HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-09-23, Page 4x.; :,n ,i 1 r ,-ai r ^,* rr`tl , ,A . e., i CHAIRS CHAIKS ! ! t ! BY-LAw K — ... IIEii BT taaw TO wl►or*9 tb Warden Of ,iHF Sob°criNr wJ1 coesuttly w bard a raved a&aortmenl of Wt ate Uaetd Cooaltw et H.... Perth 7 Pf ani Bet,M, (o caro psbeat.... pay•aent Sueloa.Rocklvs ud luncng Cutin, wbltb M ,aw soil cheap b•r ce•h. of /wam J -Al=an-- ilboeoaed "barge of the la cra0 ■•W/s'W' )keel of the Heaatfurd and I Au set) 9 s' 1862.URvid/ms ,mese 16 Bet1U& J•sslt tstei Rulroed Cusp•°T• Guderleh, R __ _-- W peri& tb Dtre@tors of the Drsetrard — _ - .ad NN 8 tonne l e of t J , U at I C bawo tM hes of are lvea that the strip of L+d saw` _m lireeased Sad ]Melo Railroad from w S hereby R 1r point ,I ngerseetl" with the Orcat We- I oto rlOf t& het Coriaree a^f G o1G■ttd 4rFSG1 " " toga Rattreeds to the Town of Goderreb, ■ asd Dern , r0 'be (g i,eerly from l " » :': tb Ceesl►y of Hwoe; sad ander a Rr@el - &slew hartil recently boon soli torr+ r have hats to daug"D, R m — rvr rl fims ley Lbws paged tw taal i urpose, fostered by the ('htpp&"6 IoJuse, of Sar see d - .v `ri setbertnd tM wbmnpltoS at fifty tbou.a4da euUni hr sbsttfe u Caplin Stock of u e Rees a&d Ore° SounJ to Her hlaj"oy tb aural Queen Is trust, to be ■old for their horse/y thaw • e.1d C+pe■1• and having been surveyed asd lard eat itHo cuff Aad. wboee&4 t►e Ward&e of tb• Uured 3 i Porth ,1,J Brace, Farm l.oir for the sorsa»• of &etlletaN&Le N t. IO "e pe tis Lots Noe. ss, •s■•• i COeMIiM = ;a p YNeI Msltn Into• of the M nor o n Ger tib, excep r Nct , eo,4bnee (;erseiI of the sold United Coca- ]9, 30, 81, ud 32 subject to the eoiduMn I i e j tjkiang Mm se t° sloth" Grr and o° 01 a RoaJ °"W pfojeCted through the whole gra boleelf d tb ed (tufted Coantles, subter lesgtb of thl tract, of cher width asd iso tt•'a' ted flf ad ecgeir&4 1,d alio 1,•d Ueitad much d;rectios u may be beroafterd-brmlI sow bind out owe trent' fi►e ad upon, lutending purchasers will os apph• myy 1 Cowslhies ei eSa. Esq., of Guelph, Fell thembad dans Of tike said Additional estlon to Juhn 02 sal Stock of rho Brant the authorised Agent for the Indies Depart• ti1 is tlee Caq ford sad Beffalo 1ulet Stock R&Ilfe&d Com- ,neat, be infor aementlht pnee per sore, slat ,s m par of the pews or Talus o[ Ave pound■ the l Contrasted. Z o= dare. vat to smpr,We' (Ycgeed.J R. BRUCE. Al Ad wbsfsss ills •x Geslph, 20th July, 1257. v5o28w6 Man the Walde■ of t►e MIa UDIIId (°Yntl Wr from limo to time, s \e "hall be thereunto BASS• M' tegeind by Re9oluttoo of ohs Municipal ROB h SNODG WWI IILI CouswiloftheaiJUutsdhe "ad M nice- FASHIONAIi1.F, BOOT k 9HOlis t nod grLot debeaturee r abs bald Musics ..s. polity for t\0 gala of oras hundred slat nes, East of C•f Cr.bb Stara) 1,.i Ude, the prwt °r (Oast door Last of C. r4 %weal, fin thousand P° v vale• of the said twenty filo thousan ora ates WOULD inform t!1, iDb&bitsats of Godo + and is foU pa]meat tbergof, PaJ rich and neighborhood that be i@ Pro- r Ant day of July ono thotmaaad eight bull- red to make to order or Otherwise, any t4L dyed sad ,*"Mit' two, the said D,be°tures P 1 @anoall kind of L&dli •and Gettlemai • iiw o► 't to beer ntUtant payable sem y' Fuey work, iD the neatest ad meet w Ad w\weu r the payment of the old fashionable •tyle• And will also furnie4 s`., Dobenlwns sad like loser tberesh 1,t heavy $Data and Shoe", to aril tM w ... tb period, and times a(orena. Il will M eenitwd of eboa• that may fsvur him with i naecesary for lie Gid Munici ably to rain that totem. Hi" press willbo rsod&6 aasSally as •Spezia/ Sats ov r asd above Goderiob, Jolt' *9t\, 183! - A ad is sdddilies to all usher Rass end II A Ai I L' TON ' Ta=w whatsoever u follow", tkat i f ods of .ia each year for and during the a g twisty years, commencing on the first day BWT AND SIi0I3 STORE. tpl'tI " of July ow tbousitsd etgbt hundred •t'd HE subscriber bop to [storm alis If- v. Arty -Iwo and extending to the fiat day of T :. July oma %houseful eight hundred and seven- basitacto of Goderich, and the sur- 111 ty two the sum at lbirteeD thousand leve° founding Country, that be ba■ just '.• hundred mod fifty pound". opened a New Boat sod Shoo Store, is M And whereas the Ra cable Proparllr "( Mr. Ilare's new Brick House, Goderich.- a the cid Ilaited Counties according lar eke %Vbere be well eonsuttly keep on hand u &awsment of the same fur the Dow Dext a ;urge and well rsoorteJ •tock Of proceeding Financial year amounts to the Led e'e and Gentlemen • Boots and Shoes. eve of use mdlaon one hundred and ten Which he wall sell at low pries, for cash thousand pounds. caly. ADd whereas for the payment of the im The public ere Respectfully requested to carrel germ an&sally eve, and for the creation call and examine for thetnselvoe, before pur, of & Snai^o FOND for the payment of the chasing elsewhere. Princ*of ef, such Debentures so to be tr No second -price. Used as aforesaid for the aforesaid mom e[ ,ALSO -Lasts and pegs for gain. ego hundred and twenty -fire thousand JAMES THOMPSON. • porads, and payable at the period aforesaid Goder;ch, March 18, 1652_ •b-nB-Gm tt n .11 be seceeary to e°ees,le•y and false -- -- - - apos iso rbolc P.ateobb roparty within JUAN RALPII, the said QmtedCounties of Huron, Porth fT1N AND ColIFER SMITfI. nest door sod Broea.