HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-09, Page 7Marsh ', 161
pnd district news
MI'S, Maude Heeldon, Phone 5
Mr -s, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
WMS prepares
o mark birthday
anvil_ fete
T:h,aWoturn's Missiona � for birthday
A happy event took place on
let} of .Bensall United Chuich
rnvencd Thursdayekternoo.n
rr the :March meeting and out -
nett, plans for its annual
'irthday party to be held Fri-
ay, April. 14 when guest speak-
ir will be Mars. G, Tiffin of
Vingham,President of Huron
'resbyl erial.
Special guests well be so-
eieties from •Chisolhurst United
i hurch; St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Zurich; Carmel ,Church,
lensaU, WMS and Arnold Cir.
t;,le; WA of St. Paul's Anglican
rheirch, Hansen; and United
Church Evening Auxiliary. Pro -
conveners are Mrs. T.
C. Coates; Mrs. Goatee kless
I and Mr, Laird Mettle.
!:'resident Mrs, E. Rowe pre-
. eirled and Airs. George. Arm-
' strnng's group was in charge
the meeting. The de.vol:ional
'as taken by Mrs, J. Horton
•tett Mrs, William Cole. A. skit
Nursing Homes" was present -
^d. with lrs Fred AiOrvillers. Beer,Ms, George
rnistrong• and Mrs. Wilbert
)thing taking the roles.
Miss M. 'Ellis reviewed chat).
'era from the study book "This I
Aiming World."
March 4 at the Do-
minion Hotel, Zurich, when
Mrs, Simon Sararas of Hensall
celebrated her '80th birthday.
Mrs, Sararas was guest at a
dinner given by her sons and
daughters. Thirty-two people
were present end Mrs. Sararas
was the recipient of a corsage
from her great grandchildren,
a bouquet of roses 'from her
grandchildren and. s ever al
other gifts.
Those present were Mr, and
Mrs. Ernest flubbed, Mr, and
Mrs, Earl Sararas and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn heed and
family, all of Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy MacDonald of Staffa;
Mr. and Mrs, William Caldwell
of Kippen; Mr,. and, Mrs. Ross
Sararas and :family, 'Cromarty;
Mr, and Mrs.. Harold 73onth
ron and family, I-lensall; Mr.
and. Mrs. Ronald Caldwell,
Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Caldwell and Mr. and Airs,
Bob •Caldwell, Hensel.Following dinned,, a reception
far the family w,ls held at the
-tome of Mr. incl Mrs, William
Caldwell, Kippen.
Hensafl personals
,hiss Cassie Dougall elite
'lined last Tuesday evening1
''nnor of Mr, and Mrs, Rbe
leGregor of Kippen, celebra
'ig their 90th wedding ann
•ersary that day. Mr. and Mr
lorley Cooper of Kippen we'
:iso guests of honor, A socia
'-tour of cards was enjoyed an
r- driver for the past nine years,
n recently Gently tendered his resigne-
d lion, and has accepted a posi-
t- tion on the ,staff of Hurondale
i. Dairy. The management and
s. staff of the plant •presented
I•e him. with a h•andsonie golf
I cart: in appreciation of his va-
d lued services.
gifts were presented to Mr, and
drs. McGregor by Miss Doti-
-all and Mr. James Mustard at
':'hose home the party was
held. Luncheon was served in -
eluding an anniversary cake
topped with 30 candles.
Mr. and Mrs. R.Y. Mac
`.aren were recent visitors wit
their daughter, Mrs, Margare
Evans and family in Water
Over four hundred attended
the CKNX barn dance 'held
Saturday night in the local
community centre, The Kin"
eties, who sponsored the
dance, were well pleased with
the proceeds.
Mrs. Charles McArthur and
h children of Detroit, visited
'Friday last with 'Mr. and Mrs,
.George Parker and family.
Ronald and. Gary, Hoy spent
d the weekend with their grand-
" ;parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.1ar-•
ence Hoy of Port Albert,
Cpl. .Lou Borden left Tues-,
day morning for Dayton„ Ohio, l
where he will take a three;
months course at the U.S.A.F.j
Miss Donna Rigby, 'Toronto,;
Mr. Bill Rigby, Byron spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, I
Stewart McQueen. 1
Mrs. Earle Sproat visited t
h in Windsor at the weekend. with{
• Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Sproat and
Mr, and Mrs. P rcy. Bart-,
lett of Tha.mesforcl and Mr.1 S
and Mrs. Harry Snell, visited
Thursday with kir. and Mrs. S,1 '-
McQueen, the occasion being! s
kir, ZVicQueen's birthday, g
Mrs. 3. E. McEwen and e
Mrs. Murray 114CEwen spent '
last Saturday with Dr. Anna- t
bel. McEwen in London.
