HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-16, Page 4MV'',,,,,r1r,rirrg?".%11.3fflIVN.r,7474 •:** 4 144, °O.to 4 Th p TimosAdvocata, March 16, 1961 CoTTOK.S. BILL .BATTEN, Sports Editor . ' WHERE DIP HE COME FROM? While Frank Mahavolich has been getting all the publicity about his chances at breaking Rocket RiChard's mord of 50 goals in one season, , Boom Boom Creoffrion has been scoring the goals 1 to come out of almost nowhere to take over the goal scoring leadership and is a good bet to eclipse the reeord. The Boomer, who signed a contract that tails fora cool $100 for everyg6a1 he scores over .420., has taken $2,900 out of the Canadiens' coffers so far this season. Last week.he picked up his third hat -trick 'against his "cousins" from Nev York, banged in a pair Saturday and beat Glenn Hall once, Sunday, to bring his total 'output to 49 for the season. Meanwhile, the "Big M'' has been having troub1e:A0ing the range and with only three games 4Wlvi11. have to come up with one of his early- — thrusts to overtake the Canadiens' star. iaee is only one of three that will be sett1ed:4111hp next few days and will mean the dif- ferenci',k few thousand dollars to some of the IlrinciPalViervolved, Natttrally, the big contest will be betweeu the LeafS.'"and the Montrealers for the league honors. It has been suggested by many fans that the teani that ends up in second place vill have the :easiest .time, meeting Detroit in the semi-final, but there haPpens to be a considerable bounty for the winning teeth that almost rules out the possibility of either team shaving points. The members of the team finishing on top collect $1,000 each for their Performance and when you're going for that type of money, it brings out the.best in most of these pros. TeheeLeafs have a couple of individual'per- formersVto stand to pick up some cash too, and the p1aYe4 might be split as to which one they will helpAhe most in their remaining games. , Unfortunately, the two races are in•opposite direetiong ,,, and call for a concentrated offensive ahd defensive thrust by the Leafs. The "Big ' M" 'mill pick up $1,000 from.the league if he ends up In _first place in the scoring race and John Bower ,will collect a similar amount if he wins the Vezina t.kophy. ', . e Although lqahovlich has fallen behind Boom . Apoorn in the scoring race, the Leaf players would probably like to see him set a new scoring record even if he doesn't win the point total. e e So; they will really have their work cut out 'Fier them..in their remaining games, with their ef- forts to win the league standings, push Mahovlich -anto the goal scoring lead and defend Johnny Bower from the opposition, The Canadiens have a little easier task, as all they have to do is. continue to feed Boom Boom ,and will the league. honOrs. (That's all!) But, don't. rierget abut Bailie:au! - te,„„e, . ...:-SMOKIE'S' BRING HONORS BACK TO -CANADA , ... ee Just asmosthockey experts had it figured, "'.Carieldtearett, Russia tied up in the "crucial" game of . the ....Aeffld Hockey' tournament in Geneva on eSurfdaSel‘!HeiweVer, as it turned out,lt wasn't crucial '410-r the boys from behind the iron curtain because they were already out of the running for the eeiliampionihip, ..e., The Czechs provided the main opposition !for the Trail squad, having beaten the co-fayerites 'from •Russia and tied the Canadian entry, and Canada 'eatered the tournament needing to win by .,„ at least o goals to win. And, as many avid fans in the aStrict listened in on radio, they did just , that—whipping the Russians 5-1. • , .This -win will cause a few red faces around the ceuntry;because many experts didn't think the „ Smokies' could do it. Perhaps the fellow with the . Most coloring in his face was Ted Powers. coach .., of the Chatham Maroons. 'You will recall that the .