HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-09-30, Page 3genesis a the skillet! of whom were so- led ; but of m etr e■ Is the scow, moves yews, ladles were dimmed, leftb a bostmsa Om, after reeoulaf severe! perished 1a es- gpeori.g 10 save the lives of the others. The ladtea were all free sixteen to twenty years of age. (i7 Waxuar M.Tssw., Esq.. of Brest • ford, has kindly consented to set as Agent for the digivl. HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1552. Arlt t a long and tedious debate the Resolutions of the Isepector lieneral de- manding the right attic Colossal Ad,ninis- tration to legislate un the Clergy Reserves, were finally passed on Saturday, the 16th instar.t, about two O'clock in the more:nee by a vote FIFTY-'TN'O t)TWE\'l'\- '1'1VO, giving a majority in favour of the Ministry of thirty -more than two to one. We are informed by our eechanges that the proeeedins on that occasion were interesting •ad important --the able man- n er in which the Resolutions were sustain- ed, throughout the Ieugthy and ezeitiug debate, was an honor to the country, and especially so to those gentlemeu who coin - rose the present Ministry. \Ve are not much is favor of long-winded speeches -the expense to the country being too great fur the time of the Ilouse to be thus consumed. Besides, long speeches spun out merely for the sake of debate,retard the business of the country -important busioess too, in which all feel less or more interest is. There was oo lack of speaking 0a the opposition side, such as it was --the result of coarse, was a failure, and the 'effort was, in all, but a lame one; the next time they rally as iost the ministry they wi!1 require other wesp)ns, and different heti'!; to wield them, before they HURON SIGNALR that some of our Comerratire eotempors- risa were iadslgi.g themselves, aud were al- most making merry, over the thought, that to Ministry were without strength; but, era this, they hare chaaged their tone. With- out a desire of contiouiue this subject, we give the followiug from the Globe, of the 23rd instant, as a wiudla. up:- " It was concluded on Saturday more- iug about 2 o'clock, by Mr. Meeks with- drawing the word roltisieo from his reao- lution and substitutiug •• wiiffarenee of ele- ction." f iDios." The VOW Naa flaally taken, fit to 22. The tones ars attempting to make out that they bad a majority from 1 "pper Canada against the eddrea. Ou a vote upon one of the anaendanents, they had a majori- ty of one, some Reformers being absent; but on the following dirisioa the address was supported by a majority - Boulton, Toronto; Bun:hon, Nortbum- beiland; Crawford, Brockville; Dixon, London; Gentile, S. York; Lyon, Rnsrell; Macdonald. Kingston; Malloch, Carleton; Itidout, 'Toronto; Robinson, Simeoe; `ey- moue, Lennox and Addiugton; Shaw, Lan- ark; Smith, Froutunae; Stevenson, Prince Edward; Street, \Velland; Wilson, Mid- dlesex; Wright, ht, Weat York. -17. Brown, heat; Cameron, throe; Chris- tie, ,%Vestwortb; Fergussoo, Waterloo; Hartman, North York; lflueks, (!:ford; Langton, Peterboro'; Macdonald, Corn- wall; Mackenzie, Ilaldimand; Mattice, Stormont; Merritt, Lincoln; Patrick, Gren- ville; Prince, Essex; Richards, Leeds; Rulpb, Norfolk; Rose, Dundas: \\-bite, Balton; Wright, East York. -1S. Six 'mothers were absent from this vote; Tories, MacNab and Murney; Reformers, Smith, \laedonald,Johnson and McLaugh- lan. Had they all vrited, there would hare been 22 for the address, 19 agaiast-and the Reform majority will 1000 have an ad- ditional vote from Mr. Mornson." 994 exploratimes were immediately meta Tito followtog cunostUee were dug up. A sk.letos of • mac who must have hue ',leery legit Nature, • stone .sage, two copper vessels, and some large Lia shells. It is !leper' thatseinu:perasn is Nelwe will .ave Cass. very iitereateg reties from destruction. They are In. uusm•etaol of a race of mon which has Dearly estioct before the ag:easive .part of the white WAD. 'nil stone Image should eaefsty eu' bolted, as in lbs bands of iu eultgit. timed 9 1 q. ariao tb'. re:,c u,tgl,t be the emus of affording the puLuc un eh value - Lb informati on.