HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-02, Page 3.Of haft ends Scout 'week Town to .r... . . topics Former resident I Mat re M trice CoateS r ttyll Th* Tirnits-Advocatft Morch '2 '1961 P**tt 4 . Oa, on FridaY0 41.01\411ri, vireettlor`laiNlkQesSpitarie,t,urknoend. iti, EFc'jmnann, and a II' alive ni ,, rroctotr,t1 .Saria:t ivisited dwith 44,414,110x, en stmd - 4 - ' ., „,... ; , .1 oent4.xetoeranearr aelL utvpitaiin Adb: 'e" 'e °VI- a " StIn aY. 4Y. Mr'S Olive Walker OtteWell ' Year's est°. Mr' and Mrs" 1<" Inv' 44vri:fte7l'elYWnlitaltn Mrs, NOre 1 with Mr and Mra Mervy** dies 111Edmonton ad to: berhoin.0 sPeOdIng 'Mlle ElPie m Smith Huron Hospital os a Testa of tIr.,, AO *P. &dwin 104 . MisS Peannti Mallard' liaM."' Hills, Ult.:Toronto, Spent the Weeketlk, ..q, E4eter Sega Hail, althotigh Brownies, Le,gion and Legion , Scout Hall. Mr. and Mra. B• Hartman, rilarY a after a lengthy illness. ta active operatioe for a num- Auxiliary members and Lions.! Tile Scouts' metto, "Be Pre- Parkhill, haVo Peeved to E4X- Elle was we - Jortner Olive bsr of years, was formally Official recognition was given ' pared", had.. beep well elmaen, eter. Walker and reemved her prim- dedicaed SendaY Morning in to a plaque, erected hY the !Mr, de Vries stated,- pointing Ivlrs, ISlornlan FloedY, Wind- ary and secondary education the final ceremony corememor- Lions, which paid tante te !out that Christ had anent 30 sor, visited in Exeter during bi Exeter and after attending a ting Seout•Gqicle week here. the LegiOn'a aasistanee in the ' Years in Preparation for ZVI the week ml% mode, Janice Normal S c h 0 o I in London, REV. Bren De veles, of oii,.,inal campaibn foi funds to years of teachur, tiaight .10 years in the La- , Trivia Id e in o r I a I Anglican. I erect the building. lie compared religion to aalt comhe district, Alberta. She Church, conducted the dedica• 'Speaking briefly at the Oere• which, the Scouts knew, WAS an married Albert °Hewett, regis• lion in the presence of over monY were 11, L. Beavers, l esaential ingredient in prepar• trar Eacthrough the entiredishePread, sof the liniversitY of Al. 200 SP011tS, G ii i d e s, Cubs, Lions president; Andrew 13ter- ling meals, As salt gives taste berta for 18 years, who pre ,,,, • ., .g- . . ling, Legion past president; A, , to food, so does religien give „o' cl.Aslig povzi(0 cAR.4 ,i..,.0.et.we_itzur.; eclomirman of the i flavor to life; AS salt s • sa* P -t ; 64 LI 1 mnaittee. , h • o Town entice reported .two praised the ork be. should religion influence every Minor accidents on Saturday. ing done ;by the leaders of the 1 day of man's life; as salt acts and David spent the weekend here for the golden wedding anniversary dinner held on Sunday for the former's par. ents. Mr. and Mrs• F4 .I.4nelen• 'field, deceased her in IOU. Mrs. Ottewell was active in :cultural and educational ac- tivities in Vidmonton and was an active member of Metro- politan United Church. She is survived by two bro. thers, Stuart in California, and Rov of Vermilion, Alta, • She is a cousin of Mrs, BOO with MKerr, William $t, r, and „Mrs. John Schroeder, David Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston, underwent an operation an his back in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, He will be in a cast for three to four months, Mrs. Muriel Sweet is visit- ing with her daughter, Miss Helen .Sweet, in Toronto. Police Chief Ken Farrell, Port Elgin, visited with Chief Mr, anti Mrs, Charles Par- excelleet wsons and family :of Markham r ar driven by Joseph IL G. youth organization. Pent the weekend with rela• A as a preservattve, so- has re--- t/VCS Exeter and with the Leveilie, 21, RCAF Centralia. Parade to church ligion served to preservo man- forin.er'. s father, .114r. Earl par. was described as a writeoff The geremony ,followed •the • kind. sons, in Westminster Hospital, after it colided with two park- :annual Scout -Guide divine ser- "Help yourself to the .sait,'" Land", ed-eara on Main St, in ;front •of vice thTrvitt, church, which; 'he ,concluded "and -deal for, Rev, J, . J. 