-Maroons ta.de a -dismal showing in Russia this fall ' and Mn Powers said the Smokies couldn't beat Russia.. Now that we have regained the cup, talk about sending a squad from the HHL or an all- star team will die down—at least until another of Canada's; representatives happens to be beaten in the tour-tearrtent by one of the European teams who happen io: be improving every time out. BATT'N AROUND (with one light) — The Exeter eldtimers held their second workout last Sunday h'epreparation for their match against the 1 LegioiWin'tams Friday, March 24. Some of the boys atiegOo be in about mid-season form and thouldOgiv a real exhibition . . . After Friday's game ,.4:e ' soll, one of the referees skated over to TusWOuhham and said "I sure wish I would have hatOphie enOney on you out there". Tussy was in t 'Thmtp with Chike Nadalin and landed a few solfeL'blows before the refs and other players had thenl.separated . . . In case you haven't no, ticed, spring training is M full tilt for the corning baseball season and the Grapefruit League is in full swing. We imagine that the butchers next door have already let it be known, but in case they haven't, the Detroit ?tigers won their first game. Don Missi and Bay Narleski, the question -mark hurlerin the Detroit camp, both passed their first tests with .flying colors, pitching three sharp in- nings anioe. The only home run was swatted by Rocky ,g01,y.j,t0, A fellow who had a hard time get- ting' gOirigigor the Tigers last year after being traded :117:Oir.i Cleveland. So, who knows, it may be the yearer the Tigers! . . . In the other game played t9.,,ItilaEll the league. the Pittsburg Pirates started ,tiglil where they left off—Winning a 10-9 .contest: fieom Cintinnati with one of their famous last.itining.hprisings after tiny Face came on in relief . . . Joe Creech, a former teacher At SHDHS, May make things rough on the local school when he lakes up his new position as principal at St. xfArys next yeAr, Joe, who was on staff when SH used to send two Or three, repreaentatives to the WOSSA basketball finals, etijoved the Samo type of 'recitied at Xingsville. HO WO in the stands on SAt. urday, watching three Of his teams in action. The Senior giels successfully defended their champion- thip And the junior girls took borne the silverware in their division too. Of. the four Perthex cham- pions. All returned '110111'0 emnty handed. SH senior kills leat hi the sord.firtal to Xingsville. Listowel senior by lost in the seriii.final to thrt; champions feoni •;5trathroy, the Stratford jueier bkvs lOst I,0 Parkhill in the final and the Listowel junior girls lost out!' in the final match, . !4' , **Kt. • Mohawks ousted our si.. raig win to c.I.. mci fina b r LEI need l WS all .over for the ExeterThe Combines copped the' _first two games aoci appeared . . ' Tribe dress 11 men 111 I 'AltilQnejr.tliharew:'ersell.rilelest Isilleiasshnencis Inne the 11;j;:C,..k bttslheiRel..leols ta'h-1:1•euCteh(eL 1,. - I f of to; be heading for e short se. t -past few years, Tuesday, lOs. third wild fourth games before fake series lead, / ing 13-4. to the Ingersoll Mar- Lucan4Icterton jumped into a . . un dress for asttime ...,.., ,.. . ., . lands. 'the wm gave the Mar- a.,,,, lead with an eVerttme win net three in overtime . lands the Southwestern later- in Delhi, Sunday, The Ingersoll Marlands wrap-, first, goal LA league Ria.Y: mediate -A" title M four The teams played last night ' . ' ed up their best -of -seven, against. the Aylmer Imperials . tWednesch ad if a aeveatei Ltican-liderton C 0 m b i n e s fore Collings finally .put the Southwestern ORA **A" play-- — , Don Beattie nitased the s 1,ZICer io,sing * 1. rl the first game game is necessary if will be Seared three times in Overtit •.