-Jtwrral avid Enemies. Communication'. IIAIL ROAD MEETING AT STRAT- FORD. S rRATrostn, Sept. 210,1832. At a meeting held at the Assembly Room of tbe-Iiaon Hotel, called by -a no- tico--rertie Cowrty 1Ver's. John C. W. Daly, JGq., atppeisted as Chairman, and Mr, John J. L. Linton, Secretary. The l hairmsn called 0o say one preseut to explain the object of the meetre. Dr. Hyde, as mac of the Shareholders, he said; of the Guelph Railway, stated that \Ir Smith, teat by sitting still, and uiJa- the object was,. as there had bre') some lag fora road, will sever get one. The discussions of the pibtie papers on the notice of the eietla,gtveo forth o. Sat•r- merits of the respective linea of railway, day the lblb, im in our sew newspaper, the that the request was made by the requiei- -tyres, for the'2lth, was not etrculated or lionises to have an opinion of the iuhabi- made Luown sul5rieatly-and many there, tants of the County of Perth oo the mat - knew pealing of it tel their aeeide Cal al- ter. rival in town. If there was net oljert to Mr. A. B. Orr, as nae of the linea, tbe mrettng confined to a Ire, cer, requisition- ists explaieed-and gave reasons for hie.lately all appearcnres seemed to favor it. signing the regtnsition-and with reference lir smolt, Mc laoriocial Warden. as is to the expected meeting on the 19th Octo- ber neat, as to the tax to be imposed on the United Counties for shares in the Ituf- falo Brantford and Goderich railway. Mr. McKenzie has brought into R'm `smith, nitre Previsional Warden, Parliament a Bill to exempt the imple- rose and stated that be was surprised that ments of tradesmen, the wearing apparel, those who bad got up the meeting, were the bedding, and other furniture of Lia not prepared to state and explain the full object of the meeting -that the notice was family foam scisurc and sale uOJcr esecu- taos for debt, has, the Exa»tiaersays, not say railroad is te be made, sad what assist. r.asbed high sad hoeora►w peertteee i■ sacs each township will Sias. -screed. .oc,oy, sad wee owe to tem: motbeee A vote of thanks was gibes to the Chair- 1•artiee gilt, bleseie1 et khw. Hair p,.5. man fur his conduct ie luc (:hair. leerily is Life, t:.• recullsc'o s et ,t cheered (stoned) J. C. W . DALV, Chairman. J. J. L. LI:sTule, See'y. AUT& By Tta, Sitcati*ay. and urged them to setae' .hes elude et mrdertuee bus,( ever them, aud &me veil cowpsnruos sought tv ta.d them astray.* tele mon, t►st a o+elbsr's heart woulu be tarukes by their sus; and &Lw they were rover'. That poor bey who metered Now meeting was called for 2, p. m., Where sot 1'.uk a few yours ago, a.tb his leets seed • dozes persons were present ial•uestc4 to 01 Clothing an . serail buaale ace but tem Or kuewin0t i1, wh.a Mr Daly,olter hav- 'rents uabi,' p"`k.l, tu:reu. that he owes the isg waited -fur ural an hour, L.mestly de. I iftoesupr,4'Dthstmuf owe of lbs wealth:act arm stared that the pauolty of adesdrucc was moe% beso,ales merchants of that cit, --to mob, as gest to warrant the boIJio o1 s 1 a little pocket Bible his poor Willed tleeti.g. 1Leeter &Lout 3, p. no or alter,'limber, gess b'm with her parting Menisci. the meeting was urgauiz.J with sunie Jed- Iastamcee r.f 'hie kind are numerous, and eerily and dela'., and Mr Daly appointed as ! sboutJ be ti.• means of idpteestug more Chairman. 'There were then le persons ff deeply upon the toted cf every Lotto r, who rresent. This ueu.ber decueasrl im au I Las a lues for het children, thtsnat impair. Lour or so, to about •' 1, and when Mr i tame of furei.hieg them with some safe. Itauker's motion was put, the -c were not guard aga,net temptation bele" .ee ieg Cheat forth late the world ".tau; ere and more than S or 0 present. 'Phrase alio had ,,,i,„0... \1'e are pa,usd to see tho dLwe. requested Mesan. Daly and regmillcr as ward reerse of morals a1 the present day. magistrates, to call tie meetieg, sere out 1 The numerous aid increasing pincer of re. prepared with reselutiooe, or wdeed dee- seri, stem:went and ee.rgnatioo, telt Lir of mite iuformatiw to give of the regi object .n hucr.a.n,R dread fur therm. It is tidy of the meetiug, whirh weir ared to me, to ! mlanun,g w .w With what blindness 11. be for the condernettios of the !irautford teiceted and arcomelrebeu young men of our targe craws are plunKrog tutu proGiguy line and of the tax to he imposed by 1151 and r,u.... Aut theca oro the ".°„," oung rue■ County Council. This I stale impartially, of whew Out eery few know a mother', u 1 do not myself see clearly 'sough, Low hiruteg or s mother'* prayer*. We de the tax cart Le raised, tltoueh 1 anter with :*hose that there is netbmg that has so re- etra.0iag an tell mace upon young mss, when surree/elsl by temptation., as a mutber's b tutu. And hew few the" ere who recs,ve it. Again was sae. that of the large member of yuung mesa of oar coioa, but very few kmuw the precious yslue of a mother• blessing. It if oftener b. stowed upon the buu,Sler youth who I his caunlry bene to .tat his fortune in the crowded city. Every nio ber slaold know %hat impression* implanted to tee minds et her chidren an early youth, when often "- well kt:nwo, ha+ been the ueceare ad►o- (reseed, will live as long as the life blood CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT, .hall courser throne b their veins. Aad tate of improvements._ by interval commit -1 (1rs.nac 20th /oppose 1859. kacwog this, bow importwt it u that nications,- and for many years bus d.'