The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-13, Page 18Pare I E .April 13t. 1961
and district news
Phone BA 1.4255
UC Bunny Tea
attracts crowd
The annual Bunny Tea, which
always seems to draw a splen.
did attendance, was no excep-
tion last Saturday. The ideal
sunny day gave Lucan ladies
an opportunity to display their
new '`"high" hats which Easter
:Sunday's snow storm, prevent-
Receiving at the door were
Mrs, Sheridan Revington WAIS
past -president (pinch -hitting
for the president, Mrs. George
Paul), Mrs. T. C. McFarlane,
president of the Anglican Wom-
an's Auxiliary, and Doris Cul-
bert, Chief Explorer. 'Explorer
Lois Hodgins was in charge of
Never did the United Church
schoolroom look more resplen-
dent with Easter decorations,
at the entrance on the stairs,
hanging from the ceiling and
on walls and pillars. The coun-
sellors and Explorers spent a
busy work meeting last Tues-
day doing the decorating.
Mrs, 0. E. Lancaster and
Mrs. G, W. Sach poured tea at
a lace covered table, centred
with a large bouquet of spring
flowers. Mrs. Erle Young and
Mrs. John F'ark were in charge
of the tea room, while Mrs.
George 'Thomson, Mrs. Don
Ankers, Alrs, Pat Crudge .and
:hiss Reta Chown looked after
the kitchen,
Each tea table was centred
with a chocolate Easter bunny,
sitting in a nest of colored
chocolate eggs. Explorers did
the serving.
Joan Lewis and Garbey
Fritz were in charge of the
candy table.
Entertaining were Explorers
Nancy Hardy and Marilyn
Hearn with piano number:,,
Norma Davis, tap dancing and
Janice Hayter, athy Mathers,
Bobby and Marie Coughlin, a
vocal number.
David Millar's real live white I
xa'bbit in a cage, was greatly
admired, particularly by the
wee folk.
Drive proceeds
despite illness !
Fortunately Lucan's cancer
campaign chairman, Mrs. A.!
E. Reilly had her 1961 cam-
paign well organized before
taken to the hospital for sur-,
gery five weeks ago. Mrs. Reil-'
ly arrived home on Saturday
and hopes to have everything
ready for the Lucan and Bid-
dulph drive beginning Monday,
April 17.
The WI, the Legion Auxiliary
and all church organizations
have been askedto contribute
canvassers for the campaign. !
Legion Auxiliary bingo
Split bingos and duplicates
again featured the Legion
Auxiliary bingo at the Legion
Hall Last Thursday night.
Mr. Henry Bieber of Clande-
boye won the $5 consolation.
prize. Mr. Joe Haskett of Lu -
can won the first line of
"Share the Wealth", Shirley
Taylor of Exeter, the last line
and Mrs. Grant Brooke, Mrs.
William 'blathers and Mrs.
Wade Zeigler, all of Lucan,
split the full card prize.
Mrs. Harry Arnold of Lucan
won the first and second part
of the consecutive bingo and
Mrs. Biemons of llderton, the
third part.
The first bingc was split be-
tween Mrs. William. McFallS
and Mrs. Harold Butler of Lu -
can, the second between Mr.
Benny Kelly and Mrs. Cecil
Neil of Luean, the fourth a-
mong Cathie Mathers, her
mother, Mrs, William Mathers
and Mr, Joe Haskett, the sixth
between Mrs. Roy Pepper of
Exeter and. Mrs. Wade Zeigler
of Lucan, the fifth was split
five ways among Mrs. Cecil
Neil, Mrs, John Smibert, Mrs.
Joe .Haskett, Mrs. William ,
Mathers, all of Lucan and Mrs. t
Harry Walper of Exeter.
Single binges went to Mrs.;
Cecil Hodgins, Mrs. ,Jack Hen-'
son, Mrs, Richard Davis, all of
Lucan and Mr, Roy Pepper of
WA views slides
St. James Church Clandeboye
WA and the Lucan Evening
Branch were guests of the aft-
ernoon branch, in the parish
hall last Wednesday evening
when slides on the study, book,
"Towards the Centre", were
The Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
was in eharge of the projector
and Mrs, Er+••in Scott and Mrs,
Harold Hodgins, eommenta-
tors. Though the pictures were
beautiful it was felt they did
not follow the hook.
