HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-16, Page 14Page 14 no Time3•Ad:vec. etc$ March 16, 1 61 \M viewsCorrect report Middle j" �n SSteachers r "Voices from Abroad" was the theme of the meeting -et the VMS Afternoon. Auxiliary of ,fames Street United Church on Thursday afternoon. Mas Lloyd Taylor cllseusserl conditions in the Middle Bast stating that there ;was ti great deal of chaos and unrest, This was accounted for by the 'fact that modern customs and.prac- tices'were being superimposed on the age-old .traditions of the- people too quickly causing confusion and uncertainty. She aunted , Dab McClure as saying thatDra million clot- tars of oil is held by five per cent of the people while 95 = percent have very low living standards -- there is extreme poverty and extreme wealth which makes good soil for communism to tato :root in China. "Canada has a wonderful op- portunity to helm smooth out the troubles of the world and the lime is bOli", said Mrs, Taylor.. The worshin service was con- ducted by Airs. Percy Pass- more assisted by Mrs. Andrew ]1nu all, Mrs. ;Lack Carr, Mrs, , Ton tow people Charles Miller and Miss Pearl ung for work c-iiee Keyes. :Sirs. Frank 1Vildfolig found a job. favored with a piano solo. PRESENT '61 FASHIONS AT HURON PARK—Despite i Standings, from left, are Mrs, Isable Henley, Mrs. Sylvia a raw night. the fashion show "Vacation Prelude '61"; Smith and Mrs. Ann Tatton, WA president; seated are attracted a large crowd to 3. A, D. McCurdy School Mrs, Gertrude Pearson and Mary Tichbourne, the com- auditorium Monday for the Women's Auxiliary fashion mentator, from Kingsmill's, London, show. A group of the models display tea fashions here., —T -A photo Centraiia WA presents preview • Chic fashions herald springtime ise MRS. ANN TATTON Fashion Show "Vacation Pre.. Is spring in the air? Jude. '61." For 250 people at the J.A.D. In a beautiful garden set - McCurdy School, RCAF Sta. ting, Kingsmills Limited, Lon - tion Centralia, spring arrived don, assisted by models from Monday evening when the Wo. the station, displayed a com- nen's Auxiliary presented their plete range of clothes from teens to size. i.1/2 for spring and summer. Striking swimsuits and" gay sportswear epened the eve - _ fling's pro gram, a special fee.- kirts, .berinii- , tura of which was the many in - plans ops nr. r, ^ "jk... SH auxiliary Under :.the title "Sightseeing" At the `meeting of •the Wom- beautiful suits, Including very e.n's Auxiliary to South Huron chic double-knits, Chanel -in - Hospital on Tuesday afternoon spired outfits with the so -smart it was decided to 'have an eve- short jacket and for the taller Nation meeting at the execu- person the fashionable stroller tire level on Tuesday, March suits, were modelled amidst 21. This will be a meeting to applause from the audience review the past. consider the In coats, the elbow length present and plan for the future sleeve, worn with the longer for the Auxiliary. glove, was a big 'feature to- gether with the refreshing new shades of mint green, off- white, •blue, melon, and a very beautiful red. Many of the col. ours were repeated in the suits, some of which had com- plimenting blouses of pure silk, with the jackets lined identi- cally, producing an ultra - smart effect. After intermission, when tea was served, Miss Mary Tich- bourne the charming commen- tator for the evening, directed attention to the outstanding collection of afternoon dres- ses, after five and evening wear, Lightweight wool was used in many muted shades for the dresse,. including a stunning lavender. Also, pure - silk was once again shown in glorious flower prints. Treasurer Mrs. R. E. Pooley noted that Grand 13end Wont- en's Institute had made a don- ation ..of 35O. The membership now stands at 101. Mrs, Rufus Kestle, convener of the tray committee, announced that the favors were ready for the trays for St. Patrick's Day. Only one of the baby sitters is on hand and it was left to the buying committee, convened by Mrs. W. C. Allison, to pur- chase more. Mrs. Gerald Godbolt•, repre- sentative of the Auxiliary to the Hospital Board, reported. that it was hoped the new hos- pital wing would be ready by late May or early .Tone and that new floors