HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-06, Page 12• r`
PAO% 12 Tile. Ttrnes.,,Ad,vocate, Aprii 6/1;1961
, ' . +, • ••
Easter season p
Lyon -Norris
White ehrysanthemunis and
ferns decorated Knox United
Church, Agincourt, Ontario, for
xthoerrisn,iarTrioargoentoe! dEavtiboalwri‘leoart
and Mrs. Samuel ja, Nor.
ris, Stan to James Hilton
near Toronto, son of 111r. and
Mrs, 'William T, Lyall of Agin-
The marriage took place on
Thursday evening, March 3e,
at 7.30 with Rev. David
r for
;dings Modem
k• ... . .• . . . .. .
father the bride- .phose a .flom- sequins held her 'Veil of ellic big eingle roe -headdresses ac -
scalloped emeetheart neeklille Her sister, Miss -Mary Fin,- white ChryeentileMiuns.' and la,wamty S.,:aion:
length gent -ef sot .01 Do ' illusion, alle -carried a henceaet. tented with- circular -brim of 0,,,,,,„
taffta. The bodice teetered a oa Eaeter lilies end, pink roses. net and carried P4SeadeS AOf
secinins. WY Peint,, e he th ing a street -length gown of ellie .george- Chaffe, Poet Credit,
.cd•chamilly lace .lotted with: lay, was Maid sif ironer
-wear- pink eases. 4g9. :MIN At. PHONE,441.
sleeves and a princess line Kt r gall z 4. over taffeta- The brother of the groom, Was, .best Heirsete !Statin
waist. The fulleilewing si.clet gro.one'a eater, Mss -Irene man and John Hendrick, Exe. 'Perms Is Traatmenta
w4s adorned with medallions Hendricle„ Dashwood, as brides- ter, end. Vern C, Pete, Toron. ,Menday to SetUrday, 94
4. matching, lace and seq,uins. maid, wee eiressed ie yellow to,. ushered.
The caetra fullness from the organza over taffeta. Each A reception was held in the Tuesday Se Thursday EVellie85
benne Waist A the back Pas- carried a bouquet of yellow church pawns with decorations BRENDA BR NNE 'Prete.
ceded to a .shertit -SWeert trallt. daffodils and white Tennis. of mauve: sweet peas and white - _ • -,- ... . -r. '....''' EN..........
"I . - ''
A rhinestone tiara lleiti her Don Hendrick, cousin of the daisy ehrYeanthemume. The Porp4rg. 'noir/ 'Y.Perator
finger-tip Veil of Fretteli il, groom, Crediton, was best man bride's mother received in a
fusion and 'ehe carried a white And Jim •Deslaraille, Leaden, arm .of Queen's blue :silk or- .
ca .
j3ible crested with a white ushered. gat= with.embroidered front
Id, garnet roses and steph,
tis with trailing ivy.
Piss Carol Caviller, Chatham
s maid of honor gowned in
cocktail length dress of
ench blue ,chroniespun taf-
ta, with Grecian drape nepk-
ne and full -flowing bouffant
let Her headpiece was a
ny petaled rosette. Bricles-
iaids, Miss Marie, Sinclair,
uelph, and junior bridesmaid,
Miss Marjorie Jones, Walker -
ox, Were gowned similarly to
the maid of honor.
Gordon Jones, Toronto, was
his brother's groomsman and
Keith Lovell and Donald Dal-
was held. at Arm-
trang's Restaurant, Exeter,
vhere the bride's mother re.
eivecl guests in a purple
leath with mauve accessories
nd yellow rose corsage. The
room's mother -chose a gown
f blue printed ,silk with black
ccessories and white gar-
denia corsage,
For travelling to 4astern
points the bride wore a beige
in oh air suit with matching
coat, brown accessories and
white orehici corsage.
• Mr. and Mrs, .ones will re-
side in London.
Out of town guests were pres-
wit from Chatham, Toronto,
Walkerton, Windsor, London
nci Tillsonburg.
The bride was Miss (arena
Bend and $Miss 'Western Ontario
in 1958. She has taught at the
Courser School, McGillivray
this term, The pupils presented
her with a gift, Lois O'Neil
making the presentation.
A wedding dinner WAS served panel and her hat was of
at the Dominion 'Hotel, ttrich. draped azalea. roe organza. . . P
Niagara arid United States the flowers. The groom's another thy s
For a honeymoon spent in with a wreath of French a
Bauty Lou
white accessories. rah coffee -toned silk with mat- nge.
