HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-30, Page 17Tr. ysiese ' � _ ..04 . ...... - • :4irke ',n „7:12., vpaMt The Time e•Mv.o tete March ; lr. +196'x', P 9 17 Students plan blitz for cancer society Attending Easter Sunday Services together is one of the most rewarding experiences of family fife All share richly in the infinite joy of the day. Eacfrheart is lifted by the promise of spiritual rebirth that is the shining wonder of Easter. • Bring your family to ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOP GOOD FRIDAY 11:00 a.m.—Service )ASTER SUNDAY 9:00 a.m.—Service 10:00 a.m.—Sunciay School BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor; Ivor Bodenham 10:00 a.m.—Bihie School 11:00' a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Services. Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH iN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister GOOD FRIDAY 2:00 p.m.—Service EASTER SUNDAY 2;00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon Special Music Reception of Members 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School, ZIQN CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor GOOD FRIDAY March 31, 8:00 p.m. Cantata: "The .Red of the Dawn" 4iy the church choir All Are Welcome Sunday, April 2, 1061 FASTER SUNDAY he church of your choice this Sunday THAMES ROAD M.ENNO.NiTE CHURCH S, M, Sander, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 111.1.5 a.m.--SLinday Schoot and Bible Class All Are Welcome JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev, S. E. Lewis, M.A1, B.D. Minister 6:30 a.nt,—Sunrise Service Mr. Lawrence Wein, A,W.C.M, flev R. S. Hiltz speaker Organist and Choirmaster Easter Breakfast sponsored 10 A.M.—Sunday School by the Youth Fellowship All Departments 10:00 a.m. — Easter Morning Worship 11 A,111.—MORNINGA,111.—MORNING SERVICE ' Easter Music Anthem: Senior Choir Chorus: Junior Girls Anthem: Junior Choir Dut: Linda 'Walper and Ann Marie Kraft Mr. Gordon Toch at the piano Sermon: "Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory .. ,n 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev, Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Friday, March 31 GOOD FRIDAY 12;00 noon to 3:00 n.m.—The . Three Flours' Seri,' , A meditation based on the 8:00 p.m—Temple Time, Sta-i seven words from the Cross. tion CHML 1 Sunday, April 2 PENTECOSTAL + EASTER SUNDAY TABERNACLE 8:3n a.m.—Quiet Communion 1.1'00 a.m.—Holy Communion Main Street Nursery and Sunday School. Rev. Mel. W. Holmes, GOOD FRIDAY 11:00 a.m.—Communion Service! IASTF'R SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. — CJCS (1240 Ice.)j Radio Service 1 9;45 a.m.—EASTER SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM Miss Margaret Cantwell in 1 National Costume Mystery Person Many other special 'features COMING EVENTS— 11:00 a.m.—Miss M. Cantwell, t e lust back from Kenya, Africa CAR WASH—Saturday, April 1, 7:30 p.m.—Beautiful pictures of t at :Bob Wragg's Fina Station. Kenya missionary work hy i Washing from 8:30 to 12:00 and Miss Margaret Cantwell !I:00 to 6:00. Sponsored by Ex "Jesus came and stood among' eter's "Asphalt Angels". Price them, saying "Peace be with $1.00. 30c YOU"—John 20:26. At the meeting of the Exe• solely as the raising of money •BAKE SALE—Y7nder. the aus- ter and District branch of the but that education and services MAIN ,STREET Canadian Cancer Society in the go hand in hand with the cam- • pices of the Thames Road 'WA . Saturday, April 15, 3 p.m., United Church of Canada public library Monday night paign, store next to Wilson's Gift Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz Mr. Lloyd Henderson, campaign Mrs. R, Van Faroese gave a shop- 30:6:13e chairman, reported that plans report of the Women's, Service p' Organist; Mrs. A. Willard for the canvass for funds for conference which she attended* '10:00 a.m,—Sunday •Sehool work with cancer were well un. in Toronto at which 276 dele-I APRIL TEA—Exeter Chapter 11:15 a.m.