HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-23, Page 14isage 14 The ''1=irne$•A000etts,
E,or,ecj tourist haven
Nursing 1n J3errnudc''
tropical nu
Aliss Mary Kerr is visiting
fee a couple of weeks with her
parents Rev. and Mrs. S. Kerr,
'grain St.. after spending eight
Months as a nursein the chil-
dren's werci of the King Ed-
ward General. Hospital, Hamil-
ton, Bermuda.
Miss .Kerr chose to go to Ber-
xnude more or less as .an ad-
venture becausean island in
id-ocean was intriguing and
it . was not ton far away. She
speaks in glowing terms of her
stay in Bermuda, an island of
about 32,000 population, half of
whom are white.
The mild climate attracts tou-
rists to whom the Bermudians
tater and aim to attract as
their chief source of income.
"Phe cost of living is hi'gh"
Said Miss Kerr "for most of
their food and clothing are :im-
ported — their hotels are luxu-
rious with exotic gardens and.
surroundings — tropical fruits
grow on the island but not in
r'ufficient quantity to supply
the tourist demand."
There is never any snow or
sleet. During January. Febru-
ary and March the tempera-
ture ranges between 50 and 60
degrees. la the summer months
the temperature soars to
around 90 degrees but "it is
the humidity that makes it •op•
peessive at times" Miss Kerr
The . Bermuhans, both white
and colored, speak English with
a pronounced accent, The nur•
London church
:scene of vows
;White snapdragons and car-
nations decorated St. Luke's
Anglican church. London for
the wedding of Ellen E. Mac-
donald, daughter of Mr, and
;Mrs. J. Kirkwood Macdonald,
London, and Joseph. Jahn .Hall,
'son of Mrs. James Leo Hall
t and the late Mr. Hall. Clande-
,boye, on Saturday, March 18
at 2 p.m.
Rev. Maurice H. H. Farr
was the officiating clergyman
and Mrs. D. Yl- McNamara
furnished the wedding music.
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
lehgth gown of imported swiss
peae de soie brocade with sa-
bieina neckline and fitted
basque waist. The full skirt
fell .in soft folds to a romantic
chapel train. Her finger-tip
veil of French pure silk illusion
sees caught to a matching
band of brocade, She carried
:cascade of white roses, steph
ariotis. and trailing ivy,
The maid of honor, ;Miss
:K:atherine L. Galleher, London,
was gowned in a ball.erina-
lengtheedress" of turquoise silk
organza featuring a lace bo-
dice with three-quarter length
sleeves scooped neckline dip-
ping to 'a back V from which
fell two floating panels. She
carried pink roses and pink
Barry L.' Nunn, London, was
best man and David Marshall
and- Donald. Black were ushers.
A reception was held. at the
bride's home where her mother
received in printed silk in
shades of green with a floral
hat' and corsage of feathered.
white' carnations. The groom's
mother chose. rose beige lace
With brown accessories and
white orchid corsage.
For a honeymoon spent in
New York the bride travelled
in a beige dress and acces-
sories and spind-drift green
coat, with corsage of orchids.
'The couple -will reside at
Guests were present from
Lansing and Trenton, Mich.,
Port Credit. Oakville, Florida
and New York. A congratula-
tory telegram was received
from West Palm Beach, Flor-
Caves group
makes award
Al, the meeting oI Cavan
WMS ori 'Thursday Mrs. John
Peyde was presented with a
life membership in the'Wein.,
do's Missionary Society in ap-
preciation of her work as leads
er of the "Children of the
Church" fee- six yearn. Mrs.
James Taylor made the press
Two films were shown which
had been prepared and used
with ithe 1061 study "'lntd all
the World Together". Gee
film "Village Beborn" depicted
What benefits a literary cam..
paign can bring. to a village;
after the, campaign those tak-
Ing part had mastered the art
of reading intelligently and
were anxious for' more reading
The other film t"t'he World
in a Word:" illustrated the
meaning of i"eew.rnerucal"
*Ord that Is being =eh used
OW in connection with the
World Moveint en t.
the devotional. period pr'e•
glared by Mrs. Jean Manson
Wet conducted by 'Miele ,George
Shave' and Mrs Ken Bridges,
Mrs, Arthur Whilsinith t"e.
viewed the March issue of the
i1r.4 Magazine 4'0121r1
14fut'i'a'y 'toward and
1►fra, Alear Meikle .favored t�lth
Mrs.W'SilderY, eiresl-
tfent, 'tbnductedildiant. the business.