Lodge plans DDP visit
DDI" Mrs. Lillian Grummelt,
of Seaforth, will make her of t
ficial visit to Amber Rebekah
Lodge, Hensel.!, Wednesday eve- P
ning, March 15, it was dis-
closed at the regular lodge
meeting held last Wednesday.
Pians were outlined for the
CPT euchre March 15.
Nobly Grand Mrs. E. Chip -
Chase presided for the meet-
Mrs. Edna Corbett visite
over the weekend with her son
le -law and daughter, Mr. and
\lrs, Harold Parkerand laugh-
'er at Chiseahunst,-
Mrs. Allan +Mi�l�ler IRR. 1 Hen -
sell underwent surgery in Clin-
ton Public Hospital last week.
1•lr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid
and Allan and Mrs, A. Orr at-
tended the Ice Follies in
Kitchener on Friday night.
Mr. Ross Christian, Bramp-
ton, spent .the weekend wit
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. It
K. Christian.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cook
and Mr. and Mrs, Donald. Joynl
''ho motored to Florida two
weeks ago with Mr. and Airs.
N. E. Cook returned home this
creek by plane.
Mrs. Garnet Whittaker, RR
1 Hensel!, was the lucky win-
ner of the jackpot at the reg-
ular Saturday night Legion
Muga held in •the Legion Hall,
District winners In the Ca-
nadians Contest were Brian
11cAsh, 'Varna; Louis Willett,
Zurich; and •Mrs. Harold Har-
ness, Exeter. :Each received
uese tickets.
Mr, and k£rs. ,Tack :Peebles,
Monica. and Greg, and Miss
Jean Noakes, of London, visit"
rd Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Noakes and family.
Mr. George Otterhein, of Gala,
spent the weekend with his
father, Mr, William Otterhein.
Mr, and. Mrs, Clarence Reid
and Allan attended the ice
rapades at Kitchener Friday
Mr, and Mrs, George Hess
' spent the weekend with their
daughter and son•in•lew, Mr.
and •Mrs, J. L. .MeClo' and
family in Toronto, and also at-
tended the ice canaries in.
Kitchener' on Saturday on their
way to Toronto:''
Mr, !Edgar McQueen, who has
'peen a pa tient ht Clinton Pub-
ic Hospital recovering from A
rractured wrist and. Injuries to
his . knee, Lias retu..rnecd. home,
Mir, and Mrs. William Clem"
ent of Elmira visited last
week with their sola:°nnd daugh-
ter•in•law, Mr, and Mrs, Wrn,
J. Clement and fa 0111y,
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence 'Rust
ton and 'Mainly ofStreeinel,
Miss Betty Parket of. Londbel
were weekend visilona with
'heir mother, Mr;;', Win, Par.
her end Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. f,i'ant Bergey
and family 'of Kitchener were
recent visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. Win, J. Clement and: fatn-
Mrs. t?rd. Corbett and Mrs,
Cd. "k'hroeder were hostesses
'1 the formelee hone ora `TThurs-
'lay evening, for p, dtrnonstra
tioti party, Mrs. Mai' :Robert.
`ori represeetativta of f"ldnitin,
WAS in ehargo of tho deenon-
s 1e'a tjbn,
Alr, and Mrs, Albert Alex.
miler who haw, Been patients
It iQuePliAw,a;y Nw'sing adnnee
'or the thrust fent weeks reeov•
piing frolii infest ies. received in
traffic accident. returned
In thierr hilnle ill Irtitsait on
Mrs. Carrie Weber Ot 2u-
rirh, leaa been admitted tri the
'111eenriway Nuligitg Hikte,
Ur. dsti tliitu, tt>tia 1i0a
Katie bliiPleeeed With Tree fey'
to,' era ge$„ taretei: s &a trunk +
�Inl1�sntb , l?rtut i ' �vi11% =
Jfld Latter fr�Qrn
oar tat
• ==:.=,{ 4ArAUtl=tltntlitlinti l =6=Uttltt Ul .11.11!,1 Utr14 •UI=tAtl ail.mutttAU=tlanOinIntntAlaAnteilifillinlrnl,
Mrs, T. Laing was hostess
for the March meeting of the
Women's Misisonary Society
when sixteen members were
in attendance.
