HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-30, Page 15•
ay MR5. M. $, ,
Made .out your Easter 'menus
a'et? Another blessing, that we
:fould count that we have
such a variety to chw, from
and plenty .nt it,
is it in be ham or turkey or
eatekee fel. the main dash for
Fester _dialler? How about a
relit of lama far a Offline.
Pcfaet the lam') in a l3a5
degree nven after lining the
reitslance ,an with 'foie Anew
ee minutes per pound for roast -
leg. Add potatoes around the
roast basting them with drip-
pings from the pan..
we lea" the ehnie of yap.
teales un to you—Don't forget
the mint jelly with the lamb.
Try a light deesert—atry rhu-
lenrh chiffon or a pink -loud
Meringue dessert.
R !tuba rb Chiffon
1 pound strawberry rhubarb
(which is at your grocer'snow)
ei cut), water
e* cu.) sugar
tbl lemon juice ay MRS. HAROLD DAVIS
1 plea' strawberry flavored •
jelly powder The hall board held a tiro-
gressiy,e euchre in Aberdeen
1 runs evaporated in I 1 k,
candy •elege from remaining
mixture and sprinkle with col
erect sugar.
'Whea "basket" in bowl, has'
set remove by loosening
gently with a knife. Spread in.'
side of basket and rim with
thin icing sugar frosting, im-
Mediately sprinkle green tinted
coconut. on inside of 'basket awl •
prees slightly so it stick I
to frosting. Arrange eggs in
Make a handle from card
board 1 inch, wide and long
enough. Wind witie ribbon,,
papererepe or '
May your 'Easter be a lime
cif peace and quiet jay.
Enjoy euchre
at Kirkton
or.i.71;;;•riin. • • .r,00,,,,i•11.1W1470.1,411,4144.91. iitflW
'Feted in Michigan,
iocIt :And •of Waterloo,1
spent Snriday with Mrs. ;John
„ And 1111.1 Frederta Motal
Tractor kills
Morlock and Mr. and Mrs,
1<PPn Crediton native •dies
Miss Ella Link arid Mrs.
Gordon Morlock.
Mr. Robert Thomson re-,
seised word on Saturday from. By MRS. M. FAIT
his nephew, Mr. William Thoin- Benjamin Either, el, oldest
son of Malin. Men., and na- businessman in Ubly And a AP
tiVOi at Hay Township, that Ms ave of Crediton, died in HO.
youngest $011, Duncan Menu- bard Memorial, Bad Aae.
der Thomson, 2a years, was Mich,, after an MEMO sev-
killed in a tractor accident, , oral weeks.
RONIP said felr, Thomson Mr Either was born in Cre-
was operating the tractor on .ditnn and ettended sehool here
a farm in the district when it .and also at L.011011. spent
overturned and pinned him be- several years in New York
neath it causing internal in- settling in Ubly in- 1891Hc
jairles, Cavonor Dr. D. G. Irv- operated a general Attire "until
iangymosfi ClizosrtiaelmC:Ity has ordered fire damaged it on Christma$
Surviving are the parents,1 lit9a6c10, a leading part in PI
seven brothers and sisters, via affairs He was a member
Rake $ale of. the Community Club which
Andrew's United Church held
WA a( St. vhdanyeSeadn him is 87th
He is survived by wife,
Group 3 Of the
a successful bake sale Satin:- formerly Lottie Madtll of UblY,
day at. Crest Hardware Aare,' one son, „Fred, .aloomfield Ililis
Hensel!, realizing the SUM of Mich. one daughter, Mrs. Le
$22.00, wis liawkins, Washington, DC,
Those in charge of the proj- row grandchildren and twa
est were the leader, Mrs, Ross great grandchildren,
Love, the assistant leader, i 'Funeral services were con
Mrs. alaiold 'Jones, and Mrs. ducted in Firet Presbyterian
Allan Johnston, Miss Jean ivi- ;Church with burial in Valley
San and Mrs, Hugh Hendrick, l cemetery, . .
