HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-16, Page 16Peg,' 1¢ `Tine 'Times-Acy'o !tee March i&. 19/6 ,- f .}11111.1 AAAA 1 1 At LlAAI.nAAAmiatwoug,1u11A+4AAplani1,11.A}lta l U1.,11 11.1WAtA1A1!n1A,UtA141111At IdU,A1A,,11.11u 1 IAd A J4 u4 , Old els $i,300, • STET Sunday.,, March 197;30 p.m. GUEST PREACHER: REV. A. ��. VAN: EEK Soloist; Mrs, Bru>wgl Cann Proceeds 'from these services for the 1� orld�'s Hungry '.here there is hunger, disease and fear, the Church, must be there," EVERYBODY WELCOME be received at Beavers' Hard - a, t!1111111U1nIlA111141n,lItAtAlllutu1111n111141I111111111f11/1111 IIInlll ll111111111LU lItA1{IIUTAnllllll R�' !ware. During the business session A,1111It1l,nmfAn/luulllullAl1L1,111,N11l4111!11114!!/lttltlAt4{An.1111Illlllnnllllll1111111tlllllln„IAIIll,111InlIIA4 ' of the dunk arrangements were made .for a paper drive next :Monday morning. .SOUTH HURON.DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL The members of the .club are invited to be guests of the Kins- men Club .of Exeter at an an- nual joint meeting at Arm- strong's restaurant this Thurs- day evening, March 16. An invitation has been re- ceived from the RCAF sta,- ,tion, Centralia, to a luncheon and a tour of the station on. 'April 12. 4.xeter !mons t`lub. raised $1.300 during their blitz for the Red Cross Thursday Meiling. i ' A canvass of the town was Iuade Previous to the club's supper meeting at Arrnstrong.'.s :Restaurant, The bhts ” was in charge of .Eton. president, Reg. Beavers. Several donations have been'. made since the blitz and it is expected the amount will reach, $1,400, the amount raised Jost year, AAAA Thereere were not enough c an• gassers to make a complete co- verage of the town and the .re,– sidents of 1:xeter North were; missed. :Further donations will At H•ome Dance SHIMS Auditorium Friday, March 17 MUSIC 13? RON BROWN and his orchestra Dress Optional Dancing 9 to 1 Couples only, $2.50 4nIn11111Aun/ ilglfllfnllf ul,ll lu1111111f1111111111111II I u111111111111 nn1111111111111111III11111111t111tt111111111111111d llllleIt11111111teetru11111111111Ill l tlllliteir/11111111ient111111111111111u11111111111111111111111f 111/lltl nl111tI11111I Huron -Middlesex -Perth Turnip GGrowers Association Meeting, THURS,, MARCH 23 2:00 p.m. EXETER TOWN HALL THESE EXPERTS CAN SUPPLY THE ANSWERS: Prof. Harold. Goble on insects ° L. W. Argue, ext. spec., on storage Jack Murray, soils spec., on fertilizer and others Bernard Benny Chairman Roy Westcott, Sec'y -�htumm�nunn fuuln nnluunntnununn Iml nunuu nunn,n ulnl ural n nl uu ant au I nu n q,o luta f.tA1111111111111111111111n11111/111111111111111111111f 11,11Ill ltn bn 1111111!!111II11111I111111t1111111111111111111111111t11111i10 Save Paper For Exeter Lions' Drive on Mon., March 20 Tlie club will pick up papers in Exeter, Crediton and Dashwooa on Monday morning. Other residents in the community