HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-10-07, Page 1Ih. P. A. McDOUGALL" 4 gri A M be teaselled et 'all hours, at AD. I.'75sr,1', Boarding House, (Ammer/ram Clod/rich Apr 18911,1861- v5 • 1• THE HURON SIGNAL b Pr ne d f Pb&IMkvl seer, Mersa BY GFA. & JOHN COX. Off, Market Square, G.de►iok. ler Book and • Job Printing executed wits soothes, and daspatc h. Teresa the Jrlaaros Signal. -TEN SHHILLINGS per annum if paid strictly is asdvaace, or Twelve and Six Peace with 'be expiration of the year. No paper discontinued uotil arrears ars paid up, unless the publishers tluuk it their advantage to do so. Aoy individual in the cou•try becoming responaiWe for Ma subscribers, Abell re- ceive a seventh copy gratis. CO- All letters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid, or they will not be takes out of the post once. Terms of Adrerti,ing.-Six lines sad under, first insertion, EP 2 6 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 74 Ten lines and under, first inner., 0 3 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 Over ten lines, first in. per line, 0 0 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 O. A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. _ — -- - IMMO I 1•a 4i IRA BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, kc, West •freer, Godencb. June 1848. 2,o25 DANIEL HOAHE LIZARD, ATTOk `; EY AT LAW, sod Cooveyan- eer, Solicitor in Chancery, kc. ht. his office as formerly in Stratford. Stratford, Red Jan. 1850. 2vn49 DANIEL. GORDON, ('ABINET MAKER, Three doors East• the Canada Company's office, West - street, Goderich. August 27th, 1849. 2vei30 JOHN J. E. LINTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B., and Conveyancer, Stratford. ILLIAM REED. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, kc. Lighthouse-street,Godencb October 25, 1849. 2vn38 HURON HOTEL, B1' JAMES GENTLES, Goderich.- Attentive Hostiers alway. on hand. Godencb, Sept. 12, 1850. v3 -a30 STRACHAN AND BROTIIER. Barrister and .Rftorniee at Law, 4c,. G,DRR,CH C. W. t/ OLIN STHACIIAN Barrister and Attor- ney at Law,,Notary Public and Cuorey. sneer, ALEXANDER WOOD STRACIIAN, Attorney at Law, Sclieitur to Chia. eery, Ci.oveyancer. Goderich, 17th November, 1851. IUISS E. 'SHARMAN, t Frost Va.rkrsler, England.) MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER. - ^ me -- Dail I'll dhry it, and kit me •-win• Ut�n TEN 811ILLINGet Iii asvahei. { VOLUME. V. THOMAS NICHOL' Si, BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT, Agent for Ontario Moine 4 Fire In- surance Co. NOTARY PUBLIC, ACC1111NTANT AND CIINVEY,4NCER, J I8URANCE effected on Ilousa*, Ship• ping sad Goods. nooses k Land* Sold & Rented, Goods forwarded. All kinds of Deeds correctly drawn, and Books and Account* adjualed. Office over the Treasury, Goderich. July 22, 1862. •5n28 J. DENISON, CIVIL ENGINEER, A;c. GODERICiI, C. If', Aug. 25th, 1852. •0031 IV 1.1.1ANI HO DGINs, A RC III TEC i' be ('I V IL ENGINEER, Office 27, Dundas Street, LO.YDO.Y, C. W. August IGtb, 1852. vbn30 iHORACE HORTON, (Merkel agsiare, Godriick AGENT for the Provincial Mutual ual and General Insurance Ogee, Toronto,- ' Also Agent for the St. Lawrence County I Mutual, Ogdensburg, New York. Local Agent for Samuel Moulson's Old Rochester 1'{prsery July 185o. 22 Poctrg. A DUTCH CURE, Ven I lay. myself down in any lonely pod MOM, And dries for to ehls•p eery sound, De tream•, ob, pew into my bet dey gill come Till 1 Irish I was uoder d• ground. Sometime., ven I eats one pig (upper, 1 treaties Dat mint chtomsko,eh 611 full of stoma. Uod out to my 'bleep, L8, ter nivel, 1 •cbreams, (JMd kicks off ped clothes and groan.. Den dere. ab I I.ys, mit d• ped-e'otbes all •R 1 kite myeell all over (rose: in. de morning 1 Take met de hit ache and kof , Cad I'm tb:ck from my het to wee toe.. Oh, vet shall pe tn• for a poor nae hike sat; Vat for do i .at such a life r Beim shays Hct s a cure for dim droub!• of WEST STREET. GODF:R:r'i, (2 Joon Ea•t of the Canada C. Office.) WHERE lobe intend. to carry on the some buainese. Dr models the vary lateat fashion,. Jute 8418, 1852. v5o28 3w A. NASMY-Tll. �i AS;IIONABLE TAILOR, one duo West of W. E. Grace's Store, Wes Street Goderich. Feb. 19, 1852. v5 -o4 WANTED. TWO good BOOT and 8H11E Makers who will God constant employment and good wages, by al, ,lying at the Shop of the subscriber, Wee, -strew,, Goderich. BUSTARD GREEN. Sept. 9th, 1851. £iter aturc. THE OLD BACHELOR IN PROSPEC, TIVE: l'0114 araT [ATry L.D. CT• To tors• £CTS. Yea don't tee the segue ! I Weir fancied r yes would 1 did not sup a se eoleeo summ u,hd �tgnat. "THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POSSIBLE NI.34BIR." GOHERICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1852. noes, me quoin enema at tie real tree of won,au, .0 stubborn deterrnnuti take hi. uws wy, no monopolizing a luxuries about lien. no diepoa,tion to every body uocom(urtable when be is and pe.vish,_.oh .o, It is of soul else i am thinking, and perhaps St. Clair who a going to be the an bearted,selfsh old bachelor of my prow Not he !