The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-06, Page 14Page 14 h� TImo*Adyocato, APrit At 101: It ma CLASSIFIED RATE$ 22 Words 4,85 Each Additional Wor0 00 (Minimal:4 850) 20c Off have been a :horf FOR SALE -- STARTED PULLE1'S—Decem- bcr and January hatched Ho- negger idiets. Elzar Mots-} seau, Kippen, phone Bensall, 27sav4. 16:23i:10:6c MIXED HAY, choice quality, 269,12 Het-4AR. 6:13e NEW CQUREX coditioned. Ken Elder, phone ring, but FOR $A1,E: FOR IIENT— ISWBT CLOVER SEED* Yet- IF'OORR ISIAIELER;IDE eMP e e 3 laws also red C yeucastalwasehold furniture and elec-Inistiecl and heated, private 4 - sweet cloaca and Climax timo, taical apPliarices. Many YotIng , Piece bath, separate entrance - thy, afiXed, Good doatlte. re- a couples fernisif their name :No Pets, pleaSe. Appy 169 Wit- sonably priced. Apply David' complete from our store. Qual- liam at, or phone 400W. • • - IBlackffell, arr Line p tone, Y FOR. SALE— ; 1 VO'i'ATOF,s, No, 1 anti No. 23. " C i. t ROOM APARTMENT fur- alse feed petatnes. IL Soudant, RR 1 Varna, 2 milea north of llillagreen, phone Hensel.' 69a - r -4 or 696-r-18. 3:9-4:13tfc P 1,1 I it goods tar 'e eleeVon 316 tfac lf paid by Saturday following FARm last insertiee. a s 1 , Zorieh 3c reasonable pr cea- Salida Elliot,' 6c • F A It al HOME, comfortable 12 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due • I dwelling and 10 acres of choice 1April 7. Apply te Harnld Erb, I1244)3L1'LlaraiSn^ St.lIe11e4 11er4)rd' "r"! garden land. George Lialk. Effective treatment +....................... IIR 2 Znrieil, Phone 79/1. ac *cable age. Apply 1-1uenac;c1;elpbone 303 pasawea. ataatie 113edard, Phone 73r19 Zurich. e*1 tablets followed by tblack fleck,IssaBARN`9721.,saVaY1t , s thath, partly f4nished, 'all Mill- bsiczeso7e, naigeBrdadeyecciiitiooann.evIVI,s. ay asaar.e...... - - ,__..L.9,Ar'..„--„—==.—• ties and heat paid. Available 6* IDeatieCaK: aFto(e'dGSlicolandt I bluelltic Qx° Tiedsd'al°Rtleft1Aa194.111-1r3aaqiu:Eiru'rQ191l* , 1 , la ci we , 1 ,„ , ' ' ii --------------___ I _ , , , a s„ :with black and tee, hound PUPS. milootgioN's oRtios I '1957 MOBILE HOME Can di GOOD PASTURE, 50 acres, on Ross Cottle bone 454ral Ex- aished, sleeps six; 19a1 Volks-1e et' Wally Wein* Phone 54 Dash. SUPPLIES Scours M. Calves I GIRL'S SPRING COAT and! APARTMENT 3 rooms private , Second Imertion, cvery hours until condition 21/2 FP? Wok', -(14Haimuln 550 Six insertlens 2,:c PEP Wansta (Minimum 4a0) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion -a -Per lith Second Insertion—Per Inch $1,25 Minimum one inch, .accepted only in multiples of 1/2 iach. FOR. SALE -- Acetate SHE ET PROTECTORS Protect those sheets in your 81-1 x 11 binders HALF PRICE 2 or 25c THE TIM -- -AovocAT E HARROW TEETH, .& DRAWBARS CULTIVATOR TEETH GRAIN DRILL SPOUTS WATER TANKS STEEL & WOOD 1400 FEEDERS POULTRY FEEDERS Sp WATERERS CEDAR & STEEL, FENCE POSTS ANCHOR POSTS WIRE FENCING OF ALL KINDS WOOD GATES HAY, GRAIN TRUCK RACKS MADE 'TO ORDER, PLYWOOD 8, LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES RUSSELL. DOUBE: H.AR.DwARE. 