ORANGE BLOSSOM fr3 will not only grace the sho
also make a delightful treat for the wedding breakfa
cake, handsomely flavoured with orange, can go to t
after you start to mix it.
al ring tor s
.Spring Is an especially popu-
lar season of the year for
bridal showers. And this recipe
for Orange. Blossom Ring will
add appropriate interest and
goodness to any shower or tea
table. It's delicious flavour,
tenderness and attractive ap-
pearance can be attributed to
the fact that it is made with
Best of all, only forty-five
Area Vis
plan annual
At a meeting of district V."
representatives in Hensel Le-
gion Hall on Tuesday afternoon
plans were discussed for tha
South Huron District Annual to
be held in Kippen on Thursday,
May 11.
The program will be in
charge of Grand Bend, Hen -
salt and Zurich branches with
Dashwood responsible for a
demonstration and Elimville,
the in ic
memoriam serve.
The Pennies for Friendship
are to be collected by each
branch secretary and taken to
the ,distriet secretary at the
district meeting.
Dashwood branch are in
charge of the 'WV 'display' at
Exeter Fair this year which is
to consieteon.table centres for
Thanksgiving, Easter and a
silver anniversary.
Mrs. Ward Hern, Entwine
WI, was named county rally
representative. The nominat-
ing committee made up of
branch presidents will submit
a slate of officers for 1961-62
at the District Annual.
District President Mrs. John
McLean, Seaforth, was in the
chair. There was an attendance
of 23,
Busy period
for auxiliary
Sames Street United Church
Evening Auxiliary has a busy
Six weeks ahead of it according
to announcements by the Pres-
ident Mrs. James Smith at the
meeting Monday night.
Thursday, April 6 is the meet-
ing of Huron Presbyterial WMS
in Wingham United Church. An
invitation has been extended by
the Afternoon Auxiliary to meet
with it on Thursday, April 13
to hear Presbyterial president
Mrs. W. G. Tiffin, Wingham.
April 25 all the women of the
church meet in regard to the
new organization "The New
United Church Women" and on
Wednesday, May 10 the group
eater for the CGIT'mother and
daughter banquet. Members
have been asked to join the
Woman's Federation members
in a (rip to Five Oaks on. May
The( allocation of the group
for 1961 is $560. Mrs. Ralph
tten reported that through
the collection and sale of used
stamps $100 had 'been contri-
buted to a refugee tamp et
}tong Hong and 6100 to a lep-
rosarium in Korea.
This was the Easter thank -
Offering service with the theme
"Crown. Him, The Lord of
Life" Mrs. Ernest Lewis pre.
eented the taster message
based on faith.
A unique meditation was
given by reeord with the sing-
ing of "The Old Rugged
Cross" followed by William
Pollen as narrator for "The
Voice of the Ones,"Mrs.
Mrs. Retied alleteneicl fay -
end witla a. solo "In a Monas-
tery Garden." Mrs. Batten
presided for the program,
minutes rising time is requirec
to make the dough of this gla.
morons sweet bread; and i
can be on the table only ar
hour and a half after you star
to mix it.
The dough is shaped in VI
manner of a Swedish tea rin,
and filled, and frosted with
highly flavourful orange icing
Orange Blossom. Ring
1,"2 cup lukewarm water
1 tp, granulated sugar
1 envelope. active dry
yeast ,s
4 tbl. butter or mar-
1 tbl. granulated sugar
1 tp, salt
1 well -beaten egg
2 cups (about) pre -sifted
all-purpose flour
2 tbl. grated orange rind
1 cup sifted icing sugar
1 tbl orange juice
Watch that
frost threat
Wait until all danger of frost
is past before moving any
house plants outdoors, advise
horticulturists with the Ontario
Department. of Agriculture.
These four plants do well
outdoors for the summer
months -but they have special
Chrysanthemums (the hardier
potted 'mums). may be grown
outdoors. When the plants are
through flov,.ering, cut them
back to 3 or 4 inches. Continue
watering them and, when the
danger of frost is passed, set
them in the garden. They
should bloom in the fall of the
same year, but if flowering is
too late, they should be dug
and potted for indoor display.
