HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-30, Page 16. ....... ak: Local' ladies model 1Midets in.finals with Oakridge tashions Oak rid 0,, 0 9 spring . Lucan eliminated Lambeth in the Shamrock midget hock.' .. LttaacapactealtLitetitzd. fAilleendiertilatei bti:,insisting of a violin number Fs lea"' smi"linals '''''ith it 2-0 shutout victory here Thurs. g Luean Look the best- , t Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Lucem Gerald HaMiltOn dance ' ' day ni ht. Centre, last, Thursday night, Judy Baszett, aettordton num. r.and family a Langton visi for a spring fashion allow, anon. her, Terry Thomson, snlot mathree series "1.' a ' Gan' Reyinatnn and Brian l‘slra and Mrs. Ray Simpson Association and convened by and solo. bY Mr. T. Beer, 6 and taarainson aeored for the win-, sored uy tie Home and. School Carole Davies, two reat ngs ji,ors,_,-with mlia Darling in the a urdaY. On Sunday Mr, and Al. Mrs, James :Freeman. 7 grade teacher. The stage, 'with its white. Peggy Bison. in year - •old neLts,caaonr met shutout,oakrig, ic.rcs, Ba Simpson t attended ' service at St. Martin's -Ma. picket fence and rose arbor daughter of Mr. and alra. banked with artificial flow'. Field, London, and later w Jack Eason, was ehosen to, in the rirst game of the hest. guests of Archdeacon and Al finals here Monday era, through whieh tile mod.. make the draws farlAvon1edoornu, w,s1".:;," 7 i n ., els made their eetranee, was prizes, perfume fron A iflighL with Oakridge Acres de 'K' C. Bolt" and familY' Bolton moved from Sarnia a in charge of Mrs, Murray Hod- Beauty Counselor, Airs. Cliff "L"hat: ''"n a'4' I gins, while the small tables aletean and. Mrs. Ralph Smith Presentatien ana dance it a lecturer at Huron Calle which filled every available and shampoo and ssaelatrtby and 1 mr, and airs, Kea Baylor, Nol‘liarn'earitidndMOrsOnWaldil,froefd LI301111): spot elan b1.1:.e Rarntrlifliteoiraiitimb,a` ,$tkv:s•e, 1,),1007o Beall tY covered with white paper and Diane's Snipp and Style Sham: fm fgeurensltesr of Illnotnt a LH:1;1r eeSs: Mrs. Charles Mrs. Ernie Lewis Sunday, township visited with Mr. a of tulips daffodils and came- Miss Ilene Donaldson, Mrs' Cnabnid i • hmrs, Arentbals' ions, made e g 's, Mrs. MeRob- 1 ('up ea- es ' e large of atrs. Russell God- relatives, friends and neigh-. knee in the village from a and coffee, in when a large number of their the properly and taken up r Moon and entation and dance in the .Lu, Mr. and Airs. 'Jim Dow ' cart Community Ceptre Friday son and family have pureha by the pupils of, C k rooms. "Al:: s, Lloyd Acheson Intro.' Crudge And Mrs. Dwight Ball, Lions and best wishes. ; formerly the property of A dard, assisted by Mrs, Pat hors met to offer congratula-' Maurice Simpson which were served by members of During the evening they were ' and Mrs, Will Lewis, LIONS FRESENTATION—At Luean trophy for the Junior 'N champion Jane Lemon. From left, above, are and Jane Lemon, and Bill Mill, race Page 16 March 30,1961 News of Claildeboye ay MR5. H PATON • „a: -• : ore Wilfred Cunningham. on Sun, ted day. on I On Sunday alr. William Falls I and Mrs. Emilia' Neale of Bel. rs, mont were guests of Mr, and the I Mrs. Almer he -I Mr. and ,Mrs. Clarence- Car, ere I ter entertained Mr. .apd Mrs, rs. Nen Carter and Mr. :and Mrs. Mr,I.Cyril, Lee of London on Sunday' nd .afternoort. ge.! Mrs. Omar :Cunningham and ea,! air. and Mrs. Arthur Morgan tonleft on Friday to visit the two end ;former'sniece and her hua. band, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ita.! Pierson in Cohaurg, returning sed home .on ;Sunday when they est.!, had dinner with Miss Doris. tr, I Wood in Oakville. vas! Mr, and Mrs. Andy Carter Ir. visited Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence duced the commentator, Mrs, the af &S. Fred J. Lee of laandon. The airs. J, S. Radcliffe of "Tee , money, Mrs, An Avery, the , Mrs. Lee Carley models ._ i presented with a purse 011 Mr, 'Earl Palim, elionedinenv,ejae were ali local ladies Treasure Chest" was in chargebride's sister, making the pres.; visited their brother, J. rid included Mrs. Wes. Atkin- of make-up,, and members of ' entation, Paton . and f ,a1 ' dry LitanS Club meeting, recently, the Ken Carter , Mrs. c e Hardy, the executive assistod in thei "The Double Eagles" Oa- afternoon, Mrs. jack Elson, Miss Bea- dressing of the inodels, re- in the Go -Kart competitions was presented to then Acheson and Miss Diane I chestra provided the music, Mr. and Ws, Joe Hall Al Bromwich, chairman . of the races; Kathy Bowman, who modelled bats,' turned from, their trip to Nev director, York last Wednesday And have —Culbert photo poets, dresses and suits from . London, and jewelry and hand: ucan persona items the Mar -Lyn Ladies'Wear, taken up residence an the vit.; Chest," Lucan. bags from The Treasure: Last week was . Airs. Evan pital but is making satisfactory Itahge:1;v%illaHgaerve4s ItYalakiennwrioighStoutohf Mrs. Calvin Haskett, past pre -,Pepper 1 ilt.1711.°1.1 trajiteal Sunday,E)7son returned Hodgins' lucky week On Tues- recoverY, Follnwing the fashion sbow,' day nightishewon" . the low Mr. and Mrs, E. W. ' sident, was MC for a program ; aalsoet-eboxat scoreofgrePcreriee.s andat 'there s t may, ,Ciert;se ter,y MgrAr. stes°11etilF;avt t. plzte efarolana.uSt Jaseph's .Hos- 1 Lewis of London township on I Sunday evening, nd I lid! CHURCH NEWS H• United Church . . • Luca taa • and district news Phone EIA 7.4255 Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott • aaaaaaataaa''''avaataa'',,,,a•-aa'aaaa'aatatataataaatla.a.aaa....aa „ , UC Couples club,Holy Trinity !Captures second plans April show, in Glencoe talks Last Wednesday night, nine' plans drive Angola 'McNamee, who came couples of the United Church • first in public speaking at the Couples Club met in the church: Representatives from the va- Lucan and BicIdulph contest • rious church organizations at, and the Legion contest held schoolroom. , . George Carpenter gave, ing ' tended the second board meet - Mr re the "Every Member here in Lucan and then on to the Easter message and taars. win another first at Chatham, Stewardship Campaign" in the J. W. Lockyer read the scrip-, went to Glencoe last Friday Parish Hall last Tuesday eve-ture lesson. A quintette com-a ning .night to compete against with Mr. Clare Stanley, coun- prised of Rev, G. W. Saab,' ta . ty winners, whore she came the newly appointed chairman, Mrs. Ernest Ross, Mr George :second. in charge Carpenter, Mr. Alden Walker • Angela is a pupil of SS No. and alr. Stewart McLellan en-' Taking as his slogan "We 6 Biddulph (separate) school tertairted with two numbers I must. mean business about the near Lucan. She won a hook ' ' ' !King's business.," Rev Graham and $5 at Lucan, a cup at Durlaa the business session Lethbridge assistant to the Chatham and $5 at Glencoe. A vaa show was planned! -ra for A: a in the schoolroom, - . ' ner was This was her first attempt featurL... the Glee Club from ' again the guest speaker. He at public speaking and she hc School last Friday after-' mr•s. Dave Park and Mrs, affur- Bissett, a patient in Brantford Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer, • said that the next step was was handicapped in having to , noon, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh, ray Hodgins attended Metro- Hospital and also Mrs. Bis -1 David and Andrea, of Petrone, Wells' Academy London, as sett's daughter, Mrs. Don! called on Mrs. Emily Tomes well as local