed to her that they
eati't seize the property until.
your taxes are three years in
arrears. •
* * *
le the long run, vad may get
out of the sotip, can teach
her the printery fad, of home
fitiatitieg—thet .yett riever pay
a bill until you have to, ,What
bothers rite is her teetislote
absorption With frarley. How
would like to go to bed with
deeta between Seetiege and
the ChaiieeItor at the
It's herhilietitig foe fOrtliee
Good,Tiine Charlie Who teted
bay retold With 'the beat el
thets tar *flee foe a raffle
ticket 'With :flofifigto to have
to ask tor Ilia 'lunch Moneys
Ilia what, cuts deeper! than
that is the fot that Ad knows
where every'nickel she gives
the it T'm supposed to
he At the daegetatala age, flow
do 1 finance it if I wtett. (n
the Weekend with Mr. and Mils anntiort a Miatrest„. 'Or buy a
Stanley Mitthell, Chitelhurst, one-way ricket for UR
by Robbie Noakes who will Arnold Circle • •
Visit there for most of this
week. • Mit. A. Orr presided foe the
me, and maa, atae.gee Ven- April meeting ' the Arnold
tier and family spent the week. Circle. Evening Auxiliary, held
end with the tatter's parents in the school -room of Carmel
in Toronto. Presbyterian Church, on ay
evening. Mrs. Orr was in
Dr, W. R. Sproat visited
charge of the worship assisted
with Mrs, Earle Sproat the past
day 'with Mrs. Fowler, Mrs.
also spent A by Mrt. Gordon Schwalm,
Mrs. Selawsalm gave a
week and and they
Sproat's sister, in Aurora. tailed. report on the London
Hamilton Synodical meetieg,
The Ladies Aid of Cermet which ;she Attended in Sarnia
Church apoiltored a successful as delegate from, the Aux -
bake sale on Saturday last. •,. . . ,
held in the Odd renews Han, wary. A discussion arose the)
netted $35.00. sending a delegate to the Syno-
andAt the United Church ser- Ldiotilohiniseleatying6, t6o atbde held in
vie Sunday morning the km- Mrs, Barry Roy gave the
for elner oceupied the ) &hob' treesurer's report and also re-
boil:send rendered a selection; ported for the supply cOMMit.
Brian Smillie sang solo and tee. The Auxiliary. is to send
Rev, Currie Wiiilew spoke .on its donation early in June, arid
the subject 'Wiley all Merebers are Asked to hand
A praetiee ;sheet will be held their donations to Mrs. Hoy et
at Kippen Sendey, April 23 at theft terliest coevenience,
1:30 This ia the last day- Miss Raeriah Murray gave a
time shoot before time chart- report �f the Presbyterial meet-
ges. ing held in Clinton, Mrs. Lloyd
MoUsseau Mrs. Tiarry Hoy
atargavwc:E.::':•:z7:' Are hostesses for the May Meet -
Message from ing,
Refrethinents were served
BlokeS,Ita, Stewart Bell arid
• Mrs. Gordon Troyer as heat.
StaterseaSaaaterassaaasassa.. • ; peraehei iterht
Mr, Mid Mrs Emerson Mt and Mrs. Xeltit Monna.
and ferrety visited Sunday nett atid family Were recent
With Mr, end Mrs, :Mtlintted visitors with relative's in Lon-
°A"Ilicttithere of folks- of* this detkies. Gado sthwAllit was
vicinity attended n metal the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
Waled at Massey Hell, Ters Charlet Veered, hi SOMA
ento. _ while attendieg the London.
Mr. thigh Malik, beritiOn, Hatralten Syatosdieet Held theta.
Mr.' and Mrs, Carl Niche. Mrs, 8ehwalit was, delegate
and family and Mary VifilaYT from the Arnold HVO.
2uriell; spent Sunday with Mr. ring Auxiliary,
itid Vitt. Eby Met:tido end Met. Pearl Love arid Wayile
Jamey. of Varna visited Sunday eve-
ily spent 8utiday availing with Jones and boys,
Mt. Barold Pirday and tare- meg with Mr, and lees. tumid
Mr, and Mrs. CamPbell and Mrs. WIlliatit trallita
Xitiley and Rehert, , Sled Mitt Margaitt Winder= tr,
rind mrt. Jank malty -ot. Wad Smarmy guests tr.