Hall Monday evening, Miscelteneous shower ! Mr. and Mrs. Ward aritz,
on Tuesday evening, march Exeter, attended the.
Cut rhubarb stalks into Prize winners were: Ladies 21 a miscellaneous shower was, PC Mission Band
slices. Combine with water and high, Mrs. IL Morrison: lone given Miss Pal. Lovell, -bricle-i The United Church Mission
umeopan. high, Harry Sctuire; lone hands,. the ladies. of SL Andrew's Saturday .afternoon, March 25,
Bring tc) a boil, .then, simmer Eber Shute; lucky draw, Lloyd 11:ihteeh
d sClfolerti,
until rhubarb is Fence -like, a- Cowdrey„ • r
was arranged
by Mrs, William Bell, Mr$.1 This week in
John Sinclair and Mrs, Robert'
Mrs, Bell presided for a pro• Wamchelsea
gram which included piano
solos by Dianne Faber, -Mar. ay MRS. W11.1.1AM WAVTER$.
jori e Turner, Na n ey .0 (inept ! „;,,i,.N,:cimrgiRmatatvamonfogm ,
and Wendy Jones:: reading by# a • a "-'
Marjorie Elgie and two 'read- Club euchre
ings by Mrs. Howard Fink -
bother; accordion solo, Gwen • Thhold
e LWinchelsea Euchre Chtb•
Hayihediruetowlany theJones!lageondiayscbool. on
• party at the night with Mrs. Newt-
toson Clarke and Mrs. William,
on the ukelele and guitar; 'and Walters as hostesses.
8010 by Joan Sinelair to- her
mother's accompaniment. ere were four :tables play-
ing prizes going to: ladies' 1
Contests were conducted by • high, Mrs. Toni Campbell;
Phyllis and Donelda Lostell; • men's high, Newton Clarke; •
Dorothy and Marion,- Turner lone hands, Mrs, Ward. Bern•
and alsci by Shardn. McBride. and consolation, Mrs, William
near in a glass or enamel bands, Mrs. Wes Doupe; men's
elect of Saturday, April 1, by Band held its regular meeting
bout 12 minutes. There should: The institute, Library and
he about a& mins. hall hoard are s onsorin
Pour hot sauce nver jelly euchre in Aberdeen Hall Mon.
powder and stir until dissolved, day evening, April 3, An pro,
Chill until mixture begins to ceeds go to the crippled' chil-
se!--about 2 hours, ' dren.
Whin chilled venerated milk
until it will hold a soft peak. Personal it"":
Add lemon juice and beat until' Mrs. Fred Thompson of the
tiff peaks form, 8th line visited a couple of
Fold rhubarb mixture into days last week with Mr, and
whipnod milk until thoroughly Mrs. Herman Paynter.
blended. Spoon into mold. Chill,' Sunday visitors with Mr, and
This dessert is better if made Mrs. John Williams were: Mr.
on 'the same day it is to be and Mrs. Andy Gibson of St,
served. 'Catharines, .Mr, and Mrs, Nor-
man Williams and family, Mr.
Pink -Cloud Merineue Torte
6 egg whites
tp cream of tartar
'tp salt
11 cups granulated sugar
1 tr, vanilla .
and Mrs. Wib Williams and
Norma of Stratford and Mrs.
Rota Upshall of Bayfield.
Mrs. Annie. Walken) of Mit-
chell and Mr. and Mrs. Ken -
1•2 in nutmeg nedy of Saskatchewan called on
Beat egg whites, cream of friends in the village Wednes•
tartar and salt until foamy in day.
a large bowl. Add sugar, a Mr. Win. Hamilton is staying
tablespoon at a time, beating with his daughter, Mr, and
well after each addition, until Mrs. Norris Atthill and farnitY
meringue stands in stiff peaks, after having been a patient in
Beet in 1 tp vanilla, and nut- St. Marys Memorial Hospital.
meg, , I Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Wiseman
Line two cooky sheets with of Burlington spent a week at
double thickness of brown their home in Kirkt and
vis -
paper. Trace 2 eight -inch icing friends.
cls on enell bop sheaf of 'Merl' Mr! and Mrs. Bill Switzer and
Use your £1 -inch round •cake: Beth. Mrs, R. Switzer of Strata
tin as a guide. Divide meringue ford visited Sunday with Mrs.
among 4 circles and spread
evenly. R. Humphreys.