Mrs, tyari.iaii CAM spoke Of
66' preparatldlts being Malta to
iti'lteetele the •8lidttal council"
Ittiettrit of the Vireatetii
:;foil ni "tileWails 111 lii'lo
tilttiteli1 paddlttl, Itt l4xa "
ses, with whom 'flies Kerr
worked. were chiefly Cana-
dians and English girls. The
medical treatments and :equip.
meet at the hospital are not
as up-to-date as in Canada but
the hospital was well staffed,
Miss Kerr said.
On :April 3 ehe starts nursing
at the Sick Children's Hospital,
Toronto, until the "adventure
bug hits agai.ti."
Junior Institute s
f to I ri .h day
The theme for the March
meeting of the Junior 1 , astir uto
held in .SHDHS was St. Pat-
The motto "No one is rich
enough to be without a neigh•
bar" v,'as given by Marilyn
Marshall. The roll call was an.
swered by "What is your an-
It was decided that the mo-
ther and daughter banquet be
held April 28, at Thames Road
'United Church.
The rest of the meeting; con-
sisted of the sacred moments
by JoAnne Miners .and cur-
rent events by Marilyn Hicks.
lSy MRS. J. M. 5,.
Nam and eggs and maple
syrup ,— all are spring and
Faster favorites.
You can nix 'em or match
'em just like the new spring
fashions. Maple syrup makes a
good glaze for ham; ham and
eggs go well together and we
have recipe for Maple Sponge
using eggs and maple syrup,
Ham Glaze
A glaze adds so much to the
appearance of ham that it's
well worth taking, the time to
do it. To do it remove rind or,
casing from cooked meat, Cut
gashes diagonally in the fat to
form diamonds. Spread with
maple syrup and stud with
cloti•ee. Bake invery hot oven
0.425 degrees l for 15 minutes.
Baked Eggs in Ham Cups
Line bottom and sides of
lightly greased custard cups or
muffie pans with thin slices of
ham. overlapping edges, Break
an egg into each. Bake in 325
degree oven until egg is set,
20 to 25 minutes. Serve with
Maple Sponge
16 cups milk
1 tbl gelatine
14 cup cold water
2 egg yolks, beaten
1% tp salt
'a cup maple syrup
2 egg whites
1 vanilla
maple syrup
chopped nuts
Peet milk in double boile".
Meanwhile soak gelatine in
cold water for 5 minutes. Sti'
a little of the hot milk into the
beaten egg yolks, then combine
with the remaining hot mile
in double boiler. Cook, stirring
constantly, until mixture thick-
ens, about 5 minutes.
Remove from heat. and add
gelatine and salt, stirring until
dissolved. Gradually stir in the
26 cups maple syrup. Cool
mixture until. partially. set —
1 hour, Meanwhile, beat egg
whites until fairly stiff, then
beat in the 2 61 maple syrup
and vanilla.
Fold egg whites and nuts in-
to partially set gelatine mix-
ture. Turn into mould and chill
until set -about 3 hours. Serves
Cooking with Herbs and Spices -
have been very intrigued
by a book on "Cooking with
Herbs and Spices" which was
among the collection of Huron
County books received at the
public library recently.
It is modern, written in 1958
and gives the history, descrip-
tion, illustration anduse of 25
different herbs and spices.
From the preface we quote
"So simple are the principles
of using herbs and spices in
cookery, and so delightful the
results. that if you have not
used these seasonings before,
you may well wonder how it
was possible to get along with-
out their flavor and fragrance.