Airs, Laing presided and led.
in the worship service. Ars.
W. Harper had charge of the
Study Book, with Mrs. Calder
McKaig assisting in a part
which had ben prepared by
Mrs. M. Lamed. Current
Frank 11/1i Cat' u events were given by Mrs. F.
Allen. Mrs. L. Sorsdahl. read.
the Glad .l'Idings prayer and:
dies at 91 years
• Francis (Frank) Mousseau,
9i., !lay Township farmer, died
at his residence nn Thursday,'
March 2.
His• wife, the former Marg
:area Brown, died in May 199
Surviving are one son, WI'
freta, and one daughter, Mar
area, both at home; two st
tern, Ars. Amanda Wesle
Romeo, Mich.., Mrs. Bache
Doiioname at the Queenswa
Nursing :Home, Hensel!.
The body rested at the Wes
lake funeral home, Zurich, u
til Saturday, March 4 Whe
requiem high mass was :sun
tit 4 pen. in St. Boniface R.
man Catholic church, Inter
ment was in. the adjoinin
cern etery.
Bearers were Alex Mous
seau, Hensall; Alvin Wesley
Detroit, Mich.; Gerald Brown
Clinton; William Watson and
George Grenier, Zurich, and
L. Bevers, London,
Auxiliary has blitz
'l'he March meeting of the
Hensel!. Legion Auxiliary was
held Tuesday .ev.e.ning and was
preceded by a :Red Cross hlitz
with. 16 members canvassing
$316.40 was collected.
Al: the meeting ine charge of
president, Mrs. Gordon Munn,
Mrs. Faith Pinsent was ar
cepted' foe membership. Ar-
rangements were made to send
two teams to the annual Legion
Auxiliary howling tournament
on April 19.
Final arrangements were
made for a St. Patrick's hake
sale and tea to be held in the
Legion hall Saturday, March
18 at3p,ni.
McKaig conducted the
business ,period. The roll call
was ins vered with an..article
from the record.
A detailed' report of the' an- York Hotel, 'Toronto, last week.
-' nuat meeting of Stratford j The —rile
were privileged to
4, Presbyterial • as given by,JM Mrs.' see the Nutcracker" as pee -
1 I, , colt. The topic He pfo reel by the National Ralet
g ; hrnm the hilts" was ;given by of Canada at the Royal Alex•
s :Mrs.K, McKellar. ander Ilreatc.
y, Mrs. Laing closed the meet -i Mr. and
1, in with 1 ver Refreshments Mrs• Ivan Taylor
g p a. Ttefr.shmc and Marlene and Nies, Garnet
y were served by the hostess as-' Weiherg and Larry spent Fri-.
sasted by Mrs. Sorsdalil and day with Mr. L. H. Rader.
West Airs. N. Harburn. I Miss Marian Rader and Mr.
n:..Personat items 'Lloyd Bowe of London spent
fie! Mrs, M. Houghton visited on the weekend. with Mr, and Mrs.
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.. -Ervin Rader and family.
°' A. Hey and Mr. James Dail j Mr. and Mrs. Afervyn. Stelek
rymple of Thames Road, of. Bradford and Mr, and Mrs.
gi Mi:. and Mrs. Ai. Lamonci;Ray 11!itliams of Toronto spent
rttended elle funeral. of an (he weekend witi Mr.'and Mrs.
s' aunt Mrs. A. Hagen, at Kit- Ed. Stela. They celebrated.
Owner on Thursday. Mr.1Stelcic's 82nd birthday on
Master Bobby Binning of Mit-!Friday.
chell, spent a few days last! Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd .flay o
Dashwood band has planked
I to reorganize with practice at.
8:110 ;p.m. Thursday ;e ove the
furnitut'e .store.
Entertain fi
Mrs. Howard Kltalnpp was
hostess Sunday evening for
firm aboul80 and their plwives� enden Fergus
JDa h•
wood firm and their,wives were
The• occasion was ;following
'a hockey game between Fergus
and Dashwood with Fergus
team vietorinus.
Mr. and Airs. Norman Dick
ert visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs Ed. Wahl of Listowel.