-.1 Combines on the svore sheet offs in four straight with a: "-arne to Play with the London 1e„3 in Ingersoll, the aeohawes played. in Lem this Friday against the Delhi Rockets, :Sim- at the mid -way mark of the , convincing 134. win over the Lords, ‘vho were playing ,a g we hack with two good per, at 0:oo p,m, dayto cop a hard-fought 9-3 period. Exeter Mohawks in Exeter, charily game against the radi.0 formances but couldn't get the The winner of this series will ' win and take a a -a Jead in However, Shine and 3,Ionture TuesdaY. and TV personalities in LOP, breaks needed to winliow- race fthinealViectiOail,frboeityteleien, oAllTi their hest• -°i -seven "B' series• added their second! goals he" The Marland.S. whn had been don , . . . Les Feldinar, man- ever, they were no match for Butch 'Wall was the hero, Inc five the ced ,of the ported and previous two games, dominat- free passes to anyone wishing the final game and with only spotting the sailors two wins: first goal after :only a minute mountahie sei, lead AS they en, semi. the Combines, potting their gave the Rockets . An imaiN held to .clese decisions in the ager of the Martands, offered the high -flying Marlands in mer and Port Dover. After ed play throughout the game 10 see any of the UP -Corning, five spares on the bench they the _imperials came back with o,f Pin in the overtime ses- tered the third period. , to :take A a„., sum and lifting his Jong shot Jake 13:7rnes managed to shut the Ingersoll succumbed to a nine -goal on- three straight .and out -lasted Exeter's 11 home games of men to score nine otheir goals erew . . . Daninto an open net AS the Rock- out the Rockets in the final f ' , ,Barrett picked in the last half of the contest. ,up a two - minute minor Inc gsla.anulgel,11 in the final half of the lead theelver,siehreies..rorf Dover cts gambled with an extra for- period, but Tom Collings was Floyd ;Baetz was the scoring roughing after slashing , at The loss was the eighth in' crew eame up .,i.th a eopoinc- • cweaurndLthrow h the Rockets who were an attempt to knOt the the on'y marksman able to get leader for the visitors, pump- Keith Stephens twice, Chasing a row suffered by the Tribe ing 7-2 win on their :home ice, - ing home four goals. Chike him all ever the arena and against the 111arlands, In an StindaY, to ,knet the count, The Stu O'Neil picked up the fc4ineltire.yit and sptli,00liceeftothrieTeftefilsfia‘r't Nacialin, who sparked the mar. jumping over the referee twice early season exhibition match lOveaesidirlpc,,,layegcaimein inAyltholisersefralessf °sitohteif -tiaLlYmiinngthempoveVitimh e Tsg; gun. lands in their first Iola -sided to get at the Exeter defense- the Tribe battled the Ingersoll Collings to beat Nen Martin. • The Delhi. six also won the win, duplicated his scoring man. To make the call even six to a 2-2 tie, but it was as ; eight (Wednesday), , spree in that one hY adding more absurd, Stephens also eiose as they ever came to. ,scit/THWesTERN oHis Tom Collings started the penalty parade, silting out sev- 'Combines off on the riqht en of the 13 minors called in 0 hat -trick. other scorers were picked up a roughing penelty, beating the team that topped ! SERIES ,A» track, beating Martin in the the hard-hitting contest. PLAYOFFS jack Camnbell with two arid the league standings with 29 ; . ,L, v opening minutes or the first "Goose" Land, John Allison, wins and three losses. 1Nr A T i mgerpnii 4 a 15 11 g Period. His goal was followed Buzz Bidwell and Ron Mac-. by a Starry solo effort by Max Bill McDonald also ectealled ' Combines still P.:ill:ha wkS are ; se:)iena"4rTill wins h"in " 4°f.12;4•Pin' 103 e'Neriielis ‘tvilli.tod pdtettklecd1 Marlin tnth or 171. Donald with one each. k.,:x . it:vier • his first game output for the . finished for the season, hockey , of e e 0 give e vis'. is twice, while Jim Russell and ' Lloyd 310ore added ,,,singletons. §q.