HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-23, Page 15Grand Bend Instftute Hails ncw 'Rcinkand sato n&t $75 profit views Canadian films UC grouP Pride of Huron Rebeltahe held bake sale on Main St t y• 'WEleirW-OPP The- March 'meeting of •the. C"and Demi AVomen's Institute. res .1.1eld the,, -town hall 'on Thursday with president Mrs. V. Gill in the .chair. Histericel research was the Petits' of the ineetinee with Mrs. Garnet Patterson con- vener in charge. Mrs. Emery Pesjardiee.. discuesed 'the motto "The great, present flay must net be elinived, wholly to 'el. beep the .great past .out .of vir•v." Two films 'were shown aed d'seuesed, one .nn Caeada, and i inditell'1', the .ntecr nn the Peace River district in Sas- Inteliewan with les vest farmere. 'The Tweedsmuir bis - tory books were on display. A Bed Cross • ,canvass was planned for the town in the rear fueure. A bus -trio was discussed to. Niagara Falls. in the blossom season. All -con- yellers are to have their re•• per's ready for the annual April meeting also a -nominal- he _committee was 'eamerl to bring in a elate of officers, Plan honeymoon to Niagara Falls Valerie Georgene Dale (Genet Nixon, daughter of Air. and Mrs, Dale Nixon, Sea- ferth, and James Samuel Pe- ter Baynham, son of Air. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynha Hens salt, exchanged wedding vows in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth nn Saturday, Alarch 18 al 2:30 p.m. A basket of white snapdrae gen and large white mime end esndelabra decorated the church for the occasion. - Rev. Leslie Elder was the officiating clergyman and Mr. 'Pert Kem ester, Goderic h, played t h e wedding music ecompanird the solo- ist, Miss AIM Kflehler, NO, v•r,nrj, wile sang "Wedding F'rayrr't and "0 Perfect Love." Given in marriage by her father the bride chose waltz - length gown of white silk faille AS'ith white Mennen lace hod - lee featuring sequined stand-uo colter and . bracelet - length SiceVeS, The aisle -wide skirt was etyled with bustle beets. A crown of irridescent sequins seri eryetal drops held her Illusion veil and she car- ried a crescent shaped bouquet, of pink rosebuds, carnations, stenhanofis and ivy. Her sister, Miss Alice Ann Nixon, Seaforth, as maid of honer and • Miss Carol Gibbons, Exeter and Colleen Baynham, }tense and Lynn Nixon, Sea - forth, as bridesmaids were gowned alike in kelly green peau de •soie sheath dresses. Matching shoes and picture hats completed their costumes and they carried white baskets of white snapdragon and MUMS. Robert t a ynha m , Heiman, was beet man and ushers were Glen Nixon, Ken .Moir and Jim Nixon. A reception was held in the church hall with green and while color scheme. The bride's mother received in a willow green brocade dress with mat - chins; shoes and bag and white accessories. The groom's inn- ther chose a blue printed silk dress with white accessories. For a honeymoon to be spent in Niagara Falls and pointe east the bride changed to a walking suit of purple with matching shoes. white hat with violets and a large white or- chid corsage. On their return the couple will reside in Exeter, The bride is on the staff of the Bank of Nova Scotia and the groom is telegraph operator at present in • 'Forest. Guests attended the wedding from Acton, Westoe, Cooks - vine, Lendon, Brussels, Strat- ford, Exeter and Henan. Treusseau tee Mre. Dale Nixon, Seaforth entertained at 'trousseau Lea in honor of her deughter, Gene, bride -elect of Saturday, March 18. • Mrs, Nixon was assisted in receiving guests by the etoonfe • mother, Mrs, Lawrence Bayn, ham, Heiman Pouring