& Special Rate to each you duo- l to rho Victoria llotsl, Weet Street, ia; tb eootisuane0 of the said Debeeturee Golerieh, he constantly ora hand, • choice u any of them on the sum or bums by them stock of Tinware, Cookiog and Box 8lowe9; mads payable, rel any part thereof, over IlLe. which he will sell et considerably re- nd above sad i° addition to all other Ratoe duced price". aid in trade for old std Taxer wh@ts over as follows -that is The highest price p wlTax s euh ]ur for sod darpilt the c.The, brass, pewter, sheepekits, calf and Paid pried of twenty years commencug °0 beef hides. feathers and raged. All kinds Rf tb first day of July ono thousand eight Merchantable produce talon in exchange At hundred and Ally•lwo, and extending to the Cot. prises. r5-1,4 first day of July ono thousand eight hundred Goderich, Feb. 19, 1851- - afd oeveety-two Ares penes 10 rho pound• - - _,_ ____ ---- Ul. B• it tbenfoteenaeteJ by the lluti CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. efw Council of the United Counties o{ (juga.c, 8th August, 1052. Heron. Perth and Bruce, constituted, a" in ,`OTICE is hereby given, that future Counett&asembled ander and by virtue of t Sales of the Crown Lards will be al i the "Upper Canada Municipal C `hper fr the pricer, end on the terms e, ael'ied in the Acte," and it N hereby e°acled, respective localities below. sad after lie paring of this By Law-tbe West of rhe Counties of DrIth&at and werdan of the said Uetted Counties, shall VICIoria, at Seven Shillings and Six Pence pave power and authority, and he is hereby r acre, payable in ten annual instalment'-, oet►otiMed, empowered and reg,lired to as- with interest, one tenth at the time 0f ore, grist tied make Debentures of the sa:d Sale wttbie Menroipalit , of the said Listed /ouotwo Fast of the County of Ontari0. for the sum of ons hundred and twenty free U er Canada: Four Sbilling■ Qer sere; thousand pounds as fall payment of @n from thence, North "f the gt. Ltwrenea t° money duo and owieg or to become due the County of Sesuenay, and South of the &rid owing by 111113 961111usuciPahry, for °r tit. LSwrenco in the District of Quebec on account of or in reepeet of, t.eob fire east of the Chaudiere River and Konnebas thooaand share° of the CATFTAL STOC= Of Hoed, One Shilling and Six pence per acre tin Brantford end Butf,lo Jumt Stock Real- in the District of Quebec, west or th road Compoy, bald and owned by the gait River Chaudlere and Kenhbee Road, Tw MYsicipabtyi provided always that each de• Shillings per sere.. in the Districts 1 bontnre 911.11 not be for a less sum than 1'hrae Rnorc, 811. Frenal+ and Slontrea twestv Awa pound&. And provided lurthor mouth of the St. Lowre@ce, Three Shilling that the W&rdes for the time being, ebtll r acre; In the District of Gtape as lase no aueh debenture or debvnlurcr on• the a+Doty of Saguon&y, Une Shllltng p der and by mutate of this By -Law. except thee, ,n all uses uonavl in tan •°Dual u be .hall be first theroutto required by Kew- a&hoent@, with islerest, one fifth &t t lotion of the void Municipal Council. liar,° of Sale. 2nd. A d be tt forther Soscted that the ''or bdo onheneed in value by vPee said cam of ooe honored and twenty fiwe circum"tante., such extra price may be f thou°aad fa"nedo, mod Me debentures shore- ell ,a• Ilt& ELCRLLRNCT TRU Gor Ra1,a b for, °hall b&eosie due, and be payable o° the NRItAL may direct. Ent day of July, in the year of our Lord Minsk operations to be imtnadaeto 1 ooe thou&&nd ugbt hundred and eshaty continuaue, the land to be eleered "' two. nes of five acres annually fns every h 8rd• And be it further enacted, That the Fired macros during five yoarr, and •droll asid Debenture° shall bear interest from still hoses, erected not lose than eighteen . I after tb&data thereof at and after the este by twenty six fact. of otx poo cent. per &seem, and shall be The timber to be subject to any goal payabl& ■t ooe\ place or places, either with- timber doty that may be imPoved- la or without lbiU Ptovldamo• s the gid The Hale to become null and Toad in s Wardle fob the time befog shall think pro- fol neglect or •IOISttoD of &ty of the eo per; &ad that ..eta interest shall be, and tion•. g►all is the eaM debentare@ be made payable •fhb eoulor to he entitled In obis ' som.-Ssnoally at such time or ,imee, ■nd Patent uytan complying with all the cc each plare er pl.ee@ either witSre or with- Ii.,^.. Nal more than two hundred • out this Promise° as the ■ofd Warden in life to be sold lar any one person. vb amid debortrores "hell deaipat@ amok appoint ; and the said debeatn►ts shall be isseed Bud - grant►d "oder the Corporate Lots' of the aid Mnrmcips,sty, and &hall be a.gaodby the NO fICE TO THE PUBLIC. said Warden, and @hall be cowt,ergigeed by lolasTreutlre' of the sold Muni- 1pality, and IN COi:flF,QIIFNCR of the nom! tab paid Warden and Tres"u fotrnt' master Ge ti eralldooms sit necessary on Wag are hereby authorised Po required ee to earn and countereig" tbtestgae 1on11EtheI I tatters to Australia mustib Sd tM cid A'benturas ,ball heve L•etP rr 1, •Ilaebed ro them for the raid iato"wt which paid Is C&oat& w thq cennot