'Tit:Mena 01 Her. Green's .apartments, attracted a large congregation, -get to pass it." -• Ley.eille was proceeding south T.G The groups paraded to the: .Guide leader Mr, J. Wooden when he struck vehicles •awned: church .and afterwards to the :read the scripture lesson. by Pearson Motors Ltd and Pearson Auto Leasing. 'Damage - °tailed $500, according to Con- • Skipped. ' stable Lloyd Hodgins, bad :man pays $50 fine Get jail terms — Continued from rage 1 drinking at the time of their A 47•year-old London men, everlence you have had, you arrest at 2;40 a,m, on Feb. 8. who skipped bail two, years would realize that cars can kill C. H. MacKenzie here Tues - Many of the exhibits pre- ago on a charge of Impaired j and that they are not play- day. The two men were con- sented in court Wednesday driving, was fined $50 and costs things, the magistrate said, stables on the Orangeville wesT found in the Davis car, in magistrate's court here "You are quite right", Desjar- force several years ago, and others were found in snow Tuesday, I dine replied. He pointed mit Mr, and Mrs, R, D. Jermyn drifts at the edge of the fifth Ray Steven, who was living , that since the accident he has visited relatives at Warwick side road in Hibbert Township in Hansell at, the time of the done considerable drinking, had and Brigden on Sunday, and also on the grounds of SS offence in April, 1959, said the :spent several months in mental Mrs, .1, A. Traquair is a pa• 1 Iiibbert, violation "had worked on my 1 hospital and was still under tient in South Huron Hospital, OPP Constable George . conscience so long I gave my- 1 doctor's care, having fallen down the base - Mil ehell, Exeter, investigated the cif up in London". In the : Youths have liquor ment steps at her home on brcalc-in at Thames Road meantime, he told the court, Friday, he had been to New Brunswick I Three Huron youths, who school. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Luxton and Ottawa and had served a I were ' found with gin, vodka and daughters, Elaine, Judith short sentence at an industrial! and beer in their car in Ex- and Jill of St. Thomas were farm. ; eter recently, were fined $10 Saturday' visitors with Mrs. ; When London police notified and casts each. John Luxton, the local force early this week, i Two teenage girls were also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs the man was arrested by , in the car but they had not returned from Florida Tues. Chief C. H. McKenzie and Con- : been drinking, according to day. thing she does. stable Lloyd H. o d g i n s and C o n s t a b 1 e Lloyd Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luxton Other fathers of daugh!ers brought here for trial. I "Nevertheless, this is .very bad and fami:y visited in London will eXCU.Sit me for going on Th original offence took place business," the magistrate said. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' like. this. We love our sons on Main St. when OPP Con- I ton, 20, London; John A. Arm- W. D. Luxton and with Mrs. iu-t as much, but it's a differ. stable C. E. Gibbons found the I The three were Douglas Lay- ent relationship, because man slumped over the wheelLuxton's mother, Mrs. Kirby, ,strong, 18,RR 1 Varna. and who is a patient in St. Joseph's i tSey're males and not so goo- of his car. Taken to the town maynard Hymers, 18, Clinton, Hosnital, f', All I know is that 1 wouldn't police office, a - &even demand- The youths said they had asked ' Although born in leap year trclis my ten -year-old female ed blood test which was c)ild for a new Cadillac, four taken, Alcohol count was 3.5. a man in Seaforth, whom they Mr. Frank Taylor manages to could not identify, to purchase celebrate a birthday each year. On Tuesday evening Middleton's Mrs, R. E, Russell entertained the immediate family to din- nerSuccessor rugs for her father's 81st birth- day. Mrs. Sam Jory fll clown Succe the basement steps at her home on Sunday and sustained PHONE 447 EXETER a broken right arm and brui- ses. She is a patient at South bert, Sask., spent the weekend Sugar and spice —Continued from page 2 15,11ion dollars and a one-way i "People die about that stage, ticket to heaven. the Magistrate Glenn Hays, I ' the beverages for them. QC, noted, b Steven was given until April , • Your library 1 to pay his fine. Surviver convicted IGuild hears ,_Continued from page 2 Gerald H. Des,jardine, 21., RR library entitled "Shakespeare" 1 Ailsa Craig, the only. sur - contains the outlines of these vivor of a triple -fatality acci- missionary plays act by act and scene dent on the Crediton road last 1 , by scene as well as the 34 summer, was fined Szs and his ; Dr. Constance Jackson, a re- Huron Hospital. other plays of the s a m e licence was suspended for a tired medical missionary, who Mr. L. I. Penhale left this Wilson's Drug author. year after he pleaded guilty , served in India for 37 years, week by plane for Melbourne, Store .. . Criticism of the plays are to careless driving. I was guest speaker at the Pro- Australia to visit his daugh• also given at the end of each. He made a 1.1 -turn at Mt. l testant Ladies' Guild meeting, ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. The library hopes to 'have Carmel ,Jan. 14 and struck a Thursday. Keith Colby. : Phone 20 Hensel! 1 copies of each of the three parked car, causing some 5200 The 50 members heard Dr. , lllllllllll .. 0000 e 0000 .1 000 . o I 00000 11.1 00000 I 000000000000 ...Mull, ill11,11111,1”11.1111111111U11111,11111111111111111,1110,, SEW. A book containing the ing, police said, but 'as not wJackson tell of the vast im-, plays being produced this year damage. He had been drink provements made during the whOle of Shakespeare's plays impaired, past years, especially in the is also in the jibrat"Y• • , "Yoi would think, after the field of leprosy. She explained --..... that it was now possible to restore some use to the crip- pled hands and other muscles' affected by the • disease. The •medical missionary who , makes 'her home in Toronto, also showed several slides de- picting some of the work being • done in the hospitals. She told I the ladies that India, was turn- i • fighting a Weight Problem? REDUCED CALORIE DIET AID Weight Control Plan A single tin supplies your entire daily diet, or part may be used to replace one or more meals. Contain; all necessary nutri- ents yet only 900 calories. Choose from chocolate, ,but- terscotch or vanilla, ItEDUCED CALORIE DietAid `itt- Cs.,,e0( Pt'a Special ietreductory Price only 99_ or. tin. Regular psice--1.49 COMPARE OUR PRICE ...AND SAVE AT OUR 1I DRUG STORE Circulation increases for Centralia library The annual meeting of the ' parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Centralia Library Board was Hicks. On Friday David and ing out a greater number of • held last week in the newly re.Jimmie Henry cf Listowel vis- her own doctors now;and I novated library rooms. I ited with Mr. and Mrs. Hicks these persons could specialize Rev. D. M. Guest was elec.: and their sister, Jane, returned in any field they desired, be - ted chairman of the hoard sue- ' home with them for the week- ' cause there were plenty of pa- ceeding Mr. George Hicks who ' end. . i tients for them to treat. had served for several years : Alr. and Mrs. Glenn Robin- • in the office. i son and 'family left last week A new member, Mrs. Nor- for their home in. Keswick. Miss A. Anderson. Mrs. G. : complete fireplace ensemble. HE man Tripp was added to the Previous to their departure beard. Other members include they were presented with a Dunn,' 'Mrs. A. McFalls, Mrs. Mr. Robinson has purchased K Greb, Mrs, F. Bowden and a bowling alley in Keswick. Mr. Leonard Wilson, Mrs,1 and Frank Osborne was rmelected I secretary -treasurer and lihra; a ,a vi• ewshow rian, Mr. Kenneth Hodgins is books were added during the of paintings LISED the village trustee representa- tive to 'the board, ' 1 r One •hundred and five new year. The hook circulation was I 1.243, an increase over the I The painting class held each previous year. , week in the basement of Ex - The next exchange of Huron eter Public Library for the County books will be .on Mon- i winter months with Mr. G. C. 1961- AUSTIN A55 Demon - day, March 13. If there is a i Koch as instructor held open special book anyone would like house for the public Monday strator, tu-tone. ;night when the paintings were to read, consult the librarian 1961 COMET Sedan, green, and she will try to get it. The :on display and members were village. library is for edima- . on hand to discuss their work, black and white intaior,' tion, for recreation and for in- 1 Previous to open house, Mr. spiration — use it. ;Sven Thielson, art dealer of The library is open on Tues- London, who brought pictures day afternoons 4 to 6 and on from his art gallery, spoke to Friday 7 .to 9 p.m,. * I the class, pointing out that "a I painting may not necessarily Personal items be "pretty as a snapshot" but Dr. and •Mrs. James A, Guest it should express the mood, and family of London were • feeling or thought of the artist. Sunday visitors with Rev. and ! He compared the different Mrs. D. M. Guest. ; paintings in his collection, Mrs, Amos Wright returned i stressing harmony, rhythm and home last week from South Hu., balance in color and compost.. ton Hospital, . . Mr, and Mrs. Norman Overdtie IVn. irs. Russell Broderick was holt of Ulla were SundaYi president and Mrs. Ted Jones, pests with their son and , secretary, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Over.! .1 holt and family, Mr. and Mrs, 1 Mr, and Mrs, Whitney Coates Reg Hodgson of Waterloo• were motored to Humbolt, Tenn, Saturday visitors with Mrs, L. - last Tuesday, returning on 'FH- B. Hodgson, i day. Mks Jane }Henry, a Student i Mr. and Mrs, Verne 'Routs* at the University of Western ton, Simcoe, visited with M. Ontario, London, nspent last ' and Mrs. 11 Howald and Mrs, week. at the Mune oi ter grand , G, 11'. Roulston on Sunday. 0110,11,101110111to 000 1111i111111111t1111111111111111ileillialillit.1011111111111 000000 et 000 10111111101i1111Y11111110011111111i00 : • : „ • SOUTH HURON COUNTY : BeiHearing tone Aid i. - VALUES! daughter-in-law. • JOHNSTON DRUGS 10104 10, 1100 0.111, SERVICE TO.ALL 'MAKES OP 'HEAK1Nd AIDS Service Clinic Today intifininthini Ili' ri101111 1395 miles. Traded in on a Comet wagon. 1961 COMET Sedan, de- monstrator, white. 1958 METEOR Sedan, auto- matic, snow tires, 21,000 miles, tu-tone, like ew.1 INSTRUCTION IN Violin • Private or grouP. lessons PHONE AC 8-6663 I CENTRALIA • Mrs. Marg Desrochers • • 4 , 1 4i:i*2414i0:44Sii2W:44, FRED'S ROUNDING UP IDEAS TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICE TO YOUI Free Stam for your suggestions! We want you to consider this YOUR store! That's why we'd like YOUR suggestions on how we can improve our service. How can we be more helpful? Can we re -arrange our displays to serve you better? Have you any com- plaints? Be frank! You don't have to sign your name. We'll give you SO FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS for your suggestion, My Suggestion; , o (No Sianature Required) BRING THIS COUPON TO OUR STORE FRIDAY NIGHT BETWEEN 6 AND 9 P.M. AND YOU'LL RECEIVE 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS! FILL IT OUT NOW! / FRIDAY KITE SPECIAL Jce Cream Bricks LIMITED: Two TO A ccisromee 17c BETWEEN 6 & 9 P.M, ONLY PRODUCE VALUES Ruby Rod Size ca's Grapefr't 8 roe 39s Florida No, 1 Crisp Paqtale Celery 2 roe 29c Rem e B *a iit'es Apples 6.0t, Bskt 89c 4iiiik..,,,, ....r.,:-•. e:Qqa A.R.C.T.i ii . FRED'S FEATURE! Round, Sirloin, T•Bone or Wine,' 000000 , 00000000000000 I 0000000 1101 000000 (41.040.11101001,11.11111011 000000 0 oo v o •imiliff•filliiIllilijAmil. ,41000101010111ffie 5 a, ...„..,... 00000 ... 0000000000 . tttttttt M1111111111 tt 1 ttt 11,1.1.1 ttttt IIIIIIII 0 Ilier110%1011\0111111 11111.11111011111,0 RUBBER BOOTS CHILDREN'S SHOP,T MODELS Sizes 6 to 10, while they last MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS As low as $1,19 tt t $3.65 USED ICE SKATES as low as $1.25 Children's Women's, Boys' and Men's • FOUND—Several pairs of mitts and gloves, girls' and ladies', left in our store. Owners please pick them up. Wuerth's' Shoes Prompt, Expert Rubber & Leather Repairing The Store with the Gold Bond Stamps PHONE 252 EXETER I t 1,959 IVIETEOR Sedan, , a- ttt tt t .111114111i11100111111101,11MillIflitil.1111011111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIM10•001•0ffitqlmilivlittm,11101010100111i dio, automatic, blue, 10,.1 •ttttt tttt t tt t tt 000 miles. Better than new.' 1957 METEOR Sedan 500 Rideau, radio, automatic,' whitewalls, snow tires, washers. 1957 AUSTIN Sedan, per- fect condition, snow tires. 1955 STUDEBAKER Com- mander Sedan, automatic, radio, tu-tone, like new, 1953 AUSTIN, black 1953 AUSTIN, blue, 1956 ANGLIA, Tudor, 1058 DODGE Sedan, radio, tth.torie, perfect. South -End Service armers WHAT SHAPE WAS YOUR TRACTOR IN WHEN YOU PUT IT AWAY LAST FALL? WAS THE RADIATOR LEAKING ? . . , if so, NQW'S thc time to bring it in fOr re- pairs, before you neecl it for seeding and while we have time to fix it. North ---End RAMATOR AND AUTO ELECTRIC comolref# katilifor Service ..* Cleaned, Retialeeth ROtti iind Chuck SneII I Rewed „ , „ All RepAiet Litt6/$0 PHONE 328 EXETER t Phone 1496 t-ITOW*Y Not 4 North ,,a64104.4,0467606iiiiitiO., I tittlffiftittintillffifilithitalifilliiiiiijmittiaMiffinllififittiffilitiiiiffillitififfirlfilindiMAIMMOMIntie teaks or Roasts TABLERITE WIENERS FRESH PORK LIVER TABLERITE BACON Heinz Ketchup Monarch Margarine Kent Choice Tomatoes Ib .5g - 79 10.oz, Heinx Tomato 10 -oz, tins 21 Soup 10c or ce. 1 -Ib, pkg. 10A Elbow Mb. pkg.. 2 rot/ 594 Macaroni 2 por, 29;- 20 -oz. tins 2 rdN 29c LIblay's Fancy Tom Juice Pillsbury Coke Mixes 50 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH, EACH PURCHASE OF 20 -or, tin.c 8 roe 51 4 $ 1 CROWN CORN SYRUP J -L5 53G 100 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH EACH PURCHASE OF PLEDGE 5 -Oz. TIN 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS WITH EACH PURCHASE OF FIRESIDE SODAS rling's Phone -9.78 Exeter 8c 1 -Ib. pkgs. FREE DELIVERY OPEN 'PktbAY 'Tile 41 tATURDAY TfL 6 P.M. •,•