tea wire Mee. • Al - vie Passmore, Exeter, Mrs. Clarence Moir, Herisell; Mrs, Pay Toivneeed and :Mrs. Bert Batty, London; lea room as- sistants were Mrs. Herold ,7aeks'oe, Mrs, Robert Bowie, Mrs, Graham Kerr and WS, LOSTIS AleClute, The trousseau was diselayed by ,Miss Carol Gibbons,. Exeter, Mies Ann Keehler, Deshweed, And Miss Alice Ann Nixon and the wedding gifts by Mrs. Gleti Nixon end Mise Made* Town - tend. Miss Carol Gibbons, teeter. eiltertained at a neiscellentotte stnisver for the bride and also Mende Seaforth honored the bride; Mrs. Colin Love reported on the South H. neon Hospital meeting. Mrs. Chas. Reeves reported on the etilitting and announced the other one which will be held next week. M Irish •sing song was led 'bY Mrs. litigh Morenz with Mrs. Chas, Reeves at the piano. The •spring :hats made by the members and visitors ivere on display. St. Pat- rick's lunch was served to over 40 in altendance. .C.(IT entertains WMS The CGIT met on Monday, Mftroll 20, with a good .attend- /ince, 'The gids finished 'their mission study and prepared for re -affiliation service and to en- tertain the WAIS .and all their mothers. This service 'will be on, Mon- day, March 27 at 7:30 p.m, in the Grand Bend United Church, .Rereone I items WIlliarn. Sturdevant tended. the automatic laundry division maintenance of the Westinghouse school in To- ronto Wednesday,'Thursday and Friday. Ale. and Mrs. Charles Reeves spent the weekend_ with friends in London, Miss Mary Yeo is on vaca- lion in Florida, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Patter-. EDS and son Winston. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwooct GIB visited on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. IL L. Knight and Robert of Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Love and' Wilily of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and Jerry. • Mr. Warren Patterson, of Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Patterson. A surprise birthday party for Mr, Raised DesJardine was celebrated. at his home on Tues- day, March 21, Guests were Mr, and Mrs. Vern Ridley and Miss Jean Ridley, Mr, Mex DesJardine, Miss Paulthe Des-. .Jardine and Mr. Jim Tomlin- son of London. Mrs. Myrtle McGregor has returned home after spending a XMV weeks with relatives in Saskatoon and Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Richard- son of Oakwood: have returned home from . Florida, Mr. William Jennison is a pa- tient. in Soaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Young and SOS Jimmie have moved to their new home in Oakwood. Sunday visitors with Mr. and *eirs. Robert DesJardine and family' were: Mr. and Mrs, Har• old Wilke and Brenda of Kit. cherier, Mr, and Mrs. William Desjardine of Exeter, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jay Whiteford of Grand Bend, Miss Pauline DesJardine and Jim Tomlinsoe of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whit- ing and family of Parkhill "ThiS COIF of fir meet ele, 11 -Meant happeeings the Ifni. led Church since 'Union" said Rev. S. Lewis, Neter of James St, Church, when speak- ing of the launching (if the now (lege n iz ation, The Unit PCI Church Wnmr‘n, for all women of the 'United Church in • Jan - nary 1062. A meeting of the presidents of the present. WOMereS organ - tuitions of his _church was held at the personage on 8 -Tye -May evening. Flans were made for a general meeting ef all the women of the church on Tues- day, Alsrli 25 at 8 n.m. M in. vitation by letter will he sent le every woman of the emigre - At this general meeting it is hoped to have a record played which is being