HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-06, Page 10• 'W•4pr1444"%r"",1"."*., ' "/4"..1,
Pope 10.
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The Times -Advocate, Apri1.6( 1941
Pick finalists IDashwood youth group
r an missionary for speaking stages sunrise service
Seven studente mtere .chosen
speaks at Tedito day, to compete in the amitiel Special Eastef S 1
at Exeter .Pablie .School. Thurs- g,VINer:c7sgiR.er jusePh's no"§Pital, London,
has returned home and la stay.
pubbe speaking politest. The Church Ancl Zton Luthe-
VaDge icael —
Home and School Association, held in both 1 ing with Mr. and Mrs Lorne
The WSW S meeting of the
church was held Thurs..
daY afternoon, March 30 in
the Sunday School rooms. They
entertained the WAs Cred-
iton and Shipka *United church-
es, The committee, in charge
was "Preparation for Service"
With Mr, W. Morlock as
con venor,
The president Mrs. Ed Ken-
drick led in the call of \vol.,.
▪ "Life with Christ takes
no lime, yet it occupies all
our time." Mrs. A. 111. Sehlenk-
er led in, preyer. Piano solo,
was given by Mrs. Emmery,
Geiser; scripture reeding by
Mrs. Emerson Wein- vocal
quartette by Mrs. Harold Fah-
ner, 471frs. Lloyd Larnport, Mrs.'
Ervin Ratz and Mrs. Walter
Miss Lulu Geiser welcomed,
the guests and introduced the
speaker, Mrs. Don Irwin, who
with her husband have been'
United Church missionaries irt
Kerea. She gave en inform•
tive message with the use of
1 r d slides, showing the
Koreans way of living and the
many hardships of refugees.
Mrs. Jake Ratz expressed ap-
P guestP •
A social hour was spent to-.
ge er,
The business of the WSWS
was taken charge of by Mrs.,
Gordon Ratz, Ten dollars was
voted to go for meat for the
refugee family in the com-
munity and $10 to go to the
Kyo offering. Delegates were
nominated to go to the conven-
tion at Bridgeport on April 25
and 27,
Easter UC service
Service in the United Church
was well attended on Sunday
morning. Choosing as his sub-
ject "A Living Presence" Rev,
R. S, Hiltz delivered an up-
lifting sermon.
The choir rendered an anthem
"Rejeice He Lives" and a duet
"Risen" was sung by Doreen
Kenney and Marlene King.
1 Easter lilies and. lovely flow-
ers decorated the church.
Following the church service
in the Sunday School rooms a
program was presented by
members of the churph school.
The Crediton Young People's
held its meeting in the Sunday
School rooms.
Douglas Lightfoot and Ken
Moon were in charge of the
worship eervice. After the busi,
;less a diseussio'i was held on
T A ALB .0 led by Rev. R. S.
Hiltz. Lunch was served.
Report on
Ship k a
Easter visitors
• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Collett and
family of Toronto, Miss Kay
Bawden and friend of Windsor,
with Mrs. Jacob Ratz,
Dr. C. B. Sanders, Mrs.
Sanders, Janet and Dtoirl of
Welland, and Mrs, Ida ., San-
ders from London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Weiberg
and Sherry Anne and Mr. and
Mrs, Gordon Weiberg and Da-
vid of Waterloo and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Weiberg of Dash-
woed witeMe. and Mrs. Lorne
Dvine and Mei. Devine Sr. •
Mr. Roy Comfort, and Mr.
George Windett of Fenwick.
with Mr. and Mrs, Stuart
Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Sweitzer, and Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Pickering and their fam-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Good-
man of Detroit with the Mor-
eDz families.
'Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Latta and
Gerald, Miss Betty Pickering
of London with Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Pickering and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Adams,
Mark and Brock, with Mr. and
Mrs. Les 'Adams, Gloria, and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Datars,
and. f..,.Be
rediton Colleens
The seventh meeting of the
Crediton Colleens was held on
Saturday, April 1 at 9:00 aen.
in the community centre with
nine members and, two leaders
Mrs. Lamport demonstrated
how to insert a zipper, and
Mrs. Reid how to cover a belt.
The members then worked on
their samples and drosses.
The next meeting is to be
held on Saturday, April 8 at
9:00 a.m. The roll call is
"Bring in your completed
samples." The home assign -
meats are to complete record
books and complete dresses.
Achievement Day is to be
held on Saturday, April 29 at
Out- of - town visitors over
Eastcr • :
Mr. and Mrs; Rcbert Hilborn
and Cathy, of Hanover, with
Mrs. Ezra Faist and Nola
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lambie
and boys, of North Bay, with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fink-
beiner and Mr, and Mrs. Ross
!Haugh and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Faist
and boys. of Toronto, with
Mrs. M. Feist.