Mr. William Kyle has shown
signs of improvement at .Clin-
ton Hospital.
Mrs. Bigin 'f'lurnpsons. who
injured her hack a. few weeks
ago, is improving nicely,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long
were Sunday visitors of F/S:
anal: Airs, Robert Perkins at
RCAF Station Clinton.
Mr. Elgin `thews' on left
Tuesday evening for Ottawa.
.Personae items where he will attend the United
an Mrs. Ervin Ttader a y
and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Salmon Chateau
attended the 52nd Ontario Hy-
dr•a convention t th R t
Products meeting at the
Laurier Hotel,
a e oya
Final. arrangements w e r• e
made for a St. Patrick's hake
sale and tea to be held in the
Legion hall Saturday, March
18 at 3 p.m.
May 27 was the elate selected
for' the annual, auxiliary pen-
ny sale. It was decided to send
cigarettes to apatient in West -
week week. with his grandparents, Credttnn vlsiled with Air. and
Mr, and Mrs. K. :rleKel}ar, (ilea. krl. 5telck nn iY.l.onday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Waiker
visited an Sunday with Iheii Airs: John Kuntz, one of
daightei• Mrs. H. Currie who Daslrwnnd's older citizens 18 in
i�1a patient in Victoria Uospi, vert• poor health.
London. A baby slaughter : -.
having arrived for the Cul••
rie's on Saturday, Clip out For • Emergencies
I Quite a, .number from this
district attended the fee Ca-
pades at "Kitchener on' Satur-
The Marian Ritchie Evening
Auxiliary sponsorer} a quitting
party at. the ho aMrs.
p y rn or
Gordon Scott an Tuesday,
Airs. John Chessell and son
'Robert of Mitchell visited on
Thursday with her mother,
Mrs. Lloyd Sor•srlahl.
Mr. and Mrs. :Robert. Laing,
(Marilyn, :Margaret and Andrew
visited ;on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, ' 73ruce-
IMessage from
minsler hospital,
A. mystery prize was won by
Mrs. Mary Taylor,
Council sets
ST period
Following the example set by !
London earlier this year, Hen -
said council has approved the
extended period. of daylight
Council. agreed .the period
would. start April 29 and re-;
urn to standard on October
28. •
Hensel" is the first area mu-!
nicipalily to set the dates.
At the request • of several
i•atepaycrs en North Richmond
t., council agreed to engage'
. P. Roberts, OLS, to make a
urvey of drain repairs re-
A bylaw for a road budget of
7,500 in 1961 was approved.
A grant of $60 was given In
he South Huron Agricultural
1. permit was given Huron
Lodge AF and AM to make al-
erations to its lodge rooms,
Constable E. 11. Davis re-
ceded on the police school at
oderich he has been attend.
Several firemen plan to at
Over • S Years
Ceetified Watchmaker
Export repairs oi, fine winches,
Svtematic and sett.welding,
Grandfathers', Chime ai-id
Cuckoo Clocks and all electric
time pieces
•ir• Prompt Service
Reasonable Prices
Jeweller •
Stepping out?
take along. r.a
(Synthetic flavors. net used)
Sold by,
sr?efei' Pheitie
Wilson's Dru
H &WO )sheriff± '2
Hie T
Air. and Mrs. Curtis Gringe-
rich and. family visited at Ail-
sa Craig on Sunday.
Mrs. Leon Jeffery and Ed- .
muni spent a week Visiting
in Windsor and Detroit.
Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Faber
and family, of Kipper, Air.
and Mrs. William Desch and
family, of Varna, and Mr. and°
Mrs. Thomas i'enhale and Ric-
Icy of :Bayfield spent Stutelay I
with Mrs. • Lizzie Desch.
tend a school. in Seaforth.
Council authorized a mom;
prepayment of county taxes.
Clerk -treasurer Earl Camp
bell was appointed a second dr
legate. to M.id-Western Ontario
Development Ass'n,
properly -equipped vehicles
with oxygen.
Drivers with St. Johns'
Ambulance Cert'ficates
Phone Dashwood 70•W
or Grand Bond 20•W
mogazamiszanzsit. min"
and Recd
l it aurlaat';;
Hooting, PIunlhing, Sheat Metal Work
tui 1 A er 1 u
!t 11 JI 1 t tlllll IUII! AJ t , 1
1 N 1 IIU111,U1/,!nlUlllUU,UIlIINr! !1 1
I A t !liU11t111Jt111r
o,UlUlI.IrIUIIt11l1UAlllllUl,I4t11 LIWlel,41 J111l1!lNI11111UIIJ1,1l11�i1I,1!1111lJIlllIIIIU1tllllllt111UUt1l4Alir1ltnlilr
.s d: Car )(glues.