8tratfOrd: split the weeketidi km Met, Elstati Dowson.
with Mt, and Mee. IMMO Dina. Mt, Xyle retuned
toret Zurich, itorne .riday slitee being hos.
• ••
chooses executive
Mrs. J. C. Murray, Toronto, the May meeting.
was speaker at the annual, It was voted to buy 50 new
meeting of Iferiaall Women's ;song hooks and to donate $5
Institute last Wednesday eve-; to St. Paul's church for the
fling. She shower colored slides ,use of the schoolroom.
and commented on her four -1 Mrs. Laird Mickle favored
month trip around Africa and with a medley of songs on the
into the interior as far as, the , piano.
Belgian Congo, a
, .... ...... llllllllllllll lll .1111,11011/11011f111111//4;
Two UC o ficials
resign positions
M. 13-,, DV.Y.sdalo, 1reasitr-
er.or The United Church for
nine Yettrk has laacIered Wa
resignation ,.owing. to press4re
of other .atitiesi- to take -affect
Jely- 1.
;S. choir
rector of,the linttea ,Clwreh.
for years,:has tendered Ids
resignation to take effect 14..
140U MOINE TV. 9E12)
Make sure your children Set
alt the wonderful values of
nature's most perfect food in
too, enjoy the flavor and
goodness of oll Hurondale
Dairy Products. Keep plenty
on hand.
P/42,7 11E175011
saSilheed voinsit3e2d. b28odieeesheotfrieasvateehd
She said "Over there Canada
and the Canadians are magic-
al". She was introduced by
Mrs, George Armstrong, who
presided for the program, 0drs.1
T. Lavender operated the pro -1
jeleltresn. Robert Elgie conducted
the election of officers and
Mrs. T. Sherritt ptesentecl the'
Mrs. Fred Beer was re-
elected president. Past presi-
dent is Mrs. Carl Payne; vice-)
presidents, Mrs, E, R. Davis,
Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs.
James I3engough; secretary-,
treasurer, Mrs. R. M. Peck; 1
assistant, Mrs, Edward Nor-
1 E. L. Mickle
press reporter, Mrs.)
Maude Redden; district direc-
tor, Miss Phyllis Case; alter -
state, Mrs, George Armstrong;
Cross, Mrs, W. 0. Goodwin:1 & SON ,,LIMITED
card conveners, Mrs. W. B,1
pianists, Miss Greta Lammie, PHONE 103 & 20'4 HENSALL
Mrs. 'William Brown; branch a
directors, Mrs. T. C. Coates,
Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mrs.
John Skea and Mrs. Beatrice
Wile! iiiii
Koehler; auditors, Mrs. W. 0, i,
Standing committee conven-
Goodwin, Miss Mary Goodwin. la Beans d See'
agriculture and Canadian
industries, Mrs: Walker Car -
lite and Mrs. W. R. Richard-
son; citizenship and. education,
Mrs, T. Sherritt and Mrs. Ro-
bert Elgie; home ecnomics
and health, Mrs. A. R. Orr and
Mrs. Clarence Reid; historical
research,Miss Mattie Ellis,
Mrs, William Henry, Mrs.
Lorne Chapman, Mrs. N. E.
Cook; public relation 'officers,
ltGlerosr.geMiealtsisd e Heddeu, Mrs.
Delegates were named to the
District Annual at Kippen, May
11, aud Mrs. Jim McAllister
reported plans were well under
way for celebrating the 25th
anniversary of the branch, May
)2, at 8 p.m., in the 'United
First choice for the loaders
training school was "Home
Nursing" with "Block Print-
ing" and "Focus on Finishes"
as alternates in that order. In-
stead of the usual bake sale
members were asked to con-
tribute $1 to be handed in at
Beans and Grain
Contracts are Available
pitalized the past seven weeks
at Clinton Public Hospital.
Mr. W. It: Cooper returned
home after spending the winter
in Toronto and Listowel.
We have Clover and Grass Seeds
Full Line of C,I,L.
Super -Flow Fertilizer
Buyers of all kinds of grain and white beans
and Sons Ltd.
Phone 32
tf111101141t11141,111.1111illIIIIIIMMItidlillttlittlffillitlitilltl111111111M1111 iii i i 11.11M111111,101till
•9/1/4 NATIO