HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-04-06, Page 3To:wri Topics
..Persenal item iniorect ;In And .Around gxeter
war veteran
Ralph Hicks
Wa .and our readora aro intoreetee in you and ycno• friends. Phone 770. ,
.•.‘ ,s. , ..,a, :,'.,bF.:1:: ,,+).' tM,''m
, •Srt 4, • ;
s• .•
1,1, ;tory of the Grand Bend and.
.owner of Exeter Frozen Foods •
Ralph Hicks, 69, Milner • -'
and recently appointed secre, . „ „ , .
'High, school rate:iip
.or GB taxpayers.:
Tne, eaeter Timee.Advocata is, always, pleased. to publish Adese items. -• s
AliaS Alice Claypole is holi, fe, Mr. and Airs. William AS ;;:-, ,•• :' . s- S
, Area Chamber a ,ComMerce. ; Grand Bend council learned. trader Grand Bend, reeeiltfad
. :Robinson, all -of Alitchell; Mr, Os
tss ''',S.,...VSa,
• bid High Schnol mill rate will new surnMer borne In Soptli,
(laying in Winnipeg for a Chaffe and Mr. and Mrs, Ray
ecespie of weeks, • - ;0- :•Si.'. . : ,i, died, suddenly in. Grend Bend, ' Tuesday that the Forest Di s- a permit for the ereetion 01
'IS, a; ' 'Tuesday evening.
Mrs. M. Teller, pa rkhilist and Mrs. Charles Bidwell, ' ,i, ,. air. Hicks was attending a he raised three and °e qua cott Pidea far HenrY Greens
them home and visited
and sirs. it D b e r 1 sayers, ; Jagger, all of Hamilton; Mr.
Strathroy. The Sayers brought - and ;Mrs. Emil Hendrick, of
I‘Irs, Creech on Sunday,
'id Mrs. R. N, Creech spent a Allsses Jean G a r d n e r and
sew days jam, week with; mr, Hazel Broker. anti Mr. Don
with ' Stratford; Mr, and Airs, W.
Clugston, Alarkdale; Alr. and 0'
-1 .44. '
*.r.,;:' 1
:. '
, 44bi.:
. 7.. ,
. s••
;,' ''''' . V.
> <7'.:
:, ;„,..,,
‘1,, f .
s E. A. AlacAlaster when he suf.
s -
commerce at the home of Dr, redistribution of costs•
feted a heart attack.
meeting of the Chamber nt ter otitis Ibis year. due to a ' :Grand Bend. and HerMart .
Mr, and Mrs. tlicks moved to eased to 6.0 mills in 1961. l Jack Mennel. London, Teis*
at 2.75 Mat year, will be M-. hi the -same silli'diviSlati'
The mill rely. ‘whieh was so £104rgeOrdereacroniSoSee.ad4:1= '
mr, and fors. w. N, i‘jur„. Mrs. Don Mulholland, Preaton, -..0 !•• ; : Grand Bend in 1958 and built , jazTehe lih,aisghehrotradtuee folio. tirn vi.itit::: tieeoinIdloa permit for ZOOM*
4. a cottage in Oakwood Park.
ileck. Dundas called on the '
latter's father, W. H. Wood, Ylingithrts Lend"' and Mrs'
urer of the Oakwood Park As- t from ertnalization of assess..' Clerk Alubirsrat.).'"Att.4:7ar:::
and Mr. and Mrs. Willie M ',1:: $ **
ne SerVed as secretaiT•treas.; creased budge .testi e-
1 hut ' It d . street
Elizabeth Frank, St. Mara's. sedation for the past year.
Carling St.. on their way borne -
from Florida. They had also He joined tbank as a school area.
: ment throughout the li t g lis was authorized to contact
'ZT- 47W
The: Times-A(1YMb,, April 6,
visited Mrs, Murdock's brntilert , .PROPERTY TRANSFERS young man anhe d then enlisted ; . - Clerk :C. V. Pidcards Zajeter,
its* atie ;
:1 to see if the 1,0W71 be.e a
• ., .S... lible tohnelsbCre7hP2thsettgir. World '''''Crcher,P. T I el:in:set Mr- and Mrs from Pairtskilhere st,01°;,:ara°11Vear .'
Harold Wood, in Sanibel Island. • wwiam mercer, town, has ' "s„
Fiericiat Miss 'Dlive Wmid• IV. ' purchased the home of Harold
7, '."- War, Mr. Hicks was' stationed ; James Grigg. -Grand Bend,: paissing,
ronto.- spent the Easter week-
Simpson on William StRealin England where he was sent ' was accepted over two others : erect angle parking •sigris s on
on a course to learn machine Jor the position of attendants • the north stele of the , main
end with, her father.
