HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-20, Page 2Palm The l'ime4-Mvocztte, Apra 1961
.._ .
st Announcements
1 Birth; - . . ... - No Charge 7:,
Z IttiftrrtageA in.4 ):4,ath; • .• ••• ... 750 E
LMOrriale zinfi deaths Aria reppte& without charvs, t:
in new; columns. This charge APPIICI only to list. I:
ing. milder Announcements') . ..i.:
-of ThanksEnaglemOntA
In Memoriam;• (a -line ver,; tta 0. ala00 i
t gictrA 44(eraest. eh . . . ... - a. , - . - .: , 411' a . •
13gDQvi;;.-4\fr. and Mrs. .13.41
Bedenir, Zaalah. Onnetinee, tlie.
birth ,d A eerl" TIMMY Ger-
ard" .at :South Huron Hospit,
-al, April 16,
BROTHERS - Mr. And 1N1rs.
William. H. others, .GrAnd
Bend, announce the birth o
• daeghter, , at the meny floral tribete
carol, males. Spec -
South Huron Hoepital, Apralal thanks to Rev. S. E,
13-,a sister for Evette Marie. laeWis and the DialleY fancral LIaSt Plaees in the grade SOIL and grade seven pohhc
E. Brownigg, RCAF Statism I wish to express my , sincere The Contest was sponsored. by Exeter lime and Soho],
Tae faMilY of the late Mr.
.and Mr;. Walter -John Ake
wish te „express their .sincere
thanks, and deepest apprecia-
tion for the Many Acts Of kind,
nese toward mr. Thomas Wood-
Avard Mille a 'Patient in Smith
Hume Hospital, and also- for
444 • • „ 4 PAIltUnlint/UniUMAUMMIltilflgiallnitannallgtMOIAMIMPUOIMIMMIMAMOMPAIMMItIri:
.News from Whaler"
MR,4,, FRAM's, IMVIRA .1)vie Grant Dennino
and Donn
, • •
laaul Seh.rier Un Foster Everigellet, "s. -Office. Hamra..fe.
Oho' church. Pf St. 4,Ohn. i
`ovnereFrcic:ina‘y.C11:7erti'% 11,1weillivrae „N„ • ..0.1a1,PINP. PHQN4 g41. AX:ET.ER
"M" "* 1k4441/1 C4eY Jr' '''wHAILIIIIIIIIIIIIImIllwwwIlImmtiolimmlitsiltilitituoimioualiataiimiaimanwoimmmaiionj
.t4ivbvtuiellrsPiw4trr*e'.. bolos. bign,l • M. Arnold Herm Woodhatu,
mon French; Ione hand, Lauraa.anai giaa Norman' Heart,. Dery eimeenteinmeiwavemneienalleileeniweelaiweeieleeininelniniereamaiamleeee •
Carol Foster; Inca's 'high, Wil-
don. were Thursday guests. of
:French; .coasola•tieri, lierheraf and inrS. Witliarn Morley
• I alr. and Mrs, harry Klahre,
WMS end WA
Hodgson -
• " Catheriee And Martha were
April meeting of WMS ,aga Sunday visitors with Mr, and.
WA was beial et the hente of Mrs. Willie in Fischer, St.
airs, Milne naive Thursday ' Mary$,
•.4 afternoon with la members at-
tending. Mrs. Willi= French! paAtiievstat iIn4avte,rcaneeseplilaParlHeYeapiseeia,
TOP PUBLIC SCH91:11.. SPEAKERS — Ann Fairbairn, *
. xinai pans 1,•ere made ' 1\4
Thorn p sag:kV of Ullisti.che% taetv• eNr, ear:
a Ur aY,
held at Wingham
left and Anne I3ell were awarded trophie for Ivinning t t •
, J, chaired meeting anti • gaao London,' following an 0 oration
tIi e report of the Presbyterial,' on t 11
en er ming in Ma'. . Johnny Baldwin and Mrs, olive
1.3ROWNIGQ-41r, and: Mrs. J, 20c :peaking competitions at 'Exeter Public School last 'weel
Centralia, announce the birth thanks to All my eeighbors, ASseCiation,
So euth Huron Hospital, April membered Me With cards., . ............................. .. . . • • • 411eP4ng'
a son, .janieS PAUL at friends and reletwes who re-
: 14--a brother for David. treats. and vieita While: I was , . Perspnat itonis
DQN414.XY - LAC And Mrs, Patient 111. hospital at Lon- N
The WA beld a short bust- Frederica pa East Blootnfiela,
tress meeting. Each member N.Y. were weekend visitors
will have to pay Se a foot (or with mr, and Mrs. William
their height at the May meet- ' French, Mrs. Frederick is re•
ing. A bake sale was held at maining for some time at -the
French. botne.
