HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-02, Page 14tr1,1,4; 41. 4)0 ,444"44,4 4, 4 04 14,44. ,ANN 87 4 ‘4 4. 414 Et a."
.714SS1 „,
P.4,04 14 March 2, 1961
4N.. -4.4144.4444e.40.
and, ,district mw$
Phone A. 74255
Correependents Miss Lino Abbott
Lions blitz James P. Jensen 'Couples club
on Monday born in Denmark elects s.late
25 Is
The „Luean Lions will be rasett.tsird
ItspTteal.' 'bod;• The CsClubghtheLwi
making their annual Red Cross s can I-fmted lurch els its
rested in the C. Haskett .and meeting last weduessay eve,
Blitz on March 6.
, Son Funeral Home, Luean,„un- fling in the ehureli School -room
This year they are placing til Tuesday, February 28, when with 11 couples present.
boxes in all the places of bust- the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, of sir. George Carpenter led in
ness for the aceomodation of Holy Trinity Church conducted the devotions assisted by Mrs.
those who may be out when funeral services,. Interment
Alden Walker.
the calls are made and for ri' was in St. James Cemetery; The guest speaker was :sirs,
sitors who may be passing Pall bearers 1 If 0 1 bd 0 d B. R, Saulnier who gave an il-
lustrated talk on her recent PRESENT GO-CART AWARDS—Go-Cart champions were honored at the LionsircIllubrc,
Mr. will Hackett who IS son Hodgins, Roscoe liodgiSnT”, trip to Europe, dance in the Legion Hall Friday night. Above, frOnl left, are Al BromWich, •etia 1 a
through. Mews. Harry liodgins,
. 4
-4"' - 4,,
MY • ,
.1N '
4IP,FUoutteen members a the. 14.1 $ervice. with tile Rev. •
pees In ebarsse a•the w— 1,113
sk4uTdCalyanectveebncTg FL' ka4 their 8411;dInQ41411;hVr
The eeUn;.
&'IllillerngsjP1S0srf bi°11°117le°111,ehellift.1.1 WayOU ne daSrictitaYthieleigiganttillie, fetj•rlyti)
lbert, As progrein eOnveners; muniee was celebrated.
, bad Constable Maori of Lon- t Friday nig,ht, March 11,
13dyon4,pqrteteSestittiona:nfialinansnwner"Speef: •jAnr:hidrtesate jib: C. J. f:esieen
Driving" which whas followed t he the geest speaker at a meet.
parish ball for the
ilad$11' aron Blake ,of Clandehoye .Pteuraersdtecr peDolprfec.tQrs -and
all in.
here reports that the Red Peter Jensen, rolled, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Pet- (If the track; Frank Gatt, of London who won the trop.hv for top points in B
chairman of the Red Cross William Frost, Alan Scott and Two new couples were en -
Cross provided the Lions Club Son of late Mr. and Mrs. tigrew and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil and C. class; Sam G. Argyle, jr,,, oderich, winner of Senior Class "A", and Clare
--cumert photo
(free ef Mange> wheel chair James Jensen he was horn in Armitage Stanley, Lions club president •
for patients, requiring there ' Denmark. He came to Canada Tee 1961 officers were elee-
and at the present time four of 32 years ago and to a farm , Presidents are Mr. and
these chairs are being used he on the edge of Lucas). 24 years George Carpenter: vice- •
The Lions' Community Bet- His wife, the former Chris- ee Walker; secretary-treas- usines men
Angela Zietsma
patients in and around Lueana ago, "'ants, Mr. and airs. Al-
terment Committee are plans , tine Kristensen, also of Den- urer, Mr, and airs. J. W. Term- wins second time
,s survived by one son, Ed-, Mr. Ernest Ross reported e The Legion Zone A5, winch
fling street signs for the vile mark, died three years ago. Ile kyer
h ad man
1 After his wife's death Mr, !comprises Strathroy, Mt, Bre'd-
ward (Ted) of London. t that bowling time 'could be se -
Weekend storm Jensen lived alone until last cured any Saturday night by Harold Donahue,
giving a week's notice atlyertizing , gee Glencoe, Melbourne, New-
. agent and business consultant! Parkhill, Ailsa Craig and
missionaries, A member sue- Donahue goes
an informative;
gested that they make a new' and beneficial address, show- Owing to the distance And
and light. : tions could be remedied. :Poor driving Agnes just ar-
rived in time to go on the
sign for the church with glass Mg how many business Meta- -
1 stage so didn't do as well as
November when be began
Plans Were finalized for at- of London was the gues
,Lucan held its public speeking
by-passes area t Mrs. J. . Frost. For the last boarding in Lucan with Mr, tending the ice follies at Kit. speaker at the Lucan Business-
ehener. March 3. contest at Mt. Brydges last
The worst ice, rain lind wind three weeks he was feeling ss.er. G;: Sach suggested Legion Hall last Wednesday
men's dinner meeting the -11 arFriday night. The two winners
southwestern Ontario Saturday he was taken to St. Josep s shoulci help repair the organ Taking as his topic "Why , Angela 'McNamee, grade 7-8
storm in a decade, which hit Poorly and on Monday eveningi-, . . :at the Lucan Legion Feb, 2,
1as mut) projects' that they night. i Agnes Zietsma, grade 4-6 and
and Sunday, leaving a maze of Hospital, where, he died five and also assist two Jamaica business crises elsewhere," Mr, were among the cdmpetitors.
broken hydro and communica- 3'. .
tion lines, crushed buildings
and uprooted trees, bi-passed
The hydro did go off .for an Recreation
hour or so around 5 p.m. on • • * • •
Sunday, stopping furnaces and activities
sump pumps, Streets were
coated with ice, making walk- BY SAM SCREATON
ing dangerous but listening to Director of Recreation
At the March meeting mem., The business men had •as she •ordiparily would have dime
bers are to bring in a money their guests, Lucan's fire I but she did come fourth,
making suggestion. It was de-
cided to sponsor a program to , of London, who ,had earlier in •Lucan and Biddulph contest,
fighters and also Mr, who came first at the
Auger! Angela,
be staged by a London Mee the day been addressing the as well as the Legion contest.
Club of which Margaret Seel: Dow Chemical employees atl came first again Friday ,night.
reports of devastation else-
The Bantams and the Midg- Is a menthei. Sarnia, so nearly 60 men sat • When the contest was held in
The March meeting willsbe
where, Lucanites are thankful they are alloying along in the down to dinner Provided by Lucan a number of the outly-
in charge of Mr. and krS• the ladies of the Legion Aux- been sent
they escaped as well, • r • f vorably
• ing schools had not
. •
• Doreen Garrett
., Dave Par anrt Mr4 ancl rirs.
The Bantams have just elimi-; Stewart -McLellan. hary, the list of subjects so were- per-
Alvinston and are await-. . Mr, Art Bell, president of mitted to speak on any subject
ing the winners of the WOAA Lions club dance the Businessmen's Club, was they chose.
group which game will take: The Lucan Lions Club held a : MC for the evening and intro- Angela won her award on
them to the Ontario quarter: successful dance in the Legion duced the guest speaker, who "Water Conservation." This
finals (and possibly, depending hall last Friday evening, ! was later thanked by Mr, Er- was not on the Legion list
on the draw) to the Ontario During the evening Mr. Sain win Scott. Mr. Alan Scott which meant she had to pre -
semi -finals. G. Argyle Jr., of Goderieh was moved a vote of thanks to the pare a new address in the past
Last Saturday evening, the presented with the Hiram Wal -:ladies and Mr, Jack Radcliffe three weeks.