Mrs. Harry Whetten and this week, !Mr Simpson lies
, ' tor M. J. Geiser announced
., -
• -..,„..„.„,„1„ , • guns. ; at the bath house at the beachstreet and will change tite
Grand Bend • sari I 1 ,.
daughter, Brenda, of Hamilton, ' bought the home nn Main St
are spending :Beater Aveelt with ',owned by Mrs. Ada Delbridge. 4 VilelaPr Machine guns rrt(ha ea ati:h•Vtfli.Llsrnt e yr earie.7rict'Pera non. ' =net (th the MIth • SIde IQ
Airs. Charles Harris. I William Sims, tow.n, has . iti ;!,;sss:,.. commissioned. Following the the commit had to hire addi..
Mr. _arid Mrs, :Bayne Carew, : purchased the home of Robert war he joined the 1st Hussars • tonal help -
-reserve unit in London and : weekends, but this will not be
to assist mi busy i tenTilyiivceierkmailisrioimpprzsentheueldihe.if .
' Ann Arbor, Atigh„ and • Mr. ; Marriage, Mill St., through sTs "si steas. s ,t
4• th Whitt Will be diacusaed at a
and Mrs. V. C. Puls, Toronto, Realtor John Burke. Air, Mar, e f rose lo the rank of Major. ; necessary as both Mr. a.nd Aire. tater date. .
are spending this week witb •
Nage and. Elmer fAlcFalls are He retired from the reserves • Grigg agreed to be at the bath ;
HONORARY MEMBER -Bob Hayward, centre, who drove Miss Supertest III to two Sir. and Mrs, c. V, Pickard °Pere ting a. tourist cabin es. „ , ,,...
1 • ht • ' tl }I ti t 1 ' h . 1 i ' t d
own a 'me . temg presen e a after the second World War house during illay times in the
n :fast.; wins in • le armswor .1. ropy race, is s and received the Efficiency- De- summer at the cost of st.oh mAarcette caicuTonutnats:teceinable ef
S1,980.04 were paid for the
' Mr, Hector :Murray, "di° has tablishment near Ingersoll,
coration for long service in t per hour.
spent the :winter with Mrs.;
Murray in Exeter, has return,:
Speaker at the dub s meeting, Monday. Lionel Kendrick,
, , . .1, T le bath house will be opened •
4ertlfleate as an honorary me.mber at the Isucan Lions club. Hayward. Was guest the Armed Services.
ed to Midland to resume bis ; ., ,, , uring weekends as soon as the. :
makes the presentation. At the right is Benny Satilnicr, a member of the club, who
p r a gr a ni chairman, Previous to moving to Exe, • d
duties as captain on a lake "
mission director ,......„
helped build the boat that Shattered lap and course records at. Picton last sum- ,
ter in 1947, .Mr. Hicks was a weather i
The other applicants for the :
For < 4 %
-Photo by Culbert Log
merchant in London. He was i
Mr Art Cann who has been • ory is an page 7,
: ()climber of the Lesion
Exeter and Grand i
poSition were James Connelly
pital as a result of a back •
; patient in South Huron Hos. ; speaks Saturday me". s'
and Elgin R, Webb, .both of l 4-,4,17kk
Bend and was also a member!
horne, injurY, -has returned to his l Rev. 'Witham Sea th, DD , :•:;:s.-; : i(s: • .. • : :
executive director of a large . ..„ . . . , . , .... „ . ; . s„. ......s„:„.• of the Exeter Lions club. : Grand Bend. 7. Enter/Tr
He held several high degrees ' !save throe permits
cot,t. Tborndale, visited Miss ; he
Rey, B. E, and Mrs. South. rescue mission in Chicago, will
guest spe.aker at a. 10th an- A,,...„
-.'''' ''''4, in the Masons and was A mem•
by the cotmcil for two • N,,,,urishment
U N C E VIE ITS Three building permits were ;
ber of Hie: Scottish Rite and I issued
Stella Southcott in South Huron niversary rally of the London '.4 '• ,,,,,, 7 the Tuscan Lodge, I -Ie was a : new mummer
: renovations to a third.
homes and for ' .
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital on Monday,
AIM Sam Jory, who has ;
, rescue mission in Main St. UC
this Saturday evening. ss,,,,,,..• -•-,..„--
Dr, SeatIL a former presi- . ted Church and transferred his ;
.member of James Street tnis
Elmer Webb, building con-.