1,Ia Miles East of Woodham RR 6 St alarys s c or rect ed. Successor to Andrew Johnston' -' 13 • • clay land near Dashwood 'Star, 40 x 10, completely fur-, t : passenger country sedan, white told, Elson Lynn, Winchelsea ,1 cleaners. plaid, size 8. good eonditiOn. APARTMENT, lower, suitali13)10e 6* sapplied, available immediate - PHONE 447 GIRL'S COAT size, 12 beige wood. EXETER wage.n Deluxe. Apply R. Ow. 30:Gc lak, 59 Simeoe St, 6'11tfac tweed; wool suit, 2 -piece. pink 1960 FORD Station Wagon, 9- 118 Y°R1( PIGS, g°94' 9 weeks 1Iday he seen at Mid Town for couple, heat and water der automatic, removable pertat,n_shone Kiricton 14r2. _ISCOUT I.JNIFORM, boy's, 11YI'96Ireaosr"aapbplely, rent. MPaihnoSnte, 6* with interior red trim, /i-cylin- able transistor radio and manYtUSED MEAT CASE, 10 ft; o large; girps beige coat, size 12, Exeter. 4:Gtfnc other extras. Less than 10,000 ft. meat case; new refrigera mile. -sacrifice — owner tors, cross tbp freezer, 5 -year has o t h e r interests. hone guarantee, $159,00; 6x8x6 walk - Herm Dettmer-38 days or 440R1,in box. Bruce Refrigeration nights. 30:6c1Sales and Service, Phone 224 Iris 30:7;14:21*i in good condition. Apply Brady Cteaners. 6* APARTMENT, 3 -room, down- aI1XED HAY, choice, reason- ....,— stairs, heated, self - contained, ably priced. Ben AL Tinaca, partly furnished, private ent- Grand Bend, de RR 1 Exeter, Phone 921.8 Zar- ranee, suit one or two adults, no pets. Apply 145 Victoria St, FEED TURNIPS; coat and BABY CHICKS— wood furnace, Phone 176w3 Exeter, A, Kints, RR 1 Cent - 6:13 82 YEARLINGS, whitefacedIralia" ARE 'YOU READY for peak season? Order now from good 7 HOLSTEIN' 'HEIFERS, some assortment started pullets, var- Herefords* 1-'11Vc1 1"311n, phone 1 n Apply Glenn Bell 30:7* duo sea-- ioes breeds including Ames In- Lucan BA 7-4642, qlensall, phone 275J3, 6c Cross, Dayolds hatched to FOR TliE BABY — Cribs order; also some for prompt 4 CABINS 8'x16', good roof, asbestos siding, hydro wired. Each cabin has bed and light k in facilities Ideal • APARTMENT, all modern con- veniences, hot water heating, attractive, complete priv.aCa, bathrooM, 1 a an d r y, garage, available immediately, William Oestricher, phone 234-6455 Cred- iton, 4:6 tine cradles, high chairs, play pens, shipment, Order May June baby carriages, Beautiful. se- broilers now. Bray Hatchery, ain base- Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 23;30:6;13:20:27c h°use eeP g • lection in our mg tiara' . : house or tool .shed. Best of - from present premises at 4J. for seasonal worIcers, brooder ment, Sandy Elliot. 6c 246W, , 60n WANTED TO BUY— News from Whalen By MRS. PRANK SQUIRE s's Sass„," a s•':: sasallaaMsaarSattaaattaaailaSSaisasasaasasasaaasa......a.„..X.,ssa Personal items ilen were arrionthose who at - Mr. and :Mrs. Edward Bat_ tended, k ten and Richie of Rochester, Personal items Michigan were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mra, Lavernel Wae Parklasen is a patient aYn t St. Marys Memorial Morley. Mr. Mr. and Sirs. Cleve Pullman, Ray and Roenie, were Satur- day evening visitors with Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter, who had a family get-together in airs, evening visitors with Mr. ann honor of Mr. Harvey Herbert. Clarence Knight, Exe- ter. - of Brampton who spent the weekend with relatives. mr. and Mrs. Gary Parkin - Mrs. Robert Smith, London, son and Randy, St. Marys, were weekend visitors with -visited her sister, Mrs. Alton Neil, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, William Morley Jr i Mr. Don Pullen of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gouds- spent the weekend at his home, ward and Joey, London, vis - here. Catharine Klahre is holiday i ited Saturday afternoon with 1 Mrs Laverne Morley, ing for a few days this week with her friend, Janice Fischer, Mr. and Mrs, J. Finkbeiner. St. (Marys. 