.oted every mother .l.ould commence in the eo- `OTICF: a hereby (rues, that [.reea..e time and expense in the saltier, and \!r boxy el her children, and ale" the.r,minds ho cul T.rubet es ceras rause% Timber (i r, also, has not been backward iu cuiu- web wore! a. outfa. rvhgauw knowledge, Berths o, 1h. River tit. Murree and its tiding with those whoa. charts were for and not lrust them to the pernicious infu_ tributaries, will be dispoud of at the Tows the improvement of our roads, and Mr mess of • nursery, but under her owe eye sal Three -Hirers, os the TWENTIETH Mitchell, 13ell's Cerise, who was 0ecea- t'I►ot truths so firmly in tbetr hurts, that day'o• SEPTEMBER Deal. flier will never (rade or de. The terra» will be made knows, sad a tartly absent at this meeting, and he some- The placed now filled by beads .livered Map 0f the Raver and Ite tnbetart.., udl- ove► sub the fresco of age, will soon be 1 eating the Berth• to bo ilapo.ed of, will be vacated aed the young men also are now exhibited at the ARest's 06c. a Three - coil upon the stage of action, will be Nieces, from the 151b to the 20th day sof called to fill them. How important thea I. September. ,SoS_t3 it that they should be men of honest aud upright principles, that they Laity , '°Stvhe quid. the .hip of an.;' CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT, (tusGee, 1016 .YrJrrrnGcr, 1852. so that when they, I.ke :Leu predecessors NOTICE a hereby gives, that a. nume- ehatl amigo to other hands their Important . roue parties are deairoas of further trusts, they will receive the blessings of au erne to examine the timber Berths on ahs our kind and grateful people. Ricer S'. Murree, the disposal thereof will , he deferred for another month during whicb ' the mem mad the terms may be tn.p.eted at • h att .aMahwah Min Mary Grau • ilio Agret's Oedice, in the town of Twee - Berths the ISib MahwahR,vcrs. 'Che il:rth■ will positively be du - Johns, Drea:maker, or this Tows. posed of on the 'TWENTIETH day of OCTOBER next. only deserved well of his constifacets, and of the country generally ; but earned ere- that be had always advocated a line of rail- dit in tbe House for the introduction of a way -was prepared to support th. Want- measurewhich received is its main features ford line as the best --that the prices in can bare a Possibility of succus, We the unanimous support of the Ifocae, and Buffalo were much higher than in thiscoun- caonot omit gaviag a abort extract from will become law daring the preser,t session• t'7rerCn a stile oil tau duty -that a' thief of the Legislature. The measure would 9ue.t,ue was wbeltier the line to Buffalo Arecnuut, which will s11ew flat ern, iu world pay, which be.. said would, besides a siulia state, will resort to crc:y sc tree prevent the property des exempted from the direct conveyance from this country at urdecgtso carry IlltEre point.rt0 It is cL fel- contracted pledged or ;cid in liquidation of debts and the West to the States ---the explained icontracted for intoxicating drink-. Mr. at some length, -and without detracting lows :- McKenzie i object is to save the hard- from other lines. • sVe must help ourselves, h -td build sal d solely confuted to the flew paper, (the Perth County Ncies) In Stratford and sot by Iasdbaiis,=that the several reeves could not be aware of it -the notice too short - the 1:ditonal correspondence of the .Yerth ` 1 may section a circumstance of soros a si , to our railway', at not to 1 worki4 man from the despair 'consequent derend altogether en foreign aid-oot to political significance which partially cam. !upon the Iesssess of his condition, sit u POedown quietly and . wish fur the road, - without bestirring ourselves. .lir. Smith concluded, being applauded by the Meeting. itir. Daly, the Chairman, diaseuted from Mr. Smith and the proposed line via Brant- ford -and that we should look for other markets besides the Gates. • Alexander Strachan, Esq., of Godcneb, (who with Thos.1' ydd, lsq.,also of Code - rich,) arrived frout € i lerich this morning to attend . the tneetiogi• 11ii made some remarks as to_4h.& t1 -halon tnI.:.'h the /Peo- ple were in,that the Direr Ws of the Guelph Railroad, had authorised the survey (Which has been -done from Goderich to Stratford,) and 'which Mr. Strachan stated was not tba case; that tho Directors had not au- thoriarJ said survey, and read an extract from a letter by J. M. Strachan, Esq., of Tweak), Vire Presileat -of said Guelph Railway, veri. ingg his statement- sed war prepared wild further evidence. ' Ile thought that every thing sheet.' be dine teem is which i hold the noble trait* of your Mauve board, and ho did not like to see the character, I take the liberty of dedicatleg paople.deesircJinthe wafter. ' ' them to you. May you long be spared to Mr Daly, thecbairrnn n, in the meantime, inmiater to tbi happiness of those who are sent for the Subacriptioa Book, which he now aha recipient* o[ your faithful lover had officially received from Toronto, to Be,.,. as Iruly, show the same tom*bo meeting aud who had subscribed at Stratford -.and he read over the heading of the book -which was fur the purpose of paying to Fred. Widder, Esq., the respeetite sums subscribed for a locating earwey for a line from Guelph via Berlin and t-atford to Goderich-and that such woo:J he cao;idero'l as stock, oma if not-gcce on wkb, would be repaid from the fonds of the Col* and Toronto road. 