Hospital as a result of a fall dent of the MCI union of gos- BIRTHS ICARPS OF THANKS- !IN MEMORIAM- membership to Grand, Bend ;
when he retired, Mr. Hicks :
at her home, returned to her Pel missions, has pioneered
new developments in the re- EIZENGA-Mr. and Mrs. Louis ! 1 wish to thank my familr SCHROED , •
nf a dear daug. hter and
4 was also an ardent golfer,
Born in Eastern Ontario, he fen en ets
-Miss Margaret Snelgrove. fell
on the steps at ;lames Street
home on Saturday.
ha bilitabon. of homeless aid). Elzenga, nee Browe, are and friends .for the cards. oi•y .
. • 6
happy to announce the birth treats, prayers and visits and sister, winna
• , ‘ 0 passed
is survived by his wife, the " • - : . -
021itrig mem.
- , ,,,,anwdlitrittleath,efyre'rseh tdhairirsIty, chorolue
day School Sunday .morning
arid has been a Patient in mer Mennonite :farmer, is cur. al, march 25-a sister for Sarnia. and since I returned In ,
church While-- attending Sun-
Itshed by Alm Roth, a for
The London mission, estah- of a daughter, Brenda Joy, good wishes while 1. was a pa • awe.: nnAeo (.4yearui ek lagoy, April -
at St. Phomas Elgin Hospit- tient in St„Ieseph's Hospital. men.
, my sons home in, Watford ; \av'epurarlph,to)urogithdl to tk:m.
liele.11 But you left a memory
s un nown, '`' yid. Walcott, Vancouver; 1 janet • :•-step-helft
s ;former Helen Bristol; two
daughters, (Francis) Mrs. Da -
Mrs. James Pringle, Attkokon, ; gr aVE'ail works:
co.uncil, ' n'hitch- met •
Lenity conducting a 2150,000 Bradley and Judy, Ontario, one son, John, a gra- , ,,,say
gravel Contract to R, H. ;
thirst. prorides all the hodc:
formerly lived in Exeter and
Sputh Huron Hospital.
Sgt. W. .E. L. Smith, who building project designed to GuEST-Mr. .and
care for 84 Men. The mission Guest, nee Hodgins, are hap- •
also operates a • home for y to announce the I '1
airs, winiam ;Special thanks :to Miss.
.Hospital, Sarni
RN, . of SL J
At N •
near, University, now studying at
duate of SHAHS and Western .
' tenders.
- Jennison Gt and Bend. who -
building goodness of milk, '
night, awarded its , ittsuscgahritsf:Ifigetsiperogld,,Gqiureehscchheersris.4.;
Prairie. is now on course again
to F10.
Station Centralia to Portage la homeless and alcoholic women.
at Centralia and has been
was transferred from RCAF
USE EASTER SEALS KINCAID-F/S and 'Airs. T. J. thanks to everyone who 170.
at St. Joseph's Hospital, Wallacehurg•
March. 14.
a daughter, Suzanne Elaine, O'Brien, Holy Family Rectory. - )- , ou Me . I el) . • ,
I wish to express my sincere
Sitll loved, Still missed,
Thnush al aent v . • , t, land
ever dear. . Winnipeg.
sister Mrs. P. D. Eas eton, P
the University of London, Eng -I. .
He ts elan survived hy one ,
' 61 • ' The ;Jennison rice was SLon '
: per yard, crushed, hauled and ;
Bolded and palleurized by
and ' ' stibmitted the lower of two 1
Wedding guests Kincaid, RCAF Station C'ent- MeMbered me with cards and -Lovingly remembered and the Hopper -Hockey Funeral' 64
, Burial will take place from ssereeeandisonpertos,lanrsplacriutostdesd aerinrdi
ralia, announce the birth of : tree ts and visits while a patient sadly missed by Mother, 1 Home. Friday at 2:00 n.m. In. loaded on the township truce. P • •
Out of town guests for .the , _...„----.......-„,-.......„..„„,
Chaffe-Pickard wedding were South Huron Hospital, April ial thanks to th.e nurses and
a daughter, Sheila Anne, at in South Huron Hospital, Sped Father, sisters and brothers, I fermentwill be in the. Exeter; Gravel will he purchased
Mr. and !Mrs. W. H. Wadden,
Guelph; Mrs. M. F. Gladman, 4-a sister for Kathy and Dr. Ecker, - Mrs. Harry De. '
fine i The contract is subject; lo dep't Special I
fic i cemetery. from Sillery's pit in tsborne.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Campbell,
Gregor, daughter of Grant Vries,
I wish to say "thank you" to I Council agreed to forward MAD HATTER
Vancouver; Mrs. R, A. Garr,
i of hishways approval, .