trent. Two arivItit''-as were re-, ' P to put down in black and white prepare the second speech as making the presentation. just what should be done so theafirst topic was .not on the 1 politan Church last Sunday afternoon. to hear "The Mes-' Woltz and Mr. Woltz, last Sun.! and Mr. and Mrs. Ralplf Lynn two blackboards had been pro- ' Legion list of topics, Palm Sunday in Lucan , siah" day, I on Sunday. Centennial Church, London,: the necessary ceiy.ed, the fir a to attend the ' vided. On one was listed all1 In the Anglican Church on 1 Mrs. Calvin Haskett, past Linda Ankers and Nancy 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold. Harper, April 12 to hear 11 D S' repairs for the t • Palm Sunday there was Holy! president of the Lucan Home . I Watson spent last weekend.' ,Toan Jimmie and Donald f Woodham; on Wednesday the an o la otc . I Mr, Maurice Simpson left 1 low score prize at the LOL Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Cook noon on Monday by TCA Treussealua telain Mrs.I% de e Moon, the for- euchre in Lucan and again the and faintly of Byron were Sun.! visit his sister,Mrs, Lau mer :Madeline Abbott, whose low Score prize at the Coursey day guests of Mr, and Mrs, i M. Henry, who is a patient marriage to Mr. Duncan Tin- school on Friday might, William Haskett I the General Hospital in C dell of Listowel will take place Mr. and Mrs, Ron Crozier Mrs, Lang DeCoursey has re-' gar, April 1 was guest of honor at and family have returned from turned home to Detroit after! A large flock of wild geese: a trousseau tea held ,at the a pleasant weekend. miss Julia, spending a• few days with her • was seen flying northerly on home of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce who attended the wedding of cousin, Mrs. Edgar McFalls. ! Monday morning about 6,30: Abbott of London last satut, her friend, Miss Sharon Edythe day. Hedley, and Mr, Neil Duncan, ThursdayAfl:sBob visitCo°r•letIvIliathil hlevrassisa- ' Will there be another storm; p.m. Is spring on its way?' Mrs. Parsons, an elderly Saturday, March 18 at Can- La, F friend of Mrs. Moon's poured field, spent the weekend with laala' Mrs, rank Coates of Exe-, to finish out March as it ar- I rived so mild? tea, which was served by Mrs he bride's parents. Mr. and "''''' At The United Church on Sun- da)' the minister, the Rev. 0, W. Sack, spoke on the "Two Kings". The members from, the Clan. deboye church are invited to join at Lucan ;for the Good Fri, day service with Holy Com, munion at 8:00 p.m. St. James ehurch The Lenten service was held 1. 1 E. at' on Thursday evening when the to rector, the Rev, E, O. Lan, ra caster, read the lesson from itla and displayed the new version al-; or the Bible, Mrs. C. A. Elson of Water' Mrs, Will Lewis of London, St, began work in the drug I formerly of the village, is store on Monday replacingl spending a few days with her and Melody Moon, the wedding 'pent the weekend with Mr. b there I s ei, ts, air3r ainwright. Mrs, Robert Healey. Mr. and Abbott and her daughter Mrs Lawrence Ditty of Lucan: Mrs', Mrs. Crozier, who attended the party following the wedding Moon displayed her trousseau Mrs. Harold Butler who has si t • M. If • W " een clerking .ere for nearly. Alr. and Mrs, Joe Cunning - and shower gifts. and Mrs. James Vollick of1 five years 1 Local friends and relatives Canfield and Jane and Susan m . m I ham, of London, spent Tues. who attended the tea included were weekend guests of Mr. _,,, 1 . and.' rs. Jack Dickins day and Wednesday with the and Mrs, Henry Mueller of °E Saintsbury were Sunday former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Mrs. Mina guests of Mrs. Williatn Dick- Wilfred Cunningham. ray Abbott, Mrs, Clayton Ab -1 Waterford. ins. Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Simp- Visitors with Mr and Mrs, ! son visited Mr, and Mrs. G bott, Mrs, Arthur Abbott, Mrs. Lucan relatives have re- • Harry Carroll and Mrs, Clara! eeived word, of 'the death of Ernest Ross included'Mr. and don Mains in Dorchester on or- t Mr. Milton Morgan of Mar- ence Davis, 1 tette, Mich. lest wedhesday, Mrs. John Butt of Mt. Forest Thursday and on Sunday were 1 Mr, II, B. Langford Thurs- Coates of Bury, Quebec on Stevenson. • Presentation on Saturday and Mrs. Edwin guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mr. Thomas Beer, whose day night entertained the in- marriage to Miss Bonnie Spen-' termediate hockey team • and Sunday, I The ladies of the Clandehoye cer will take place in Trinity , executive to a roast beef din- Mr. and Mrs, A. Al, Iferklen • United Church served a ham , Church, London, April 1 was ' ' ner at the Koffee Kim restata' of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, ; supper to a good crowd on presented with a number of, rant, ' Hilton Ford and Mrs, 'Ella Hod.: Wednesday evening in the. Sun- ; plaques by the staff of the Pub -I Rev. and Mrs, G. W, Sach, den of Exeter visited Mrs. Lily' day School room at the church son give an illustrated address by mr. Erwin church and rectory as outlined Fred J.Hodgins • Scott, building* on "Operation Cross-roads in convener, who felt many out-' Africa' and also to attend the, side repairs were urgently auto saleman meeting of the Birr Couples d d • ,Includin.g thetower, 1 la Club April 26 when the guest' 'drains, windows and rectory! Fred J. Hodgins, London, a speaker will be Mr, Evan Me-, verandah. He also enumerated, (formerly of Lucan), an em- to Gugan of London, who will a number of smaller repairs. , ployee of the Middlesex Mat - speak on "Memory", i On theotherors, dropped dead at work c ommumon at 8,30 a.m. and at and School Association attend.- with 'MISS Joan Hodgins of the St. Paul's were guests of Mrs. the close of the 11 o'clock .serv-t ed all three meetings of the Kitchener PS staff. ice, palm crosses, made by the "School for Leaders" held in ' Mr. and •Mrs. Meryl Glati-iHarper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. members of the Evening Auxil- the lialunicipal Building, Lan- ry, were given ,out to both don, and found them interest - dulls and children by the rec- ing and informative. r and one of his servers. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil, Robb In the Pentecottal H011ness speat Friday in Kincardine hurcll the firsft iii• The bowling committeere- Aar. Jack Steacy listed the ex-: Monday, March 20. ported that two lanes had been penses of the past and possible The body rested at the A. secured at the Lucan Lanes expenses for this year. He was Millard George Funeral. Homo, th f IT • vine and family of Seaforth Lucan Skating Club were Sunday guests of Mr. and With Friday, April 7 drawing Mrs. William Riley and Mrs,! '11 'closer. the Lucan Skating Club, Tom Penhalc, Norma Jean arid , and instructor; Arthur Bourke Geary of Exeter and Marjorie, o Stratford, are working over - on Holy with Di. and Mrs. J. G. Mc- Glanville of Staffs were Mon- „,„a4,„ Veek service at 7.30 pan. was Leod and on Sunday accom- day guests. Little Marilyn' „"''' '". preparation for stag- eld With the guest speaker, panied by Mts. Orval Guy of , Riley returned to Exeter 'with! wa' their ice revue,,"Under e Rev. D. J Clark of To- Mitchell visited their daughter,: her cousin to spend a few days the Big Top", a circus on ice. onto, superintendent of mis- Mrs. Jtm Bawtenhenner and' with them. During the Easter vacation 1Vhat think you of Christ?" ons. Taking as, his text, family of Sarnia. I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weller