-That's the filet good you've acid for your old playmate, and sen, this many a day. But trip up with me unto Ned's saoctun,. Look shelve', every book covered with b paper, sod pasteboard slabs above On keep out dust. Hera ars bis gerant with their inigenrous supports of curl cans, -the finest plants in the neig hood. See hos shiny b , hie d• curtains, hi. Sleepy Hollow rocking c with • watch on u• chintz cover. Su nobody that know• •o well how to rare of himself, has any businvu wi dear little wife to pet and nurse him, think of all his small eomforta. And particular o w, }ave you any idea wh will gradually refine lintel( into? Poor moisture could ever encourage all whims r Wal', if i ever ! Peep into this el* Here are his tea, caddy and Etna, a pare chocolate, his sugar bowl, and some mo cab. Ah, the folded napkins lie as re tarty as in my sideb •ard ! Quite a Per 'iti!e establ.ehnent! Do you fancy could be of use to sue. a rine 1 In handle that hair broom as tidily as your and store cob webs a deal sooner. You too flighty to sit still and be looked at, baby fashion ; and I have seen your y when. he spun out late story too usbeera Ti. true, that he tike beautifully, t n eedoree with considerable point, and at • lose for a graceful coorplune ut It is-tireeome, now i• It 031, 10 b. ways listener. or to be listened to with n m•aning, inattentive emae 1 He has tows geed qualities. theegk.'- owe.' be has a great many. Don't quiver bat pretty hp so. when 1 tell you that his mined aeeompliabme.ts met him b far hove your mark as b,* real merits place hen below you. 11e bas been an indefatt• able etudes', aad his mind a owe •f those nespaet, Inevworleing store-hooaee, which t sot a tittle escape. 11. reads like a my actor ; writhe well, though in • didatic re , be ie net really fend of music, but be s. learned to ploy artistical;y on some struments. He draws charmingly -that ayes sketch os the wall has both 'pint oil correctness,. Tee accomplishments ay be esteemed by others, but no one lues them so high as himself. Ile will get -.o the world very. tole rebl he ►egula:w- cf his Wean will do mo ✓ him than his actual exertions. I 'etude and sense of perennial honor w nit hie mak18g a fortune, but his frug d delicate habits present his'eaeeedi • Lacombe. He wi!1 always gems rich • be really i.. Every one will think.hi artu.at•, care free, though fastidious m 1 he will be subject to fits of moth taueholy and most undignified fretfulnes ow sod thou be will take it into his he get marred, but the fit will wear off u some heiress, that bas also beauty a t. should "swim into ha keno He mig er melt eueum•taoce., condescend to Mem, bue.would of a surety, be rejected. an just imagine the cold, stately manner firs add e, and the unmerciful treat et he might receive from the hands of e eogdette, who would. fura whife, par. hem is ber train, at.J then cifilly dismiss ate- sweet Kate thou haat a happy home passengers by, on the dusty roadside, • the humble r arona, a -roof. all matted lienee on to II the make sick s rue it is gnaot moo. word god- etairs at his rown m to urine, 'cued hbor ruble hair, rely take th • and if ens et he Vbat his Bet- el of uldy gun Inct you 0sn we* are doll aero bly. elle ie sit; sl - an a b a ti h g le N re b in Cr a so T (e qu pre an h. the at be m'e e less WI re fie ill al og alrm an id autl do for us, we surrender our coevals - s• Iional power, and our discretion into the riabargaiu-a power and • dtKretioa which hd the people have delegated to us, and which lit 1, TWELVE AND SIX P}NCE AT TOR inn Or TIM ,aaa. NUMBER XXXVII. be (Dr. Rolpb) had ool ran to j ren eau• upon the unworthy attack upon the members of the party and the Govornmeot they sus- tain, he should take 1,16 leave of the hon. member for the present; and while discuss ing the repeal of 3 k 4 Vic., nncer which their centime tioual power hew been wrong fully abridged, he might occasiooally pay his respects to him again. We once had the power, tho recognised power, of legisla- ting upon the Clergy Reaerres, upon the fund. arising Prom them, and upon their bearing on the religion and churches of the country; and over soy legislation connect- ed with the subject. This poe•er was in innately connected with the peace, we:fare, and good government of the cuu ntry; fur the attainment of which great ends our constituency has bestowed upon us. The power had, however, been taken from us by the 3 k 4 Vic., ch. 70. And we. therefore by the resolutions before the hoose, seek for its raped. -This