Mrs. Ray Parkinson visited
any way a 1 : . p ' 1 . • airs. Ray -Stepheha, Anderson, Mrs, 'Ethel ' Squir'e, airs.
ews from Saints ury
Todd Denelley, Portage La don and to all who helped in were Sunday guests of air end helleaer oti MOnda.Y.
thanks to Dr. Tew, Dr. Allen Ey MR$. HEBER DAVIS - mr, area airs, watiarn Heath. Margaret LindsaY, Grantee,
and Dr. Read. it was all very at. MArYs, visited pn Mr, and Mrs. Norman, lloca
mach aelareciated,-ames, Clar-..„. a;,,...„,...a. a. . .! • ' N.,.. s , ' ' . ^ ..:.`...;:.);;,. ,4
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bay gins were Monday visitors with
erica Feltner, 20c WA plans euchre i Bothwell, another uncle accom. Parkirison, . Mr. and airs, F, Sqatire and
I ' Miss Jean Arksey, Landon, on.
Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen her sister,Mrs. Art Har
Pt'airie, the former Catherine
Carter, Cliaten, announce the
birth of their son, April 1 -
• brother for Ricky and
Cinder And 40th great grand-
ehild for airs. Catherine lied- I wish to thank all who re- Mrs, Raymond Greenlee was , P
den, Hensel membered me with flowers, , Mr. and Mrs. Heber Paris spent the weekend with iter
while i was hostess on Wednesday after -
entertained the twenty mem- father, Mr. George ArkseY•
BNSING - Mr. and Mrs. H. cards and treats noon for the April WA meeting.1
tiers of their family ro a birth- Mr. arid Mrs. Glenn laroate
Zlisina', RR 2 Granton, an- in St. Joseph's Hospital. Spec- There were eleven members '
nounce the birth of a dough- lal thanks to the Sisters, nurses present. The roll eail ti was an -1 day dinner 00 Saturday eve- and family, London, Were also
Bing, Those celebrating birth- Sunday visitors with Mr. Ark.
ter, Mary Louise, at South and orderlies on 2 E wing. Also swered with an exchange a
Huron Hospital, April 16-a 1 wish to thank Rev. H. Snell favorite recipes. 1 dates this month are Heber, Jim ,se -i'•
sister for Gbris, Wilma, .pi- and Rev. Lewis for visiting Mrs. Heber Davis, president, Barker' alai Yoang and 'Larry Mr, and airs. Andrew liar
arum, Carl and Paul. me; also Lodge 37 int, Brydges Greenlee. die, Ebeeezer, visited Friday
and Exeter Lodge 67 for icind., wae assisted by. Mrs. Hugh Da-'
SIMPSON - Jim and Jean vis,Mrs. Earl. Greenlee and
Mrs. Ethel Balscien and Do- evening with Mr, and Mrs. F,
in the worjrothy, Stratford, and Mr.- and Squire,
noss shown me, and all those Mrs. Harry Carroll. ,
Simpson, RCAF Station Cent-
ralia, are happy to announce
the birth of Stephen William,
at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, April 1a - brother for
Michael, Kim and Leslie.
aSOUTHCOTT - Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Southeott, Toronto, an-
, nounce the birth of a daughter Lynn Elizabeth, April la
airs. A Delbert Morley Lon- airs, William :Morley Jr,,
Mrs. William Froth, .aire.
Cecil Squire, Mra. Grafton
Squire and Mrs. F. Squire 'at-
tended a shower -on Monday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Fleming Simpson, Thames
Road, m honor of her sister,
Margaret Andereon,
Catherine Maitre was a
guest on TuesdaY with Rev.
who loaned ears at time ur- , .
ing my stay in hospital. - 5°11/' don, were Sunday guests with
Walter Cutbush. 20e
Mrs, Earl Atkinson read let- Mr. and Mrs, Earl Atkinson
ters from Rev. and Mrs. Phill and paid respect to thir' 'annt,
iN MEMORIAM-- lips, forinerly a Perth deanery the late Mrs, 'Nellie Lightfoot.
now oNigeria. Plans were (Hamilton) whose body lay -at
HEDDEN In loving m
meory r
made for Thursday evenings rest at the Stephenson and son
of a dear husband and fa - progressive euchre. funeral home, Ailsa Craig. The
ther, George Edward Hed-
den, who passed away April Mrs, Dean Gibson donated a funeral was held on Monday
mystery prize, won by Mrs. to Nairn cemetery with six
Harve Latta :Mrs. Dean Gib- 1n e p h e w s as pallbearers:
---A sister for Ann Marie, 19, 1927.