3 acqueline and Joanne, visited Mr. and Mrs, Nelaon squire,1 on Sunday afternoon at Listo- Exeter* and Mr. and Mrs. F. wel with Mrs. McCutcheon ce- SQUire visited on Thursday lebrating the birthday of Mrs. with air. and Mrs. Grafton Robert Bennett, Listowel Squire ' * " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Grose visited Friday evening with and Sharon, Devizes, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis, Saturday evening with Mr. and Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fos - 11r, and Mrs. William Hast- ter, Exeter, and Mrs. Verna ings, Mrs. Morris Hastings, of 'Jdhns, St. Thomas, were Sun- Stratforci, and Sir. and Mrs. day guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Parkinson. BraMarys. werestol Holden, St. Easter and Mr. and Mrs Harry Klahre, guests with Mr, Mrs. Cecil Squire. Catherine and 'Martha were in London Saturday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Par- sons. Sue Ann Squire spent the weekend in St Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod- gins end Avis were Wednes- day -visitors -with Mrs Ethel Squire and 'Mrs. Margaret Lindsay, Granton. Mr. and Sirs. Bert Duffield celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Tuesday, March 28. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire were Monday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hardie, De - tat. Mr. mid Mrs. Melville Gun- ning and Muriel and Mr. Wil- fred Herbert were Tuesday ifer. Purchaser must remove Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Sirs. Harold Herm, Zion. Sir. and Mrs. Gordon John. - son. and family attended a can- tata at Central Baptist Church, London, Tuesday evening. ' Mr. Laverne Morley, Toron- to, was a weekend visitor at his home here. lyirs. Wynne, London, enter- tained Mr. and (Mrs. Bert Duf- field, Betty and Gayle to a dinner party on Saturday eve- ning honoring the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Duffield. Mrs. Russell Brock and vizes• David, Chiselhurst, and Bill, oil Mr- 'Gordon Tohnson, Mr. Welland, were Friday evening MeCleod Mills and Mr. Wm. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Jr, attended a school Wil -I liarn Morley Sr.for eiders and stewards in Visitors during the week' Tames St Church, Exeter, sponsored by Huron Presby- tery, Wednesday evening, Win. Morley Jr. conducted the Open- ing devotional exercises, Mrs. Gorddri Johnson enter- tained eight girl friends on 'Friday afternoon in 'honor of her daughter, Carol's 10th birthday. Woodward Ave., GrandBend. Phone 47r13 Grand Bend for appointment. 30:6c GIRL'S SUIT,2-piece, wool, light tweed, size 12, good as new; navy blue all weather coat, size 12. Phone Dashwood 85. 