HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-16, Page 11•Segond e exeferZirnes-Akmocafe EXETER, PNTARIO MARCH 16, 1961 Page gleVon ecis 1 prices 'for corn, ear arbitration sto own:to study market UK selling.. programs , Price for ,canning corn has , been, established at $26,00 per ; ton, the same as last year, it was announced Friday by Clar- ence Down, RR 1 Hensel!, pre- sident of the Ontario Vege- table Growers' M a r k e t i n g 13° clarenee Down, RR 1 lien- l'sntin, Ontario commissioner harvesting and soraying ser- I 'Cahrdr ages by processors for , Individual farmers can do peered was necessary to CHAMPION BEEF SHOWMAN—Don Pullen, Granton, a second y• ear student t the salt pre - chairman. of the Ontario of farm marketing, flies Fri_. t, n ' vices will remain the same, i p !considerable to curl) disease in vent an epidemic. a, 011ta HO Agricultural College, was acclaimed champion- beef showman at the College Vgefable Growers' Marketing day by plane o attend the Natoo, Mr. Dowadded. l their herds and flocks on their Rhinies and virus neunion'a li ek with banal Home Show in London ,farms. Preventive medicines, , were the two disease i"reblents the award_ is Barry Janies, Guelph, representing Quaker Oats Co. — OAC photo officials for aagairaadi'ipleciafvpc.%vnicsial rePrOdUCer Eng. • ' i a two-week look Among the displays at the refosed to accept the compa• quent visits by the veterinarian information were needed ii Ti,oyal. Left, he shows the Angus heifer that he fitted for the occasion, Presenting Marketing board negotiaters early diagnosis and more fre- ' on which more action and more nies' bid to increase harvest - at the United Kingdom, mar- show is an exhibition are signs that more caution is their opinion. ket. i oed goods, sponsored jointly bY of "II' ing and spraying costs, which ,,,,;,,„ used to prevent disease have been rising steadily in '''''" . Theyonwieill oiret Itt.exatnwdeemic last. 1 The groep, headed by 0, F. growers and processors. rthanformer years.years. ioea 'farm forums stress. sanitation 'The group will investigate the possibilities of export salei Lloyd Johns, Mr, and Mrs. of our ,products on the UK The settlement was reached Ways to curb disease }'airfield f rmembers ' Lorne suggested as helps in curbing! o u m . A,1 Elford were hosts this market,' air, Down said. It erable negotiation. FridaY afternoon after consicl- the marketing tour taken last , Peas to arbitration? r•rhe pea contract is still in disease in livestock, sanitation, eradication of birds and rod- onday evening. SH tudents is a further development to attend Royal Year by a Naughton. chided Huron MPP C. S. Mac- ' IvIeeagl°eldia,twatInd At. sitDua7ironn group which in-; arpe: ents an barns, proper control of B flies anci use of medicated are living 1 • • .r.i,;•< I Two busloads of agriculture students from SHDHS ficials will also study the mar - While there, the producer of- , pears to be nearing arbitration, However, he said the produc- ers and processers "are not feeds. ',they also thought that farmers should be exact in the f a,ge at which female calyes are or one third ,,,,,., "-ii teachers, Bruce Perry aod Ron and their ecoliede keting legislation and organi- „, •:•'' ''''''' 13ogart, attended tile zations rimier which producers very far apart” ment may be reached soon, and settle. N aceinated for brucellosis. i More action and information . • Principal dispute appears to are needed in the diseases of ' Hon. Alvin Hamilton, Cana- Ttoyal" at the Ontario Agricul- ,,,,‘,„ ; „ nesdaY, tural College in Guelph Wed- "''''''`e in '''''• representing the vege. lie in the service charges, swine and in mastitis in cow speaking to the annual meet- ,da's Minister of Agriculture, 4.• table growers will be Frank ‘vhich the processors wish to herds, They felt flies and ]ice ing of the Holstein -Friesian As- , l'he event is a small scale . erry, director from K e n t increase this year, Prices are although not diseases demand- I sociation of Canada at Toronto fair and the 110 students pent.; cou expected to remain the same. ed control at all times. 