TILLEY - Mr. and Mrs. Fred A beautiful memory, of one so
son conducted a contest on TV Messrs. Roy, Erie, Emerson
Tilley, Gidley St., Exeter, dar, stars, and their programs.. ; and Murray Hamilton' and Earl R. T. and Mrs. Hurford, Lon-
cere; Mrs. Earl Atkinson was the and Gordon .,Atkinson. Mrs. don, The sante evening she
announce the birth of a We eherish still with love gn-
i daughter (still born) at South
W1LLIS-Mr. and Mrs. liter -
re one that we will never for-
t Willis, Exeter, announce the get, Church was read. Donations,' la", Jack Dickins wa s
birth of a daughter at South _ the June bazaar were! guest at a bridal shower for
. Lovingly remembered by his for
Huron Hospital, April 14-a wif and family, 20c handed in. her cousin, Miss Mergaret An -
sister for Gerald, Doreen Mrs. Tom Kooy and Mrs, derscin, on Monday evening at
and Bobby. FINLAY-In loVing memory of Earl Greenlee assisted the the home of Mr. and liars.
' Annie E. (Jarrett) Finlay, hostess for the social half Fleming Sempson, Tharins
ENGAGEMENTS— who died three years ago,
Mr, and Mrs, Pearson Char- April al, 1958 -
and mrs.. Don attended a tea apormored by
Huron Hospital, April 15. A day that comes with ead
. An invitation to a missionary alnaguire attended the funeral the
winner. . . 1 Harvey Latta. "Grace Gibbarcl" WA. of
regrets enteral,: at 'Whalen. United. on Monday, Kale.a.laaaeaseeemeasmeateweeleezee
Com-rnents about '•
ters wish to announce the en- When' ties of love are broken,
gagements of their twin daugh- And loved ones have to part,
ters, Mary Elizabeth, to John It leaves a wound that never
Alexander McGregor and Anna- heals,
,belle Mae, to Douglas Edgar Also a broken heart; '
'McGregor, sons of Mr. and But looking back with memor-
Mrs. Alexander McGregor, all ies,
of Tuekersmith. Wedding will Upon the path we trod,
take place on May 13th, at 3 We bless the years she shared
o'clock at St. Andrew's United with us
Church, Kippen, Ontario, 20"
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grain-
ger, Zurich, wish to announce
,the engagement of their second
1daughter, Mary Evelyn, to
Richard Allan Erb, eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lena -rd Erb,
Zurich. The marriage to take
lace in the EUB church,
And leave the rest to God.
-.Ever reneembered and sadly
moose d, by her husband,
Harold Na Finlay,..and fam-
ily. 20ne
HILL - In loving memory of
Clifford T. Hill, who passed
away a: year ago, April 19,
Zurich, on May 6, 1961, at 2 I "rolabal:liTin, yes 1 loved him,
p.m. 20* But angels loved him more,
Mr. Ferne McLean and Miss And they have gently called
Marion McLean wish to an- him
nounce the engagement of his To yonder shining shore,
daughter and her niece, Ruth The golden gates were open,
Patricia McLean, to Mr. Ron- A gentle voice said. 'come,
alai Emerson Anderson, son of And with kindly words un -
son RR. 2 Kippen. The 'mar- ale calmly entered in.
riage to take place at 3 o'clock,
May 20, 1061, in Main Street
United Churth, Exeter. 20nc
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander- spoken,
-Lovingly remembered and
sadly missed by his wife,
Mrs. Alvernia Hill.
. An Eastern guest at a dude
1 wish to express my sincere ranch was fascinated watching
thanks to all my friende, a cowboy prepare himself a
neighbors and relatives who _smoke. "It's wonderful," he
remembered me with *visits, marveled, "the way you can
treats, cards and flowers dur- roll a cigarette with one
'ing my illness in Clinton Pub- aarele
lie Hospital. Special thanks to "Taint, nothina" the cowboy
Dr. J. C. Goddard and hospital resnonded. "Gear)* the filter
staff. -Bill Kyle. 20* in -is .the hard part."
Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Kernick
of Frances SL, would
Crediton East
. fay MRS. W. MOTZ
Mr. and •mrs, Ron Carroll la... : ....„...a.aaaaaaaXaaaaaa
hour, oa .