McGREGOR - Christine Mc- - e
ef Montreal; Air. and lairs. 'R.
and Gladys :McGregor, Hen- all my friends who sent cards, e --: - ' , $10,000 in prepayment of 1.961
F. Gladman, Mr. and Alm flowers and. milted . me while county rates, Combination Cup.
R o b e r t Donnelly, Mrs. E. sail, -wishes to announce the i was a patient in st, Joseph's .
arrival of her baby brother, a . Road Sup't Lawrenee Hal
brand, 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Volkes,
1 qt. dairy chocoliite
Mist.), 294
Beech, Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs.: ... Hospital, London. -Len Trott.
was authorized to call for
Dale Read, Miss Helen Hilde- :,..• . ; Robert James, at Clinton
: ; Public Hospital„ March. 31. a'' or African minds : tenders for weed and brush
i spay on all owns 10 roads when you purehaso
Mr. and •Mrs, H. White., all of s •,;,';;S:s. ; The family of the late Mr. • • - - '
Teronto. ' ey'n "nInnf 1-1% /PIMPIP.,..., POCOCK-mr. and Mrs, Hare Humphrey Webb wishes to Progress of Christian mis. I the hands of Africans eagerly 1 this spring.
Mr, and" Mrs, Norman Chaf. old Pocock, Exeter, announce • express their :sincere thanks sions in East Africa was de- . seeking k n o w 1 e d g e of the I Reeve Glenn Webb presided.
, &AP taxsestsststi/ wasisters, the birth of a daughter at ; and deepest appreciation In scribed to Exeter Pentecostal Christian faith,
• • • • . 3.
South Huron Hospital, April ; relatives and friends for the Church by Miss Margaret Cant- Miss Cantwell reported that!
'. '''4"..""""-"W"e4""":"M""...''"5".:'''t''. ZILER - Mr. and Mrs. Law..! messages of symPathY ' during furlough from Kenya, during • fr ' (hevillage Hepworth ;
!beautiful floral tributes and -well, missionary - teacher on 1
I wnerever the British flag, still When johnPlows founded ;
tence Stier. Dashwood, an- their recent bereavement in Easter Sunday services, 1 nominations have no difficulty -
i ., onaries 0 all de.
be intended tn name the place
nounce the birth of a &nigh- I the loss of a husband and . In tbe morning, Miss Cant.. getting the gospel into the ; Epworth after 'ielin Wesley's
ler, Bonnie Louise, at south father. Snedal thanks lo the - well :outlined the Easter sUn- • schoolsin other areas, how- birthplace in England hut as :
Huron Hospital, April 2-a n e i g h b 01 s for their kind
sister for D a r 1 e n e and rise ceremonies ;observed in !ever, the missionaries are be. ! Plows was a Cockney, his pro -1
Michael. thoughtfulness and help and East. Africa. She also pointed ing driven out of the country.
. • . i nounciation made. it Hepworth. '
also to the Harry Hoffman t ti . • •
• • g con rns he- The min -loner), thawed es- -
Cotton Cuties ' - Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Pat. ENGAGEMENTS-
, Funeral Home and pallbearers. ,
tween pagan and Christian cus., ceptionany beautiful colored '
sc toms in th b -'• I f
The Grand Bend Cotton' Cu. terson and faintly with friends Mrand MrsHenry Menard T wish to espress mv swell'i
During the evening servce,
• t vtmoviesclZlistian depicting both :pagan .
ties met for their seventh in Kingsville. . . - . : : ' d • I • I : : tsr.customs of' the ;
Grand Bend, wish to announce ti„es for an the cards and .
, thanks to .my filen s anc i e a- the missionary spoke on the 1
meeting at the •horne pf Alma •
;Mr and MrS Burdon of Lon. urgent need of providing the 1 '
News of Grand Bend
" -: c t the engagement of their daugh-
Hendrick -on March, 29, 1961, .at don and. Mr. and Mrs. Aran .
ter Anita Louise, to Russell fl wers sent to me wyleil Wa „5: Christian message in ' t d r
prim an . 'Mrs. Cecil Kiefer rendered a
: Faber, son of Mr. and Mrs, •
a a.patient in St. Mary s .11emoi
7:30 p.m. Cabmen and children of Han- ' tract •form for the .Africans
• , solo at the. morning service
Roll cail -was (tw.hy T chose over on Friday with Miss Ma- , and the daughter of Mr, and ' CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS :
Rochus Faber Kippen Ont. ial Ho,spital: Special thanks lo 1
peop e.
the colour of my dress," rion and Mr. Joe -Calwell.