• Midgets played Watford. to a ker & Sons Ltd. trophy for the proposed the toast to the,
This time she chose "Traf-
7-7 draw in Watford and will top point winner in Sr. Class queen.
play the return game of a 1"A" Go -Kart racing and Mr, i
home and home, goals to count, ; Frank Gott of London for the : •
Saturday at 6.30. So once again' and "C" was presented with
"E" Lions hear
series in the Luean Arena on i top point winner in the
here's your opportunity to get the Labatt trophy. .
. •
behind the Midgets and lend Mthe Go -Kart Lucan track, mi
Mr. Al Bromwick, chairman nisi-ers
fic Safety," which won for her
the silver trophy.
Now she is eligible to try for
further honors at Glencoe on
March 25.
LOL euchre
our support. of
On Saturday at 6:30, plan to made the presentations. The Lucan LOL held a seven
be on hand and cheer the lads , The next dance w i 11 be; Lucan's four ministers were table euchre in the lodge room
to a win. The team. under , March 24. guest speakers at the Lions here, last Wednesday. Mrs.
Scout meeting , Club dinner meeting in the An Ronald .Spraque of Luean was
potential to win, so Lucan par-, glican Church basement saaLth.e lucky winner, winning the
Coach Jim Freeman, has the
! ents and hockey fans, give! The Scout meeting for this Monday night and each wae,tiegli lady's prize and also the
them your backing—be at the week only, was held at the Le- made an honorary member. draw on the box of groceries.
arena for this game. gion Hall with the new scout . In conjunction with Brother- Other winners were, high
The Combines held a meet- rnaster, Mr. Earl Carling,i
-II hood Week the theme of their men's score, lair. Oliver Ja-
ing on Monday evening to draw charge, addresses w a s Brotherhood.ques; second high score, Mrs.
the playoff schedule which we The next meeting will be One new member, Mr. Murray' D. Munn and Mrs. Wilson Hod -
do not have at the time of back in the Legion Hall, Thins- Hodgson of Clandeboye was gins . (playing a man's card),
this writing, however, if nos- i -nay, Mar- 2 One hew b°Y; enrolled. Ione hand prize, Mrs. Cecil
• Neil and Mr. Clarence Smith,
sible. we'll etry and get in. into Billy Anderson was enrolled
Plans were finalized for a
the sports section of the paper Monday night.
• before it goes to press. ! Plans for a weekend hike Red Cross blitz the first Mn -
Once again, ;we'd like to Good Friday, were discussed. day in March,
draw your .attention to the
leather tooling crafts clas,s on!
Doreen wins Tuesday evenings in the arena • ,
, ested—or are interested in join -
5 11 OW crown , ing a group on Tuesday after- Mrs. Jean Miller and Mrs, I with Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Mert Culbert at the Cub meet-
auditoriunf. If you are inter- Lucan personel items
The next game on March 8
will be sponsored by the LO -
Cub meeting
Mr. Rudy Engel, as cub
master was assisted by Mr.
• i
C es
Unites! Church
John Crawford, student at
Eanmanuel College, Toronto,
was the guest speaker last Fri-
day night for the Layman's
Recruiting Fellowship dinner
for the Parkhill, Ailsa Craig
and Lucan churches, in, the Lu.
can 'United Church school-
Mr. Crawford spoke on his
life work and his call to the
Mr, Wilbert Stanley ot Lu -
can, is chairman of the Fel-
loveship, Miss Margaret Reid
of London, secretary, airs,
Sheridan Revington, represent-
ative of the Lucan church and
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Eaton,
representatives of the Clande.
boye church.
Miss Reid was commentator
for the two films "Beyond the
Bell" and "Caravaning,"
Among the 46 who attended
were members of the Young
People, stewards and session,
from the three churches and
four ,ministers, Rev. W. J.
Moore of Parkhill, Rev, K. N.
Hick of Ailsa Craig and Rev,
G. W. Sach and Rev. E. M.
Cook of Lucan.
WMS knits for bale
Mrs. George Paul presided
at the meeting of the WMS 111
the church schoolroom last
Thursday and Mrs. Williani
Aylestock's group had charge
of -program and refreshments.