Azaleas should be placed in
acid soil or peat when, moved
outdoors. Partial shade is re-
commended. Feed them every
2 weeks (1 ounce of iron sul-
phate. and 1 ounce of ammon-
ium sulphate in 3 gallons of
water). Bring them inside in
the fall and store in a well -
lighted 45' F. location. The
temperature should be increas-
ed to 60' around New Year's.
Christmas Cherry should be
set about 16 inches apart in
the garden. Apply both water
and fertilizer in moderate
amounts (excessive nitrogen
fertilizer promotes too muen
foliage and slows down flower-
ing and the setting of berries),
The fruit -set is poor indoors,
so the plants must flower and
set fruit during the summer,
if they are to look their best.
Cream the remaining 3 tbl.
butter or margarine; blend in
orange rind and icing sugar
alternately with orange juice.
Roll out dough into a rectangle
12x9 inches. Spread with half
of the orange mixture, starting
at a long side, roll up jelly -
roll fashion; seal seam.
Place the roll, seam side
down, on a greased cookie
sheet, bringing ends together to
form a ring; seal these ends to-
gether. Using scissors or a
sharp knife. cut through ring
almost to the centre at 1 -inch
Intervale, Turn slices on their
sides overlapping each other.
Cover with a tea towel. Let rise
in a warm place. free from
draft, until doubled in bulk —
about 45 minutes.
Bake in a moderately hot
oven (375 deg.) 20 to 25 min-
utes. Spread top of ring while
still warm, with the remaining
orange mixture. Serve warm or,
For bargains and opportuni-
ties, read and use T -A Classi-
fieds each week. Phone 770.
Jolly Jills seek
At the sixth meeting of the
Jolly Jills Homemaking club
at the home of Mrs. Garnet
Hicks on Monday Carol West.
cott demonstrated the placing
and sewing of a zipper.
The girls discussed what each
did well and what each might
do better. They worked on
samples to be mounted,in their
record books.
The roll call was answered
by 15 girls telling "why I chose
the color of my materiel for
my dress."
Margaret Oke was chosen
secretary for the meeting.
a cor-
She was as -
groom's mother
gowned M a chem.
beige sheath dress with
accessories and a •cor-
ee of white and bronze
For travelling the bride wore
a mauve suit with deep maim
accessories and a white car-
nation corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. jellies • Lyall
will reside in Toronto.
St. Andrew's United Church,
Kippen, Was the setting for a
lovely spring wedding Satur-
Hendrick -Finlay
Baskets of daffodils and
white pom pones and ferns de -
orated Z u r i c h. Evangelical
United Brethren church for the
marriage of Elizabeth Ann Fin-
lay, daughter of Mr, Harold
Finlay and the late Mrs. Fin-
lay, Zurich, Harold rich, and Hen-
drick, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd. Hendrick, Dashwood, on
S a t u r d a y, March e5 at 2
Rev. A. az. Arnacher per-
formed the ceremony and Mrs.
Amacher furnished the wed -
:ding music and accompanied.
Patricia .Ann Lovell and Elbert the soloist, 'Mr. Dennis Amach-
day, April 1 at 3 o'elock when
er, Zurich who sang "The Wed.
changed marriage vows an a Love,"
ex.' ding Prayer" and "0 Perfect
Angus Jones, L o n d o n,
double ring ceremony "'per- Given in marriage by her
formed by the Rev. Harold tattier.
the bride wore a street -
length gown of lace over taf-
The bride is the daughter of feta with scoop neckline. A
Mr. and airs. Lloyd Lovell, halo of pearls and iridescent
Kippen and Mr. and , Mrs, Ira
Jones, Walkerton, are pare
of the groom.
White 'mums pink snapdrag-
on, ferns and candelabra form. -
ed a background for the cere-
mony for which Miss Verna
Moore, Toronto, provided tra-
ditional.wedding music and ac
companied the seloist; Miss
Alice Johnston, London, who
sang "The Lord's Prayer" and
"My World."
Given in marriage by her
• .
bride wore a ,Ina.1.).Vg- Ault with assisted .wearing clew in flee
The couple will reside on the Thing duster and beige basket
groom' farm, Concession 14, straw cloche.
Hay Township. For travelling to Niagara .
A reception and dance will Falls and points south the bride Perms Cuts, Sets Tints
be held in Zurich Memorial changed to a turquoise chanel
Arena on Friday evening, April, suit with, dove grey trim and OPEN
matching stole. Her hat was of Monday to Friday, 9-4
beige silk illusion veiling
147 MAIN ST. PHONE o54$
Plans were made for the ba-
zaar to be held at Mount Car-
mel on May 24 at the meeting
of St. Peter's Catholic Women's
League Tuesday evening.