Seasoning is basically a mat-
ter of taste, conditioned by in-
telligence, common sense and
discretion. All flavorings should
be usedsparingly so that they
do not destroy the natural
flavors of the basic ingredi-
The culinary herbs and spices
come from almost every part
of the plants; roots (ginger,
turmeric, garlic, horseradish),
hark (cinnamon), stalks and
leaves (celery, chives), leaves
(parsley, sage, thyme, mint,
savory). buds and flowers (saf-
fron, dill), fruits (vanilla, all-
spice, red peppers. nutmeg,
caraway, mace, mustard).
Ttecioes are also given using
these herbs and spices.
Women in the News
Lady Henrietta Ranting in.
speaking to the fiusinete and
Professional Women's Club at
Hotel London last Wednesday
evening said that women have
taken cover too long in com-
mittees, cluhs and organiza-
tions and have failed to face
the true issues in the world
"T am convinced," she de-
clared "that women can have
any job they wish, 11 they are
willing to work for it."
Lady Ranting herself studied
for her doctor's degree after
the death of her husband, Dr.
Banting, discoverer of insulin.
She saw active service in the
Canadian Army and is now
director of the cancer detec-
tion clime at Women's College
Hospital, Toronto.
Cooking method
stops discoloring
When eggs are cooked in the
shell, a greenish -black dis-
coloration sometimes appeal's
on the surface of the yolk. This
is the result of the formation
of ferrous sulfide, according to
the food and nutrition depart-
ment, Macdonald Institute,
The substance is harmless,
however, and affects only the
appearance of the. egg.
The amount of discoloration
depends on the time and •Lem-
icrature used in cooking. :Eggs
''coked for 30 minutes in water
'. 185.190' F., followed by rap-
t cooling in cold water, 'should
^-v little discoloration,
with cooked foods
Despite, the many advantages
of freezing nrepared food for
future use, it is not advisable
to tie up valuable, t blc .freezer
space with .a large ,quantity .of
cooked and prepared food,
since the rurality of some
frozen cooked foods deterior-
ates rather ouickly.
Plan In freeze only food
which will be used as soon as
possible, advises the Food and
Nutrition Deuartment.. Mac-
donald institute, Guelph. To
obtain high nuality ,frozen foods
useonly high nuality ingrecl-
lcnts, 1rerare carefully, pack-
age in moisture -vapour -prep(
materials, freeze nu tckly, store
at n° F. or golden, and do
not store ton long.
All kinds of cookies t
b riga he
baked, frozen, and stored for
six months with excellent re-
sults. Polyethylene hags are
Convenient to use anrt cookiee
may he thawed in the ,sealed
package, at room tenaperatere.
Baker' nlain cake will stere
successfully for 10 months,
orange and chocolate rake for
five to six months. and sponge
and angel cake for three to
four months. After baking cake
as usual, freeze, unwrapped,
.Fete bride -elect
at trousseau tea
Mrs, ' C. V. Pickard, ,John
SI., entertained at a trousseau
tea. on Saturday in honor of
her daughter, Trudy, Whose
marriage takes places April 1.
Mfrs, E. I,. ChaiCe, mother of
the groan -elect, received with
Mrs. Pickard and Mrs. 1-larvee
Mallen welcomed the guests at
the door. Tea room hostess
was eIrs. H. H. Cowen,
Pouring tea were Mrs. W,
ll, Waridell, Guelph, aunt of the
hridc-elect Alr's. J. C. Dunlop
and Mrs. M. C.Fletcher. As-
sisting in the tea room were
Miss Jean Taylor, Mrs. Doug-
las Sweet and itlrs. P1'.illiam
Yunehlut. The table was con -
tercel with a floral arranee-
meet of pink carnations, pink
and white snapdragon e n rl
white mums flanked with tall,
pink tapers.
Airs. V, S. Puts, Toronto: sis-
ter of the bride -elect, showed
the wedding gifts, Mrs. Charles
Bidwell, Hamilton, the trous-
seau and Miss Jean Gardner,
the shower gifts.
Entertaining at showers for
the bride -elect have been Mrs,
C. Bidwell and Miss Jean
Gardner at their homes in
13a nailton,.