Mrs.# Aylestock was assisted
insthe worship service by Mrs.
Gordon Banting, Mrs. Wm.
McFalls and Mrs. Eldon Hodg-
son. Mrs, G. W. Sects took the
study book
Mrs. Cecil Robb, convener
for supplies, made a sreport
and also had a supply of wool
to be made up for the annual
bale - to be sent to Toronto
headquarters in April.
More Lucan News
On Page 15
noon. please contact the writ- L. Davidson of Stratford were Friday and Saturday's rain ing in the Scout Hall last Mon-
er or Mrs, Gordon Nicholson. Wednesday guests.of Mr. and may have helped the water si- day night.
Don't forget the Shamrock : Mr. ,HArold Sissons, district
Miss Doreen Garrett, 20-
Mrs, E, W. Pepper, i tuation for the farmers but it
year-old daughter of Mr. and Pee Wee Hockey Tournament caused much inconvenience commission assistant and Exe-
' On Monday and Tuesday of
reation Committee on Satur- this week Mr Cecil Robb at- ter's cub master, was the
Mrs. W. W. Garrett of 'Edge- sponsored by the Lucan Rec- and worry to those with flooded
wood and member of the Lon- tended the State Farm Insur-, basements and sump pump guest and spoke briefly to the
don Public School teaching -; March. ' boys and was of great aff, was crowned farm show
assist -
princess last Wednesday night
at the Western Ontario Farm
Show, formerly known as the
Middlesex and District Seed
There were- 11 other contest- advance
ants among whom was Miss By STEVE DAVIS Victoria Hospital and took were held at the home of Mr.
Marilyn Eaton of Clandeboye, heath Mrs. Revington's new • and Mrs, Don Abbott last Sue -
Miss Garrett was chosen on Starred by the scoring of baby son, to look after him day.
her record of community acti- Russ Kennedy, Lathan Bantams until Mrs. Revington is well Other guests included Mr.
vities, a quiz contest and for were led on to a 9-7 win over ; enough to look after him her- and Mrs, Clayton Abbott arid
personality. Judges were Roy Alvinston Bantams, in two self. ' Linda and Mr. and Mrs. James
Jewell. director of farm ser- games. ' Mrs. Don Ankers, who svas Mugford of RR 1 Lucan, Mr.
vices, for CFPL-Radio and TV, Luean took the first game in on sick Het at the home of her , and Mrs. Murray Abbott of
Doug Hinz, CHLO, St, Tho- Lucan 5-2. Paul Young was the :parents for 10 days, -is able Centralia and Miss Doris Wood
Inas and Ron McKee of CKSL. scorer of the game, collecting , to be home Again,
She was crowned by Mr, 2 goals, Brian Ilasketts Russ' Mr, Gordon Davis of Lon. , ,
' of Oakville.
Surprise btrthday celebration
Duncan McGugan and Mr. la, Kennedy and Larry Lewis were . don.a Saturday visitor
K, Riddell presented her with single marksmen, Bill 9
--"bmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hod- I Members of Mr. and Mrs.
a set of luggage. and John Timmons were Alvin- .
gins. i Wes Hodgins and family, Mr.
On Thursday night Miss Gar- The second game was played , ii_Mrs. Wilfred Stocks and :fain- and Mrs, Joe Hodgins and fem.
ston's scorers,
in Alvinston lest Saturday . y spent last weekend in Har-!ily Of Owen Sound, Mr. and
rett had the honor of placing
crowns on the baking queen, night. Alvinston took an tA riy TeinAtt50,11 with Mrs. Stock's par-, Mrs. Doh Hodgies, and Mr,
Mrs. H. A. Wright at London
lead when Bill Tomas scored eadresMr. and Mrs. Robert Milton Robinson of London
:sprang a surprise turkey dins
arid baking princess, Mrs. Law- two goals within 3 minutes. In :
the second period Jerry I Mrs. 'William leaskett has re- ner eil them last Sunday in
rende Greenslade, of Strath.
roy. scored the only goal foe Alvin-iTrturned home after spending a , honor of Mr, Hodgins' birthday
Other Tartan and district ston, which tied up the scorolfew days with Mr. and Mrs. Ce 1 this week.
