HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-09, Page 10• ; fl,age The TitmAtIvootot, March 1, 1961 ephen asks survey Federation in Usborne for Centralia water seeks increase tishorne Federation of Agri...! ettiture has 'requested the town- ship *eel to raise the mem- bership levy front caw -fifth to one-h0f MM. President Philip Johns and Pea. President Horace Del - bridge Presented the request at Monday's cc/limit meeting. They explained the growing number .of activities of the farm organlZation necessitated the increase which is already in effect in a number of townships. The levy cannot be raised this year since the assessment roll has already been com. pleted. However, council agreed to consider the increase for 1962. Weed spray 4°114.30 Weed spray contract was let to Fred Harburn, Dublin, at $3.00 per mile, both sides. Ile' Was one of three bidders who ,-.=-.-4=e4 included Ralph Betteridge, at $2..75 per mile plus insurance, -e-1 - and Lloyd Weber, at $3,20 per Ife'.1 A bylaw appropriating,$4.5.00D for road exuenditures 1961 was approved. A grant of po plus $1.00 each for five members in Usborne was made to the South Huron Agrieuitural Society, sponsors of Hensall Feeder Calf Club, pee delegates DelegateS to the Ontario Rte ral Municipalities and Good Reads conventions were paid $35 in lieu of expenses. The Stone drain report, filed by J. A. Howes, OLS. Listowel, will be read on April 3, oad Sup't W. J. Ft t ,'s report included accounts total- ling $1,233.74. Treasurer N. G. Clarke re- ports receipt a $48.45 from the road supl and -ether receipts Of $Z,285.9; and a cash balance at the end of February of $1,740,5.8, Deputy Tax Colleetor Mrs.. B. M. Woods reported reeeipt, of $918.78 in 1060 :taxes during retiree rY. An eleetrie adding machine was :purchased from tinder. :weeid, Limited. for $150 And tradedAnd a used Machine wassecured for the roadsup't for the sum of $150. Reeve Claytort :Smith presided and all couneillors .were .pre. seq. Next meeting wUl be held April 3. Purchase of 124 gallons et 80 oz. 2,11) amine was made from Read Fertilizers Ltd., at their price of 83.33 per gallon, lowest of eight tenders, Appoint inspector Allan Fletcher was appointed warble fly inspector at 83,15 per hour plus mileage at 10e. The township inspectors were instructed to attend a warble fly school at Clinton, March 21. it [...., \.,• I i..14i : -••:,•-..,_....„...._, f•!.',.-2 1 11------, 1,0 • ,•, 0 I i• -,...„,„1.0j ....-,... ..1 •-(:,--.T.-':-.) ";••••-•-_i....(-----\:-." ' "A?:::14,...!...n................„.„- '''This is interesting -I never )new Gee r g e Washington chewed gum" Hay mutual reports :Stephen township has reques waled that preliminary dog - ted the Ontario Water :ftesour- sharing proposals :set the Ste, ces. Commission to niglertake phen share at12q. Exeter and a preliminary survey and re- 'Osborne townships wouldpass Ort oil a water system for sem, eaeh and Ray has •Centralia pollee beeh%m asittne‘dfohri 8'.. The trustees hope there J' --Aes p council was may be a possibility ot hook. asked to eonsider the proposal ing into the supply line to before attending •an area •meet. Centralia RCAF statiOn, This big to discuss the division of ilavtnsi srortvheetio otorpeocsidscibb,tel,evoznsoEpucr :Ili ens ,A(' opsp,1. rs Ft- v r 914 bdv oget • setnta!t $1503°,0100,rotahe sbaUrrierseats last best supOlY. Censider iont prptection year. • Stephen Politica was asked Road Sup't Lawrence Hill formally Tuesday to. consider was authorized to ea11 for gra. participation in the purchase vel tenders by the •ton as well of a fire treat which wilt serve As by the yard, the district around Exeter, A grant of $30 was made to klayor R. E. Poole); and liensall Spring Fair and $20 Reeve %Main MaenZle re. to the feeder eAlf club. Request , was made by Russell Brow, a director. The auditor's report, rashow- share Reeve Glenn Webb presided ing a surplus on the 1960 ape. tions was adopted, and all members were pre. sent, sk Zurich toward Hay arena HAY township council de-, cided at their meeting, Mon- day, to ask the village of Zu- rich to pay one.thiri of the costs of operating the Hay township arena. A. motion was passed to give the arena board a grant of $500 and ask Zurich council to pay $166.66 towards the grant. The t clerk was a so ms d render the village a hill for one-third of the. 8700 operating expenses and one-third of the $362.25 debenture for 1960. The council also instructed Clerk H. W. Brokenshire to publish an advertisement •cat. ling for gravel