'recently, said that 30 percent the day visiting the exhibits of . I Carrot and cabbage prices They met at the home of Mr, : of Canadian farmers were the variou courses, and wat- I i ched the judging of the live- ' ; will not be decided until a and Mrs. Earl Heist in Credi1, foxvisoling on a bare Substinance I later date. ton and the next meeting wilt I Several of the students found stock. OFU ho or . s i Show resistance • • be held at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Murray Elliott, I He called for business, pro , fessional, and successful farm the exhibits of the Veterinary , In . , meeting in Chatham last week, Call vet early i people to make a determined Speaking at a g r o w e r s' College quite interesting, with ' - Gor on Hill ' d Mr. Down said the processors Thirteen members were pre- . effort to provide the leader - required to correct this ic\ifiot ssscitId.thoangiiillsallroonrii. 17.17 foloanyi , are showing "determined re-, sent at Elimville Farm For- I shin ' ` Gordon L. Hill, Varna, who gotiations this year, sistance" in contract rice ne-' urn. They ,too felt "Rigid sani. tation and disinfecting the I He said: "I regard this as situation. ' FIARVESTING I3Y EXPLOSIVES—To free a crop of tur.nips locked in frozen vege- sacnhdoosla ttLiir toured Area cfDa solilifolod sIbToas,‘1,1.. retired as president of Onta. a national problem; we can - table storage pits, the Kishimoto Brothers of St. Thomas successfully cracked open "They seem determined to barns is the best insurance I not let a large group ,of our the frozen clay covering with ,explosives to expose the undamaged rutabagas. during the afternoon. year and his wife were hon- reduce our take-home pay by conditions." rio Farmers' Union e rlie thi cut our prices or, at least, to against disease." I The "College Royal" is an ored recently by OFT board increasing service costs," he annual affair and students from members, to the veterinarian the minute They were agreed that a call Polaulation slide down into slum ce traie tick ucers, d Visit London Life • I the high school in the area are invited to attend. ha couple was presented with an oil painting. Mr. Hill' told Kent county growers. any symptoms of disease ap- —Please turn to page 15' On Friday, the special com- : received a scroll in recogni- I Mr, Down said the market- ills- I tion of his services during his ing board stands ready to co- operate in establishing a na- tional council to explore mar O mercial and 12C students '11ed the London Life Insurance three-year term as president. i Ldets andirecpromotion of ! the seroll readtomatoes, peas and sweet corn, kd t cilc air ti it,.. , sch Company in onon. "That in appreciation of val-1 culture is conducting a cost -of - I The Ontario D ep't of A gri. .e....t.'' They spent the morning at ! production survey on the three the building and following lunch ued service given by Gordon I main crops —the first cost Ontario Concentrated Milk. He said that in recent years elation was instructed In vast- several. went on. a tour of Co- Hill as president of the Onta.! , rio Farmers' Union for a Producers Marketing Board operator's Insurance. determine costs per bushel, by Canada has exported more, JY increase the pulilic rola- . three year term of office, we analysis in many . years — to milk in concentrated milk pro-; lions program; devote rnore ; The students were accompa- present this scroll as a token ' ducts than in any other form I money for research into new !nied by E. D. Howey and Mrs. • of our esteem and respect and executive was instructed to co- the ton and per acre, it was in acknowledgment of this revealed at the meeting. noteworthy contribution to or- ganized agriculture in Can. ar • operate fully with the II °--lci., But: prospects for heavy milk! products; increase efforts in Andrew Dixon. three dairy producer organi-; production in 1961 for the, butter sale promotions, and j zations in Ontario in develop- main dairy countries are re -I continue to oppose any move ing an overall, workable milk ported to be excellent. Many ; to permit margarine to 'be col-, 1 A ada. ay lose m..oney worked diligently, unselfishly ka marketing plan. This action; of these countries are able to ored as butter "That Go r d o n Hill has aph Was taken unanimously by de-; undersell Canada on price. This annual meeting was, I legates to. the concentrated perhaps, more significant for milk producers' annual the resolutions that were de -I wirnout