afternoon from 2 I there will be a prtaectsicpe p.m. r. Clark preached an inspir- Mr. and Mrs. James Downs ' and Mrs. Pat (.1,1 afternoon spent. g sermon to the large con- , , mn on, untilnoon Thursday, r assisted by Mr. C. P Corbett. aferch 23,then to The Church si As a church project, the dub When both reports were corn- of Si, Andrew Memorial, " is taking on the responsibility pleted Mr. Lethbridge again where the Rev. A. J, Ostle, M of a nursery each Sunday, the toala over checking those 'that conducted funeral services. In- in T"B same to be convened by Mrs, needed immediate attention to terment St J C those that could leattended metery, Clandeboye. The pall-gi One highlight of the meeting to later. uerers were was an Act. Fast program.' The next meeting will take Middlesex Motors. Though probably not as pro- the form of a congregational The tMurdy, Funeral Home, ficient as the CFPL "Act Fast" supper in the church base- Lucan, was In charge of fun - at 6 p.m. each Sunday, yet the ment, April 6, and will be fol. eral arrangements, members report that they had lowed by the Every Member Mr. Hodgins is survived by a lot of fun, Visitation, April 16.- his wife, the former Ida Pen - At the supper a report on all rice, one daughter Leone (Mrs. Former residents proposed business will be sub- Murray McKenzie) of Detroit) mitted to the cpngregation zoinee garnarcildsoenr;e D °Latledr , MIL° Ile - wed on Saturday LOL (Mrs. Harry IVIcFalls) of Lon - Winners at the seven table don. Arrangements of pink and euchre sponsored by the LOL. Son of the late Mr d M• and Mr. and Mrs. William Tay. last Tuesday in Port Huron. for and Donna of London were ' Bonnie Sprague, baby datigh-1 Travelling by light canoe egation. Rev. and Mrs, Clark Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald early fur traders were able to nd Rev, and Mrs. Harrell Don Downs. Sprague is able to be home cover the distance from Fort so sang, al . nor to his marriage to after a double operation in. St. William to Montreal in as little ee Wee lose to Hensall Miss Keitha Bachelor at Leam- Joseph's Hospital, London, ; as 10 days' time. ington Saturd ,T, Mra • , lo111,111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111101111111111.1111111IIII111111141111111 lllllllll lllllll 11111101111111111$0,4 Hensel], Saturday 'night at Lucan, defeated Lucan 5.3 to C. Welk spent last Friday with win the Shamrock Pee Wee Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford. hockey league title taking the Among those who attended IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY series two games to one. an Area planning meeting in • Ken Ready bagged two of the Middlesex College of the the 'Lucan goals and Tom University of Western Ontario Hardy, the third, laat Friday were Messrs. Ivan Personal item Hearn, reeve of Lucan, Harold Wallis, reeve of Biddulph, Mr, James Freeman under- Austin Hodgins, Lorne Barker, ent suigery in St. Joseph's 'Wilson Hodgins, Cliff Abbott ospital last Friday and his and T. A. Hodgins. , ece, .Jean Atkins, is in the Mr. and !Mrs. Pete Caldwell me hospital for tests. and family ot Shedden were Mr. Bob McMahen of To.. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. nto is visiting Lucan rela- Maurice McDonald. ves, Mrs. Thomas Brooke is still Mi. and Mrs, Archie James, a patient in St Joseph's Hos- e former Mary Park of Lu - n, attended the Hall -McDon- ald wedding in St. Luke's Church. London, March Th. Mr. and Mrs. W, 33. Screat- on and Major and 'Mrs. L. B. Screatbn of London and Co - bong were Monday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Screaton, Rev, J. F. Wagland of St white snapdragons and carna- nere last Wednesday were: William D, Hodgins, he was H • • a% tions formed