The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-23, Page a En'o od copy? R€,Hon,
te. vif
Try subscription ! try SAM SC i'. EATON
attends milk session
By MRS. J. :H, PATON Personal items
Tbreugh the.courtesy of DtreFtpr of Recreation
the, newspaper, everyone in 't'he net Shamrock pm Wee However, more important, yon
m o
usesh and district last week l'ournament. spattsored by the' contributed to a very import=
nor o $t Patrick's
t need in the lives of these
1hr. Tea Neil teas. one,of the Mir. .and rs, Robert DLatta, Day) received a free .ropy et 'Lttean Recreation Committee, youngsters khat is Parental
delegates from the St. Marys Jimmie, Joan and Donald The Exeter Times,Advpcate, ;Is now :past and .in the record and adult acceptance- ,and ac -
Local to attend the Concert spent Sunday with Mrs. Latta's
trated Mill. Producers .Convenor' parents, Air. and.Mrs. Albert If you enjoyeJ ypur copy books. For those whooo didn't see i forts. dgement of their ef.
end would like tp become a i it -- and those wattld like `forts.
Iron whichateas held in Htiffnron near Hamilton, subscriber, contact your cor• ,to review the restiits of the{ Durin the course of the day,
taloa at khe Chateau Laurier; 'jr, and MI s. J. hl. T'aion day, which Provided plenty of man-
klotel. Delegates numbering; and Clale visited their d uglt i tic andent 13A 7.1255 for par• `hoeliey thrilland excitement, 1 aeerthe slretired ters. o theSArena and -
350 attended the sessions, re '1,' ter and family, Mrs. Wilfred. .. rs.
resenting the 17,500 concen-' Logan, who returned hone from
Crated milk producers, I Victoria Hospital on Sunday.C
One of the speakers, Dr. Me. Mrs. Aileen Richt and son Four ,Speakers
Fariane, outlined the new pro• Robert of Stratford returned for �0l `A/eek
ajlsed pooling system where home after spending the week -
y VVeek
producers of quality milk; end tvith the family. It was areal dayof hockey well .done,
will sitars in 'better returns, Mr's. Andy Carter spent Sat- This •year only the united'; for the youngsterand those ] The .Harvey Langford Trophy
than they are receiving at � urday with Jie sister, r s, Church and Pentecostal iloli•l lobo did not attend missed was presented to the Ingersoll
present. i ield•nce Lewis of BR Dee- mess church .are boldin; union' something tielt atten vhrle, ,pee pee team as the winner
Mr. Baker, ;head of dairya field. Holy Week services al 7.N0 To those who did attend and ;for the best sportsmanship and
branch of the Department ofd A'laurice Simpson and Mrs, p.n1, each, night, On Sunday, their moral support 10 general. deportment on and ori'
Agriculture, tToronto, told the: Emily
Tomes received word of March 26 the service will be the bass, yon undoubtedly .de -•the ice. Congratulations to .the
delegaway inspection to ex e t ine ctJie! aura Als llemheirvhntis' a�pa- in Pentecostal
tecosrallteolinv. D. J. ess ohurrj rived a great deal of pleasure, 1Ingersoll lads,
ducted and also warned that) tient .in General Hospital yin .of Toronto, super; itendent of
every milk and cream producer! Calgary, Alta. missions.