course, among, others open to our choice, seems, under existing circumstances, the most judicious, and pro- mises to be the most successful. It must be bourne in mind that we ban not only to contend with difficu;ties in our domestic •rens, but with distant and very perplexing obstructions in Great Britain; where, indeed, none should exiet, but where, latterly the, - have, it must be admitted, very much in- creased. And our efforts and appeal will be enfeebled or strengthened, defeated or eonsumated, according to tbe particular course we may pursue at thio particular u t sic air an • Juod r • the he r ••sot slate at P e oft the quesuoo. There re one point upon which we ell agree; that the right to leg,ant. up- on the subject constitutionally, belongs to e.; and cannot be rightfully withheld from sa. It is possible, most assuredly, for us to take several different courses. \we may determine first wbatw, desire, and then ask for its confirmation --or we may ask the British Parliament to tbisb and do for ua in ie the matter, instead of tbiakieg add doing for ourselves --or w• may clam Government hate been mainly iefuenc.d by the consideration that great as would, in their judgement, be the advantages which would result from leaving undisturbed the existing arrangement by which a certain portion of the public lands of Canada are made available for the purpose -of creating a fund for the religious instruction of the inhabitants of the l'rovioce, still, the ques- tion whether that arrangement is to be maintained or altered, is one so exclusively affecting the people of Canada that its derision ouph not to be withdrawn from the Provincial Legisl-it're, to which it properly belongs, to regulate:'! matters concerning the donit•s!ie interests of 'Le l'rovin,e. it has therefore appeared to Iyer .lajest 'e Government that it would be impossible for theta consistently with the principles on which they hare always held that theCor- veroment of Canada ought to be conducted to advise her Majesty to refuse to comply with the prayer attic address of the Howse of Assembly." Such are the assurances of Earl Grey, and the high constitutional prin- ciples upon which they are given. We ask for the repeal on these further grounds, that our past colpnial Bills, instead of being ratified, were disallowed; and that disallow- ance was a virtual reference to un of the question again. In 1544 under the adminis- tration of P. 'Thompson, afterwards Lord Sydenham, a bill was passed by the Cana- dian Parliament intended for the settlement of the Clergy Iteserve question, and trans- mitted to England. It was disallowed, - The British Parliament might have assumed to pass a law to give validity to this bill of 1540. It would hare confirmed the seem - r in a e a w at once as freemen, the sight of tree dootes- tic legislation, if we press., our views for I- ratification, we oec.s..t iy provoke at this entice: juncture, a d:KUMion, a bwt,d..4-m. cuasion, upon nye domeette reg gonad frees we once', imbrueiog the whole g,:er.ioa of ec- clesiastical establiAmeate sad eDJowoleo te, 01 it force upon the British Parliament dl.- tan cession and adjucauo, upon affa.r. •[Wetly local and domestic, Dam ask them to think g wishes of the people, however justly bortive and distasteful it might base prou- d in the end. The I3i11, though void, was guide to the British parliament; and those bo furnished the guide, all thine being in ood faith. could not complain of its being ollowed. Under the sincere desire to eralae the etp resst -t desires of the country should naturally expect the opportunity estrsestlr sought to embody that expression a British Act, if British actin in the e was deemed justifiable at all. It would bars -attempt einrerit r per haps, oe a pro - (min of promise.' through a course of rears, always to fulfil the pleasure of the Colo.iats. Thea teen., bows err, was avoided. The i 8sCrd title instead of being converted, by the-trasa(ormine influences of the British Ye•be, lista a valid law, was formerly dis- owed. The moment this Bol, seemingly oromaied is Ibis country by mysterious ensses, waadiirlioyred, we- were restored the pe•itiee we occupied before the bill A passed. Had things so remained, we ght pow legislate as freely as ever; and might be fairly presumed, till the contrary t • - Moe that voice ere would have •o nptsod your propping in faculties. Yoi 1e not Pro discover that Ned Wood ,.umee ie ebismt- of lad out of that "perduralle stuff- of wbreb old bachelor, are made, and that old Father I;�,Time, day after day, and year by year, la ' bringing out a capital specimen of hu art. 8m Welt, go on ! Set his brow, hie hawking moo, 1 mean 'eyes, hie curls, i. your hart'* Tb. table' as fairly as ever the poor Helena did, buten a.' think that your "1, ht bks. VICE'©If31A IST©T1 1 WEST STREET, GODERICH, (Near the Market Sgaare,) BY MESSRS. JOHN & ROBT. DONOGH OOD Aecommodairona fnr Travellers, en an atteonee Iloailerat all times, to tak charge of Teams. Gederieb, Dec. 8, 1850. 