The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-13, Page 944. A1.0(4,
• 1 9"/
911, /Ng Tutor.* *IN*. !F14
"He'll see you now."
e 1061, Xing Features Syndic:de, Ic.,Wurld rIghts
wit Work for a boss like him—at least, that's
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Centralia news
District ministers
enjoy class reunion
Rev. and Mrs. D. M. Guest
were in Toronto last week at-
tending a reunion of Mr.
Guest's ordination class of Em-
manuel College in 1921.
There were ten members in
that class and all attended the
reunion held in Trinity United
Is church, Toronto. The wives of
the class members were also
invited and five of these at-
Included in the class were
Rev. Harold Swim, a school
teacher in the Exeter district
before he entered Victoria Col-
• lege and who spent the greater
• part of his ministry in over-
seas missions work. He is pres-
• ently on the staff of Albert
College, Belleville; 'Rev. Dune-
, ,1 in McTavish, London, a for-
t Trier minister at Crediton and
James Street, Exeter; Rev.
Harold Johnston, now at Bruce -
field and Kippen; Rev. E. C.
Taylor, of Goderich; Rev. Rus-
sell May,_ Loring; Rev. John
Button, Blenheim; and Rev.
E. W. Jewett, Rev. Stanley,
Johnston and Rev. T. C. Wilk -
inn, formerly of Motherwel1,1
ill now in Tbronto.
Following a dinner served in
Tririity United church of which
Rev. S. R. Johnston is aasist-
AAt minister, Rev. Duncan'
MacTevith presided for a short,
Program when members of. the
class recalled incidents of their
respective _ministries and en-;
joyed a social time together.
The class was ordained in
Atkin, Street Methodist church,
Lotiden, *hen the president of
the COnferenee was the late
Rev. Jeseph Hibbert, Wing-,
WA meets
Ors 'John McAllister pre--
sided for the worship service
at the April meeting of the
Wonian's Association in the
'-Soitekdroorn of the church on
Wednesday afterribOn. She was
assisted in the devotion by Mrs.
Arthur McFalls Mrs, 0.
A reading "taster is the an-
swer to the world's detpair"
was given by Mra. George'
Mien; piano ,sOlo by Mrs. Alvin
Eatery, Rev. D. M. Guest was
the speaker and chOse for his
:subject "What do we see?"
• A reading. "Batter, Time" was
tA'it by Mrs, 0. Squire.
• 1: Mtg. Earl Heist wit in the
chair for the lansinesa, A quilt -
ing it, planned fOr the next
WMS Meets
Mrs. A, Mains, Mra, G.
316Fills and Mrs. George Dunn
were iri charge pf the progranl
it the WMS Meeting on Tues-
daY evening.
Thoughts ori Easter were
presented each of the ladies,
A solo wis sung by Mrs, Ross
'geniis with 1Mrs. Lorne flicks
At the piano. -
Mrs. A. .Meralls intrecluced
the study taken from the book
"Winds 6f Chan0", Canada's
relatien to the Commonwealth
and tp 'the United States was
outlined by Mtg. G. MCFalls.
*t. G. Danti dealt, with
Ada and the tit DttA .and the
U.S.S.R._ ,
, Mrs. Elmer Powe presided
tor the business and announCed
the WMS rirmiverSarY for Aril
23 With (Wt. Moore of Park.
hill is guest apeaker, The
'inusie for the service will be
PrOvided by a; finale choir', Mrs.
' Earl traist and Mrs, Fred
'Bowden repotted 'oil the WMS
Presbyterial ii Wirighani.
A riiiatiOnary •bale will be
/Melted aly ifl Jun. The
iladies were invited to Whalen
to hear Miss Emily Stewart
give an illustrated talk on
' Mrs. Ray Shoebottom report-
! ed on Christian Citizenship,
"'Let's stop yapping at the
United States". The roll call
was answered with a donation
of money for the allocated
bale. •
1 The hostesses were Mrs. A.
Smith and Mrs. P. Noels,
Personal items
1 John Overholt returned to
his home in London on Sunday
after spending the Easter holi-
days with Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Overholt and family.