bo (Ori. eaid C.al to t eMll c1, like muoof be Signed The rate on a letter wgirhisg tide end coustersigned by the cid WBrtISs sed pn9T O tics D tlAaTw■NT,y Treasurer Fogpectlw&ly. (lsebee, t4th August, i"t. I v6 4th. Ad be It farther eneeted, That for _ - the payment of the said *bentune heroic before provided to be issued and granted GOOD NEWS•. asd the interest thereon, there shall be e• CHEAP GOODS at port I All pae@eI levied and raised upon the whole soba e&Ib lbn v.dl Bijd JQ "u, Pr oy within tbm paid United Ap ek Gov cru the rasbi°S, the far Cosstbe of Bron, Porth end Brer4 • The mind, lgpeeial Rata in oath year "I cis ahs, sae rebase, will ttneeses of the s61d Deboatares or any of . WA wish" is P them, oo he sarin er sums b ,hem made pyrble a any part Ihers,of, ower ..A above HIS floe.. w ll celested, will wit and is O"Une to all ether rates sed talc". P' _ w►a1&tlwmer e• follow°, that is to Bay, is Ba,eU aNa Pea rrownTo DtmN sad your, for and during the eeid period of THOMAS 6OUGHF t'.1 , e " yeam comete°eng es the first day 1. 186*. v ` M Ie t h the year of our Lord byte thou pert AINrI. fyUpt. and ag►t Modred and Aft •two, &rid ex ` leadioR to the first day of Jail Is the year 0TRA1'EI) frkrn The Aub el our Load Date thousand eight hundred S A„y float Resd, Tuwt asd aveoty two, thrrr pewee is the poed. Stanley. a three year& U 1 I.Y, of a sorrel ar Chesnut c•doer, I , ` Ne•ricm.-T►e able& is a true copy of • bur of els tall cell square. Il was h plope.md By Lw u be takes into cossider Wwesn Brldgowst&r asd l:hnlet z" Own by tat M9sieipehiy of Ihe United Herb° Rend. about the Aral wak Cseettee of Hgrow, Perth std Brute, ■t the goat• Any Pemian returning the IH •area Hotel, in Ibe Tows of Godernb ie tbo ewe,", er ga•tng suck illform do Co wzl of Hwes. Data of taw aN U&1- will lead to ah ►•°emery will M - , + 9W Cwetssg Be t►• I W h My of t)etobw, nwsrd°d. ... IM M 11 i eleek. sea", so, at which W M. M0411POH' Nag esti ptsae iM Mwbwg e( ,►o asci Stasky, Aug• 17. i961L $IGN AL• R TATA ..... HURON / , srATtolrE - -_ - _ p I r 1 / I O C o u r R s. CfIIPYA WA f +0U1VDR Y, .ills Heig ! 44 (•esrw ler the Udwd 11 I ! ! • tt t< L / 1 •. PROgPF.CTUS. rHK ..at for a , .,u ►. And Steslut Engine Manufl\cutr . B 1t►rB'It•, adhojib l-ar«t - Such. of H l 'rj tit ,a+II@w ug : th fere\.. C q.°jdd"ci,pt i• Execs - M O / A T'• OT TSE ANGLU AyER1CAN MAdA- bold ,base sled F rrHE Usdordgaod is slow PropOFed to M /idlss asd ltsll.t T A t 1. E LIFE 1 L L i zlN a masT w.woo. l all bttod• of south is lM bat oa°■fie led M ata Premwe to (root Trade Oo tb 1►int e/ J&It' so=t, will be pblis\- Colborve 1°e.IR. Elh@,] G kk:No ,bC sasday .cndly atteaded we A ■ / Liars, I et . tad tt •bort folic•. Urd•rs t@r lf" p I NIX BITTER8 1st Ugwbef aacabe srrwoa. Jel slat The Pattora• of Btooa Esgiace for Grist or Coastal M K n1 'wad. N4 ed tb& Ant tombs of • ksoaihly Peri- D' MiNt•1. 942► f tido lrtrral eiinl, ueder the title of "THE ANLLO` March 1831. Jahr .Lcopq Colrmas, Clerk. rid SSw MMb, w all slow slot of t\c moot ►d m.w•.rbarwaw+e•ep••+m4eya AMERII'AN MAGAZINE." Hwttmber, Fraoou approvedicad. Also,aomplNeestsof 4•slr Led••. -T rw e.aebee pTty.p pwaJa..awgi. a s ro al 3UtL ISrV •suis uavuw■' M ARL N, r Wi•b "p.*"60ONM. r...ve.md ty rip "umber wall eonteia 118 p R ] oto w►id tbo Stteauoa of the peblic is E. II• flu. for Grist and Saw die, .--- ti...t pit baa esti mmw ww% aa' womo" °etaso, with double columns, asd ouawruua Jemav ,R+aada's Tsver etieor. Ck ► )sly ud lag, 8whiios, red (•ommuNof Mer- b. ■ ` b..w §tsar haft a ss+ts 21a Mt rttealuty dfne/ed. ORW ARDEII Ks•per, `ew•l dr ATs w.,.d ra.y type •r by the tater id ilimostrauoas. Price 16e. ►•r a°s't°. rtaol e't' Eby Having devoted aofoid•rablo time and a dtorekoua! td Lode Cleared Ivs if advsaee, std teal b sail to to pa ro°aro 'Kovd, 95th Jpae asd P■ \•■t. r >vft. o Hritb\ Nort11 Amarie& or the United gwck'e Ta••rs• o=pense to gattit up the best deearlption ee(, for the tale df D bad Produce 34th A•pst G.e►teC.rt.r.Clrrk. ` ►old F 'Mss, "alms 406 COSOMo tetwMsrast 19utes. Grow omens. of Eli in$ with all the other necessary fix Firmer tl, uw Notur• nos» //r st4DD"a," atDnsFa Itis pro read to publish in each "Pus luroe or Maley Saw Mills, is slow re►Jy to of ivory d96onpuoa. Ot R/t!•sl i IAV= OomanA1tfTL a Ira. Hare° Rwd. l l hooks , A portb of tb Iimcu• yro 37th S.PV Rw Mbenwu. Esq I of er them with gnat ooa8duee to tkws O1Lce, Solt d°tr• ..r e.f frac. .boa sr.. ei....m w...r, aceto ,.a1 oM or store original pbpere ora *Br tseoD- Robert Co@k' is want of ancb mabinary. Tbeas Engu•e, G9duicb, le.eeaabta PY.rm. ownew and W wy ar tooted with HAITisn ArsarcA, earofnlly er M., NeoJ■T, dine harms, vtl-D9 w.dbw .O.e.at.- - . y.&b.mNtm• eluding patty polities or religious areahs Clark. 51=71, viva""v. v 26th Jaly I Us, co°tato all tb reeeat improvements, Mush 34th 1ib3• us (;MOLW, 4" assoee L.a.mw•• MIaMt Saint btary' , ""saws, OOL&M • COVSUe, Ctprt'S of a dnroml" awn•1 a►aract•r. Bel9etioot ee (olemu, Esq• ('lock. std aro very tompbts. Seven of themtbai RD MOORFe JMt rww. trea&.tb sawrsrnb 4n.... of the best wntlogo if Ae IoadiDg British Th• Blest Tis•r Jim few Amis►ed, and the demand I c ILICHA Burr-MusuaaDaurstss Sava, arvistdv. by6tted the Past two esr•set. Q wew•...rurws..ra.a• pnodteplswillbeeopiod,ul•eiallyvucba. asd 23td8•p- i]AVINGdaris of GNERAL haws rsfe►ease to the welfare and iourssls Haacte'b Tarsrt. Villose of 13@TB•M. sl CI k'1y pole 1,S [•w weeks. with •v'1, lbisg "cote Il g skill ,,m.,..4lerw.,...4r.rr cid Hood Rita►ie, Eaq. up ed io aka eapeity 'TmmM 41 aas flee. sisFAvrL4a FLA" of these Colonies• and 30 Sep!