must .have a milkhouse"by 1964. Mrs, Bill U 0 w n i n g and Monday, in United Church,
A resolut.on was passed with daughters Joan and Karen of speaker, Brigadier ,Cohn Nei-
�L•IONS FETE SAFETY PATROL—Lunn Lista C1.1.1)li^nitrd members.of the pub- great strength that govern-, Chatham spent the weekend son of the Salvation Army,
tic school safety patrol at a meeting this tt'r.)k.'lle patrol includes: seated, from .; ment should not allow yellow; with the .former's parents, Mr. with guest soloist;
color in margarine but had no and Mrs. Abner Hendrie, Tuesday, in United Church,
left, Wayne Hodgins, Captain Larry Lewis, Terry Thomson; standing, Gayle Hick- objection to blue, green or pink: Mr. and Mrs, William nob- speaker, Rev. Roland Harrell;
son, Sergeant.Ann George, Nancy Watson, Margaret Cobleigh, Patricia Cobleigh coloring. erts and son Billy of Rochester, Wednesday, in Penteeos,al
and Linda Ankers, Absent were Tom Hardy and Lina Currie. —Culbert photoCFIURCH NEWS itT,Y, spent the weekend with Holiness Church, speaker Rev,
the story can he found ,on the itorium where they were pro-
sports pages in this paper. I sided with their evening meal
You will note that there were by the mothers of the Lucan
four overtime games, which' -players and some others who
play of kindly contributed and assisted•
the) generale fors the day j.Qur thanks to alt for a job
Page 16 March 23, 1961
and district news
Phone BA 7=4255
Lions- hear
Red Cross
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
Percy Armitage Barn burns
former councillor at Granton
Percy Armitage, 73, died in
his sleep Tuesday Aiarch 14
At the United Church the Thursdat, United Church,
minister, the P,ev. G. W. Sects, Nelson
took as his sermon on Sun.
day, March 19, "The practice
and power of prayer," Mrs.
Sach supplied the music for
the service.
St. James
At St. James Church, the
rector, the Rev. E. 0. Lan-
caster., took his text from a
portion of the Lord's Prayer
"Lead us not into temptation."
Mr. and Mrs, hurt Gebel, G. W, Sach;
Erwin, Marrianne, Peter and i
Susan, speaker Brigadier John
Mir', and Mrs, Maurice Simp-
son have exchanged living
quarters with their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter
and Stephen who are living
downstairs now while Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson have taken the
apartment upstairs.
Mrs, Alvin Cunningham re-
turned. home after spending a
few weeks with her daughter
and family, Mr, and Mrs• Jack
Lenten services Manson and .John in Simcoe.
Last Thursday evening the Mr. Hiram Thompson was
Lenten service was conducted' able to return home last Tues -
by the rector at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter. A
good attendance was noted in
spite of the poor and hazard- heart condition,
ous driving weather, Miss June Lynn joined the
Thursday evening, March 23 South Huron Hospital, Exeter
the service will he at the home class of nursing assistants on
of Mrs, E. Tomes. This is the Monday.
' The guest speaker at the About 1.30 a,m, Sundaythe last evening service at the Mrs, Gordon Cunningham re
Lions'' Club dinner meeting in at the home of Mr, Cliff Cob• homes, turned home after spending a
Cob -
barn of Theodore Robert Peck.
leiglt, b do e R b t The next week, March 30, week with her daughter, Mrs,
the.'Anglican church basement Bt, a strange coincidence ham, Granton, was destroyed the WA meeting and prayer George Stiltz of Delaware. Sin.'
Monday night, was Mr. John his death made age fourth first by fire, i service will be combined et had been a patient in Victoria
:Anderson of the Red Cross, his de to lens than 11 weeks: A neighbor spotting the fire the home of Mrs. Alan Hill. On Hospital previous. Mrs. Valk
London,, who showed a Red'Mrs. Garfield Needham, Dec: notified the owner. The Gran-' Good Friday the service will •of Parkhill is with her dau7h-.
Cross film. ' 24; Mrs, Irene Needham,
y, Dec. ton fire department was called be at 2,30 p.m at the church, ter, Mrs. Cunningham • while
Other guests were Mr. Steve, s but was unable to secure, March. 31,
Penton 'and Mi, Bill Allen of 4; Mrs. Edgar McFails, March s water, she is ill in h
9 and Mr. Armitage March 4. I !Attend wedding i Mr. and Mrs, Elmer ,Cun-
the London -Life, Mr. and Mrs, 1 By the time the Lucan de -
gingham spent Sunday with
and Jane,a idl daughters
Kathy I The eat layanat st i Funeral: partment arrived the barn was! Guests from Clandeboye v rho theg former's . pS ner, Mrs.