. Mr. and Mrs. William Wood-
all and family, of Windsor,
t with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph
• Woodall.
I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fink-
beiner and family, of Barrie,
, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Julie and Cathy Schenk, of
London, with their grandpar-,
eats, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo
I Ricky Geiser, of Dashwood,
with his grandparents, Mr. and
1 Mrs. Lloyd Geiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mitchell
and family, of Brussels, with
the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. A. Mitchell,
. Rev. and Mrs. F. M Faist
and family, of Kitchener, spent
Good Friday with the former's
mother, Mrs Ezra Feist and
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beaver
' of Pittsburg, Mr, Howard
;Beaver of Hamilton, Miss Gert-
' rude Beaver and friend, of De-
troit, at the home of Mr. and
• Mrs. Harry Beaver,
Mrs. Evelyn Stevens and
boys, of Langton, with Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Brock and family.
angl Mrs. Howard Ren-
rey, Morris and Mrs. Arm-
strong of Detroit visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wein
and family and Mr. Harry
Wetzel and Mr. Maurice Hirt-
zel at London hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chambers
and Gloria of Exeter, Mr. and
Mrs. William Priestley of By-
ron, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Preszcator and family.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hodge
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Buxton
returned home from their trip
south this week.
Mr, and Mrs, Emerson Wein
and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hen-
' driel: attended the annual Dar.
ents' banquet at 'the, Agricul-
cutest will he bald on Tues- ran Church on Good Fr,,,it,litAriY'els'Mre.nellaml‘iiirys:Wilfredday,
day, April IL and Easter Stioda' with
In an all -day goppeatien, , attendance. la— ilenal'fer. spendingailddiioti.this Arnold
our winners were picked to i At 7:00 a.m. en Easter Sun- "--tti 1
compete rom the 14 entrants in
day .a sunrise service was ccn- huntz'
, grade aeven and three were ducted by the Youth Fellow- personal items
chosen among the 20 eellipeti- AID, of Calvary EU] Church i Miss Pauline Becker, Ili
tors in grade eight. with dialogues, Easter hymns, ' Marilyn Kielaw and Mr. Jelin
I The students were not placed , scripture readings, a solo, duet, Kadhibec of Concordia Tea -
The students spoke on topics '114n1"13:rrrsecInt)e
il‘n,asanmyer.pealyrtiacogiaurauognear,rwit, double duet, play and choir ehers College, River Forest,
theme of the Illinois, Pent. Easter weekend
and the preceding week with
they chose and the speeches Breakfast was served in. the Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Becker,
were from five to seven min- Chereh basement by the young Miss Brenda Becker, Toronto,
utes in length. ladies after the service spent the Easter weekend with
Gradseven winners During the Sunday School her family. She returned to
1 e i n- :
' eluded: Arm Bell, Mary Coch. 'hour the boys and girls Fellow— Toronto with her S u n d a y
Brenda Dinney program Al recitations, action Cathy Bud and Mr. George
interesting' guests, M. Bill Sterling, Miss
rane, • Marianne DeVries and 1 ship Present° an
and visualized choruses and Campbell, all of Toronto.
Winners in the grade eight scripture verses, dialogues, al Ervin Eckstein h a s Pur
competition were: Sheila Fah- playlette and other special sing- ceased Aaron Restemayer's
Per, Ann Fairbairn and Karen ing which was much aPPre-,home and the latter is build-
' J ermyn.
Judges in the morning were dated'
The Crediton. EUB churchleinirig anew homeglot.ell the adjoin -
Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and Mrs. choir will present an Easter Mrs. Mau Becker hasre-
J-lerrnan Powe. Mrs. Pete Du Cntata, " be Recl Dawn" in turned home after .several
rand, president of the Home the Dashwood EIJB Church, ' months in South Huron HosPi-
i and School, acted as chair- Sunday, April 9 at 7:30 p.in, Lal.
man. Those who attended the Mrs. V. L. Becker is a pa -
In the afternoon session, Mrs. Schultz-Koessel wedding at Hap. tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Warren Brock and Mrs, Fred
boor Beach, Michigan, Sunday, ;London.
Dobbs acted as judges. Mrs. April 2 were Mr. and Mrs. E t
Gerald Godbolt was chairman,visitors
' Miller and
ancj rs,. aS Cr
Mr. and Mrs, Mike Burke of
h 1 Miller, -,
Albert Miller and farnily, Mr. I
Westennester Hospital, London and Mrs, EdwinBrampton with Milt Haugh,
and is in a serious condition family all of Dashwood. The Mr. and Mrs, Robert New -
with a heart attack and gall bride is the daughter of the ton and family of London with
' bladder. former Nora Miller. , ;Mrs. Reinhold Willert.