had been laid in the present hospital hall and reception room. The annual meeting of the :Board will he held March 27 at 8:30 in the Auxiliary room. The Spring rummage sale will be held in the Legion Hall, May 6 under the convenership of Mrs. W. G. Cochrane, Mrs. H. H. Cowen, Mrs. Ward Fritz, Mrs. Harold Skinner and Mrs. E. R. I -Topper. Mrs. Hector Murray renorl- ing for the Exeter branch of the Cancer Society announced the daffodil tea in James Street. United Church nn March 24 with a variety program, At the Anr]l meeting of the Auxiliary Mrs. ,1. C. MacMick- ing, Markham, public relations director of the Women's Hos- pital Auxiliaries of Ontario, will he the guest speaker. Fol- lowing the meeting a tea will he served in the nurses' resi- dence by the nurses' commit• fee convened by Mrs. -Allen Fraser. The hell -shaped skirt was ing success. popular, and roans of the Convenors were Mrs. A. sheath dresses were shown Young, Mrs. 1, Martin, Mrs, with complimenting coats, M. Turnbull, Mrs. L. Crosby, either stroller length or neat of the WA executive. fitted jackets. Models included Mrs. S. The evening wear again Smith, Mrs. Wilma Donald, drew applause from the aud- Mrs. T. Henley, Mrs. G. Pear- ience who were delighted with son, Mrs.M. Shippey, Mrs M. the materials and colors, in- Beach Miss J. St. Louis, Miss eluding sea.•ltlucr. ntlsty pink, a S. Kelly, Mrs. A. Tahoe, striking combination of black;.,,,mmunuuuwnunmm�nnnuuumrnnnnnunmm,nmm�nnn, h!nnnnun,ulnnunnuuunnu,•.. Last week in the report t of 'Mrs. E. G. Moore's address ,to the WA of :ames Street .church the impression was given that people outside RCAF station Centralia.. taught in the protes- tent Sunday School there. Mrs. Moore said that owing to the itranefer of personnel from the station there had to be frequent retllaeentents of the teaching staff of the Sunday Scheid, "Because the majority of our people are young, with mule families, .are moving every three years or so and never really put .down roots, it is sometimes ,difficult to find ilea• pie who, are willing to com- mit themselves to Sunday School teaching, choir work etc," site said. On the other hand, site indi- cated, there were often .some parents transferred to the sta- tion who immediately volun. Leered to assist with church work. Mrs. Monte nutlined the work of her husband, the protestant padre at the station, to the WA group, Mrs, M. Hannigan paid trib- ute In the memory of a former member, Mrs. George Mantle, whn died last week, President. Mrs, S. E. Lewis conducted the business when three past: presi;;ents, Mrs, L. Kyle, Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg and Ails. Taylor were named ren- resentatives td a cnmmittee to prepare the launching of the new organization "The united Church Women" in January 1P62. The last meeting of Huron 1vMS Presbyterial as such is being held .in Wingham United Church, April 6. The United Nations program. for technical assistance, was presented by Airs, Herman Pnwe, Describe visit behind 'curtain' At the meeting of the Kin- ettes al the home of Mrs. Art Clarke an Monday evening ,Ars. George nether Sr, told of her trip last year to ,her native land behind the Iron Curtain, She was introduced by Mrs. Toni Vickerinat' and thanked by .Mrs. Les Parker who pre- sented her with a gift oi. be- half of the club. A baby shower was held for Mrs. Paul Pearson who also won the draw of the evening. Assisting the hostess \vera Mrs. Neil Campbell, Mrs. Parker and President Mra. Calvin Wein who conducted the business, , and white, flattering beige, emerald green and a glorioes full-length formal in mauve. With these Outfits, a beauti- ful collection of furs were shown by Forrest Furs Lim- ited, London, which were des- cribed .by Mr, Forrest. They included luxurious jackets and stoles, in a complete range from China mink. Persian lamb to fabulous wild minks. The many varieties of hats shown as accessories with the clothes, drew many comments of pleasure. Once again the colours and designs were out- standing. Smyth's Shoe Store. of Ex- eter, presented spring and summer styles which perfectly matched in some cases the colors• of the outfits. Particu- larly appealing were the ca- suals. Medliand Movers, through lo- cal