the setting in the high score, Miss Verna Lin- born and raised north of Lu- ni bride's home on "Saturday, den and Mr. Milton Hodgins of cari on Con. 2, Bidclulpij, where sa March 25 for the wedding cere- Denfield; lone hands, Mrs. Tho-j,0'farmed until moving to Lon- mony of Miss Keitha Bachelor mas Weller and Mr, Tom Cour- don 25 years ago. He was a ro of Leamington and Mr. Albert sey and low score, Mrs. Evan car salesman for the Middle- ti C. Welk of Toronto, with the Hodgins and Mr, Aljoe Culbert sex Motors, Rev. Sydney Davidson officiat- all of Lucan. The winner on Following the burial service th ing, the draw for the basket of gro- at St. James the friends re= ca. . Edwards, the bride chose a inc next euchre April 5 will gins' niece, API's. Sheridan Re - blue lace gown, in street- be sponsored by the LOBA. , vington, and Mr. Revington of length. A flower head-dress I Liman, for refreshments. held a short veil and a white • • . I Easter hymns at WMS Given in marriage by arr. ceries was Mrs. Aljoe Culbert. turned to th home of 1VIr H d ensemble, Legion auxiliary orchid corsage completed her I The March meeting of the 'United Church WMS was held Her only attendant was Mrs, Klea, of Leamington as matron vies in tourney 1 in t h e church schoolroom M of honor, in a figured blue The fashion show at the Com- president, Mrs. George Paul at t a hursday afternoon, with the president, (Irene street -length gown, with munity Centre took rnany of in the chair and Mrs. Alex '11 pink carnation corsage. Ch , the regular players from the Young's group in charge of Grant of Londoa. The best man was mr, John Legion Auxiliary bingo Thurs- program. and refreshments. „„, R day night, • I Heine* the Easter 'meeting :j.vn. artins-in-the-Field Anglican hurela* London, and a for- m. rector of Holy Trinity urch, Lucaa, will succeed ev. M. R. Griffin, St, Themes so has been appointed to St. mes Church, Stratford, Mrs. II, B. Langford of Lu- The $5 consolation prize was th•e president opened with the can, provided traditional wed- won by Mr. Henry Beiber of reading of art Easter poe0t ding music. ; Clandeboye. Dame Fortune Mrs, Young was assisted in the The ladies of the 'United really smiled on the Cecil Neil worship service by Mrs, Wes Church were assistants at the family, with Mrs. Neil win- Revington. reception in the bride's home, ning two bingos and son Carl, The highlight of the meeting Among the guest. were Mr, ' one. was "Easter in Music and and Mrs. H. B. Langford of Mrs, Doug Ewen who won Song", presented hY Mr. Dave Lucan and Miss Dernth3r Wit- the first bingo also won the Park, a resume of some of the derh of St. Catharines, ' first line of share She w,mos ealth' t ll-kEaster num- For a honeymoon trip to Mr, Joe Haskett also of Lucan bers as wenown well as the playing of New York and Washington, the won the second line and Mrs some from ro"rdst . ack and white acees-a Ziegler (Lucan) shared the full a A sories, card prize. Mr. H. Lightfoot of ivirs, George Neil They will make their home' Centralia and Mrs. Grant in Leamington for the present.- Brooke split the first part, of The bride a domestic scienee 1 the consecutive, Mr, C°hrad dies after illness teacher at 'Leamington, is re- Sequin of Denfield von the sea"! Alter a lengthy illness Mrs. tiring the end of June. she and part and Mrs,' ]id Miran George A. Nell, 79, the for - taught in the Tauten /-tigh of Exeter the third part. Mt. me» Margaret A. CaMnbell of Scheel for six years, Mr, Welk, Tom Smith Of txeler won the Parkhill, died at her late re. a retired. hanker, was man- fourth and sixth bingo, i sidence March 21. Funeral ser - ager of the Luean branch of •Other winners were Mrs, Vice wa$ held Friday, March the Rank of Montreal for seven tawrente Hirtzel of Centralia,! 