43-tf WASHINGTON Fanners' Mutual Insurance Co. CAPITAL *1,000,000. ZRA HOPKINS, Hamilton, Agent for the Cotten** of Waterloo and heroes August 27,1850. Setif MR. JOHN MACARA, J ARRi8TER, Solicitor in Chancery, Attorney -at -Law, Conveyancer, kc, Ike. Office : Ontario Buildings, King -St. opposite the Gore Rank. and the Bank of British North America. Haseitroe. 4 10 rig , partici sr star •• will sine on you more favorablywick than did bets. Sonyour ,m Ion, 1 J D7 waist, run tine our lily fingers over the 'melody-anaw•ring :.'red 9 eye, 8.11 melt him with welcomog giancsa 18. of those dark eves, touch his mental taste I the by the pure and classic beauty of you, The tboughte, and bis plate by your dainty lit d tle cookery -he will be a friendly. brother- • ly,11 parallel hoe, that will• run beside you for any number of 'g.., or come to the aegis of Love and Proposal. He may bo- oms eemewhat warmer, • great deal more agreeable, coesiderate fnr you, and quite, "epos" web your society (for you ars one I •f the best listeners 1 know,) but i say, i, that Mr, Woodhouelee wil! remain a bachelor to his dying day. Perfectly disinterested -,Ned has no for tune'-ilumph, dear, nobody knows that better then your auntie. 11' i did not, per hs. you would have been spared this lec- ture; needier do I ear you are blinded by love. it's all a mistake abou: loves blind ing bis true votaries, in hi. mach.ef. he clap. golden speaks on am. eyes, and bangs the rosy veil of flattery over other.; but 1 do not believe he has meddled th w;th your b• ight orbs, i(ryou are but in t humour to use them. 1 ou are young a confiding; and auntie is reasonable and e •� pen*nced, If Ned had all the perfections i:• flowering sloes, and shaded by wide elicit trees ; it seems so fair in its !ow- es. By ther ro igb.rurbed welt see show the •potted belles of the celn,dme, and big beanie been are ever heating 'garnet white wall, or doing mho the r,pon.ees. white Mae boughs of the •pr,ng are ever more luxuriantly tufted here than else- where -thy father's favorite tl)wer, which Minds him always of thy graceful prettiness. Thou haat • hanpy home and an innocent heart, Raven keep thee from loving one whose heart is older than his year., who ha• no gushing streams of affec'ion to in. ewer thine; one, whose life is all machine' and studied, who ie too recherche to like us -your plain friends, -who despises the world's hollow way., yet bends thereto - You must not love him, for he will not love you. Ir -ever you could pierce the cee srotind that inane •p.rk he calls hie heart, if ever your eloq.ient lip eonld teach him that ,n this earth is a more delIc ou• dratted,' than he has yet dreamed of, kis pride, hie prui'nce, wound array 'hemse!ve.against von, the very action of that intellect you so much admire would quiet to d,epel your u• ,nfjuence. His lot is cal. 1 read it in he he quiet Raft, in his cold monotonous •pe•'eb nil io his attention to fee in the Penne x h. demands, In the littttl need he finds for human sympathy, Ned WooJhou•elee- handsome, barmiest, gifted, a he now will, year by year, harden like the .telae ate, and to hie d ism day be to unloved, unloving old bachelor. Me. T. N. MOLESWOR'Ti1, 1VIL ENGINEER and Provincial Land Surveyor, Goderich. April 30, 1851. v4otl PICK'S TAVERN, London May 1851 London Road. v4a12 JAMES WOODS, t'CTiONEER, is prepared to attend Public Sales in any part of the United Counties, on moderate terms, Stratford, May 1850. 04-114 PETER BUCHANAN, TAILOR. NEXT door to H. B. O'Connor's Store, West Street, Goderieh, Clothes made and repaired, and cutting done on the shor- test notice, and moat liberal terms. December 3rd,1861. 74042 W. & R. SIMPS0 N, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) ROCERR, Wine Merob.at., Fruiterer* if rid Oilmen, No. 17 Dundee Street, Lendoe, C. W. February 86th 1853. ROWLAND WILLIAMS, A weerow,,., le empires! to 'tome! Sales le esti part of the United Counties, es the moat liberal terms, Apply at the First Dit idon Court •Ake, or at his bonne, Beet Fittest, (3ederieb. 