Bake a slow (wen (275 7.--e'ee-e-afea'ae,a.. 7 .
degrees) 1 hour or until firm, a.,
Turn off heat and let Meringues i na story in
cool conwletely in the oven,
(This will take about " awe $unshi ne
Remove carefully from brown
paper with spatula or long. By mu, VVILLIAM =KEY
blade knife. Stack on wire -,e.a:a•teeeeeexiieleeeeneyeaeaaareevee.
rack and cover with saran or '''' '' '
fon. This much can be done Personal items '
the day before.
2 cues cream for whipping
6 tbl fine sugar
tp vanilla
le tp lemon flavoring
Three hours before serving
beat cream and eugar until tal 10 London on Ihursday.
stiff, Fold in vanilla and lem- Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Webber
on. Tint pale pink with `about of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Al -
drops red. food coloring. bert Smith of London and Mr.
Place a meringue layer on Harry Rodd were visitors dur-
your prettiest. serving plate. ing. the week with Mr. and
Spoon one-third of cream mix- Mrs, Clarence Johns,
ture on top and spread- Tieing Mrs. Lawrence Beckett vis -
with remaining layers and ited with her nephew, Me,
cream saving enough cream,to' Chas, Kenny of Lucan, who is
make a generous swirl on top, a patient in St, Joseph's hos-
Cut into wedges with sharp, pital, London, last Thursday
long -blade knife, afternoon.
• Basket Centrepieee Sunday. visitors with Mr,
'For a centrepiece which cilia and Mrs. William Dickey and
tared will like make a basket family were: Mr. and Mrs. ()La-
na eggs ,by tieing; rence Ford and Jenny of 'Kite
6 cups puffed rice (Treat ehener, iMr. and Mrs. Newman
le cup butter or margarine Baker of Wellburn, Mr. and
32 (ve lb.) large marshmal- Mrs. Don Masniea and Pan:line
lows or of Crediton, Mr, and Mts. Gor-
. 31 cups' miniature marsh- don Ford and Ricky of Win -
in Allows. chelsea, and Mrs. Harry Ford,
Heal cereal in shallow pan Mr, and Mrs. Norman Johns
in moderate oven of 350 de- and family of Tlderton were vi -
grecs for 10 minutes. sitors with Mr, and Mrs. Cla-
Melt better and marshnol- rence johns on Saturday eve -
laws in top of double boiler ming.
over hot water stirring until Larry, Linda, Al.ec and Ar -
smooth. Pour over heeted puf- leen Johns or Teirkton spent
fee`Tice in a large howl and Friday evening with their
etir in coot lace evenly. grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
To make basket press half Clarence Johns. Their parents
nf mixture firmly into la quart Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Johns al -
round or oval howl so that bat- tended the Canadian Canners
tom and sides are lined to a banquet an the Legion Hall, Ex.
thickness of la inch. Shape elm
. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Reyb-
olds of Exeter were guests at,
the home of Mr. -and :Mrs. Cla-
rence Johns an ,Thursday of last
Mrs. Fred Walters returned
home from St. Joseph's Hospi-
The man from titual Life
Leader ar file youth wee, head of hie Loose
that's tie man from Menial Life, Ile tekee a keen !Inc -tent
In elle, affairs end ferule El. helping band to hie eeighboate,
As a famile men hole aware of budget*, babies And bitycles#
At ealek hes expetteee it life ineurance eouneellota
A valued friend,
. nab &flee, weetinatioateReAsil0
Kitt utatimating record -high dividend4
G. R. ,Oodbolf„
Corner Sanr.lor & Edwards Si.,
Exeter, °Mari()
Photo, 749
In the Sunday School, rooms.