C. past saving but remained in attended the 11111-Macdor old
Mr. ersso14Ir's, Bill Lumsden
of A.LIA Craig visited with the
• 'Sir's grandparents, Mr, and
day from St, Joseph's Hos-
pital where he had been con-
fined for several weeks with a
gins, chairman of.the school Home until 2 p.m, Friday,] case any other buildings were wedding at St. Luke's Angl' can Omar Cunnzn.iam World's largest car insurer an -
board, .• Mr, Robert Jenkins, March 17 when the Rev, G. ; threatened by the flames. The church, London on Satur day i
principal of the Public School W. Sach and Rev, Roland .l -lar- barn was empty and the loss included Mtr. and Mfrs• Arr.. t ' i trounces new savings of 11 00
and members of the 1960-61' rell of the United and Pente-, was estimated at $500. Blake, Misses Donna apdesShar I i►4rs. Sack MlcEwen on Sund to Ontario Policyholders! if you're
;Safety. Patrol. ! costal churches, conducted fu- ay,
on Blake, Mr. end/Mrs. Wilmer + a careful driver,youmay
: Jane Lemon was presented neral services. Interment was Scott,' Mr. �ttd` Mrs. Alan Hill, Presentation too save,
.with. the• Ken Carter Go -Kart in St. James cemetery, Clande-, Mr. a•tid-firs. R best Hall, Mir. A resentation was held at. So contact me today!
trophy as:the winner of the boye. f hurch Td e Mrs. Clarence Carter, the Maple Lodge Community':
Junior A class by Mr. Al Brom-i Pallbearers included Messrs. ! �, f.. Mrs Arthur Hodgins, Mrs. Centre last Friday night for AGENT
wich. Mr. Ponton spoke to the . Cliff Cohleigh, Laverne Cob-' • • '. ,,,.-•.' Rupert Williams, Mrs. Murray Mr. and Mrs, William Van-
' ;Safety; Patrol. ! Leigh, Murray Abbott, Nelson! A ctI Hodgson; neste. 1
Mr, Anderson was presented, Tate, Heiold Westman and X'r��Q Mrs. Gladys' Hall, g>•oom's Cards and dancing were en-, CE. Rog
tout; a _•ebe.gui,,,,>of over r,200 f ' , me od "in ~s4 ' --_ ,,q�- P ' mother, sisters Misses . Mary joyed with Scaffe's orchestra
• the Red:''Cross fr 1 the"village ' Besides his wife,the for -Anglican Jane and R o s e m a r y Hail, supplying the music.
1 >ner Viola Mardlin, he is sur -1 Flowers inthechancel were grooms grandmother, Mrs. The young couple were pre -
j vived by one son, Clarence of in loving memory of the late Cora Carter, Mr. and Mrs. sented with two hostess chairs
_ Hainsilton, one daughter, Fioz Mir. :Percy Armitage. • Arnold Cunningham and Mir. on behalf of friends and neigh
• .CarroiI• i date,li` i`s. Charles -)letters)' The bale for. Hong Kong �t+as and Mrs. Keith Simpson. bors.
of'P-•ospect Hill and one grand-, taken to London by Rev. and' The young couple will reside They will reside on conces-
i son John who made hie home' Ai• E 0 L t M n-. in the village here, sion 2 McGillivray,
o£ Lucan:
M k xk
mer resident I is. Lancaster on o
, with his grandfather and Mrs.; day.
'Mrs,' Catherine Idella (Ida)' Armitage, Mr. Lancaster will. be in
•Carroll_, 82, of Parkhill, for -1 Son of the late Mr. and Mrs charge of all Holy Week sero. L_LJCcln eI s�/ /pl � �s
. nerly of Lucan and Watford,'Thomas Armitage. con. 5 Bid -I ices in both Lucan and Clande-/"
• died. at the Green Gables dulph '(about four miles north , boye churches. Service for
Nursing Home, Parkhill on of Lucan) he farmed across the 1 Holy Trinity willbe on Wed- Mrs. Leslie Howland, of De-• ronto, was a weekend guest of
Saturday, March 11. i road from where he was born, nesday. March 29 at 1.0.30 a.m., troit, spent last weekend with, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'McFalis
The body're ed in the C. until 1939 when he moved to, Holy Communion and 8 p.m., Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hamilton. ! of Lucan and his grandmother,
• iaskett and. Son F u n e r a 1 a farm in the Prospect Hill j Lenten service; Friday, March Mrs. Norman Wacker, of., Mrs. Thomas Brooke, who is
• Home, •Lucan, until Tuesday," district, where he remained' 31, 8 p.m. Good Friday serv- Owen Sound, returned home! still a patient in St. Joseph's
' March 14 when the Rev. L. H. i•till coming to Market St. Lu, ice and Sunday, April 2, 8,30 with Mr. Walker after spend• Hospztal.
'Crawford conducted funeral can, eight years ago, j a.m, and 11 a.m. Holy Com- ing a week with Mr. and. Mirs,,ir Mr. Ben Farrel, Mr. and
services:; Interment was in St. I Handicapped with rheuma-; munion and Easter service. R. K. Montgomery and family Mrs. Edwin Harrison and Mr,
;Tames cemetery; Clandeboye.' tism, he could not do heavy united Church Mlrs, Frank Stanley and Mir Ben Ru.ttle of Kincardine were
F'alhbearers included Messrs.! work but did wale on the farm; supplyChester Ryan of London Tow
recent callers on Mr. Ruttle's
• Harvey Hodgins, Evan Hod in Mr. Cliff Cobleigh for the I Mrs. Cecil Robb as ship and Mrs. Cliff lugs sister; Mrs. Cecil Robb, and
-,gins,g'convener, and her assistant, London were Tuesday guest Mr. Robb.
Arnold Hodgins, Harry:years. I Mrs, Burns Smith, were in Carroll, • Ronald Carroll and past four of_ 1vtr, and Mrs. Henry Ho Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cough -
v. rs he. • charge of quilting ,in and Mrs. Erle Young of
I= Lucan, also Mr. Clarence Lewis
t pf. Elginfield attended the fu-
. neral of Mrs. Young's niece,
Mrs. Howard Davey of Co-
s bourg, last Friday.
Last Friday Joey Hodgins
f attended the lecture on space
f travel and planets at the Uni-
versity . of Western Ontario,
given by Dr, R. W. Nicholls,
• Professor of Physics. The lec-
y ture was followed by a study
s of the planet, Venus, all. of
whichwas intensely interest -
g ing do Lucan's young astron-
tt oni ,
o Rever. and Mrs. A. H. Har-
• rison of Durham were Thurs•
t day visitors with Rev. and
- Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster.
Mrs, Wes Atkinson spent last
• weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Atkinson of London..
Itfrs, Walter Rice of Okla
L homa, who has been visiting
• her mother, Mrs, Jack Sprowl,
f spent last Monday with Mr.
and, Mrs. Chester Sprowl of
a Mr. and Mrs, .Tack O'Neil,
sons Pat and Mike and Mrs,
Lily O'Neil of Detroit were
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. ;Harold Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Mc-
Donald and son Howard of Lu -
can and .Miss Sandra Mc Lin-
chey of. London were Sunday
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harry
s Noels of Aylmer.
s The Altar Society of St, P'at-.
rick's Church held a success-
,' fill euchre and dance at the
community centre last week,.
t .Euchre winners included Mt,
Jim Cook, Mies Margaret .Kelly
andOn MSatilirla
rsJoe,y Wnihelihan.
n' ght, Mrs. S•her.
t1i ;`den Rev'
IIs a joint birthday party foe her
son-in-law John Campbell and
grandson, to -year-old Peter
Revington, soil of Mr, and
M'r's, Lyle Revington. Among
the guests' were Mrs. harry
trM C F a 11 s, Mrs. Revington's
on. Wornan's Assoeiation of
s, ta the United Churrlt held a sic=
ins cessful St, Patrick'S supper in
the church schoolroom, IMC
ipyigat. Roomrccabtiy.daiaedSt. Patik'se
d ting of shamrocks etc,
of The figura' Skating, OXeOttttve'
St mt at Chit horiit of Mrs. mg,
elide ftaskittt last Friday eve -
To, a Please turn 0 pogo 11 -,
Phone BA 7-4557
PAO *114
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