The wedding will take -place
' 1 , the nurses tn hospital and Dr. ; in Kenya, she said. , Airs. Wright, Kirkton, was '
The skit for Achievement day Mr. and Airs. 'Rohl:. Cann, •• •
May 13 at 2 o'clock in St. Davis. Thanks a gain. -Milton English - deFd,icated by Rev. M. Helms. ;
, i
' is being lailglit. early in grade i
was discussed. samples were Ray and friend •of Thames Road Brock, eature of the Sunday School London 200 Queens Avon:km Phone GE 9-37'21 1
John's - by . the -Lake Anglican 6"
' school, enabling the ehildren !
finished. on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
was the. revelation of 1
Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Baker . enc friends who remembered me • However, the Communists are ' Aylmer
Presentation --- • - ..„. Jim Love and family.
the mystery man, William i Peri LamIsten i
:Church, Grand Bend, Ont. T wish le thank all my . to read all types of literature. • Meeting
The Royal Arch Purple De- on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ,AI -c- with cai•ds, treats and visits . taking advardage of this edus
Parker. which climaxed a con. 1 111f 5!. .. . 1,10f .1"115/1.11111.1ifitilltliMI111120,1151/1114,0,111.011110141.1,.11,111!IIMMI114111.1)11MMH11tene'
,gree was confered by the Wood. Lloyd Fahner and family. Naughton,by putting m; : test in. which is ,..!..s ..,.. • . : -ss •• ••-•.;"; •"• -.. s •••••• ::.•;--; .. • s;- - - --:- ' - - • ' "
: 4"ssr's!'fi
-Kitchell, Ontario, while a patient. in South Huron! cationat progra
Hospital, with special thanks out their literature at a much urged to invite 'friends to ththe children were e 1
,, s
ham LOL Degree team on two Mr, James Grigg with his i wish to announce the engage Hospital,
.for Greenway LOL son hi Toronto this week, If Christianity • school, David :Hall won the ;
I men! af their eldest daughter, to the -nursing staff. - Irene ' greater rate.
6" ; to in the African people, Mis; prize for extending the first in, . P
Alt, !Fred Negri and Mr. turned ho.me from Florida. !Peter Masse, eldest• son of Mr. MY sineeie ti i U5illeSS ;.,'Ire-CtfliFY
219 on Good 'Friday evening, Mrs, Myra Laughton has re- • Doris Marilynn Jane, to John MYers•
.,,,a .,„ • Cantwell warned, it must re. vitation to the mystery person.
Wenwood Gill of Grand Bend, Mrs. Irene Myers, Who was :' anti Mrs, Peter Masse, Grand p.rediatien-l';' thinA•nsian'au." kindprovide ,
Ciii(,),11ble . lits„ e yorTts to The "Sky Pilots" a young
choral group. r e n cl e r e d an - _.•
Members from LOL Lucan a patient in South Huron Hos- l Bend. Wedding to lake place friends and relatives who re- s "'' Prime" ;won.'
and LOL Dura, Lambton were pital, has returned home. I in St. Peter's Roman Catholic membered me with eards, ,„„ n„
will put 5,000 tracts into rection of
1 She said an 'Investment of Eas••• ter selection under the ch. •• - • •
present. Church, St. Joseph's, at 10:00 flowers, treats and visi`r.'"
ts while : '"" - ;
Mrs. M. Holmes, s G. A. WEBB, D.C. W. G. COCHRANE
Easter visitors • Personal items
;Mr. and Mrs. Keith Chart- i 'rri. o • 11
1 a n An ' 22, 1961. 6' : a patient in SL Joseph 8 Hos-1
Mr. and Mrs. aohn Stocker ton and son' Gary of London, l , Mr. arndvirl,r,s, James Ander. , pital.-Tearl Kraft, Dashwnoci.1
with relatives and friends in visited on Friday with Mrs. ' Qe", ch. ''''''‘e'r, wish In an'i
Hensel' Office Open Wednesday
Toronte. Lily Gill and •Mr„ and Mrs., nminee the engagement ef their 1
daughter, Margaret Rose, to i visited me during -my sta.). In!
T wish to tha.nk everyone who _any hear SED For Appointreeof Phnne fine arid Friday Afternoons .
M,r. and Airs. Iva,n Lealess Douglas Gill and family,
1;30 to 5;30
and son Stephen of London Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman •John Reginald Triebner, son of South Huron Hospital. for the • e e c.-•
with 'Mr. :and Tylrs. , Len Trott bull 'and Mr. and Mrs. Artlnir t
Turn"; Air, and iMrs. 'Frank Triebner, ; many cards, treats and flon•ers, : ..L,) "':,$) pas
The marriage to • arid all who helped in any aY. •
holiclaYa with her sister Mrs. i pole, :staff and Dr. Pletcher.- ! Monday through Friday las! CAR DR. H. H. COWEN *
and Lenora. .1Miss
turned to London. to spend the
Isell°1'.8 ;re' Page have :returned home yom ' ()f Exet°r'
take place April 15, 1961. 6* , Special thanks to Miss (Wek Svices held lay-, Holy Weer
' MrS, Raymond English, Airs, !CARDS OF THANKS-- 1Mrs. Sam jory. fic • •
Lealess, Weeg in James Street 'United ; 814 Main Street South
Windser "with h.er moth er, lViii.