may deposit their paper at Guenther Tuckey Transports Ltd. before the pickup date. WE APPRECIATE YOUR CO-OPERATION Your assistance helps us carry out our ' welfare program in the community, • 4tlunnlrnmv,nlnlnnnnnninlLuonnmunnnutnu,lnnlnllt,dtnlnnnnalllrnlmrinnutnnneruunv eamc7q4 ONE NIGHT ONLY EXETER JAMES STREET CHURCH (by arrangement) WED, APRI 12, 1961 8 P.M. Hear the goods news of new Life presented by one of Britain's leading preachers, These dedicated and talented men drawn from various Churches are touring the ten Provinces of Canada, conducting interchurch evangelistic rallies in 100 cities from Newfoundland to the YuIlan under The teadet'shifl of Torn Rees, the farnous British evangel. ist. ,1. This Nation -Wide Inter.Church Mission to Canada commenced with A Commissioning Service in Toronto Which was conducted jointly try The Primate of the Anglican Church; the President of the Baptist Federation of Canada, the Moderators of the Presby- terian and United Churches of Canada, And other Church Leaders, 5C1LOS * COMMUNltY S1NOIN6* THE WORD OF LIFE 'Fbr Ohlicify and party reservations apply to: 1CO% t, HI DTZ, BOX 414, 'EXETER: Plfssierl to tench (00a-siiing Soaetary it'ev. A. teDrew Gardner) 'otioriai lieodquarlerS, ill' baro! Street I00, termite Sdhil7rio, Fast action from T -A Classi- fiedsl Phone 770, Canadian Cancer Society Exeter Branch REGULAR MEETING Mon., March 27 8:00 p.m. LIBRARY BASEMENT WOMEN'S SERVICE & CAMPAIGN WORKSHOP REPORTS St. Patrick's DANCE MT. CARMEL Friday, March 17 Music by GRANT EDIGHOFFER'S 1 Melody Masters 10:00 p.m. .. . Admission 75¢ Lunch Served Presentation ofw. Dance FOR MR. A„lD MRS. KEN HAYTER (nee Louise Holmes) Fri., Mar. 24 LUCAN ARENA "DOUBLE EAGLES" ORCHESTRA Starring the McGee Sisters ADMISSION 50¢ EACH Ladies bring lunch. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP 'ANNUAL Progressive EUCHRE Wed., March 22 8:30 pan, EXETER LEGION HALL ADMISSION Men: 50¢ Ladies: Tiring Lunch Everyone Welcome JOIN THE GANG1 Saturday Night Dances EXETER LEGION HALL Darici,rig 9 to 12 Admission 75¢ r Show foatu res home for WO /AVMS views A "home ,or the yea! '• with ,ddiT Can - features designed to meet the a s iegtie.lbs of \1r.esker�t Ontaritr DAFFODIL TEA• --Anna rl (a:n- t resident. , wilt hi„ hliht the 123 exhibits at this year's "Uonte cer Society:° Daffodil Tea, Fri- end Garden Show" itt London day, March 24, Janes St. next week, Pnited Church, 3 to 3 p',m, Ti1Q hoilie, .a split.i.ev.el two Variety program. Everyone ling of six rooms,.was espe• wcicOlt)c, 2: 1:161 ciaily designed from results of CARP PARTY— Crediton °Wo - a survey; to determine what WOsponsoring g � men's Institute are s nnsonn adults wanted in a new d tel- a card panty in the Commun. hug. ' ity Hall, March 23, at .8:30 The show will be held' at p,ni, Everyone welcome. isc to cen3S incl slve,lrolrr March „0 HAM SUPPER -- Clandeboye 