Mrs. K. Hodgins and Cathy
visited for a few days last
week with Mr. and Mrs, Nor-
man Frolick in Royal Oak,
Visitors during the past week
with Mr. and Mrs, Murray
Abbott were Mrs, J. Mugford
and Sandra Abbott of Lucan on
Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs,
Don Abbott and Janice of Lu -
can on Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. B. Mugford of Toronto
was a Saturday evening guest.
Glen Overholt spent a few
days in Goderich with Mr. and
Mrs. Armand Bedour and fam-
ily after participating in the
pee wee hockey tournament.
Glen was playing with the Exe-
ter team who lost to Wood-
bridge, the trophy winners.
Marikay Hodgins was a visi-
tor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable for a
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robin-
son and family of Keswick
were in the village for a couple
of days last week. The Robin-
son girls, Shari and Patti, were
guests at the home of Dianne
Breen. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson
and boys were guest. of Mr.
and Mrs. 13. 1361 -land,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vegan
and Heather of Listowel, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Cunnington
and family of Elimville were
Sunday visitors with IMr. and
Mrs. Fred Cunnington,
Mrs. F. Hicks, Mrs, Guest,
Mrs. K. Hodgins, Miss Agnes
Anderson, Mrs, E. Powe, Mrs.
E. Haist, Mrs. L. Hodgson and
Mrs. F. • Bowden attended the
Huron WMS Presbyterial in
Wingham on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Patter-
son and family of Exeter were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Breen And family.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shoe•
bottom and family of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shoe -
rePairsEDashwo:Od Institute
atGraanwa-YHthooses• executive
By h41:0.',. W.PP.P.B.Wft.N.
The WMS. and - WA of the
United Church,lielti their Ante
meeting at the home ,of Mrs.
Arthur 13ropbey in PArkbill
with Mra. II. Harlton in charge
of the worship on Easter. Mrs..
Graven of Parkhill sang a ,solo.
'accompanied by Miss Evelyn
IMrs,. Jacob Raiz „of Shipka.
gave .4 .talk la n "An Easter
Journey." 'She was thanked by
Mrs. Cant= Woodburn, Mrs,.
Elton Curts led in prayer 'Ter
the group's prayer missionary,
Miss. Taylor of India. Mrs.
Lloyd Brophey gave a reading
011 Christian Citizenship. Sev-
eral articles were handed in for
the layettes.
Hey, Irwin will be guest
speaker for the WMS anniver.
San' AMC 1...
An invitation was read and
accepted front Centenary Aux-
iliary to meet with them on
April xi in the Parbhill United
Mrs—lrwin will speak in the
United Church on May 9 at g
p.m. A cordial invitation is
given to all ladies in the com-
munity to attend, Mrs, Elton
Curts closed the WMS meeting
With a poem,
Mrs, Joe Horner took charge
of the WA meeting,
A report of the committee
concerning the floor covering
was given. A meeting of all
men of the congregation was
to be held concerning:the
floors and other Sunday School'
It was decided to have a
strawberry supper in June,
Three members visited the
birthday bank. The roll call
was answered by 14 members
and two visitors.
The May meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Harvey
Eagleson, A plant sale will be
held at this meeting.
Personal items
The Berean Bible Class of
the United Church will hold,
their meeting on Friday eve-
ning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Whiting.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Dettloff
of Detroit spent the:weekend
with their aunt,: Mrs. Albert
Mr, Wilbert Young is serious-
ly ill in St—Joseph's Hospital,
Billie Griffith and Mary El-
len Griffith of :Parkhill visited
last week with their grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Elda Brown of London
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Brown and family,
Misses Evelyn and' Viola
Curts and Mr, :Manuel Curts
entertained the choir of the
United Church at their home
last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Cecil Smithers a n d
Johnnie spent last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Woodburn
and family of Galt,
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd•Ayhiting
and family 'of Fort Eri visited
last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy -Whiting.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Steeper
of Sarnia spent last weekend
The story in •
Dianne and Ronnie Miller
visited in the Easter holidays
with their grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. Will Miller, Crom-
Eric Norris, Guelph, spent
the weekend at his home here.