'this was for i new Company, as stated by "And oft whse batt infused to tread Mr Daly, an i had not -to do with the Such paths am mato vie decor, Guelph -end 'Tltroojrf lime. The C:wada re. feu Ace And Aaa•J press my Road. Cotu1asy subscribed • £500, Mn \Vidder Asad that soft touch Lath saved ber boy." C:t0. Mr Mitchell £30, and othere si:ni- tar a;aouste, add Mr. Daiy 450. Il was How well de I remember tho plea«'st on :Oat -togtst, 6at life' Daly receivt*d July morning that I pest. „wit's my rind errtai:t papers, Hy-Lawa,fk{., from Toren- mother, to take up my abodo in she great to, for the Reeves, oet the Metter of dee '.set roliolia. The fond pr.•eeere of her l,,nd out during this debate. Casa hon made a violent personal attack on 'rar:ettc, who replied, and ammo, a other thine, expo1ed the intrigues which Cauchoo had bero eo- gaged iu to bring about a, coulmation be- tweeu the 'Tortes and a certain cumber of the French meaben to break down the present Government. It appears that he had drawn op a sort of programme to which be lied obtained the assent of $0 members from Upper Cauda. After ,.arae nego- tiations be . preteaded he could get 1!s members from Lowe; Canada to join him. The document was is Sir Allen McNab's hands for some days, but as 3`3 dad not =oust to a majonty the plot Ised to be abandoned. I do net believe that 18 mem- bers from Lower Canada actually agreed to Cenciea's proposition, but that a num- ber of the French Canadians would listen to • fea uhl. plan to combine witb'thc tories, from whom they know they could obtain larger concessions than from the reformers, is very evident. The fact is welt worth Hie attention of Upper Canada Reformers. especially when they make unreasonable demands from a Government that has bare- ly. a majnrity from that sectioq of the Province." Dr. Rolph delivered the closing speech en the .Ministerial side -it as represented as eloquent, philosophical, logical and statesmsalake-it elicited the deep atten- tion of the House. His remarks were '1 priocipally confined to the point at issue, ,viz:-" the right of the Canadian people to demand the repeal of the Act of ISIO." His reasoning on this subject were full of weight and force -and had a telling effect upon his opponents. Mr. McDonald of Kingston, made an attempt it answering Dr. Bolpb's arguments, it was, if we are correctly informed, a feeble affair frotn be- ginning to end. lir. Brown, the ir,aruor- tal member for Kent, made (himself useful, by Lia lengthened talk;,; upon this, as on former occasions. Ile is accused of be- ing in league with the Conaervatires.- It seems they shake use of him whenever he is of any service to them. In con- ju etion with them be moved certain amendments, with the intention of defeat- ing the Ministry -and to render the Re- selotiona ineffeetire, as well as to prevent the true ezprcaion of the , Iiouse from going to the Imperial Parliament. We take pleasure in laying before our readers, although they occupy a larger space in our columns,than we at first antici- pated, the speeches of Malcolm (i arneron sad David Christie. We do so in order that the friends of these gentlemen, and particularly the former, as the Electors of Huron are more mediately concerned ii him thin any *therme in the House, may see tbe part they dank in this great strug- gle. These epescbes are full of sound reasoning and rxrnrnen-sense views. We recomtseed them to our readers, and bepe they will give them a careful, candid and empattaal perusal. When the reform members that stand by the true is- terests of their constituents, they will, more than ever, prove themselves wor- worthy of the Confidence. and gratitude of every tree Canadiaa. The Cossetratite members may -aud wall recur to all their wonted Nustenng and bullying, but these will prove metfectusl when brotagbt is eon - toe with the men who compose, the present Crovmament. We saw, bat a few days mise., when stripped of bis only resort for the moans of honest living; -a; De well rea- sons that intemperance, fraud, and other vices bare their origin in that extreme poverty which 'a :huts out hope, begets de- spair, and breaks up families." Nsaoata. -W. nadenhod, safe the North Americasr, Mr. Morrison has been returned by acclamation for tLia borougli. Mr. Morrison i3) strong aati.atate=Cbareb- i aaa,and therefore,, his vote May be added to the ['pper Cauda majority for the Secal- larizatioa of tbe Reserves. jlalt CONTRAC -Tie contract, says the Galt TulwKa-t for mooing a Mail wi- ly from Galt to Godeticih has been gii-en Mr. LowcU,of tbe Queen's Arms Iiotel,ia this tows. rT We were, unable to procure the list of Prizes awarded•last week by our Agricultural Society, for to -day Testae. We will endeavour to lav before our readers, in our next week's issue the particulars of tbe Assizes, now being held in the British Exchange Hotel. :And also, a description of the great Provincial Exhi- bition, held in Toronto. Awful. tragedy.