'United tcdChurch, March 22 , 5:30 Ito 8 p.n. Adission $1.25 and PROPERTY TRANSFERS }fist. 16e The apartment house on the o on ,. BAKE SAL -- 11lelnbels of� corner f Huron and Andrew PriClee of i-iur'on i'iebekah Lodge streets owned by William Par- are holding a bake sale Satur• ker has been sold to `taurice day, March 18, •at .3 pont. in Spt•na'.tte,, of town, The residence 00 Main Street the atone next to Wilson's Gift Sho. 1Gc owned by Mrs. Clark Fisher g has been sold to Lorne T, Bray, EUCH 1? 1= PARTY -- March 17, of the RCAF personnel, at Trivia Memorial l'at'ish Both transactions were )Made Hall, 8 p.m. Prizes. Admission through C. V. ,Pickard, real- 50e, Everyone welcome. 16c tor, N., I SUPPORT THE 1 WINTER WORK CAMPAIGN When a congregation sleeps OF THE it's the parson who needs i NATIONAL FMPLOYMENT waking up. i SERVICE 2:2-3:16c JII}l!11 Ll 11111111111111 imil1111/,11merrlAlnImmillieler 11/11111111111Il mitten, nll lllil !mime,' or Pentecostal Tabernacle Rev, Mel. W, Holmes, Pastor 6:00 a.rn•—CJ CS :B•a.dia, 1.240 Ke. Bible Message -"IF 1 WERE SATAN"—This sermon will be mailed to all requesting it, 9:45 a,nt. :Sunday! School 11:00 A.M. "A SPIRITUAL CHURCH" 7:30 P.M. 1.REMEMBE:R, LOT'S WIFE" Good Music - Lively Singing Anointed Preaching "Visit The Tabernacle This Sunday" Arenc .ctivities 21 IWA.tt.Alutttb.luttomitnR,t111 I It 11l111111111n111u11u mtAuut1.111111111 11111f IRRI1.1AAb4t1lA.Illttu.11ltnt yr THURSDAY, MARCH 16 3:00 S.OQ•,-Skating. 6:Co.10.00--RCAF 1Q :00.11:30,--Kl rkton FRIDAY, MARCH 17 5:30.9:44,—Figure Skating Rel 9.:00.10:00---Dashwoohearsad SATURDAY,. MARCH 18 10•QO.11,00—Jets vg, slack Hawks 111:CQ-12:00--Wee Wets No Pt7blic Skating I. a+:oo-- SKATI CARNIVAFinUR£ N�i. tf L SUNP,AY,MARCH 19 2:00.4,00•–Public Skating • MONDAY, MARCH 20 4:00.5:00—Skating 6:03.7:30 --Wel, Wee:; 8:00.10:00—RCAF TUESDAY, MARCH 21 1:3O.730—Pee Wee 8:30—EXETCR HAWKS PLAYOFF TALENT NIG T Sat,, Mar, 18 CLINTON LEGION HALL 8 p.m. For this rally= we are having all local young people present- ing musical numbers, solos, duets, quintets as well as in- strumental selection. . CAPTAIN .LITTLE of the Salvation Army, t'oron- I to, will be guest speaker. We 'know you will enjoy this program, so plan to be with ramnnnuutnLlnumn/,nnnunnnnnnus, 111n11111ft11IIIIfllfn111/11111/1111111!1,1111111111111!11111111111111111111f1f1111f/111111111t1111,11II11111111111111111111111rr EXETER FIGURE SKATING CLUB Presents Its Eighth Annual Ic.e F of 1 1 Saturday, March 18 8:00 p.m, Exeter Arena FEATURING GUEST SKATERS AND LOCAL TALENT Red Riding Hood Cockleshells Indian Maidens The Three Bears Sanctioned by the CFSA Admission: 65¢ and 25¢ f. M1.4111 n 11111!.11! 111 n 11! 11111111!! l! 111.1,,,1.111..... 1.11111 11! 