After business wee :dist:Wed
and rail call tan Kathleen
Buxton had charge of the Pao -
gram. Judy Boullanne read
the scripture and Sharon Hodge
led m prayer.
Ata Easter tableau was given
177 seTerm etteerleeetis taning
part: also recitations. Rev. R.
S. Mhz showed an interestirlg
film nn United Nations Inter-
national ErnergeneY Fund.
Themembers served sand-
wiches, rookies and tea to
their mothers and friend&
4-1-1 meeting
Ward Fritz of Exeter visited;
With Mr. and /Mrs, Berry
Deaver on Saturday.
Julie and Cathy .Schenk of
Taencion spent the weekend with
their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs.. Hugo Schenk,
The. Timea,Ativo.cete, Mirth. 30, 194.1. few is
Mr. and Mr. A. Iiamilten.i giro p.m., ie the 4101 nf.
the former Clara Lewis, of tantata peen by the eaoir of
Grand Bend,. attended Sunday, the EUR church; 'The 21%1. Of
moroing service in the United "themrD.awatnild". Mrs. lull on
Schwartzentruber, Patershurg,
iCecabctbttilliiirte.hcerheh!c tFihnalen:dvnelaielsismepworie:yrIert.hoPefrleff hrT1Bytr'1, DMars. h waonocd1 111rs. spent du ad 1:yeaelfwai1teti,
Mr. and Mrs, William Bender
Good Friday, March 314 at and iamily
• .
The sixth 4-}T meeting was
25 in the Communjtv Hall,•
Plans were discussed for
Achievement Dey. Next week
each member is to bring a
saemivallit zipper and a pie ee to
The club decided to collect
for the cancer fund.
The girls worked on- their
samples until closing time. Roll
call for next meeting is to be
"Why 1 chose the color of my
Next meeting is to he held
emit •SthaetuCrdoamYMIAinnirterit H2aallt. 9
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamp -
man and daughter of Shedden
visited on Sunday with Mr.
aannrcil faatinrisiy, Charles Browning
:ilia and Mrs, William Snider
and family of Cayuga and Mr,
George Sniderham of Camp
Petawawa spent. Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Bort Pascuzzo.
Mrs, Annie Finkbeiner, Zur-
ich, visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Joe Finkbeiner,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark
of Detroit visited with Mr.
Francis Clark on Saturday and
he returned with them for a
couple of weeks over Easter.
on' Thursdayare 'Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Johns and family
of Elimville North. •
Mrs. Nelson Clarke, Mrs,
Newton Clarke, Mrs. William
Walters were guests on Thurs-
day with Mrs. Colin Gilfillan.
Mr. and Mrs. Newtoh Clarke.,
Mr. and Mrs. Williarn Walters
and Mr. and Mrs Ward Hem
attended the Canadian Canners
banquet meeting at Exeter Le-
gion Hall on Friday evening.
Mrs. Christina Hern and Mrs.
Kenneth 1 -fern of Exeter visit-
ed on Friday .evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Philip Hern and fam-
Mr. And Mrs, Beverley Mor-
gan and :family of Thames
Road visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke,
Mr. and -Mrs. William GUM -
ter visited on Sunday with Mr
jaannidilyMrs, Colin Gilfillan and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sper-
ling and #111iss Kay Horne of
London visited Sunday after-
noon with Mr. and Mrs, Free-
minoa,Ind. Horne, Ruth and Ray -
Pat was invited to come for-, Vander Weil.
ward and sit in a decorated Personal items
chair in pink and white and an Newton
umbrella in •same shade over- Mrs, NClarke spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs.:,
head. An address was read by
Bonnie Kyle and those assist -Morgan and family,
ing in bringing in the gifts ThamesmRoad, .