St. Patrick's euchre visited with +Mr, arid Mrs. H. Persanal' iteens
On Thursday evening 1
ate A. Mullins, Goderich, on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. William Pfaff
members of St. Patrick's day
Church sponsored a second pro- Mr, and Mrs. Jack D'id are putting an addition to their
gressive euchre party. were Friday evening guests '
ic as home here
Prize winners were: special with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wed- Mrs, Harry Lewis spent a
prize, Jack Dickins, lone lake, Exeter few days with her daughter
hands, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Car- Mr. and lairs. Robt. aloft and sonen-law. Mr. and Mr.
ter; high score, Mrs. Earl
Dixon and Mr. Evan Hodgins;
box of groceries by Mr. Mau-
rice MacDonald. -
and John, Guelph, were week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Dobbs Jr., also Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McLean, Tees -
water, Mrs. Doab's parents.
' Garfield Latta and
Mr, ,ana: Mrs. Harry Carrollgrandson,Garry Hern, Mrs.
held a family dinner on Wed- Bob Elliott and Craig and Mrs.
nesday evening on the second! Clive Silverthorne, London,
wedding anniversary of their spent Sunday with Mr. and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Car
t a
,Mrs, Harvey Latta.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis ,
were Tuesday evening guests ' A Scotsman, inviting a friend of Thedford spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Herman to a party, explained how to with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Powe, Exeter. find his apartment: "Come to S. 51015.
Mr. Ray Carroll, Detroit, stn the fifth floor, and when you Mr. Don Dinney is in To-
. the late Mr, Jim Carroll, see the letter li on the door, ronto General Hospital recov-
Alec Hamilton at Grand Bend.
Jerry Sims of Exeter :spent
the weekend with his -grand-
parents, Mr. and Aire. Eli
Sims. ,
eeaer.''Ben Millman was taken
to. St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon -
doe and is in a serious condi-
tion. Mrs. Millman is staying
part time in London. His son
of Detroit was called home,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Romphf
like to take this opportunity of LSMFT
thanking all callers who visited
the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John Harris, on their '60 Ford 4 -door Ranch Wagon,
sixty-sixth wedding aftraverary, V-8, autoinatie; '59 Ford V-8
April 3, and all those who sent Sedan, automatic radio, 2-
congratulatory rnessages, flow- tone; '58 Mercury 'Sedan, aute-
Os and treats, 20 matic, low mileage; '58 Cliev.
I wish to thank all my Sedate a nice one; '58 Chev
friends and Rev, S. E. Lewis Coach OK; '57 Ford 500 1/.8
for their kindness in remem-
bering Me At the death of rnY
father, ;Mr, Fred Pik, �fOliver, B.C. (foriterly of lien-
sall).-Mrs. E. Appleton, '20c
Seda.n,• 2 -tone, automatic, radio;
'51 Meteor Rideau, 2 -door, auto -
inane, radio; '57 Chev Sedalia
V-8, automatic, radio; '56 Me-
teor 4.cloor, V.E. Ranch Wagon,
wish to sincerely than „aptematit, radio; '56 Ford
everyone W110 visited ree dee- Coach, an above Average car,
ing My stay in South Huron
Hospital.; for the many cards
and treats, and these who
helped in any way and since
returning home. Special thanks
to Miss Clopole, staff, and
a,utomatit, 2 - tone; 56 Ford
Seder); '53 Ford Coed; '54
Ford Sedan; '54 Hudson Sedan;
'53 Chev Coach; '51 Austin
Sedan. above average; '50 De-
Soto Sedan.
Dr, Gans, -Mr, trnest Hicks,
/ wish to express my sincere
thanks to all my friends and
relatives who remembered me
With flower, treats, cards and
Visits during my convalescence
in the hospital and sakes "re-
turnirig home, -- Mrs. Valen-
tine Becker. 20*
Clip Out Otte Emergencies
toreperly.equipOoel vehicles
with oxygen.
Drivers with St, JohnO
btilande ereficatet
FUNERAL+ 1406410
h�nP DelthWood *Wor mind Boot204/
LJW 1.1.111111•161eliii
'54 Buick 2 -door hardtop'
automatic, radio
* a steal at $250
•• •
57T,'Ord Tandem 750 Tractor;
Ford F-600 Dump with
trailing aale, new Meter; '51
International 180 and dump
trailer; '56 Ford r400 Durap,
lilOter overlie -Wed, ready to
ten; '52 Chev 3 -tett Cornbiiia-
floe DunIN '53 Dodge Pickup
'51 Cher Pickup,
Jobe Deere 40 eraWler With
front end leader; 44 WC Allis
Chalehersa above avetag4 '50
Brady Chopper$
formerly of this community, push the button with your
visited with his uncle, Mr. elbow and when the door
Hugh Carroll and family on opens, put your foot against
Saturday, Mr, Eli -Carroll, it."
ering from an operation.
