HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-16, Page 13too 9 n I green c. fore e ca, k !Th 11 eff-A0w,ca 19 sha e a s i1ia Ia .S,gR\MRS--; HIGHEST CASH prices paid in surrounding ,distriet for dead, .old. or (iisabled horses and rattle. For prompt, sanitarY .doset day or -night, seven- . flay service, call Atwood 256.: 2622- :collect, Long .distarten rms.' tomers phone Atwood .Zenith 81900 (no charge). Plant Li- cenve No, 10306.1; .Collecting Licence 62RP61. .23:3V -9:28e IREAL WrA.11;— REAL ESTATE-- ELEC'PROLUX sales and sor- vire Bert. ,I-Pirris 109 New. gate St.Goderich, phone 3A 4.79)7. 8:15:22:20'tfc FARM PONDS BY SHOVEL OR BULLDOZER Apply CHARLES DIETRICH PHONE CREDITON 231.6478 23:2916* 'WELL DRILLING — For the best in service and the :mog, 111 exPerience, contael Durham ! Drillers to solve your water -problem. Box 299, Durham, phone- Atwood 356.2367 or Allan Park 0r5. 23:21016:23h' WOODWORK KITCHEN CUP:- )ARDS CARPI?,NTRY, ETC., WS WITMER Phone 412-M Exeter 16:23:30 PAINTING PAPERHANGING Custom.Made KITCHEN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS Call Us for Free Estimates THOS, H, WALKER Phone 553 Exeter 16* I AM CLEANING and white- washing barns for brucellosis. Anyone interested, phone Aliso Craig 104, collect, Roland Neil. 10201fnc DRESSMAKING and altera- tions—Mrs, Kurt •Gebel, one mile north of Clandeboye, No. 4 Highway, phone BA 7-4359 Lucan. 9:1623z WE HAVE experienced men available for the following trades: carpentry, plumbing, ti nsmith in g, eavestroughing,: painting,, all types of roofing and siding and floors. Reason- able rates. Phone Lateen BA .7-4680. 9:16:23c CUSTOM -PLOUGHING,sew- ing, planting, preparing land. W. Victor Knip, phone 37812 Exeter, 16:2330;6:13:20* REAL ESTATE - 1. 2 -BEDROOM HOU'SE, modern conveniences, oil heat, next to school, store, 'post office, . Also new 3 -bedroom ready in ,lune. H. C. Murless, Clandeboye. 29:16:23:306c Wilfred McIntee — Broker Listings Wanted 50 ACRE, .?ARM, Exeter Wein. 50 ACRE, GRASS FARM, lots ity, immediate possession, gond .of water, 5 acres bush, balance buildings, Apply to Box .SLIV1, grass. Apply Miloe Pulien, RR Exeter Times -Advocate, .Granton, phone 80r2 Kirkton.: 16;33.e WM, PARC, REALTOR Exeter — Lovely, nearly new brie!: libuse, nicely landscaped, paved drive, car port and stor. age ream. Inside, la undrY room, kitchen, dining area, Jiving room with broadloom, bath and two bedrooms. Exeter — Three-bedroom brick enttage, well located, oil beat. ed. Terms, Exeter — Two bedroom, oil h ea ted, well located J ohns- Moovilte sided ouse with aluminum storms and screens and garage. Terms, Exeter — Attractive three-bed- reom, one -floor home, well lo- cated. Excellent value for cash to settle estate, Email — Large brick, in good condition, suitable for large family or duplex, with .garage and extra lot. Hot water heat- ing. Excellent value, FARMS 250 Acres — Two sets of build- ings, all in good condition. ideal for two families, 200 Acres — Level, well-hullt on clay loam farm, suitable for livestock or cash crop farm- ing. 200 Acres — Level, well drain- ed clay loam, suitable for beef cattle and cash cropping, We have four 150 acre farms in surrounding area. We sug- gest you see us before buying. For further information on above properties and for new listing, please contact BUSS BRODERICK, Agent Phone 1187W or apply at 24 Waterloo St. On Farms, Homes, Businesses and Summer Properties. For the buyer we offer: 50 ACRE FARM, west of Ex- eter, well drained clay loam. Good barn, hen house. drive sheds; 11/4 -storey comfortable brick home. 160 ACRE Goderich area pic- ture book farm. Productive apple orchard. Large barn and ` many other buildings in excel- lent repair; 2 - storey brick home. Terms. 