11..1111111111111111111,111111,11111111111,1111111) l l l 111, l if Get More Out Of Life ... GO TO A MOV THURS., FRI. AND SAT. -- MARCH 16, 17, 18 BRYNNER £II ALLACH STEVE McQt1EEN UNITEDItARTISTS F Free chocolate bar, popcorn or soft drink to Revery seventh person attending the theatre for ■w • this outstanding movie. MON., TUES, AND WED. -- MARCH 20, 21, 22 ALI. THAT iS UNCONQUERABLE IN MAN ...ALL THAT iS UNVANQUISHED iN WOMAN IS IN "ADULT" IIEdNT•NItUTA,NCAstOt present IANG4SiER•NEPBURN onirai AA.dvfhe AUDIF. JOHN CHnatrc CIttIAN 6ISH JASEPH MSEM1(I MURPHY . SAXON ,• BICKFORD IAin t SAtMiI JUNE WALKER P1Uautzd, Ar SEraenplavby IUIC 6MAeAr�AIdl/p,driiAr 4.e TECHNiCOLCR� JAUtS 'OAserssz fill ttetn h YI:IAvI5' _116 •. .. ' Maaoaw 1 nroeea a s:nt Alec ns iailwe dw UAITEDQ+(ARTISTS l lll4L4 Phone 421 LYRIC EXETER • Firsf Show 7:30 Seconal the* 900 Matinee Direr .' 1 by )o8N HUSTON SOUTH HURON YOUTH FOR CHRIST , THE C1NTR.AI-.IA BALL, ROOM t0.. DANCING CLUB invites Ypu.. • For Groupor Private Lessons at the RCAF STAT.iON COMMUNITY CENTRE. Every Wednesday 9.30 porn, — }EE AE SONABLE. PEACH ANYlI3.N(s .'_....5. 1.:etc). (Cha Cha, Waltz, Hock 'n Rol.., PHONE AO $•6880: AIII/IIIllln n111.1.11ItIllAltl,IltllAl.Atl llulA1L1, 1lAu 1111! l.nnnnu1111111n1n1 Alllll!I n}nnlnftll}}41f1ttnn{41n114tt1t,. , AlulllLUltl11111,n!,IAII,IIIItlutntAtllultnrl!r11411n 11!1nlunl❑Illnnq!❑1111!lt!141!1t10lUlltn QUl!Inl!1lW ll'7 Osborne School Area INFORMATION MEETINGS to discuss the merits of a CENTRAL SCHOOL STARTING AT 8;30 P.M, March 17 BISSETT'S No. 5 March 21 HURONDALE No: 1 March 23 WHALEN No. 12 No. 6 No,3 March 28 WINCHELSEA March 30 PLUGTOWN A special invitation to the ladies EVERYONE WELCOME H, Dougall, Chairman A. G. HICKS, Sec'y 1111(11111111111111111111111111111nnMItl111!1,1111111ff111 f11!In111111011111111111111111111l11111111!11111tttttt1n111111111 ti UAL MEETING Snith Huron H:'itaI Association id , March 27 8:30 p.m. ,AUXILIARY ROOMS Please use the Anne St, (North) Entrance. For the purpose of receiving the directors' and auditor's reports. For the purpose of electing directors, All individual contributors and presidents of organizations contri- buting are member s and entitled to attend and vote. The Public Generally invited. W. G. Cochrane, Chairman M. Reeder, Secretary There'sonaething for Everyone at the Big ANNUAL Home and rden Show ARCH 2.0 to 25 SHOW OPEN DAILY 1:30 P,M. TO 10:30 P.M. • Western Fair Grounds London f' 'Fun For The #,y , with Kids Mi55 Dorothy Int Our Own 2nd !door Romper Room EVERY AFTERNOON MONDAY TO FRIDAY -- 2 to 3:30 p.m. -- Let the children enjoy the frolic while you enjoy the show. PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN-- 4 T0' 6 ONLY ' Exciting New Features + New Exhibits New Ideas 111 WESTERN ONTARIO'S ANNUAL tH0weAsE OF "BETTER LIViNGI ADMISSION c 0 Children with Parents Admitted Free ..,,...... • "TOME 61".. -The Pat amus London Free Pres Horne Of The Yet1f 1 PLAN NOW TCi ATTEND 'TI -Ile' ST ItNN , HOME AND GARDEN SHOW MARCH 20 to 25, Western NI' Oreonde --4.flcton'