30:7c with Mr. and Mrs. Norman liodgins were Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and family, Eighth Line; Mr. and Mrs. Percy IsTodgins and Mr. Hubert Hodgins, Granton, and Mr. William McMullen, London. r. Howard Morley, Hazel Park, Mich„ was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mr. U'd Mts. William Morley Sr. m/ Edith Parkinson, Mrs. Canada's new cost-of-liviag k THE NEW OPTIMA TYPEWRITER IS LOADED WITH FEATURES and it sells for only $89.00 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfc HAY & STRAW. timothy, 1000 bales, 25e bale; oat strajv. John Kabat, RR 1 Clandeboye, phone AC 8-6281, 30;7* KELVINATOR 14 cu. ft. 2 - door refrigerator and freezer, 100 -lb frozen food chest. See it in our window; $299.00 with trade. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, 30:6c VIKING ELECTRIC SE PARATORS MILKING MACHINES See your authorized dealer for repairs and sales. BASIL O'ROURKE Brucefield Phone 9131 Clinton 3:30tfnc eow index PS baSed on buying habits Ruth Squire. Mrs. Leona Mor- ley, Mrs. Dorothy }fern. visa. of families with average an- "— ench, Mrs. Lulu Nilnual incomes front $2,500 to ar,e, Mrs. F1oice McRoberts, Mrs. Marjorie ills, Mrs. Margaret :Finkbeiner and Mit. Audrey Hod•giris, mhers of Gr nton Lady Fore rs Lodge, attend- ed a dinne party at the Iro- quois Hote Loriden, Monday evening. Sir. and ta. Ayton Ana Dcniald wer London Sunday visiting . and Mrs. Ray Adams. Recent s afters with Mt, and Mrs. F. 8 re were: Mrs. -Min- nie Mar ien and Frcd, Wes- ley, Mr. and Mrs, WY:Racy Coates, Exeter, Mr. acid atra. Jack Dickins and Mr. And Mrs. Heber Davis, Saintsbury. Euchre Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mills were convenors for the Community Etichre at, the Selma Friday eVetling. lienors went fOr ladies high te MrS. Marjorie Siorlejr; Men's high, Mr, Paul Schrior; lone hands,, (Mr, Keil Hodgkin; dm- selatinn, wayne. Perklbson, . (Intended for hat Week) AF and AM On. Saturday, areit. Granton Lodge AF 4 Afl Made a fraternal Vi -sit, byhint' td Ha - act Park, Michlkike. Lodge & 1AM. to renew 'old aceualetari :tea With llowerrMor1ey Wot- higlit Mattedti& df Hazel e Ltedges, WM*, Morley *Ira Cr Warded (51 Granton, Grafton Squire and Altan Wallis Of Wild - $7,000, cmnpared to an income range of $1,650 td $4,050 used as a base ten year previous- ly. r L air 1.74.4rao ' • 'Thi. aired *et be s Utile 1t�. Ehe'a just starting the first Coat" you tfilnIt live it Initesul *ding, tn. Idris Atittoet X rde. tity Iinuaa- Workff MO MINNOWS I. A SPECIAL PRICE FOR GROUP BUYING for the small apartment 22" BEACH ELECTRIC STOVE 9,6 CU. FT. ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR 19" ADMIRAL TELEVISION Regular price of these three items is $711.45. GROUP SPECIAL — $599.95 TRAQUAIR HARDWARE Phone 27 Exeter 6c BIG, GOOD QTJAL1TY stand - .ung timber, Cash before logs cut/removed. State Lot, Con., Township. Write Iry Cowan, Exeter, phone 10. YEARLING STEER,Hereford 9:16:23:30:6* strayed onto Lot 5, Concession $10,00 WILL BE PAID for Can- 4, Hay Township and presently adian silver dollars dated 1947 at Lot 5, Concession 3, Hay M.L. or 1948. Also other dates needed, small nickles etc, and U.S.A. Indian head pennies. Please state dates and write toa Box SS Times -Advocate. 23:30;7* are never HELP WANTED (Female) KITCHEN HELP—Calt in per- son or write to Rether'S taurailt Exeter. 