The president Mrs, T. C. Mc-
Farlane presided at the meet-
ing, She was assisted in the
devotions by Mrs, Bert Jack-
son and Miss Lina Abbott.
The president .reportedon the
splendid 'long Kong hale which
Mr. Lancaster was able to de-
liver to the WA house.
It Was decided that further
plans i'or the Euchre and.
Bridge be left in the hands of
the executive.
The WA annual wilt be held
at Kitchener April 25.2d,
The president offered her
home for the May meeting..
Hostesses for the meeting in.
eluded Mrs, >✓, 0, Lancaster,
Mrs, William Brawnl.eo, Mrs,
Ehwiit' eott, Mrs, Harold Cor•
bett and Mrs T, C. McI:atlane.
Correspondent: Miss Lina .Abbott
Director of Recreation.
The Spring is sprung-,
The grass ain't rizl
There's nothin' round but Hud --
Gee Whiz!
This column is opened this
week with humblest apologies
too all poets—and English teach•
ees--^hut somehow this sort of
covers the in between period
we are at right now, The ice
at the arena is out—as far as
skaters go -but in its physical
state, will not be "out" for
another week or longer depend.
ing on the weather. It's an in
between period and clean-up
is the order of the day,
Last Friday evening, the Lu -
can Skating Club brought to
a conclusion this year of skat-
ing with their annual Tce Re-
vue. This year, the theme was
a circus—complete with Lions,
Seals, ete. — and even the
clowns who did an excellent
job of providing laughter. The
whole evening was a splendid.
effort reflecting credit on all
the skaters, the executive and
the instructor, Mr. Arthur
Last Fall, the tennis courts
were completed -- rather late
for any extensive playing.
However, this year they are
ready, and it is hoped the;
Tennis Club will shortly hold
a meeting to decide on some
regular activity on the courts.
Preliminary discussions have
already been briefly held by
some of the executive and they
would like to have the names
of anyone interested in playing
tennis. Those interested should
please contact your Director of
On Wednesday, April 5, the
first get-together of a Teen
Town group was held in the
form of a dance in the arena
auditorium. Quite a nice gath-
ering of Teenagers resulted in
a fine evening of dancing. The
second evening has already
been planned for Friday, April
21 next when an enlarged pro-
gram of activities for the eve-
ning is planned.
And in closing—just a word
about some coming events.
On Thursday, May 11, Johnny
Cash (who was here a year
ago last September. with the
largest show ever held in the
Lucan arena) will be back
again, supported by an all-star
cast. Then on Saturday, May
13, the Forest City Kennel Club
will hold their annual Interna-
tional Dog Show in the Lucan
Auxilary hears
district official
The April meeting of the
Legion Auxiliary was held in
the Legion Hall last Tuesday
evening with the vice-presi-
dent, Mrs, Pat Crudge, in the
The guest speaker was the
zone comn ander, Mrs. Amelia
Seed of Strathroy, who was ac-
companied to the meeting by
Mrs. Jones, also of Strathroy.
The annual rally is scheduled
for May 10 at Glencoe.
During the business session
it was decided to donate a
trophy to the Ladies' Bowling
League. The mystery prize
was won by Mrs. F'at Crudge,
Lucan men make good
Mr, Bob Watson, son of Dr.I
and Mrs. T. A. Watson. of Lu -
can, has been made manager
of the meat department of one
of the Winnipeg A & P stores,
Mr. Joe Horne, also formerly
of Lucan, has been made man-
ager of a Calgary A & P.
Young musicians
present recital
Mr. Phillip Squire of Glen-
coe, who took over Airs, .Clar-
ence Hardy's music class, pre
sented his first recital Iasi
Wednesday afternoon in the
community memorial centre.
Participating w ere Helen
Sigsworth, June Corbett, Eliza
beth, Nancy and David Hill,
Ann and Doris Culbert, Joan
Barker, Willi Horuk, Gary
Traversy, Sandra Marshall,
Nancy Kestle, Judy Scott,
Nancy Haskett, Nancy Watson,
Jean Lankin, Wayne Hodgins,
Norma Stewart and Paul
Five of the group, Paul
Steacy, Gary Traversy, Nancy
Kestle, Judy Scott and Helen
Sigsworth have been chosen to
take part in Air, Squire's stag-
ing of "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs" at Glencoe,
April 13 and 14, in aid of the
crippled children.