—Easter Morning cler way. gates were present. 1OES are holding their April A blitz of the town of Exc. The theme of the conference Tea, bake sale and bazaar 5etvice ter will be made Thursday, was "Front Page Challenge" I Saturday, April. 8, at 3 p.m., "Christ is risen, yea Christ April 20 by students of South stressing the challenge of cam- in the store next to Wilson'sis risen, indeed." Huron District High School and paign noting that the present IGift Shop. 30c MISSION TO CANADA arrangements have been made quota for Canada is $1,550,000; Wednesday, April 12 for the campaign in the sur- the challenge of education sug. SCHNEIDER DINNER—Exeter James Street Church rounding districts. gesiing that senior high school Chapter OES are sponsoring a Mr. Henderson spoke briefly students be given cancer infor- I Schneider dinner in the Parish Leaders: The Rev. Maurice on the campaign workshop mations the challenge of hos- 'Hall, Triyitt "Memorial church, Wood, The Rev, Alan Ste. which he attended recently in pital and lodge services andiFriday, April 14, at 6:30 p,m, , phens, both. of England. Toronto noting that it be the challenge of cooperation stressed that the purpose of with doctors, IREBEKAH MEMBERS — Dist- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN the campaign be not regarded 1,egion Bingo in o Legion Hall Hensall SAT., APR'L 1, — 9 P.M. $100 IT,ACI<PO'.r, 52 CALLS 14 Regular Ganies Share the Wealth 9 specials for share the wealth for $100 ,jackpot Cards $ for See 2 boor Prizes $2.50 each Sponsored by Hensen Legion (No one under 16 allowed) .DANCE Mt, Carmel Mon., April 3 10:00 - 1:30 141.1sic by Grant Edijho.ffer's Melody Masters i Sion 16 Admission i LUNCH SEWED A feature of the conferencelrict Deputy banquet, April 5, CHURCH was a service workshop on in El.imville church. Those dressings, home visiting• trans -1 wishing transportation meet at Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., 11.D. portation, i{t cupboard. She said time. 30nc Organist: Mrs. S. G. Klatt , patient's comfort and lodge rams at 6:00 p•m.—note Minister 'the they were advised not to put' 10:00 a,m. -.Sunday Schnal, too much importance.to the,CREDITON EUCHRE PARTY 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship gifts for the patient -- the visit Thursday, April 6, 8:30 p•m•, p Pas of much more importance.' Community Centre, Crediton, Easter Music Mrs. Fred Dobbs reported Prizes. Admission 500. Every Easter. Message $113,50 bad been received in one welcome.. Women's Instit-i• In Memoriam cards since the ate, 30e Monday, April. 3, 7:30 p.m. -- January meeting. The daffodil Gorden Auxiliary will meet tea sponsored by the Women's Service committee, on March at the home of Mrs. Strang. 24 netted $33. .Tuesday, April 4; 1:30 p.m. — President Ray Mills chaired I Managers Meeting the meeting The next will be Tuesday, April 4, 8:00 p.m. •--• 1i el *der h held May 201 I Circle Meeting i1I ,, ft111t1111111111111111111111 YIIII lrr131111111r'ItIr11111111113 i11111111P111(1111111101,1„t1t11111htfYII1, 1131illnlnnt,4 ig Top” p" A CIRCUS ON ICE Annual Skating Revue Presented by the Lucan Skating Club Lucan Arena Fri., April 7 8:30 p.ni. GUEST STARS Mari.: Ai suits 75¢ Children 50 tickets now on 'rale, paic ft.eithn�YJtrlYr,.wl .. .._ ikfti& i a. Variety Sh:ol Sponnsor{ed, by CPT Committee 