-We have seldom heard of a traitor so teuly revolting to Kaman nature, as one winch octave.' last Friday ni;ht, at Browntown lndiana-- "I'he detail% Ora below, are principally ;leaned from the '.Iadoon Hurter. It s,•cros that two brothers, named Hiram and Warren Francisco, and well known as peaceable and respectable cootie, follow- (oleic!: radrna 1. ed the occupation of clock peddling. 'rheJ lar sera :han explained --and skewed usually travcl!ed dir.ereat route+, hat made that the Subscribers in Stratford had been I deceived -and it a practice of meeting each other (re - deceived -and r'ad a letter which showed queerly. They agreed to meet ata pahlie' that the Guelph line wovid not go on br(t house in Brownstown, on Friday last. One rite Strutf.,.1 to Sat:iia-and' that tbe of the brothers reached the tavern, aboutapproval of the Brantford and Goderich nine o'clock, and inquired if his brother n.....d the Railroad Committee arrived, and was infouned by the landlord that he had not. After rating hie supper, he railed for a light, and asked to be shawl' to bed. From etsco%Ilowed the landlord into the a dark room and undressed himself aud retired to rest. 'Che bed seemed to be wet, and bavis; some matches about him, be struck a light. Upon examining the bed, he fours it was wet with blood! Discover- ing a candle nn a table near by, be lit it, and looking under the brie saw the body of his arother, with his throat cut from ear to ear, aud perfectly Velem! Fastening the door immediately be proeeed'd to load a revolver which be had, but before he could do to there w e+ an effort ma le by several men to enter his room. Pretending not to be alarmed, be asked them to wait until he deemed himself. Aa soon as he 4.4 frith - ed loading his pastol he opened the door, and the landlord and two other men rasher' en him, when he fired two barrels of his peitol, immediately kdlieg the landlord soil ewe o1 his accomplices, after which the other man fled. IIIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. TAI1 E Subscriber offers ns sale that emodleu. Brick D..Ilrng !louse, epees eke tee reeideeee of Ir. Lewis, E.g. lie Lot Las 180 (rode. 'CL. .'rove pn:pertr wild he sold chose fur cash. F.ar fur this particular• apply to Andrew Duougn, or to the prepuotw4 JOHN PEEL. fort Albert, br. dtb, (x851. 934w3 LIST OF LITTERS 11$FtIi1.:IN(3 is the Bell's Corriere up to 1L ark $.$..ber, Is311. Buehar.aa Wm li.sder1en Wm Crowe WIn Kip* Wsu Commodes ►1cGon.ery Joseph Cae.bpe'I Archibald. McGurman Jsa Drees. Peter Mitchell Andrew Ilam !ton K,Lertson Naeholmu DunalJ Hay Pow 'wter Jobn WW11. COSSEY. P. 5f. Gluieric i, 1 lth September, 1852. FOR SALE, ICY '111E - SUBSCRIBERS, (!RAT68 of Common Crockery, which ` ✓ wets he dtspo.ed of at vera lues Rates. M. B. JEYMOL It bt l O. th34 Goderich, 11tit September, 1852. Nu'1 ICE. THE Subscribers wall Sue, without soy drusetion e11, Long Overdue Note*, eed.,.D Aredunte, if not shortly pied, 0r ealt.lactetily Arreogee for. M. B. SLYMCUR lit CO. •3184 time since appealed in the public papers aud at meetings for the gravc!i ng and improv- ing of the main roaJlast of -tratford,-and Mr Mitchell has mainly been the cause of the present gravelling of the road from Bell's Corners to the Nissauri line, to meet the Woodstock road, which will cross the lirastford rail line. Mr Mitchel! supports that lane. I need net add a twin as to the "decep- tions' referred to by Mr. A. Strseban, as MU* survey of the G.elph road to '..ode. rich, for many besides him, tt the meeting, cipressed themselves rather tartly, to the 4n0oyaace, l daresay, of Mr. Daly; who, however, acted as cooly as could be ex- pected, in a meeting -whom elements seem- ed to be so chaotic and with suck discor- dant notes as continually grated his ear, as teethes those who were attentive listeners. It was "a Stratford meeting." Mr.- Smith as P. Warden, wets sot allowed sufficient v3o3S-1m MONIN TO LOAN. riy0 los on good security, Two Ilundrd A" Pounds. For particulate apply to this of$ce, Goderich, Sept. 230, 1632. yb-n36. time to.erplaiit himself, and be felt I there- dit tiros say, a little warty to see that Wee was cagy I' A11E tete theipdusgre if tbetubeutoaadi- ahll hopes mensby &.bareatict oef thur patronagtohu.e.tas., scattcriug seed on the ground which could ber 7th concrasian Western Division sat At his ole Nand, one door trust of 1Ae not be reaped again" or'•Uirowing pearls, ! .Lhfiu!J about toe tart of Augoat, a red Oa Caned.. Company', (lice.