C. Lillie of Birmingham, Mich. I During the afternoon the
Wit/lel4S were 13 -year-old Paul of total goals 5-5.
Winslow of Granton who won The third period started off' Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ford and Owen Sound .fantily visited Mrs.
the Old Time Fiddlers Contest, with both teams fighting for a 1 :Robert of Detroit were week- Hodgins' mother, MIS. Jessie
whe goal. With 1 minute left in the1end guests of Mr. and Mrs., Lewis of concession 2, )aid.
Kett Bedgsen of Linen.
won the bacon coanpetition, game Tom Robbs scored for , Don Downs. 'dui°.
Mrs. Erwin Scott of Lucan who Alvinston. Luean trying to geti The last of the CE Institute Legion Auxiliary bingo
tame third in the hat making back in the game put on the , Meetings for teachers was held Another' good crowd was but
departments and Edgewood power. With 29 seconds to go: last Wednesday eight at Ansa tO the Legion. Auxiliary bingo
Junior Fartraers prize for team Larry Lewis led a rush into the ' Craig. ' irt the Legion Ball last 'Alms-
juclgitig. Alvinsthis zone passed the puelt 1 Mr. and Mrs. Evan Iledgitie day evening. is, a strange co -
Among the county winners out front and Russ Kennetie I attended the funeral services incidence the second time there
were i3ruee and Ross Watson. fired it home with 25 secorels',,se the iatter's aunt. Mrs. Mils- Were no split bingos,
Denfield; Gordon Rodgies and to go. 1 dyed Fi i1.81 trittO h A , at 01 C NI il l' ' The $5 consolation was on
Charles ()Shea, Grantori; Ken In the overtime period Lies: and George Funeral Home, hy Mt, cow stItthi of Ditiy.
field. The line p r t
Bill Darling, Lucien : and captain Ward Botigitie Mr. Kermeth Sirepeott of Otee "Share :the Waith " Went Its
fired a blue -line Ailt)ty , hit th .0 taWe end Need of ',Newlin Mr, Louis Lemieue and Mil,
Pertftleottii Yelits0 People i goalie and the rebound svas were Sundey guests of the for- Jack Stacy ni. "Akan (the lat.
1 ma's mother, Mrs, P.Itriest tet also won the third part, a
Interest and attendance stem slapped into the lower lett hand
te be grewieg ist this Prides/ 'corner by Ituss KormodY. Paul; nose and mr, -.Rpm !the consecutive bingo) and :the
evening Yoursg People's meet- 'Young started skating lio the , _.., and „ ,,,,, ,tt ,,,,,..... 1."11 prry .nriyA., to Nits Henryingg, -with -4015rOXittIA tely SO out boards, Ruse Kennedy Melted s Mr. eississ";IsisrsS'mfeicske"o'd K:tVgr$ iileeeT-ei—balsde-hOst-e,; , -1-11Ti'i,,
last. Friday night, Paul Gra- pit his paaa, took it In the blue , ealssIfeeve8ea,ried filet08 1,17 sa. .
r firet And secand part 01 the
ham led in, the music and Airs, lino, fired a shot arid anted i ()LIeld"
1 di:Maeda:died Were 1S/011 by i'Sfrs.
of A Bible qui, which consisted --Yllittefis ift trying to got haek
Claythe Abbott Was ill charge his second, overtime goal, Al.1 iiia.Ito?, and Mrs, 1<lna Dotkasy , Doug gWell Oi Lucan and Mrs,
in. naming the anthor of wells in the Milt, fired a ehot haat and two ehildren. Mail Lou Russell Seheoedet of Cetitta.