'served N. B. -Goode and other property will be solo. to NII either by private or peblie January Is 1963. veer/. `,HRMIRT ANDER tweet, GeHrheb. DRUGGIST. Wert hely'too. 110-3 in the world, it would not do for you to think of him, for, frons the first of my acs goatntance with him, i felt aysured be would marry. I have kerma him a long time, half lit■ Iib. ile was his mother's spoiled darling, a sulky meting, heels plague as ever I did see. Then he grew up • clever lad, and ladies, who wanted his drawings for firenemies, and his eomplo• mentsry verses, to make their lovers jealous praised and petted him, till, though b• con- cents 11 wooderfull_v. he has more conceit than any woman 1 know, 11e was having hu' picture take. -there was puppyism aleat bum thee ; hey taken a better tone now, it's one of his virtues tb't helm im proceable-ba•ieg hie picture taken, boy o sixteen, in a flowered morning•ggwn, wet a gutter by hi. side. Thee ,n nu room Ile kept laver vase. sada japanned cigarscaa•. Don't tell him what 1 *ay, of would mortify him ; sod the advantage of hie precocity is that now he saes its folly and foppishness, though to be sera, be Daly throws it ands for • graver affection. Yoe &stirs* Mat 1 ast in lsre with eke &&o myself r -"Kat• 1 lore thee sot." - bat ! 1. hi my e0mmentide of It/., re.ch ing for eeripe fruit, especially fruit that, bard and emir, five* so promise of furore melee% 1 Doe't be jealous, deer, On neat plaits of my cap are sever stirred by cogent. nett browses. Not that 1 have any befits - Gee in saying, that of the two 1 would be his *hotel. He has lo.g ago eetgrowa You. At (hie period of his Id* be caaset appreciate yew ; is eight or tee years n will he drEnmrt ; then he will begin to id - mire very yews( loins. 1t ie see e/ the meet eouvieeteg nese to ems, 041 M sow prefers ladies elder thea himself gay sed Mammy endows, sad eve. 8Ise made.• like r1 S. What' t'vs shows yes .otbi.g yet, wide( as an ' Well ' whops there le Ito peser••eeee .beet him, .o eel/-eefeteg. b Vrouincial Parlinmcut, SPEECH OF DR. ROLPIt ON TILE CLERGY. R8:SERVES. DR. Roil %'hid' -Il. hoped that the hon. ,nember for Kent would have been suffici- ently inspired by the gne'tion under de bate to consider 11 with eubr-sty and truth. But under the evil awn watch had Ita•.inted him thus far through the ,Easton, he had distilled from the Globe and kindred jnurn•lsall1h, Venom be could find; end haying eeemrng!y in some degree pawned the mind of his honourable and patriotic friend the member for Two M •until•» (Mr. Papinean,/ he (the boa member for Kat) had hoped with such an ally to e.nih,lal• the Government .- Colleen( from newspaper serape all the political scandal and part' vituperation which the last ten years had prodneed, he Bed, without any honest d,ernninatoon of truth from(absbood•hnrled On Interogees• Ess mase against the Gevernmonl with a ragtime and d••perate chance of efeeti,g • mos Wirral dietomnlore• Lost to rho 1.e.. of hb•ry, civil sad religious, which had *Ter ehsreetonsed hie esoetrym.w, be bed prefnrw the eubjcet of perem el nese Ii,., to the 81(85.4 roaotitettesel Tomo" o" wbieh is the only es for &date. Bet se we have no right to delegate to others, -- But if we ask for our owe appropriate pow- all er eon !nigh constitutional ground., we ask c for what they know .they ought to give, and ag !•hat we are entitled to receive. --if the ;10 power is unsatisfactorily exercised by us, 'la the British Parliament are not to olame.-- m' They hare done their duty by an act of i1 constitutional justices in placing a domes 1 matter at our constitutional disposal. we ought net, as a matter of choice, to a them to carry out a policy they tnav d approve or which might needlessly expose them to parliamentary or other embarrass- ments, -embarrassments too, which must operate directly against ourselves. --!'bey might, uoder heir prepossessions, say, do your wicked work for yourselves. It is one thing to give a man his rightful discre- tionary power,, for thempplication of which you are not responsible; it is another thing to volunteer or consent to carry out for him just what questionable matters he may, choose to require. Now we do not ask then' to do or confirm our work, good, bad, or indifferent; we only say, untie our hands, and we will do it for ourselves. Again -if we ask for the repeal of the 3 & 4 Vic., cap. 73, we ask from Earl Derby what Earl Grey has already promised, instead of asking what may be refused, because it has not been before naked and promised. 1Ve have made a proposition. It has been sub- stantially assented to to. The right course now is to call for the embodiment of that Again W Lordship remarks `Uatil every prospect of adjubting this dispute within (8, I'rovince itself shall have been distinctly exhaestrd, the time fur lbs interposition of Parliament will not have ar- rived, unless, indeed, both Ileuses shall con- cur in soliciting that mtrrposition; in which event there would of course be an end to the constitutional objections already notic- ed.' And again :- — r . Church u( lois coustrr, it a su utterly at iaace with the whole course of policy- warwhich it bas bees the object of my des- patches to yourself ('rr J, Colborne) to peracribe, sad 1 cahoot pause to repeal it piton any formal maheer :Iajeaty has studiuudy abataioed from endowing literary or other corporaturne un- til he should obtaio the ad, .e of the Re- preseutahtes of the Canadian people for Bis guidance.' Indeed Lord Glenleg goes the whole length of complying with the public wish for the secularisation of the 1:eeertes. 