• l). The 8,nto2 holler Yard u glee sttaeh&d to tee Eta AGENT for the ly pdentoof t at be ar ll fast sed AQUI. ►r w...a."..fLr••e A Bare ISt A„ef tkD ro Mei, Cameleer osctually at Ithoeeloek.oA kf1C C • tablisbnest, wore boilers of the best goal- it t° be gesar•II] m•O•• P y UR ACLAND. for alio oolbeuoa of 1rr a- rer.i■on.0 r tw . ••r•. se -Jr, w she Wer • •3.19 ' accept the Ag r Proviace, be- ,rrb. Oryrerabi wbe"Aner.i.w a.temaitas• tial! Nass, Musical' Iwlslli,Ssncq brad all ARTA i(y will &t all tines be made to order, os eat] r 69 d..•m-•.ave be ism e•'s•rw b'•'as'•■•'L- marten of erier•I interest, derived from tbo (lederach, 4th Jar9. IPS2. Seasonable term% and of the bet materials due@man] potato 1he Fas sod Lake Huron ,taw. u S&TU"CD. AN. 1,S CON;D. R in Port Albeit,— d workmasdi twee" Cobourg ■klD %bis &DDOUoee- r L r s U t d J; u M r L s x r a w. moat r..at atformatios. I.Gts to p' g in the W est• 10 m toe rear hie lhanka 1R>o 1RAL ' 1/ I L I'g' T It is also isteded to publish a series of Villi r .1ifield--for e' Int rove) statw°ary Fin Ea nos con moat, he would beg P r. aaoUi"a ra4rMt Ms4u/cMMil @won Ri a is o{ i miwtwf me. of Great and Dow re• // p" •taut y on head, ready for delirery• g, to big friends for Pit [•roan, MwasD ►Brea. txrurAl4TuaF usuJsa gra in owl Island, from Alfred the Great to Nos. 89, 4011 • cottlDuanot of tiro ,X,oV&M eLCu& JeebnDtCA, LO&B arr1 mHEBE well .ituat•d Lo Irof Plaaisg, Tuni°g,Q crew C one 8Pectfully 1811" OOsfllLA f lg'Jy•a to the present Ume. Thi• department will -1 4I, on tkt Eget side of Colborne -streets I Brave Casting and Finuhm , ko• done is tohciu Y M Illustrated with Portraits from the best on the West every variety• sime. euar. LtwssvaMa and Non. 39, 40, 41 and 4'J, All tom to A r P• O•, North Duuma- e n c U M t w L D l • s A • a f - marten. vile of cad street, in the im roving V111•p la tom ur" o with the above, theta a meta toffs"@ ora ba@1O••g, rslib w.f•.arr •rrta.lr .f tba altw. •/at.••wr1f As it is proposed to make this pnbliestios P sow if ceures of •rection the largest Stove ed (pool D•'d will beypromptly tltosd°d le. r+ardo& o..••te•"'rpts.'e"v'i"'ofaw.@e■"ttb a mate.owal ■rid not a local work, it will a°- of Port Albert, in aha Township of Anh- Foundry iD the Province the MoulJug fnA it W" __ •h10 ar swaps. xssroua DSMutrv. Nsaruvm q R field, North of Godsr`C1 For further if- April 1_ 'LAIN" tl ar &r.4.. uAGAUTC 4rrsra71UNe, fimehingly advocate all uesuon affeetin 1 to J. Clark, ksq. Crows 'Floor of which will corer upwards o{ IO, _ 185<• rTATRW afar Ma4ar. raDrrss's "MOLIG. Hs Cammow interests of cur Colonies as an formatio D, 9PP J or the proprietor, I o00 egaare feet. tL>• /. T&n .Acrd o." ,' .f lb- ""t"'~ Ines raJ ortiow of (it British Empire• Land ()[fico, Goderich, T11en will bo aoD@tautly on band a Stock ar 1 M►.1 ■ slew aiee4br b it' ave 1 U+ t",1,, L P iwr vbr An experience of accent yeas aD Supply- 1 I N SIO f B ' R g Stoves, 1 vs.b.W u, rt. beitb.be Wp•••tws••• ing the reading public of Canada with the Welletln , North of B•lfs Co22 n. '!°dthA fcaDpCookis PORa°°es (EDglisk f • N n e M A T l e a. Ta.w .0.1.1 .d■ this serial ublicatios of the United States, COD- Wealelley, 5th ally, 1851 . __ fitted with Tia and Copper War° eon- .4nw.w sed Iamewef'.tiefhstois"'e"v p plots, also, the bgsdcomest •ed Dowest uta .r•sLnoo go the un:Au, ;"vary. wine the projector of elan to tiiwanis of s to inform the lob@- rBMsuJt. SwsLLL%MA the ere entire! inadeq PLANS AND SPS i ave toTn(gNm t\e ■tyles of Hall and Parlour Stove, R variety Roays A. r 1[IIRO'/ MVI3:, i. s, the myority, and little calculated to form HE Subscriber ba of Plain sad Ornamental PAttlil of Cast THE soot Go•r bet Howl uAuau. s,/....r ••+whit°" P y ole ego T unit of Godeneb and iia vizifity, that ' O >Q *. of an are•, ....o.^+•ur •Til -1 M peDti•lly dinerelatein the rtfesl og a d pie°' lnbabitsou oft •District of Horof, . 1e te,,,a near r,ayw.fr.6 ,w«,w.tr I @old at lower prises tbas have ever before he kis reeened • Lugo Sup7pah y of hoY 1tw eaa.•.ee r wM.••L Blind .dl b• res"ala i 1J O 1 f Establls ie(i himself in Stratford, I boon offered to the public, and which, from test Improved Psttern of eipl9s from these for whom these Penodi• asd the Dei hboring Distrieu, that be hoe !Irof Fate• std Gates, all of whish lei gR LIPB PILLS 1'ID P11 11I BITTLfL1 cab are prepared: •rad believing that eke Pe the position of Chipp&wa, u ngarda water (rOOKIN t 1 tl R I F Y T N E B l0 0 D, entorpriee soil[ meat with encoungemeet i ora, (Ppa i et°°[Rp v eeaDliu,ld cgs, B 6dR- communication, baa be forwarded to any `/ K SehOVES, 1,a, Mill llama, kc. ka. 6Le•, and will take pert of the Province, at a very li bt e=- AND pARLOL ad the remove all disease from the system. 