2 GENERAL STORES, hard- ware store, fully modern res- taurant and other businesses within 30 miles o( F,xeter. For :further inform a lion on above and for other listings call' lAtK FUI-CHER Phone 225 457 Edward S. : Exeter Local, Representative. for , WILFRED. McINTEE Realtor WALKERTON, Ontario 6 Offices and 25 Salesmen to serve you. 2;0c • C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 114 -STOREY HOUSE, well lor cated on beautifully treed lot. One bedroom and 3.plece bath doWnstah's, 2 bedrooms up. Full basement with oil -burning furnace. Moderate taxes. Rea- sonably priced. Terres., BRICK BUILDING, business section, still:able for retail busi- ness or warehouse, Immediate Possession, Inspect this proper- ty at your convenience. WELL LOCATED Inn setts With complete set of buildings, Land in good condition With good acre -age of fall ploughing. Close t() village and school. Reasenablo pr3te.Teals, Other properties for sale, Buy Of The Year NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Due to complaints from RCAF Centralia officials, the Mr Force and Township Dump on 'Concession 4 will be closed to ,the publie if the pi active o 'discarding dead animals and !decayed vegetabtes is not dis- continued immediately. Comfortable, spacious home for sale in choice location in Exeter. Double living rooms, with marble fireplace, dining room, family size kitchen, four bedrdonis, two bathrooms. REASONABLE PHONE 614 EXETER Modern House 1 STOREY 2 BEDROOMS ELECTRICAL HEATING LOCATED IN CENTRALIA Reasonably Priced PHONE AC 8-6961 16c Call J13 At 863 76 FOOT BUILDING LOTS •$50,00 Down, EXETER — 3 -unit apartment house, $2,000 down. EXETER — 13 acres land, house and barn, EXETER. — Remodelled home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, gar- age. EXETER — NeW 3 -bedroom, hot water heat, 6% mortgage. EXETER — 2 -bedroom house, oil heat, garage, CENTRALIA Completely re- modelled heroe, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, CENTR ALIA — 3-1) edroom house, hot water heat, garage. CREDITON — 5 acres, new house, new barn, 200 ACRE 'FARM north of Dashwood, Briek house, good barn, driveshed, abundant wa- ter, land tiled. Good terms, 200 ACRE FARM northwest of Ifensall, 'NO houses and 2 barns good water supply, GRAND RENO — Brand new year-round home hi Southeott Pines—$2,500 &Wit, 2 GENERAL SToitts With liv- ing quarters. John Burke MP! Estate Broker if you Wish to buy •or sell see General Insurance C. V. Pit KARDy REALTOR 534 1MI1 St't"t EXEER, ONTARIO 854 Main n, Exeter 1T? 563 ?lima 165 and 618 Marc Salesmen: LLOYD HOLLAND BRICK HOUSE, 9.1406111, Phalle 970.1 Exeter 'Hensall, furrittee, 3 -Pie bath, hot Water, VMS' tan be O. TONY rahged, IMMOliAte pOtseSslint, Phone 71,41 Staffie By Order of Stephen Township Council, Clerk. ROSS HAUGH, Bisset root pitiper,. 114 "thresher beitt ton hydraulic lack; IY14-1 -6-ft. Ott power take- off Plower; MeDeering drop. leaf hay: loader; Wit :single Mailer; 111.H. land packer; • .bb.r tirewagon,flat rack And grain box; 4,section t;olouttedr; lidaurrmopwstrakSeirim3),.sovst‘tieoelil lever barrows; set „of pop steighs:. hay Udder.; Viking 0.1ectrie Preattl Separatar: rub' ber tire wheelbarrow: extension ladder; galv. water tanks; snow fence; 2 :walking plows; fanning mill with sieves; ve- ment. forms; -electric motor; nectar 'posts; 6 :cord stove wood; nyantity of lumber; bog and. chicken feeders; steel nests and water fountains: logging chains; forks; shovels; galv. piping, Many other miSeellan- eous *items, • PLEASE NOTE: All imple- ments in new condition, HAY & GRAIN: 200 bales nf choice quality alfalfa and tim- othy hay; 2a0. hales oat straw, 9:16c 50 bales wheat straw; 300 ' bushels Garry oats, ITERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold, HAROLD JEFFERY, Prop, • GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood THE MARCH SESSION OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will be held at Goclerich on MARCH. 