104E and Rebekah Lodges, Exeter South Huron District High School Friday, April 7 8:00 p.m. sharp Adnmissioti: Adults 50¢ Public School Children 251,' Pre -School Children Free Fainting • VIOLINISTS 'r DANCERS * 'CtiARTE' * HUMOROUS ONE ACT PLAY d * NOVELTY & SCOTTISH NUMBERS 1 FREE PRIZESALO J arincici, lYrrinrrtrrnrrrrflrrrin IrfiillonaIlUnrtl'mn'nitrrrrlrrlrrrurnitluunranrtrunrrhrnrrrnrrndwm� �tw1,4 1•�. \� •JOIN THE GANG! Se;tur'day ;gilt fames EXETER LEGION HALL 1 Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 75e, Starlite Drive -In Theatre 5 MILES EAST OF GRAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear:. Box Office Open 7:00 p.m, 2: - First First Show 7;15 Children Under 12 in Cars Free MARCH 31 and APRIL 1 (Double Feature) 'Country Music Holiday' .Perlin Husky • 'High Hell! John Derek Cam7da ONE NIGHT LY E ETEA�_. JAMES STREET CHURL_ (by arrangement) WED., APRIL 12, 1961 S P.M. Hear the goods news of new Life presented by one of Britain's leading preachers, These dedicated and talented men drawn from various • Churches are touring the ten Provinces of Ceniada conducting lnter.church evangelistic rallies In 100 titles from Newfoundland to the Yukon under the leadership of Tom Rees, the famous British evangel. 1st. 4. This Nationwide lnter.Church Mission to Canada commenced with a Commissioning Service in Toronto which was conducted jointly by The Primate of the Anglican Church, the President of the Baptist Federation of Canada, the Moderators of the Presby' terian and United Churches of Canada, and other Church Leaders. 'GET RICHT WITH SOLOS 711 COMMUNITY SINGING * THE WORD OF OPE 'FOi p1Jhiitifyr anti party reservaf Sins apply flit REV, R. S, FILTZ, BOX 414, EXETER tliisslon to eannde (0rgonl:inp Secretary: Rey, L teliroiv' tailor) National Heeitgonrtcrrl 211 tool ' Street Eng, lbteftn S, kola, ! 31311111111! 111 { I (11111 l I111I I l l l t l l t l t l l /1111/1111111111! n l l t l l l l! H l l l I t 3/111117 1111 /3 / I l l i (l tl! I l tl l l! I I I Ill 111311 A t 3171114tryP oke eef Supper'. All You Can Eat) Wednesday, April 5 6:30 p.m. Sharp EXETER LEGION HALL Sponsored by Men of Trivitt Memorial Church ADMISSION: ADULTS $1,50, CHILDREN 650 o Please Phone 1098 for Takeout Orders, before 6:00 p.m. Tickets available at A&H Food Market, Middleton's Drug Store, Greene's Variety Store, Beaver Lum- ber, Midelleton • ds. Genttner Fuels. A 111111111111411111111111t11111111111111111111111111111101/11111111111111IIIIIIMI1111111111111111111,11111111111111111411111111 A ,111111111311111111Up11111111111111,11111I111111t1IIII11R11g111111111n1111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111p tel i Grand Bend ChiC 11 Fry Saturday, April 1 4:30 11;30 MARINERS' COVE En.t vtc,inment CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY 11llllllltltill111111111111I11511n1111111111111t11111I11111111111111111111111111II11111t11111µ1111111111111111111111311i131111111 Get More Ouv, Of Life GI p p , THURS., FRI, AND SAT.—MARCH 30, 31, APRIL 1 THE STAGGERING STORY OF THE STRONGEST Moll WHO EVER LIVED! CECIL B. °Eh1ILIE'S the most awesome moment In history-. when Samson putts down the huge pagan 'temple! MCECw1pLw8.DtMhIUeLtmESl °SAMr,SfiO-Ns..e.r OEa,L.l11, ..� N�..1L.A4MR.Rr•u;M,eAtT•1URe,E SNDIS•IASRY•W01.:6{11 i""4"" jp04M"*"4" .SA TECHNICOLOR NME4rybMm,tk144,tiU•444MplYAois4,4 tWOAMH Non PATTERSON VS. JOHANSSON FIC'HTI See Per Yourself! Was if A Short Couni? MON„ TUES., WED APRIL 3, 4 & 5 ! f . •1 •• ♦ 4. 4 . • ♦ ♦ • til , , . * Y Y ,. ♦ .. K 4 M t 11'A'w.aa 1' DAY VELD'AillOOLE. • Il. 4 4' 4 4 sot MATINS MONDAY1 First Show 1:10 BXB"1� 5?r.riiid filiow 9;30 lVlettiM a 4 IbIti7A