11ee ilh tde l ^ed "ke tlruae tl atdtba a:pa- pence. OLIVER T. MAKSM. .iyt. ,.I.t r,,n ... are LIFE P I L l 8 sod Siweont will realise bis expectations. the superintendence o{ such Ereetiono, ora Chippewa. Jams 24, 1851• Spool. -22 prices he offers for e a •t ver] redaeps R N 11( BITTER 8 ass'na t►. ^•.h "t•' ' •Lee Maga=ieo may be made one of rho the most rsso°abb term". - prican {or Cass. The cubs°r'ss5 also keep r ea..wi..w. a<..art ptMs on hand as usual, at 1,u Old 9utd, a lat4e t..bb. best JNdirrws or Adrtrti&iDR yet altered to }lis thorough knowledge oChis professiof l FKU IT TREF•S ! superior assortment of TIN - It. g.arne.ret»•. m.4W.4. bravo. Fast i~a...eve and hi• pract ,, as Builder, gaalafies him tot I "°d very ,...a t.a•i. t -nether vita a r• Fb the Colonial public; sod the terms rill n v, 8iirr1i 5 ,, ....a;.a tF. sue",... a. any undertalttg is the tine. AdsoN port 1..0 THE gnbsreriher iD returning lh•tks to the WAR': of every desaritunity ° ■° ao. W.0 er..t r oar regulated in Such B meaner as to induce all paid, p ortueit o{ raturniDg rats► i.a sda 0-kof s..4.•r.►. ear aea,.•7•..,y parties to &wall them"elvae of it. P*Ret• PET ERSYERo d, CN' r• h.ab,a w"`'"'•but'' t ta.4, THOMAS MACLF.AR. Builder, ke. kc• W I iD11ly for of the County of Huro- ember tikes this o p T i ... 'n..r.ry•....ar g.w•nuw .n eaFrr'a `1v-m7t thaw.►° roe- lh.w.ilaaan•...rF•.a- _s vsrr, Toronto, April.185t. Stratford, Mitres els,-.1849. mpin% be hasrmet withrin the Sale of Feu t liberals patroraege`he hes rueon h, ILL ho he ;utorovil tale th o- t...;.. w e,r.rbi...+ 45, Yoaoa T - r Y,ew .its ..,•Pa..; tit if sea AXE FACTORY, ' • ITnes, bogs to &Dnous t to tba s pre a of has heel, tt business is mess, c n ops u rt.•y a.w. ir••t Crew ....e seat W.a th... NOTIC E n t r•Mr•d " s'abr 9 from ill' Subscriber begs to inum►te to the 'the"° UniteJ Cuuntis teat ho is prepared by otnct attonuot to bntneee, and mo er- WILI.IA2K H. ` oIrIPATa HF, Sabwriber having pureha'd y y of public patrotars. $ corear of 1.faea1 nr..r. n.. Twb. T _ ,s.. , oustle", teat he hag just completed tested etocrke s°upon his usual liberal termer It;, B.-Graaaang, Painting, GlarieR, ps- asm f r William riber h, 1,u u clusied right i [armors ad otsar inbabitante of lobe to iatraluce this Fall, s large and well se- 1,u prices, to comtisue to receive f @ F.r lac. ►, NS (for the Countis of Huron ad Bruce) of a his arra gement'-, sod is now pTep•re to Nursery f , p VI PARSO NEW KIND OF PLOUGH, riot us• it would be superPof t s Nurses , and per tad Bell HaBR' Y II LIAM°STORY1O Sole Agent. (o► welch ho has obtained Letlars Patent ormth Axes, A•rraotad, of a rope g Godericb, Gth SePt. 1839. v2n31 Godericb, Jam• *8, 1848. of t1le c,auntry, and the q°alit] Of the the quit lu0[ Fruit Trees t {tom ie bbut L II O L from the Gowerrimest. WooW rs9peetfully lttp,sod on forme sated to ase ciresm@t•■ Eesl& `e quahtityof Treses that sawe'been f- UTiCE.-Tkik is to fat►id to] per• Rive notice that ray POnoD or Person" tri- tee r Can&dt, A T I O •N A porahsieg like BAW ldi 7 o a'L fringing upon gid right will Lo proaaeutod utic!e. - Ho ebo invitee all formers to Call and *= dutnbuled over Wanly all a ape p imea of the for the last 18 yeah hoc gamed for tali@ IIRUCEFIELD. qo. 7, 4th COBeestiea. Easters, Div[•iof to the utmost rigour of Vs,aJ. KEAYS. smane his int mvd spot Nursery a superiority over moat others. HF. flt;BSCRIBF.R begs lave to it - f Ashfield. witbont• comOsltimg me, a I N B -The Gdoric4 Foundry, hexing CANADiAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, ublie ese- told & cla m SgSim.Yit. R B form his fneods sad the p 8 ]I'CARRON. undergone all seeeaeary repairs; the sub- which he flatters hi sod`s to ;fools lobe ooucetof 11 th ee who wiohlnr etc ° r y, that he has now gut the National W ILLI.tM Godericb, April 1, 1384• v5a10 tcribcr flatters himself that ho will be who Plough ao in us ° Apple, its qualities are superior to eli other hotel so far enmpleted, a to warr&Dt htm to giveeotin ati9faeuon to all throe who Pluugb Dow is ares in talcs eectiom of the Wiuter Fruit, tP6e olebretsd ootheca io eaying that he ig prepared to fnrmigb ac- RLF.FARM LOTe 1NTHETOWNf- MtsJ favotr him with their euatom. He alas Promisee. HARVEY •BRACE. jo its kits, res in until ]til &d preeen- commutation for maw sad kora, er}oal at VALUA saw on hand aD etesilent aasortmesl of ♦4n27 it all fan freelmete and flavor, whits is • g}{Ip OF GUllERICH FOR BALE, VIZ: --- - great desideratum u°ul that sono". The toast, to anytsang that cora be found pe- eios froatim tb Ploughs including Haltoo's sow pattern Goderic11, Aog.21, 1851. a seriber would ale toumetc tbat his tweon London andGoderieb. TheNattiss- OT 37, lot "OD"Se g to ether with Potash Kettles, Cooking, B°>< ® ®tp j 1CL U and Yallour Stoves, andTsrashing Isla- ]N 1"J 1 1+ Dwnr[ Petr la in gro•tdemstd tea Curdrw n! Hotel is swage in ibe be•uttf°I tad Lake, tonuin ng R9 Aeree, abomt 4tr R Fruit, bcering in two years after lanun IL which nes cleared and Fenced, and LOT chines o{ various horse power all of which f tHE subscriber begs to inform oar nu` P g. thriving willags of Bracofield, 18 mi s Jf, hic c"a c eivD, eomlaiting BO aero ° will be sold of ase mo9t liberal term.. 1 meroas irieraJe sod auatomere, and lbe Efory variety of Fruit Trees,"Ura amottal {tom Gude*its end 42 miles from Losdand weld Isnd. Ww. J. KEAYS. public generally, that his LARGE: BRICK ' std Evergreen Tres and Shrabs, N&rdJ end from the eligibility of iso oiloatt°°' end These Lots aro situated about 1n,dwa] GoderieA, 25th April, 1859. vbs14. BUILDING is now completed, and that ' Herbaceous Flowering plaits, DBbltaa, strict attention to t o es joy a hate f pub, betweD tee Towf of Godericb and Village from the great increase thus added to big ! Bulbous Flowering'Roots, 6te. Catalogues Bud customers, he hope@ for •char• rl pats` former premines, he is now enabled to offer can be bad of any 1Deal or travelling agent, lie patronage. JOHttl McKENZ1E. of Bayfield. For particulars apply to JOHN CLARK, NOTICE . g p ¢awing a full deveriptton. Terms, whets 60 v3 -D46 ermono indebted to THOMAS accommodation to the trave:hD °"lie ►t r hundred, or 1. 3J - Crown Land Agent, Goderich. ` LL pp 7 7 _ Tree are liken, 89b po Bneefield, 1st JaD. 18b1. 4th Juoe, ]bbl. MACQUEEN, late of the Huron Sig (cast equal w abet afforded t a g otbta I current each, under 50 Trees. 1s Gd c --- sal, aro hereby nuufied, th&t uDleso their House n Towti And w nsoet bean •°= two ears credit, Dotca pit]able sots inlei- T RA V E L L E R' S HOME. FOR BALE, tdtcs and accounts are paid on or before ions to motopolies tea attire copes for est. yOrders will be received, and any n• STKA8BURG, WATBa L00, ase 1st da of May sea, they will be int mess of Godoneh, he Bt lg 1,t ho ev for s II f°rmslt°m given by Mr. Horace Horton, 28th February, 1849. rt iFTY AeroS of Land, bei■g Lot N6, J hitherto enjoyed, and will ,always endeavor Market Square, Gudorieh, sad Mr• Qatar rrigE 9ubanber senby inUtfates to hu ` South Town Plot, Lake Shore, ,Ash- Division Court or collh°ctw rk of /he let cott1°tire the, eat1sfacuoD°of bio gueets and Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local 1 friends and the Travelling Public gene - field. Teen is thirty acres ele&rnd, and in agents for this Nursery• rally, that he bas removed from New Ab•t- aal. will customers, by attending t° their Com[urt&- SAMUEL MOULSON, dean to the Village of Stragburgh, And will the bat slots of eoltnauon, std .o orchard Persons reeidm it the Consty of Pert to see cnnuistng b0 {suit trees. There is a good who are atdebted to iso Huron Sig ROBERT ELLiS. Old Rochester Nursery, N. Y. now be found in that well-ktOtam bougie for - Mall Stn, std never feiliog epnngg of water find their notes with Dr. John Hyde, of ble tecommodatiom. Godericb, 15th July, 1831• f2 marl] oeespied by Mr. Jones, -where h• Itertford, who h N. B.-TseStablioR 1,t the Co!Dorne • Lag House, 20 by 30, aaJ •Barn 20 b] Stratford, who has been authorised to 00 - _ _ will 4e road] and &bis to coatis" to the 69. Terms -£125 euh, or £150, by pay HORACE HORTON. Its is ezt 11isive and of the Ent qual'1.4017 12 GDdorieb. Jtm^" l t, 1851' NOT ICE. comfort of those who may honor him wits fag half down. sad the balance to lbrs Godericb, 13th April, I EP2- I*gppgTAItiT tbcir patronage. And while be returns Sano&, ioatalmeots, with interest, pa p thanks for put favors, he hopes, by strict N, $. Further Ifnformrtiot can bo ob- To Tax Ie hereby giros that alit rtser.hi Sub- tsh»d from Joss Morris, Colborne, er Chile. ('xOtleriell, 21111 April, 18:-2. Farmer, FirrlEi 91ise jy priEt pa y .;sting between Alc:. Mcl°t]re, and atteauon to the wants and wishes of 1,t■ Cary, no rho premises. FOR SALE BY THF. BCBSCRIBEI . Jamas ed by 9u, tows of Godench, was customers, Bull to merit a coDlocnuanc• of their patronage. JOHN ABEL• F Ashfield, March, 25th, 1852. 'v3-m9-Bw - GEO. Ati • QRA 1r 0)T. .d, elf J&o aiwmule52.°nAnd all person lan- 1 ri,1WO Lots of Land, in the tied end 3 N, B. -Good STABLES asd attentive { i debted either Dy Note or Book account are v2-C4tf Concessions (, the township of Atam- r's$$S'I' hereby requested to make immediate Pity Grooms. 1, sTRATFORDlitoN`PovpnxY. leT a^o male frogs the village of BtaeefieW, r.rAeux ns° t. T°' ai.r°`rrFOr'D1Bme meat, and save coots. - .-Tbwbariberhaviet PYrehasod the inter- ",I eighteen mdce from GodericS: As the moat remitxlo• p ALEX. IsIcINTVRE• CANADA LirF ASSURANCE ,i eat of Mr. C. J. Wilson in the above Ee- Ut the lot m oil 2nd Consnaof there is JAMES DONALDSON. C U M P A N ' ,r tebiin11mamt, a sbnut loo contamue the Buet a'but's Barn, sod eikq acres ele&red• fDR ISN i, pe _ Godorich, April, 48th 1852. v5n14._ •_- ,< Des on his own responsibility. in returning On the lot to the 3rd Concession there Ig-Ifet+p e's IIE Subsriber having been appointed 1e thanks to the public fur fits very liberal on & House Brad flirty acrer•elcued. tt A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR Agent of the courag°ment received by ORR b1, WrL@ON, The Farm is well watered by a never YOUNG MEN. al ho lege toistamate that he will constantly faiGn stream, and the quality of the land - "CANADA LIFE A98URANCB CO•," x- keep on band as assortmant of Superior ie of 6c beet deeenption' WANTED St the Cioderics Fonmdr] is prepared to receive propoanls for Asu• s, ( A9TiNUg, consuung of C O O K I N G • The lot9, e•ould be disoovod o{ separate• thieo active oua rata, and will be happy to afford to any y, If requral. as appranlicee, 7 f[ ponos the Daesaary nformatian, ile to ase Pairlour, and It . Stoves ; Amer- mane principles of the lustitotiof. rid 5- melt Godetich, Fob. 25th, 1852. •5-05 JAMES.WATSON• be icon Scotch Rr. Canadian Ploughs M. R SEYMOUR, bL C of the moat Improved Mosldo,-MALT FARA'1 FOR SALE• ,1 - Godcrieh, Sts JunC, 1849. vso 41 ° ROLLF.NS. Tsrwiwg /slakes, Smeitk't rig G•TRAYED from t31e eub@critror om or s- eat Rollers, 4-c. THRASHING stACHINEB FARM eottsiamg 170 scree, six mils t7 bout the 6ts day of Ma Int, B Large D rict a0wn l.