Miss Buelah Holt:, RN, in
' d Gill visited. Thurs eve -1 We wish to expresa our : T wish to thank all my Church and sponsored by the
Well • tt 1 d Closed Wednesday Afternoons ,
fthono 273
a Ray Patterson and Mrs. Well-
L.D.S.,- D.D.S.
A •
the week with her daughter,
• - Wend .. . 1100 to the many • • 1 tits while Sio. we
,Air, and Mrs. R.eg Park of fling rviti Mr. and Mvs. Hug i .
Aden and son of Corbett, , I , " • ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill
: 1 - • - ' i . heartfelt thanks and appreeia•ifrtends who sent. cards and : ministerial association were i
: vicpcis ,an.cl neighbors for their - seen s liespital and sinee re- 1, Rev, :
1 elatives, , g . , tile I was in , 1. , ; „ a enc e .
teacher and lecturer at Calvin! 2,000 athos„
Dv. G. S Spykernan, 1961 COMET Sedan, white, .
VAN L 1.0) ES) !
USBORNE lit HIBBERT. Main Street
Closed All Day Sslusde*:a ,
Treeton on Saturday )vitli Mr.
- aed family visited oe Monday : d
with Mr and Mrs Arthur and floral offerings during null
in expt essions of aympathy , turning tionle.-Paul .Passmnre; '
a college, Grand Rapids, Mich„ 1
f • ti • • • • Coleson and family of Clinton. leceri • S'a °Ida\ dment•
and IMrs., :Douglas Gill. and ' ' • • 1 • d b • 7 " Spec., i ,T wish to thank all who so , was the speaker At eaeh Ser.; ,r-----*-'---------e--s•--ss
me vice on the theme "Were You MUTUAL. FIRE
\ ' -; Mr. ancl Mrs. 'Herbert Watn. , • • • -, • , e •.; -
• stal thanks to Rev F 0 l an - kindly remembered '60 FORD ST R INSURANCE COMPANY, ;
. . .
and Mrs. Ray Pattersen ano r caster :for his cohsoling worsts, : treats, cards and visits while There?"
f a thily. wrigh t have returned bome
, Completely Equipped'
: ft ire pallbearers and the Al urcly I a. patient. in St. .1 oseph's Hos.: :
, Each evening Rev. S. it, Le.:
• With Mr, and Mrs, Ed Gill from Florida,
r‘," wis opened the serviee with; di°,
Duals'aneo automatic, eas
clock, rear speaker, Head Office ,.- Exeter, Ontario' BELL A LAUGHTON
were. Miss Marion Gill of A bazaar, tea and bake sale, ' arra! .home for their kied, IPttal, Loedon,
Becker. .
Pright. Mr. ." d Mrs,M l
. an sicI. sponsored :by seA of Grand : (indent management of the, 'le I the singing of Easter hymns whitewalls, full Sites, 7 NOTARIES PUBLIC
Ramsden. and .fansily of 'rm. •
Bond tnited Church. will be held seeVieeS•
. r • dl , *1
, son Coultis rwsh to express each one or about its author. '\............-*,*n,..s.,W.*nf
wheels and tiros.
. ELMER. D. BELL, 0 0.
- AM:1y and LIIIY I The family a the late Nei.; telling on interestirsg .faci about • • Milton AlcCurdy RR 1 Mritton
OntO. On a In ay,. pit
p.m, in the church basement. We wish 10 ex -Press our sin. their sincere thanks and ap- ' On Monday evening Dr.
8 at 2.30 - • •
: Vito -President
et Toroetc) with Mr, acid Airs. '1 le In IsSIdd will also 1'11 e - , ' 1 . • „
• Miss; Leona X owalchtik RN
• ' 'I ' ' band1 • ( core a mreciation to all those predation to relatives, •
who so kincuy remembered mes friends " Spykornan took his listeners to
Luton ,Zurielt Offite Tuesday
1958 METEOR Sedan, auto- . Timothy
,009 ' B. Tootles* RR 1
.Iolin Kewalchuic and family.
tImily, et Sarnia with mr. .atid ; cs„ -
Mr, acid mrs. Glen Love And a booth,
. tient in Westminster FlospttAl. ' BiblAS, fleral tributes and. the : Rev, A. G. Van Eck of the . . , .
in anY waY while 1 was a latt-I acts of kindness, help, far YOU there in the Upper Room?' : miles, tsee.t.one, like new.,
, and .noighbours tot' -their many . the Upper Room asking "were matic, snow tires, 21
f Special thanks to !Mrs, Jack 'many cards of sympathy dur.,;
.nr,. Colin Love and jerry. • •-71 .