Miss June Kuhn ;of Strath -
ray spent the weekend at her
home here.
tarry 'Snider
tiRa .Monereli - 'Falcon
Mode in
SavingsPied—at Ganadtan Tire
Sportsiedia vacationers • save money on meals
have fun preparing them , on this Ciiiernan
damp Stove, Set up, operate anywhere; Lights
stantly; Safe ged dependable; Dasy to use. to
gauge steel construction with spring lock Lb held
kgs firmly. Stainless steel burner rings. Adjust,
able wind baffles. 17 x 113/4 x 5", 12 -lbs, Folds up
compactly for easy carrying, storing,
ertli4nd BA
.:racligtfor grid Auto :Electric
Cp.mplos, Radiator 'Service
Cleaned, .R.e.paired'and Recorod
Licensed Mechanic'
PHONE 1096
On Highway No. 4
filtmotemmenmesmalteliettelIkeitiumemeotemminelieftleime Hem . tmenenomilemeA
436 Main St. Exeter
Phone 451 Milton Robbins & -SOn Ltd,
Our Lowest.Priced
20" Rotary Mower!
Smooth Running — Clean Cutting
Never before so much mower offered for so little!
Easy operating dependable performance Is yours
at a budget price; Heavy-duty 1 -pc„ blade cuts
a full 20" ... trims close to paths, flower beds,
too! Staggered wheels for easier handling, pre-
vent "scalping"; Front side clipping, ejector; Runs
smoothly on serni-pneumatic rubber tires; Dust -
proof ignition on Clinton engine that has a new
dry -type air eleaner. All steel chassis with baked -
on enamel finish; Chrome plated handles . .
detachable for easy storing. Save Safely.
PISTIL START 20" Rotary Mower
Has all the features of the above mower, plus the exam convenience.
of Recoil Start, Priced for savings
ear.. fff1=00 SVWMP1 WO•WINI mem,
I Recoil Start 20"
14 'ICLE
With Mulching
1 aa,
Starter 1
i ,...
,,, 2r 4YLE 1
i With e 44•Af
tee Mtlichinit v.
Attachnient -
,„;, ; 'r,, . .„ , Takes the work out of starting .. ; the easy
1 Witil lOtiCrrn •rnOw fingertip I I way to inintaculate lawn care Powerful,
Throttle ontrol , I
yet lightweight Clinton 4 -cycle, 21/2-'h.P. en.
C . .
gine with auto -type eil pirate; fdll-flegt .
1 Our roost iippuiar, lowest priced 4 -Cycle
carburetor and new dry type air filter; Sue,
I *Meek that ,eliminates Mixing of gas And
tionaift 1 -pc. blade for maximum cutting ;,
oil, provides. arcoothet, oil eter power, efficiency. leinforcecl steel deck; Fingertip
IDeeded with features: 13,einferced heavy 1 1 thretle control stops, starts, runs and choke a .,
duty 14 gauge steel deck; Recoil start 21/4 es yeti desire; Right frent clipping ejector; ,
I lap, Clinton engine with improved type air filter; 4 cutting heights; Easy rolling '7" NeW desg
I merit feor
staggered Wheels; Trims tight to flower heights. Chrome adjustplated handles, metAllit , .
1 bede, pathe; New 'Veal -Mow" 1 -pee blade;
Chrome plated handles avitai two -aerie en- broitte, red enamel finish plus a host ofI
AS ABOVE-4tit- With Briggs & , dm 1 1 Stratton 4-ycl
'ther I"tures'
ce, 21/2 -hp, eilgine, Man
;mid alineli otOotly, •
AS ABOVE --but with trig& & ta ft E 1
I Stratton 4•tcyClei 2,1/24i,p. engine, a kgm'
ton 4.,ayaie, aeap, engine „„„„.„. MAW the 4 -cycle, 3 lap. engine „.„,„.„.„ GRAM I
. AS O' -44a 22" With CIhl. •goi eiti AS ABOVE -but 22" with -Olin- tA at
kertnts. h.*. einiiiim 1.;.wasai -Isai• •iimmo
*woke emit*, Iiiiris. 48:/.6 44,4%404 Win". instill i 'mi.:6
. . . . . PARTS
Ctintiditui 'rite hitlinictint Expert kept:lie t ervite ahel Parts 'Depot ft* ensure ito ..
ficiertf, deperitldble. petforhiteice from your tawa,Matter .120Will Mower, year .
after year , ;%' and to pitted Or Power Mbwer Purchase. Save Safely:,
Soo tono's Larootf Selection of Power Mowees of CoT.O.c
•I •