24 commencing at 1000 am. All communications in connec- tion therewith must be in the bands of the Clerk not later than Friday, March 17, 1961. JOHN G. BE'RRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Godericb, Ontario 16e NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Frank Mitchell, 916c BANKRUPTCY AUCTION Of Vehicles, Constructio'n EclPipment and Material De$irable Residential Property TUE HAROLD WEBER CONSTRUCTION 'PREMISES, DASHWOOD, ONTARIO SATURDAY, MARCH 18 1:00 p.m, Sharp We have received instructions to sell the assets of the Harold Weber Construction Company and Percy August Fleischauer (Stratford), both in bankruptcy, with assets having been re- moved to the Weber premises for convenience of sale. in- cluded will be '56 Fargo panel; '52 Ford 3 -ton with winch; desk; filing cabinet; trowelling hind. DeWalt table saw; Laic of the 'Village of Staffa, Skil Saw; Vs" drill; electric TERMS: Cash. !Oliver 3 -furrow OW; FloitrY 2 -furrow tractor plow; stiff , 'tooth cultivator; side rake; , Oliver power take -off hay baler. like new; Cockshutt heavy duty wagon and, rack; heavy duty ru :tier tire waoen with beet box; 24 -plate tractor disc; ,MH ,541, cut mower; MIT, binder. eut; 3 -drum steel roller; ,4 -section lever harreWS; 4 - :section diamond. barrows; two Ill -run hoe drills; corn binder; 'Garber power take.off grass ,seeder: two 2 -wheel trailers; Net:m-0 all steel self-uctload- log grain box; grain elevater with motor; 40.ft, !Train Auger twith motor; Lets grinder and 01agger: hammer mill, 7-inah. belt; horse drawn Oliver map - are spreader On rubber: 250 - gal. gas tank with pump; Chey coach; 2 buggies; cutter; 6 bunches cedar shingles; ouan. tity of aluminum sheeting; cedar pests; 1200-1b. scales; Jackal' Jack; screw jack; 200- 11). scales; electric Viking cream separator; rot pulper; quantity of lumber; aluminum rubber tire wheelharrow; elec- tric motor; power saw: quan- tity mixed stove wood; 4000 sq. ft. slated flooring for poul- try house; scrap Iron; forks; shovels; chains; ladders; bar- rels; blow torch; 3 -gal, band sprayer; lawn chairs. Many items toe numerous to men - bon. HAY & GRAIN, 1, a choice quality mixed hay; 1000 bales oat straw; quantity loose Isitadtiam1075,0hrussheeels Rodney oats, d: 1500 bushels mixed grain; 200 bushels wheat; 90 bushels shelled corn; Is bushels clover seed. PONIES; 2 Shetland ponies, dapple grey, with white mane and tail, rising two and three years old. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Frigidaire 4 - burner electric stove, in new condition; 4 bed- room suites; 4 dressers; exten- sion table and chairs; 3 centre tables; leather rocker; sewing machine, studio couch; Beatty washers; 2 mantel. • clocks, large quantity mats. quilts, comforters, dishes; glassware; kitchen utensils; GE refriger- ator; sap pails; floor covering; sealers, crocks, etc., etc. No reserve, everything will be sold. Due to extra large sale, selling will start sharp on time. mac in the County of Huron, deceased. All persons claiming against the above-named Estate are. required to forward full par- ticulars to the undersigned by the lst day of April, 1961, after which ‘date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly, Donnelly • & Murphy ; 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 16;23:30c In the Estate of Elizabeth Ann Mantle, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Ann Mantle, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of March 1961, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Oritario, by the 1st day •of April 1961, after which date the estate will be distri- buted having regard only to those claims of which notiee has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, EXETER - Ont.' 16:23:30c AUCTION SALES Important AUCTION SALE Of Choice Dairy and Beef Cattle Valuable Tractors Farm Implements, Hay Grain and Misc. Items On the Premises, Lot north half .15, Com 5, Usborne Town- ship, 21/4 mites east of Exeter) Huron St. The undersigned anctioneer received instruetions to sell bY public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH It at 1:00 pan. sharp DAIRY CATTLE: Holstein cow earrying fourth calf, due May; Jersey