Visitors that were out of Paul, six year old son of Mr.: Miss Marian Rader of Lon -
and Mrs, Melvin Greb has re- don with Mr, and Mrs. Ervin
town for Easter:
Mrs, Ruby Molitor spent the turned home from Children's Rader,
holidays at Toronto. War Memorial Hospital. Lon- Mr, and Mrs. Ray Kretzman
Mr. Everett Fahrner and don, He will be in a cast for and Billie of Detroit with Mrs,
daughter, Mrs. John Ayres and three months. ,Cora Geiser,
boys, with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Leonard Becker who was a Mr. and Mrs. Earl Telfer
Fahrner at Willowdale, patient for several weeks in St. 1 and family of Brantford, Mr,
l'. .i
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1/2 HOUR
Enjoy dry basement walls and floors, and at the same time
freshen them up. BLEN-DIT MASONRY COATING makes drab
cellars more appealing to the eye, pfevents dampness, water
seepage. Resistant to alkali and Orasion. No need for pre
or after -wetting upon application/A specific remedy for leaky
ba:ements. Brushes and splatterlmarks easily cleaned up w:1:1
+«rkJ --, of Canadian Tire.
ant Tubes, from
airs damaged
doors or out.
asonry Coat-
bs. .... I MU
s. 3.15
Stop active leFkc;—BLEN.DIT
Waterproof PUTTY
81/2 lbs.
Stops water leaks, .. fills holes and cracks.
Easy to apply.. Use in or outdoors. Easily
holds bolts, hooks, fixtures, etc., in concrete
or masonry. Fast setting,
3 4 42 54
Patching Tool
Three tools in one. It's
combination straper, putty
knife and trowel, Made of
quality spring steel, Ain
Good size • OM
1.• 95
Whitewash Brush
For use with cold water
painta:. cement, • stucco fin-
ishes es sizeand so On, ;
6 49
beitme model, 7" size ,,,, 1.65
Starts as water rises: goes off as
water drops. Compact. Stainless
steel ahaft. Neoprehe floats—won't
beeome water logged. No heed to
remove pump to clean filter screen.
Vt-lep. motor pumps 2,000',..gallons
per hour at 5 -ft, head. 60 cycles.
FIEAVY DUTY M0Dt1,—As• above
but with heavy- duty meter that
pumps, 2,700 gallons per
'hour et 5 -ft, head, , 45.95
r • „,1
436 Main St. Exeter
Phone 461 Milton 'Robbins & Son Ltd.
And 'Mrs. Robert Carlyle and
family of Exeter with M. and
Mrs. Adolph Xeller.
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan 'Taylor
arid falay .of Waterloo with
149111$ Rader.
Siegfried I1j1je of Wat,ciloo
with. Mr,. and. Mrs. Rudolph
Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe
of Toronto with Mrs. Wes.
Robert, Wein of Sudbury endDr.
Dr. and .111re. A., C. Whittier
and family of Peterborough
with Mrs. Herb Wein.
Mr. and Mrs, Harold „Maine
and family of Kitchener with
Mr, and Mrs. Reinhold Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hop -
croft of Welland, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Noma,. Mieliael and
Alma of Grand. React, M. and
rs. Free MeGIII of London,'
Tom Arthur of .gaceter, Miss
Carol Rader of Zurich and Mr.
and .Mrs. Russell Hoperoft and
We with .Mre, Alma flopproff.
Mr. and Mrs, Dave Baird of
1,iondon. with Mrs, Matilda Pie-
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Snell and.
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Windsor
Mathews and Miss Nellie Car.
side all of London with Mr., and
Mrs, .Chas..Snell and Beth,
Martha Lou FiSeber is yaca-
tionmg Mr, and Mrs.
Pete Eisenbach and. Emery of
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim ,Sigsworth
and Billie of Lecen ,apent Mon-
day with Mr. and Mr$,, Arnie!
I Mr, and Mrs. Olen WalPr
end family p London with Mr.
and Mrs. Lim Knafee,
Ervin Greb ot Proton amt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hendrie'e
with Mr, and MS. Lone Be.
Miss Marc Anderson at home
of Mr. and Mr. Lorne Becker
while parents are pn a trip out
This old saying about Mak,
ing a silk purse out ,eta ow's
ear is a little out of date. Now,
the question is how a geed -
looking girl, can get a milk
coat out of an old geat.
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Fully detergent — new engines stay
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Similar low prices for other cars
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Equal or better than original
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Restore "nese-dol,vn"
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Replace that Old ole -
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Cable Grease
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Canadian Tire has expert servicemen to take care of any installations you may
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