. Mr. and Mrs. :Kenneth Fleet • • -
, °Olen armor
H Webb di 05
- - - - - - I Cahn and Nntley add Mr. Sian- i ing `their recent sad bereave- led in the servIve•
ley Love. -Aft. and Mrs. W. E.: ment, 6 . On I unsday evening the
s 4 ' straight. stick.
1 Martin Feeney ISR 2 Dublin
, Seience: Rill
. . . Christian Reformed Church 195 7 l' 0 N 'i'l A C, V - 8, '11,.. CiVion Colquhoun R R 1
snd son Mark of London with • s Jeffery, 6"
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Pleat. and • ;.' " : - • ; "
l'eu Theee ii the Carclen^" 110 better than . AV
was -Were 1956 METEOR. 2 -door, ra.-; Roller( G, Gardiner fl R I .
Mr, and Mrs, Eael Ethan.
Mr. David Mitehell et Perk, • foriner fat•mer of Stephen 'I
' : Alt. Humphrey Webb 8•1 a • - -• e .1:1t
_,O•wii. memb"cd me ws.1. iss..,,,,s, : those who rementhered me in • 1
To all th frie" Is who re, i I would like in thank all SPealter's Sullied
; .. ° e .kra': the meeting. on -wednesday 1 9,a0 Fu.R,D Seaan, radio,
re - i--. . „ ,„ Alex .T. Rohde RR 3 Mitehell
For yetir Sale, large Or. small, t
,c a ittty; c mid ;sifts • ncl • •
"" ,f-UU" l'i".° i krly way wi st t i a oaneet and Rev. S. Kerr ecieduided _
seOutteous arid efficient AOrVic.6 '
tteliell A bd Wayne.
1,111 with Mr. "and 1111 .s Ronald ; ship, whe for yeara has beee Fiar.d.S, ..
;living re "" 10 '" - - ' ' long MAY •th St. .losephla Hos- -
' ' •C • • 1 ' Creen Acres .11 dr on n pi e. once con ing my :
s, .,.s. a .„ ; in hospital and since rettitnine -se, py•.0.thml ,me.fured c hi home .-11ill isampott. c- D S .1. -
re. ore . ;date ant , . . , atIC er, ditiorl,
1 f" - Is 1 S Ni S I '
!lean paint, excellent con.;
Harry Cotes RR 1 Contralia :
at ail times,
(lee and Mt. and Airs. Alex i :Marti, 10, id the South Huren PURI, PI°R5d n'.C.01,1' MY 81114
MrS, i•leeter Laing tit Lon. . Grand Bend, died Thursday, • ;
sere thaniss, and to those who: frieeds, noighboi,a and relatiVeS nonite Church, presided.
T wish 1-0 thank' all 01.\-• paStor 0 h m es toad Alm ..,
( T A . t ' , 1 '
Thurs. ' 1935 METEOR 'ruder, like,;;Statiley Hotking
.,- .
• Clayton Ham
Ilitchal tik6Hwottit)
lAlitobell: 4,6t.'vice Thdt tatittillA" '
ft-ifft Ile. And Mit. wilitain tlintrent fot two ninnthS,
lMfre and faintly Of 'retonte :.Slospital, rvhere he had bedi a
, .. • i f . 5 have ;lever Icemen the pleasure • \vim rtmentherOd inc with day De. Spykeman questioned new.
Solititee PliOnt 119
Aliss 'Alain, Yeo has returned • fernier Annie Allen; one daugh. A r ° Sick,
! Surviving are itit widow, the of being remembered Woo you r cards [reek flfnCterS and VigitS' MS hearerq "Were von there
I !lout,. you win i mule I was a patient' in Clin- . on the Road to Calvary'?" Rev. :
„ „ r , s I , ,
, 1954 PORI) 2,tloor. "e"- w, a. ratfirapi, rixo.t.tr ,,-----, - , -- :--- -
' Phalli 41
terie from Merida, :to. (Olive) Mi;s, Gerald cyst,: never need to find 601. Special,: tott hOspital, Seedal thanks to, R. S. Ifill7; or Main Street , s „.,
. ,
AUSTIN SeCIAll, 110r. Set;ret a ry*Trealtirer 1 ARTHUR PAA$ER ;
i thanks in Rev. Hugh Wilson,- Abe ourses atid Staff, ala6 the i Isleited Clitmch assisted lit the sit 5 (
SneW iir OS, . „.. -.