••i,''':!:,Ok..:,. ,t, • ‘• .." fens in the district still have one team left in the running. rien,i The Lucan-Ilderlon Combines, . jAttran-fldrrtnn .. 3 ,? 2n 21 A . 9 it.ticao taatis hesi-d-seven ser- SE:RIES "S" 2 3 21 2,1 4 a ,--0 lead, loehets ack into the game Art Perth) finally pull e 1 the 1 • te 1131 Caben.kge d oPY ktehoe teaarciii, Ptiile fit • .. J Tribe by blinking the light : ,,,h :.,,,,,,.,,.4 i i remainder of the period and Ingersoll gave early indica- currently battling the Delhi lPe 3--) 1 teams left the ice at the end beating Barnes beim'? the DuteilehrifolfRoce,eistentislinbelsan515.0editt.Liniceat;tii Russell. playing with Boom ,:01,04°`" of beSt-of-soven "11' playoff. tions they were out ,to wind up, Rockets in the "B" semi-final, 1 SERIES 0,01 need one Win to wrap up the -'1\4,-,.',*nal:,,,e,. - ' ::{ Al Wednesday, to take their first the series, With Baetz scoring: al the 25.second mark. Jim , -"I ' .. series, i "1"t'sf""ven "1.1" "r'" "4) of Dteillad fik"ntottPeeciri°trlit'e count; at win in the third game of their ''.:"..-4,1 c:::',.....-,7,!,' 'e--: • :‘•?;•.:t.:.,!,6te'PFres'e::::,;.v..r::n1.-•-•,*:N.,,t,':„Ar.e.•:•m?t.,!:14.-•,!••..,;.•••••• .,! • -:•,'.:..,... 2-2 near the 01 jd.way mark Boom Gravett and Lloyd Moore ' . .!;: the 4:10 mark but Campbell ' managed to knot the count at ,%;... '.,,ii,o, ..:,,...n.,,,,,,ii ., :. .... ever, the tie was short-lived Rockets, who had the poorest ' the second period w'illt* Earl. It was tile first shutout a o'Neill turning the trick. }low- the season recorded hy the fore the end of the period to' and Nadalin added singles be- RECREATION ,basackStetle'e bSlatosrte'rth:alelloernbrigehst SgOoliallislweasgtaeirin314011rAec°A1:ictlh T 7.111114e . give the 31arlands a 3-1 lead. , into a 3-2 lead. In the second Period, Land bl- Ey ALVIN WILLERT But, Martin was full value fnr and Camobell pushed the count . w*•• .;:!:. , ,„,„„.„.,„ „,„„.,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„..,,,...,,,,,,,,,—...k.,........4 ' Both netminders turned in his "_egooffieceacfcg't%Lirnhintockpirlagge '131 , brilliant performances for the to 5-1 berore Lloyd Moore . e'• by Gravett to mit the lead to Mai. No matter what league scored on a breakaway set ura '': . i; there .were. lpss than. six min - three goals. t. , tlivtign iTeanfortr.itissettitie pguatinercei Nacialin and Bidwell scored a -As; k• , Bruins, Rangers can't win .,,.,.. ,:,,,, a commanding 7-2 lead, but stiiitem RoweakstsconiiPpt°1et'e.13:-Pdotmicin °ant - pair of qUickies to give the a play with his wingers. 31ariands what appeared to be BILL McDONALD However, the overtime ses• Bill 3tcDonald gave the 150 . . . pots Tribe's final goals in the first Pee Wee game of golhilig ftrieJohseneoLnodck.game the the morning the Black Hawks ' ed by the Combines who re - PI t 1,'' 1 Boston 7 1 defeated the fiangirs 6-3, win- Bill Alien was flying jor the gained the lead in the series • • total. Phantoms as he scored four ning the series with a of 11 goals to 6. Captain Bob goals. Singles went to Jinn Records shutout in Rockets' win GENUINE Money Maker FULL OR PART TIME , fans a little • hope when heTramp.0-Leap scored two goals less than 25 L • • i seconds apart to narrow the two straight wins to tie it up. after the Rockets had recorded margin to three.. goals again, ' ittie s ta r s t You can net up to 5150 daily, Jump"Centres Carscadclen, Bob Burns and Ray Yelle and jack Foote However, M c D 0 n a 1 cl and You CR1) 01511 and operate a in the last two minutes of play Baelz scored for the visitors b to give the Marlands a 9-4: ut still lose , Grayer led his learn to vie - tory scoring five goals. Mich-• goali was scored by Bob Ben - keep the Rockets off balance. ing their weight arourid to easily with an investment of $5,000 to 510,000 which includes played standout games for the