&.c.!"" rF with a ebur feces, the above os we ensu (odene6, Sept. 6115, 1859. vSnSS • J. J. E. LINTON. the property cf 1150 subscriber. Tho owner is requested to.pruvo property pay expenses, lea visa s*eos easel- and take him away, or be will b• sold at auction according to law.. DEDICATION: CORNb1LIUS DESSIOND.' To 'Unit amain c, r¢arrvet.. Ashfie!J, Seel 99111;11331. -e3•L36 Tu no one to the etrete of soy acgoaint- E. THORN HILL, WOULD return hu thanks to the public for the liberal support be ham mat from them dur,ait his residence In Goderich, epee cools! I dedicate "Stray Leaves," with STRAYED. 10 mash plosaw►o, as to yourself. Know- feIROM the subscriber about the lest of log eel do, that the sentimeres which they n.AuAutt a black ix, torsed up bores, ■ contain wail Aad is yuu a warm acid able littlo whrta under tho belly, Six yeses old. advocate. And es a token of the high esAny person giving ouch iofusmatien a will lead to bus recovery will be rewarded for their trouble at 1st concession Lot No. 1,9, Tutkeremit6, London Road. • ROBERT McNNORDIE. • Sop. 1852. ' ' vS-n36 Your firmed, ed, FRAM( Guaawoon. Londe., ROM., 17th, 1852. STRAY LEAVES FROM MY PORT. FOLIO. No. 1.-A Meiosis Btsamao. 1.1 rasa[ ualla:MOOD. NEW HARDWARE STORE. WHOLESALE 4. RETAIL! " W.,..ta 13VIL,,sev" Met-- '' St GAIT GODERICII, POK'P SARNIA, HURON AND DETROIT. gibe sew aid Maggot Lowpreeour. Steam Boat RUBY, will run dieing the ensue equation as follows -Learn Goderich, (weather permitting,every second Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, and Sarnia, Mou- day at o'clock. .Leave Detroit, for Goderich, every Sat urs day, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and Sarnia, at a o'c.nek p. m. freight. eight or passage apply In Mr. E. H. Marlton, forwarder, oeat door, north of the Kiecardme Arms. ELi WARD, tad. Detroit, Feb. 20th 1851. • v8 -n3 • THE Subscriber respectfully informs file - NOTICE. inhabitantsof Galt aud its Yeentity that he has opened hie sew and Extensive Sleek of Shelf and heavy HARDWARE! ! in the above Premises, coasgetM'sg • compete Assortment of- - • Cutlery, IJa11s1 Hinge; Screws, Saws, Planes, and Vas,- (if tds,of evert/ D.'a('ril)tion, Sltoc- llurili., .Tzcitr':.'r, I'utcdtr4 Shot, !Dat, Hoop, :laud, 4- .Sheet Mos. Sprier;, Gael : rel Blistered ,Sled, I "►n 4. Canadian i tones, Rails $• Tr(Jrc, Our, a ll t • log rirrg attain., riffs, _ J Anvils, .S1iutles, aL .sSlua-cle, Grind -Zit' Gloss, Pulte, ,I arritsl►, awl lb, Sall hal been read the first time, she turas to gra e, how the tears roil down Oils, Plli►its,ry' Co awed wnnld soon be (ho law. Tins 'was in het pale cheeks; she knows too wall, 11. DThornr Street, limns tied. tkti -r laerrrrtved alStratfonito-day many and strong tcmptetioos that will Le- l (hilts, Turpentine, tS'r'., dr. &C. CARRIAGE 111.tNl'PAC.'r['RERS. 31r Smith, moved that a ComMittee be fro uL' 1Vhtch Min ores+rel nn 1wt adranta n• as she laid it upon fay head are; gave tee ler parting btoasim>g; with hew rein/ L„pes and fears did idle bid mo farewell. poetises forever. it wad year, ago, ret it is as flub in my memory a though it were bel y..ler. day. Ilethieks I see her now stao;:ray in the doer to se me safely o9; aud nark, as IITE TIIE undersigned here►y Eire ,s- tice that we wall apply at the out ...i.a of the Provtscial Parliament aft to authorize the construction of • Mile wav from Goderich, to connect with the Buffalo and Brantford line at Such pvibt•aq .t stall eat.rsert the Great Wooten Rill- road. Benj P■rs*as, Jae. Weems, N.B. O'CoImor, M. 0. Seymour, • Gee. Brown Jur , W. E. (Ireee, R.rat. lludarweil, N.J. Keay., Gee. 1.. Marwed 1,.l.ew,s, Thea. Kydd, Ro►t, Ge►bogie, Cl derieh, August 11th, 105.1• vi -o99 CAI'RON & Co. I set her boy in the great me pand g P R tppoeatr•I !n watch over '.lac iuteresb of !'.boas roan but tell of •mothers fan, and noir Terms will be .-ii red at the LOWEST x''1119 extensive Carriage Maufsetnrieg the Count) of Perth as regards time rail- HAMtlt•TON PRICES ! For Cash. way, seconded by Jas. Rankle, Esq.,J. P. .1 a mothers undying lov.• IlaPpely The Subscriber Solicits an In,tuectios of ahenetwill^ 15, ton d1mPa, ill uow in al all foll tim. ind for of North Easthn e. those tears ars shad in vaso; -and to this hi.,Stoob, Wore l'ureho.uny El °where. P Lilo, the most extensive and ensplete' Dr Hyde objected M adopt this at once huur there is 0o wealth, however dazzling, T. 1. 