: Airs. .Peter Speeder -A- fi d : tont two sons, Elmer mid tier.
Jean AnderSen.
. .. . ! INCOMt tAX k5.110111.1
sa rents 'iti Bothwell.
eltildren tee visiting with hoe !Old, and a sister, Alra, Annie
`Moilatean all of Ci Tend
, a . sira Fred wanct.s, winenol,. ance:-Mrs, Allan Wr Milkr.
'GO : (16061.g who were in attend. Ideetid;q•
n. good crowd attended
Go Gond 'Friday MOrnirtg A ' . •-• - . '
the ehureh ,' 1953 AUSTIN, blue.
: feet condition, At _Fraser
:SUPERIOR EXtter • - • - - • • • •
Mrs, A, E, Holley is visiting: The initeral look plate sat. sea, wialtes to thank her ;
, to hear Dr. Spykeman in his t ries samt ri-stor A iti.,r+ c• •-..1,- .+.
r.,Dt\i‘r.,n, oeuail
th her Wither, Mil. ttnesi,,! drday freer the Graod Rend friend:8, relatives arid ritighbora ',IN MEMoRIAM
il&? Of LondOe. ; Gospel Hair ‘eith mr, inekie, ni , fOr the Many kindnesses ex,
, ,
tluerY "Were Yell There at the .3.'""4' '-' L 1/4""j MAINTENANCE AIM Sts. •Eatilitie •PIretre Sig
Mpg, W, Stsitidevant of -Paric-1, Fewest, -OffiCialing. Flinetal a r. / fended in hor and her -faitillY ,BIETILINGs*lii. loving menior5' 8 a 1 8 r
'ciws-s?. Po% R. VA6 rarnWe : ,.,. ,..
, !while 11 . Wel path I in t ni - --r 1 :a -ti th I-
th E .-d t . It...iiiiii4i6i444.151.0,4AilliiewAisit4M.ClazetitiWkaiktildi
!'ll Spent lhe Weekend With Mr. i rarigornotita woo tilde by 1,,,, • .1,0 • , a ,n , g clea„nts1 e ri, fa e „„ the a ostatit riamtv.
pita) anti since returiiine t grid grantifathor. Itonry tiler: ""
1.5r. Sertic7cman r . .
strinmer-Stat, ifideStriel and '
end Mrs. William Stitt devant 'Harry :Hoffman ,fUrieral bente," hos
-*4. tAit il V, Dasinood. home.. 50ti " '" -n ,
R„,,,..0 janiter Wok
:14, L., MARTIN
',,imitio ey Ttiporito With their ; gralidattn.S., , 'Gerald s end ,:, El. spOrtliltity' to,. „IltiallIc yelatirs, ; st-lheis,
1 ; • 'Ante rhile he Itee it Oct/ireful lung,
thragohioht that tante eve. i
eturripti in "'"' -'"r " ''''r.' --
ittiMAIlt Main Street, Bxelgr
.tiss Judy arid tit. Jule DeS. • The beatell Were three ; 1 would like to take this bp. ! ItT• I9.5a,
6t ling. vvho paased away Aprit: ,
Grand Fiat:rids for A stteakiiM • •
Venetian Blitad Cleartinn • 6Pli)MtlitIrr
' atenta, Mr. and Airs, Ross • Wood. Webb and Ronald Gee, ineiglibort and friends fel vi its,
I ;Rust end Chuck ..Sfit.ill fleasetable AMEN "OW tvtry 10.4ekdAy
.`'ns,TAtdifits, tini and L II, Turblittil. C. 1,tards fund flower8 while I was ; /la memory we shall alo.ays ; 7c0A..611:A/A.ToWiiii,,,A14,,,ritukiiie
Exctpt Wadnasday
Mr. Kenneth Sktgar of i TWO and Ma bt.sjartilha.!,g pattaitt In .81 Josoblf $ Hos.: keep. ! MAO 4' Mall° t w.ilidt 1-visto -01,40Ng -114 tXgTER PHONt RI .
.'1,ahttord with his. parelita kr. 1 Intaititnt WAS iii the GrAfidipital:Ei4d sitieg returning hoine.,,4,ovittgly peinembered by 112'1* flatter tt It avefeirt SO- full, txtrem POP Atilabilifiriatif ; Plitt -et •3A.
and Mfg, RA -fold Skiiiiiaft teltd taxneterh .. _. . _. j,,,,/vtra,. Wes Morley: 6e1 Wife alid fafiiily,. 6* ,cas dtgdit ards, i ,....6.i.....i....i.............i.iiiiiiiiiiiii............. •
. .
Davies, Grant, Denning
and Berm