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. 'Earl Dietrich,
Centralia. and President Mrs.
T. M. Clark was in the chair.
There were 19 members pres-
Plains and Leeks in a variety of new shades
InAfin'S PHONE 474
solemnized in James Street blossoms Tues. & Thurs.' Evenings Only
of pearl, beige and white, Closed Saturday
draped with meadow
Mr. and Mrs, Chaffe will re- CATHY ROBBINS, Prep.
A lovely spring wedding was side in Exeter.
United Church on Saturday,
April 1 at 3 o'clock when Ger- Sirence V. Pickard, John St. B. e uty Tips For Spring
trude Lavine Verity Pickard,
daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, Cla-
Exeter, became the bride of
Robert Bruce Chaffe, son of This time of year can be a De you really know how to
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Chaffe, discouraging one for beauty brush your hair? Correct daily
RR 1° Centralia. conscious women. F a s b i o n brushing will add to its health
The church was decorated photos of lovely models, chic and beauty. Let your head
with standards of pink snap- in new spring costume$, make bang down and brush from
dragon, white chrysanthemums, us aware that while we may roots to ends briskly. You will
ferns and lighted candelabra feel like spring, we look like feel your scalp tingle,
for the ceremony performed by winter. Need
Rev, l, Ernest Lewis assisted s sudsing
by Rev, Harold J. Snell, Oak- Lifeless hair Your hair shoula be washed
ridge Acres. Mr, Lawrence The combination of cold as often as it needs it, whether
Wein furnished traditional wed- winds arid overheated rooms it will be twice a week or
ding music. has taken its toll of our skin every ten days. If you have
Escorted by her father the laifnediehsais.r and left them dry and given yourself an oil treat -
bride chose for her wedding
ment, you will ,find that a
gown of silk peau de soie But, cheer rpt A planned third sudsing is necessary to
fashioned on princess lines with beauty routine will restore the remove the oil.
re -embroidered Alencon lace soft, fresh look that is Po much After the rigours of winter,
panels, scooped sculptured neck- a part of spring-tirne. your entire body may tend to
line, lily point sleeves with Might as well start at the dryness, so make each bath a
lace trim. A chapel train fell top, for your hair is your most h e a u t y treatment. Soak in
from a bustle detailed with full- conspicuous beauty asset. warm soapsuds for a while be.
blown roses. Her finger-tip veil If it has become dry and brit- fore you begin to wash. Bath
eaf silk illusion was gathered to tle during the winter months. oil in the water will help too.
a pearl trimmed coronet. She give yourself hot oil treat- Dry yourself thoroughly with
eleaarivieesc.1 a cascade of pink De- ments. Warm half a Cup of a sat, thick towel and then
light roses, heather and salal. baby oil or olive oil, pat it use body lotion for lubrication,
through your hair with cotton With careful attention to a
Mrs. Vern C. Puls, Toronto, balls_ making parts at inter. planned beauty program, start -
sister of the bride, as matron vals until your scalp is com- ing now, you will look as
kins, Edmonton, Alta„ ahcl hot water and wring it out
,in pretty as a picture when you
slip into that first spring frock.
of honor and Mrs. Edgar Jen- pletely covered, Dip a towel
Mrs. Charles Bidwell, Hamil- thoroughly. Wrap it around For professional services and
ton, as bridesmaids were your head until it cools, then beauty needs, make an appoint.
gowned alike in iiink Mac peau repeat. Leave the oil on your ment with RONEVE'S BEAUTY
de sole sheaths with bouffant hair for about half an hour SALON, Phone 18, GRAND
overskirts. They wore match- and then shampoo. BEND.
CGIT discusses
flora!decoration ,
At the meeting oE the CGIT
In James Street United Church.
last Wednesday evening Mrs.
IL Dinney spoke on "Flower
Arranging for Juniors". She
illustrated hertalk with a
number/6f floral arrangements.
Mrs. Gordon Perrott'S Memel'
toodueted a worship period
using an raster theme.
VW -president Axni Fairbairn
was in the chair and Sharon
-Sanden was in charge of ree-
MILK IS A .411-1,ar FOR
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You sliould bo sold on rulik, too, arty day of the week, talu EXETER D
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