0. BU:IIBY. assortment of the most Fsehlonable styles without some etplanation as to the tax- so honor*, however high, that could tempt Goa. ►t• tiled. ladle v8 ple-2m of English, American and F'reneb and same explanations ensiled, when Mr I me to part with the sweet and Mused saes. PLEASURE CARRIAGES ! Smith stated hie farmer ebjectinn, that no (acuun of tuowing. that In a!1 my toter- LOST twn Notes of Ilan.' In (avour or Such as Buggies, Smgls and Double, with notice had been sent to the Reeves, or to 000190 with the word -rat all my wander- LOW EI.1. ALVURD or bearer, dated amt With u ,sat I op.; Ph. lees, Kock -a -ways she Public generally, and that he was (be inge amid prosperity or adversity, 1 Dave un lu)1, nn.. Riven by I3 jeh floors and to (-e.rioteeq Char,o'., B.roncl,ee, Coach.. only Reeve present. iretained, unstained, the same pure prince ether by Ieniel Ilant.v. Tithe a to forbid Victoria., Jenny lend*, and Napoleon Messrs. Rankin and Keay,' !poke on the plies that a kind mother, through years of all penes from paiog or receiving said Carrie/ere all of which are mit t of t 7 P wstpine nem.. h..st Material', and second second growth Matter of the motion for a Committee, yiouilehf-al fol heaamtrt; that, roue, Ineg and - an, 'mimed into my meGI,Jeneb, Sept. !teed, 1333. Timber, and w.rrsataJ. which Mr Keays objected to. -'Chis mo- fel years have pi...?. thou1 am cult the somscente n tion wan dropped. p5514 principles sad feeling., as whoa my Mr Orr at this time proposed (he fol- k'Id soother gnu me her parting blessing. 0 R' T .1 !j 1 0 , luw.ug resolution, seconded ht Peter Cre- And it is that f.1'-'r.t blessing tbst hu MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCEear, Esq., 'Chat it is the npminn of the g.erdel me from all the many temple" s COMPANY, that have beset my pili in We. Art now owe '.!tat the prod.eal of age Council 1.m reirdl .rt o/ l',nrun'i parliaewne. of the United Counhcs 1n k•1 the ere• '.Dat the elides of manhood a" on my brow, ' I pledge a reel continues to w my'Meld, and 'rely (1 )Ir11-£1l?U,AOf). 4,1 of the BranCountford, . for way, ,Ot:a), toward. Tee same font heed upon my bend HF.AD Ot'FICE AT HAMILTON. the B.aiitforl, 4c„ railway, La not accord That blurred tee boy- Anil eared the was. In{ t• the opillian of the meeting. TMs motion was real over several times, owiarta anted conversations by those prs- lent d at last it was tarried. owed by Mr Rankin and seconded by r .fames Boyd, Thst the five Coenriilors of each of the'Ibwnships of the County of Perth be a Committee to be sepninted by tb.% meeting, to call a meeting of the inha- bitants of int -1 Tow.sbip to take the peo- ple's wishes respite's( which of the tee tenfolde is smog se he sods mead tebeebor Grand Lottery. THE (uhowm, to a correct list of the sowb.rs that drew the Powe at Mr. Janes Bron. sale Lutury. wbtcb was drawls et Mitchell oo Thursday, the 161► inst.:-- d20 horse, St Bus Stove, gat hors* 4Stehle, 1'.;1 Bridle, 498 Buggy, be llamoass, ye9 Cot•ktug Stone, 711 Cu•ttsee, 348 Waggon, 641 Ssddll', 134 F'rsu.e Store, (Signed) T.Oatas Balla, • Wrtuale Siwe, .Jo+aa Corr, '1 auras Suing, Jour Hums. Mitchell, Sept V. 1152. 033 NOTICE. IHEREBY give Duties that Mr. Walloon (Chester Tippett, of Bayfield, is. DOS eu• thotized by not to collect the debt. yr re - carve the money due to his Watt -tie hay - .ng 'retaliated sad assigned serer time ranee, a• appeared in the Public Prints of Goderich, ail Lie debtor amid other property to me for the Week of 64 Cred;tors- e bide !elite 1 have ewu place) in the hence of I). I1 Ritchie, Egg ,Clerk of the ecr. ere Division Cuing, Bayfield. for collection who, with me 11e undone reed to aloe* au thot,z.d to grant receipts open pagaut ut the acme. JOHN BTRACHAN, Assi(mes to 14, /Wrote of w. C. TIPPET'. G.J,ricb, Sept. 32nd, 1b51. D35 NOTICE I9hereby given that Hu Partnership lately .ubsieting between EDWARD THORNIiILL and ROBERT KEMP. be,b ..1 the Town of Goderich, Boder the tint of THORNHILI. Sc KEMP, was this day dissolved by mutual commit. All debts uwag to the yard Partnership are to lie re- ceived by said Edward Thornhill, and all demands. oo the said I'artoerehip are to he pre seated to him for payment. - .. EDWARD TIIORNIIILL, ROBERT KEMP. Goderich, Sept. 6tb, 165.1. e5038 NOTICE A LL persons haung claims spout the e late A F. hl organ, se Cie,L of the First Duvralee Court, at Gorieuch, end eat persons having claims against 'Phoma. G. Morgan, his .on. wbu wee also, for some time Clerk of toe amid Court, will please send them to the office of Messrs. Strachsn end Brother, Barestore and Attoreies, t;odc- rich, elated out In full with the dates of when due Ike., in order that the amaunt of their liabilities a such Corks may becl..r- ly ascertained, and arrangements uuads for t • application of the proceed. .( the late A. F. Morgan's e:.tate not disposed of, to the liquidation of such elsims. MARY MORGAN. Goderich, 33rd August, 1852. %3 ',SI -4i FARM FOR SALE. AVALUABLE Freehold Estate Lot No. 38. on the 6th Con. an the Towne ship of Goderich, containing 80 scree, 45 of which are elsed. 