representative R, Little sponsored the program and donated door prizes, Dinney Furniture. Exeter, provided staee settings. Everyone agreed that the evening had been an outstand- Cathy's Beauty Lounge 147 MAIN ST. PHONE 645, Perms • Cut:. • Sets - Tints OPEN Monday to Friday, 9.6 Tues. & Thurs, Evenings Only Closed Saturday CATHY RQBBINS, Peop, t New Spring Hair Style For Your. s Headline Attraction for Spring is a new halr•ci,expertly styled for yea by our skilled beau,. tfcians, We'll provide the fin• Ishing touch to set off that nevi Ea stet` outfit. Y&Het, +SAll.sfiletto CitetAeS AEAUTY SALON Phone- 1 t Ot Algal attic) Cietecf .Ali I�ey Monday , Crib' Guera'rilee' t°OS" Tvesdayr W`edhesday 4 5eturday, !?•6 'Thursday and Friday, 9.9 CLOSING SPECIAL Permanents Ren: $12.50 Rte, $1o,00 Rets, $8,50 raexein ettemn $10,00 • a $8,00 .. $6,00 HiLine Beauty Salon Marg 4rintnsll, Prep. PHONE AC 5.6661 CENTRALIA stop look - they hove 9' Spring beads ,and neckiaces Fresh new fashions in costume jewellery Choose while we have a full selection. FROM $1 Jack Smith CREDIT JEWELLER ' Phone. 510 Exeter Do,itiourseki U phQl st rers WE ARE NOW STOCKING 'UPHOLSTERING SUPPLIES See its for webbing, gimp, cordis, tacks, upholstery nails, spray finishes etc. We'll be glad to help youl PHONE 315 Ralphl 5weitzer 11111!!1!UIn11l1,1,10110111,1111011UL1gI01110A000t1110„111IOIIIIIp11001•01Alr1,n11, U, 0,11111, 11,IIn1,0„0! • • .Thank u 9 * s , ON THE OCCASION OF OUR 1st. Annive-r5ary '"4.;:..j We Are Saying "','hank You” For Your Kind Patronage ly Offering A FREE CREME OR COLOR RINSE With Every Shampoo and Set DERN BEAUTY. SALON Brenda Brenner, Phone 429 Prop. Barbara. Roth, Operator Main St, Exeter I 1,,,,11,0,10,,,1,,,,1,,,110,,,,,,,,„0,,,,,11„I„l,„0„n,,,,OI,,,,,,„,,11,11„01,,,,011,0,,;1„01,,,,1,,,,„1,,,,,,, , Start Your Set Today!! School Girls For Skin Care, Use FAIR &. CLEAR. Our Eacv BOOK- T-�-T ' 25 DE LUXE VOLUMES by 'YARDLEY' It's simple to use: 1. 13e sure skin is perfectly clean by washing with warns water and a mild soap . Yardley Oatmeal Complexion Soap is idealfor this pur- pose. Pat dry. 2. Smooth in Fair and Clear. 3. Leave on until completely dried at least 13 minutes. It can be left on all night if you \v.ish. 4. Sponge off with soap and , and water. Sold by MID LETON'S DRAGS nuun,l,,,:nun,n„u,!!,t!„a!,u,neon,,,ne,n+,;!,mi1u;:;,iensnor,!;u,uuu,u,muu„nm„+nuuuuu t*XETL .R PHONE 447 Keep fo fer ye..r in this. huge 12 cubic foot REFRIGERATQR FREEZER 'i ' Full -width zero -zone Freezer holds up to 67 lbs, of /rozeit food. Separately insulated and refrigerated, never defrosts or rises above 5 degrees. Food east be quick-frozen for long - 1,61•111 storage, f” Automatic defrost. re- ,. frigerator section• --t ci dials to set, lib buttons to push. :01 QUALITY BACKt 5 IRERIO.R LOCAL, • SERVICE 1114,,,.,,,4 r ONLY AND TRADE PUSSELL ELECTRI.c . yt7UR. 'IWZ7'ugettOCti AptiAlvet OtAtifo; rat -SALES wiYii SERVICE Vol, No. 1 Still Available- Get vailableGet a beak a week 'til your set's complete FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL — 6 to 9 p.m. only Mother Parkar`E 40c off 1gs, 10 -oz. lar Instant coffee • 99` FREE All the Wishing Well Qranes yeu call drink — s Free Wishing Well Ginger Ale Buy a carton of any Wishing+ Well flavor .And get One Ginger Ale FREE, plus deposit La legs LAMS IN THE BASKET LAMB CHOPS, lean tasty TABLERITE COUNT 8 WIENERS Big five•pound Dae ORANGES Quay! Ib Ib, 25e Ib. 4?i” pkg, 350 59' HELP WANTED Man or woolen ler gtoesry depart -men! Full lime position, Apply a! store. I ICA MARGARINE, Ib, ekes, 11GA RIPE 'N RAGGED PEACHES, 20 -oz. !GA BEANS WITH PORK, 15.oz, tins IGA GINGER ALE, 30.0.. iGA CHOICE CREAM CORN, 20•o,, this IGA EVAPORATED MILK SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS, 100'.s 4 fer. f175 2 ler 475 2 for 275 4 for 47e 4 for 64' 6 lies 795 79c 100 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH En *S Fruit Salts, or, beetle 1,$00 FREE GOLD BOND STAMP COUPONS 25 with Success Wiax, el, tin 50 With Pop*orianl .Tooth Pasfe Z5 Willi Schrieidol' Cooknsl ... .2S with McCormick't CY•ackkrs, Iii'. pko, 2S with Go14 Seal Sockeyealtneii, sPA*ez. 10' Willi Carlon4(geeotfes '(all braids) rl n HONE 978 FREE b'ELIV ?' 735 EXETOR y