6c I STRAYED PUPPY, 2 months old, light brown with white star on chest and white around his Deck. Lost on 2nd or 4tth concession of Biddulph. Debbie misses her pet. Call Lucan BA 7-4367, 6c FOUND— Hew, WANTED— • STEPHEN TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA requires a Teacher EMPLOYMENT WANTED morr=1. will give good_ car .f to pre-school child or infant, (1,PAY -Or weelSlea Pope AC a- 6794- sERvicgs INSTALLATIONS on septic tanks and draina SANITATION SERVICE Septic tank pumping and drainage repairs. BILL FINCH Phone a05 Grand Bend with duties to commence Sep 15:22:29'U: tember 1961. Please state ex- porience, last inspector and NORMAN FISCHER Planibiad salary expected, to and electric. Phone Orli Dafoi- wood, 6:13:20;27c FOR FATHER'S DAY—Lazy- boy chairs, swivel rockers and recliner chairs. Rest in corn fort in one of our chairs. The quality is high, the prices at- tractive. Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 6c. SMALL BUILDING, to be moved, 14'x24',' suitable for cottage or garage, insulated and wired, sitting on skids, $325,00. Phone 234-6358 Credi- ton. 6:134 GIRL'S TWEED COAT and hat set, light blue, velvet trim, size 5-6. Phone 633. 6c 10 SHORTHORN COWS and heifers, due to calf in hfay. Apply Fred Dawson, phone Ex- eter 456r6. 6c COOK STOVE, enamel, coal or wood, in good condition; hot water tank, No. 30, jacket and thermostat. Phone 620w3 Ex- eter. 6* FCR RENT— COZY APARTMENT, bright, furnished and heated, private entrance, s u 1 ta b 1 e for two. 170 Carling St. APARTMENT, upstairs, 2 -bed- room, refrigerator and stove supplied. Available immediate- ly, Hodge's Apartments, phone 234-6301 Crediton, 3:23 tfnc MODERN APARTMENT, un- furnished, 2 -bedroom, central -location, automatic washer and .dryer. Phone 710. 23:30:6c APARTMENT, 426 Main St., modern, 3 rooms and bath. heated, unfurnished, hot and cold water, suitable for couple without children. Apply at Times -Advocate. 3:30tinc HOUSE with modern conven- iences, unfurnished, 4 bed- rooms, Apply Harold Jones, phone 671r21 Hensall. 6c Township. Owner can have same by proving marks and other identifications and 'paying for expenses. Stewart Triebner, RR 1 Exeter. 6:13:20c APARTMENT, upstairs front, 315 Andrew St., private ent- rance, separate m -eters, in- cludes kitchen, bath, living room and large bedroom. Available anytithe. Apply at 24 Waterloo St. or phone 1187W. 6* WILMAR D. WEIN Secretary -Treasurer, as Box 181, Crediton 23;30:5e HELP WANTED (Female) STENOGRAPHER — Apply in writing to Box SPL, Exeter Times -Advocate, 2:2tfc TIOUSEKEEPEIa to live in, and take complete charge of home and elderly lady, in vil- lage of Woodham. Apply Car- man Switzer, 928 Eagle Cresc., London, Ont, 30:6c RtVISSEMAIKeitrIAIV:.mmvitgf,lte-:' EMPLOYMENT WANTED PRIVATE SECRETARY desires position around Exeter vieinity, Has six years experience, State remuneration and hours. CATTLE SPRAYING Anyone Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:171.1e Available May 1. Reply to Box wishing their cattle sprayed PTS, Times,Advocate, for lice, call Bill Watson, phone 6:13:20s 37r19 Dashwood, 12:811e -rFP*,,n‘ao„e..i4ttl A1.7cft4T Ns: 11•11•1111110 10. satsamantsatamassmassmass551 OIL -CALL AND WE'LL HAUL FAST AT ANY HOUR, ANY DAY Your urgent need, for fuel oil can occur at any time in any weather. We respond pronto, regard- less! Just call, We'll