Joanne Templeman visited re-
cently with Bonnie Jean Mil-
Mrs. Pearl Francis and Jane
from Scarborough visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and
family in the Easter holidays.
Saturday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mil-
ler and family were Mr, and
Mrs. Ross Smale and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Arm-
strong and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis
and family, Mitchell, visited
Saturday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. John Templeman.
'Mr. and Mrs. Cooper MeCur-
cly, Centralia, Mrs. Ethel Cur-
rie, Dorchester, Miss Barbara
Norris, Winnipeg, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sa-
muel Norris,
Mr, and Mrs. John Temple-
man and family visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Duncan, Exeter,
The past Farm Forum group
at Staffa held a pot -luck sup-
per at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Miller Monday
night. Twenty seven enjoyed
the evening,
bottom and family of Fanshawe
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom and
Sharon Vegan returned to.
her home in Listowel on Sun-
day after spending the holidays
with her grandParents,
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§y MRS. ERVIN amng 4 F liOcrg.Ur‘sigr,
r WI was held TUPDgVin saute Jia,
' April Meeting of s",'" 1 ChbsTaylor.
onveners of standing corn,
April 4 with the installation Atari inthistri", xr,s. Harold
theihjele\ivica°iftrhicer50*Up With •''";'„'' 'Current Events, Idress-elateeni Me -
ill'ul'‘r• w ,*
Glen Webb convener was ' •Crae; Citizenship and Educa-
ebarge of the Progrkun, Foos tion, Mrs, Carl Oestreicher;
tahneciroallecuarit fAoirrswrEinritviines4fnr 1,yAiori;i.e Economics and geauh,
Eben Weigand: 7'weeda
commente.d 9n the motto' ' i: mut' History Committee, Mrs,
one gets indigpStlail from 4"
lowinids prtcle." ,Syd lisker, Mrs, John Rader
Mrs, Elm Weigand gave re- and '51r8' '411111 Beek"'
cent current events. Harry Easter party
Roffman, a representative of Tho annual Raster party for
$t, John's Ambutance, was the Sunday School children of
ngeueeds t fsopre atircearin. infige IT efsisre4ctl
Wednesday, April 5 with group
atIde Zion Lutheran Church was held
and spoke on first aid, 2 and Mrs. Kenneth Keller con-
sided for the busineSses11.°11,112krs. PErer:
Mrs. with ‘ivnithtlin\egatimes fantdh singsongs Mrs, Leonard
v eSniexrt Sixty-nine n VI aerhgl el d took part
dent was a guest and spoke
John MacLean district prest• leuhnocrigica. ncTihRisaswtears favors. ed by
briefly, Hats maclediinspltahy, eshort
course were on Dashwood Merry Maids
ports were heard from the the seventh meeting of the
standing committees. Dashwood 4-H club was held
Mrs, E. Rader presided for tati jttheeeiis
Mrs, MacLean conducted h
the election of officers andia h
Mrs. Leonard Schenk and Mrs.
installation, Mrs. Harold Ke
i.. Ebentehelgii:ii
Lerman gave the nominating
irel sgsakfniircintissphreaedns dealterations
committee's report, onTh
Each girl did a sample of New officers are — Past
ing a zipper. How the record
sew -
President, Mrs. Arnold Kuntz;
p r e s 1 d e n t, Mrs. Leonarbook rovers would be finished
d. was decided.
Ervin Rader and Mrs. Arnold
Schenk; vice-presidents, Mrs.