(I1t4i!s ICe• of a superior description to any ►Itherto std a hal{ from goadeyooun 5orchard / Yoke of Steers -one a sok Red, with its, introduced.asd better adapted to this sous- cleared os it, wits a sod p R , - long wide horn@ and a smell lump on ase NOTICE is HEREBY GIVF—N try from their lightness of drought, and The shows form a wen nupphed carte ger A I right fore leg ; the other White, with light `` vee strength of construction. A call from in- water -the fe)ntces us to Rood order. A red spots through the body, each four years Tlie ASHFIEI n ash WAWANosH. 1,n age tending purchasers is requested before per. good I -or Houes, o Bun ce bi 64 fat, std gave pitb04t it." I old. Also, three Heafets, one dark red mow open FOR BALE. All s *=cry itfwme- - cbucng elvewhsre. The above will be sold &hs" Stables with outhouses, ke. a 1 tion respecting thea Land@ my 1x obtaited by tiu..wi+•o1•t I with white steps through the hod], thrs ^ a at i,ow Rates for Cash or 'read@, or at Cot- For partieulan apply to d, 4 mi Fulton, I>at a >a ntew w oµ years old-ooe White with rod spots on applying as a ti- yo@Posding rater os approved credit. Tavern Keeper, Huron Road, 4 miles from nest Ftiaic also weft+, 6 4 1 ser body, one year old -the other Brindled, JOHN CLARK. A. B, ORR. Goderich, or oft the premiae". tb. aI rkmai ~"`b"'" ear old. At r tt. °re" Btntford, 20th )arae, 18b0. 1,w-220 CHRESTAEN PFREMNIER, bete d1 ...h.. PoB i with a white face, one ] 7 PO Dimeric Crows I ad Age Colboroe, M•J 2l, 18b2. v5 nl2tf vrife gwoe^ry, R+ogbon' Vfiurlg Bmof v11 I rot givitgg°cb isfotmatiom "s will lead to 3({rdNor,mber, 1850. 3v@41t( — n80 ------- Keil, faIlous. C.z H°el,6 Oalla their recovery, will receives Reward to $3. __ _- _ FARM AND SAV MILL FOR 8ALE pARM POA SALE. k1nds, p*"sh Womed"' S gUtniru eeFim • DUNCAN MaKEN7.lE. WANTED iMMED1AT1tiLY. THAT excellent Lot of Lard, Lot No. 7, 4th lulu. Satin. Sand Crschis of Grsre, X&M I Townshl Of Stanley, 4ts cot lot !4 - puanJ'red pest• Beratdee@ P Cooeeaaioe, be cold cap for sh. hip of The subtertber offers for tale ons hundred Rheumstawo. Bits of Animals. External pot- 10th Nov• 2861 200 CORDS of good Hemlock Bork, 1 veren of exeellett led, 45 acro clear. h„a Bier. Ashfield, will ►• cold cheap foP oshros . tit*- with a good log bare, eDnl p {ul Nerroue A>Teetioe■. NOT ICE . for which the highest market prion er of iv vacated is see of tM. mon rape ed and wall Noted, Bolls, porno will M paid lay the Subscriber. 'ort- rnepu h rhe Hereo Trvet, ud h■■ aha Ma lea• era orchard bearing fruit. TD• &hove lard RTitlors. Borns and S - I W, o. SMITH. as 1,i rcha d Ds eaJ C fruit Is, lot 14, Town- Chillb ins. M lied Hands. av con wars ter privtbge is the locality. A Bele Mill of the l awles. Swellitigr, Goderieh, May 6111, 1852. rb-a1S. tt eo- Mst d•4enp,ies 31, to fall operation o9 the lot, &hip of Wawasod, and ooe half mile from a traettosn of the - die-- rnHE Subteriber haviaj! RENTED the ---- ro- sod the 'rotor power it evifiefe"t to Propel say School house-Bll the mosey will b1, res °( lbs Jotots. Gktd B)•s■ts. UDI i AyAREHOUBE and WHARF belong- i P amo@4t el yt,•4huery throughodt the .sola year. GI%AT W013M011 AND FRA Ing to the Messrs, Davenport, of this place BOOTS AND SHOES. I sided Tte LDt sovuma e..r 100 acro• of the Mot gotred down. For particulars ,apply to the CAt w Am/ r belt h.. ear br Bmem, m eeMbrsa.eJ r ma+■t°1b'avo bar esubhrbed himself r1, a ashy of IuJ, atwgt G eewuotiSl dw 11 4g Pr W&wano h, 4th Aug•ee t ■t8 d1 ..,as•..an w a e aro Cleo red, aie1 k1,■ • e,.•1, Wr.neMw ty e ••meMf'wt-As ave of esemome FOKWARDRB AN° COMMaatON YRlfaaNT. loHE subscriber hereby isUmats to tM leve en d, - Bull rti tna.nd foam r y!% •f ,N as' Any orders or commisnon from rho Mer- Inbabituts of Godericb and tbo ase' ds -9 Por farther Mriaealera apply t• the Ed tw p. Za'" UBB.rucrfn.tr chants of GodOrieh, will receive prompt rouDdng eoustr], that b• b1, eommBtto B1 thus Hero@ Btp■, or w tat propnaor, John CROWN[ LANDS DEPATMENT. d." 1; tae. to dW,_Wage ent•gaS iso• r■■r•w ap JOHN MCEWAN. business tin the above life, is thein tali McCowen, an like p, or the Qv1,tfc, Both July, 1851. ..,Cpop.btrit oftr mtytr k°Leeant•bnow attettiof• ,tv-n7 former) soca ted b Mr. White, . ecq Wiodeor, March, 1849. lower part ofpWest-streot, sod will Aebfield, Dee. 34. 1851- v4n46 OT10E is hereby gives, that the School „i n a r w sated stem @se q••'t i,&sds'o the Ceunlleg of Bruce, Grey solar,.valut, aeaeawsawrarrvmprew!t w eoesuntl oa hard a fall •apply of art, TAKE NOTICE. sed Huron, are now open to 9610 to °°tad epr AtN! rm`esi.TMHeiit f tmttism IS.A.