soli test tad with great resourcefulness ing in Ottawa. ' med.! cut surplus fi?ve I While there 'as evidence feated than for those that were I If you had your soil tested . for, and expanding the ores- ' towards ,securing recognition that concentrated milk ship- Agreement has been reached Delegates felt the dairy pro- I approved. Resolutions that: this winter are you going to tige of the Farm Union move - would go along with an on the 1961 sugar beet con- ducer groups should use then OcrS would change the day on which ' follow the fertilizer mom-. ment to such a commendable i . overall marketing plan in the tract for Southwestern Onta- research work completed re elections would be held; requi- I inendation? You might lose degree and that the members I rio farmers. cently on Ontario milk market— province, it was also clear al ring members of the board. to ' money if you don't, says Tom' of the Ontario Farmers' Union 1 According to the announce ing problems, but the proaue..: their annual meeting, hat ' wish in this way to express l .-- 1, state whether or not they were Lane, OAC soils specialist. ors special study committee,: such a pland was notdircloeovieopetc in favour or opposed to each I merit by Hon. Donald Fleming, David L. MacFarlane, agriete.. action ‘yoi.d... he fi fd o: resolution, were heavily - de- 1 Last year, farmers who for- their sincere appreciation and 1 I minister of finance, in the ward reducim, the ow. o soi- ' tilized oats according to a soil that they hope that among the . House of Commons on Mar. 2, tural ec'onomist, McGill UM- , • . ea e . . rnaiAlso defeated was a resolu- • . test. got a return of $1.43 for happy memories of his life i Ontario growers are assured . . versify; and a member of the iUS ,_ 5 ,., p was ' •• t at time tion favouring a levy of not! every $1. invested in fertilizer, Gordon Hill may number the for 1961. a price of 513 00 per ket. Where farmers used double friendships and acquaintances ton of meeting to discuss his coin.. At Ottawa last week, the more than two cents per cwt.beets of 16 percent su- rnittee's work. • i marketing board was instruc- on all milk shipped to concen! the soil test recommendation, made during his able and ac gar content, and any deficien- ted by resolution to take such treed ,plants, This was 'to betheir return from each dollars live years' in the farm move.1 cy between the amount paid action as was necessary to more than two cents per tinvested was only $1; they just ment as president of the Onta- I by the company and this price The study g r o u p recom- . mended the establishment of: bring about a larger differen- Producers Marketin )3o etr.e got their investment back. i•io Farmers' "Union, and that: will be made up to the „grower I a central producer board, with tial between the price paid for as • ,t • , tg f Board to F aime.ors who used rates (lit- he may be able to serve and 1 by the contributions of the fe- representation. from Ontario's milk from bona fide c ncen- ' sis in the expor o ctheeise fel ent fi in the soil test recom- participate in the Farm Union ; four producer groups — the. ° This resolution 1 ments. deral and provincial govern - through lack of, swYlanspailloiy, butc'smendation got only 900 back; movement for a great many , . trated milk shhapeTS and the for other economic reasons, the increased yields weren't years to come." I Completion of negotiations so I 1 Ontario Producers Marketing milk front whole milk 51)10 through the Ontario Concentra- pers, unless an overall milk • Officers for both the assecta..' high enough to return the dol soon after the gov't statement ted Milk Producers Marketing marketing plan was devised. tion and the marketing board lar invested in .fertifizer. I . I Father: "One thing about; has been -p. ossible because of Board, The Ontario CheeSe • ; Delegates believed a wider dmf - remained unchanged - except this report cardm , y boy—with complete accord reached be - Producers Marketing Board, ferential would discourage f' • .• and a fourth marketing group whole milk shippers :from keep- or the e1ection of William I.'llis would be a better • world these marks you couldnt have ' tweet' Queen's Park, Ottawa ing much larger herds of cows Chapman Durham who re- if we had. more wild life in done any cheating." —Please turn to page 1S • to represent the Ontario Whole. Milk producers. than places Fr' eel Hoffncfr, Kerwood our forests and less in the big 1 was necessary to supply I both boards. cities. This central board was sug- their own market. gested as the ;int purchaser i in other resolutions an- 1 0 emeeeneeenewel . . .. . . weeeme,,,,,,e. ... , t eee,,,,,,e.,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1111111111talatanalatiamaam of all milk produced in Onta-; proved, the board or the asso- rt°, and would he responsible' When parents are able to - for any 'equalization or sup- MAI<E 100SEEDING --.., CINCH , Contracting for beets plementation of producer pri- i answer the children's quest- ces. The board might be fin - ions it's a sign that the kids anced by a deduction on all milk shipped to markets, and are growing uP• any price supplementation would be done from a sepa- rate equalization fund, Earlier in the day, delegates s heard Don B. Goodwillie, Chief of the Merchandizing Section, Dairy Division, Canada Dep- artment of Agriculture outline the possibilities for marketing, milk abroad in the coming year. Mr, Goodwillie was pes- simistic about exports: "From Canada's viewpoint export Markets re todaynothing are not good E1 za Mousseau and theis to i- eate they are going to im- KIPPEN prove at least for the next Phone Hensall 278W4 few months." 16:23:30:6e STARTED PULLETS Dec, and ,Tan. Hatched HONEGGER, PULLETS • ‘I Malaita alma iota ttttt t tttt ala SP CIAN LIMITED LE TIME ONLY With the purchase of each Super -Economy Package (NO quality -made filters) of Filtro Milk Filters at regular price, you get ..Ond pair Of CANADIAN -MADE (Rog: 790 Work Gloves EXETER: DISTRICT olloO il3eski0 CNR i with Kewanee Wheel Discs WITH TIMKEN BEARINGS ALREADY! Ontario Fertilizer Drills OLD-FASHIONED QUALITY AND PRICE Case Spring -Tooth Harrows THE TOUGH TOOTH TYPE Hergott Cultivators MOUNTED OR PULL TYPE • , PULL THEM ALL LIKE IT WAS ALL DOWNHILL WITH A NLIFF14,0 DIESEL TRACTOR EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT PHONESOI,W AllitiitialfIlliliiiiitlianfillffilMififflifillirefiitilIMIIMIDIAMIMIViiMiffirtiffIlshiairtiniMliffilfili$. I At last they're out to grass and 3 weeks ahead of schedule! New, active A IRO* UREA helps you grow lush, IlUtrltmOtis grass pasture get ,your animals grazing profitably up to 3 weeks ahead of.the normal time. Act.° l7rea is a 45% nitrogen fertilizer, prillcd for eaqy handling„ 1 op dressed in sprini.,*; it releases immediately availahic nitrogen to get the pasture oft to a quick start with high protein conten t. Pasture is your eheapdst: reed, So let ACI'() 'Urea get your animals gnvZiiig sooner ... they make prolitabic weight gains and bigger milk cheques . . while you save 00 feeding costs! Ask Jour lertilizer dealer, for Zero Urea, z i 14 EXETEO. ante* *r. XT. Rea APA4VA Mr X AERO UREA 141 t • tt I t fottial ttttt I tttt a tttttt tttttttttttttt I ttttttttttttttt tt I iiiiiii 1111111111$111111111/114111111111111111114111f11111111/1/. Farmers . . WHAT SHAPE WAS YOUR, TRACTOR IN WHEN YOU PUT IT AWAY LAST FALL? WAS THE RADIATOR LEAKING? ... if so, NOW'S the time to bring it in for re- pairs, before you need it for seeding and while we have time to fix it. North -End B -A RADIATOR AND AUTO ELECTRIC Complete Radiator Service ... Cleaned, Repaired, Recored All Repairs Guaranteed. LICENSED MECHANIC Highway No. 4 North Phone 1096 • i i I . Exefar DON'T BELIEVE ALLYOU HEA12. - YOU'RE. LUCKY IF YOU CAN BELIEVE A L `-(C)U GAY 11.1111•111141111111111111111111111 n1111111111111111111I111VIN GET A REAL LIFT WITH Shur -Gain Chick Starter "SHUR-GAIN' CHICK STARTER did wonders fp,. me. It built me up with uniform growth and fast feathering. In addition it increased livability in thc flock." AVAILABLE IN EITHER CRUMBLE OR MASH AND THEY'RE FRESH — REALLY FRESH 22% SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER MED. CRUMBS i 18% SHUR-GAIN GROW MASK MED, 18% SHUR-GAIN GROW MASH, PLAIN 176-r SHUR-GAIN LAY MASH 20% SHUR-GAIN LAY MASH Special This Week 1 GAL. GLASS WATER FOUNT with plastic base Re94 $1.15 SELL 9oe USED TUBE CHICK FEEDER. ONLY 00 $4.55 3,80 3.75 3,85 3,95 ~ ratintlivicti NI'! .ROGRN YANAMO is dARA-DA GMAIN FEE.00 SEED ETR /14044t, 755 • • WHALEN CORNERS' 746.4,141klirON