were Phyllis and Donelda, Los- Colin G il fi 11 an and
tell, Shirley and Sandra Reid Barbrsar,,,a, Anned ars. tteMonday,
assisted her in opening the Smith of Crediton. •
and Bonnie Kyle. Pats mother with ell a
gifts, which were many and aars. Don Jolly of Exeter is
thanked relief teaching in the senior
and her mother invited all to room at Winchelsea schoolathis
the trousseau tea. week due to the illness of"
-regular teacher, Miss Marilyn
On March 10 Miss Carol, Marshall,
Civilier and her mother oc, Miss Kathy Bern visited an,
Chatham were hostesses to a Sunday afternoon with Missl
linen and towel shower for Plat. Sandra waiters of Sunshine'
A pleasant evening was en-
joyed in games and lunch
served by the hostesses assist-
ed by Mrs. Leonard Lovell,
Mrs. Tom Slavin is a
Lient Vitoria alespital, Lena,
Thrifty Kippenettes don.
The eixth meeting of the The 'monthly meeting of the
Thrifty Kippenettes was held South Huron •Gideons was heldt
at the home of Gail and Diane Monday evening at the home
Finlayson on March 18 at 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mous-
p.m. seau with 24 'attending. Cecil
Mrs. Bette Miller, Huron Roberts, field secretary from
home e.conomist vas present Kitchener also Rus Piggott,
at the meeting.
zone leader of London attend -
Susie 'Mae Lostell was elected ed.
secretary for the text meeting
The girls decided on the de-
sign they would put on their
record book covers. Some of
the girls modelled their dress-
es and then went over their
skit for Aehievenment Day.
Julie Chapple thanked Gail
and Diane Finlayson.
The next meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Charles
Eyre on Saterday, March 25.
At this meeting Patricia
Harris was elected secretary
for the next meeting.
Mrs. McGregor told the girls
what their record books should.
contain. Mrs. Eyre demonstat-
ed how to make a bound but.
tonhole and how to do ;the un-
derarm reinforcement..
Some o.f the girls modelled
their dresses and then they
practised their skit for achieve-
ment day.
Personal items •
Let, T -A Classifieds do the
job for you when you want to
sell, rent or buy. Phnne 770,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Storey of
near Seafarth visited Sunday
at the home of their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs#
Bert. Thomson and family.
'Or' Choose your spring jewellery
* We are now carrying the popular
Watch Word for Valve,
from our in
Eke, that
* Easter Gift
* Easter Cards
by Rust Craft
* Pleasing you ploaees
As we terminate the operation of our restaurant in rixeter, we
want to express our Sincere appreciation of the kind patronage we have
received during the past five • years, 1
Honestly, we have enjoyed many wonderful. friendships during
this period Which we willal.WayS cherish, 11 has been our privilege to dater
to both the Exeter Llons Club and the Exeter Rinsmeri Club during most
of that period, It, has also been a pleasure tel serve Many families and
groups year after year on special oecasions. We Alt most grateful for the
loyalty of our custorneit and for their kind complinients.
Oil May 1fl4 wt will open ',Armstrong's Red Gable Restaurant
at Grand Bend, We invite you t Vilit Its Them wiled yott will enjoy
dining 111 the modern facilities which have JUst been. erected.
The Ari' s:hi:mos
e •
Phone 29
a a.
Acrylic Latex Point
111 Sahli
- Benjamin
00 re paints
SINCE 1,83
Now is the time to buy
How long is it since you've checked your bedding coin -
fort? Hidden from sight, it's hard to realize that bed-
ding can be uncomfortable, just because ii,'s too old.
See the mattress values at Hopperaockey,
FROM $24,50
Ribbon SpringS
Phone 99
Sauble Queen
Our exclusive mattress, mare
to our own specifications,
features 264 coils, tough
quilted top arid edge, pre.buiit
-arder, air vents, plastic handle -Si
extra sizal.
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"Where Quality is Eg@norry"
Main 51,, Exeter
te, kai
ay t
ail th
Even "heavy.user" families can be sure of oil the hot
water they'll over neddl with this new fast.recovery deo-
rwater heater.
Two thermostatically eon( rolled elements alternate auto.
inatioally to provide maximum service at talillittallai COSt.
T1iare3 is g SiZte land capacity to suit your houzehold.
needs, Why not (injoy this low.cost convenience, Call
U8 Alla get the facts.
Exc ei Po