tenders for the township. The township re- , cadres 11,000 cubic yards of best surplus ever three-quarter inch screen crushed stone, The rate of the tenders submitted is to be in' merit, The clerk was instructed to send a letter to the Exeter councit.explaining their rea- son, Mr, Brokenshire was also in-' strueted to write a letter to M, R. Perk, London, explaining that the Hay township have a fire protection .Agreement with Zurieh„ Hensall and Dashwood, hut that he would have to pay the bill rendered from the Grand Bend .brigade Who wered a call at his cottage in the Schede..view subdivision last ou st7yecar. nett accepted the re- signation of Harold Finlay, •• pound keeper. Hay Township Farmers' klu. that Fire Insurance Company, learned at their annual meet- ing in Zurich recently, that their 1960 surplus set an all- time high, with the company going ahead almost $36,000. This favorable report result- ed mainly from a. $35,264 de- crease in losses during the yea r. Harvey Taylor, president for the year, noted the companY had recovered to a very satis- factory position in 1960, 'after OK addition for Hibbert Hibbert council, by resolution Monday, approved the pro- posed •addition to Mitchell Dis- trict High School at an esti- mated cost of $197,500. The engineer's report for the O'Reilly municipal drain was read and provisionally adopted, Court of revision will be held on April 3, and the clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the completion of the drain. A. grant of $56.00 was don- ated to the South Huron Agri- culture Society and calf club. There were seven gravel tenders for approximately 12.000 cu. yds. 3;4" crushed gravel and 500 cu. yds. in stock pile, and the tender hid from Jack Newbigging was accepted for 54e, 53c, 36c, res- pectively and a price of 65c for farmers' lanes. Mrs. Lloyd Elliott vas en- gaged as caretaker for the township hall at a salary of $125.00. experiencing several years of heavy losses and surplus de- creases. 1/e predicted that with the present higher rates remain- ing effective there was a strong possibility of exceeding the De- partment of Insurance mini- mum requirement of 25 cents surplus per $100 of insurance in force during the current year. The present surplus is 18 cents per $100. Exeter man elected Albert W. Keyes, Exeter, was elected president, succeed- ing Mr. Taylor. Vice-president is Max Turnbull and .Reginald Black- is the secretary -man., ager. Fred Haberer, Sr., who has been director for the past 27 years retired rather than ac- cept another three-year term. • He was renominated for the position but withdrew in favor of Theodore Steinbach, whom he nominated, A director of the company, • Reinhold Miller, moved a :hearty vote of thanks to the • retiring director. Auditors appointed for the coming year were George Deichert and J. W. Haberer. Manager compiles chart Reg Black, sec reta ry-m an- . ager of the company, presented a chart of the company's loss- es since 1952, pointing out that the surplus of any year was • dependent upon the, amount of losses, He also gave an outline of the re-insuraoce business the company operates, pointing out that ten and a hall million dol- lars worth of the insuran'-e is covered by re -insuring coin - 1 panics, terms of crushing per cub'c' yard and hauPng per cubic yard, The gravel is to be taken from the MacLean pit near Hensall and to be placed on the roads during Mayc Appoint inspector The application of William Davidson for warble fly in-. speetor was accepted at $1.00 per hour and 10 cents per mile The council also accepted! tra v elling expense. the tender of Leonard Sararas to supply the powder at $5.24! for 15 -pound bags and 45 cents' for one -pound bags. The spray- ing will be done by William Watson at a cost of 12 and a; half cents per head. The cleric was also autho- rized to write letters to Fred, Waldron and IL Wilhelm, no- tifying them that Hay township has passed a by-law for war.' ble fly control and that any cattle brought in by •them must be treated before brought in. • A certificate of this statement must be given to the inspector showire, thee have compiled with these instructions. Following the request of P. L. MacNaughton, 1tensall, sec. retary of the South! Huron Agricultural Society, the coun- cil agreed to make a grant of 835 to the society and also $4 for each calf club member from Hay. township who shows a calf. Coun'cil decided to re -invest the 8100 debenture from the Hillsgreen cemetery for an; other five years at five per cenf, • They