11e says :- 1t is sufficient to repeat that 11ie Maks- tin Government have adv ised the abaados• meet of the L eaerse., for the amiple rea, son, that after an experience of forty years they have been found not to answer the ea - pec tatiunsenlerlaiwcd at the -time to•• sys- tem was established, but without produei,. any corresponding advantage.' In another desl,atch e( the same date,. Lord Goderich inttoldiue, in detail, scheme for the abrogation of for Reserves, gives instructions fur the repeal by the I. pper Canada Legislature of those clauses o1 the Coostitutiuual Act which relate to the al - rising IN Majesty to refer this question I swi•n'est of a 1'rutestrnt Clergy, and ub- immediately to Parliament, because Ow au- I •'1•l,at to remove all doubts as to the ef- Ibon of the C'onstitutinnal Act hare (leder- feet o1 the repeal; it should -be ell hely ed this to be one of these subjects, in re- provided that the Reserved lands should Bard to which the initiative is expressly re- mimeJiatrlr teat in Iris 3lajraty, and be served • brW b► him, bis ticks, and" eucceseors ed and recognised , e a Jas (allioo'witho the for same manner in rteryrespect as of'the peculiar province and the special cognix- provieioos to he repealed had never been ante ofthr local legislature.' 'a enacted.'• , The country under these circumstances But with a dis•tinct mut+ledge of this in - had grounds for entertaining the highest as- surances of their constitutional safety, and when the bill of 1840 was disallowed, the reference of the subject matter to our le- gislature, seemed the ooly course consistent with official pledges, loo numerous to be for- gotten, and too sacred (one hoped) to be violated. But in the face of all those otTi- cial protestations, the bill of 1810, having been disallowed, the further legislation was retained in England, and the 3rd & 4th Vic. cap. 7S was substituted --the product of a tranwtautie a a imption of an irrespon- sible authority. We ask for its repeal, therefore. because it un.onstitutionally su- perseded the reference of the question back the people of Canada. Again we ask for the repeal oo this further ground; that it has by its previsions outraged public opinion, and even outraged the Canadian bill of 1710. • It rivalled it in that policy of pensioning churches and their ministers, against which we had entered so many so- lemn protests; and those protests had been respected and sanctioned by official r:erres- peudence.--The following extract from a despatch of Lord . deobam, discloses the Veterate opinion m the colony un the subject and with a distinct knowledge of the way in which the Bill of 1814 had been canted, and, assuredly with a distinct recollection of the policy that had been avowed, and time asseverations of atnoerity that "Lad beets made, the British Government carried through Parliament a measure by which the churches of England and Semlaud, com prising at the time about one-third of the population -were assigned about three- fourths of the Clergy Reserves, the remain- ing fraction being offered to the dissenting churches, or heretical churches, or the schismatic churches, er by whatever name you may choose to call them, as unworthy of an equitable division of the spoil. We, therefore, ask for the repeal of this law, as doing violence to the acknowledged public. ' opinion of the country, and subversive of the good faith pledged by numerous des- patches. We still further asked for its repeal, because it is uucon•tittitional; as murk as oqr, bill of 1840, which was on that very ground disallowed -and on that ground we hope they will now disallow their own. -fret us glance at the official opinion of Lord Glenleg, Lord John Russel and the Crown Office's. Lord John Russell in a despatch from which he (Mr, Ralph) quoted, after ad- verting- to a difficulty from delay i0 trans- mitting the bill of 18840, says: - exatesce of mysterious agencies in the pee- ' But had Chia difficulty not arisen, there stage of our bill uf` 1840, and candidly tells were other motives w.icb would have ef- fectuelly prevented the acceptance of this the colonial minister bow outrageously it violated public sentiment : ' I will cot conceal,, however, from your lordship that even to tido Bill, thus pro- ceeding on tl,e principle of so general dim- 1 tnbutiou among different 'religious persuas- eel by the law oliicers of the crown that ions, nearly -imupei able objections have ' thus is an uneonstitntinnat proceeding. It been and are entertained in this Province. n