known tible sayings, Interest: goalie Steve Davie, The finali and l'thhYll of WbbaSt6ck' Were lia'
ill the Time Verse Museum is :griar Wee 'gored by Luca:Ws; SaturdeY gunth et 'Rev, 'and Odle!' Whillefg 1;IP" t:gr%
increasing, A collectiOn of, winger, Tern :SlinebolIone I Mrs, Z.- TY, Lancaster. Tom Smith of r keler; Aim
$10.4 will be .scrit to Ai:gentina I Liman lineup — 'Goal. Davist! Mr. and Mrs C,ocii ftribb of -Jim Avery and Mrs, trutt,
fit the $tippOrt Of missionaries defence, Ward Bedeine, 1:itid- • Lucan and alr anti Mr. 'latter traffic)/ Of ClandehoYc! Mrs.',
there. I do' and Wayne Hodgins ! few Bawtonli el rn e r of Sarnia bra Pat CrUdge, Mrs, Ceei I Nei141
;'''; '- • al s',, Artield MIL ,YACk Lariltlii mull
At the morning dutch serv-wards. Young. Rennedy, 1„ Le. Saturday attended the funeral Mrs. Italtill 8111ith, Mra, harry
led •A tie Wee rung by Re'ts. 'wig, D. Lewis, I.56iiostAoti, . ,. ' r , .
once Convention at Niagara stoppage, ane to the leaders before and
Falls. Farewell, birthday celebration
Mrs. John Knight of Kintore A farewell gathering for Mr. atter the meeting. 1
was a 'Wednesday visitor with and Mrs. Ken Wood of Byron,
her sister, Mrs. Mert Culbert! prior te their moving to Flo -
and family. On Thursday she ride on Monday, March 3 and
visited another sister, Mrs. Le- , a birthday celebration 'for
roy Revington, polio patient in three year -old Judy Wood,
Winters', ClattlehOYM, n d can rushed to the Alvinston end ; London, last Saturday,
and Mrs. Repand and ,kelt; :Shoebottosit Oda Robb of tirekno.m The 'Whit Averyi all of :Lu-,
M. tlaptolI Abboitl4tdy 1 ter 6)10 lenL th ookarel
wo have 4+40 more washers, so EVERY WASH-
ING CUSTOMER gets FREE SOAP March 2, 3 and
Let us rwote you on
* GENERAL TRUCKING—Local 8, Long !Distance
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PHONE BA 74400
BASEMENT and add colour all in
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REG. $14.95
Stop Basement Dusting
quick, ea sY
you just
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wear resistant Perma-Tred is the
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brush it on. Choice of four colours. Two.
for 500 sq. ft. • . 1 gal.
Reg. $9.50
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and Service
The addre.:,.rs
On -.sell letter
and parcel .
.shOuld show
1 the full name of the
person who is to get it
the correct apartMent
number; street addtess,
rural route number or
pest Office box number
City; town or village, and
postal zone number,
Where necessary.
• yobr name and complete
return addrest in the
upper left-hand Corner.
Sea the yellow pages Of MOtt
telephone direetoriet for
complete postal infornigierl t
A cOrreOt PotiaI
address speeds'
Ai CO arai to
The tlistence front torente to etc:noes is a 0 prexlmf teryi
I0 .153 0 ;30261 0 100 0 1,077 (Statute Milos)
Dealer's Name ...
My AddsS IA
My Addrest IS
1 (Gay or 'rnWn ,)
1 her'eby catilfy that 1 have A ttairied the aqe. of years gnu
and not Connected directly or Indireetly with this Contest.
S !tin attife
olo in the entry terni,
cek olg•elt 'the 6 d 1'1" t 6 t
nsWer to the ditettiOn of the
entry fftt, 000btit in eur
111f1 tdtii(iAt wellsbe owes lesoe
February 11th. 1961, Untif,. thick
night nn Marth 20th, 1661t
BA Y.473z