. $1(),00
•i $8,00
Hi -Line Beauty Salon
Phano AC $:6661
�„a,u,u,auva,uuuu,au,anuan,unuu:,ueau,nuuuwua,uumuumnlu,ua4unnuna,uuuaW s
`gook your loveliest for the
:aster Parade by having an
Easter Special at Sheila's,
Reg. $7.50 SPECIAL $6,40
Reg. $10.00 SPECIAL $8,50
Reg. $12.50 SPECIAL $10.00
Reg. $15,00 SPECIAL $12.50
Sheiki's Beauty Salon
Open: Mon., Wed., Thurs. —•-. 9.6
Tuesday and Friday -9 - 9 Saturday -9.1:2
Call New Fo Appointment
'ms` K�.
New Spring Hair
Style For Youa
Headline Attraction tot. Springy
is s new haie•d'a exeerily etylcd
for you by our skilled beau.
Helens. We'll provide the fin•
ishing touch to set off that new
Easter outfit.
Phons. 11
Grand Bend,
Closed All Dayy Meed y '�
Yet* tittificileit is (dtit trtr"e'r e* pslti uez day, Wednesday & Saturday, 4A
'Thursday and Friday, 9+9
until firma `Wrap in aluminum
foil or poly.theylene bags. A.
carton may be used to protect
the calve against crrtslring.
Frozen rake may he thawed
in twn hours at foga tempera.
lure nr in 15 10 20 minutes in
a 300 F. oven.
IBakecl, boiled and roasted:
meats may be frozen setisfec-
torily but broiled and fried
meats hecnmc soggy, have en
uninteresting, flavor and are
liable to become rancid. Wrao
conked meat c a r e f u l l y in
mnisture • vapour. proof mater-
When freezing twhakerl pies,
do not cut slits in tine top
crust. Freeze the rat' pie in an
alumieum foil plate for a smart
time before an'apning tightly.
:Slit before bakitle. 1)o not thaw
before placing it m the oven.
The men on the nark bench
looked un as a shapely girl
came down the patel.
”}taw aid does a man have
to be 'before he loses interest
in women?" astted one of the.
;younger men. From the other
end of the bench came n qua-
vering ready.
"Over 82 anyway, sonny.,,
Beauty Salon
427 MAIN 5T, PHONE 34?
Haircuts . Styling
Perms • Treatments
'Monday to Saturday, 9-e
Tuesday & Thursday Evenings
Barbara Roth, Operetor
Beauty Lounge
147 MAIN ST. PHONE 645
Penns • Cuts • Sets • Tints
Monday to Friday, 9.6
Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
For Skin .carts, yuk.
it's simple to use;
1. Be eure skin is perfectly
clean by w a ,s h a n g with
warm water and a mild
2. Smooth 111 k'air and Clear.
3. Leave on until completely
dried at least 15 minutes.
It can be left: on all night
if you wish.
4. Sponge off with soap and
Limited Time Only
ial softeners.
SPECIAL 41,50 reg. 2.011
use alone or in Royal Lipstick
SPECIAL 000 reg 1.25
1`'r1Cl Pt�W>R, delightfully
scented, sl1k•.si(ted
IIIGG5AMSreg, deep p
cleans -effectively..
SPECIAL ,l2.(JO'reg. :L75
SPECIAL $3.00 reg. 4.00
With a $5,00 order, one Du -
:Barry Beauty Course, long'
playing record on technique
on applying your makeup.
]Made by Jenny Lind-, with
the best in chocolate
41;30 41.75 $2.50
Treat your feet to Easter smartness
—.shoes trimly tapered
for fluttery, elegance.
Choose here from lux-
urious leather's, suedes
fabulous new spring colors!
_A's Shoe Store
Main Street
The season to
feel beautiful
Easter ... and the world is beautiful.
i'or a very special season, we've fa-
shions to help you feel special, too ..
more feminine, prettier
than ever. For all your
moods , , . young, live.
ly, gala, glamorous, ele•
gant, dignified . , . you
will find the perfect ex-
11 pression in new styles
frolrl our unusually at-
tractive and complete