certainly unusual and ioconrenieot. Her her many years past the Representatives of the people have uniformly refused to a• s - sent ;o an appropriation of this fund fur' measureby llerMajesty. Parliament de- legated to t`e local legislature the right of appropriating the Clergy Reserves, and the effect °Lthe Bill is to re -transfer this duty from the local legislature to Parliament, with a particular restriction. I and adrit- Alnjes(y cannot assume that Parliament will accept this delegated office.' Lord Gleuleg was of the same opiaion, aaynig, that' Parliament legislation on any religio•;. purposes at all, and have steadily 1 subject of exclusively internal concern, in maintained its distribution to educational j any_ British colony possessing a representa• - or state purposes; and it i, only the strong a eared that the disallowance was intend - to which' is cut,rtain lc of comu,J now tie PP o a ee•ttlement which his led maser, who fur- But led to again transfer the matter to *beton sic atrintiosal action of tbe Impel hal I'arlia- inerly advocated these opinions with success, =est. -The justness of this expectatioe is now to withdraw tI rpositinn and,rssrnt verified by numerous despatches--extraeb to this measure. But I can safely ear, that from some of which, he would read to the so far as this Provinceis concerned, their House. Lord Glenleg, in 1-836, address- assent ran over again be looked for. I es himself thus to Sir F. B. Head:-- ehtertain•oodoubt that the course taken by "Your predecessor and the Council agree in the opinion, that it is rain to expect the concurrence of, the two branches of the lo- cal legislature in any adjustment of this question, and they therefore invoke the in- terposition of Parliament; which interposi- tion the Assembly on the other hand depre- 4 with equal earnestness. 'The chief practical question, then, which at present demands consideration, is whether his Majesty should be advised to recommend to parliament the assumption tc itself of the offee of deciding upon the future appropri- ation of these lands.' Trom this course his Lordship decidedly disseots, and remaaks:-- ' In referring the subject to the future Canadian Lee elsture, the authors of the tulional Art must be supposed to have nplated the eri.ie at which we hare rived -the era of warn and protract - ate, which in a (i-er goTernmest 0157 Ira btI'beeessary precursor to the eat of any great priseiple •fsatisa- ry. We must not here etceteras to. reste reineilr, merely to avoid the embarrassment which is the pretest Omagh temporary rt•ult of our own deliberate le• gists I1on. • i thunk, therefore, that 14 withdraw from the ('anatbau to the Imperial Legi.la- fire the question resew, (mg the clergy Re- serves, would be an uifnngement of that cardinal priertple of cofon,il (.orernmeet which forbid.' Parliamentary , ,terlerenres, except in submission to an evident sad well established neeesatty. ' Without expressing any further opinion at present on the General objects of the 11.110f last swain., i 'tisk the effect of that 11,11 would, as it appears, have leen to eMat,tute the Aawmbly not merely the ar- biters:respecting the deposal mf the funds to be raised by the axle of those lands, hist the active and iodepeadetit seen(' in`effeet- ing these ales, end 'hut In invest them wit, the appropriate fuertioos of the exe'entor° goverumenl.' assent in the promised measure. 1Vc shall I const I renter in that cane, be entitled to the support of I now or Earl Grey in the house of Lord,, and that 1e1 Je8 of his late coiieagnca who may be is the 1 be sail lfiot/.. of Commons. 'lb retain and de- 1 sottlem serve their support may insure a victory; t at ,•h lose it, by the mistaken abandonment of 1 i p as ext recognised course, may be certain defeat. We ask, therefore, for this act of justice, because Earl Grey has promised it, empha- tically promised it. ile aaya:--" You will further inform the llouje, that while her :Majesty's servants regret (hat a subject of so much difficulty .e that of the Clergy Reserves should, after an interval of some years, have again been brought under dis- cussion, it ba appeared to them on mature deliberation, that the desire espressrd by them on mature deliberation, that the de- sire expressed by the assembly in this ad-- drys. ought to be aceeeded to, and they will accordingly be prepared to recommend to Parliament that as act should be passed giving the provincial legislature full autho- rity to make such alterations as they may think fit in the existing arrangements with regard to the Clergy Reserve", provided that esntiag'interests are respected. ie cootie( to this coach/Moe tier Majesty's sem y, is as a general rule, uaeonsti- tutional. It is a right the exercise of which is reserved for extreme cases, in which ne cesaite at once creates and justifies the ex- ception.' Thus his Lordship not only states the unconstitutionality, but the reason of it. - The language of these noble Lords goes the length of declaring that it is uncoosti- tulional for the British Parliament to usurp a Legislative power which they bare dele- gated members the Assembly in their. gated to a colonial Parliament. The sur- conscientious and most laudable desire torenof the power is an estoppel tom re. pet this quertion at rest, will occasion great opposition to their return at the next elec. tion; and 1 ata satisfied that, in a future As- sembly, if the mat:ar was unfortunately again broeght before it, it would not be possible to say such terms for the establish. ed Church or for religious instruction.' - Despatch to Lord Johns Russell, Jan, 220d, 1840. Lord Glenleg had, under prevtoum ad., ministrations, recoenieed public opinion in atof it. 11 used au an exlretne'case, sufficiently extreme, an Lord Uknelg ob.' serves,'•at once to create and justify the exception." it world be an set ander the law of necessitjr stperceding for the time the law 0'1' the land. 'It would be anal*. goes to the bombardment of Copenhagen and the seizu-e of the fleet -when pasting events any where dethrone the majesty of the five, the law of nations interposes 'Phis, was the flimsy prctex'foi Napoleon's late visit to home The case before us comprehends the gift of a cnastitntioo, which the giver cannot recal without cos - Canada as the basis of any settlement.-- sent or a paramount necessity. It t+.nalogons to tete recognition of the i;ni- Itis Lordship, in 1837, declared- ' ted !states ; a recognition wIi-h could 'That he could not venture to prescribe not be eenstilslionally cancelled, though to the Legislatures of the Candies Province 1ermen, by war,, dictated by the honor of the crown, and necessities of the Empire. the principles on which they shnald inion -eta. your to make provisinm fnr the religious waste of their fellow colonists.' And when he did afterwards (Dec. 1'(47) venture the statement that that " the runtribetions -r not-gneat.ion the Powee of tie British Parliament, but the RIGHT 10 .t- ercise it in the rase before a. Amen. and Ru;nT, are leans which are or t •t- wonymoua, PowsR expresses ability, nil alike *P.Iles to the good, the bad, or the *8. State towards the sttpnnit it( the dam-_Mdifferent. RIGHT expres-ra ability, but Ent t linslrin eommunitiee should be regtdl. circumscribed 8. moral bnnnds. Herod ted by the extent of the t nlnn!ar ' efforts had the power to dcalrov a'l the male dol. whirl, the members of ear), should make for the pronwtion of the same genenrral cad;" and suggested that the ICrservea shn,,Id be converted foto a fund i tI, 'et to this mode of di.tributinn, he directed the 1'n.ter Sec- retary, on ec-retary,nn three Jays after, to stale that " Lord (i nieg wield distinctly dist im on the part of I Iia Majesty's I ioTernm nt, the wish or the intention to insist on sit such condition as an indispensable prelitaie- ary to an adje.tnent of the question;" ad- ding, " that such an interference on the part of Government with the Provincial bogie - Ware, would, a his lordship apprehends, tend to create a not unreasonable suspicion of the sincerity with which the Legislathmres en a rnlontil art to the contrary notwHh- hove bees invited to the ia, of standing. Asanredhy we •hnwld throb ell the power reserved to them on the this T.ry uncnn•til.tional! It wnolrf he i subject of the Cosstitetional Aet of vi^ration of Ihnw pang ilei of 4.6'917' which it iv the eb)ret and thirty of all Kew - ern is his kingdom, but he hail not the Right to do it. Roman parents had as tbeolete power over the lives of their chil- ren, bet sot the Right to murder them. -- t taight, and nn doubt world, he declared e•spetent for the British Parliament to essct that we Canadians %tend. in Isms legislature. and cot of it ton, only .peak' Frrnrl+, as the mos; m'isiral language lei the world ; or that we .hnuld all speak• and keep all pnb'io recon,'. in Bar- bels, as belonging to the Anglo-Saxon nee; or that, in order to woad jialonaee rid promote dasiral learning, we should alt speak Loris ; sir that we should .s. de- votional oect sioaa he on one harks, he mile lawfully married by a rnisialer of the Cheer n' England, ani in t'w Legiat•tiee Council always walk no x11.ter.-s, aeytb.g 179('. •rnm.nts to mainta a. But if we hove e Aed agate: - right to .peak and walk erect .. awn, we ' with roper(; he says,'• to the dstrge have a right to walk erect c, rhrnytsta, of sinning endue pre(.renee to the leech a►rth the Iturlwl.aa righh n(f, 00f 5sa awte.i m n( rel inn b.lon ro In the established ^sir own choice/10a, .rid with nor ewe r . � belongnig rrmnent of edicts. It q a ttryne. tlnrtrioe,