A ti n1 Rattray. The lone Boston Combines, each of them throw- "Tramp.0-Leap" jumn centre lead at the end Of the second Exeter Mohawks came up eel' Beach scored the °thee, fling. i a home unit dealership. period, with their second straight top-- The three Ranger goals were ' i FUTURE GAMES notch perform r nee in their ed bY Peter Lawson The o 1041—Jets v Bl k 1 TO PREPARE • Ingersoll, as the short-handed best -of -seven series with Inger- SFr k ill.. Early spree I The third period was alladvance t Saturday, March 18 i NOW IS THE TIME Mohawks couldn't keep up to soll., Friday, but missed the the s w now l e next rounc of play° fs:, , _-_____Te s. ac lawks , For the high profit season they managed to count four three games with a 4-3 loss. "breakt" as they fell behind in the second game the jets ' " 14 " e e ; defeated the ; Bruins 3-2, win- Monday, 6:30.7:30—Wee Wee . knots series this exciting* new sport—soon the visitors' - three lines and * March 20 . • ahead—be early—cash in on 20 ..minutes, ' when the Marlands out -shot Except for the second period, Tom Allen led his tearn to vic- 111'4 the round 6-4. Captain ' Tuesda March 21 . • unanswered goal! in the final! to sweep the whole country, - The game threatened to get 1 Exeter 26-8, the Tribe matched. tory scoring all' three, goals. • Y, 6":30-7:30—Wee Wee ,. Ken Martin continued his You've read about it in Life, out of hand in the final period stride for stride with their, For the Bruins; Bill Beavers! Illustrated. One of Can., 8.30—Exeter Junior Hawks mastery over the :Wean -Eder- Look, Vitali :Urea Jourhal and 1 By John MacNaughton , them just two goals as his ada's laiortest investm.mt deal, at as some of the players at. hosts in , the rugged play.off and ,:fnank De . Vries ca-cht TEEN TOWN TALK , ton Combines, Friday, allowing Sports 'terripteet to get • in their last tiLt, in the third period, Stan scored one goal. The Jets will ! licks in the final meeting of : Ulrich and Don. Beattie each play ithe Black Hawks in the ' team mates scored eight to tie ers lust •arraneed to install in The third dance of the newly two games each. their best -of -seven series at 20 Shopping Centres• the two elubs. Joe Pelesh and bad clear breaks 61 Ed Lock- next -round of playoffs. t ABSOLUTE PROOF Dick,. B.edpicked up majors • head in the Inger: 'I nets. but Dalt Shine and Ken Monture for fighting.and Keith Stephen • the„ big netmincler -managed to in the third game. the Maple held in the arena on March 11 , paying for them - formed. Exeter Teen Town was and Dan 'Bar -64 'were Assessed : get a piece of both shots and i ' all f ] ' - Leafs the team that led the p ifeerecso.tDetyhe dance was. , provided. the scoring power for or C"treS T1 tl ; . minors Inc another brief skir- deflect the.m away.. „ i t'' wile a year, a -ter p aymg the visiting Rockets, dumping Ives in 8 1° 10 weeks • • • great additional profits for mish. : Ernie Little was the star ot defeated the Wings 5-2 to win ' s to a 14 tie in -the first game,' St, dealerships in home units, in a pair of gO,als each. Singles 01 Althought t h e attendance Exeter picket: up eight of the game, corning up with sev- the rouhd 6-3. Goal scorers for . was not too high everyone were picked up by Reg Frank- lin, Dick Pake, Art Partlo and , the 13 penalties handed out. era] "impossible" saves, espe- the Leafs were John Loader, )resent seemed to have a good Jim 3Iorrison. Canadian 10 of them coming in the final - cially in the second period, David Burke, Mark Hinton, I time, Prizes were given to Tom Collings, the Combines'. period. ' ! Ingersoll drilled a total of 54 Paul Mason and Grant Hooper , the winners of spot dances. . Theatre passes were donated Trcornp-O-Leap prolific scoring centre, WAS the ' Game comments — Bill Mc- ' i shots his way, but he managed with ane goal each. by the Lyric Theatre. The only one able to beat Martin, Donald gained the distinction to kick all but four aside. , 1 For the Wings, Bob Beavers other prizes were St. Patrick's goals. scoring b 0 tit Lucan - Ildcrton: An All Canaditan Company of being. the Mohawk .to score ' Actually, two of the gaa's and Glen Overholt each Scored the last goal of tee 1960-61 sea.