United Church WA
The Woman's Association of
the United Church held its
April meeting in the church
schoolroom, last Wednesday
afternoon. In the absence of the
president and vice-president,
Mrs. C. H. George, a past pres-
ident, took the chair, Mrs,
George Paul's and Mss Doris
Weir's group was in charge of
the worship service and re-
freshments, There was a min-
ute's silence in memory of the
late Mrs. Edgar McFalls,
Mrs. G. W. Sach reported on
a luncheon held in London for
all WMS presidents, ministers
and their wives.
It was decided on April 14 to
sponsor an evening of :fides
when the Rev. Ross Crosby of
St. Marys will give an illustrat-
ed talk on his trip to Italy and
In keeping with the Easter
theme, Mrs. George Paul read
the story, "The Touch of His
Saint Stephen's -on -the -Mount
Anglican Church, Hamilton,
was the setting on Saturday,
April 1 for the wedding of
Elizabeth Lamont and Keith
The bride is the daughter of
Dr. W. E. Lamont and the late
Mrs. Lamont of Hamilton and.
the groom is the only son of
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Dickins
of Kenora (formerly four miles
north of Lucan).
Among the guests present at
the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Dickins of Byron, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Dickins, Sandra
and Brenda and Mrs Phineas
Dickins, all of London,
Fijak-Januszewska •
Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Hod-
gins of Lucan were among
those who attended a Polish
wedding on Saturday, at 11
am. in Our Lady of the
Czestochowa Church, London
when Michael Fijak and Vic-
toria Januszewska were united
in matrimony.
The reception was held In
the Polish Veteran's Hall and
was still going strong when
Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins left at
6 p.m. Mrs. Hodgins reported.
that everything was lovely
with food in abundance for all.
40th wedding anniversary
Mrs. G. A. Moore of P.ort
Dover and Mrs. Alex Colver
of Windsor staged a surprise
party for their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. U. F. Stanley's 40th
wedding anniversary last Wed-
nesday. Old friends were pres-
ent to extend congraulations
for the past and best wishes
for the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley were
married April 5, 1921 in the
Lucan United Church by the
Rev, E. G. Powell,
Besides their two daughters
and four grandchildren they
had one son, Kent, who was
killed in World War II.
f Eft/ LIBRARIANMrs, Dose Atkinson is tiOW in
. r t~harge of x.ucatl's library service, She's soon- - .
Save txloney, ]'�oi7k two, tlie� .... .. �, S e s .here get
begalna in T=�i iassifidds ting; a book for Bennie Crudge,
•/k, r .RI j,. A. ,,a•. ti, tr. a l..4..
ro.._-intt,: 4totes, ti.:** ,+txr'".r.,:r".
Culbert photo
PRESENT RECITAL—This group of budding musicians presented a musical re-
cital last week. At
the piano are three of the Hill children—Elizabeth,
... . Nancy and
David, Other children are: front row, from left, Nancy Kestle, Judy Scott, Joan
Barker, Doris Culbert, Helen Sigsworth, Jane Corbett, back row, Ann Cubert, i,,',,,,u„u,u!u nliu.nnuu1,111,11iull..I „I,,,11,1,,.I1u ,,r,, gnu,,Har i., •
Norma Stewart, Jean Lankin, Wayne Hodgins, Willi Hen*, Gary Traversy and Paul
Steacy, —Culbert photo!
Approve new bylaws
to controdogs,:._.` rf1
New bylaws governing the
control of dogs running at large
and prohibiting the carrying or
discharging of firearms or air
guns hvillage wets passed
by Luincante council at its April
The bylaws will be mailed: to
all residents of the village.
Connell learned that the pre.
Iiminary report on a sewerage
system will be presented by
W. M. Veitch and Associates,
engineers, at the next meeting.
It was also advised by W.
II. Thomas, h2iddleses, MP,,
that fedg't con-
sidering the erection 0f a new
post offtheice foreral the ovvillageis,
Council acted on a petition
from the volunteer firemen
that the old fire engine be re-
tained for stand-by duty in the
Village. It agreed that the
Panel truck purchase,, rid
equipped by the volunteer'sbe
donated to the fire area.