be there in jig time with a fresh tank-ful of heat, DON McGREGOR PHONE 737 EXETER EIoctric and Acetylene Welding Trailers Buitt Of All Kinds McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS LEASE, uron, Don't Stop Now! Cancer research has come a long way toward solving one of our generation's most baffling diseases, 'We're on the threshold of victory but we must not ease up, Huron citizens have given strong support to the cancer fight in the past. Let's give even more to reach our increased objective of $16,000 in the coming April -campaign. itSelintRalitZIMMIDISDX,V"'""IFSIMIDKUVIWEVAXWEIMISMISVICW.:ICASM:4'NIZZO2U: 40.1111•011111.• ome Of T ee 25 8mm Movie Cameras Given Away Free!! ENTERTAINMENT EVERY FRI. & SAT. NIGHT VILLAGE INN LUNCHEON No Cover Charge 9 til ? Reserve Your Banquet Date Early GRAND BEND PH, 148 THE SURPLUS TOOL STORE 8" EARCALO ADJUSTABLE WRENCH (NEW) $100 MAIN St. GRAND BEND Griffin Thomas FURNITURE SPACE SAVER WEEK Covered in all-over Plaitallide. Perfect for Rec Room or Den 8 Colours arsEciaa cid ch VALUB AT 0+, OM ORAND BEND PHONE 137W iiSetiallati lit Bide Beek( .• Quality Fresh ,Meati --a Beef, Pork, Lainb, Grade 'A' Fresh Potiney, PHONE- 446 2URICH ERSMAN'S BAKERY BRAN MUFFINS 27c Doz, April 6 - 7 Main St, EXE' l ER Ph. 588 ROGERS MAJESTIC '61 21" TABLE MOO_ TV $199.00 — Less With Trade 23" coNsoae $239.00 — Less With Trade See Our Complete Stock of TV's At Sandy Elliot FURNITURE & APPLIANCES PHONE 37 EXETER 444 MAIN ST, PHONE 476 • MacMillan's WORLD GLOBES $8.95 TIEMAN'S Hardware & Furniture Plumbing * Tinsmithing Coal * Electrical Work Oil Furnaces * Cement PHONE 8 DASHWOOD SPECIAL THIS WEEK BROADLOOM RUG 9 x 12 AH Wool Hardtwist BB o, siai,so Si 1 9,00 DINNEY FURNITURE PHONE 20 - EXETER EXETER ELECTRIC MAktONt 11'" TV Table Model - only $199,00 MARoON1 tAit kAotot $350S 462 Main t. -5, Phone 723 Gingericit's SALES AND tgitVICt Eleatic a ca s Appliance Plumbing --s Heating Electrical Contracting Efecfrital RaPairin9 ZuRitH• SEAPOktH Phone 34 Phone' Stit Is this your home? Cook's FOOD MARKET sa te• „. x.... sassa1a, asaStataas. If you live in this house, call The T -A office (770) arid yoU will receive FREE a $5.00 purchase order geed at One of the places of business shown here. WIN A KODAK BROWNIE 8 MOVIE CAMERA Yeio- you lad miethi win Brownie Movie Camera, imply Vialt"the atorea listed here for your free coupons. PERMANENT WAV sPEttAL Radford's . ike, stmt., $10.00 stheoti lints Oiblie6::-/iaEnAAL TRE TOIL-ET SilhOtiette Vcm4Iltostiluedift's, )4Alitt FASHION' MOP, anal, 6.6, asa. a-11 tamalaygt Toes, &, Tinos, tVeillfipt BXefitti Pherie 658 2j44334 tiktarejt4 9Rolis 1$1 '28 -oz s Oita' A Groceries * Fruit Meet * Vegetables Free Delivery AC 8-6363 CENTRALiA Centralia Form's Supply Ltd. Nowl Cotrnslete Line of BUILDERS' Hardware 'CENTRALIA AC 80042 ZIMMETS RADIO & TV SERVICE ADMIRAL & ROGERS MAJESTIC TV PRICED FROM $169.00 PHONE 4 DACPWOOD Last Week's Winner MRS. HARRIET wqs-r Exeter Centralia GENERAL STORE BEEF STEW OR CORN BEEF HAeH, 15 OZ., 290 3 BATH -SIZE PALMOLIVE FOR 320 Frank tmborne, Prop. AC 8-6816 CENTRALIA COMPLETE DRUG STORE 1 SERVICE Radcliffe Ss, hadtliffe, 4 :Don: Smith. SERVICE * Tune -tint * Road Se -Vied * Welding Goodyear, Firestone Tiret F rent nd Site BA 7,4274 LUCAN