prepared on the new organization at the United Church rooms, Toronlo. IL is planned to follow this record with a panel of four women who will dismiss the reeerd and answer any questions from the flows nn the new group. /d 'this meeting a provisional committee will be elected, whj will make. all the preparatione for the launching of "Tho Pel- ted Cheie:ch Women" in jan. uary, Rev. S. E. Lewis will chair this meeting, Present Tuesday evening in addition fo Mr, Lewis were Mrs. Lewis, president of the Afternoon" Auxiliary; Alt's. James Smith, president of the Evening Auxiliary and Alt's. Douglas `Insley of the Wein- an's Federation. Skit highlights meeting of WF At the meeting of the Wom, an's Federation of James 'Street United Church on Mon- day evening a skit on visiting was preeented- by Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Mrs. Wills,. John- ston and Mrs, Arnolc• Mrs. Ken Onewell favored ivith a medley of Easter hymns on the piano and she also ac- companied for a singsong of Easter songs led by Mrs. Cush m an, Mrs. Lawrence Wein gave an Easter story, Mrs; :Lindenfield onnoslite .1,e post office en r.Sat. ureley -afternoon realizing $7a. from the event. Tiek-ets were sold on a ium, :be•knit sweater, knit by Mrs. Douglas. Wedlake„ and Donald Hoffman', Ann Street was the lucky winner in tlie •draw. The sale, of :tickets on the Sweater yielded 866. New aids :class begins training A new class in -training for nurses' .aides- commenced at South Huron Hospital .on Mon- day with Mrs. J. H. Delbridge assistant director of nurses, as instructor. The class includes Margaret Brintn ell , Beet er : Pa trieta Houston, Parkhill; Juno Lynn, Clandeboye; Helen McClinehey, Blythe Angela Webster. Exe- ler; Mabel Westlake, Exeter; Susan Kelly, RCAF .Station, Centralia, Ontario official speaks to CWL The regular 'Meeting o.f the Catholic Women's League of RCAF Station, Centralia, was held in the PM ce centre on Tues- day, March 14. Father -.Grant, the director, was 'present and Mrs. .1. B. McCarron was chairman. The guest speaker was Mr. Mel Walters, Provincial CWL first vice-president, who stres- sed that pride in CIWL member- ship shouldbe shown by the wearing of the League pin and by active participation in League work. The CWL -:from Mount Carmel and SS Peter's were guests at this reeking. Members were reminded that the annual bazaar will take place on Saturday, April 29 af: e:30 p.m. in the J, A, D. Mc- Curdy School, Icd in the devotjonal assisted by Mrs. Stanley Frayne. Mrs. Douglas "Insley presided "her, the business when further plans'evcee made to go to Five Daks, neae-Psaris in May. „ iFfar Yo.___r Easter Shopping ro*:44,,t„444 Mrs; 'William 'Love. — PIIISTMVXtr YiSitett Sujitley Wi111:41%gict. CHIC and SQ. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Klopp ^ and family have returned home HATS after spending the winter in Florida, FOR ALL Name Brands Cost Less at MacMillan's VISITORS? When Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary come to visit—or you visit them—•tell us about it. We like to report the social activities of the folks in this cliatriet. Phone 770 THE TIMES•ADVOCATE Or m^ local cerrespoedent INFANT to SUB -TEEN oats and Suits •Lovely Styles and Wore including the New Violet Shades Accessories Blouses, Scarves, Gloves and Hand Bags Beautiful Vibrant. Colors for Spring MIX OR MATCH FOB. THAT THREE -COLOR LOOK For the Young Men •. 