Reeve Ivan Hearn end Cecil
Lewis were anpolnted to the
fire area board,
Council directed its street
committee to .obtain -es imates
on rebuilding .a portion of
market St. and regrading poe-
tions of Beech and Chestnut
streets. It also directed the
drain committee to obtain esti-
mates on rebuilding the outlet
for .the Market St, drain,
Among the accounts approved
was the Ausabie Authority levy
of $635,88 and vehicle insurance
premium of $105.
Reeve Hearn presided and
Councillors Lippert, Hay and
Corbett attended.
PRESENT "UNDER THE BIG TOP"—Lucan figure skaters cleligh;^:l a large crowd
with their circus -type carnival Friday night. Director Arthur Bourke, above, en-
courages a number of the performers. From left, they are Libby Elson, Peggy
Stretton, Debby Millson, Patricia Hodgins and Cheryl Marshall. —Culbert photo
Colorful 'big top' show
delig-htslarge crowd
Stratford Skating Club, Robert
McCrabb, Western Ontario Jr.
Men's Champion for 1961, Miss
Judy Clawson of the Sarnia
Skating Club, Miss Mary Ver-
dun, Western Ontario Jr, La-
dies' 1961 champion . of the
Aylmer Skating Club and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Avery 1958
to 1961 Western Ontario Vet-
eran Dance Champions, of
Brantford. Skating Club.
Mr. Clarence Haskett was
MC for the evening.
The 1961 club has an enrol-
ment of 26, seven from Park -
Friday, April 7 was another
red letter evening for the mem-
bers of the. Lucan Figure
Skating Club, when they suc-
cessfully staged their fourth
annual ice revue, "Under the
Big Top", at the Lucan arena.
In keeping with the theme of
a "Circus on Ice" those of the
decorating committee are to be
congratulated on their unique
arrangement of foil paper, bal-
loons and circus posters, which
covered the hockey net, rink
boards anda large temporary
entrance unto the ice.
The opening number included
the ringmaster, the majorettes,
the band, the seals and Cheryl
Marshall as a tiny clown.
Other numbers on the pro-
gram were Trapeze, Dancing
Poodles, Lions, F'op-corn Balls,
Rhapsody in Rhythm, Six in
Harmony, Northern Lights, ,
Ballet and Gypsies. All cos -I
tumes were rented and were
colorful and beautiful.
Jim Drennan, Bruce Scree -
ton, Brian Haskett, Donald
Coughlin, David Lippert and
Bill Darling, dressed as girls
staged a comic number which
was greatly amusing to the
"young fry',
The guest artists included
Miss Mary Beth Jones of the
Flowers in the chancel were
in memory of the late Mrs,
William Cornish, Mr. Chas.
Corbett spoke briefly at the
11 o'clock service.
During the afternoon a meet-
ing was held in the parish
hall to finalize plans for the I
"Every Mem be r Visitation
Campaign", on Sunday, April
United Church
The Choralettes of Wells'
Academy, assisted by local
talent, presented a successful
program in the United Church
schoolroom last Thursday eve -
I theg, They Coupl s'vClubere sponsored by
There was a large attendance
of the Lucan-Clandeboye YPU
at the United Church Sunday
evening when they entertained
the YFV from Ailsa Craig as
well as the YP from the Lu-
can Pentecostal Holiness
Church, whose pastor, the Rev,
Roland Bartell, was the guest
speaker. taking as'his topic
"Bound by Sin'.
The Rev, G. W, Saeh led in
a sing -song and spoke briefly,
Jean Lankin, assisted by Barb.
ara Park, led in the worship
A film on the life of Helen
Keller Was in Charge of -Mar,
ilyn Eaton.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
At the Young Peoples' meet.
ing Friday, Oral Roberts' .films
were shown, and at the Sun••
day service Paul Graham sang
a ;Solo,
hill, three from Denfield, four
from Clandeboye and 12 from
Lucan. Mrs. Glen Haskett is
president, Mrs, Carl Murphy,
vice-president, : ilrs. Clarence
Haskett, secretary and Mrs.'
Sam Screaton, treasurer,
During the finale, gifts were
presented to the guest artists
and to Mr. Bourke by the chil-
dren, after which all those
taking part in The Revue were
treated to ice-cream and cake,
coffee and hot chocolate by
the ladies' committee of the
Arena Board,
Koffee Kup
Many thanks to our friends and patrons who
attended our Turkey Dinner with us last Sun-
We will continue to serve Turkey Dinners each
Sunday from 12 noon to 8 p.m.
Complete dinner: Adults $1,50, Children 750
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