22 at the M. Box ar Son Fun - bride thanged to a gray suit. ,Jack Harrigan end Mra. Wade Veers Irs, Bruce Bradley of 11i i'' eral Pom"e, Parkhill, with in. Coursey School euchre hoye and Mr, Benny Kelly Of torment in ,Parkhill cemetery, I Llieen Allan Ryan, were hostems for Yeting' 'PeOple's Meeting Aft5. Guy 'Ryan and - I Besides her husband, she 15 survived by three daughters the six table euchre in the With no young people's meet-. of maGlIlleray; (Irene) Mts. ( aye ye) Mts. Jack rivithick eaursey School lett Friday ing iii Holy Week, the young Edwin Johnson at home and night. people of the PentecOstal Poll-, (Ann) mr8 ftervey Walper• Vigil store prizes were Won ness Church staged their • Soc.! &01,11ml Tmetiship, a!so Mut' by Mr. And Mrs. Torn Cour-. cial Easter Prograin VridAY; sister g (Katherine) Mrs, F. sey, lane hand prizes by Mrs. night with a, splendid attend. McKeeri strathaay/ (tnA) u tgene Stokes and Mr. 'an anee. r , eed 00 Till Pay Day ? IT COSTS ONLY 47 cents FOR TWO WEEKS Takes only five minulet. ASK Fok A Mini -Loan Crescent Finance CANADIAN COAST-TO,f1OAST rs, S. Itlannigan, Gore Bay, Other Loans Available Bodging and low soore ptizeS one highlight 6f the meeting Monitotilin island; (Jessie) Up T6 $3,000 Urs, Even Hodgins and Mr. cas religiting play entitled, Mit. ,T, Nairn, latindelai (Ag. Gerald Rodgins. "The Old Ragged Ctota" di.' nes) Mrs A. 1VteKeen, ritiPPIdt WriLlAdTON ST,„ The next, game will be rti-1 retted by the Rev, 11611aod ton, and two !stoners Archie sT, MARYS day, April 7 with Mts. Gelblia Harrell. Calbell of Ottawa and Dr. Hodgins and Mrs. Joe 011oitt Mit, Harrell and Uri, bona d Cantben of Sell Fran. Plume 141S bostesset fon Abbott Sang dutt, Mack *‘',040-410..-'46- to, *4" '."`,:" r'• tr • 11. ONTARIO DRIVERS! STATE CUTS RATES 1 Thank You On the occasion of our first anniversary in. :Wean, we wish to take this opportunity to thank our many custoMers for their kind patron- age during the past year. It has been a pleasure serving you and we look forward to your continued support during the coming year. Snipp 4 Style Shoppe Diane Bowman, Prop, PHONE BA 7-4467 Main Street LUCAN ireif..iiinqutfropluilifulfillmItoilmuiraitmtiroorimrumliolumiroMMID11.410DIUM10011U111,111111 orrWirfltumplirgrtimillitmpurmoitrfrolutfltirtUtuiftlottmutfilitfutinthrorturritirifilftifilifirlitfltulOr World's largest car insurer an, nounces new savings of $384,000 to Ontario Policyholders:I 11 you're careful driver, you tab may save, So LOniaOl iedayl AGENT 1 C. E. ROB LUCAN Phone BA 7-4551 sTAirt FARM Mula AOtornObile 6hicflei fitad Office: tivetifitti3Ohtinit Nififf fa...I 'lava a"aattatataaaa.i... „ ft*. Get The MOST For Your Mol' EY! Quick Returns! Barley & Seed Grain CO TRACTS See our special contract on Malting 'Barley before you sign. Fertilizer Supplied with contract, RElSTEED & COMMERCIAL No: 1 SEED OATS Different Varieties — Also Sarley, NO, etc. FAT UNLQAbils10 PAOILME$ Drop in Ald See Us Tedayl Sc•tes Elevator Ltd. PHONE BA 14479 'LUCAN On Sunday, Palm Sunday., Mr, Lancaster took his. text from the part of the Lord's prayer • "Lead us not into Temptation". On Easter Sun- daythea • will be concluded on "Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory". The Good Friday service will be at 2.30 pan at the church, MAKES GREASING , EASY AS CI • SAVE NOW ON IMPERIAL'S SPECIAL OFFER: buy 1 case (60 cartridges) - Esso MP Grease "II"— get $4.95 value Esso cartridge gun FREE buy 30 cartridges— get Esso cartridge gun, for $1,00 buy less than 30 car ariaIge8—get Esso cartridge gun for $3,16 SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED —SEE US NOW: George Vriese EXETER ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEET