HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-09-16, Page 3a g rem pYfdic opinion in a cowMitwtioes- d w ffeeffatlledlfa this moos, they will ha etteadedto, end wilt proleks discussion is the • Imprial P•rliamosI, which • Bill weak! sot do. " Thejate cf the Ministry is sealer!" Staled u the moat popular, most prsetical, and moat energetic, that baa held elks in Canada." The following are the Resolutioae them- selves:- RESOLUTIONS hem- selves:-- RESOLUTIONS 16 by proposed by the Honorable Mr. Hinds, on the subject of the Clergy Reserves, on Thursday, 7th Septem- ber, 1852. 1. Resolved, -That as bumble address be presented to Her Most Gracious Majes- ty to assure Her Majesty that this hoes. deeply regrets to learn from the despatch of the Right Honorable Sir Joba Packing - ten, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, that Iler Majesty's Imperial Minister are sot prepared to introduce a Bill to repeal the imperial Act 3 and 4 Viet., cap. 78, included, "An Act to provide for tbe sale" of the Clergy Re- serves in the Province of Canada, and for the distribution of the proceeds thereof." 2. Resollred,-That whatever difference of opmioa may exist among the people of Canada as to the best mode of disposing of the revenues derived from the Lands known as Clergy Reserves, the great mass of the people will ever maintain the prin- ciple recognized by the Right Honorable the E ars Grey, lien Her Majesty's Princi- pal Secretary of State for the Colonies, in his Dewed) of 27th Januar., 1851, to the We take the following from the Right Honorable the Earl of Elgin and Brant Ifcrald:--From the Huron Sigr.al and Dundas Warder are pleased to disclose of their public functionaries, we would say that Iluron can't be beat for a pugnacious clerk of the Peace, and Dundas for a purr Magistrate. to bar expected from him as a seesibie mea. Amy mu that W been accustomed to rend the Globe, euaot avoid saying, if not too much drawn by the attractive indorses of the Globe, like the Planet, .bat the speech coutained nothing sew or that was very strange -but merely the same ideas over again. The effect that it produced either in or out of the (louse, was doomed in a few hours to be against, instead of toting in bis favor: There are a amber of per- sons like the happy Planet, who, were their true opinions made known, would lay with tbe Carsadials, that the speech" was what they expected -a racy; rabid, rough-and- tumble attack upon the Ministry, not found- ed upon any recognized or definite political principle, nor in apposition to any point or portion of the Miaisierial policy announc- ed." Throughout, Lis conduct in the House has not been the most consistent, after abusing the Ministry and Addree, to put the finishing flourish, be turned round and voted with them. Let any man that is in possession of two ideas, compare Dr. Ralph's speech in reply to that of Mr. Brown's, he will at once see the dtfferemce. It would be hard for any lining man, wo- man or child to say where Lia factious oppo- sitios will end. e Kincardine, that the question whether the existing arrangement "u to be maintained or altered is one so exclusiveiy affecting the people of Canada, that its decision ought not to be withdrawn from the Pro- vincial Legislature, to which it properly be- longs to regulate all matters concerning the domestic interests of the Province" 3. Resolved, --That while tbe people of Canada are devotedly attached to Her Majesty's Person and Government, and most anxious to maintain inviolate the cos- -ezion which binds them to the great Em- pire over which she rules, yet this House re. We would remind our agricultural (needs teat the Exhibition of Farm Sleek, &e., will take place on oezt Wednesday. the 22nd inst. , a [e}'We have received the first number is bound by a high sense of duty to inform of the Perth County /ticlrs,--a neatly got Her Majesty that the refusal on the part up paper, prated in the ruing village of of the Imperial Parliament to comply with Stratford. the just demand of the Representatives of the.Cawdiao people on a•matter exclusire- ly affecting their own' interests, will be Mewed as a violation of theirConstitution- ;id rights, and will lead to deep and wide- spread dissatisfaction among Her Majesty's Canadian subjects. 4. Resoli'ed,--'Chat this (louse is well aware that attempts , bare been made to induce Her Majesty's.Imp trial Ministers to believe that the present Representatives of the people of (:asadaentertain opinions o. -the subject of the Clergy Reserves Act ,,41iferentfrom these expressed by the late Parliament. 5. Resolred,-That this House cod.deptly hopes that vibes Her Majesty's Ministers shall be convinced that the opi- nions of the People- of Canada and of their Representatives on this subject are !unalterable, they will consent to give ef- fect to the promise made by their prede- cessors; and this House is confirmed in this hope by the suggestion in the Despatch of the Right, Honorable Sir John Paekiugten teat Her Majesty's Ministers are prepared to recommend amendments to the Imperial Clergy Reserve Act with a view to satisfy the wishes of tbe Canadian people. 6. Resulted,-Tbat this (louse ram scarcely doubt that, the principle of amend- ing the present Act being admitted, (Ter Majesty's Ministers will yield to the strong f''ling which pervades the Canadian people that any new Legislative enactments re- farding the Clergy Reserves, should be ramed by their own llepresentattres, in stead of by the Imperial Parliament• which being necessarily .unacquainted with the state of pubhc opinion in Canada, cannot be expected to concur in a measure that wilt give permanent satisfaction to its in- habitants. 7. Resolved. -That this House desires to assure Her Majesty. that in thus giving expression to the public opinion of the Country, it is actuated by the ctrongea feelings of loyalty to Her Majesty, and by a sincere desire to prevent those lamentable consequences whi •h must be the result of a collision between the imperial and Pro - finial Parliaments, on a question on which very strong feelings are kndwn to prevail among the people of this Province. t We take great Pleasure in stating to our readers that the Buffalo, Brantford sod Goderieb Railroad, will receive the warm support of the present Government. Ira Lewis, Esq., is now at the seat of Gos- eromeat, and, so far, the prospect seems to be brightoiog as with a smile. It will be seen by the Parliamentary proceedinge of the 10th iost., in another column, that it will not only receive their support, but, that they will give it immediate aetioo. The Honorable Malcolm Cameron has introduced •"Bill to Joeorporate and'con- .trnct a Railroad from Fort Erie to Gode- rieb ria Brantford" Oen JOURNAL. -W,, nave seeeired the first number of this periodical. It is very tastefully got up, it contains much interesting reading matter. It is published weekly by Smyth, Kennedy, & Co., Mon- treal, price $3 per annum. 0o)' The morning and eveniog are be- ginning to feel cold and chilly. G::r We are indebted to 211r Cameron and Mr. Christie, of Wentworth, for nu- merous Parliamentary doc,mesis, for which they have our best thanks. HURON SIGNAL. e} The Stratford Branch Agricultural Show wif take place on tba 5th day of October text, for the exhibition of Farm Stock, Produce, &o. And also, a Fair for the sale of Fant Stock of every de- senption, will be beld on the same day. g::)- The surreyors from Guelph, frmiahed their line to Stratford on the 13th inst., and returned to re -run, or re -survey some of the Sand Hills, in \Witmot and Water- loo. It ESOLUTION. The following isa Resolution of the Board of Directors of t be Brantford and Buffalo .Joint Stuck Itailroad Company, adopted and entered on the minutes of the above Company, on'the 19th' of August :- "1i'usneas, the Brantford and Bu7ato Railroad, now in progress ,,of c"astruw lion fro:a,l'ort Erie Very, nn the Meer Nia- gara, to the Paris Depot of the treat ]Western Itailroad,if extended to the Town of t.oderich on Lake Huron, would open up a Targe, fertile and rapidly improving country of great a ricbltnral capabilities and resourees,.across the interior of the peninsula formed by Lakes,Erie, Ontario and iluron, and would lead to a thorough connectian with the Northwestern 'ferri- torries of the United States on Lake Hu- ron and Michigan. And whereas, it has been found, from a preliminary survey, and estimate made by the said Companies chief Engineer, that the intermediate country is well adapted for the construction of a Rail- way at a moderate cost. And whereas the County Council of the United Counties of Iluron, Perth and Bruce have resolved to subscribe for stock in the said Company is cue the said Railroad shall be extended to Goderieb, and have approved and published a 13y -Law to be taken into consideration on the nineteenth day of October, now next ensuing pursuant 10 the statute of ibis Pro- vince in that behalf made, to authorize the Warden of the said United Counties to subscribe Strock in the said Company to the amount of one hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds. And wbereu, the Direc- tors of the said Company are of opiates that it is expedient to extend the said Rail- road to the Town of Goderieb, sad for that purpose to increase the capital stock of the said Company. Be it, therefore, resolved by the Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock Railrod Compjny in perstsnce of the pow- ers in them vested, and it is hereby resolv- ed, that the said Brantforda d Ibiffelo Rad - road, now is process of c trnetioa fret. Fort Eris Ferry the r listen to the Paris Depot o the Great \\ estern Railroad, be este d front the said Paris Depot, late.seetig sad forming a coition ova railroad carom the Rid Great Western Railroad to the Tows of Goderieb, is the Coady of Heron, paaiiag through or sear the Town of Stratford, to na the sty 0f Perth. Am! ! be it hither resell. the is order to provide the regwsite means for eompletieg the said ettensroe, thbre he stew opened sod -there is hereby opened aecord- ia Fat ?gowaassd editions( Shares oft . Ca I Beeek of lbs and tfa'd sad Joist Stock Railroad Com- peerof the e of Favi PIN/1198(A) end telashale. 8ignad Ascii.Ongthsets, fieeretary of Rid Coop t - Isnot WaseswosTW, Profilist of Heid Casey' THE MEMBER FOB. KENT. We find, is a reeeat camber of the Chatham Plawet, the following Waage amusement :--" We are happy to see the firm red iadepeadeat itaad which Mr. Brown is taking ia tie How. We look opens web area u the most useful mem- bers." Aad at the close of the article the Pltwut ressrks,or'itb equal force, "elate writing the above, wit hate perused a most lelliag speech wleicb kMr. Breve' made on the Address. • • • I( fill 1&e a thea - d ".belt es Menders, teed W prod.eed s amBle sleet eves outside the walls of the How I I" Yes, a very telling speech indeed, so said the Hamilton Spectator: - CR ay littfsg sod tell what policy ev prlaWrple be was .dvecatlgg- or what ham object las what mtkisg mid great speech! Wps it to show his "polities to the re- nd Govwumest 1 Did be aeeompiai say geed M that eppesities t If eeasamieg the time of Hetee for so , earthy purpose, is Ia o>yset worthy of attriameet, b isa ;wooded. epee barred what at* BUFFALO ANO BRANTFORD RAIL WAY. We take the particulars of a pub- lic meeting, held in the lows-oTWoo3-• stock, from the Western Progress of the 9th lost. It is truly gratifying to ere the deep interest eriteed by the people of Woodstock and viciaity, ia the great Rail- road scheme of tie day. The Progress says: - On Tuesday last, a depahtiea of gentle- men coauected witb the Railway, arrived at \Woodstock, to ascertW what iedote- mcats would be offered provided the Rail- way intersected the Great Western line and Woodstock made a Depot. A amer- ces and respectable meeting was celled on the cmergeaey ata few boon notice, Thos. Cottle, Esq., was called to the chair when Mr. Wilkies. of Brantford, and other gen- tlemen stated the object of the deputation. The following Rselvtie= were adopt- ed: -- Moved by Wm. Grey, sad ecoaded by Henry Finkle, Esgs. That this meeting considering the great advantage which would accrue to the town and surrounding country, by conneclieg the Buffalo and Brantford Railroad with the Great \Western at Woodstock, hereby pledges itself to use its best endeavours to obtain'a vote of the inhabitants of this '!'own, at a public meeting convened for that purpose by the Town Couneil to take Stock in the said (toad to the amount of £20,000, on condition that the said Road coonect at Woodstock and that the Com- pany provide for the payment of interest during the construettoa of the Road Mored by Mr. Landon, and seconded by Mr. Iayeock. - That a Stock list ben opened for tbe subscription of private St !c on the same terms as those mentionct in the preceding resolution, aid that the e e be circulated by the committee in suck a manner as t0 ;,iso the ieh:vhitants of this Town and vicin- ity a0 opportunity to subscribe. Moved by Mr. Landon, and eeoeded by Mr-. Barwiek, That a committee be appointed, consist- ing of Messrs. Leaden, Alexander, and Richard -'o, lo corder with the !Municipal Council of the Township of East Orford, and use its efforts with that body to take Mock io a work that cannot fail to cos- ier the Ligbest advantage on that impor- tant township. Moved by Hugh Richardson, Esq., and seconded by Mr. Sutherland,- That utherlandThat a. committee of four be now ap- pointed to carry the objects of this meet- ing into effect•„ to consi,t of. Messrs. McLeod, Barwick, Smith,Richardsontnd Laycock. Moved by Mr. Shenstoa, seconded`by 111r. Green, That the thank of this meeting are duo and are hereby tendered to the gentlemen delegated from Brantford, for the very able manner in which they hare discharged the defies assigned -to " them, in representing the claim. of the Buffalo and Brantford Railroad. - PUBLIC MEETING. In conformity with notice, a public meet- ing of the inhabitants of Kiacardise and adjacent Townships, was held in the village of Ponetangore on Tuesday, the 31st day of August. 1S52, for the parpose of taking into consideration the late Adrertisement of Public Lands. George \\'m. Carr, M. D., was untirimously called jp the Chair, and Archibald McDonnell appointed Sec- retary. Thu following revolutions being put, were carried without opposition: - Moved by Res. Wm. Fraser, and agreed to by the whole house, That a peti- tion be adopted and immediately sent to 'lin Excellency the Gorernor (:eneral, praying for a rcdresa of certain restrictions in the Advertisement of said Public Lands. Also, that delegations be sent to the Crown Land Agent at Sau;e n, and to the Town - •hip of Brant, intimating the aeorieved feeling of our Township, and soliciting their co-operation. Moved by Mr. lfugb Matheson, and seconded by Mr. Hugh McConnell, 'Chat Iles. Wm. Fraser and Wm. 'Withers, Esq.. be the delegates to Saaugee.. Moved by Wm. Rasfsl!, Esq., second- ed by William Withers,. Esq., That Mr. Thomas Barris and Mr. Ilagh Mathe- son be the delegates to Braot. Moved by Wm. Rastall. Esq., seconded by Mr. Hugh McCondell, '('hat a eopy of the proceedings of this meetieg be sent to Heron Signal, and to the I Jurors Loyalist, with a request to publish the same. A sole of desks being returned to the Chairman, the meeting dissolved. G. W. CARR, Ciairmaa. A. MCDoNectL, Sec. THIS MORNING'S MAIL ! Quasac, September 13. Alr. GAMMA mused a series of resole= tions, relative to the asaesemeat of the rate for repairs to the different Municipal Town- ships of Canada, for the erection of belld- iags, and .the cosetrectioa and repair of roads, lea'., and for the eateasioe throughout Upper Canada the powO to appoint per- sons to fill the ogee d Shriff, Clerk of 111e i eaee, Registrar, Clerk of the Cooetys Curt and the touted of the Iota] revenues arising within their reepeetise limits (rota the duty on shops, stalls tad billiard tables, bucbtets mid pettfars, goods mold at m- ike, Ike. Afr. (Lacots said that tbe boa. maths* who drew tut Bill for the mttaicipal sot bad a woog opraica against the proposition costl ieed a the list Readoti/on, bet be *eight that with the safeguards sow pro- posed, it Might sew be adopted. The ger- ammo would sot oppose biro at this Rep of the proeeed.sp- t The moieties, went wpported by eme- nd sidle U.Cwda atoeberw wbe,btrever, eeggeskd slurs ebonies is tbe detects. The first reaolutioa was thea earned. - It gives each County Tows or 'Village Council the power 10 tae nae Township or pf '1'wrroships militia the lima* fee works of a local mature to be done is such Towasbips or parts of Townships, when required to do so by two thirds of the rate payers affected by such testators. The second resolution authorising Township and Village Conseil, to impose tales for the support of indigent persons in all IL Townships in which the majority of rate pyenmey rcgw» it to he deue. This motion was alma carried. The third resobatioa went to confer on the Coolly Conaeila the power to appoint Sheriffs, Clerks of the Peace. Registrars. Clerks of the County Councils, and other such offices when they would become va- cant. Also the:right to regulate the re- muneration of such officers. Mr. Time es opposed this on the grounds that officers should be appointed .by the authorities to whom they should be respon- sible for the administration of justice it ought to nominate them. The resolution was supported by Messrs. Merritt, Mt'Ke-t- zie, and Boultorty and opposed by Mr. Smith who contended that the eleetton of Sheriff spout.l lead to the election of Judges. 7'bo division on the resolutions were sot taken when the Reporter lisle. .. ARRIVAL O1' THE, S. SHIP • 1.11.'.':1• EOLDT•' New Yeas, Sept. 15 The /1am8elat arrived about 11 o'clock, this A. 8!. She bring, fccr day,. Istcr Births, I NOTICE At Brier seek. Roth FArthnp., to the iS hereby given that Its Perraerebin 18th tact.. the lady of the Rev. Dau'] Allis, a law, .obs.(' g be, troop ED11" ARIL of • daughter. TItvI.\IIILL and•ILOi:I:IIT KEMP. butt. ihr Toon .•1 t...trri. h, 111.410;rte Irm 4/1 I1 "\ KEl.1'. was Use lay O.NTJ!iIO 11ARINE AND FIRE Iniit:RA:CE COMPANY, Iaeerporetrd4y.ret rf Pruei,i 1 Portioning. ' Caa tal-.):100,000. Ill:AD Ot'FICE .1T IIA 31ILTOX. Duscruss: Hugh C. Daher. Req. AI. 8lwritt. Fiq. P4 , nrr, •• P.A.., Cartel:, " JamesO►i,urs,'," U. C. Gore., " /'has A. Santa, 0 Jams McIntyre, " R. C. 1) .•at•a, Ergo Jame, Melba:see. " James W.lau•. 1 ' Hh1 Subscriber ha.ir g been app fated Atriaat G.•der'eh, 1..r the alma" high - !• re.prrtal.le Company. or prel.ared to ,(fret Insurance at the moot rrae.toable rates upon Houses, Shipping and Good.. THO1tAS NIC1111l.1.tt, Agent. GoJ••rieh, 13th Sept., 1932. a3 31 GOtleriel►, 14th September, 1S52. I'OR $AL):, 1:1• TUE SUBSCRIBERS, slt:\TI:S of Common ]'rockery, ula, nn welt ee d:a.ed u1 at sere Re 'Wee. •b, 34 M. B. SEYL' OUR L. t U. 41 Gudericb, 14t1 September,1 t'?. NOTICE. 9111.: Sub.eribrre aril! Fe., w 'brut any d:et.ortioa all, Los/ OrarJne Neter, and o;.rw ;Proteose, If haul shurvly paid, ur image r;ly A.rar•get tor, I M. I.. ti..)'Mut, arc co. v3 91 !NATION OF SC11COT. TEAl:11E1:S. nett q•,•rterty mectiee of he Hurd . f Pu,.:." !oder, corn for the Got'ed Cot.r.:ea . f iluron, Perth and B•uer, w.I, i..•l.t at R-tl"eabury and Dories Hotel. ''oder eh, on Tucsd.y the x81h day ..f s'eetr,nbr•, instant, at the hour of eleven cis. k, .\. M. news. Flour exe".segeJ. C.in - deli', 1..r.dw.t.s ler certificates sill regnire ee Much of tete new wheat Is qiJ to is juju. .er' dt,ce ttatit::ucti!s of rood mors! charas. ad by rust- The wcathsr th'eaghout tbi, D. H. RITCHIE, Se. -'y. tor. 1 101.. lIILL it d.s.u, vim ty sousesi rot.tar. A!1 dolor, owing to the earl Watt erabip are to be r,e refired by veld Ed's' ']'(,.shill, awl all ,r' to awl* con the et.•.i a a1Io1•1*bip ire to be t lohseidaJ to bowl sur at leen,. I:D\1'. ;0-IIIUR NII ILL, I ROflSAC(' KI:MI'.. iG.goricb,ttapt. bib, 1861. )lir 35 • J. UESlON, CIVIL MN (41 N F:l:lt, dor. GODLRICII, C. W. Aug. 26th, 1885. - •61131 NUT1("L•' _ LI, peptone t•sv:rg claims ega-.et the (rte .1 P' Morgan, is Cleat of the First Division Cautl, at liudei:rh, and sh tumors basi: g claims against Th"i"ns (3. Morgan, his son, who wan also, for seine Ione C:.vk rf the said ('ours, *ht. plea.. .ee,! hew to the .;lice of !11r►ars. sod Hn.tber. Uarr.tera and Alt.gnit►. (Lido net), stated out 10 lull with the dated 01 w eco .:un l:.c., is order that Hos amount ul ILt r LOA: me. as such C elks .,.ay be Clear le ...teat tinal, an! ar.angeu.,n,a a ado 10, Its•ppt.eanco .•1 i1. p,rcia;'n et the sat'• M .rgan's Potato not u.apuscd o(, lar t1..: qo.0 tun of .t.c"•.1.. .'.. MARY MORGAN. G !i!er,:ch, 13'.) A+,Joat, 1d32._ •5i.5I lti.,,h. CROWN 1,:1\1144 ill•:PART.)I NT, .tri ax.• 3u ;, Anises, 1nd1. \OT10E Ie I.u.r:•r given. that L0. to cot'1'uher an ..tn va.:aot T,a.b,,r Re:ths ort lbs River t3•: M.'.rc.• snot u. Ii 'butuies. w•II hr. diapoeed ..par the 'town os 5 trey -/tire•-,.. tot the TWENTIETII tar art : 1:P"1'EJ11:I:R real. The teres.. w,,i leu si,a.:e known, and a Mao ut (8. River •n.l its tributaries, Lodi eating the Bertha to bo diepneed art, •rill b etion•te.1 a1 the .\rent'. Unice' as Three R,re's: from the 13th to the .Otb dot al' September. v3o3213 whole kingdom was r'woe dirg'y pun, and Colericb, 15.8 Sept.. 195d. ' hSit2 t _ __ the pre.pec's of hirve•t cost:aue amen- AV ANTED CKOWY LANDS JEPAT,MI:%'gt. Qrt.stwr.lk'th Ju:r. 1d:.2. ` O9'iCI: is hereto g'cs, t..:.t • •• noel i Land. in tap l: •u.Jiea uf fl. , Grey ■tad Iluron, erre now taper 11 stk. t , •insert use it ,wl"CII tut we, 4... The pi . v i • ro be T. r t'b• . `e • pew ab:e .0 te•. •qusl Ale'.., 1 .a ohs!• w1.h inti/esti tnu first 1,...:..a• . 10 r'• .std upon re ei• •n,f r a•bur.tr t , , the laid. A".-1'. n>enpihona.1 . dats and e,.,t: .i.; rtr :. •pd 1. - -. • Nit tl.e r.•0 ul C •e •(100 e -.'.nes:. hundred ► res d int t'. :fret 1, JMe!;.14,1-1. e. at 1.11,1 i$ leer .' 1 .la, lar be .erect..): the lou:.cr 4u • ted unto hefted h..• bi.0 paid tepud, and f Iso.:,1;..i 1.. a, 110b00 d ity the•r.iir,; s Ll:e..se " ualiya, a.t a.elgtri. a wist.nw pri to to grant .'; thy .a". and o.au.e • , a: i,.I, to bec,•u,n tots ant v t,d w, f ,.cZte. t "r vlolati'n 1 arty el one one. the Bottler t , hr ens'ilyd so "1 . 1'4..01upon cwup')ti' 0ithal4 the • .• dons.' of mute Loan two • u Jot d.acr• a t *Ulu to any ume peuu;i. 44.3 t..vec t.: •+ G rand Lottery, ;t-, AT.L PIttLI:s!! \) Iii. N:.- T aluablr Re,'l Est'[., in Mx 1 d1.'tr.•r. lfitdull---end a t•i'rirI y %1.(1TTl'R 1' .s It 1.11r0 ;Olen nn the 1,1'h Jay art tlelttember. 183:1 under 1'11: ntan- agemcut of m h,gh!y reopce:aile Cr, 1,14 .".' whore nalnee ern 4 gar lL,;• c e'. .4 the Moat pi:rfert good 1,,0 11 vv.!: ' n L•',.t wllla the perc:oiaere of t'cb,-is. The rriuetpal prize., air •. 4..1tow.:- Th., brat nnze wilt to' -i•' .'1 a F...•,1 Culla re R../.I.' tr, 30 by : r, t.•g the( a.,t:. (1,e lel r..n..al n.,• uf 'lear. Of art an aero ,aheli.un isa g•'.•1 e•rJu.0 wtl'1 er.fteu Iru.t nee., t.. In oto ,ted is .t in. be,t •set .p nen th:'ale of 111.tety:1 .4.4 vs:m.4 at $ i.'40. The teer•nd net • w.11 co• est e.1 a I':a'un Mori, 40 by 26. -tor., her with the lot con. .,atng at } •.t so acre and valued at gtd,u. 'inn thud pros+ or41 cuoelrt ..t a 1'11440 DweUt.g Homo, and Frere. Nyblo, toad. ober with lot and emitted at •195. 440 1 4 whe.I irrtt ash: pleasure Dog- gy beak nee 030 16th 1 row I.•,nroer wagKnn hu R .h 1 Horse 3 •►ars 03- • GO 711. 1 P.'eat lClin on so tight Swvo with (nrnitine complete 8th 1 Nit Sate* Harness 1N 10 - -- 16 Aging• The Hevtbo.dt brings 143 oai.yn- 114)t....." -_,E AND LOT FOP, SALE. • ': ."t,.• young IaJ, about 1.1 or 18 1116 1 Bildle 101h 1 \ Saddle 1 a h 1 H s Stow. t Nee , a, e e gen and 40 000 dollars in epi c e. lsllE Schaer•her offers f.r .a'. it at rem - gran of ase, at thy Nipmug 1/ffict• 11'nw :.'oat. Sept. 13, 6 1'.P• I a mod:nua Brack hats!•ng Hotter-. upp. G.Jericb. Aug. 11x1, 1851. .1.e It. arc The Hundoldi arrived this A. 31.. alter el'those ..f Di Leo.. t._q. Ihe ' _._ a Roe run. She left Cowes at 6 P. M., Lnt hu two hunts. 'l'pe abu•. (poresI '1'O MAPINE'Its. wt'I be •e;J et, furth] NOTICI' er Sept. lot • She linage 400 toss of valuable French goods, The Ala go from Boston, arrived not on the Mr. u!(. Money continue' 'easy and *tures and stocks had an -upward tcndeoey. Political new' of on importance• Li.aa,00t., Aug. 31 • The atteodateo at Tuesday's market was only mode -ate, and plea of wheat were manta* Idate* decliue. Flour 6J decline for the week. ]'rime yellow .corn on the .pot met buyers at 29. ; while at l6., but floating cargoes were dust and lower. The damag.. to the crops will nut be so great as aotfeipated• Trade at Maod:ester dull ; prices ateady. Sorriness in Dirmirgham was prosperous Iron trade active, and prtpes advancing. ]'rice of labor eta: interfered with the Irish Linen market. Comets closed at 100 a 100e. 'MARKETS. 11lonlreal, Sept. 9. IF/teat.--A gond shipping parcel C. was placed at 4s. 7.1. F. O. B. per 60 lbs, but business is restricted by the want tot sup; )ice. -Receipts of the week only 6,f.0) bushels. Pork.. ---Is a shade lower, end the turn in favour of the borer. \1e quote 1110.s to- day, 1 lOs to 112s 6d ; ]'rune Mess, S7f, lid, Time, 60s; Caron, 70.. Ashes. -Are again a shade higher, Pols beim; in good demand at 25s 3.1 to 23s 6J, and Pearls at 261 6.1 pet cot. THE FISHING DIFFICULTIES AD- JUSTED., By the arrival of the America" on Tues- day morning, we have Liverpool papers to the 21st August. The fishing grounds grounee have been defined, nd the difficulty between the two nations a:aicab:y eettted• The Liverpool Times glees the-followio, results :- Our readers will be glai to learn, on the authority of Ibeore:iin; organ of the gov- eramaot, (MIA, 6aberee dispute with the Amerietn Uniue has been brought to an amicable tenni nation. Al thte very one must rejoice ; but the Briti.h Colon.,', for whose ee{solal tree( 61 tb,e rupture with the Gaited State. wai se.tg!ti, and on whose account we eget armed 'semis to the scene of the treepae, al!! he surprised to leers that the affair bee bee (fettled by our eur- feder of rights, the legality of whieh wet sot disputed by either of the two contrac- ting parties, sad the infraction of which formed the grimed pf step inter Wove*. ie wilted lot matters ramie as iI ey senna w should have meted ptedeatly, I hot the Or move we take limpets the poetttoa he • bind ♦h;ch we had entrenched oureelrrs and makes our caporiag as harmtees•a• the asoke e.a,tted from the climates of the ateanrera *bleb w, sent to the waters of America to protect the pre r.legee of our But it is emote canard' 10 ter the fetors all Caputo. stout , 'Pantie will be avoided sod Pelves men!" know that *aye sad le that three rales from tate shore are the limdte'scred to the British colonist. Aeel her newest glees the foliewieg ae the teres of .ettl meat : The Amerfeaae aro to b• et liberty to d.8 Is atl British weeny'and His Britoil is 111 Aineriese waters, 'object es both Odes to the reotriness to three miles float the there of the eeentry to which sae% party dose wet Woe( ; the three melee t• be weasettd to the *serest Iaad, witheet diNNetiee d bop er *pee els. Acton Ailment. --Fur oil of vftrioi, or egoafortii, glee large dose, mag eshi sad wiser, w egad pined dolt ase? ad rater. h peritculare apt ly to Andrew Doi•ogh, ate I , RFD LIGHT is place,) n'gbt:v on the the prupl.tf.r• enol of (are. South her, at the nruutt, JOHN PEE(.. of the Lariat.ur, Godeit l,. Part Albert, Sept. 13th, !bbl. 1i3111.3 • ' I:. 11. 81.1RLTON. August 31, 11;53. v61.31 I . GL7/./11.YG S'Oi'/E7'? THEseat M.elong a ,he Sharcholdenolthis Societe will he bAd as the BRITISH EXCHANGE MOTE'!., 8sierday, ee' ting, the 250h .Instant, for the 're - cape of subscriptions, and nit of one or more', Shares. WM. RENNF.TT RI('ll, T. ¢ 8'y. H. R. 4'v. Godetich• Sept. 16, 185'4 lir-aid LIST 'OF LETTERS FtE1jAl.\lNG intim Bell's Corners up to aw 0th Setitetr,ber, 1989. iiocha.uc Wei Henderson %Ve Crown Wm Kline" Win Cao:oil Jaa hlcG •artery J_.eeph rambpell Archibald. McGnrinrn Jos` l:rsbatu Peter 3litchell At dre* )Iamil,.•n Hubert/ion Nrcho@o,rponald flay Pour Purt,r John AVM: COS.EY, P. M. (112AJ11JA1& SCI1001„ Of the L'ai:r!1 Cele ntiesof Huron, 1'cr:h ' and Bruce. f111E above I,,autt tlnn a re -opened after flat 31idsunarnor Vjcatiun. ctUAKTI,R$. Fn, a tat S -pt. to 23ih Noe. :.'5th Noe. t' .9th Feb. • 1901 Feb. to Iii, May. 7th Mee to tit Aug. TRRM•. For the Cnrhs't Breathe', in. chiding Arithmetic 11:story k Georra.hy• 10@. per qt. For the above with any ..1 the - following Branches, Algebra, Geometry, (:!neves, natural - a Philosophy, Chemistry Astro. my. 13.. per qr. For Latin and Greek a.. per qr. For French 5.. per qr. Pupils charged from the term ...featly atty. (S:gne,l) A. ACLAND, ret. Bo.rs:..r ']'peau.,. CoJerich, 31.1 Aug., 1652. v5-1133 s w - - • J. THOtt\HIL1., WOULD retina hos than)• 10 the nubtic for the liberal support ha hes n.e•. from tlu•mduring M. r"std• use in li ol.,'.h. and hopes by strict at1.'IUun to bee near, to still merit a share of their patronage At his old atnal, one door Curr of dote ('amnd•. Cowpeay's Gudtricb, Sept. 618, 1852. v5s33 (ioD1il(It:H. Put 1' S•AR\IA, HURON AND DE'1'KI4IT. The new and ehgsut Lowpressure Steam R •at 14(111', will run donee t e .nae. •ng seam, a. (ohmic -Lease G .dt•rieh, (weather p•rentsteg. clop. S.u:dey owning at 4 .clock. ant Sims, MunJay at a o'clock. lo -ave 1)Hrn•t f tr Galerich. corers Baton Sty. at 9 o'cto.k, a. art. and Sams, at 4 u'a:nck p. in. j For !relight or pettieg) staple 40 Mr, E. ti. Marlton, fvrwir rr, n. at d,rr, aor,h of the hincardu,e Et,) WARD, t d. Del roit,Ft-b.2':1htrn:)J. tS-1.S No T1111114 1't'ttla:('. ('OINSErjl.'ENt F. of the number of a lettere posted to A, Iu, the Poet- ootater G•rMral dative It prt..ary (0 were Pirtle@ wnhRX to (b• w. friends to that ca- bin!. th+t tetters to Aneerahe tenet be pre. ps.d M C..eada or they team* 8" forwarded. r-.e''rale no a letter *menet order 4411 as ,n,nre 14 S.. 5f. anr►•rrey. Poet Thrice Dapaeramer. Qoebee, 161 h A t.1110e # all m22•2 D- _1II ALP AM* 1 n,,,NK DE1Dd anJ 110011001S109 •1'8 sed silliest Dewar, at fele at *le , Wee. lhWee esti PA, \rtxa iplw. 11•801/J premed, et e.Doioneear GOOD NEWS.,- `t14EAP GOODS at Port Albrt, who calla [bare tall Bed s: The G:o de suit the fashion, the prices, a the mend, •e to purchase, will - pleas Ct call 40.1 .se C a 11.s stork, well selected, will mutt Cap- t...' J a -,i.. On 13,1 ,1(1 AND ST/1101/Fl T.-J)aco, solo Praruur.v. T110114'9 LOUGH EKI). Port Albert. Sept. 6 1931. v3 .32 N'1ii.1. 11 1101)(1tNS, .•%Rl'fll.'P11('l' h 1 IWIJ. t;NIIINEEtt, (('!r.' .7, /.)oohs Street, 1'. W. Atignst 16th, 14(.9. r451.30 .vtellt. L. 11 L THE und'•rsign.•d l.rrehv sotto nn i„n that we will apo e1 the ".est ae.+:nn art the Pros neva' 1'.v!: .,nut for an 1st to ,,,t!1••. 7e It., r..0.1,.ICII4.n 4.4 a Rall. s -.v from 6..:.',. h, t.' 4,.e.ne.4. w. 18 111. ti.itIJn an': Iltanie•im 1,ire at sorb Poem a. t .tall •utervtrt I8' 6,e41 11 emit, n R..1 road. L' ej 1' t -r0,11. 1a•. t1'atan11, 11.1. 4).Conu•.r,. • 31 11 soytouut, G:o. lent;' . Jur . t{i. 1:. 1:rai r, (tout. ale ,i.rwe.1, 11'. J. 140.)5, Geo. I..:'i.twooJ 1r. ,....,' I'hn•. hy.:J, 1 .Iii, ll ;tb' us, rt::,, .1 age., 1 II!:, I a.-01:9 CAPRON & ('ti into • vet ('rd1errne tilra7, Brawl: rd. ('.\i:l1ACE 51.1Nt FACV' ItT:L . 1'111S.ttco... rootage Meenfaeturing 1, 5, tatotient i. o ', .n 1•,11 apor•ltna. *Imre w111 be loned et a 1 timet trio for ►ale, the 11,0.4 tatrn.tet Ind eoatp:H. ier.rtment of ,he most Fa•Mesal$. e,) Its of Esg;i.b, A.n.n..aa and French ri.E %SURE CAltki.tt;F.J 1 2'11 T'clots it Aa f nrrency, ee40. 7'o be drawn on the Promisee uf Mr. Jas: Brown, Mitchell. en. Thornier, the 16.b day of September, 1869. Cannot, ce oGlhe w4nag.rreal Juba liiok., Terrines B,►b, Jona* Copp. Thomas Staub. Wil'um Stuith, %Vtlhaui D.watog, hoary Livingston. - JASIESBROW N. Mitchell, 1016 Aagsel, 1882. I'AR.tl FOR MAL:. AVALUABLF. Freehold Krieg Lot No. 38. u. the 611, Cum. is the Town ship of Gmleyich. containing 80 sties, 43 of which are cleared. 36 lieu 01 slump/4,11w well watered, with a never- failing atresui through the centre of the tut, a good gar- J.o, • 'Venlig Orchard now hearing Trutt,1 emitted withal the Town of Cudmndbt iiuJ g art the tillage of By'duld. A good Lot those. lathed not plastered;' a Bao 41 by. 26, Sheds teed Stable.. Fur particulars ape--. my to Andrew Donuvgb In the Tuwu df iii uJtrteh, ur to the proprietor un the pra- meta. SAMUEL .SPLAv5-nY. P. S. Tenn. ess9 !:win -I h, Joty 15th, 1102.t3 LIS'(' OF LHT ITERS, JL1:11AiNING fie the fie,tcrich Foot UIPi.:e, 61h September, 188E • Anderson 1t'1)t.rn Morrison Thompspa It moth Rev 1. C Mon -won Norman {totter J ,l.n J Meller George k CJ Horhan.1 •hn Miller Jacob 81.n 11 i:•hanin Pater Alatibs"s Matto Berryman Jule Millar M H.) of Mr • Alouru A .d 11,ck,tt Niithamiel Mdt.r Genrge k: Buiwrll T Maseer Mr liiraes Wm 3!.,t.. 31re Thomas !:arson Thome,' ' lily:drute Them Calmed' Arthur Alsoglaery John I''u.nnni Juu••. A1a'hc.ue Dougal 17ameruo Joke (Moor. Jcd,es e'sser.erT 'Nowa(' $ Mellor PLee - s Code ifetiry . Morris,' Tirana* 1'ameron Alex Me women Mrs ('mole Joe.. a Murdock Con a• J ,ault8 2 A1e$haenark AI M1.6-ignr blase Msoltienee Join Mill •end Donald Cute Releases. I "rou,e John 9 t'o• 8 1:phn .0 Colo Ja.n.e 31,1) said A:y.r. ''a.nnbetl It•bt Mete.(thtee liamesars ( :,t6'R•'bert Me(,le)I...1 Rnb.rt Ilumbrtlle J SIeti.vrge Nsq'.el ' Derma Iterwa,1 P. Kent,e Rei4urrek "r heel* Wrllreeii Alrtetooh 1) .watt .; Dn).o . her NI ]McCarron! J.ba et (' D..• r seen W r, Dose Joan Me11.,egat Aetae 4 Deb, (lesser* McDmie1d Apogee ''a ]hese Jobe Me What•., John a U•dgldht.n,y. McKuu.aa Charles Demme Karin! N Q•ve., Murdock FM1' • Such ser HrQgyrs Nrngle sad (1,0M••; well.! Elliot 7 hawse 11e.Vi.l Jame. rge . oeev AMet L.aer„gd tarsier, G •o and sato op.; P;R.rt.=•-wanpJ411u,.(' „rent' (1•r 010. R rnech ie, 11,.40 h.• V:e nowt, Jenny ].snot. sod PhpeJeea ]Vomeres, all of which are mete mot of the hoist Material., east snowed nceed root") Timber, anI war.aied. Brarsb.rd, Aug. 10,►, IS.ii. IIo-Sw 011II a2r 21 - 1. I HoI(fl 1.1./ UDItli [•111: Stif81'I:Iitit.i are mew awaking 60tit t leoC.\I' tA1.1.1:))ta1l'A.1.1 'FORS. s Ith •.npn•iln,r n'. 1 r 1..m y 1a,, and 1118 r t8.m nn Ihel1 0.05. 104 a1 1e, a han.le„aim doss! ooat s,ade fur Caj$, 0u JC- liter,. 11I These ora. ,!sew 8 v. a been a.r Lag before the p••b' a rote it Iv q the annecasiry 1 • ray me) thing lane ,er to"swe.d 4.son. As early • n, n *.ett(...w, Smelted, Ottani 1., m( them la now .,.l,re,l. a..1 persue. vl .s'n.R to supply t!.otm.elrea, 8.4 helot, apply wrlhoot I'sI of twat. Reaper r',. l7 roar., VAVRROCKt.1V, 43 t;?ya &c.. KrenH.r/. A .g. O. 1583. sit • [TR.3YI!in (444 .1. •'theeriber, MryMN R red. Tnwuabte ar (etas y, s three yea,. e.e FII. ).Y, of • sorrel ei esone4 e..io,tr, won roe •air .d rib '.,l cwt sq moo. 1l woo (see as n bit.... 11 ntg•wu.r and Clines*, es the tt,twm 11.4, 68,e1 UA brat weak el Au On. Any pore ,s ►etnr.nng vb. ammo 1„ the mwm.r, er emote sue% reforreaoow es w,tt sed to Its roeaveay •wt be wtta►IJ arwaWad. WS. M.XJWc UTON. ((stem, Aug. 17, 1 shall. , gwgp rI-twrr .1 ...ph Nen Mel ttaal rec., J•t, ,, ( mod . .rwq 1) Iver Jahn' to grab ta.A•.x t►vetoehor duh#-ia owe. J..be Paler Aria tile:115n J An Parts. Prlykh, " • u: P (Lahore rraneis al !mew7ows rre...a.4 1, .:.(i 11 J'.ephItems Al.Al# r' • G.Na he► Mr.Jlargt Reid AI'a.,(dse •,a i,, s (lobe". Wdhan. key , (lows Te-.t . r" res . Gordon 1 .ha R..ei • /a • poo l emcee J.a,., J,M -rooft hWIN aste! taa KPalk J k hill ohaa .h..t t itam4t, a AMR, It • Mr kites Jobe - Ilo*lly Thomas leoia(!hods RIfn J•ea) innells WON'. del .`nr 'u T4•t.a 4.&dhw14•704•6 May *go :n►a`ebo Illess41aosee MirtiS , hssama Widow alio Hall 1it . hair• Holds* dote. et'a Hoses, wakeful t1•eLet A !rept !fail*, alae Janet Hodes... W rtaisea 114 nee 3•x4 /bibr u May James He •pyres Nos tlerrt*.a d rho ie4wa., l..hst.n Nes Asa Mee,. V gsl7l ..:,utr • 1 *Nlo oli A Tiewej --.a"" Jobe ..1 -1 bone R elate. $ Vent Ile Co •' roiled, J.•e•M...r Moo. •roll. flamer *r . Cele Mr Wel N 1a t A wines home Lie d.V Jnetle• Wa....a, Ate; .., Lew.. Mows, J yid w '►'hisa..N ' ,' 1 ,t' loodeav (,..,.,&,.,..Wt 1•t. Cow Loose doom 1►'