- Ingersoll did get were of the one goal. The Maple Leafs will son, Bill also scored Exeter's ' lucky nature. The first 'WAS be idle waiting to play the Day favors. The next dance is to be on t The Rockets jumped into the Btggest and most experienced . , i picked up by Ralph Beemee winner of the series between ' Saturday, March 25 from 8:30 lead after only 30. seconds of by far—will give every assist• . t when the puck trickled off the the Jets and Black Hawks. play with Franklin finishing off ' ance in locating, installing and • p.m. to 11:45 p.m, This is to a play with Sabatine and Fake. !financing. For the best return be a big dance with • some • t stick of Boom Boom Gravett Midgets beaten ' as he Skated past Little. Their Blue Devils defeated the Red In Wee Wee hockey, the major attraction which will be preset La the first period and ;Write The Delhi crew continued to On your investment dollar --. second, scored by Gord Nudds, • Devils 6-5. Goal scorers for the announced in the near future. held a commanding 5-0 lead ' in playoff game .! was from a difficult angle but ! it bit Ernie's pads and slid 'Blue Devils were Larry Baugh Teenagers must remember as the teams left the ice, • ; CANADIAN TRAMP -O -LEAP . : into the open corner, with thio, Wayne Marlowe, (ha t it is "their" teen town jim Morrisson shot the visi. l Oakridge Acres w b i p p ed ! Besides Beemer and Nudds. Gary 'Wurm and Lester Mar- and it is their attendance that tors into a 6-0 lead at the 6:401 \Oil make it a success. n -Bank St the , Exeter 8-4 in. e opener of : Cambell and MacDonald trig- towe one each. The Red Devil p gered goals for the Marlan•ds. scorers were Ron jenk with the best - of - three Shamrock , midget semi-finals in Lucan, Steven Green, Barry , Monday, ; Boom Boom Gravett, Doh tw°, Soul:heat and Jerry Glavin ; !Beattie and Stan Ulrich count - times tor Oakridge an.d Bill 1 In Bantam House Leagtie ' one each. Paul .Corneyea scored three • • ered fdr the Tribe. Ecclestone t r i g g e r e d two. • Bruce Johnston. Brian Hain- ' Ingersoll jumped into a 1-e the Maple Leale 4,3. Felt the Split in first . ' this week the Wings defeated ;)11RE:4i0111E-: .."74""I‘—''''''"" • mond and Terry Jarvis notched lead at the 2:30 mark an Wings, Lefty Willert scored the Others. ! Beeiner'e goal. but the Tribe two,. Gary ParsonS .and Bev , ,.,., '' ' Don Cann, captain Of thei boutsced back (6 tie i+ up with Hietzel. scored one each. The Exeter squad, scored all tour Gravett redeeming imself for Leaf goals were all scored by of his tearn't goals. 1 — Please turn page 5 Larry Stire with the assiSta , • .. -#1 mark of the middle stanza lac- t Ottawa, Ohta rio, Zurich juveniles qusted in OMHA D settni4inal The Zurich juveniles, who won the OMHA championship last year at the expense of Plaltsville, lost out in their de- , ,( the silverware this teed late ih the stahza, beating I'dver. Piattsville canie back AM -Attlee with a short drive :with three', Oleic pals in the frOna in front of the net, t last half Of the period to knot Earl Wagner, who was one the count at 3-3 Were t he of the stand -out performers in learns left the :ice, the series 'pulled Zurich with. ' The homesters took their year, dropping g three -game ' in a single telly of the champs !first lead in the gar00 at the series to the same platutime when he stored On a power ;1:42 Mark of the final period, crew. , May At the 0:-07 mark cif the but Willert and Bob: Johnsteh inthe deciding game in the final stanza. Zurich had A man scored on A peeler -play 34 sec. Ayr arena. MohdaY, PlattsVille advantage At tile time and the ondt later to (it 11 up agala. eaMe up with a 4-3 win to : ply Was ed up by Larry Be!! ' Ron, Becket., A Stalwart no sideline the defending Champs; dard : defease for Plattsville, was file 24 iti • the serieS. Zurich won Belittle. who ()netted the sue. hero of the garot, beating: Ama. the egg game iii.lienSall, Wed- , ing for Plattsvillt -dimmed Zu., cher At the 4:01 mark with the eqday, hut drooped •A 5-4 C. told i rAitiedh'soevhearitchees taiotmtIrstle.61,:s55aintrok.iwtheitig tAlly. Alt three win Were regis..:gail load with only three min- I FIRST GAME in Aye, Friday, toyed with a Single geal sene. .lite -S reniaibillt in the game, Earl Wagner was the herd in rating the two -dubs, Platt :S.1 With Ana Ache]. out 6t the „the,.; °Pet°,erl psgeild"tmtkp"aco,"7,11,1tR. 1,ille out -scoring 'Zurich 1241. 'ti\vla,g,ff,o‘Ae'Af-dtriaenieWd iltliepetteatisedeeEe eV !In 'Jle Lthal l'hiAL, GAME the 10:55 in ark, but Diced ' tWitehd14:11,saiL"'„\AViliftta 1 ch21-1:4111 "tilill,;f PlattaVille overeanle a deter- wasn't flint for the defending' '''"e —"y." '.."""et ---'''' — Milled Zuriell bid in the final chanipt to get the equalizer, ' i 0" gOs-'- "a? (Se thici""Y Minute of their game, MOriday, SECOND GA10 ' i tigtk Of the period and popped the Winner with Ins than Ayr arena and Clinch A betth ' Plattsvilie i Oke 4.4 tie at , three minutes remaining in he On to edge the visitors 4A in the , le the '). . : the 4:01 mark or nit third rid.. Ville 1.' final. With the store 4-2, coach Tjen :Pied, Friday, and then hung cni: John Masse sCarted flic do. crtrith PUlled Dennis' Arneeher .desperately le sentare the se- fending clieMps Off on the , trent the net ih favor Of an ' ries at one game each. right: foot, Storing in the early ` extra ferweed, but his crew; Zurieh started out sirone!bi in . minutes of the first period, but Ceuld Only manage, Mie gitial tothe game, storing kve liham. PlattsVille eaine back with a fall obit in their attarript te ' Awyeeiicid6 gbeaanlisodinitithethoritiOttOri-4 ried,:,ld, an=ir,0t, i'l.ilidkieS tei take A 2.1 kriol the count. • Plattsyille Jumped inte it: 2.0 ,ptay With Larry B6,c1Aftt, and ' %Linen oOtineed bAelt IMO a' lead in the .first period Of the theft Bedard Mild hack t6 '5,2 count on a goal by on garde be goals by t buthe and ' store One hiniaeif '00 a play, Diekett orilv to have Plattg. ,fateha Were Laer,y tedaed with Earl Wner, ag ., !vine teere hear the tAci of the nut Zurich Oilthe, 'g,kre, 6601 Wagner Made the wire 3.6 frailiet and take the lead :again., at the 1:35 Mark Of 1,116 tee- , ror tilt zftrioh trow At the 8:56 ' ,i-feweVer, with Wagner ad• Mid Period, , Mark of 0.6 AeCtehd and it !Ling the oa"' Zurieh b"ntt'd iii 1-lowpvo.r, Geattam polled the loeke-cf like Zteetelis Wtrik 'O!ff7,tw6 In the final 20 Minate6 td heriteStera Beek into' 'a. tWo.gy , their WO Id the, mills, HoW-11/tap up the eetitest, '60 Chevrolet BISCAYNE 2 DOOR SWAN 10,000 actual nines, oew car condition. See this one. '59 Oldsmobile SUPER 88 4 DOOR SEDAN Power steering, power brakes, automatie trans,mission, tinted glass, whitewall tires, two-tone finish. Drive this luxury car. '58 Ford '57 Chevrolet FAIRLANE 2 DOOR SEDAN BEL AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN , Tinted windshield, ettsteen radio, good adio wheef discs, two -tont filtiSh, 201,1clitt01.1, 13,000 actual miles, new car ebildithen, . '57 Oldsmobile • •.88. 1 DOOR SEDAN Automatic, rdio, power braiko8, whit6w wall tires, two-tone finish, '55 --Ford MAINLINE 4 DOOR SEDAN R4di0, two-tone finish, a clean car, MANY :OTHER: MODELS. TO CHOOSE P -ROM. Get Our .Price :Before You Buy nett Bros.* Limited • PHNE 1--0 CHEV, OLDS ak ENVOY EXETER The ROM's of Guardian iViaintenance