-soy., YOKE OF OXisN LOST. I and SHO of every site Suit de•cttpdoM _ gottbrs on the following terms, via: n "" ,v" a.ee.r or m trneunm •Acca and of a superior gaalit] which be w l wl ees,'o e 1m ,,.r w.,e'..'wrvwbeanis•t'••dook A N the 27th Jus• tut -ase abbek Hag at mbdarae, prices for Cash. „d AI,I, thyt,t indebted loo t\o Hrrsw Sig- Th. prix is to bo TAfBaAtlUi ulmdel9, T't .",mbi ti. •w ata orap°n1q Q with • ►fog ie his cues, some whits N. A• -Hid« and Whet takef ie o: ■■ •wow Offies. eithar b] Note °wild oblioe soli►b tafterest: he fifot lestalmsnt tab g ',tsdi't7 . p■•+•o• 1er•'d tba Rus °rwfu uw chaos tl t►e \ig►at motet pries. t O by Do -1 soeoosr, at this date, R e•eesesl•tta yeest of Auk, • sur of ase forehead, 6 $ GAEEN• a 7 P WCA"e -A &.a- whoa tMit, of a' &btb ,,,rreI yearn old -lbs other •dark rad -A y@un the hof venter by Beknewldging than said apo■ reeNv,ng acupatit to enter a b„.11 r p,••.we@ereev@tty on t d a old. Aoy person giving any ieformataot Godericb, 9t► Bept. 1851. 30 Inbihtree, Bed obuainR a settlement of the abs land• Mtu@1 oeeup.tiosr to bo fame• nM r tnllty M t!e move tv t\at may lead to the discovery of the said _. aT "' ' Btl.r ""' for m.... OOEDRiCH 1'OUND Y awa time with Mr. Har&ee Horton of(iodsneb, at the rate ofifive acre& ansa llybf o cry e.rga."e.e n rove Ir.*.se..enywthemeAepT axes will be suitably rawarded b Ot 1\air oarllest eenwealenet. RjILL N hereafter oosdnct b7 les THOM AN MCQUF.EN. hundred Beres during the first five t• a dh . Ilv '15i/ ra...we e/ tall F,.e,awwAm tr DUGALD CAM BELL. FD. Jas, , 1851 v5e1 1wIG■ .booee at lout 18 test 1,y twg,ty- ,..a+ast.r+,.FW .-o'4e4r-...,.dem• W gab Cos. W&wanot►r tj 1. KeB]&, ora ►i@ own anco°nt, w) g 16°211 6t bass -. alis, to be ereeu :the u1,Mr to b• pFeeer saar +•.Ms.,r away weaver■Tti';,a.vea Jaly 13, IBb2• - - will wppl] ewory deceriplion o/ cuff red satll ase Ia hs ►est paid for asd 1& www e." r N•pt•t •thee r ter tact 0isl/e■a° _ lower priest assn they ns b t• A, C• Ii. fluHt., t Bled. seek to be odbjeet to any general s,,..ae•7u@wmrwfbr0W."btew REMOVAL. The sew .. PuRR STOVE" M etre► reriber, MANUFACTURERS of Hats, Cap and timber duty thersell a 1,letses of tees- an .•.rveeramd ,0. p.p.ww.0 be rpm** - pawed in Canada, end will be @old for I •hie of l.Jl Fas•y Fun, Wbal"val@ and Rvlal Pa11°s• not wignabb wathoat prm,sston, rata e1geeewyswmamwe JOHN RUSSELL. $4 lower than howelefere, f e d alt. I .,`.r' t"mf.. D•alsre is Fon, S°[r■I° R"b•4 Do°r 8tiea, to b0 granted; the ole and I,eeee of Deco- saby d. m„ mmraera t ry Dvsll BOOT MAKER' redeetiae ea all saber artielns. pith the Gluten, ptltr"., kc. ate- patine to become ■all and void ,n the eve O" by-,Wnm:w @-a e■••tty' 1• rbt v room Two svr --I a xc - ) Gadene4 9t► Feb., iSA _, . at gees Gm,k Pad for fours• of S*Ffeet or violation of any of the COQI, *en malt client■, ft'A,4 been gratefully weonraged to re, -__-_ 0o tb The \igMnt solea paid, at SII ti.tee to tin^e: the Settler to be eatttled to obtain a . A. TARAONS. Godericb• I1 SAW MILL pJ11aa t.f Ar arta slid move tw more c•atnl and eomme•toat Cas\, for ail de.erlpuesg of Sbi nt, Patent •pain eemplTing With all the Coed, Clark ts Cm.• Port strait : Eta pratsloan,1, King Attract West, Gell to the t reals to F. t C, H. MUt1L• t,nns,net mon tbsn two hundred seen to be Resbart00", Chatham; B• A Mitchell, ion• f e. where bat rich and vaned /0g i/km vss9lt - &trot as yD•troit. Miebigfs. Awg• l llbl. sold to any use penetia os thins forme. tea; R. Cook, Riebmead, A• HigiRbotbu% Samek a@osteo of L&d:ea' Aosta, M Alll, rotdly vb 030 Anntfnnl. Satin. French and English Pornelle •fill TF R above Mail ani Lot are •ilawea _ the North gide rat Kiwardlso Sit to - -- The following an 1pMfsalt Agents, TI:. CiMtt^aeee Hir Geatbmae g Boot. for Baht■• oN. NOTICE TO YARINF•RA. — I A RF.iI LIGHT le Ilaead oaghtll e■ the =ID]ED )E » Oes. Hill, T)•troit : !lent\ t1t Da•tses PM t7lalkiog, RidiSQ Fishing, Ahostitg, Ao- tat fart amprevi°g V,Ilass of en ►6Ds0 - Manley • T. Diablo Jk Slee, Hemiltes; hyla tLe , wall be foead Dtistian 1104 for Par prtleslare a" to I .rid of the South Peer, at lA& acct► K DFFDEt and Mermonais. wit\ l►elr R;A;4M Ancellee°eand F.°oeemy. t[VM. RAAfA I ytnaa Bon. 4 Cs , Tereete; A1.1 4 Pool. P 1261 ,,. I rSiflMpalbl aro beSeby SOgelred to at• ted isle i• pe•pw sleser,te. ties. Seedy of the har►ear. Oedericb g. If. MARI,r)N. pp wlthopt Dower, fw sole •1 lbl. IYe 4n, CDarU.ad Strait. Now ark. Toreata Jaen loth, 1 tet. rb-f21 oasuagore, *4th Ne• LAN n aeJ •lata ".' D. B. iLiTCI11R 101 P>tillfl'1l30af etrcydo■'s^ e .bole Utfioe. May 17, ISS2. . .- Ceetty Cterlt 11, esessw et tbic OtiK. AugaUt 81, 1863- ? :-,a • 3* Nab, 1UL; •S awl4w pejtjdj >ll . u .. f:' ,., e .., ft'`:.. , ., .:. _. .r •. s ,` i+ . ♦ r ••'. ,r✓.w++r .> t RFi ww.y'tlw t kM.2'V... l, a,,,^? ..: M e ,J M1 r« rt'. } t a fe,la, " "iKdlt.i n-.1 'hii .: •i;Y y 'e •,. t '" - 1..i• .M.. .a. opi • - - for- .4't't ` 9':,. ',..1,4 ",A .p Y!- aaaL:m..: -.., , .. -' . ,J,};/tt. ,lie " ' r " ; 1,p y, yayelt7M'tr. p'.,ay y, t t 1,a.,, . * . *a r . r }7M1 '' * 'y'Si 'a-• 'r ' '>,.i +.RFa- S'T..;...... 'sY,d " l'. '( 3i. Yd. , , r .. d , t t •r oar ..r"ti_.• . R Sa .., t :, .es, 1. ,. { ,m;..:_. "•c" -. ..."'Ji.w'_'.iYt aro ti .,a . asd ✓`_ „---'._. ,-__..., :_ - alma.-^-.-_-_.-_.•--- - -.---.,a/wltl'_`.'"rtf•