turned down a request from a delegation of the mayor, reeve and deputy -reeve of Exeter to enter into a ero- i posed fire protection agree. The new look in coats. Our collection • attention to: ffir Spring is exciting with special. V NEW SLEEVE LENGTHS V NEW FULL SILHOUETTES V NEW NECKLINE TREATMENTS All in this season's most wanted shades in regular and half sizes. Priced from $19.95 to $45.00 Spring .Handbags .5.oft Marshmallow Plastics -$5.95 All teather-$5.95 to $10.95 Tapestries -$6.95 to $10.95 Town topics Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin were Mrs. George Hookway and Mrs, Arehie Walker of Science Hill, Mrs. jenny Mossey, .sister of: Mr. Wes Jaoues, is spending some time withher daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Martin, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Martin were Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mossey, Wood.: • ham; Mrs, W. B. Young, St, Marys, and Mr, and Mrs. Doug. 'las Martin and faintly,. Harring- ton. mimulomummimvpimMIfint, . .... IAHMAMAIItt,W It iM I it M111411{t1IF IOW I tO1 0111111111AM. COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE • Anti Freeze • Radiator Caps • Hoses • Fan Belts • Thermostats • Pressure Cps • Checlover HAVE IT ALL LOOKED AFTER AT BOB'S FINA 61. RADIATOR SERVICE PHONE 881 NORTH END EXETER CHRYSI-ER APPROVED AUTHOPIZED DEALER, The Chrysler -Built used cars listed ,below embody many exclu- sive engineering features that make it outstanding values push-button driving, Torsion -Aire suspension, Safety rim wheels are just a few examples. They're tested and recondi- tioned -and priced right, tool 30 Day Warr nty Specials 1 1958 DODGE CRUSADER. Sedan, 6- cylinder, push button transmis- sion, metallie brown, immaculate. $ $COMMANDER 1695.00 1957 STUDE. V-8, •radio, overdrive, exceptional condition. -- 1095.00i ^. I 1958 PONTIAC 2 -POOR 6 -cylinder, custom radio, jet hiack. 1595,00 1956 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL Sedan, 4 -door, V- 8, bush button transmis- sion, radio, three -tone combination. 119500, 1957 DODGE REGENT Sedan, 6 -cylinder en, gine, sharp two-tone blue. -I 1f 13 95,00 1953 METEOR SEDAN , Metallic green, very clean. 495.00 Exeter Mot r Sales PHONE 200 Fred Dobbs, Prop. Shop Sandy's for Chesterfields See our. complete line of scarves, gloves, matching hand bags And new im- ported costume *Mel- lery, "Sew and Save". All wool shags and suiting. -$4.25 to $7.95 per yard "11 Drip and Dry Cottons -79¢ to $1.29 Pure knel suiting, 58" wide -$8.69 Dan Rivet Girigharns-$1.29 McCall and Simplicity pattorns plus flOttiplete lino sowing tiBet18. Arnel.--$1.69 to $1.98 'PHONE 190 EXETER JUST ARRIVEDt NW SPRING DRAPERS' F. A. May SON NIGHTS 762W QR 763M row It, SCANDANAVIAN ALL -FOAM, durable 125 brown cover, two pieces , MODERN DAVENO ALL -FOAM, ' C1 zippered, reversable cushions, beautiful .9 brown strip, 2 pieces $ GREEN DAVENO with attractive swivel chair to match, 2 pieces 150 41. • 4:4 .47:r • ;r • , • BROWN STRIP CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR, genuine foam seats and bac ... ,, 169 2 pieces BEIGE SUITE, foam covered with long-lestihg nyon, 2 pieces BEIGE 2 -PIECE 5UIT, molded foam backs, all zippered cuhion, heavy nylon cover, made to sell at $3.45 FOUR SEATER SUITE, all foam, zippered reversabie cushions, pretty brOwn cctver FOUR SEATER, reversable cushions, very sMart and very new 175 185 '250 FOUR SEATER, black covr, pleated I back, al -foam and goarAnfeeci by Singer for 2 yeert, Our price ..........,., FOUR SEATER I3y Beverley, foam on foam, something really new this year, a very durable, pretty cover/ 2 pieces •...... ..„„ ....... .. . FRENCH PROVINCIAL Chesterfield arid chair. Fruitwood with buttoned bck, a real good suite. City prices $425. To introduce our French provincial furniture we Will sell this one suite et •09. Se if in our windewl FRENCH PRONANCIAL 2.pitte suite by 1e4tY #rs, of fH- chtiner. Fruity/mid trini and one of the better suites ShOWn rtY any dealer anyWheref NAN TUCKET SUfTE by' Farquiiairterh,di(fOrd Of. 'Strafod, Ati, other qualify sUife tehtliten teen eilidePt ifl tifir Sfeirela ia on' prices ire Muth lest, TURQUOlSE CHESERIELI5 MO, a beautiful' eliesfartlela that opens info A real tornforteble, fulki* bed $50 • .• ac aver THEY COME FOR MILES TO BUY THESEI EVERYONE MARVELS AT THE VALUE! SEE OUR SUPERB OFFERING AT ONLY Rocking .Ch '25 Swivel rockera, Lazyboy chair, reclining chirs-we have !M. et them attractively priced, •"c\ ,444 .It/(0.1h t S. Exeter