'56 BUICK 4 -DOOR HARDTOP, radio, to rust, 'told
'56 METEOR AUTOMATIC SEDAN, radio, :two.tone.
'55 FOR!? TOWN SEDAN, radio; two-tone.
'54 FORR CUSTOM, 36,000 miles, radio.
'53 METEOR COACH, low miieoee
'51 METEOR SEPA.N; radio
'50 FORD SEDAN, radio
f1rllUlA71II UII1l1!!IlJUlJllllldlllUllllI41111A1l1114II11U11l111lIlfll111711t1111UlU}!1lIUUIUIIltlllttllllf lllill11111I,t"� ,.s
.. When they're thirsty
and tired, fresh dairy chocolate
just hits the spot! Gives them
sugar for. energy. quenches
thirst, provides :all the body`
building goodness of milk.
lottled and pasteurized by
nbinQtacn Cup
melee 29c
when you purchase
1. qt, dairy chocolate
Spring news
hill 'and Jack have returned
from a very extensive (nurse in
hair styling at. Bruno's Advanc-
ed Academy of Hair Design,
Toronto, and extend a cordial
invitation to all their friends
to discuss the new styles, They
would he' very happy to talk
over any phase of self improve,
ment. Please feel free to call
Phone 236 Mrt,sn►1
American Standard . , First Quality
The nickel in Ainericen".Standard sinks
make the -difference , . , gives yew tilt
extra measure of serviceability for bet-
ter laoko, Self rirnming Xc a 1
with strainer .. , 18"" x 20" x 7t/7
single bowl size,
Reg. $15:�5
Compact twin
howls, overall
size 18" x 31"
x 7" of ecam-
.lwss stainless
steel that will
not rust, crack
or chip. Self
3 4 75
Reg. 537.45
-Save. 5.00
Concealed or Exposed -Ledge
Choose the styli you like best,
Solid cast brass = - , chrome
Save 00
DEPENDABLE Quality and Service
(And every one loaded with famous Vauxhall valuel)
What will it be? A neat and nimble Victor Sedan (there are three wonderful versions yeti
can choose from) — or perhaps the versatile Victor Estate Wagon is more to your liking,
simply great for cargo and kids! For driving at its best, perhaps you'll want the new
6 -cylinder Vauxhall Cresta or Velox, These handsome 6 -passenger pace -setters are now
available with famous Vauxhall Hydra -Matic automatic transmission as an extra cost option,
Whichever Vauxhall you choose, you can be sure of today's finest new car value -- bar none!
Select yours today!
rive passenger Comfort . Effortless Recirculating' Ball -Race Steering . Laminated Glass Wraparound
Windshield = Fresh Air Heater and Defroster • Integral Body Construction , Economy Carburetor e
Rustprnoting Body Dip . Dil•Bath Air Cleaners Levei•Ride Suspension d Hydraulic•Asslsted Glutei!
s Non•Stalling Electric Wipers s 4 -Door Convenience,
Wrapping parcels for postal
delivery is easy, A few simple
rules ensure safe, timely
•* Use corrugated cardboard or
strong carton,
* Wrap with heavy wrapping
* 'Pe securely with strong cord.
*Print the complete postal ad.
dress, in Ink on the front of
the parcel,
4F Pul your complete returnad.
dress in the upper left hand
corner of the parcel. Put a copy
dye uraddress inside the parcel,
*tor correct postage have the
parcel weighed h� g ed al the Poet Wks.
Soo the yellow pa(ies of moot
tolopllono cdn•eotoriee for
complete postal information
Eo 'right whorl you Wrap.:.
it speeds delivery:
roe mite
Victor beluxe 4 -Door Sedan
Victor.',teederd 4•beor &eeriesi
Vauxhall Greats
Metro, A.Crnr,r li,tata weeee
iib ,
Vauxhall V1`lox
(Whilowalt tires optional
extra cod ori mot! mndelsl
!i tP iti477 ('sr
bolt:owl barked by
Otitetol Motors
t"'► tl Au.Iek VViik iftli OMC Trtihkti osiford 'lji�t 3