35 fru of stumps, it re well watered, ash a never fahsg stream through the ce ars or the lot, a gond gar- den, a Youog Orchard now bearing fruit, cremated arabin the Town of Godarich, rine 3 of the village of Bayfield. A good Log Hoesee Lathed and plastered: a Barn 41 by 96, Sheds and Stable.. Fur particulars ap- ply lis Andrew Dor.00gh in the '1'uwrt o Goderich, at to the proprietor on the pro mieso SAMUEL SPLAN. P. r. Terme enay Goderich, July Isth, 1132. v3 -.old An Inmos G.s,a.-A Nelms Corr.• pondeel write* to .s One of thou relies of a former eg• was recently discovered In this Tnwseb4' A very aged pine tree was gramme *we' the grave, the blow,., down or wh.eb imposed to view tome shells and copper vasoA. soon es the discovery b..am' ,.smelly kneels, beed,.de of pensee from the .enensding enenary Socked to the INN And bnw many youths there are, who Mvel goo* forth to struggle with the world, who can gin atlirane* to *code like mere. For, to a beast pw.*ssed of all the flue and manlier kitbags that by ester* breosg to it, the recollection of • mothers love. Meuse, or parting words, will faro a sirens hamar against the many and nature •eau i.mptalinn. •.f city 111a. For the truth of this statement, 1 emit to Me Insay Terme Ines re gar melee who leave bravely streggle4 age ea th* lempta'inas sad mw- *aeeYtw q w wool& .ad Wes. M I.I.lie Bradford, Aug. 10th, 1852. 30Iw 1662I D.Z3E 2? DR:%N'Cl•'ORI) FOUNDRY TIIE sLIISCR16F.RS are peer mskiag Drsartoa' 5u n! Chair ti teR I V A!.LRD MRP ARA - Hn h ('. B.kar, tea M. Merrier, TtoRN, with rmprnumoese for tr"e year, g q Ee ' ared offer them 00 meet uveal liberal tonne: N. W. IAnwoe, '• 3. F. Mnore, " s handeoeu d eennst suds 1nr Cash, on de - Peter Carrell, " James Osbnr.e, " Leery D. C. ()rine, " Chas A. Radler, " Thew reseh1 see ha.. bees .n terse before Jame. Melntrre, " E. C. 't'1nnru, Fie, lee prbe,e this ,t is qe ea onn*ta*smry to Jame* Matheson, " Joh. %V.Iener " •.y anything forth. to r.ecmmeed %him. •11111: S,►atnher heves, bun epp'•MMod An early eassiastl./e re melted, •r over Agent at feeler eh. for the attn.. lush u nl them re sew ,wdsred, end persew. ty respectable rampart, a prepared to .eking .0 supply Ih*meetsee, bed setter effect Now swee at the most rrasnnable apply whoet low of se., rate* epee Ilww.., S' rein, sad (hoed•. R.•p•etfuay roof". TiIOM LN NICIIt11.LS, Agent. VANRROCiKLIN,'VINTRRikCe. QaJerleb, 15th dept., 1183. 16111 Brsetfori, Aeg. 10. 1961. .80-1. LIST OF LETTERS, REMAINING in the Goderich Pe.A1 OLiee, 6th September, (451. Anderson Welham Morrison Thompson Brough Rev r C Morrison Norman Butler Jelin 2 Miller George k Co Meehan John Miller Jacob lien Buchanan Peter Alsub.on Murdu FH.rryrnan John Millar M Ballet Mr Mouro A Beckett Nathaniel Miler Georre Burwell T Mazeon Mr 11 Wm Marton Mrs Thomas" (;anon Therese Me:drum Thos Churchill Arthur Msughnry John Cummins James hlattheson Dougal Camerae John Moore Jame. Caesidy Thomas l Maher Vias Cole Henry Morrish Thomte Ceueron Alex Martha.on Mrr Coote esm.. Murdock Cooley Joseph) McShannerk Alex Cole Rebeecs f.1. ( eger Mn. C Crow John 2 Mswhinnev John Cook Ephraim McDonald 1).,nahl Cols Jsaee Mel). oalJ !Ulan' t:esnebeil R 1.t McNaughton Dermal Cluff Kobelt eleClellen.l Kneen Dumbell, J Alc(;eur0, Nim ,el Drumm Barnard SlcKense Roderick Davis William MrintneI, D,a.l1 Deisou Chsrlee McConnell John sr Duo (Capin Win Dees John McDongsl Aoga 4 Duby George Mct)ansid Anew. Daily John Me%Vienne', Jnhn Douglas Ilenry McKinnon Charles 9 Deacnn Mutes Mel/leen Murdock Felin Emus Me'stel Jaunt. Elliot Thorns. AtcCarlosy George Ellency J,.eh,n Alet.sod Wu,tiam Feeler health Hen McLeod John Eq Falconer Jobe (Aver Mr Galbraith 1tr. Oli/er John Grant Alex Ilverocher John 1i threat John Peter Ass Or inn Jnkn Patton Petrick. Graham Francis R+dmond Berner.' • Gilmour Thomas R.dchtT These Esq it Gill Joseph Roes Alex Gatlaghcr MrIMargt Hue Alexander O,b.nn Welham Rsy Amos (leen Teems. Rey George Gor1un lnhn Rockmart John (Nl.nn James R:ehmond tVu. Ilsmiltos Park John !WWI/ Carhetino Madden W,ILarn Ray Mr ',emitter Andrew Ralph John ll.mlt, Thomas Rhode Elford 11.11 Wilhite 'Ammon William, Ilaldan J"lin Sea Selene John Hurry William Binderies Robert 1 Ilackel reified Sullivan Thomas llsrl*y Mese hut Snowdon Mrs Mart Herbison W,Ittam 5!,comhe John 11 3 linlmes J,'.n Stu -art lames (lick D Al t Rtnrte P, 1 Hay turas Rhea WIJow Ethel Hv lire, Mre R'.werl A!casnjer Itarn.nn 1.15u Snare Welter Jobnstnn Mrs Ann Rimpenn teemed - 3 155.0* A:we Hernia John JrAnarno. Tholes. Word 4 CO Irwin Richer, 2 SVn0IIey'leery 3.mml,on M,e% Marg Weddell let. KirkparreR Mr eV%tho u nosiu K,.g Mnrgse W:lanw Aka Lfelle.T .1.4111111.1.4111111Wteaka m Timeless Irw,e'iew,ry J W,l...e (1 t.,edaav ChrMepb..r WaIet Jahn 1.0.09* Lentil Woman* w Into B T11ONAp«YD'. Pear rva.k4