dow, carrying third cal(; pert Hot - stein and Jet•scy cow, fresh three weeks with calf at foot; Jersey eow, milking, carrying third calf! due May 27; Jersey cow earring second calf, due Match 22; .1ersey Ow carrying fourth tall, doe Wore Sale date; Holstein heifer, due in September; 2 Angus Steers; Angus heifer, rising 2 years elti, 'Market conditicni; 2 Here- ford steers; 2 Hereford heifers, mathat condition, eat mg pure,hred Jersey heifer, Cows all of choice qualify high prodocing blood lineS, vaccinated, PruCellosis teat negative, TR A CTO RS & LEM ENTS: 1‘141 N1 Standard tractor, in guaranteed ondition; Chimers 13 standard tractor, including actiffler and bean puller, in gttaranteed eonditiOnt MH poWer lift, 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill; Int, 2-4tir. rotv plew; John Deere Medd 1-1 tractor niatillit spreader; M -1-I pdiver lift, 81/z -ft. 'Wing tooth Ishent Gratid gelid plate (radar disc. Jelin Deere tultivator, oh 'ribber; M4I 28. 2; 66 4 -bar gdcs, &lives, rake; Plettey. 4 screwdriver; 32" extension lad- der' cement mixer; precast MRS. EDITH RICHARD,' cement steps; wrought iron Proprietress railings; aluminum window dis- MRS. GRETTA RICHARD, play; turning lathe; exhaust canopy with fan; Arborite; Proprietress shingles; cupboard and door GARNET HICKS, Clerk hardware; windows; flooring ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer trailer and numerous small items. Mao to be offered will Phone 119 Dashwood be 1955 Oldsmobile and two 916c DURHAM ,carrying second calf, due DURHAM CATTLE: Roan other late model. cars. April 26; roan cow, milking, A very attractive three -bed -i Extensive ',carrying second calf, due July room house in Dashwood will] ' be offered subject to conditions AUCTION SALE 22; white cow, due in August; of sale and reserve bid, Com - roan cow carrying third calf, plete details will be made pub- Of Valuable 100 Acre Farm due April '7; red cow carrying fourth calf, due May 27; red lic at time of sale. TRACTOR 4 IMPLEMENTS: - Allis Chalmers C. A.,. $tandard :tractor., completely :equipped with .hydra uli c 2 -furrow plough, in gitarante.ed all around new condition; 30 -plate Fleury Bis- set. tractor. dise.. Cockshutt 71/2 - it. spring tooth -cultivator; MB binder, ,6 -ft, etit; MeDeering 3 - bar„ side delivery rake, like. new; ,Cockstnitt mower. :5 -ft. cut.;. 14 -plate .teant ,dise; 3 -drum. steel roller; .COckshutt 11 -run hoe .drill; MeDe.ering manure spreader; section .diamond barrows; 2.-sectioo diamond bar. rows; rubber tire -wagon and rack. dump rake; MH manure spreader; single seoffler; waik- ing :new heavy duty fence stretcher; pig tf .0 r m scales; variety neit feneing; heavy 1.o „„o gina. chains. 12 . A bilnehes cedar shingles; 2 new extension ladders; Quantity of new lumber; Vega M 6 electric cream separator; 1/2 tp.o 2.12.10 fertilizer; fanning mill: large cement tile; colony .house-, 1.0x. 12; root 'pulper; 5 chicken shelters; _quantity wood: rels; forks; shovels; and many other items -too numerous to mention, HAY -GRAIN: 800 bales choice mixed bay; quantity of loose straw; 100 bushels wheat; 125 bushels oats; quantity alf- alfa and timothy seed. POULTRY; 175 White Roek. yearling hens, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Gurney 4-burper electric stove; coal and wood heater; bedroom suite; dresser; kitchen :cup- boards; battery radio, etc., etc. No !reserve, everything will be sold as proprietor is -giving up farming due to ill health, TERMS; Cash, bar - STEVE JELCHA, Proprietor RR 2 Ailsa Craig GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER. Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 9:1623c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Choice Durham Cattle Valuable Tractors, Truck Combine, Baler, implements, Hay, Straw Poultry and Misc. Items On the premises Lot 31.. Con. 1, Usborne Township, Highway 4, 21/2 miles south of Hensel or 21,i miles north of Exeter. The undersigned auctioneer instructionsreceived ecu by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 28 t 1.00 off gralo sWather. PleaSe Note: All above' Men- tioned iteros in %maranteed A-1 IMlLMNTS Coe4shutt 1 ft. power take -off mower, like new. M1I side ;„delivery rake; Viking 32 ft. bale elevator; 13issel tractor disc; Ceckshott 3 -furrow plow; MIT cultivator, on steel; Co-op rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack: spring tooth lever harrows; diamond harrows; 3 -drum steel roller; 6- late e ; B' s I land packer; team scuffler: team mowers; MB, 7 ft. binder; power take -off snow blower; run disc, grain and fertilizer 8% ft, weeder; MeDeering 11 - drill; Henderson manure load- er; power take -off grass seed- ; tk ff;c1 spray- ed; Int. 101/2 inch grinder; Vessot 1014 inch grinder; Vega No. cream separater; grain blower, including 60 ft. of pip - 'leg; quantity of *telephone poles; quantity of lumber and 'planks; t 1 ; di I barrow; bay fork carriage and new rove. beam scales* fan- ning galv, water trough; barrels; shovels; fqrk; chains; •2 shot guns, etc., etc. FEED: 300 bales second cut lailafya l;f4400hayba:lels00o0atbasltersaiNm; ; ix3e0d0 lbs, timothy seed. POULTRY; 50 Leghorn Year- ling hens, No Reserve as farm is sold. TERMS: Cash, REX DICK, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 16;23c F. 0. 0. KIME, Esquire Kime, Welsh & McIntyre) Trustee in Bankruptcy GEO, R. GARDNER & SON The Gardner Building Choice Durham and caw, milking, carrying third Hereford Cattle calf, due May 23; roan cow carrying fourth calf, due April Horses, Tractor . 25; 2 Durham steers; 2 Dur - Farm Implements ham heifers, one year old; 3 steers; 1 heifer, market con - Hay, Grain, Poultry dition, rising 2 years old; 2 Auctioneers I and Miscellaneous Items Durham fall calves. Cattle all GE 9-0194 c h o i c e quality, vaccinated, Vie On the Premises, Lot 14, Con. Brucellosis test negative. 19, McGillivray Townsh p TRACTORS, TRUCK, COM - I 3 ,I miles north of Lucan or 9 miles BINE & BALER: Allis Chal- Extensive !south of Exeter, Highway 4 to inees Model "I.1" s t a n d a r d AUCTION SALE 'Brinsley Road, thence 214 miles tractor, on steel; Allis Chal- Of Valuable Real Estate west; second farm north. 1 niers "C" "A" standard trac- The undersigned auctioneer tor equipped with brand new Combine, Tractors, Truck received instructiont to sell bY '3 -furrow :hydraulic lift narrow . . Implements, Hay, Grain .public auction on bottom plow; 1948 Studebaker FRIDAY, MARCH 24 , dump truck equipped with new at 12;30sharp 1825x20 tires; MIT 6 ft. pick-up b'ne fully e uip ed with in h d l'ft stake and Ponies, Household Effects . and Misc. Items REAL ESTATE: Consists of On the Premises, Lot 11, Con. Lot 14 Con. 9, McGillivray, motor; McDeering No. 50 haler 2 Stephen Township, 21/2 miles Towhahl__, 100 cres, on w ;with motor; 8 ft. power take- 2 of Exeter, 1 mile west or, ip Ahicn is situated a well-huilt 2 -storey Crediton Road, or 2 miles ,white brick dwelling. Large east of Crediton. kitchen, living room and dining The ondersigned auctioneer :room, bedroom and utility. received instructions to sell by :Second floor, 3. bedrooms. Full public auction on isize basement. Large bank lbarn with best of stabling. New WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 double garage and implement at 12.30 par. sharp , shed. Also a ,poultry house. all in 'first class con- , REAL ESTATE: Consisting iBdititiloldoiligs . of two farms, Lot 11, Con. 2,4, Land ohoiee clay loam, 12 Stephen e r Township, 140 ae 5 : acres fall wheat, 25 acres plow- " which is situated 5 "11 : ed, remainder newly seeded built ' 2 -storey brick dwelling, ; larandge kitchen, living and din- pasture, well drained and 'fenced never failing water ing room, bedroom, 3.plece supply. Convince yourself. by bathroom, utility room, SIATA i ., poreh, garage and woodshed, inspecting this farm,,, Second floor, 4 bedrooms with ' •-lo,rms of Real Estate: WI, clothes closets. Large basement on day