3 -Piece Sets of SUEDE JACKETS, BLAZERS SHIRTS, TROUSERS & CAPS •. , Everything Just Like Dad! SPRING Dresses For the Tiny 13aby Girl and the Young Lady. All popular priced. Easy -care Fabrics In popular new Spring colors', taaeg, cptcodee, otbalc!:f. FOR FRIENDS • AWAY FROM HOME Coutts HALLMARK CARDS When You Care teough To Send The Very Best PHONE 37 Main Street (AA. vtAA) tuX EXETER Fur farr.ing 4 topic at I I At the Canadian Industry and Agriculture meeting, of Elimville's Women's Institute Airs. Rose Francis, Kirktea, gave a talk on fur farming outlining the three periods al breedings weaning and pelting. "Know Huron .Fleteer" was given by Mrs. Jack Ucrn deal. ing with Hullett and Melcillop Townships, Mrs. Franklin Skin, nor discussed the motto "i% man •shouldn't plant more garden than his wife can hoe". Thr roll call was answered by each naming "a household task my husband does well" which proved a lot of men are good dishwashers and baby sitters. Mrs. Ross Skinner re. viewed current events, A 1i11 MaMOIRE CHE::RIE PERFUME MIST WITH PURSE FLACWil M6moire Cb6rie.. " Perfume. torous reading ws given 137 . The Tfmaa,AcIvocate, March 23, 1961 roll. a Mrs. Newton, Clarim. 1Vrs. Keni Hera presided for the, program. , coPnryecnsiedresnt 0:1xs:ta:111: I'vloen7.' s7aitclegeof"ort;icllearls"Idor 2'1011676217:: conducted the business when; mg committee to bring in a minces were reminded to re- this meeting. port at I\ig. aisanitionillemepericinceadPi The WI executive will meet in Hen. ,Soutit Huron District We Newton n pot Clarke,lueit Mrs.upsupper. Mrs. sa iillosotnesAsepsrilwee.re Mrs. Harold !Dian and Mrs. Horace Del-. Hunter, Mrs. Alvin Fulton, 1141.s. Norman Jacitt0a And Atta, Rees Skinner, [n 194$ the average Witg, tt. Canadian manufgetwing , 67 cents an tour, and af No.4 vernber, 1060, it was $1.79 Oil 'hour* r Itiem'weire Cherie:created 'ir'h,sece,kty Elizabeth Arden, haA been iliessesled the ' ' . Grand Coupe di/,ti Comite du Bon Go0t Francais as "the finest fragrance ever created and acclaimed by France", Now , - Miss Arden has made it possible for those who are not familiar with this s. unforgettable fragrance to discover it for themselves— in a qpecial'Itay, A 3 oz, bottle of Memoirs Cherie Perfume Mist (5.00 value), plus a flacon of Memoire Cherie Perfume (3.50 value)—hoth for 5.50! uriTLEy,„., DRUG STORE EXETER L DARLING'S, IGA TABLERITE MEANS MORE E4 07 If in eat Per Lb. AS -TS 45Pb Rib Roost L-. 55c Prime Rib Rost ci: 65t Hotrriburg Lb•, 39c Pork Tendleri LS 99 While & Celors. Economy KLEENEX 4 for 990 Five varieties AYLMER SOUPS 5 for 79� 31. off deal FLUFF() 2 Lin, 590 Christie's Premium CRACKERS . 330 Kraft (ail varieties) CHEESE SLICES .„„,„ 290 50 F LLETS ,,,,, lb. 290 rt./ F ozen Cod FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL 6 to 9 p.m. only NEW ROYAL GUEST SLICED read Cellophane wrap per loaf Hewes Paste • ere FLOOR WAX lb. tins 490 BETTY CROCKER'S CEREALS .... 4 for On Cheerios, Wheitiee, Tries Sugar Jets, Twinkles Pet Instant pkis MILK POWDER • 910 Fierida Pink GRAPEFRUIT .. 6 for 250 New CABBAGE 2 for 230 Preel . Marie Fraser's new butter reclpee— "Tea•party Treats". s's Available In quantity for woreen's groups. MALCOLM THt MILKMAN' MA PLOP OP sALasmati., couLoeer SELL A DOLLAR SILL FOR A Dimt ! DRINK DEL/C/OOS •Pewee)/ HDRE! THF. GoODIDi IN MILK WILL PUT SIDARKL5 IN YOUR, GlvD YOU NEW gNr. esw e/4(1.11, NEW ivtiRel6E1 TIV.PS1 Putt. MORD DYNAMIC!' A DIVISION OF DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 He Isom enter, TORON1:0 . By EXETER DAIRY SAyi sat Ttos ORR& NV,/ SRUtH YOU t AN DUST A TELEVISION SCRSEN WITHOUT MISSING A SIT Or TI,IC PROGRAM! •NO1hbia .put polis let e.tak folk, who' iheutil khow 'hot -fee Wei MAktitril WriddrJnk tileitity of if, Arid &E plooly, too, ETER DAIRY Pholie 331 Daily Dollyary