The nextmeeting will be at
the home of Lynda Kraft April
K un t z; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. Glenn Webb ;assistant, •
Mrs, Milfred Merner; district Anthony MarteneMrs. Eli -
director, Mrs. Arnold Kuntz; beill
Martene and mr, and
alternate, Mrs. Syd. Baker; di-
Eben Wiegand spent Sunday in
rectors, Mrs. Otto Willert, Mrs,
Ernest Koehler and Mrs. Addi-
The Evangelical U.13, Church
son Tiernan; public relation of-
their cantata, "The makers of choir of Zurich will present
ficer, Mrs, Ervin Rader; pia- „
nist, Mrs, Ken McCrae; audi- "le cross," Sunday evening,
April 16, in the Dashwood
with relatives. IEUB Church
Miss Ruby Pollock of .Hamil-
Persona items
ton spent the holidays with her I Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Rader
brother, Mr, Harold Pollock, 1 and family and L. H. Rader
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Baird and ' spent. Sunday at London with
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ritchie of , Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble
Sarnia visited last Sunday with and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugh,
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Gardner Mr, and Mrs. .Courtney Bur -
and family of Malton spent a meister, Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer
few days with Mrs, J. Gard- Rader and family and Mr. and
ner. ' Mrs. Carmen Eckmier and
Miss Jeanette Steeper of Paul of Stratford were Sunday
Scarboro spent the holidays visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ray
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;Van Dorrselaer.
Bruce Steeper and 1.3inda. 1 Miss Valerie Gibson spent the
Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia weekend in Exeter with Mr.
spent last weekend with Mr. 1 and Mrs. Jack Smith and at -
and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. 'tended the birthday party of
Mr. Dawson Woodburn of their daughter Cathy.
Toronto spent last weekend at Wayne Gibson, Larry Wien,
his home here. 1Alphonse Denomme, Fred and
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Wareham Gerald Keller motored to Fen -
of Sarnia visited last Friday elon Falls on Sunday where
with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence they visited Mr, and Mrs.
Pollock, Claire Irwin and Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Selbourne Eng- Mrs. V. L. Becker has re
lish spent a few days in De -;turned home from St. Joseph's
troit. i hospital, London.
Teen group
at EIimvIJe
The giiinviag young people
organized Teen Town on Sat-
urday eVnnin$inZe glimville
The elected officers are:
president, Brian Rem vire-
president, Harry Jaques: sec-
retary, Miss Joanne Miners;
treasurer, Miss Sandra Wal-
ters; press r e p o r t e r, Bob
The next Teen Town will be
on Saturday evening in the
Elimville hall on April 22,
8-0,30 p.m, with the young
people from the surrounding
communities invited to attend.
Personal item*
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence
Pickard and family of Mitchell.
Mr, and Mrs. David Parks and
family of Stratford visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Al -
yin Fulton and family.
Mrs. Franklin Skinner, Mrs.
Gilbert Johns and Mrs. Wil-
liam Routly attended the Hue-
on Presbyterial held in Wing -
ham, Thursday.
Mrs. Franklin Skinner at-
tended the District Women's
Institute executive meeting
held in Hensall on Tuesday aft-
Miss Shirley johns visited a
few days last week with 'Miss
Marilyn Weber of Burgess-
Mr, Elgin Skinner and •Miss
Doris Laughlin of Toronto
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Skinner,
Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jaques,
Yvonne and Dalton ,of Zion,
visited on Monday evening with
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Skinner
Group A of the Elimville
WMS are holding a special pro-
gram on Friday evening, April
28 when Mrs, S, A. Norton of
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Tho Times.Advocote, April 13, 1901
London 13411 prcsent her ploo: weel5end With Mr. and Mrs.
tures oa. ladle beginning at Willcox of 'St. Cethermes.
8 p.m. StindaY evening :guests with
Mr. and Mrs. ,Gerald Ran. Mr. And Mrs. Nenneth ,Johns
alio, of ,Toronto. spent the week -twerp Xr. and Mrs, Pond
end with Mr. and "NH Parsons, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin.
ilam Routly. Cooper and Mr, end Mrs, Wil,
Miss Anna Routly spent the- Liam Routly,
Ir tater
rimuim -;uh- 10.48
it o r ig auction sale
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