of sale. Balance in ao "L" h barn with _, preasure systems. ,daYs. Sold subject to a reaSon- I with water able reserve bid; if not pre - stabling throughout. Silo; two vinnslY sold. implement sheds. ; HORSES; Belgium Gelding, Buildings all ih good stair of CI-Ydt Gelding, good reliable clay loam, Well drained and i CATTLE: Part Hereford and tillable land, choice , work team. repair, All fenced, with never failing water Durham cow with catf at foot; suPPIY, 10 acres of fall wheat, :part Hereford and Durham 55 acres plowed, Remainder cow, milking, carrying cend permanent paSture and newlY . calf, due in June; part, Here - seeded. Noted as one of the ,ford and DuFbain cow carry - best farina iii the township. In.:ing Sadorid calf., due before spection inVited. 'sale; part Hereford and Dur - FARM. NO. 2: Lot 3, Cot, 4, halt tow carrying :fourth calf, Hay Tewnship, 98 acres Alt a 1 ' dind111ham w ie 1),ziri•cli2c/lotpeaatrtrytilnegfifthrefor cleaned,'" an ideal gr with never failing water sup,: calf, due March 27; roan Short, 1,t. horn teur carrying fifth calf, Toms of nt,si tsisto: -tur„ due before sate date; roan on day of sale. Balanee in 30 . Shntthort). e Ow, Milking, taltY' day , gold 4ubiott to a „asoo.,.ing sixth' ealf, -due ,Toly 14; 2 , , able reseeve bid; If not pre- Part VcrefOrn ?t) „ ‘ eri m viduslYSOW. cows carrying third tau% doe . . . before sale date; part Hereford C 0 M 131 N Til, TRACTOR -56z and Durham cow eareying see - TRUCK: Oliver cioithioe with end talf, due April 2; part 'Motor, COMPletelY Orli:OWL in Hereford and Durham cow new tondition; Oliver 77 Stolid. omsiing Thurth tart, doe klatch ard Tractor with Ad:testable 22; g„ part :Hereford and por„ front mid axle, tompletelY ham Cows earrying second calf, enuipped with live pdver fake-, due before said date: 3 Here. ,Off; Allis Clideilers "II" Stand. tord heifers, rialog .1 y 6 m alch MI TraEreT 0(14)1)0 wan 2 Hereford MOW, rising g Male AO bailer; 130 POrd . years Old; 3 yearling heiferat Trader, all newly tWerhaniedt 2 yearling "Men; PUrebred M. 1941 1 -toll Stake tit& , iltrefetd hull, I yew old. Tatara 'Mid truck in Pam* r Note; Cattle All -Choke bug. teed dentlitiell, it, vactitiAted and trudelliitts i 1 Nt OJAI itttNT8; Cocksitutt test te.gailVd. Ad opperttinity ' Ni, If, 16-rutt Power lift grain 10 Plireha815 teed foundation Add fertillier drill, like 'new; „steek, • top dress wheat now! Yellowed grain costs you money. It means low yields, no profit. Top dress with low cost Aeroprills* now --make 10/15 bushels More per acre. Acroprilis—the 33.5% nitro- getrt-- gives yciu nitrate hitrogen to promote stooling, nitre heads, More grain , ,* leach resistant ammonia troFen feeds the crop through to harvest. YOU tan tO(5 dress AerriptillS witdi your, regular forti1i2er spreader or distributor: See your fertilizer &Aloe today oz,AcAo-kict, 01100.410 Of (MU lIMITED owitesaok.ormaimenewmemammapararmoomar...m.a.nmed t ROPRILL,S Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Choke Holsteins, Valuable Tractors and Machinery, Thresher Grain and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 18, Con. North Boundary, McGillivray Township, 2 miles east of Mt. Carmel, 7 miles west of Cent- ralia, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 at 1:00 p,m. HOLSTEINS:n . 15 Holstei heifers due in '1. • stein yearling heifers. Alt ra.c- cinated and of choice quality, TRACTORS. TRUCK & THRESHER: Oliver 80 stand- ard tractor; 1952 Ford tractor equipped with skyline loader and two buckets; Avery Model 1"A" tractor equipped with 2- furrow plow and scuffler; 1500 !cwt. arm truck -equipped- buck ,rake; Bell thresher, 24 -inch ;cylinder with cutter and grain blower: All above mentioned :items in guaranteed condition; MACHINERY: McDeering 8 ' ft. binder on rubber; McDeer- ing 15 -run grain and fertilizer drill with power lift, like new; 'McDeering 3 -furrow plow, On rubber, like new; McDeering side delivery rake; George White 10 ft. spring tooth cul- tivator, on rubber; John Deere 28 -plate .tractor disc; 8 R. l'Fiettry land !packer; niers roto haler. like new •PAso. 4 -actor manure spreadert l\t11 ft, one-way disc.; heavy duty 'rubber •tire wagon with it, flat rack, like new; 8 -wiled rubber tire wagon with 16. A. .steet platform; road scraper; "V" ROW plow: 430 gal. pres. . :sure tank; quantity of hay rack aills:',electric- bean cooker; pasture -feed .:trouglist steel cables; chains, :cle.„ -etc, .GRAIN; :800 bushels :chOlge mixed, grain, suitable for seed, No Reserve, :eVerYtIltnitwiU be sold. - TERMS: Cash, CHARLES P, DIETRICH, Prop. GLEN WEBI3-, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer , Phone 119 Dashwood 1683c Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Choice Darham and Tracroer, refardMachinery,Catt1Hay Orain and Misc. Items • On the premises. Lot 5, Con. 14, Hay Township, 11/4 mi1e6 west of Dashwood and 114 miles north, on MONDAY, APRIL 3 Complete list of sale in next week's issue, I ARNOLD KUNTZ, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 16c AUCTION SALE Of Building For Removal or Demolition PROPERTY SALE NO. L-0613 8 -room 11/2 -storey brick house 35' x 28' with attached kitchen 15' x 10' frame garage 20' x, 20' situated at lot to. Conces- sion 1, Township of Stephen, approximately 2 miles south of Exeter, fronting on the west side of 'Highway No. 4. Sale will take place on the premises at: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1961* 1:30 P.M. E.S,T, TERMS: "Cash" at time of sale together with $100.0(11 Cer- tified Cheque (payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) as per- formance bond to guarantee that 'work will he completed according to D41.0. require. ' ments. Further information may be 'obtained from: iThe Auctioneer, Mr. T. Robson,. ,RR No. 1, Denfield. Ontario. !Telephone: Ilderton 10, Ring 14, Or lThe Department of Highways, 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario Telephone: GL 1-345n DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. 16;23:30 rrinetne.4761(MVOIMORMIMStigt1(tMAX, Business Directory "."'It.g1:427,1,iit1Crtitt:M1111111iM,11t):: M. N. GOWDY Income Tax Returns and related Year-end Accounting PHONE 193, LAKE ROAD, GRAND BEND N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday Fer Appointment Phone 355 G. A, WEBB, D.C. W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Henson Office Open Wednesday and Priday Afternoons 1;30 to 5:30 PHONE 14 EXETER DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L,D,S., Maim Street Exeter losecl All Day Saturdays PHONE 36 DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ------ DRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment P.hcine 606 DR. .I. W. CORBETT • L.D.S,. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone 213 Exeter PHONE 4 EXETER Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER, D, BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, QC., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon USBORNE 84 HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ' Htiatl Offico — Exeter,. Ontario , C(41:1571:41411. Pidljstri81 a!ItI SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE President Milton McCurdy ItR, t Xirktoti! Vice -resident Timothy 13. Toohey R,Il Lucan Directors E. Clayton Ciikpahouti RP 1 1 Setende Hilt! c2,t, 16:11,4t.taltbrlit: MAX Ir. ROlide, kik Mitchell, Atenti Harry Celan 11.11 1'Centralia , Clayton frIs 8titti1ey Reeking Selleiter Vtiuttlan anitar ‘!'trk art ng PR E# ESTIMATES Reasonable Rate PHONE 707 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME 'TAX REPORTS BooKKEEPiNd SERVItE ETC, Ann St” Exeter Phone SM ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL • Mitellell AtitTiaiEgk Mitchell For your sale, large or small, leetifteons and. ttficititt _SerVia. at ,W, ttithraiieMeter - , t"Servite Thal Shlisfies PA 8 T. A CTI N !„ •te,...4tettn4tiHe DASHWObb txtit# Attitut rtitiMf &Ater FPNitit Phone NITROGEN 1